Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

Red de apoyo

Come on, Mariana, pick one.
Pablo, neither of them
is leak-proof or ultra-absorbent.
Do you want Regina to get a rash?
No, but this is all we can afford.
These diapers look so sad.
But check these out instead.
Regina's little butt is used to these.
Mariana, we don't have
Ana's resources anymore.
Who wants it anyway?
She tried to buy Regina from us.
I have a job interview later,
and I'm sure I'll get the job.
Sure, but until then,
we have to stay within the budget.
I don't think saving money
on diapers is the best idea.
What? I thought it was
cloth diapers all the way.
They have biodegradable diapers
that are good for the planet.
But bad for our wallet. Look at the price.
You'll pay for those.
Okay. We'll take these.
I gave you half an hour.
It's been 25 minutes.
So, hurry up.
I can't believe my brother saved
his wedding bow tie.
Me neither. It doesn't fit anymore.
I was there when he bought it,
and he said, "Víctor, this thing with Ana
is going to last forever."
If you're tugging at my heart strings
hoping I'll forgive him, forget it.
Ana, I think you're exaggerating.
You've been married 20 years,
some mistakes can be forgiven.
Did you put a gun to his head
so he would sleep with Tere?
- Don't coddle him.
- I'm not.
But we must admit my brother is clumsy,
even when it comes to cheating.
His mistress turned out to be
his putative daughter's grandmother.
It's pretty funny.
- You don't find it funny?
- No, I don't.
Hurry up, I have a busy day.
Look, we all make mistakes.
You're not without fault here.
- Get out of my house.
- I still need his silk ties.
- Forget about the ties. I want you gone.
- Okay.
Juan Carlos wants you
to tell the kids to take his calls.
He wants to see them this weekend.
I'll talk to them.
- And tell him to buy new ties.
- Okay, but why take it out on me?
Hi, Mariana.
Ana told me you went to her house.
To tell her none of it was your fault.
You also told her I couldn't handle it,
so she offered to buy Regina from me.
- What? That woman is crazy.
- Exactly!
- Now I can't see Valentina, Mom.
- I was only trying to help.
Stop worrying about me, okay?
I can handle it myself.
Listen to me, Mariana.
There are no super women, get it?
We all need a support network
to get ahead.
Uh-huh. That's why I have Pablo and Elena.
So, please, give me my space.
It won't be easy.
Ana wants nothing to do with you.
Where are my silk ties?
She said you should buy new ones.
Oh, and she got mad when I said
she wasn't without fault.
Why would you tell her that?
Now she won't let my kids come over.
She said she'd pass on the message,
so you better tidy up around here.
Crap. It's Tere.
Answer it. Ana won't listen to you.
- Hi, Tere.
- How are you, Juan Carlos?
I just wanted to let you know
I'm paying you back tomorrow.
Sorry it took this long.
I was broke after restocking products.
It's fine.
You must be mad about what happened
at the christening,
but I assure you I did nothing
to make Ana find out. It wasn't my fault.
I'd rather not talk about it.
Did you know Ana
kicked out Mariana and Regina?
I know, Tere,
but I'd rather not talk about any of that.
Okay, I just called
to make sure you knew all this.
That's it, thank you. Goodbye.
I need a favor.
- Yummy apples, sweetheart.
- Isn't that a choking hazard?
- What about her baby food?
- I stopped puréeing her food.
It's a new thing called
"complementary self-regulated nutrition."
I put it on the app, actually.
I can't wait to launch it.
Hi, Penguin. What's up?
My interview was rescheduled.
They want to see me in one hour.
- Can you watch Regina?
- Sorry, I can't.
I'm tutoring a guy
who has a calculus exam tomorrow.
If I don't go, they'll fire me.
We can't afford that right now.
You're right.
You should ask your mom or your grandma.
What do you think?
You have to take his calls.
He's your father.
He could send texts like normal people.
Even if he texts, I don't wanna see him.
Listen, kids, he's your father. Okay?
You just have to deal with it.
He'll always be your father,
so get used to it.
Find out his new address
and ask Ramón to drive you.
Why don't you come with us?
I have to go to the office.
Well, my former office.
- You're going back to work?
- No, I'm officially resigning.
Mom, are you
seriously never working again?
So, did you graduate
from university?
Yeah, pretty much.
I just need a few more credits.
This is an accounting assistant position.
- Yeah, that's perfect.
- Okay.
Do you have access to daycare?
This is a full-time position.
That won't be a problem.
I see here that you worked
as a receptionist in a beauty salon,
and that you have a lot of experience
working with apps.
I drew up the business plan
for a maternity app
that we're about to launch
I'm so sorry.
That was a gift from my mom.
I'm sure we can glue it
back together, and
Leave it. It's fine.
Let me tell you some more
about the app we're launching.
I was able to secure an investor.
We're currently working
on a launch plan, and
Sorry, excuse me.
- Shouldn't you
- Yes, I'll go change her.
Yes, please do.
It's not what we expected,
but we're not in dire straits.
I need this place to turn a profit
so I can help Mariana out.
Enough. Stop worrying about your daughter.
She doesn't appreciate
what you do for her.
I don't care. I'm her mother,
and I don't need her gratitude.
Hello, how's it going?
I know I'm not exactly
your favorite person,
I have a message from Juan Carlos.
- I'll go to the storeroom.
- Okay, tell me.
What does your brother want?
I told him I'll pay him back tomorrow.
- The debt is settled.
- Listen up, Víctor.
- Why do you always insult me?
- What did I do now?
It's a matter of dignity for me
to pay your brother back.
A debt that isn't repaid
follows you forever,
and neither of us want that.
- Is that clear?
- Yes.
You know what? You're right.
Why don't you pay me, and I'll pay him?
That way, you won't have to see
Juan Carlos ever again.
I have one more favor to ask.
Forget what happened between us.
That wasn't me.
In fact, if I ever insulted you,
I apologize.
I mean it.
- Let me be clear. I'll pay you back soon.
- Of course.
These new products will be a hit,
and I'll be able to pay you back.
- Don't worry.
- Do you have time?
You can try them out.
I don't like facials or lotions,
especially not in a ladies' salon.
- Oh please!
- Never mind that.
- Seriously, there's no need.
- It's our way of saying thanks.
Your face will be soft as a baby's.
I told them these diapers
aren't leak-proof.
Remind me to give these
a bad review on my app, Regis.
I spent four years abroad.
I'm back.
Don't worry, we were done.
- But you said I should come back.
- No. Thanks though. We'll call you.
Finding a job will be
a lot harder than I thought.
Don't worry,
I got an interview for an IT job.
Cynthia recommended me.
I thought you guys broke up.
We're trying
to stay friends, yeah.
You know?
I should ask Conrado to let me borrow
one of his suits.
All right.
I know it's going to be awkward,
but suck it up, he's your dad.
- Did you give Ramón the address?
- Yes.
I didn't see the point
in sending it to you.
Don't fret, sweetie.
Trust me, there are worse things in life.
Ana, you're back.
I guess you missed us.
So much. Especially you, Manuel.
Your name is Manuel, right?
I'm glad you're in a good mood,
especially after the
Yes, I'm in a great mood,
given I'm here to resign,
which you'll be happy about.
I'm glad. I thought I'd have
to cancel the tournament.
- What tournament?
- Just work stuff.
Ever since you left,
things have changed a lot here.
Morning, darling. How are you?
I would explain,
but you no longer work here.
- Hi, George.
- Ana.
- Good morning.
- Good morning. Good to see you.
Could you stop by my office
before heading to HR?
Why? You can't stand Manolo
and want me to come back?
- You're spot on.
- Yes.
She wasn't glad to see me.
But later, when I told her
you'd forgive the loan,
her attitude changed.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- It's weird she accepted so easily.
- She doesn't want to see you again.
That's what you wanted, right?
I mean, sure, yeah.
Vic, how are you?
- Hi, man.
- JC!
- What's up?
- Dude, you look ten years younger.
Tell me
- What's your secret?
- I noticed it too. What did you do?
You look wonderful.
How is your health?
Fortunately, the cancer scare
was a false alarm,
but it made me reevaluate my entire life.
But that's not
why we're here, is it?
Tell me.
We were invited to the International
Women in Business Conference.
And without women in top roles,
you're going to look bad.
They invited us because of you.
Thanks, but no thanks.
The company didn't support me before.
So, I don't owe you any favors.
Ana, I know you're right.
I should've been there for you.
Too late.
what a shame.
I'll have to bring Manolo,
he's begging me to take him.
Manolo! Jeez!
He's such a misogynist, he'll cause
a scandal instead of networking.
So long.
Don't look at me that way.
This is a great plan.
I'll be my own boss, work flexible hours.
My income will be according
to how many hours I work.
I'll ride my bike all over the city,
which will expand my social circle.
Check it out.
They gave me a baby seat
in case I need to bring Regis.
You're not great with bicycles.
- I don't want you to get hurt.
- What?
I was practically born on wheels.
Besides, it's only temporary
while I find a stable job
and get Regina into daycare.
I think this is the best plan
you've ever had.
You can count on me. I support you.
I should get going.
I need to get dressed for my interview.
Wait, I'm happy about your interview,
but you said you'd watch Regina.
Sorry, I forgot to tell you
they rescheduled.
Good thing you have
flexible job hours. Whoo!
Right, but my income is tied
to how many hours I put in. Whoo!
And you have class later today.
So, I'll make zero pesos. Whoo-hoo!
Hey, I'm not busy today.
I can watch Regina.
You, go to your interview,
and you go expand your social circle.
- Are you sure?
- Seriously?
Sure, how hard can it be
to watch a sleeping baby?
I'll change my mind on the count of three.
- One, two, two and a half
- Bye!
Don't be nervous.
I forgave you for the pictures.
Tell me, how are things
with your new boss?
Well, nothing has changed.
Everything's the same.
What about my office? Did they change it?
Let me take a look, see what they've done.
How about a coffee?
They switched brands,
and it's much better than it used to be.
- That's great.
- Yeah.
All right.
Hell yeah! In your face!
In your face, man! Give me my coffee.
Sorry for not inviting you.
This is a guy's thing.
No wonder Jorge is looking for someone
to take to the Women's Conference.
If you'll excuse me.
Oh, come on!
You have a booger.
What do you want me to do?
Ooh, where's the pacifier?
Here's the pacifier!
Hey, mama! Baby, I want you ♪
Grabbing to my bedposts
That's how I see you ♪
Coming! Coming!
Your call
will be transferred to voicemail.
Your call will be transferred
Your grandma
probably knows what to do, right?
- How good are you at foosball?
- Pretty good, I guess.
It says here
you designed a maternity app.
- That kind of crap is trending, huh?
- Yeah.
Besides, I have a baby
who is my biggest inspiration.
Isn't she beautiful?
Actually, Ana knows her well.
She's like her second mother.
I don't think
you're qualified for the job.
I can design, program,
and implement software
in all kinds of systems.
It's my specialty.
We'll be in touch. Don't call us.
- I'm great at foosball!
- Thanks!
Everything is doubled.
Parents often mellow out
to keep the kids happy.
The best part about the separation
is doing what we want.
You'll love my plan.
Make the most of it.
Your call
will be transferred to voicemail.
I don't know anyone.
It's Olivia's cousin's party.
You'll have a great time.
I'm so glad you sneaked out!
We have the house to ourselves.
My aunt and uncle are on a trip.
- I'll introduce you to my cousin.
- I'm so nervous.
Mariana will laugh so much
when I tell her I failed as a nanny.
You can't tell her I was here.
Please, don't.
She clearly told me
to stay out of her life.
In fact, I'll get this done quickly
so I can leave before we get caught.
Isn't that right?
There are no more diapers here.
- Can you get me some more?
- Yeah.
Elena, thank you so much.
For all you do for my daughter.
- Thanks for rescuing me.
- At your service.
- Who's your cousin?
- Darío Lunatti.
He's a super famous streamer.
He's right there. That's him.
Take that!
- It's the guy from the cafe.
- Mm-hmm.
He has 10,000 viewers on Twitch.
Shut up, okay?
I didn't even give him my number.
- Ah! So, you are Ceci.
- Yeah.
Sorry about the other day.
No worries.
You still owe me a pastry.
I haven't forgotten.
Wanna dance?
It was a disaster.
The guy who interviewed me is such a snob.
Maybe there's something I can do,
like cancel
the other candidates' appointments.
Being the assistant,
I have all the power.
Pablo, what are you doing here?
Uh, I interviewed for a job.
It didn't go well.
- Manolo interviewed him.
- Mmm.
As soon as he heard
I was Regina's dad, it was over.
It was supposed to help me
with Regina's expenses.
Oh well.
I think I can help you with that.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
Consider the job yours.
But in exchange,
you have to do something for me.
- Hi, we're Víctor's friends.
- Ah!
We were wondering if we could get
the same treatment as him.
Of course, my pleasure.
Do you cater to men here?
Of course we do.
- Make yourselves at home.
- Thanks.
- We'll be right with you.
- This way, please.
I want you to meet someone.
Look, this is Ceci.
I told you
I need to know when you'll be here
so I can put the lasagna in the oven.
You'd better pick up,
you'll have to see me anyway.
George, did you want to see me?
Yes. We're hiring Pablo.
Cynthia, get him a contract.
Here's his résumé.
Give Ana the information
about the conference.
She's coming with me.
- But Ana doesn't even
- Thank you.
What happened? Is everything all right?
- I have 20 missed calls from you.
- Everything's fine.
I got a call
about a gig. It's last-minute.
I have to rush to rehearsal.
Sorry, I can't watch Regina.
Are you serious?
I have a delivery nearby.
I'll be right back.
Sorry, I'm late as it is.
Well, bye!
Okay, I guess
you're coming with me, Regis.
That's so irresponsible!
It's okay, baby.
Mmm. So yummy.
Don't want any? Are you done?
- Here's your gift bag.
- Thanks.
A little thank you for your visit.
You look handsome!
- Come back soon.
- Look at you!
This is great!
You know what? I have an idea.
It'll be amazing, wait.
Did you eat the cake, sweetie?
Jeez! Not only are you late
but the cake is ruined!
- I'm sorry. I'll get you another one.
- Never mind.
Oh, sweetie.
Ramón, hi.
Ceci and Rodrigo aren't picking up.
When are you planning
on bringing them over?
Ramón, Ceci never let me know
they made it to Juan Carlos' place.
They're not picking up.
Nice of you to show up.
I've been calling you.
You didn't think to call me
when the kids didn't show up?
Why would I? It's not like you'd pick up.
Arguing out here won't help anyone.
- Hey!
- Sorry, sir.
- Are there no adults here?
- It seems that way.
- Search that way, I'll go over there.
- Okay.
- It's your dad!
- I'm sorry.
What happened?
- What are you doing here?
- No, what are you doing here?
You were supposed to go to my place.
Mom said I could come.
That's not true!
- You tricked Ramón into driving you here.
- Hmm.
We can't do whatever you tell us
just because you're separated.
At least pick up the phone!
Where is your brother?
Over there.
"She's really irresponsible."
"She's the worst delivery girl ever."
In Regina's defense,
this cake is delicious.
It was a total mess.
And I have to pay for the cake.
- Doesn't matter.
- What do you mean?
Did we win the lottery?
I got the job.
It's the same company Cynthia works for.
- Dude, are you serious?
- Yep.
This is such great news!
I always knew you'd get the job.
I'm happy for you.
You can quit the delivery gig.
Thanks, Pablo, but
I want to keep working,
even as the worst delivery girl.
I never want to be a charity case again.
Just promise me one thing.
Find a job where you can grow.
I promise.
I wish you would've told me
you didn't want to come over.
- I'm grounded, aren't I?
- No.
I hope the hangover will be enough
to keep you off alcohol for a while.
- You're a dork who can't hold his booze.
- It's not his fault.
Your lies put your brother at risk.
You need to own your mistakes.
You didn't own yours, Dad.
- Respect your dad.
- You're right, Cecilia.
We should all own up to our mistakes.
That's what I'm trying to do.
All I care about
is getting my family back.
It's hard watching your parents
going through a separation.
They need time.
We all do.
I'll pick them up tomorrow.
Women get beauty treatments all the time.
We have no problem
telling people about it.
Meanwhile, men claim that shaving
is all they ever do to their face.
That's wrong. Men like looking good.
We introduce to you
the first spa and beauty salon for men.
One-stop shop.
A concept that truly understands
the needs of the modern man.
What do you think?
a great idea!
We're actually looking for investors.
Since you took over my debt,
I thought you'd be interested.
So, in broad strokes, this is my idea.
Sounds great.
I might even turn out to be
one of those repressed, vain men.
You'll see, with us,
you're in great hands.
No one knows
beauty and men better than us.
I missed you so much, my Regis.
Good thing I can see you
more often now, baby.
Ana, thanks for the job.
This makes it worth it.
You're too skinny, sweetie.
- Aren't they feeding you?
- On the contrary.
She's eating solids now.
It's called "complementary
self-regulated nutrition."
You have a crazy mom, sweetheart.
I'll send you
some liver puree with Ramón.
No, Ana, Mariana and I
can take care of her.
She told me you tried to buy her.
Oh, never mind all that.
I'm just glad I can see her more often.
Look, I got her some cute dresses.
They're hypoallergenic cotton.
Can you tell me
what the hell are you doing here?
Why are you here?
You're supposed to be working.
You're working as a delivery person?
This job allows me to work
around Regina's schedule.
Sure, I guess.
I don't have a full-time nanny
or a husband like you.
Your support network is huge.
Mine is a network composed
of nothing but traitors, right?
Ana helped me get the job
in exchange for letting her see Regina.
I can't believe you let Ana bribe you
after what she did to me.
What else could I do, Mariana?
I'm sick of not being able
to provide for you and Regina.
- I didn't ask you to provide.
- Easy for you to say.
No one is looking at you
like some kind of loser.
It's hard being a guy
who can't support his family.
Pablo has a point.
What? You're taking the traitor's side?
No, Mariana.
But we must admit
daycare would make our lives easier.
- Daycare costs money.
- But we don't need it!
We can keep taking turns
looking after Regina.
I couldn't look after Regina.
I couldn't even change her diaper.
I lied to you. There was no gig.
I lied because
I didn't want to babysit her.
- I called your mom. She came to help me.
- What the hell?
Why didn't you tell me, Elena?
Seriously, you're a couple
of bold-faced liars.
Mariana, you can't leave.
What else can I do, Pablo?
I can't trust you anymore.
Honestly, this
I don't know,
it feels like living with the enemy.
There are no super women.
And if there are,
I have nothing but respect for them.
Mom, I'm sorry. I was awful to you.
I finally realized
one does whatever it takes
for one's children.
- Right, sweetie?
- Mmm. Like apologizing to one's mom.
What happened?
I thought things were wonderful
with Pablo and Elena.
It turns out my support network
was full of good intentions,
but they lack experience and wisdom.
I came to ask if you're willing
to be part of that network.
I'm not sure. What do you think?
Uh, I'm not sure either.
I'm so busy with work.
- Hey, please!
- I can't multitask.
Hey! I need you!
Of course we'll help you.
We'll always be there for you.
- We'd never abandon you. Come here.
- Oh, Mom!
Thanks for everything, Dad.
I would've died without you.
See you next weekend.
Hey, hey, hey!
Say goodbye to your dad.
She's still mad at me.
I owe you an apology
for our bad communication.
We're family.
You're a major part of my support network.
The part I trust the most.
Can we go back to couple's counseling?
Your silk ties.
I'm sorry about what I did with Ana.
I shouldn't have gone behind your back,
but I should be able to decide
what's best for her sometimes.
I don't want you to think
you're living with the enemy.
you're not my enemy.
I know, Ana is your enemy.
You're both trying to get us
to take sides in this war, but I can't.
I need some distance, Mariana.
Distance from you.
I'll pick up Regina tomorrow.
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