Hit-Monkey (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

[dramatic music playing]
[people screaming and shouting]
[Samurai laughing]
[inhales deeply]
[sword clangs]
[Samurai laughing]
[soldiers yelling]
[warlord shouting]
[guns firing]
-[sword swishing]
-[soldiers screaming]
[warlord screams]
[sword rings]
[electricity crackling]
[dramatic music playing]
No, this is the last time.
It's disrespectful to me
as a crime scene cleaner.
The guy's a GD pig.
There's killing,
and then there's over-killing.
Do you have any idea how hard it is
to remove brain matter
from popcorn ceiling?
My name is Gatling.
-What did you expect?
-A little professionalism.
I could use it on you.
Make it nice and streamlined.
-Do it.
-Bro, I will.
-Pull the trigger, come on.
-I'm going to.
I'm waiting.
Buddy, I will shoot you.
Okay, fire it up. How long does it take?
-[Gatling] I'll shoot you
-Oh, Jesus wept.
Then you can clean up the mess yourself.
You know what this is?
This is a hostile workplace environment.
Both of you, shut it!
[bell ringing]
Oh, Jesus.
Look, Monkey, I know
what you're about to say.
-And nobody is more pissed than me.
Don't worry, I've already been working
on the phones all morning,
and we're gonna find out
who is responsible for this
and we are going to massacre their ass.
And you get paid. Twice for your troubles.
How about that shit?
I'm sorry, now we've got
a monkey on our roster?
What's going down, little monkey?
You fling poop, I shove my mop
straight up your pink little ass.
Buddy, quit whining,
you get paid by the hour.
Gatling, aim, don't spray.
Now, can you please exit my office?
Buddy, Gatling, pleasure as always.
Now, where were we?
Look, we're going to need
the name and address
of the person
who called in that phony hit.
Excuse me?
Or can you not handle that
without messing it up, Handler?
I know you're not talkin' to me.
-Ooh, girl fight.
I told you I was on it.
Bryce, if you are here,
you better get your cop friend
out my face.
Your bullshit assignment
almost got us killed.
So forgive us if we wanna
take care of it ourselves.
Absolutely not!
If you knew the slightest thing
about this business,
you'd know that I don't even know
who ordered the hit.
[Monkey vocalizing]
Every job goes through a vetter
before it even comes to me.
It keeps an information wall
between the folks who want people dead
and the folks who make
people dead, sweetie.
[quietly] A proper one of those
would've been nice in Tokyo.
Wait, why am I whispering?
Great, then give us
the name of this vetter.
We'll go talk to them.
[Eunice] It doesn't work like that.
Who the hell still uses a filing cabinet?
It would be a huge breach of trust for me
to give you the vetter's info.
Sorry, you're not gonna get
the answers you want, cop.
[Monkey huffs]
Well, got all the answers we want.
[chuckles] Let's roll.
[upbeat music playing]
Repent. Repent!
Satan's minions walk among us.
Save yourselves.
Satan is watching you!
Ha! That guy knows what's up.
[Zealot] And he knows
if you've been naughty or nice.
[chuckles] So listen, man,
the thing with Eunice,
and just people in general,
is that they're always
gonna get in your way
with, uh, rules and barriers and shit.
Sometimes you just gotta smile and nod.
Then you do whatever the hell you want.
You just gotta play the game, you know?
Okay, so the vetter's name is Rosemary,
and she works outta that big-ass
public library in Midtown.
[panting] Hey, wait up!
Were you guys just gonna
leave me back there?
Uh, kind of. We're Bryce and Monkey.
You know, a classic duo
like Starsky and Hutch
or Turner and Hooch.
So you guys are just gonna go
and ask the vetter some questions,
get them to give you the name of
whoever ordered the hit?
-[Monkey vocalizing]
And who's gonna do the talking?
The grunting monkey or the ghost?
Oh, shit. She's right.
[siren wailing]
Plus you're gonna need some backup.
-Hey, keep it in your case, lady.
-[Monkey vocalizes]
-Let's just let her come.
-She might be useful.
-[Monkey grunts]
Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Why'd you turn on Bleecker?
Uh, Monkey?
That's her, huh?
What are you doing?
Oh, no, no, no, no. Uh-uh.
Not cool, man, okay?
This is a whole thing, okay?
Just leave it.
[Monkey vocalizing]
-Monkey, shut up!
-[Monkey whines]
Look, I'm not gettin'
into this right now, okay?
Plus we could be ambushed
any second, okay?
Last thing I'd want to do
is turn this into
Take Your Daughter to Work Day.
Wait, what just happened?
[upbeat music playing]
[Bryce] Hmm.
Hot librarian was always
on my bucket list.
Grief comes in waves.
[Monkey vocalizes]
Hi, I'm looking for
[whispering] I'm looking for someone
by the name of Rosemary.
Well, you've found her.
-How can I help you?
-It's about your line of work.
You need a rare book?
I'm the head archivist.
We've got everything from papyrus
to the Gutenberg Bible and beyond.
They got Steve Guttenberg's Bible?
I would love to see that.
It's about your other line of work,
where you set people up to be killed.
I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
We need to know who set him up.
How did you get my name?
You shouldn't be here.
This is not the way things are done!
-[Rosemary shushes]
You're violating protocol!
-[bullet whizzes]
-[Rosemary grunts]
Uh, Monkey, was that you?
[bullets whizzing]
Gun, third floor.
Multiple, they're using silencers.
I can't get eyes on 'em.
[bullets whizzing]
-I'll handle it.
Monkey, I can do this.
Tell Lady Vengeance
to calm down, I got an idea.
And don't call attention to yourselves.
Last thing we need is the police.
[Monkey vocalizing]
Fine, we'll do it your way.
[Bryce] Okay, ready?
Three, two, one.
[dramatic music playing]
[whispering] Now.
Why do I keep whispering?
-[bullet whizzes]
-[shooter grunts]
[shooter groaning]
-[student shushes]
-[muffled gunshots]
[shooter groans]
[student coughing]
And the nerds are none the wiser. Classic.
I could've taken them.
[Rosemary coughing]
What the hell have you done?
[Monkey whines]
Those books are priceless.
Yeah, but they're probably
on Audible though, right?
-So no big loss.
-[Monkey huffs]
Rosemary, what happened here?
They think they're above everyone.
Oh, these power players.
They tortured me [coughs]
until I broke my code.
I'm so ashamed.
I'd ask my questions quick, guys.
Doesn't look like she's got
much time left.
Rosemary, who were those people?
[Rosemary] Listen carefully.
The Aldermen.
-The Aldermen control
-[bullets whizzing]
-[Monkey screeches]
[distorted] God damn you!
[all gasping]
-[body splotches]
-[student screaming]
[all screaming]
[Monkey vocalizes]
Holy shit, girl.
[Monkey whines]
So much for keeping
a low profile though, huh?
[alarm blaring]
She gave us a name and address.
Let's go.
[Monkey whimpers]
-[siren wailing]
-[dramatic music playing]
Geez, she could have meant
any one of these high-rises.
I gotta guess the spooky
castle-looking thing.
You know, the one with all
the snipers pointing at it?
Also a dead giveaway.
Oh, creepy.
This building actually has no address.
Doesn't show up on maps.
It's like it doesn't exist.
But here's our boy Charles LeHigh.
[Bryce] Whoa. Hot damn.
Guy's more mustache than man, huh?
-[Monkey grumbles] Oh, oh!
-We do too have a plan.
We just need to go in there
and get this human cheese curd alone,
do what we need to do to get him talkin',
find out why he ordered the fake hit
and who he's workin' for.
What do you mean we don't have a plan?
This is gonna be a huge problem.
There's no way I can just
waltz into this place.
I take it Bryce wants me
to waltz into this place?
-[Monkey vocalizes]
I'm a human. They're humans.
I'll just go knock on this giant door.
I'm here to be the talker, aren't I?
[gentle music playing]
Can I help you?
Just wondering if you have day passes.
For the squash courts.
It's members only.
-Then I'll join.
-Well, we're not taking new applicants.
Is this because I'm Asian?
Hey, Jerry.
Is it because I'm a woman?
[women giggling]
Is it because I'm
It's because you ask too many questions.
-[door slams]
-[Haruka sighs]
Yeah, we're gonna need
to shoot our way in.
[Monkey groaning]
Whoa, whoa. What's happening? Ow!
[Monkey grumbles]
Oh, relax. He deserves a day off.
This is going to be tough.
There are eyes everywhere.
And I mean that literally.
[Monkey vocalizing]
[zebra brays]
[bird clucking]
[blender whirring]
[Monkey gasping]
Yeah, these people are
into some weird shit.
Then again, I spent the '90s
eating nothing but cocaine, so
-[Monkey growling]
-Cool your jets, my friend.
This could be your opening.
Now come on, get naked.
[inquisitive grunting]
[guard] [over radio]
All clear in the right quadrant.
[guard 2] Got it.
Oh, my God. I never should
have left Minneapolis.
These fools have officially
run out of shit
to spend their money on.
[Haruka] Okay.
Shit. Mask trumps mustache.
I can't tell who anyone is.
[Bryce] Whoa, check out
the Manatee Massacre.
What, uh, what would you call this vibe?
Like, terrible person chic.
[classical music playing]
[tense music playing]
I don't know how we're
gonna find Charles LeHigh.
[bell tolling]
[group chanting indistinctly]
[Bryce] Look, that's our guy.
You think he tickles
his wife with that caterpillar?
[chanting continues]
[speaking through voice box]
We hail from depths unknown
to sing a song and sacrifice
our neighbor's blood and bone.
Alderee, alderoo, alderahh!
Alderee, alderoo, alderahh!
Monkey, are you seein' these wackadoos?
Dude? Hey, where are you?
Hey, come back.
Our talon grasp looms wide.
Let power and desire
-[Monkey whines]
-Okay, hang in there, tough guy.
Okay, we just gotta get
that mustache dude alone.
And Oh, great.
[Haruka] Monkey
[dramatic music playing]
[necklace shimmering]
-Oh ho ho, how quaint.
-[cloth rips]
And now my turn.
[Charles laughing]
-Oh, my God.
-[people screaming]
That sword does not belong to you, child.
Thank you for returning it
to the Aldermen,
its rightful keepers.
Now [shrieks]
[Monkey yelps]
Is it bad? Because it sounds kind of bad.
Charles, what are you doing?
Protect your holes!
[Monkey screeches]
[Charles grunting]
[alarm blaring]
Oh, right down the gooch.
Oh, damn.
The hormones they add
to kids' lunches these days
is no joke, huh?
No! We needed him alive.
[guard] Hey, over there!
[bullets pinging]
[gunfire continues]
[Monkey vocalizing]
[guard] Hey, what is that?
Oh, my God, look behind you!
[men screaming]
That's for Bambi, bitch.
Not to mention the manatees.
[man screams]
[Bryce] Hey, tell Haruka to move it.
Why is she still standing there?
[Monkey vocalizing]
-There he is!
-Get him!
That was unreal.
When LeHigh activated his power,
his eyes glowed yellow,
like I saw at
the police station shootout in Tokyo.
It seems like the sword
and the necklace charm are related,
almost like they were talking
to each other.
Uh, one question remains.
So, who is Charles LeHigh?
-And who is he working with?
-Two questions remain.
I wonder how many weapons are out there?
Three questions remain.
You know what, I'm gonna go ahead
and let you take lead on this one.
And who was the psycho six-year-old
and why do they want the sword so badly?
I'm going back to the apartment
to get some sleep.
-I'm exhausted.
-[Monkey vocalizing]
I said I need to go home!
Repent. Repent!
[demonic voice] Save yourself.
[evil laughter]
Uh, hey, how many guys
did you kill back there?
You know, like give or take?
Yeah, I'm gonna go with a baker's dozen.
Really kickin' butt today.
[Monkey groans]
Hey, chin up, little guy.
I know this stuff bums you out.
I get it.
And it seems like we got very little
in return for all the work we did today.
But here's the win.
The whole day, people were just
throwin' up barriers
and all we did was smile and nod
and didn't take no for an answer, right?
Wait, why are you smiling?
No, no, no, no.
Uh-uh, we're not going in there.
No, no, stop smiling.
Dude, I was bullshitting.
Take no for an answer. [grunts]
[door bell tinkles]
She's probably not even around, okay?
-L-let's just get the hell outta here.
-[manager] Iris!
Iris, do I pay you to chat or wait tables?
I don't know, both?
Ass for brains.
It's really her.
[Monkey whines]
Okay, well, congratulations,
you've just surpassed naked Larry
as my weirdest customer ever.
And what would you like to order?
You know my dad?
Okay. Well, give him this for me.
I haven't thought about him in years.
Oh, and what do you know?
I'm on break.
Break? You just got here.
There's no break.
Ah! Oy, idiota!
Who told you you could have a break?
If anybody's hungry
[elevator dings]
Never do that to me again.
-[Monkey whines]
-Eh-eh, don't even try.
[distorted] Violence is the only truth
in a world of everlasting pain.
Sacrifice and slaughter lead to glory
in our kingdom of anguish.
You have incurred a debt, little monkey,
a debt that you will pay with your blood.
Uh, Haruka.
I think your spam filter stopped working.
[Haruka] You will die.
With the death of The Call,
The Cooperative and the monkey
have now taken
five of our brethren.
On the bright side, we don't have
to listen to him sing anymore.
Show some respect.
This cannot stand.
The weaker among us
might have been vulnerable,
but we three can take care of ourselves.
We owe it to the fallen
to preserve our reign.
Your efforts thus far
have proven insufficient.
If you want it done right,
do it yourself.
["Skipping" by Eagulls playing]
It's not like the middle swept ♪
Does existence have
some more than this? ♪
See life like a broken record playin' ♪
Another scratch in the liberty's course,
this pain ♪
All I've ever wanted was an answer ♪
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