Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s02e02 Episode Script

Inhumans Saga: Part 1: And the Wind Cries Medusa

There ain't enough petunias
in all of Poughkeepsie
to make a girl forget about this mug.
That is, if I still even have a girl.
Sheesh, I been so busy
workin' on the new headquarters,
I ain't made the time
I should've to see Alicia.
Especially since I got turned back
into this big pile of ugly orange brick.
Agh! Who am I kiddin'?
Alicia's probably found
somebody else by now.
Somebody who doesn't look
like a bad blend
of Frankenstein and Mount Rushmore.
- Agh!
- [screaming]
- [woman] Help!
- What?
- Help me!
- Hey, hang on, lady!
Here comes 500lbs
of grumpy gravel to the rescue.
looks like it's your lucky day, lady.
And you just crapped out, mister.
Jeez. What? Hey, I didn't mean
to make you wet yourself.
Ha, ha, ha.
It's not that easy to hurt Hydroman.
This ain't doin' wonders
for my lousy mood, lady.
Now, are you in trouble or what?
No, Benjamin Grimm, you are.
I'll take it from here, Medusa.
If you think
a little shock in the shorts
can keep me from clobberin' you
Hmm, your strength is even
more impressive than rumored.
Trapster, paste him down.
It's a pleasure, Wizard.
One size fits all.
Behold, as my id machine
brainwashes Mr. Ben Grimm.
Weakening the good part of his character
and strengthening the bad.
Ha, ha, ha.
[Ben] Argh!
That's enough, Wizard,
you're killing him.
No, my dear Medusa.
Especially Reed Richards.
No, he's best friend.
Friend? Reed Richards, you call friend?
He who foolishly exposed you
to unknown cosmic rays?
Resulting in your becoming
the hideous creature you are today?
My dear Benjamin Grimm,
Reed Richards destroyed your life.
Reed Richards did this to me.
Made me into a thing.
And for that Reed Richards must die!
[Sue] There's nothing like
home, sweet home. Huh, darling?
You'd think these guys
were working for Doctor Doom.
Destroying the Baxter Building
is getting to be a real growth industry.
Well, now, we'll anticipate better luck
with our new Four Freedoms Plaza.
But I am explaining
why I was two hours late.
You think your average sicko villain
cares about my social life?
- So, about that movie.
- [dead line]
Hello? Hello?
- Maybe if I had my own digs
- Johnny, we've discussed this.
Let me guess. Uh, girlfriend trouble?
No trouble, no girlfriend.
Yeah, now, there's a bad joke.
The Human Torch
can't even find a real flame.
Even our ever-lovin' blue-eyed
rockpile has a steady girl.
Then why does he keep ignoring her?
[all] Alicia!
I know you've all been busy,
but Ben hasn't called
or come to visit me for days.
So I thought I'd
Alicia, Ben left for your place
last night.
But he never arrived.
[Sue] Don't worry, dear, we'll find him.
- Fantastic Four, come in.
- It's Ben!
Hustle your blue-eyed butts down to the
warehouse at Front and Third, pronto.
You ain't gonna believe
what I got for you.
- You better stay in the car.
- But, but I
No, no, Alicia, Johnny's right.
You'll be safe here on the roof.
No telling what Ben's found inside.
Looks like Ol' Blue Eyes
is here all right.
- Ben?
- Yeah, come on in, pal.
I've been waitin' for you.
It's a trap.
And I'm the Trapster.
Poetic, huh?
Flame on!
This oughta light your fire, boy!
Hey, stop babying me, Sis,
I coulda outrun that bilge bucket.
Sorry, little brother.
Impressive power, Susan Richards,
but less then nothing
compared to Madam Medusa's.
Ha, ha, ha. Who are these creeps?
Phew, did you get a load of her?
I go for redheads in a big way.
Ah, save it, Johnny.
Are, are you all right, dear?
Ha, ha. How sickeningly touching
and how inevitably futile.
Get outta the way!
It's about time you showed up,
you big galoot.
Ben! Are you all right?
How can I ever be all right,
you ego-loaded egghead?
Your harebrained schemes
turned me into this monster.
Ben, stop!
What are you saying?
Back off, toots.
Nothing personal but I'm about
to make a widow outta you.
Johnny, I'll get
to my shrinking-paste bubble, doll.
It's gonna take
all of your force-field energy
just to keep it from crushing you.
He's right.
I don't know
what they've done to you but
Done, ha, ha.
I'll tell you what they've done.
They've helped me see you
for what you are, Richards.
My worst enemy.
- Ouch!
- Reel it in, you big gorilla.
- I don't want to burn you.
- Shakin' in my orange bootees!
I've been waitin' to do this for years.
Old Sparky here is all yours.
Now your Bunsen burner brother-
in-law can't protect you,
I'm gonna crush the bounce outta you.
Patience, my friend, patience.
First let Richards learn exactly
who defeated him.
Off hand, I'd say it was me.
But if you want to do a little gloating,
suit yourself.
Ah, the esteemed Mr. Fantastic.
And do you know who has you
mounted here like a brilliant,
albeit short-lived, butterfly?
Hey, I recognize you, you're the Wizard,
brilliant inventor of incredible devices
for the very rich and the very evil.
Very good, Richards.
Yes, yes, I am that very same Wizard
the worid used to talk about,
until you came along
with your free patents
and affordable inventions
for the common man.
Luckily, I found fellow inventors,
gifted yet unappreciated,
who shared my visiĆ³n.
Peter Petroski, formally Paste Pot Pete.
Petroski? Yes, the research chemist
who invented multipolymer liquid.
Now known as The Trapster.
Meet Mory Benz.
Better known as Hydroman.
Capable of transforming
the atoms of his body into water.
What's the matter, Torch?
Get your matches wet?
Careful, Hydroman, he's only a boy.
Madam Medusa, the last link
in my unbreakable circle of evil.
- [banging]
- What was that?
Relax, my dear.
It's only a cat.
Medusa's past is a mystery
but her unique mastery of hair,
it's extraordinary.
Not to mention useful.
Together, we're the unstoppable
Frightful Four.
- Don't you mean five?
- Ha, ha, ha.
Surprised at your friend's
change of heart, Richards?
You shouldn't be.
Only my brilliance
could create an id machine
capable of turning even Ben Grimm evil.
Yes, once again the worid
will marvel at the Wizard,
as my Frightful Four rob it blind.
Because Reed Richards
and his Fantastic Four will be no more.
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Yeah, enough yappin', bullet head.
Is it clobberin' time or not?
Apologies, my dear Thing.
By all means,
feel free to indulge yourself.
Destroy Reed Richards.
Only one chance.
Johnny! Reed can't avoid
Ben's punches much longer.
If I can just flame on
fast and hot enough,
I might be able
to melt this sprinkler head.
Still too damp.
Third time's a charm, brain boy!
You freed him, you clumsy fool!
Trapster, stop him!
No way, paste puss,
I'll take care of Gumby.
Almost dry enough to
flame on!
Johnny! Help Reed!
Why don't you just
leave him to The Thing?
Now you see me
I'll lay down some cover fire, Sis.
When I catch you, even a chiropractor
won't be able to tell your head
from your butt.
Hey, Red, alley-oop.
Back off!
That livin' inner tube is all mine.
If I can invert this
id machine's power output
Ah, forget it, Einstein.
There ain't nothing wrong
with me that clobberin' you
can't cure.
Seems like we never get to spend
a quiet moment alone any more, dear.
I see you're hiding behind
your old lady's tights, Richards.
Reed, Ben's too powerful.
Can't sustain this field
much longer.
Just a little more time.
I think you'll find my anti-gravity disk
a marvelously uplifting experience,
Not cool
Boy, am I ever having a bad flare day?
- Is he all right?
- Why so concerned, my dear?
Concentrate on vanquishing our enemies.
They're up in the loft.
Got it! Sue, release your force field.
- Are you sure?
- Do it now!
Sue, reverse the polarity.
I hate you beyond hate, Richards.
It's not working!
Increase the amperage.
I'll try to hold him.
Get off of me, you Argh!
Now, now, Mrs. Richards,
it isn't nice to fool
with other people's inventions.
Okay, Stretcho, it's tombstone time.
Oh, yeah, this is gonna be good.
- Ben, no!
- Huh?
What are you saying, Ben?
Reed is your best friend.
- Alicia, run!
- What? Get her!
No! What's happening?
What? Alicia! Leave her alone!
Look at yourself, Ben Grimm.
Remember your hatred for Reed,
how he destroyed your life.
Ben! Help!
Yes, listen to Alicia, Ben,
I'm your friend!
Shut up!
That's right, Grimm,
remember how Richards made you
the pathetic ugly creature you are.
No, Ben, you're not ugly or pathetic!
Your the kindest, gentlest man
I've ever known.
I'm finished.
So am I.
Let her go, Rapunzel.
Take care of my girl, will you, pal?
Any time, my friend, any time.
I've got me some real,
righteous clobberin' to do.
Stop! Richards is the enemy.
Wrong, chrome dome.
You are the enemy.
Something tells me
Ol' Blue Eyes is back.
You repulsive monstrosity.
You're still no match
for my powergloves.
Did someone say "match"?
Looks like the gloves are off, Wizzy.
We must flee while we still can.
It's not quite time to leave the party.
Not to worry, I got her, Sis.
I like chasing giris, but man!
- Where's Medusa?
- I can't believe it
- But I let her go.
- You what?
- But how could you?
- I don't know!
I kinda felt sorry for her, you know?
- She seemed scared and
- I know.
All your heat must be
fricasseeing your flame brain.
Or were you just dazzled
by another pretty face?
I see you're back
to your usual charming ways.
- Twerp.
- Rockhead.
- Ben! Please!
- Sorry, sweetie.
Oh, by the way
Better late than never.
Oh, Ben. They smell lovely.
How come you don't bring me
flowers any more?
- Uh late hours at the lab?
- And?
Now, Sue, if you receive
flowers every day,
- how special would they be?
- As special as those anniversary ones.
- Exactly. Anniversary?
- [Sue] Which was?
Uh But, dear, every day with you
is special.
- You love surprises.
- Speaking of surprises,
what about the toilet seat?
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