Frog and Toad (2023) s02e02 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 2

Morning, Snail.
I would like a book
of your finest stamps, please.
I'm in the back, Toad. Come on in.
I'm over here, Toad.
What are you looking at?
This strange and wonderful box.
What is in it? Who put it there?
That's the strange part.
There's nothing inside,
and I have no idea where it came from.
You are right. The box is empty.
Solid structure. Fine color.
It is a rather impressive box.
Really does not belong to anyone?
It is yours if you want it, Toad.
What a kind thing to offer, Snail.
I know. This would be the perfect box
to put a present inside for Frog.
How nice of you.
What's the special occasion?
No occasion. It will just make me happy
to do something nice for Frog.
What kind of present are you giving him?
I won't tell Frog, promise.
Unless you want me to.
That is an excellent question.
I will have to think about it.
Goodbye, Snail.
Wait, Toad.
He forgot his stamps.
What should I put in this box?
Frog likes smooth rocks.
But he already has a rock.
Never mind. I have no ideas.
Why the long blah, Toad?
I could hear you all the way from my nest.
Oh, Robin.
I have this lovely box,
perfect for placing a gift inside
for Frog.
But I have no ideas
for what kind of present to get him.
A present, eh?
Well, blah no more. I have just the thing.
Get your friend some string and twigs.
Perfect for any occasion.
Very well.
You mean twigs like these?
Yes, those are perfect.
Now for some string,
which may be harder to find than twigs.
Oh, wait. Never mind. Found some.
Hello there, Rabbit.
What a fine box you have, Toad.
Rabbit, do you have some extra string?
It is for a present for Frog.
Oh, Toad.
You really are the nicest friend.
Of course you can have some string.
I have orange, yellow, red.
Orange is one of Frog's favorite colors.
Thank you, Rabbit.
Enjoy the string.
I'll take care of that.
-Thanks, Rabbit.
This will make such a lovely gift
for Frog.
What is it, Toad?
A thought just occurred to me.
What are twigs and string used for?
Why, every robin knows twigs and string
are the best materials for a sturdy nest.
Oh, dear.
Frog lives in a house.
He does not need to make a nest.
I'm afraid string
and twigs will not do after all.
That's okay, Toad.
Mind if I keep the twigs and string?
Of course. Thank you for your help, Robin.
Anytime, Toad.
Would flowers do for Frog's present?
Frog already has a garden full of flowers.
Well, hi, hi, hello, Toad.
Hello, Raccoon.
Something's getting you down. I can tell.
I have this box.
Yes. You do.
What a good-looking box,
such sturdy construction
and vibrant color.
Yes Yes. I know.
And I would like
to put a present inside for Frog.
That is just
That is the nicest thing I've heard
all morning.
Good for you, Toad.
What kind of gifts do you give
to your friends?
Oh, that's easy.
I give my friends
the shiniest things I can find.
I mean, who doesn't love shiny stuff,
am I right?
Frog had a pocket watch once
and he loved how shiny it was.
No surprise there.
I'll tell you again,
everyone loves shiny stuff.
This is a great idea.
But where can I find the shiniest
of shiny things?
Oh, don't worry. I've got you covered.
Well, here we go.
Oh, my.
If everyone loves shiny things,
Frog will certainly love this.
Is that the last of them?
Just this extra-large spring.
It's my favorite.
I do not think all these
shiny things will fit in the box.
Time to put a little elbow grease into it.
For a moment, I thought this would not do.
Frog will be so surprised
when he opens this gift.
I do not think a bunch of shiny things
are the perfect gift after all.
Sorry, Toad.
I hope you find something
for your dear pal, Frog.
Thank you, Raccoon.
Finding the right present is harder
than I thought.
Hiya, Toad.
Looks like you could use an ice cream.
No, thank you, Mink.
But I do need a present
to put in this box for Frog.
Now, I've seen a lot
of nice boxes in my day,
but never one as first-rate
as the one you've got, Toad.
Thanks, Mink.
Do you have any gift ideas?
How about some ice cream in the box?
Frog loves ice cream.
But I think it would melt.
I have some experience taking
melted ice cream to Frog.
What kind of presents
do you give your friends?
Besides ice cream?
Well, I like to give my friends
the gift of song.
It makes their hearts sing with joy.
Mink, that is a wonderful idea.
Frog adores music.
Here's some gifts to put in a box
A pen, a pie, or polka-dot socks
Or these things that Frog may enjoy
A candle, some sandals
A shiny new toy
Mink, there may be a problem.
Just warming up, Toad.
A big balloon, a fancy silver spoon
Something sweet that you can eat
Or salt and pepper shakers
-Big finish!
You can give flowers or cake
But the best kind of gift is the song
That you make
Oh, that's right
The best kind of gift is the song
That you make
So, Toad, what'd you think?
A song is a wonderful gift,
but I cannot put a song inside the box.
I'll be. You're right.
Well, it was a very nice song.
You sure you don't want some ice cream?
No, thank you, Mink.
I guess there just isn't
the perfect present
to put inside this box for Frog.
Well, box, I simply do not know
what to fill you with.
It looks
like Frog will have no present today.
Hello, Toad.
What a fine box you have.
Yes. It is fine.
Is something wrong?
I spent all day trying
to find you the perfect present
to put inside this box.
I tried twigs and string,
a bunch of shiny things, and even a song.
But nothing was right for the box.
Nothing felt like the right thing
that would say
what a wonderful friend you are.
You spent the entire day thinking
about doing something nice for me?
Yes. And I am sorry I could not find you
the right present.
But, Toad, you did find the right present.
-Because I would love to have this box.
-Even though it is empty?
It is not empty at all.
It is filled with your kindness.
And what perfect edges the box has.
And what a solid structure,
and fine color.
My thoughts exactly.
I have always wanted
a box just like this one.
Do you mean this empty box was
the perfect gift all along?
You always know just what to get me, Toad.
Shall we go inside for some tea?
Oh, yes. I would like that very much.
I wonder what happened to that spring.
Was it shiny?
Toad. Everything is covered in snow.
Toad, come outside
and see how wonderful the winter is.
I will not.
It is warm in here and cold out there.
And besides,
I don't have any winter clothes.
I will soon fix that.
Let me get you dressed for the snow, Toad.
I told you
I do not have any winter clothes.
I do not have mittens.
Here. I brought some mittens for you.
Thank you for the mittens, Frog,
but I do not have a winter hat.
I brought a hat for you too.
Yes. You did.
I also brought a jacket for you,
and a scarf.
And some boots.
And another scarf.
And some long underwear.
And another scarf,
just in case you need another scarf.
I see.
You are very thorough, Frog.
I wanted to make sure you had
everything you needed to be warm.
Would you like to get dressed now, Toad?
No. But I will.
All right!
Well, what do you think?
I think my friend is trying to wrap me
like a birthday present.
No, Toad.
I am only getting you ready
for our winter adventure.
Winter adventure?
Well, that sounds cold
and a lot of hard work.
You see?
I can hardly walk across the room.
Nonsense. You're walking just fine.
Let me help you there.
This winter adventure will be fun
and easy.
You will see.
Your doorway seems to have shrunk, Toad.
That is very strange.
I fit through it fine just yesterday.
It is much warmer by the fire.
Maybe we should go back.
Wait. Not yet.
We will both feel warm once we get moving.
Everything will be fine.
Very well, Frog. I will try moving.
This snow is deep and cold.
And wet.
Can we go back inside now?
Not yet, Toad.
Up you go.
And down you go.
Help. I cannot get up.
You are making a "snow Toad."
I will make a "snow Frog"
to be friends with your "snow Toad."
There. What do you think?
They look cold.
This way, Toad.
By the time we reach our destination,
we will be nice and warm.
Look how the beautiful snow has
blanketed the meadow.
You see? There is more to winter
than falling down and being cold.
Perhaps you were right, Frog.
It seems our friends are having fun.
Toad. Look. Snowflakes.
Try catching a snowflake on your tongue.
It is cold.
Yes, Toad. It is made of snow.
Is this why we came out here?
To catch snowflakes?
Oh, no.
Our winter adventure is just up this hill.
Up this hill?
Yes, indeed.
I'm getting warmer, like you said,
but I'm also getting tired.
How much longer is this winter adventure?
Almost there.
We are going to the top of this hill
so we can slide down on my sled.
A sled? Oh, no. Not me.
Oh, Toad. Do not be afraid.
I will be on the sled
with you the whole time.
The whole time?
The whole time.
See? Look how much fun this will be.
Mink is going very fast.
Hey, Frog and Toad. Look at me.
I feel so alive.
Well, Snail is having fun sledding.
I think I would like
to keep going up the hill, Frog.
Here we are.
The top of the hill, and here's my sled.
On second thought,
it is a very long way to the bottom.
No need to be nervous, Toad.
Just hold on, and I will be right here
with you if anything goes wrong.
Wrong? What can go wrong?
Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.
But if it does, I will be here.
Okay, Frog. I will hold on tight.
Oh, my. We are really doing this.
Yes, Toad. We are doing this together.
This is not so bad.
This is fun.
I like sledding with you, Frog.
I like sledding with you too, Toad.
We hit a little bump there.
Here comes another one.
Toad, are you all right?
I am better than all right.
I am having fun.
I am happy that you are with me, Frog.
Go, Toad. Go!
Yes. Frog and I are going very fast.
Frog and I?
It is a good thing you are with me, Frog.
I would never go this fast without you.
You were right. Winter is fun.
You may wanna slow down, Toad.
No need to slow down.
Frog is here with me.
Hiya, Toad.
Hello, Robin. Look at Frog and me.
You and Frog?
Yes. Frog and I are naturals
at this sled-riding business.
But there is no one
in the sled with you, Toad.
You are all alone.
Frog is not here?
Frog is not here.
I am all alone!
Yep. And you're doing great.
You're the best, Toad.
Oh, no. I cannot steer by myself.
Oh, no.
Toad. Are you all right?
I am fine, Frog.
All the winter padding you put
on me has made me fall-proof.
I am sorry that I got bumped off the sled
and left you alone.
But look, not only did you have
an amazing adventure on the sled,
you made a giant "snow Toad."
And you did it all on your own.
That was amazing, Toad.
So fast!
You took those bumps like a champ.
Thank you
for the encouraging words, everyone.
But now you will have to excuse me.
There is another adventure
that I could do on my own.
What is that, Toad?
I can go home.
The winter is very beautiful,
but a warm, cozy fire is much better.
We woke up and found a door
Only us kids could explore
So we opened it to see what was behind
I will keep your secrets safe
With mine
We can wish on shooting stars that fade
Sleep inside the orchid shade
I wouldn't change it even if I could
There is magic in the places
We'd least expect to look
We can fill up all the pages
There is no end to our book
Be the wheels to my road
Be the Frog to my Toad
We can be anything that we wanna be
Now the sun is going down
On that other side of town tonight
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