Krypton (2018) s02e02 Episode Script

Ghost in the Fire

1 Zod's plan is to conquer the entire universe, colonize other planets, rule over their people.
We already have a plan.
Wegthor, home of our resistance.
- If Brainiac escaped - Then maybe Seg did, too.
You killed Brainiac? All my life, all you have done is made me afraid.
Jayna, Vidar, you will follow in the footsteps of those who have come before you, or you will die trying.
Don't leave me here! Jayna! Jayna, Jayna.
How long do we wait for Nyssa? We don't.
She's either captured or dead, Val.
It is time for this resistance to end, and I need you to convince him of this.
And if I refuse? I will raise young Cor-Vex myself.
No, no! Shithead detected.
You little candy asses ain't felt nothing yet.
It's been six months, and we are still no closer to locating Doomsday.
Where are we looking? Sensors picked up something around Sector 2 Probably nothing.
Let's get in closer.
Hold on, I think I have something.
Where'd it go? Did we lose it? I can't see it on the [GASPS.]
- It's Val-El.
- That's Jax-Ur.
- Sir, thank you.
- Commander, thank you.
We're glad you're here.
Sir, thank you.
Commander, sir.
That bastard down there has stolen our better tomorrow.
We're stealing it back! [ALL CHEERING.]
What? Don't.
- Adam.
- What? Adam.
Adam! Wouldn't bother trying to get out of those chains.
Never going to happen.
This one? Nah, you're right.
Not disco enough for a big boy like you, is it? Ah This one.
Oh, he's awake.
He's having one of those happy dreams.
Wakey, wakey, hands off snakey.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, ain't you a little cutie? Oh, well, thank you.
I like to think so myself.
What's this? - That's my - Don't care.
Right, what do you say there, numbnuts? Ready for some fun? I think we should define fun first.
Uh, and also, my name is Seg-El, not "numbnuts.
" Anything you say, Seagull.
So I was thinking of getting my machete and cutting a teeny.
tiny little hole right there next to your teeny, tiny little belly button.
And then I was going to rip out those pesky intestines of yours, 'cause, I mean, who needs them? Uh, yeah, no, yeah, I need them.
Listen, uh, I don't know who you are Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's a joke, right? [TENSE MUSIC.]
He's a funny guy, right? He's a funny guy.
- Yeah, he is.
Doesn't know who I am.
That's good, I like it.
Almost had me going there for a second.
No, I'm being serious.
I don't know who you are.
You're in the presence of The Main Man.
The Main Man? Really? Come on! Assassin to Royalty? Scourge Of The Cosmos? The Last Czarnian? Ultimate Bastich? Machete Man, Mister Machete, Master Machete? Mister Frag, Master Frag? Archbishop of the First Celestial Church of the Triple Fish-God? None of this is ringing a bell? Son of a bastich! [BREATHING HEAVILY.]
Everyone knows who I am.
Wow, okay.
The name's Lobo.
- Thank you! [COUGHING.]
So you have heard of me, yeah? So then you'll know what my name means, yes? No? It means "he who devours his enemies' entrails and enjoys it.
I'm just jerkin' your gherkin, man.
I have no idea what it means.
I killed my parents before they could tell me, so Listen, uh, Lobo.
Uh, we don't want to waste your time.
So I got to tell you, I think you got the wrong guys.
I know I've got the wrong fraggin' guys! [BREATHING HEAVILY.]
I know.
It's why I'm going to use your intestines to strangle this saucy little minx.
And then I'm going to crack open his head and drop a big old dirty deuce inside his skull.
I'm I'm sorry.
I'm having a really hard time here understanding how those connect.
I mean, just the sheer fraggin' spectacle of it all ought to loosen up old Seagull's tongue over there so he can tell me where the frag the Green Gooch is! Wait! Wait.
Let me say just one thing.
Is it good-bye? Better make it good-bye.
It'd make more sense if it was good-bye.
How about Brainiac? That's who you're looking for, right? The Green Gooch? It's Brainiac.
You know, I've been spending a long time looking for that a-hole.
And then something activates the shithead scanner I left here, and when I arrive, what do I find? You two ass-smears and no Brainiac.
- Now, why is that? - Because he's dead.
- I killed him.
- You? [LAUGHS.]
With your long eyelashes and your beautiful, soft skin and that beautiful smell You smell like a meadow, nah.
It's a true story.
He really did.
I-I can vouch for him.
I can take you to the body if you want.
Counter proposal You tell me where his body is, or I paint the forest floor with your medulla oblongata.
No, no, no, no, no.
That's not going to happen.
See, we're going to take you to the body, you're going to let us go, and nothing is going to get painted.
Huh? Sound like a deal? [EXHALES DEEPLY.]
Fine! Have it your way.
But fair fraggin' warning.
If there is no body there when I arrive, best believe there will be two when I leave as in you and pretty pants over there.
- Oh, that sounds fair.
- Watch your eyes.
Report just in Doomsday took out two of our skimmers in the Outlands.
Both pilots were killed.
Comm chatter suggests they engaged first.
Well, we knew capture would be a challenge.
- But at least we have a - A challenge? They didn't stand a chance, and neither pilot knew they were signing up for a suicide mission.
- They were Sagitari.
Like you and I, they knew the risk.
Speak your mind.
Doomsday aside, our casualties on Wegthor are absolutely unacceptable.
And it's because they are not Sagitari like you and I, not even close.
They are ex-Rankless conscripts, and slapping a uniform on them and handing them a blaster doesn't change that.
- What do you propose? - Send me up there.
Let me assess their abilities, better integrate them with more seasoned Sagitari.
Give me a chance.
I can get them into shape, and we can finally end this war.
You're right.
For many of them, basic training was rushed by necessity.
That needs to change.
And I agree, you would make an excellent instructor but here, in Kandor.
No, no that's not what I'm saying.
I know what you're saying, and this is me saying no.
Yes, General.
I can't have anything happen to you up there.
I need you close.
Besides, with the plan we've put in motion, the battle for Wegthor will soon be over, and the Resistance will be shattered.
So you can breathe on the surface.
You've got a long hike ahead of you.
The Rebels are that way.
Oh, I'm sorry, did I stutter? Move! And not a word of a lie That mother-fragger gets my entire city and puts it inside a fraggin' bottle! - A bottle.
- Yeah, Brainiac will do that.
I ain't finished.
I ain't finished.
So what happens next? Oh, well, that's a great question thank you for asking.
After that, the moldy douche-baguette proceeds to destroy my entire fraggin' planet, and then get a load of this Then pisses off in his massive, clearly "overcompensating for something" ship.
Wait, Brainiac killed your entire race? Exactly.
Well, ye no.
Truth be told, they were already dead.
I kind of created a swarm of scorpion-rattlers - to kill them all.
- Mm-hmm.
You know what the worst thing is, though? I'd just gotten the joint just the way I like it, you know? Head off planet for a little assassination vacation, only to return home to find that there is no home.
My home, gone.
You know, I can relate with that.
- Yeah, you can? - Yeah.
- When I got back, same thing - Don't care.
Probably not much further now.
It's about 7.
29 minutes.
Hey, and once we get to him, we say our good-byes.
Right, that's the deal.
That's the deal.
The Main Man always keeps his word.
Right, we get back to Krypton.
Oh, did you just say Craptown? - No, I said - Craptown! [LAUGHING.]
You make me laugh, man.
He's from Craptown! [LAUGHS.]
Hey, you're funny, man.
Craptown sounds like a musical with puppets.
"Oh, hello, my name's Seagull, and I'm the mayor of Craptown.
" "Hello, Seagull.
I'd watch the shit out of Craptown.
What's the rush? What's so special about Craptown? Well, for a start, it's 19.
138 million light-years from here.
Oddly specific but okay.
How did you know that? I don't know.
Remember the story Father used to tell us? He told us a lot of stories.
- The one about the fire bird.
- Flamebird.
That's the one.
It was a Raoist creation story.
Rao was father to all the gods, but Flamebird and her brother, Vohc, were his first.
Vohc was charged with building the world and Flamebird with burning it all down.
Can you remember why? It was all about rebirth.
The cycle would constantly repeat.
The world would be cleansed through Flamebird's fire, then replenished once Vohc rebuilt it.
With each cycle, Vohc was inspired to reimagine his work, striving for perfection, until, finally they created the planet Krypton we know today.
And that is why you never mistake passion for strength.
Who's next? Come on, nothing to be afraid of.
This is how we build Sagitari Practice, regimen, discipline, training.
One session, one movement at a time.
We build our skills.
We build our resolve.
- You.
- Me? Do I have to come and drag you down myself? Hand-to-hand or a weapon of your choice.
Never hesitate.
It gives your opponent the advantage.
Get up.
Is that all you've got? [BREATHING HEAVILY.]
- Ask for mercy! - No.
Ask for mercy! Yes, mercy! [GRUNTS.]
Well, Seagull, I take it all back.
It looks like Brainiac was shit-panned and mined for gold.
Just got to double-check, see? Piss off.
Is it maybe check it again.
Yeah, check check it again.
He's not going to find Brainiac.
What? He's not going to find Brainiac.
- Why? Where is he? - Here's my problem, boys.
The sensor isn't registering any Brainiac.
But the scanner the shithead scanner told me that he is on this planet.
So, once more, with a cherry on top, where the frag is he? [CHUCKLES.]
- Um, I think he knows.
- Wow.
Let me try and explain something to you ladies.
You see, you didn't keep your part of the bargain, which means that I have to gut one of you while the other tries really hard to answer my first question.
The second question being whose insides will become their outsides first! - Whoa, whoa, hey! - You? - Hey, unsubscribe! - Don't do this.
- We don't have to do this - Shut up! I told you, I'm a man of my word.
Well, well, well [LAUGHS.]
How about that for a fraggin' twist? It looks like Brainiac is in you.
We have the advantage in the tunnels, but we're no match topside.
We need to draw them underground, make them fight on our terms.
Agreed, but our men need food, rest, medical attention.
- Nyssa? - Nyssa! It's okay, it's okay.
She's with us.
We thought we'd never see you again.
What's happened to you? You look a sight.
Are you all right? [BREATHING HEAVILY.]
Dru-Zod sent me up here to be his eyes and ears.
- Tell us what you mean.
- He has Cor-Vex.
- She's Zod's spy.
- He took my baby.
I need your help to get him back.
I know you may not believe me, but Zod gave me no choice.
I would never betray you.
There's some information that I have.
I think it could help the cause.
Well, all right.
Tell us what it is.
Sensors on Krypton show that there's going to be a solar flare today.
Its radiation will temporarily disable all communication for about two hours.
Zod has been using these flares as windows to bring in more supplies.
He is planning on moving them across the southern perimeter.
And how did you come about this information? A Sagitari in Kandor still loyal to my father even after his death.
Daron is dead? What happened? Executed in cold blood by Lyta-Zod.
You were right.
It was a trap.
That's how they got me.
They used my father as bait.
Nyssa, I'm sorry.
I know your relationship with Daron was complicated, but I doubt it makes it any easier.
If this information about the solar flare is true, it could be very useful to us.
I'll look into it.
Don't let her out of your sight.
You know what surprises me, Seagull? That Brainiac chose you for a campground.
Honestly, I would have bet on the hot blonde.
We don't have to do this, Lobo.
We could just talk this out, calmly.
Nope, nada, no can do, decision made.
I am going to stomp the Green Gooch right the frag out of you.
I don't think you want to do that.
You thought wrong, Seagull.
Whoo! Two for two.
How'd you do that? I think I have telekinetic powers! Oh, little loud Your mouth didn't move.
Holy shit.
I have telepathy, too.
- Ah! - Really? Hey! Is that it? [EXHALES SHARPLY.]
Not even close.
Brainiac, if you're in there, I've come here to find you and put you in a world of hurt.
Damn, Seagull.
I was going to kill you last.
Oh, well.
- Shh, shh, shh, shh.
You're my little pony now.
It looks as though your intel was right.
The Sagitari supply line Food, oxygenators, medical supplies Originates from the Elevator and cuts a large southerly loop to drop-off points throughout.
So we'll divert a faction to the south and target the weakest part of their supply chain.
If this works, it will be a much-needed victory.
Glad to hear it.
And it will work.
We'll know soon enough.
- I'm sorry about all this.
- No need.
I would have done the same thing.
It's war.
It is.
Since I last saw you, everything has turned upside down.
With my father, with Cor-Vex Just try to stay strong.
We will get your son back.
Did you find what you were looking for? In Bokos? No.
And now I never will.
That's Daron.
Even in death, he still manages to disappoint.
You must be tired after your journey.
Rest, eat.
If you need anything, just ask.
Whoo! Come on, Brainiac, show me that little ugly mug of yours, or I am going to cut open your new home from tip to taint and drag you out myself.
Have it your way.
Oh, God, I think I got some Lobo juice went in my mouth.
- [SPITS.]
- You're welcome.
That's gross.
Why is he doing that? Oh, yeah, that.
He's got this healing-factor thingy.
He'll be brand-spanking-new in - 3.
14 minutes.
- Okay, okay.
Yeah, shut up and run.
I always thought it was a myth that Outlanders could breathe out here without respirators, but it's true.
Enough time out here, and your physiology really does adapt.
If only we knew that back then.
I should have gone back for you.
I shouldn't have listened to him.
- I'm sorry.
- You didn't have a choice.
Father didn't give us one, did he? Training us to be brutal, vicious warriors.
Turning us against each other to prove our worth, to prove ourselves to him.
It's what I did to Lyta.
Of course my daughter did this to me as I did what I did to you.
I refuse to perpetuate that cycle.
The House of Zod builds killers! I won't do it anymore.
That's enough for today.
Cadet, stay a moment after class? Primus.
That was quite a turn you gave me there.
You told us to give you our best.
You don't know what your best is yet.
- What's your name? - Lor-Ran.
And where are you from, Cadet Ran? Sector Six.
The Old Rankless District.
I-I knew someone from there once.
He, uh he meant a lot to me.
He wouldn't do that.
I'm sorry.
You're not him.
I thought we were What did I do? You're not him.
Would you judge me if I told you that I peed a little bit back there? Because that guy is a freaking psychopath.
I mean, I thought that we were toast for sure, till you opened up a family-size can of whup-ass.
- Yeah, we got lucky.
- Lucky? No, you're going to have to do better than that.
I mean, what the hell, man? You and Brainiac are, like, together? - What's going on? - I'm not sure, okay? I d-don't understand it myself.
Well, why don't you use a little bit of that extra brain juice to figure it out? I mean, we got to know how this thing works.
Are you guys just sharing a body - or DNA intertwined or - I don't know! [TENSE MUSIC.]
- I don't know.
- Okay.
I can't remember anything.
Okay, because it seemed different to what happened to Rhom and the Voice of Rao.
I mean, with them, Brainiac definitely had the wheel, and they were just passengers.
But you with you, it's it's like Wait.
You're you're in the driver's seat, right? Yeah.
I don't know.
- Oh, God.
Hey, are you okay? [GRUNTS.]
I don't know if I'm gonna be able to hold him off much longer.
Uh, okay.
How long you think you got? How should I know, Adam? Right, right.
37 hours.
Okay, that is annoyingly precise.
It's all right.
We're going to be fine.
If anyone can figure it out, it's You wouldn't happen to know how to get in touch with Val real quick, would you? - What? - No, we're fine.
It's fine, fine.
Just need to, uh, get to that maniac's picnic spot and get the Zeta-Beam.
It'll be fine.
I'm coming for you, you bastiches! [WHOOSHING IN THE DISTANCE.]
Would you like to tell me what happened? I tried to find out from Cadet Ran, but he couldn't say on account of his broken jaw, amongst other injuries.
Will he be all right? Depends.
Are you planning on visiting him? Then I expect he'll be fine.
For a moment, he He reminded me of someone.
And it faded, like like a memory just out of reach.
That person can't be replaced.
Can't be built over.
I look down at the city.
All of these changes It's truly visionary.
But where you see progress I see what isn't there anymore what I've lost.
And sometimes it's all I can see.
And, uh, I don't know how to go on.
Wait right here.
This is how you go on.
This child is the future.
- The child of Nyssa-Vex? - The child of Seg-El.
Go on, hold him.
Seg sacrificed himself because he believed in Krypton.
How could his sacrifice possibly serve Krypton? - He's gone.
- Because his legacy lives on In Cor, in me and in you.
We both lost someone important to us someone irreplaceable.
But if you want to make my father's sacrifice count if you want to heal the pain you must let go of the past.
Embrace the future.
Help me build a new one for Seg.
He looks just like his father.
Well here we are.
Time for me to continue on my own.
Thank you.
I couldn't have come this far without you, brother.
Good-bye, Vidar.
- Help you? - I'll take a drink.
We're all out of everything.
Sure about that? Sagitari scum aren't welcome here.
You must be mistaking me for someone else.
Rondor piss, you're Jayna-Zod.
Like I said, you've got the wrong person.
And like I said, you're Jayna-Zod.
Anyone else think I'm Jayna-Zod? Didn't think so.
You're late.
You were meant to check in hours ago.
It's not that easy.
They have a guard watching me full-time.
Did you pass on the information? Yes, but they're still suspicious.
Then you need to regain their trust quickly, because I need you to find the Codex and then bring it to me.
So this is where the drunks and the derelicts are Hiding out in the snow when there's a civilized society just a skimmer's ride away.
We're not sweeping up fugitives for cannon fodder.
Today's a special assignment.
We're looking for a traitor.
Used to be one of our own.
Might even be some credits in it for anyone offering assistance.
Jayna-Zod? - Dev.
- Hello, Jayna.
Long time.
Got it.
All right, let's get out of here.
Who knows how far away that crazy bastard is? - [DEVICE WHIRS.]
- Okay, this is it, buddy.
It's going to take some cracker-jack timing.
You ready to get back to Krypton? - You can't do that.
- Whoa.
Your eyes are getting blacker by the minute.
- Is it still you in there? - Mostly.
Listen, Adam - I can't go back to Krypton.
- What? - What are you talking about? - Listen If we beam home with Brainiac still in here, then he's going to come with us, and we can't risk that.
It must end for Brainiac here.
We'll figure a way to get him out of you, and then we go.
Either that, or you kill me.
- What, what? - You kill me.
- You understand me? - No.
No! Adam, Adam, this is bigger than me.
This is bigger than me.
I need you to promise.
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