Curses! (2023) s02e02 Episode Script

The Persian Die Block

Shall we play a game?
The life of
a working stiff is rough, huh, Mom?
Remind me, are you volunteering
at the Paxton Museum
or the school of overdramatic arts?
Oh, Horus.
So young, so naive.
One day you'll understand.
No, please.
Tell me all the hard work
you did at the museum today.
Pandora helped set up for a fundraiser
and played hide-and-seek
in the sculpture garden.
This is so nice.
I'm glad we're getting back to
a normalish life, for now at least.
Don't ruin your appetite. Dad's excited
about cooking dinner for us tonight.
He's been feeling kind of lost,
so let's be supportive.
- Okay?
- Good evening, family.
Hope you're ready for something special
from Chef Alexander Vanderhouven.
I woke up today with a craving for this.
What the heck?
It's turbot, a family favorite.
You're in for a treat.
Yeah, you ever wonder if everything
the Vanderhouvens did was cursed?
Honey, how about we freeze the fish
and save it for the weekend?
We are all really hungry
and this sounds like
it'll take a while to prep.
Yo, Dad.
Heard anything from the briar lately?
Just mumblings, but nothing urgent.
What kind of mumblings?
Hissing, whispering
and sometimes my mind is fuzzy.
Kind of like when I was in the void.
I need to do more research,
but I suspect that much time outside
your body would have lasting consequences.
When you figure it out, let me know.
Love to get back to normal.
Funny you say that.
Mom and I were just talking about
how nice it is to do normal stuff.
I know your
I-want-something face, Pandora.
Spit it out.
I was thinking, "What's more normal
than Devi sleeping over Friday?"
We love Devi,
but the situation is different
now that we know there are
cursed artifacts in the house.
We've always had the artifacts.
We just didn't know they were cursed.
Someone prepped
that defense ahead of time.
Nicely done, Pan.
Me and Devi had
so many plans for the summer,
but I had to bail every time.
I just want things to go back to
the way they were, if only for one night.
Okay, Devi can sleep over tomorrow.
But it's vital we all act like
the Restricted Wing does not exist.
This secret cannot get out.
There are dangerous people out there
who would do anything
to acquire the artifacts.
I hear you. Loud and clear.
You two will have to stay in
the Restricted Wing that night. Sorry.
Fine by us.
We've been down there a hundred years.
What's another night?
And I'll be showing my plans
for the Babylonian exhibit
to the curators from London.
I'm also bringing superstar archaeologist
Alex Vanderhouven with me.
Are you now?
They're huge fans of your work.
I suppose I could help you out.
Not that you need it,
because you're the real superstar.
No, you are.
Please stop.
This is more disgusting than the turbot.
I've got everything we need
for a bestie refresh.
Ice cream, spooky movies, board games.
I'm so happy you're here.
Thanks, Pan.
I haven't been here in a while.
Three whole months.
I know, I know.
I missed you.
I missed you too,
which is why I called a lot.
But every time we made plans,
you canceled with some weird excuse
about hanging out
with your mom and your brother.
I'm really sorry.
There's been a lot going on.
Greek knucklebones?
- Did you start without me?
- Don't worry.
Nothing's missing, like last night,
and the night before,
and the night before.
We must be vigilant after the theft
of the bracelet from the Egyptian room.
I got it. Quit your fussing.
Now where were we?
Nesting doll? Check.
Persian die block?
No, mate.
Where is the Persian die block?
The prodigal son returns.
Glad to see my favorite
power couple live and in person.
Sky is the power tonight.
I'm just the power's plus-one.
You're too kind.
Our friends from London are
excited to hear about the exhibit, Sky.
Acquiring the Throne of Sargon
is an impressive feat.
You two go on ahead.
I just need to look at something.
I'll catch up.
Don't get too distracted.
Lots of good stuff here, huh, Devs?
Let's play Battle Stratagem.
You mean the game with
the dictionary-sized rule book?
Yeah! After an hour
of explaining the rules,
it really gets going.
Yeah, no.
How about you pick?
What about this one?
Yes! I'm so in.
Pharaoh's Frenzy is always a good time.
There's no dice in here.
That's weird.
There aren't any dice in any of these.
Dad and I played
Templar's Trial yesterday.
The die was there.
Hold on. What's that?
I've never seen that one before.
Well, at least we can play.
It's gonna be fun kicking your butt.
No, it's gonna be fun kicking your butt.
Here's volume one of
the Battle Stratagem Compendium.
We're doing that game?
It's okay. Maybe next time.
Wow, this is cool.
Hang on a sec.
Shall we play a game?
Who was that?
What's going on?
You face the Trial of the Manticore.
The what of the who?
Manticore: a mythological creature,
Persian in origin.
Russ, can you help me with something?
Devi, don't move.
The die's a cursed artifact, isn't it?
Forget that. I can't open the door.
You cannot leave a game in progress.
These are the rules,
and the rules are unalterable.
Pan? Yeah, this is kind of scary.
You think that was scary?
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Pandora, what are you doing?
Surprise, Devi!
It's IRL Game Night:
The Immersive Experience.
You did all this for me?
Yeah. Russ really amped up
his AV skills this summer.
VR, holograms, all that tech stuff.
Right, Russ?
I sure did.
Wow, this is amazing.
Absolutely. Everything you see here
comes from Russ's powers of illusion.
Get ready for the best time ever.
Okay. How do we start?
Well, first you roll the
Hear my edicts.
There are too many mouths to feed.
You are the villagers
chosen to compete this harvest.
I was being authentic to the era.
The first Persian Empire.
Each player takes
a turn rolling the die block,
then moves
the corresponding number of spaces.
Players complete challenges
to earn seed bags.
Seed bags? What? Nice! Wicked authentic.
Acquire ten seed bags
to enter my lair.
There, you will face me in one final test.
Best me and victory is yours.
The winner shall decide
the fate of those less worthy.
The magic of projectors.
"Decide the fate"? What does that mean?
In my experience, nothing good.
I better do some quick research.
You keep your eye on the children.
I guess I'm first.
What do I do now?
You have acquired your first seed bag.
One seed bag down, nine to go.
What? You got one already?
Why are you so surprised?
You designed the game.
I'm surprised you're both
so good at it on the first try.
My turn, finally.
Maybe this won't be so bad.
You spoke too soon.
Prepare for a challenge of the mind.
Bring it on.
Pick the correct chest
and earn a seed bag.
Pick the wrong one,
and pay a bitter price.
My riddle is the clue: "Bet on sunset,
for sunrise is your demise."
Sunset, suns set.
A set of suns.
The sun is hot, or
Are you texting right now?
The sun rises in the east
and sets in the west.
"Bet on sunset," the western chest!
- That one!
- Correct.
Open the chest to claim your prize,
then proceed to the next room.
You should have more faith in me.
What if Devi picked that one?
That was a real snake.
My best friend almost got demised.
This game is no joke.
We have to find a way to break
the curse before someone gets hurt.
I looked everywhere for you.
You blacked out again, didn't you?
- Come on. Let's go home.
- What?
No. No, it's your big night. I want to
meet the curators from London and
It's been an hour.
The meeting is over.
They left.
Sky, I'm so sorry.
Don't worry about it.
Did you take a cursed artifact
for your game night?
No, it was already up here.
Well, if you didn't, who did?
Quick, don't move.
Never noticed this guy before.
I like his braids.
This can't be good.
You have rolled the Mark of the Manticore.
If you succeed
in completing this challenge,
you shall receive five seed bags.
If you fail,
your fate will hang in the balance.
Even in times of famine,
the king eats first.
Stand behind the branch
and throw a fig into his mouth.
You have one chance.
This is just like a carnival game,
and those are just basic physics.
You have failed!
You must now await your fate!
Who was that?
I thought your parents were out tonight.
Even Russ isn't this good.
What's going on? Tell me the truth.
The victor shall decide his fate.
Only two remain.
The game does not end
until a winner is chosen.
These are the rules,
and the rules are unalterable.
Pandora, I don't wanna do this anymore.
Can we please stop?
The game cannot progress
until my challenge is complete.
I don't know if we can.
You cannot leave a game in progress!
I think we should listen to
the loud, angry voice in the sky.
Okay, if you say so.
Then I'm gonna go
figure out this fig game.
Give me a sec.
I have to use the ladies' room.
What happened to Russ?
I don't know. He got dragged away.
That is because you're in the midst of
a cursed game from ancient Persia.
Its stakes are quite high.
But is Russ okay? Can I save him?
It appears you should be able to decide
his fate if you win the manticore's game.
No pressure.
"The die block originated
in a Persian village around 500 BC.
According to legend,
the village had been blessed with
a steady harvest year after year.
But as the village's population grew,
the food wasn't enough.
Scarcity led to fights
between the villagers.
They went to the manticore for advice.
His riddles were known
to magically solve problems,
great and small.
The manticore forged
a twelve-sided die block
for a game designed to control
the village's population.
The winner would decide
the fate of the losers.
Those who were chosen
became one less mouth to feed."
They literally lost their mouths?
We can't just win this game,
or one of us will lose our mouths too.
We need to break this curse.
I got it!
He said we have to
stand behind the branch.
He never said we couldn't move it.
- Five seed bags are yours.
- Yeah, they are.
Now you have to tell me
what's going on here.
Devi, I wanna tell you everything,
but we've gotta finish the game first.
Please work with me here.
Fine. You wanna play games? We'll play.
And I'll win because I'm better than you,
at least at being a friend.
What am I going to do?
For now, the best way to keep
your mate safe is to continue playing.
I'll stay close, in case I can help.
And I'm going to see if I can find
any more information
on how to break this curse.
You cannot enter a game in progress.
You cannot enter a game in progress.
These are the rules,
and the rules are unalterable.
Oh, no. The kids.
You have each
collected ten seed bags.
Prepare for your final test.
It sounds like the voice
is coming from behind that door.
What! What did you see?
Okay, here's the deal.
We didn't plan this game.
My family's cursed.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Because I was trying to keep
my bonkers family curse
separate from everything else.
But reversing the curses are an
important part of my life, just like you.
And honestly,
I wasn't sure if you'd believe me.
I don't know if I believe you.
I don't know what to believe.
Enter and face your fate!
There is no turning back now.
Your final challenge is simple.
The one who reaches
the center of the maze first
will be the victor
and will decide the fate of the others.
No way! We don't want to play
your stupid game anymore!
Yeah! Best friends don't care who wins.
Hey. The floor's disappearing.
He's making us play.
Hold on, Devi. I'm coming.
Devi? Devi, where are you?
I got you.
Devi! You're my hero.
You have failed!
You are the victor.
You must choose
the one less mouth to feed.
I choose neither.
I don't want my brother
or my best friend to lose their mouth.
These are the rules,
and the rules are unalterable.
You don't solve a problem
just by eliminating things.
You have to work through things.
Devi and I do it all the time.
You must choose!
Then I choose you!
Yours is the one less mouth to feed.
You can't choose me.
You said I had to choose someone.
You never said I couldn't choose you.
The rules say I get to decide,
and the rules are unalterable.
- Kids!
- Are you okay?
Hey. We're fine.
It's okay, Mr. and Mrs. V.
I know your family's cursed.
But don't worry, my lips are sealed.
Too soon, Devi. Too soon.
Same plan next weekend?
Yeah, but maybe at my house.
This is delish, Dad, for real.
Glad you like it.
It's a turbot and squash omelet.
I'm glad everything turned out all right,
but I want to know how
that die block got upstairs.
That wasn't exactly
the quiet night I was expecting.
Better get used to it, Bro.
I'm starting to think quiet
isn't an option for Vanderhouvens.
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