Mistresses (2008) s02e02 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 2

(JESSICA WHOOPING) (LAUGHING) Welcome to your new home, Mrs Hardy.
Oh, wow.
Hey, come here.
ANSWERPHONE: You have four new messages.
Hi, it's me,Jess.
Get off, I'm on the phone.
Listen,just where did you and Doctor Dan disappear off to last night? Call me when you surface.
Hi Katie.
Just calling to see how it all went with that dishy doctor last night.
Okay, bye.
Hey, love.
It's Siobhan.
Look, I've tried you several times.
Will you call me? Okay, on my way back from the airport.
Anyway, your silence has been noted and we're assuming that you now have a boyfriend.
-Trudi, Trudi.
What about these? -Uh, what are they? -Records.
-Um, do you listen to them? -Yeah, sometimes.
-Box room.
-Uh, box room, up top.
I'll show you.
-Oops, sorry.
(GLASS CRASHING) Oh, please be careful.
-Oh, yes.
-Hey, good morning.
Don't I get a good morning, don't I? Aren't you gonna be late? -Hi.
Did I Did I leave something behind? What? No, no, no.
I just thought you might like a coffee and a lift to work.
Oh, right.
What if I've already had a coffee? Okay, then there's always the lift.
JESSICA: W-W-W-What? -I've got something to show you.
-What are you up to? -Ta-da and ta-da.
-Oh, oh! Oh, my God, look! Look what you did.
-Oh, God, you are good.
-I know.
Very good.
Richard! Your stuff is everywhere.
RICHARD: That's it, Greg.
Erm, up to the top room.
-Everything all right? -Yeah, fine.
-Save me couple of those, yeah? -Okay.
Get off me, you cheeky boy.
-Good morning, Carrie.
-Hello, happy couple.
-Oh, she loved the wardrobes.
-I'm thrilled.
It was Carrie that moved it all in, organised the shoes.
Yes, but I wasn't sure about a couple of the mules.
They're a bit past it, but I had them re-heeled.
MARK: Oh, great.
Thanks, Carrie.
That's really kind.
Right, I'm off to work.
-So, come here.
-Say hi to Simon.
-I will.
And I'll give him your love too, Carrie.
All right.
Come on, you.
Lass, what are you doing for lunch? Oh, I was just gonna work straight through.
Really? Well, good for you.
-Ooh, sorry.
Can I go first? -First? Well, yeah, I'd go second, but it's your car, so you probably need the keys.
Uh, do you mind if I ask why? -Do you need to? -I think I do, yeah.
-Well, I'm new here.
-I'd spotted that.
And as you so perceptively pointed out the first day we met, -I'm not your average house officer.
-Well, you're above average.
I just don't want people talking about me.
But what would they be saying exactly? Well, I don't know, uh She's only been here a week and already she's banging one of the surgeons.
(LAUGHING) Banging? Right.
But it was a little bit more than that though, wasn't it? Oh, God.
Yes, yes.
Oh, yes.
Good, good.
(EXHALING) Right, well, whatever you say.
Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Do you want me to count to 50 or 100? -Good morning.
New client for us, divorce case.
Bitterness, recrimination, huge hourly fees.
-So cynical.
The name's McCormack.
According to Duggan, he asked specifically for you.
How can I refuse? Right.
-How was Rome? -What the hell is going on? -KATIE: Morning.
-Had a good weekend? -Yeah, good.
-How was the wedding? You know weddings.
Bad food, worse speeches, pointless inebriation.
-Over-attentive surgeons.
-Jack, stop it.
What? You're the one going on about getting a new hat.
I was not.
-I wasn't.
-Yeah, well.
I should get on too.
You total arse.
It's not like it was a secret or anything.
It was just a little kiss in the corner.
It wasn't even the whole banana.
-But to Miranda it was -The straw that broke the camel's back.
Well, I wouldn't exactly call her a camel.
Oh, it's a saying, Simon.
An adage, okay.
Anyway, even if she's kicked you out, it still doesn't explain what you're doing sleeping on our sofa.
She's taken all my money out, too.
-But she can't.
-She's the majority shareholder, Jess.
-She can.
-But -No, we've only just moved in.
-I'm sorry.
You know, it'll be quite the wrong thing to use.
Mr McCormack.
Siobhan Dhillon.
If you'll, um, excuse me for one moment.
And you can let us have an itemisation of your assets.
Of course.
My accountant will get them to you this afternoon.
See you soon.
It was a pleasure to meet you.
Perhaps we could have that drink sometime.
What are you doing? I'd have thought that was obvious.
-Mm -So.
Not working through lunch after all, then? -Work.
-Ah, I see.
Hey, hands off.
That's not what you said yesterday.
Look, Dan.
What is it exactly that you think is going on between us? Um Oh, I haven't felt the need to classify it just yet.
-No? -No.
Because your friends seem to think that this is the beginning of some sort of romance or something.
Oh, no.
(DAN LAUGHING) Oh, come on.
They're my friends.
You know, they get a bit over-excited by the idea that my long years in the wilderness might be drawing to a close.
Well, let me just help you out there.
They're not.
Oh, so just sex, then.
Because that's fine, if that's the case.
Why don't we just classify things right now? Nothing, here's what I think is going on between us.
Just a 48-hour bang.
Okay? Uh, Dominic.
This case -McCormack? -Yeah, do you want it? Uh Yeah, sure.
-What about Duggan? -Don't worry about Duggan.
It's my call.
-Then I'll take it.
Do you mind if I ask why? I just mean, it is unlike you to pass up such a big case.
It'sit's just the hours.
I'mI'm just trying to spend some more time at home.
So -Sure.
-RICHARD: Excited? -TRUDl: Uh-huh.
A little.
You will remember me when you're rich and famous, won't you? When you're on TV licking macaroon mix off your fingers in suggestive ways.
What did you spend ?3,000 on? What do you mean? What are you talking about? Oh, oh.
Well, I I saw one of your bank statements that you'd left in the kitchen.
What? Richard.
Richard, it fell on the floor and I saw it.
Are you interested in becoming my bank manager? 'Cause I can warn you, it's a pretty tough job.
Here, let me help you with that.
I'm Lucas, by the way.
Oh, right.
-Of course.
You two haven't met.
-Trudi's fiance.
Hello, mate.
Look, I really need to go, so I'll see you later.
-Um (DOOR OPENING) (SIGHING) I gather you gave McCormack to Dominic.
That's right.
I thought, let him get his teeth into something big.
Sure you did.
But you didn't think that was a decision that required some consultation? No, I didn't.
I'm a partner here.
The client needed assigning.
I assigned him to Dominic.
The client asked for you.
The client is going to take his business elsewhere if he doesn't get you.
I do not want him taking his business elsewhere.
I was just passing and I remembered that I Wanted to borrow your egg whisk.
-You're whisking eggs? -Yeah, I am.
Okay, now.
-Oh, man.
I needed that.
-It's really that bad? Well, I mean, we're gonna do everything we can, but I know, you'll end up being a lady of leisure, spending your husband's money on spa treatments.
-And silk underwear.
No way.
I'm like you, you know.
I'm not cut out to just stay at home all day.
I don't know.
I sometimes feel it's everything I ever wanted.
Oh, this bloody (ELSA CRYING) Hey, hey.
What is it? Come here.
-Come here, come here, darling.
-Thank you.
(SIOBHAN SIGHING) -It's nothing.
It's fine.
Really, it's nothing.
Has it got something to do with whatever it is that has you and Hari sleeping in separate bedrooms? How long's it been going on for? Well, since, since Elsa.
Since Dominic.
You and Hari haven't had sex for 18 months? So why do you sneak out in the middle of the night? Sweetheart, I saw you.
Is there something going on between you and Dominic again? No, there isn't.
Bloody hell.
I'm surprised you even have to ask that.
Yeah, I don't sleep very well.
So sometimes, I go out and I drive.
I just drive, okay.
-Okay? -Okay.
He's single, he's charming.
And for my money, he obviously adored you.
It's not him who's complicated, Katie, it's you.
What are you so scared of? That I won't be able to do it, that I'll get it wrong.
Or he'll be a shit.
Or disappoint me or die.
-Anyway, let's talk about you.
-Uh, I'm good.
Uh, apart from the fact that Richard just spent a vast amount of money, which we haven't got, and refuses to tell me what he spent on.
-How much money was it? -Uh, ?3,000.
Well, he's been on his own a long time.
He's used to dealing with his own affairs and he's only just moved in.
I think he's entitled to a bit of autonomy.
I think you should trust him.
Because Richard isn't Paul.
He just isn't.
No, I know.
I know.
-Do you still want that whisk? -Not really, no.
Where's your corkscrew? Right of the cooker.
-Right of the cooker.
-What? Oh.
See, mine was just in a drawer.
-A normal corkscrew it was, I liked it.
-I'll get you one.
Can you get me a map as well to show me where everything is? I'll do anything for you.
Will you bail out a bankrupt events company? Sorry.
-Here's the thing.
The answer's no.
Because I will not mix business with me and you.
-Okay? -Okay.
What I will do, however, is I will text you the mobile phone numbers of three people who might well be able to help you.
The rest will be down to your considerable powers of persuasion.
Is that all right with you? It's just fine.
Thank you.
HARl: This isn't right.
-Hm? -I'd like us to get some help.
-I want things to be better, too.
I do.
I want to find a way.
-Good night.
-Good night.
How was the rest of your day? Very good.
Yours? Uh, fine, thank you.
Well, apart from worrying that you think I'm a paranoid busybody.
And that you're seriously reconsidering spending the rest of your life with me.
You know, I find it impossible to read in bed these days.
Why? Well, there are so many other things I could be doing.
-Uh? I was wondering, have you seen Dan? Once or twice in my life, yeah.
It's just that I saw him yesterday.
-And he was leaving with Oh, I don't know, she was some sort of junior or something.
-Long brown hair? -Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I know the one.
She's gorgeous.
-Was he, uh -Was he what? Oh God! Was he with her last night? Katie, I have absolutely no idea what he was doing last night.
All I know is that the last time I saw him, he spent the whole time talking about how unique you are.
I tried to warn him off you, but I couldn't.
Because I agree with him entirely.
Right, so we've got Mark's three contacts -and you've got the old clients? -The loaded ones, yeah.
And the team, they know what they're doing? -They do.
-And at what time? -Yup.
-It's one chance, Simon.
Let's take it.
Uh, Trudi.
I think this might help.
Really? -Thank you.
-Don't mention it.
No, he should be on his mobile.
When? Sorry.
Meet you there? No, okay, that's fine.
-Got to go? Yeah, uh, someone wants to go and view Richard's house and the estate agent can't track him down.
(SIGHING) Then, go.
(LAUGHING) Thank you.
-See you.
With a chicken like that, you wouldn't want to eat them all at once.
(ALL LAUGHING) So, as you can see, we are all about comfort and fun.
Experiences, both corporate and social, that take people away from the stresses of the everyday, and allow them to party or do business in the most exceptional surroundings.
Thank you.
Are there any questions? Two summers ago, Autograph Events produced a party for my 20th wedding anniversary.
There were 200 people fed and watered on Madagascan prawns and Dom Perignon.
Oh, that was a great party.
I'm sure Mr Bennett thinks so.
Not least because between the main course and the dessert, he had sex with my wife in the rose garden.
I won't be investing.
Let's take a break, shall we? Here's a selection of the kind of entertaining we do specialise in.
Simon, I think it's important to stress that if we're gonna have any chance of saving this company and taking it into the future, you're gonna have to stop screwing our clients.
TOM: Anyone mind if we break for some lunch? -No, not at all.
I'm starving.
-Yeah, we can send out for sandwiches.
I thought we'd go out.
Oh, I'd love to, but I think I've got way too much to do here.
Oh, you have, haven't you? Siobhan? -Uh, I don't think I -Really, I insist.
I can't bear sandwiches.
It's my treat.
Well then, lunch will be fine.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I feel that I should reassure you of something.
I have no desire to invade your life, Siobhan.
I don't want to know about your home, your family.
I'm not even particularly interested in your work.
What's of interest to me is whether you're going to be coming to my hotel again? I won't be.
That part of my life is finished with now.
See, I've always felt that guilt was an irrelevant emotion.
No one should ever feel that it is wrong to seek release from the difficulties of their lives.
I can be that for you.
And as for one part of your life being finished, well, perhaps another one's about to begin.
Here you are.
I need to ask you something again.
I need to ask you something, too.
Are you going to tell me who she was? -Sorry? -I saw you.
-Saw me what? -At yours.
The estate agent rang because you weren't answering your phone and I went there to let him in and I saw you.
Well, at least I know where the money went.
Trudi, no, no, no.
That's not what you saw.
No, no, no.
You please do not lie to me any more.
Stop this now.
You're wrong.
I don't blame you, but you're wrong.
She's a client.
But she was upset and you went to her.
Yes, she was because I dumped her.
She has serious, serious debt issues, and I had to tell her that I wasn't gonna help her any more.
I knew there was gonna be a scene, that's why I met her there.
It's the truth.
Oh, God, why do I always do this? I just imagine the worst all the time.
-I can't bear it.
You don't have to.
The only thing you have to worry about is the fact that I love you.
This is what you spent the money on.
I love you so much.
Oh! -Put it on me.
-Yes, of course.
-TRUDl: It's beautiful.
-Yeah, it's not bad.
-It's beautiful.
-You like it, really? I really do.
-I'm sorry.
-It's all right.
I'm going to cry now.
Many businesses have been hit by the credit crunch, but as our forecasts demonstrate, it's merely a matter of guiding us through these choppy waters to the calm blue seas that lie beyond.
We know you want to think about things, so please take as much time as you need.
We think it's an excellent price for a share in such a promising future.
Thank you.
-How are you? -Uh, good.
-I wanted to apol -Look, if there's something Sorry.
-DAN: She can't hear you.
-Oh, good.
Good, fine.
Oh, you said something about wanting to apologise? I did, I did.
Um, about yesterday, what I said, I regret a lot of it.
Oh, which Which bits? -Um, the fairytale thing? -Oh! Being fine about it just being -A 48-hour bang.
-Yes, that.
Yeah, I'm sorry about that, too.
-Can I Can I ask you a question? -Of course.
It's stupid, really.
It's a girly sort of question, but That girl I saw you leaving with yesterday.
Oh I'm afraid I can't tell you it was nothing.
She's someone I was seeing before you came along.
Right, right.
Before you came along and she receded into complete insignificance.
But look, can we, erm, can we take it slowly? Get back to heavy petting? No, no, I mean, just don't introduce me to your parents yet, all right? I cross my heart.
Good work, Richard.
It is gorgeous, Trud.
Yeah, it is, Trud.
(DOORBELL RINGING) Wow, you'd better get it resized, otherwise someone's gonna get it in their cupcake.
It's lovely.
-You okay? I'm sorry about yesterday.
-No, I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry because I'm supposed to be your friend not your interrogator.
-So come here.
-Oh! Love.
Is everything all right? I mean, you understand why I haven't told you, don't you? It's not just about me, it's Hari's issue as well.
Of course, I understand, yeah.
I mean, after having kids Well, it just puts such a pressure on both of you.
Well, anyway, we're talking now and we're gonna be getting help.
Yeah, and you'll get there, I know you will.
It gets better.
But, Siobhan, 18 months, I can't believe you've been coping with this by yourself.
-Well, anyway, wedding catch-up.
-So, Trudi gets engaged.
-And Katie gets laid.
-Oh, yeah.
Oh, God, I wasn't the only one, she did as well.
Ah, she's the bride, she's supposed to.
And you were supposed to be committed to this vow of chastity.
All right, all right, I'm a very bad woman.
And judging by the looks of him, he's a very bad man.
-Is he? -I'm not telling you that.
Come on, come on.
I saw you on the dance floor.
He kissed you on the dance floor and then what happened? Then I You knew what happened, I came over to you and got -I hope he's better than all my men.
-Did he drag you upstairs and do you? That's so awful.
(DOORBELL RINGING) Oh, dear, what have you forgotten? Ah, Simon, you got some news? -I have.
-So, they loved us.
-How many offers did we get? Two, three? -Jess It was brilliant and I'm sure they loved it, but We didn't get any.
No What Wait, that's not right.
Well, we'll have to go back, um (SIGHING) Yeah, see what they need to change their minds.
We'll get the masseurs in this time.
Yeah, d'you remember the masseurs? We'll get the masseurs and the cocktails.
Jess, it's too much money.
For all of them, they love us, but It's over.
I'm sorry.
-Hello? -MARK: Hello.
-Hey, how are you? How are the girls? Ah, yeah, yeah, great.
(CLUB MUSIC PLAYING) We've come out actually.
-Where are you? -Um, you know Good to see you We're at that, you know, that new club.
Um, where are you? Hey? Say that again,Jess.
I can't hear you.
Where are you? Oh, one thing led to another and one of the guys got a suite in a hotel.
Mark, look, I can't hear you, so I'll see you when I see you, okay? (MUSIC STOPS) (SIGHING) RICHARD: It's comfortable, it's a good fit.
(TRUDI LAUGHING) It's a little big.
I can't wait to be married to you.
Oh, have you had any luck tracking Natalie down? I have actually.
I wrote to her parents.
They've got an address for her, somewhere in Spain.
That's great, isn't it? Yeah, it is.
Just need to get the papers drawn up.
Well, it's great for Amy, too.
I mean, she can go on holidays, get to know her mum.
(SIGHING) Oh! I don't think that's gonna be happening.
Why not? Does she not want to see her? She's never asked to.
Never said there was a time when she would.
Oh, God, that's just awful.
To think that she wouldn't want her.
I just think it's better that Amy comes to accept the fact that she's gone and that she has you instead.
And she does.
I love her just as much as my own girls, you know that, don't you? Yeah, I do.
(BOTH SNICKERING) I want to welcome you to my home.
Understated, I like it.
Now listen, I've been thinking about what you said earlier, the taking it slow bit? I really am fine with it.
-I mean, when you get to our age -Hey, careful No, no, no.
You know, you come to expect a certain amount of history, -but But here's the thing.
-Mm-hm? I stand by what I said before.
I don't wanna know.
-That's gone, all right? -Thank you.
Oh, sorry, sorry.
So the order of business, Mr Jones, Mrs Abdul, -then Mrs Jacobs.
-I'm really sorry.
For God's sake, Roden, some of us are trying to save lives around here.
Did he talk like that to you at med school? Always.
How did you know we were at med school together? Everyone knows.
What I'm wondering, though, is whether anything That's a very long time ago, Vicky.
You were probably still learning how to read properly.
-It's obvious.
-Don't be silly.
Why is it silly that someone should have a crush on you? It isn't, but Lucas doesn't.
He does.
I can tell, because so do I.
Ow! So what are you doing later? Well, I'm gonna do this delivery and then I'm gonna go get the ring resized.
I thought you said it was perfect.
-Oh -Ding.
Well, now I do hope you're not trying to apologise here.
No, no, just trying to brighten up your morning, baby.
Well, that's all right, then.
Is everything ok? (SIGHING) You now have an unemployed wife.
-It didn't work? -No.
I'm sorry.
But look at it this way, you are now a woman of leisure.
Free to do whatever and, you know, whoever you want.
Fool around with your husband in Madrid on a school night.
Oh, easy, your intentions are wearing me out.
Oh, yes, it's my life's main ambition.
Oh! Hm, somebody's been a busy boy.
You know what, um I think I'd better go into the office and help Simon administer the last rites.
So Hello.
Um, I'd like to have my ring resized.
My engagement ring.
-How long does it take? -A few days.
We have to send them away.
Oh, right.
Well, what if something happens to it? Is it insured? How much would you like to insure it for? Ah, ?3,000.
Because it's only worth around 250.
-My fiance paid ?3,000 for this.
-Really? And did he get a certificate? Of authenticity.
I don't know.
-Well, it's a diamond set in platinum.
-It's not.
No flaws, no sparkle.
It's cubic zirconia set in sterling silver.
Okay, thank you.
Yeah, I will, I will.
Yeah, okay, I've gotta go.
Well, you look undismayed.
-The day is saved.
-How? Miranda, I went to see her last night.
What can I say? She hates me, but she loves me.
Well, I think I know how she feels.
Are you serious? She's just put the money back in? (DOOR OPENING) -Ladies, please.
-Who are they? Well, I need a new assistant, so I'm interviewing.
That's great, Jess.
That's fantastic news.
I know it's amazing, isn't it? I just wish we could Just wish I could find a position.
Almost too amazing.
You'll help me celebrate tonight, won't you, or shall I come back now? Ah, that sounds lovely, but Carrie's got these calls lined up all afternoon.
-You'll find someone else, won't you? -Yeah, of course.
Don't worry about that.
Thank you all very much for coming.
-I'll see you tonight.
-All right baby, bye.
So, which one got it? I haven't decided yet, so they're all coming back again tomorrow.
You know, I must say I was I was very impressed with your ingenuity.
-Thanks, Jess.
-Don't mention it.
Is there anything I can help you with? Well, yeah There is something Jess, you're married now.
I mean, recently married.
Since when has that been a problem for you? Well, I don't know since You just can't mess with people's lives like that.
Are you possessed? Maybe, maybe.
Never mind.
You know, I'm not actually that bothered that he bought me an engagement ring for ?250.
What I wanna know is what he spent ?3,000 on and why he's lying to me about it.
Trudi, come on.
He wouldn't know a diamond ring from a shard of glass, no man would.
He probably just got ripped off.
I wish I could believe that.
-Then why don't you? -Because Because everything about it just feels wrong.
What are you gonna do? Mrs Dhillon, that's just arrived for you.
Oh, that's okay.
Thanks very much.
Oi, Roden, don't forget the sick people.
Oh, bollocks, late again.
I gotta go.
Oh, no, no, no, wait, wait Oh, no, seriously, I'm late.
Wait -So if we just take a look at the -Sorry.
-Katie, it's almost three.
-I know, I'm sorry.
-What have you been doing? -It's all right, Vicky.
She was delayed by the surgical department.
Oh, no problem.
Hi, Dominic.
Oh, hi, Jess, how you doing? -Okay.
-You looking for Siobhan? Yeah, yeah, I was actually.
She's bunked off, I'm afraid, with Hari.
Oh, well Hari, if you think back to that time, 18 months ago, how did you feel? Humiliated.
Anything else? Angry.
Terribly angry.
Siobhan, same question.
And how about now? The same.
I still feel the same.
-Shall we go and check on Elsa? -Wait, please.
I'm glad we did that.
Hari, please.
That you still felt that way.
I didn't know.
Neither did I.
-But you have to forgive me sometime.
-I know.
This is horrible.
I'm sorry.
I don't want you to be sorry.
I want you to love me.
I do love you.
I do love you, Siobhan.
I do love you.
I love you.
(GASPING) (BREATHING HEAVILY) -Hey, you, you shouldn't have done that.
-What? Bail me out.
They're already onto us, what we did in the past.
Well, it wasn't that sordid.
-Bet your life, it won't happen again.
-Has everyone else gone home? -Mm-hm.
Get in here, let's have a glass of wine.
(SQUEALING) Dominic! Oh! Oh! KATIE: I prefer this to the rubbish we used to drink.
I prefer pretty much everything about my life.
God, I don't.
What, you're nostalgic for cheap cider and bedsits? Yeah, why not? Everything ahead of us.
Life was the sum of its limitless possibilities.
So, what is it now? All the decisions we made in spite of those possibilities.
Oh, I used to love this song.
I still do.
Jess, uh Nobody needs to know about this, do they? None of your friends, for instance.
You mean Siobhan? Because I'm really trying to be a good father.
-Biological father, you mean? -Yeah.
Biological father.
-And -Yeah.
Change, that's the message I'm trying to communicate.
Yeah, and this wouldn't help really, would it? -Ah, no.
-No, okay.
It's our secret.
-Okay? -Thanks.
Oh! Every high flier needs them.
Ooh! (EXCLAIMING) You're a very good husband.
-Oh, I remember that day.
-JACK: So do I.
Not as much as the next day of course.
When you told me you were moving to London.
When you said you were going to stay where you were.
Do you ever wonder what might've happened if What, if I had stayed? Yeah, or if I'd decided to come.
I did wonder if I'd ever see you again though.
Well, I'm here now.
Yes, you are.
-It's good to have you around again.
-And it's good to be around.
Listen, I should go.
I gotta meet Dan Sorry.
Katie, wait, Katie -Don't tell me you didn't feel it, too.
-Jack, I didn't.
I don't.
Katie, ready to go? We're gonna go for dinner, do you want to join us? Uh, no, I have got work to do, mate.
-Okay, suit yourself.
-See you tomorrow.
See you later.
Good day? Yeah, fine.
RICHARD: No, don't do that.
It's not good.
-Where's the lid? -I put it there.
No, it doesn't (CHILDREN LAUGHING)
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