Floor Is Lava (2020) s02e02 Episode Script

Ballers, Ballerinas and Black Belts

[dramatic music playing]
[Rutledge] Whoo!
Man, this is exciting.
This is the game room
where everything is oversized.
Dominoes, darts,
disco dancing, and the danger.
This is Floor Is Lava!
[man] Oh, ho, ho, ho!
[man 2] Oh, Lord!
-Oh my God.
-This is crazy!
This is real lava.
[Rutledge] First up, it's Jaymarlon,
Brandon, and Kennaye.
This is hot!
[all] We are the Kickballers!
-[Kennaye] I know you from high school.
-And you guys know each other because…
-I knew you since you was a baby.
I know your mom and your dad.
Oh, you're my brother!
-Yeah, man.
-Oh, what's up, bro?
We have been playing kickball for years.
-[Jaymarlon] Years.
How many trophies?
We have, like, almost close to a million.
No. Not a million.
No. Probably like 20, 30.
When it comes
to the roles of the team, Brandon…
[Brandon grunting]
I'm gonna be the one,
you know, pulling up, pulling down.
[Kennaye] Definitely the muscle.
Me, I'm the jack-of-all-trades.
I do everything.
I'm the motivational speaker,
I'm the guy who can run, can jump.
I'm athletic. I'm everything.
And I'm pretty!
-Okay. I'm the team leader.
-[Brandon chuckling]
I'm the level-headed
for these knuckleheads.
So these skill sets are definitely
gonna get us through the room. Period.
Hey, Kickballers!
-[Brandon] What's going on?
-[Jaymarlon] What's up?
It's time to get rolling.
Study the room
and come up with a game plan.
Make sure to plan for an exit pass,
because you'll need
to grab one before you can leave.
And be quick on the base paths,
because only the top two teams
move on to the volcano.
-[Rutledge] And one rule.
Don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
[Kennaye] Let's go!
[Rutledge] Time to see
how the Kickballers can play in this game.
[Brandon] Go ahead, dude.
-All right. All right. Oh! Oh!
-You gonna get the darts?
-[Jaymarlon] Yeah.
-[Brandon] Go get the darts.
-Kennaye, you wanna start right there?
-[Kennaye] Yes.
-Be careful.
-[Jaymarlon] All right.
I'm waiting for you.
Climb! You gotta climb!
-Shimmy up it!
-You could probably help. You could help.
[intense music playing]
[Rutledge] Nice work, Jaymarlon.
Now one of you Kickballers
can use the darts to unlock the dartboard
and get across to the back of the room
to pick up an exit pass.
-You got it?
-[Kennaye] Okay!
-All right. Now shimmy down! Be careful!
-Whoa! [laughing]
All right. You gotta throw the dart.
Don't get hit
while you're trying to throw the dart.
-Be careful!
-[Jaymarlon] Whoo!
-[Kennaye] Okay.
-[Brandon] There you go.
Shoot the darts. Shoot it.
-[Jaymarlon] Hit it again?
-[Brandon] Make it stick!
[Brandon] Yeah! Let's go!
[Rutledge] And he gets it!
The dart board is unlocked!
-You gotta go!
-I'm going. I'm going.
I'mma wait. This is slippery.
Okay, bro. You got this, baby.
You got it, baby.
-[Kennaye] You got it.
-[Jaymarlon] Stick your landing.
-You got this.
-[Kennaye] Let's go.
-Let's go! How about that?
All right. You gonna come over?
I gotta come over there.
-This is moving!
-[Brandon] I need you to come over here.
I'm trying to, sir.
I'm telling Mama if you don't
get over here! I'm telling Mama!
[Rutledge] Ooh. Telling Mama
is worse than falling into the lava.
[Brandon] Okay. I'm moving.
There you go! Don't fall!
I'm not, bro.
-I got this!
-[Jaymarlon] Come on, Kennaye!
[Rutledge] All right, Kennaye.
Showing maxi effort
getting to the mini fridge.
All right. Y'all, I'm on the jerseys.
-[Brandon] Get over here!
-[Jaymarlon yelling]
[Brandon] Push me over, please.
[Rutledge] Jaymarlon and Brandon,
you guys showing
excellent teamwork on the foosball game.
My feet sticky.
[Jaymarlon] Yes!
-I got an exit pass! Let's go!
[Rutledge] And now you're one step closer
to leaving the room!
Come on, Kennaye. You got this!
Do I got this, though?
[Rutledge] Uh, fairly concerning
to hear your jack-of-all-trades say that.
[Kennaye] All right.
[Brandon] Kennaye got it!
[Rutledge] Oh, we got us
a ball game, everyone!
-[Brandon] How you doing?
-[Kennaye] All right.
-[Brandon] That's good.
-Figure out how to get over here.
-[Brandon] Let's go, girl.
-You got this.
Let's go. I need a little push. Okay?
You can do it!
-Here we go! One, two…
-[Brandon] Watch me!
One, two…
One, two…
[Rutledge] I think three
is the next number you're looking for.
One, two…
[suspenseful music playing]
[Jaymarlon] Yeah!
[Rutledge] And you got your exit pass!
Don't play with me!
Bust a move! Bust a move!
[electro music playing]
[Jaymarlon] Shake it!
Shake it! Shake it! Hey! All right!
All right. Now what dance
they want me to do? Oh!
[Rutledge] Okay. Let's see
if you can nail the four dance moves
to lower the disco ball.
[both exclaiming]
[both exclaiming]
[Brandon speaking indistinctly]
-[Brandon] Yeah!
-[Rutledge] Go, Kennaye!
Go, Kennaye! You did it!
Y'all are crushing it!
[intense music playing]
[Rutledge] And now
Jaymarlon's got a few options
to get over to the Take A Shot game
and pick up the last exit pass
so he can leave the room.
And it looks like you're backtracking
and taking the long way, pal.
[Jaymarlon grunting]
Oh! Ah!
[laughing] Jay! Jay, Jay!
-[Jaymarlon] What do I do?
-[Kennaye] Okay!
[Rutledge] Oh,
smooth move to the billiard light.
There go my brother! That's my brother!
[Rutledge] Oh, and he does it.
On to the pool table!
[Brandon] Come on, you got this.
Come on, you got this. Come on, Kay.
-Don't drop it.
-[Kennaye] I'm scared to let go.
[Brandon] Don't slip. Please, don't slip.
-Come on, Lady Kay.
-All right.
[Kennaye panting]
-There you go, girl!
-[Jaymarlon] Yes, Kennaye!
Stop playing with me!
[Rutledge] Disco balls,
billiard balls, kick balls.
Ball is life to this team.
-Y'all ain't got--
-I'm about to jump.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Jaymarlon] Come on, bro.
-[Rutledge] Oh my goodness!
-[Jaymarlon] Yeah!
Yeah! I made it, baby!
I told you I was gonna make it!
[Rutledge] Brandon soared
through the air like a pop-fly kickball
and he's safe.
[Kennaye] All right.
I need you. You gotta grab me.
[Rutledge] You're one jump away
from the exit, Kennaye,
but, Jaymarlon, you've still got
a long way to go to get out of the room.
-I'm going for it!
-[Brandon] You got this, boy!
[Kennaye] Let's go, Jay!
[Jaymarlon grunting] Yes!
[Rutledge] Oh,
and he makes it! Unbelievable!
Jaymarlon with the baby freeze landing!
Popping and locking like he's
breakdancing there on the game table!
[record scratching]
Yes! Yes! Oh, Lord have mercy!
Oh my God, y'all.
[Rutledge] It's six feet
to that poker chip,
or for you kickballers out there,
about seven kickballs.
Come on! One, two, three!
[Rutledge] Oh, Jaymarlon to the hoop!
He's driving hard,
and he's got the exit pass.
Now, you need to score a basket
to tilt the backboard,
giving you a shorter jump out of the room.
-Let's see if you got game.
-[hoop trilling]
-Ready? Ready?
-Come on! Where you at, Jay! You good?
[Jaymarlon] Away like Jordan!
[Kennaye] You ready? All right.
[Brandon] Just make it. You can make it.
[Rutledge] Can all three of them
make it out of this room?
-One, two--
-Wait. One more time.
[basketball hoop squeaking]
-Come on.
-Two, three!
-[Jaymarlon] Take your time.
Oh, it's slippery!
[Rutledge] Instead of counting,
maybe try, "Ready, set, go!"
-You gonna get my hand?
-I'm… As best as I can!
I got this room.
I don't want to go with my hair.
Okay, girl. I know you gonna kick my butt
if I let your hair get wet.
-Ready? One, two…
-[Kennaye screaming]
-[Rutledge] Oh, no!
[both screaming]
-[Rutledge] Kennaye is down!
-[Brandon] Oh, God.
[Rutledge] Kennaye
couldn't count to three.
And now neither can the Kickballers
as Brandon and Jaymarlon
are left to score for the team.
Get across, Jay.
'Cause If you don't, I'm telling Mama.
[Jaymarlon shouting]
[both cheering]
-[bell dinging]
-[Rutledge] Oh, and Jaymarlon makes it!
[both clamoring]
[Rutledge] The kickballing brothers
have made it through the room!
We made it!
Guys, great job!
You made it! Come on up here.
And with that,
the Kickballers put two up on the board.
-There we go! Yeah, fellas. Nicely done!
-What's goin' on? What's goin' on?
Oh, and Kennaye, I…
I got just a little something. Oh.
-[Rutledge] Boy, my heart.
When you were on the dance game,
great moves. Right?
I had it!
But then there you were on the domino
and you just… you dropped like a domino.
See what had happened was
I think the domino moved.
Well, here's the great news,
two of you got through. That's huge.
with the next two teams that'll hold up,
you guys will get a chance to go
to the volcano for a shot at ten grand.
'Cause we need that ten grand.
Next up, three ballet instructors
walk into a bar.
That's not a joke,
that's their origin story.
They're the Barre Babes.
-I'm Anna.
-I'm Eva.
I'm Hallie, and we're the…
[all] Barre Babes!
[Eva] Barre is a full-body workout
designed around the ballet barre,
and it focuses
on small, isometric movements
to build muscle endurance.
[Hallie] As barre instructors,
we have a lot of good skills
that are really gonna
help us avoid falling in that lava.
It really works the lower body,
the thighs, the booty, and the core.
And also in our arms.
[Hallie] We can hold
on to something very long.
[Anna] Yes.
If we don't feel like jumping,
we'll just stretch.
-[Anna] We're flexible!
-[Hallie] Reach across things!
-Do you know what I'm saying?
We like working out together,
we like taking each other's classes.
That's also something
so special about the three of us.
-Barre Babes?
-Let's do this!
[all] One, two, three. Barre Babes!
Come on, girls!
[Eva] Oh my God.
[all screaming]
-Oh my God!
-My heart!
-Oh my God!
[Hallie] Oh my God!
-What's up, ladies?
-[all] Hi, Rutledge!
How we doing?
-[all] Good!
Only the top two teams
get to compete for $10,000,
so good luck.
Oh, and one rule,
don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
[Rutledge] That's right!
[Anna] Oh my God.
[Eva] Oh my God!
-[Anna] Here we go.
-[Hallie] Okay. Eva, you go first.
-[Eva] Oh my God.
-You gotta jump and then get low.
-[Eva] Okay.
-[Anna] Oh my God. It moves.
-[Hallie] Stay low, girl!
-[Eva] How?
Get low. Get low.
Stay low!
[Rutledge] She's staying low,
but the darts you need are up high.
-[Eva] It's not that far.
[Rutledge] It's a two-player game, now.
That's not a good move,
because we had the same problem.
[Hallie] I got this. Go. Low.
-All three?
-[Rutledge] Okay. Didn't see that coming.
-Okay. Everyone's going.
[Rutledge] Like moths to a flame,
they see a barre, they need to go to it.
We're gonna be here
to support you in any way we can.
[Rutledge] Yeah. You climb,
we'll support you from down here.
Yes! I'll move your butt up!
-[Anna] You got it.
-Get up there!
-[Anna] Okay. Stay on.
-[Hallie] Keep going!
[Anna] You got it!
You got it! You got it! You got it!
-Get up--
-Ah! I knocked it off!
-[Anna] Did she get one?
-[Hallie] Come on. Get up there!
-Oh my goodness!
-[Hallie] Did you grab it?
-[Eva] I can't get them.
[Rutledge] Oh, no!
Her pirouettes were on point,
but her attempt
to grab those darts was pointless.
-[Hallie] That stressed me out.
-Somebody's gonna have to move to the die.
Eva, you go first,
because we believe in you the most.
[Rutledge] If the Barre Babes don't get
those darts and unlock the dart board,
it's gonna make it a lot tougher
to get that exit pass over there.
[Eva] That looks so far.
I don't know if I can reach it.
Yes, you can! Yes, you can! Yes, you can!
[Rutledge] The line
between being supportive
and tricking your friends
into doing stuff is a thin one.
[Hallie] You can do this!
-Yes! You made it!
-[Eva grunting, groaning]
-Yeah. Oh!
[Rutledge] They're used
to dancing The Nutcracker,
but that was a chin-cracker.
-Yes! You made it!
-[Eva grunting, groaning]
-[Anna] You have to talk to me.
-[Hallie] Okay.
Count of three, climb and jump
with all your dear might.
One, two--
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Okay, okay, okay. Ready?
-One, two--
-[Anna] Wait. Not yet.
[Rutledge] At this point,
I think I've forgotten what's after two.
I'm not gonna count then, you go.
-[Anna grunting]
-[team screaming]
[all clamoring]
[Rutledge] Oh, no!
And just like that, Anna is down!
[Eva] Anna!
[Rutledge] Anna attempts
to protect her chin on that jump,
but her forearms
bounce her right into the lava.
[orchestral music playing]
There's one.
[Rutledge] They're one down,
but if both can get out of the room
faster than you, Kickballers,
then they're going to the volcano
and you'll be on the bubble.
One, two…
[Rutledge] Uh-oh.
[intense music playing]
-[Rutledge] Oh, no. She…
-[team screaming]
Oh, amazing!
-Baby Jesus, I made it! Okay!
[Rutledge] She looked
like Hallie Barely-holding-on.
[Hallie] Push!
-We don't have time!
-[Eva] Okay.
[Hallie] Go. You can do this.
-My life flashed before my eyes.
-[Eva] Pull it… pull it back.
-I don't know how I'm still alive.
-Pull it back.
[Hallie] Pull it back.
[Rutledge] Look at that teamwork.
Eva and Hallie negotiating
the foosball game together
to get those exit passes
and get out of the room.
-Good luck, girl. You can do this.
-Oh my God. It's so slippery.
[Hallie] Whoo!
I believe in you!
Yes! Yeah. That's it!
[Rutledge] There's that barre class
stretch coming into play.
-There it is!
-Oh, she got it.
Good job, Eva.
'Bout to grab that exit pass! ♪
[Eva screaming]
[Rutledge] Eva's got the first pass
and she's closest to the exit.
All right. I moved it.
-[Eva] Okay.
[intense music playing]
[Hallie] Yep, yep, yep.
-Yes! All right. I'm pushing you! Go!
-[Eva screaming]
-[Hallie] Yes!
-[Eva] Whoo!
Okay. Oh my God. Hold on.
Oh my God. She finna get across.
And that was pretty fast.
Pull it back. 'Cause I have
to get on the yellow thing first.
[Hallie] Okay.
Like, don't forget about me, girl.
I got you!
Save yourself, but bring me with you.
[Rutledge] That's the most realistic
action movie line I've ever heard.
-[Jaymarlon] Yes!
-[Eva yelling]
[Hallie] Do you have anything to stand on?
How are you gonna push me?
[Eva] Yeah, the domino. So push me.
Push me as far as you can,
I'm gonna stand here on the dice.
[Rutledge] Just one is a die,
but I get not wanting
to use that word right now.
[Eva] Okay. Here we go.
-Should I hold and straddle?
-[Eva] Yeah.
Okay. Go!
Girl, don't act like I'm heavy now.
[Rutledge] Eva pulling Hallie along
on this bar crawl.
-It's like college all over again.
-[Hallie] Go, go, go!
-[Eva] It's slippery!
-I have to get on the net too?
Or you can jump over there
to get to the basketball thing.
Okay. Bring it over to me.
[Rutledge] Now Hallie's got two choices,
she can either jump to the domino
and try to take a shot,
getting her exit pass that way,
or she could jump over the goal
and to the recliner,
and try to get the exit pass
on the dance game.
So I need to get the exit pass.
So it's looking like I have to do this.
Is she gonna jump
from the foosball onto the domino?
-This is crazy.
-She must have wings.
-[Rutledge] She's gotta have wings.
-[Eva] I'm holding it so it doesn't move.
I'm gonna hold it so it doesn't move.
[Rutledge] That's an eight-foot jump
to the domino,
but not a lot of surface area
for a landing.
I'm just gonna land
and hope that all my teeth stay together.
[Rutledge] They'll stay together.
Whether they're all still
in your mouth is another story.
[all laughing]
-I'm just gonna go. Jesus take the wheel!
-[Eva] Whoo!
[suspenseful music playing]
[Hallie screaming]
[all clamoring]
[Brandon] She made it!
I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive!
[Hallie screaming]
[Rutledge] A little swan luck
as Hallie's jeté hits the mark.
Now jump to that.
Oh, Lord Jesus. It's never over, is it?
[Eva] It's never over.
[Hallie] One, two…
[Rutledge] Three must be a curse word
for all of you or something.
If I'mma fall, I wanna look good doing it.
[whispering] Okay. [clearing throat]
[intense music playing]
[Rutledge] Oh, and she makes it!
[all clamoring]
She about to get a pass!
Are you okay? Go for it!
-All right. Get it in there!
-[Hallie] Baby Jesus.
[Rutledge] If she knows the barre,
she must know how to make shots.
Take your time. There you go.
-[Hallie] Okay.
-Walk on it?
-Yep, and it's gonna tilt that way.
-[Hallie] You better hold me.
-Slowly. Slowly. Slowly.
[Hallie] Whoa!
Hold, hold, hold, hold!
Don't forget your exit pass!
[Rutledge] And she's got the exit pass!
-How are you feeling right now?
-I'm nervous.
-I'm nervous.
[Hallie] On the count of three,
both of us jump.
One, two, three!
-Yeah. We both gave up.
[Rutledge] She said it
and didn't even jump!
-Oh my God! It's so slippery!
One, two, three!
[Eva screaming]
[Rutledge] And with that incredible leap,
Hallie takes her team from bar none
to bar one out the door.
[Hallie] If I can do this,
you can. Get on this.
[Rutledge] If Eva gets out
of the room faster than Jaymarlon,
they are going to the volcano
and you'll be on the bubble.
Oh, no!
-I'll catch you.
Let me know if I'm in your way.
You can do this.
[Rutledge] But her hesitation
is costing them right now!
[all blowing]
[Rutledge] Ooh.
It got windy in here all of a sudden.
-One, two, three, jump.
-You… you count.
One, two, three, jump!
[Eva screaming]
-[all clamoring]
-[bell dinging]
And she makes it!
But not as fast as Jaymarlon,
so, Kickballers,
that means you are going to the volcano!
[all cheering]
Unbelievable job, ladies.
Come on up and join us!
[Rutledge] So the Barre Babes
get two on the board,
but their slower time means they
have not secured a spot at the volcano.
Nicely done, ladies.
-Kinda sticky.
-And I think for one of you…
Oh, gosh. Anna, I'm so, so sorry.
They're calling me "Lavagirl" already.
Yeah. Yeah.
But Barre Babes, this is not all bad news.
You guys right now are on the bubble.
It's all gonna come down
to this third team.
-[Anna sighing]
Our final team has mastered martial arts.
Call them the Van Gogh's of Taekwondo.
They're the Black Belts.
I own a martial arts business.
Nick pretty much runs the place
and Gabe teaches
a majority of the classes.
I love training kicks, jumping things.
So I'm going to most likely be
the guy jumping, taking the big leaps.
And I'll try to do the risky thing.
And if something's crazy or spinny,
then I'll, uh, give that a go.
That's not your normal role
in everyday life,
but you are really good
at that physical stuff.
And I'm the team leader, so I'll be
directing traffic, essentially. [laughing]
Nick and I are brothers.
I'm always gonna be three years older,
so I'm always in charge.
-And Gabe.
-He met us when he was four.
And he didn't stop training with us since.
We've been working together so many years.
We speak each other's language.
We have black-belt telepathy.
-[Matt] Go!
-[Black Belts] Whoo!
-[Matt] Oh my gosh! Wow!
-[Gabe] Yeah!
Black Belts, welcome to my dojo.
Now, I know you all study martial arts,
but right now, you need
to focus on passing the Barre Babes.
That's right.
These three, they're on the bubble.
To do that, all three of you
need to get out of the room
or get two of you out in a faster time.
So you'll need to Jet Li across the room.
[laughing silently]
But remember,
don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
[Matt] Let's go.
-[Gabe] This guy?
-[Nick] Yeah. Let's go across.
[Rutledge] Okay.
Let's see if the Black Belts
have the chops to get out of this room.
[Matt grunting]
-[Nick] I'm gonna go over here.
-[Gabe] I think that probably moves.
-[Rutledge] Oh, you're all going up there.
-[Gabe] That's a lot of speed.
-[Matt] Gabe, gotta keep moving.
[Rutledge] Gabe, nearly taking out Matt
with a roundhouse
trying to get those darts.
-[Gabe] You need that.
-[Matt] Got it.
[Gabe panting]
-[Matt] Come on.
-Oh, that's… that's impressive. Dang it.
-[Matt] Jump, Nick.
-[Nick] Yup. [grunting]
-[Matt] Awesome.
-[Nick] Yeah. That moves.
Okay. Gabe, let's get moving.
I think Nick's gonna be able to do this.
Let's see what happens.
[Rutledge] Oh, Nick's really got
his dojo mojo working!
Oh, that's how to do it. Okay.
All right. I'm going right here.
-[Gabe grunting]
-Whoa! Nice!
Oh, nice!
[Rutledge] Nice moves, Gabe!
Such quickness.
These guys showing
some real Kung Fu Hustle.
Yeah, they are.
-[Matt] Go, Nick. You got it.
-[Nick] Yep.
[Matt] Let's go, Sensei Nick!
[Nick grunting]
[Matt] Whoo!
-I'm jumpin' for it. Ready?
-[Gabe] Go low. Land in that corner.
-Let's go! Whoo!
-[Matt] Got it!
-So you want me on it. Right?
-[Gabe] Probably the best plan. Yeah.
-[Matt] All right. Um…
-[Gabe] Just be careful. Um…
[Rutledge] Look at Nick! He's kicking butt
at the house of rolling dartboard.
[Matt] Move me! Let's go!
[Gabe] Have fun!
I'll see you on the other side!
[Matt] I gotta get my pass!
Look at that teamwork right there
trying to get that first exit pass.
[Matt] All right. Here I go.
[Gabe] Yeah. Let's go!
All right. Bringing it back.
[Matt] Give me a second.
He's climbing on top.
[Matt] I'm about to get a pass!
[team cheering] Let's go!
[Rutledge] Oh, and we got
our first exit pass. There we go.
-Okay. That was bound to happen.
[Matt] Let's go, Sensei Nick!
[Nick grunting]
-[Matt] Yeah!
-[Gabe] Good jump.
-[all clamoring]
-[Hallie] Good job.
-[Matt] Yeah!
-[Gabe] Whoo!
-What does that say?
-[Nick] "Groove to move."
-[Matt] Dance moves?
-Do I do something?
You do the poses. Do the poses.
[Rutledge] Nice crane technique, Gabe.
I haven't seen moves like that
since the All-Valley Karate Tournament.
-So I'm gonna do… like this.
-[Gabe] Show me your ballet.
[Matt] Nice!
-Like this. And then like this.
-[Matt] Disco!
-[Gabe] And then freestyle.
-[Nick] Oh! Freestyle.
-[Gabe] We gotta work on your dance moves!
-[Matt] Yeah! Disco ball!
[Rutledge] Dance moves were good.
-For a martial artist.
-Right, here we go.
-[Matt] Let's go!
Awesome! How are you gonna do it, Nick?
[Nick] Okay. I gotta go.
[Nick grunting]
[Nick straining]
[Hallie] Oh!
[Rutledge] Nick needing some momentum.
-[Eva] Oh, no!
-[Jaymarlon] Check it out!
-Oh my goodness. Oh, you guys.
-[all clamoring]
[Matt] Okay.
Sensei, you gotta go and help him.
[Matt] Maybe I can come catch you.
[Rutledge] Matt, that's either
the best idea or the worst.
This could end badly.
-Are you going?
-[Matt] I'm jumping.
-[Nick] Yup. You can do it!
-[Matt] All right. Here we go.
[Nick] Nicely done!
[Matt] I'm gonna try to bring you in,
you need to pull back.
[Nick] Three, two, one.
[Matt] Maximum effort. Let's go!
-[Nick grunting]
-[Matt] Come on!
[Rutledge] Look at that!
-Oh, man. You gonna go from here to there?
-I can do that.
[Rutledge] Barre Babes, both Matt and Nick
are one jump away from the exit,
and they are moving through this room
a lot faster than you did.
-[Gabe] Let's go!
-[Nick] All right. Okay. Should I go?
-You gotta go, Nick.
Three, two, one!
[Rutledge] Oh, and he makes it!
Apparently, the key
to counting is to go backwards.
Hope you guys up here were taking notes.
-Oh my gosh.
-[Matt] Gabe, you gotta get that pass.
-Yeah. I'm going for this guy.
-[Nick] Okay.
[Matt] That's not possible.
[Rutledge] It is possible,
because Hallie did it.
All you, buddy! It's all you!
You've been training for this!
How much does that tip?
All you, buddy!
-Oh my gosh!
-Here I go!
-[Matt] Yeah!
-Oh my gosh!
Whoo! That was, like,
the scariest thing I've done all week.
I mean, I did that jump too.
[Rutledge] Yes, you did, Hallie. Not quite
as smooth on the landing, though.
You did do this.
Yeah, you did.
[Gabe] Here we go.
-Hold on.
-[Matt] You got it! Just go for it.
-It's gonna be all right!
-[Nick] Trust, Gabe!
-[Matt] Yes!
-[Gabe] Whoo!
All right. Here we go.
[Rutledge] If Matt makes this next jump,
Barre Babes,
you are out of the competition.
-Take it on your belly. I can catch you.
-[Gabe] You got this, Sensei!
-I'm not gonna land on my feet.
-Yeah, yeah. Come on. Bring it.
-[Matt grunting]
-[Gabe] Grab him!
-Jump on the edge if you can.
-[Matt grunting]
[Rutledge] Oh, he made it!
[team cheering]
[Rutledge] That means the Black Belts
are moving on to the volcano.
[Rutledge] Can all three of them
get through the exit
and make it a perfect run?
[Gabe] All right.
-[team laughing]
-I got the pass!
-[Nick] Okay.
-[Gabe] Don't tell me I'm jumping to that.
-There you go.
-So watch out for the balls.
-You got it!
-We're here for you!
-[Nick] I can catch you.
All three people! Let's go!
[Matt yelling]
[Rutledge] He's Taekwon-done-it!
-[team cheering]
[Rutledge] Matt, Gabe, and Nick
are moving on!
And with the only perfect run,
all three Black Belts
easily breezed through the room,
kicking the Barre Babes
out of the competition.
What a match up!
It's the Kickballers
versus the Black Belts.
I can't wait to see what happens!
Let's head to the volcano.
[dramatic orchestral music playing]
-[Jaymarlon] Yeah!
-[Gabe] All right!
[all clamoring]
Let's go!
-Welcome to the volcano!
-[Gabe] Oh my goodness!
What a showdown we've got.
One team uses their feet to kick butt,
the other to kick balls.
-Yeah. That.
-Brandon, you know what's up.
This one's pretty simple.
You and your team are gonna get
across the roof and up the volcano.
The first team to grab their rocks
and cap the volcano wins $10,000!
-Let's go!
And more importantly,
the only trophy you'll ever need,
the Floor Is Lava lamp.
I recommend you move quick.
And there is one thing you cannot forget.
Don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
[Rutledge] Good luck!
[Matt] Let's go!
[Rutledge] Gabe and Jaymarlon
kick things off.
Whoa! Jaymarlon, he's flying right now.
-You got it, Gabe?
-[Gabe] Yup!
[Rutledge] Jaymarlon already
at the volcano base!
[Rutledge] Kennaye hand over hand
to the rooftop.
[Nick] Yep. Move.
[Rutledge] There we go.
Black Belts are making good speed.
Brandon finally making a move.
That's nasty.
Oh, this is some bull.
-[Gabe] Okay, careful.
-Yo, yo, yo.
[Rutledge] Kennaye, good jump!
[Matt] Nice, Nick! Nice! Good job!
-[Gabe] Stay low. You're gonna slip.
-[Matt] I'm ready.
[Gabe] Go for it. Go for it. Double foot!
[Rutledge] Oh my gosh.
They are tied at the base!
It's anyone's game!
-[Brandon] Go!
-[Matt] He's going.
All right. That works.
[Rutledge] What is gonna happen now?
They've gotta get up there!
Jaymarlon struggling to get a foothold!
-[Nick] Push me!
-Push him! Push him!
[Brandon] You got it, Jay!
[intense music playing]
-[Jaymarlon grunting]
-[Gabe] Watch out!
-I got it.
-[Gabe] Okay.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[Rutledge] There he goes.
Look at Jaymarlon
throwing the rope down to his teammates.
The Kickballers
are kicking the Black Belt's butt!
-[Matt] Go!
-[Gabe] Get up top! Reach far!
[Rutledge] Nick can't get a grip
on that slick surface.
-[Nick] Go, Gabe. Go!
-[Gabe] Excuse me.
-Push me up.
-[Matt] I'm trying!
[Rutledge] Now Gabe's trying to climb!
[Gabe grunting]
[Rutledge] Here goes Jaymarlon
making his way up.
He's got his rock.
-Jaymarlon places the first rock!
-[Matt] Go! Go!
[Rutledge] Black Belts moved
like lightning through the game room,
but now struggling to move forward.
Here comes Kennaye!
Oh, she is going for redemption!
-[Matt] Go, go, go!
-[Rutledge] Finally, Gabe's on the ledge!
Kennaye with the second rock
for the Kickballers.
And she places it!
-Coming down! Watch out!
-[Rutledge] Gabe lowers the rope to Matt.
[Kennaye] Put it right here.
Here we go. All that's left is Brandon.
-[Brandon] You got another one?
-[Kennaye] Come on.
[Rutledge] If Brandon can place
this third rock,
then the Kickballers have won!
[Rutledge] And they did it!
Congratulations, Kickballers. You did it!
Let's go!
[Rutledge] Black Belts,
that is it, my friends.
Unfortunately, you've been downgraded
to the orange belt, the orange of lava.
No other color, baby!
[opera music playing]
[all clamoring]
No, no, no!
[Gabe] No!
Kickballers, you just won $10,000!
[team] Yeah!
[Rutledge] And something
even better for your trophy case.
Take a look at the Floor Is Lava lamp!
[Kennaye] Yeah!
[Jaymarlon] Grab it!
[all yelling]
The Kickballers conquered the volcano,
$10,000, and the Floor Is Lava lamp.
Oh, speaking of Floor Is Lava, guess what?
There's more coming up right now!
-Thank you!
Where's my money?
[Rutledge] Another Floor Is Lava
is starting in just one, two…
I'm on fire ♪
Wait and see ♪
I'm gonna write my name forever ♪
On the pages, the pages of history ♪
Whoa ♪
Whoa ♪
Whoa ♪
[music fades]
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