Cruel Summer (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

Ride or Die

Previously on Cruel Summer
Debbie keeps talking like
she's doing me this huge favor,
importing a new best friend for me.
Guys, everyone. Hi. This is Isabella.
I'm Jeff. Nice to meet you.
What are you doing?
Are you going through my stuff?
So, you would be okay
if I hooked up with Luke?
Uh, yeah, no, go for it.
To the best friend I could ever ask for.
My ultimate ride or die.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Some best friend you are.
None of this would have happened
if she never came into town.
It's Luke.
We have to get our stories straight.
"Dear Lisa,
hope you're somewhere
as amazing as you read this.
People here look at me
like I'm this exotic
creature from another planet,
which only makes it more
fun to mess with them.
I think I'm really gonna like it here."
"There's just one obstacle."
Come on, come on, come on!
Go, go, go!
We've both said things
that we shouldn't have.
But now that they've
found Luke's body
people are gonna start asking questions.
So, you can't shut me out forever.
Nothin' to it. You try.
Okay. Let's see.
Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
It takes practice.
Eventually you'll crack it.
In Tunisia they have this
thing called shakshuka.
It's eggs in a spicy tomato sauce.
It's so good.
You've been everywhere.
Do you have friends all over the world?
Not really.
When I was younger,
we moved around a lot,
so it was kind of hard to make friends.
Finally went to boarding school.
Didn't you miss your parents?
Sure, but it wasn't
really that different.
They're always working.
Hey, Lily,
in boarding school,
your friends become like your family.
At least Lisa did,
and she's my best friend.
What's she like?
Gosh, she is super fun.
Smart, incredibly ambitious,
super driven, but you know what,
a total control freak, though.
Sounds like someone we know.
Except they're not friends.
It's okay. It takes time
to get to know someone, right?
Sooner or later, I'll crack it.
I just spent an hour trying
to convince Principal Bowers
not to suspend you.
The whole town saw you having sex.
So, am I am I suspended?
She agreed to probation.
One false move, you'll be expelled.
Okay, thanks.
Debbie, I really appreciate it.
Doubt that that's enough to
convince Megan to forgive you,
but I guess you have to start somewhere.
Isabella. What's up?
Uh, thought you might need this.
Thanks. Yeah, didn't
even realize I left it.
Did you go in my room?
I thought it was the Chatham way.
Hey, Megan, a large steak and
cheese to go for me, please.
- Yeah.
- Oh, hi.
What is this, Bring Your
Exchange Student to Work Day?
Nope. I am, uh, just
dropping something off.
And leaving.
What are you up to?
Uh, my only plan for
today involves a pool
and some PlayStation.
Nothing like a big,
greasy sub before a swim.
- Don't cramp up.
- Actually, four out of five experts say
that a steak and provolone is the
key to a perfect backstroke, so
We should test that theory.
Hey, make it a dozen subs, on me.
What? One sandwich isn't enough
to feed a whole party. Right?
- Party?
- Mm-hmm.
The one that we're
having at your pool today.
Oh. That sounds like fun.
Meg, you in?
Uh, yeah, maybe, after my shift.
Oh, you know what,
don't don't pressure her.
Megan knows where to
find us if she wants to.
I need to see the rest of it.
Look, I'm so sorry.
I know. You've said
that a million times.
As soon as Principal Bowers
finds out it's me on the tape, she's
she's gonna call U Dub and they're
gonna revoke my scholarship.
I'm gonna lose everything
and be stuck in Chatham
for the rest of my life.
What if she doesn't find out?
Nothing stays secret
in this town for long.
No, this can.
Look, everyone already
believes that they saw me
on that tape with Luke.
- Right?
- Yeah, but
So let's make sure
that it stays that way.
No, everyone will think
that you slept with Luke.
So? I'm gone in a few months.
What's the worst that could happen?
People call me a slut?
- I can take it.
- No, you shouldn't have to.
I want to.
Megan, you're like a sister to me.
I'm not gonna let you lose
your scholarship over this.
That's a huge sacrifice.
It's what best friends do.
Take bullets.
Give kidneys.
I'm not gonna let that stupid
tape destroy your future.
That's incredibly sweet, but
You're the most important
person in this world to me.
Okay, I wouldn't do
this for anyone else.
Ride or die isn't just words.
We actually mean it, right?
You'd do the same for me
if you were in my shoes.
It's how we roll.
Ride or die.
The coroner's report just came in.
Cause of death was drowning.
There's an abrasion on his ear,
suggestive of a gunshot wound.
Did it penetrate?
No, more like a surface nick.
No evidence of the bullet, but
someone definitely took a shot at him.
And that's not all.
The toxicology report suggests
Luke had a considerable amount
of benzodiazepine in
his system at the time.
Pain meds?
Well, muscle relaxants.
Whoever killed Luke wanted to make sure
he was severely impaired
before he went in the water.
They didn't want any chance
of him coming out alive.
Look at that.
Luke's gonna have a
million new best friends.
What makes you say that?
Everyone jumps on the grief train.
Like with Princess Diana.
People who never cared
when she was alive
just started suddenly crying
their eyes out at her memorial.
Like they loved her.
So, what made you come here?
Of all the places that you can go?
I've always been more
about people than places.
I'm an only child,
so I always wished that
I had brothers or sisters.
That's kind of funny.
I always wished I was an only child,
but that might be more Brent-specific.
It might.
The family stay option
really appealed to me.
And when I read Debbie's
letter, I just knew.
What did she say?
She talked about Megan, Lily.
Was honest, warm,
So, like Debbie.
I loved the vibe,
the pictures she sent.
Seemed like a fun place
to spend the year.
Well, I'm glad you chose us.
I hope we live up to your expectations.
Don't be shy.
There's plenty of my meat to go around.
Nobody wants your meat.
Nice try, but everyone knows
you're a carnivore, babe.
Oh, great, more food.
Wow. Word travels fast around here.
Yeah, it's like you kind of
tell one person something,
and then the whole town knows.
Last one in's a pathetic virgin!
You sure about this?
All in. You can count on me.
That's not what I mean. You
You're not from here. You don't
know what it's really like.
- People will make you feel
- What? Ashamed?
They can't shame me if I
have no shame to begin with.
Well, they'll try, really hard.
I get it.
Americans are prudish about sex.
God, it's so stupid. I mean, without
it, none of us would even be here.
I just don't want you to regret this.
I won't.
I promise.
As long as the truth stays
between you, me, and Luke,
no one ever has to find out.
Keep trying to figure out
who would have done this.
I can think of one local
filmmaker with a grudge.
Jeff? Really?
I mean, they always talk
about women scorned, but
men are even worse.
I don't know, just doesn't
seem like his style.
Well, whoever it is,
we're going to find out.
Where's Steve?
I don't know.
Talked to him an hour
ago, he said he'd be here.
Sheriff Myer called
him down to the station.
What happened?
Luke didn't just drown.
Yeah, he, uh
he was
they think he was murdered.
I'll take any seat you have
on the next flight to Paris.
Take me with you. God, I've
been dying to go to Paris.
I can totally fit in that carry-on too.
I just need to get out of here.
I'm afraid Paris is gonna have to wait.
I overheard my mom and the
sheriff talking this morning.
He's making everyone go
back down to the station.
He's gonna interview us all over again.
I was I was lying on the grass ♪
On Sunday morning of last week ♪
Indulging in my self-defeat ♪
That looks intense.
Yeah, intensely awesome.
That suntan oil smells so good.
Oh, it's baby oil. Gives the best tan.
Plus, it makes you look younger.
Like a baby, you know.
- Okay, Tarantino, that is enough.
- Whoa, take it easy!
That Radiohead song that you played
the other night was really cool.
No one touches the book,
especially strangers.
Relax. I come in peace.
I just wanted to see what
Brent had for options.
They aren't Brent's, they're mine.
Oh. Then that explains it.
Couldn't believe that Brent
had such great taste in music.
You should help Luke put on sunscreen.
He's looking red.
Who wants to go skinny dipping?
Hey. Nice swimsuit.
I actually have one just like that.
Different color, though.
Maybe we can trade.
So, I'm just supposed to let
people think I cheated on you?
Please. With your crew, you'll get a
free round of drinks and a merit badge.
Not from my dad. He scheduled
a family meeting for tonight.
I'm going to get crucified.
And you didn't even do anything wrong.
Publicly embarrassing Steve
Chambers is a pretty major offense.
Brent's gonna deny having
anything to do with it,
and my dad will buy whatever
bullshit he sells him, like always.
So you think Brent made the tape?
- Yeah, who else?
- My money's on Jeff.
No, I don't think so.
His stuff looks way more
professional than that.
This wreaks of Brent.
He got a video camera for his birthday.
He's always bringing girls to the cabin.
Maybe he'd make the
tape, but he wouldn't
play it, not at your dad's big party.
Maybe it was a team effort.
Jeff and Brent.
Look, either way, we
have to talk to them.
Just hold on.
I will go along with
whatever plan you want.
Okay? But I'm gonna handle my brother.
- You handle Brent?
- Yeah.
- Like that'll ever happen.
- Excuse me, what is that supposed to mean?
Guys, chill, don't make a scene.
Megan's always been there for you.
You owe her. If you don't
make this right for her, Luke,
I swear to God
Hold on, I've known
Megan her whole life.
You've known her for,
like, five minutes, okay?
This is our town, you're just a tourist.
Back up.
What are you guys doing?
Like we need more attention.
- Stop.
- Luke.
Give me a hand.
Yeah, I'll I'll be there in a second.
S-Sorry, just one sec.
Just lay low until I talk to Brent.
Okay? Last thing we need
is to make things worse.
Let's go home.
I've had enough of the
spotlight for one day.
I'll drop you off. There's
something I want to do.
The sheriff's crazy.
What does he want from us?
You kill Luke so you could
have Megan all to yourself?
Talk about a bizarre love triangle.
Just ignore them, they're assholes.
They're just saying
what everyone thinks.
I'll meet you inside.
Get out.
What are you going to tell the sheriff?
Depends what he asks.
Look, we need to stick to our story.
And then it will all be over.
I'm leaving on Tuesday.
You think you can just
bounce, like nothing happened?
You're just gonna leave
me here to take the blame?
You're unbelievable!
I thought you'd be happy
to never see me again.
I will be, but until this is
over, you're not going anywhere.
Not if you want me
to keep my mouth shut.
What the hell are you doing here?
I was looking for Brent.
Me too.
I thought you guys broke up.
Yeah, we did, at the end of summer.
he tried to film me
once, and I told him no,
but, I don't know, now I'm thinking
maybe he did and I just
don't know about it.
God, he's such a creep.
Yeah, tell me something I don't know.
We have to get in his house.
Yeah, there used to be, like,
a hide-a-key out here somewhere,
but I haven't found it yet.
I'll help you look.
- Come on.
- Okay.
- So, did Megan kick you out?
- No.
Oh, wow. That's an impressive chill.
If my best friend
slept with my boyfriend,
I'd, like, shave her head.
I sure as hell wouldn't
let her live with me.
Trust me, things are super tense,
but the only thing
that I'm concerned with
is getting in the house
and finding those tapes.
Hey, you need a hand with that?
Squeezing a lime?
We squeeze differently in America.
- Hmm. I'm sure you do.
- Mm-hmm.
How about you
stick to squeezing your own?
I'm guessing you've had, like,
a lot of practice with that.
Or, you know what?
I'm sure that Parker
would love a demonstration.
- No, chill.
- You should go ask her.
I thought you European chicks
were supposed to be more open-minded.
I'm open-minded.
But I'm not European.
- Hey.
- Hey, you came.
- Can you stash this back there?
- Yeah.
Everything cool?
More like tepid.
Watch out, she's got a knife.
You want a drink?
It's lemonade, no booze.
I pay attention.
Details are everything.
Yeah. Doesn't seem like you miss much.
I'll do anything ♪
Do anything ♪
They keep all their movies in here.
Could be any of them.
Um, or, like, none of them.
- "Christmas '88."
- Oh, wait, stop.
Their mom was alive
then. Don't ruin these.
Okay. These are all
Brent's sports tapes.
I don't want to think
about what he calls sports.
- Where are you going?
- If I know Brent,
he has a special stash in his room.
Think that's the garage.
They should be somewhere in here.
Hey, by the way, how's
it going with Megan?
Still trying to figure her out.
Any tips?
Well, first thing is,
she's never really been great
at letting new people in,
so it's not personal.
And yet it feels like it is.
Yeah, well, I get that.
you know, it's
it's worth the struggle.
Okay? 'Cause once you get through it,
she's like the most loyal friend.
And I'm talking like, "help
you bury a body" loyal.
Are you speaking from experience?
A good friend never tells.
Look, I would just say
just be yourself.
I mean, you're kind of awesome,
and, uh, she'll come around.
Could you maybe put
in a good word for me?
Yeah, already done.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
- Let's do this.
- Let's go par-tay!
Tape is the gift that's
gonna keep giving, huh?
What's next? Somebody's gonna
come burn our house down?
Is it the only tape?
I think you should ask
your number-one son.
- Oh, Dad, look
- Is that the only tape?
- Yes.
- That's a lie.
- Luke, Luke.
- No, that's a lie.
Stop talking! Stop.
You guys clean this shit up, okay?
I'm done cleaning up your messes.
I'm sorry.
If I were you, I'd be
saying that to Megan.
You guys have no idea what
this might cost our family.
Eight years down the drain.
It's not true.
I cheated once before.
Jane's first anniversary.
I'm so sorry.
I don't even know
where to begin. I just
I'm here for you.
Any time.
You might not want to be, huh?
I mean it feels like I'm cursed.
Getting punished for something
First Jane, now Luke?
Don't go there.
Kind of hard not to.
Even as the weeks and the months went by
with no word,
I just kept thinking
he was gonna come home.
- Whoo-hoo! Let's go!
- Whoo!
'Cause she's so high ♪
High above me ♪
She's so lovely ♪
She's so high ♪
High above me ♪
She's so lovely ♪
She's so high ♪
High above me ♪
- Thanks, pyro.
- Yeah.
Let me guess, this was her idea?
- Whoo!
- Uh well, it was more of a joint effort.
Well, she does have a way of
being the center of attention.
Look, can you cut her some slack?
I mean, she's been in town
for what, like a minute,
and you're acting
like she's radioactive.
What do you want her to do,
pack up her stuff, go home?
Well, I'm just saying,
it wouldn't kill you to make,
like, a tiny bit of effort.
You're looking at me ♪
You're looking at me ♪
You threw a planter through the door?
I'm a badass, what can I say?
It's it's a little crazy.
Hey, there's nothing I
wouldn't do for my girl.
I know you're scared, but
this is all gonna work out.
I promise.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
Don't even sweat it.
You're stuck with me.
I'm not going anywhere, okay?
This will all blow over soon.
And then everything
will go back to normal.
Mind if I join?
It's your party.
Actually, the real party's in your bag.
Guess Miss Squeaky Clean
has her share of dirt.
What are you, some kind of klepto?
No. I was actually rescuing your bag,
protecting your secret stash.
So, you're welcome.
Everyone around here says
how well that they know you,
- clearly they don't know the real you.
- It's not like that.
It's cool.
Everyone has their thing. I don't judge.
It's not a thing. They're
They're for school to
stay up late, study.
For an advantage, you mean.
I'm just doing what I
have to to get what I want.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the real Megan Landry
has entered the building.
Look I know it wasn't
your idea for me to come here.
There's no rule that says
that we have to get along.
So, how about we just
find a way to be okay with each other?
Don't worry, your
advantage is safe with me.
When did you last see Luke?
Um, at the New Year's Eve party.
Yeah. He was wearing
those stupid glasses.
You know, like the "2000" ones?
How was his mood?
He seemed fine.
He and Megan had gone past
that stuff with the tape.
They were all kissy.
Really cute.
Did you see Luke leave?
Yeah. He was with Megan.
Were they getting along?
I mean, they seemed really chill.
Like things couldn't have been better.
How about Isabella?
Was she there?
For a while, but she left early,
and she and Megan were fighting.
I mean, they used to be besties,
so close.
I mean, the whole town
saw Isabella and Luke
together on that tape.
If I had a friend like that,
I would never forgive them.
What was the fight about?
I don't know, man, I don't speak "girl."
But, uh, I was bummed.
You know, Isabella was my
number-one resolution for Y2K.
Sounds like a crazy night.
Yeah, it was dope.
People thought the world was
gonna end, but obviously it didn't.
I don't think Luke
would see it that way.
So, you and Luke dated last summer,
and then you broke up and
he started seeing Megan.
That's right.
And then came that business with
An illegally recorded
tape of us having sex.
Things sure changed
after that, didn't they?
I'm a minor.
Shouldn't you be more concerned
about who made the tape?
What's your question, Jack?
You know, after all you've
been through, Isabella,
why are you still here in Chatham?
You mean, why didn't I let
myself get run out of town?
- Come on, Isabella, we're leaving.
- Sit down, Debbie.
I got this.
You know, when I talked to you
back when Luke first disappeared,
you were ready to leave
town the moment school ended.
Pretty sure you even
had your plane ticket.
That's true.
But Debbie got sick.
So I decided to stay and help out.
Oh, that was very kind of you.
Also convenient, given your
situation before you came here.
- Situation?
- Three schools in three years.
Didn't even finish your
junior year at the last place.
- Left mid-semester.
- Is that all you've got on me, Sheriff?
For now.
But, you know, it's kind of
hard not to notice a pattern.
Trouble seems to follow
you wherever you go.
We're not done.
Yeah. Yeah, we are.
I'm not saying another
word without my lawyer.
What kind of a 17-year-old
knows when to ask for a lawyer?
One who's needed one before.
Did he leave?
Yeah. Business center or something.
Man, I have not seen him
mad like that in a while.
- You and your friggin' tapes.
- Hey, that was not one of mine.
Okay? Somebody else
made you a celebrity.
Yeah? How can you keep track?
From what I hear, you've
got a whole collection.
- Dude
- Do you even care about those girls?
Look, these skanks love the attention.
Remember that girl Jennie
I dated freshman year?
She would film everything that we did,
that's how I got the idea.
You're an asshole.
All right, dude, just trust me,
these girls love being
small-town famous,
and when Isabella is
40, she's gonna look back
and think of these as
the best days of her life.
The pathetic part is that you will too.
Dude, look
why are you being such a
little bitch about this, man?
Like, those girls, they
have you by the balls.
No, look, I get that you
don't give a shit about me.
I get that, but I cannot believe
you would humiliate Dad like that.
Dude, I I don't
have a death wish, okay?
I don't know who put that tape in,
but it sure as hell
wasn't me, all right?
I know what you're doin' ♪
I see it all too clear ♪
I only taste the saline ♪
When I kiss away your tears ♪
I love night swimming.
Yeah, me too.
I remember when I was little,
my mom would take us night swimming,
and the pool lights
would cast these shadows
that looked like big monsters.
And it was so quiet.
Mom had one rule: not
to get our hair wet.
we actually always got our hair wet.
Wait, oh, no. My earring.
- What's wrong?
- It's gone.
Luke, seriously, it's special.
My friend Lisa gave it to me.
Okay, okay, well, it's
probably in the pool.
Just give me a second,
I'll look for it, okay?
Success! I found it.
Here you go.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪
Oh-oh ♪
I know what you're doing ♪
I see it all too clear ♪
It's like Brent gets
this free pass for everything.
Meanwhile, I'm just this
constant disappointment.
It's not true.
It kind of is.
Your dad loves you.
Technically, maybe.
But he doesn't like me much.
I'm not a jock.
I have no interest in business.
I was on a sex tape at his big party.
Now the only thing that's worse is he
thinks I cheated on you.
I mean, I know the truth.
That's all that matters.
Does Brent know that
it's me on the tape?
He stopped watching the
second he saw me on it.
He still thinks it's Isabella.
You're sure?
He's a total creep, but
he can't keep a secret.
He would have said something right away.
You're the most important
person in the world to me.
I'm not going to let anything
or anyone come between us.
Ride or die.
There's something you need to know.
Yeah. No, I was not expecting
- I was so scared
- All right, y'all. Ready? Picture time.
Let's go.
Uh, Megan, you're in the shot.
- Oh.
- Oh, no. No, no, Megan.
Come on. She's supposed to be in it.
- Come on.
- All right, ready?
Three, two, one
Wait, I think that I blinked.
Can we, like can we do another?
- All right, let's go.
- One more.
You ready? Three, two, one
That's another one. Ah!
It's late. Is everything okay?
I need your help.
I'm in trouble.
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