Nailed It! (2018) s02e02 Episode Script

Fictitious and Delicious

Welcome to Nailed It.
Some shows are dedicated
to the best baker in the world.
This is not one of them.
We take three mediocre bakers,
rip them out of their house,
bring them here, and have them
try to recreate some epic treats
over two rounds of competition.
One of them will walk away
with ten thousand dollars.
Let's meet our bakers.
My name is Kristina, and I am
a walking nightmare in the kitchen.
My husband has gotten sick from my baking.
She hasn't burnt down the house yet,
but I guess that there's still
some time for that.
My baking dreams are simple.
What I want is just to make something
for my husband
without giving him food poisoning.
My name is Chris Elam and I love baking.
Growing up my grandma always tried
to teach me how to bake.
So baking was really important to me.
And I just married into a family
with a lot of baker's so
any opportunity to get better at cooking,
I'm gonna take it.
My name is Nicole.
I'm 55 years young and 55 fabulous.
I'm traveling the world.
I teach motorcycles.
I do scuba diving.
And recently, I tried baking
with my granddaughter.
One-fourth cups, okay.
I just love that time we share together,
and when I win Nailed It,
we are taking baking classes in Paris.
Today we are celebrating
all things make-believe.
With me as always, our head judge.
Let me just give you
a little fact about him.
He once made a cake for the pope.
He is the judge that knows the fudge,
monsieur Jacques Torres.
- Oh, yes.
- Merci beaucoup.
Yes, bonjour.
Oh, je m'appelle
Today's special guest judge.
He's one of the top pastry chefs
in the universe.
Ron Ben-Israel.
- I'm so excited.
- You know, I can be French, too.
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
Yes, yes, yes. I'm surrounded by men
and I love it.
- So delicious.
- Oh, I'm delicious.
- So creamy.
- Yes, it's like an inside-out Oreo.
I love it.
There's a special prize
for the winner of this round.
Baker's Choice.
Bakers, you'll have your choice
of these three
fictitious and delicious
fairytale cupcakes.
They're part cupcake, part cake pop.
I call it a cupcake pop.
First we have Little Red Riding Hood
and her basket of cookies.
She didn't get eaten by that big,
bad wolf, but we're gonna eat her today.
Then we have Humpty Dumpty cake pop
sitting on a wall of cupcake.
And then we have a beanstalk
with a golden goose from the giant,
fe fi fo fun.
- Right, Jaques?
- So cool.
You loved that joke, okay.
It is Baker's Choice,
so go grab a cupcake.
- Go! Go, go, go, go!
- Go!
Don't let that man win.
Be a feminist. Go get it.
Oh, yes. Okay.
You guys picked cupcakes
that look like you.
You're bald-headed
and you picked Humpty Dumpty.
You're free like a bird.
And you have red hair
and you picked Little Red Riding Hood.
I love it.
Okay, we got one hour on the clock.
Do you have any questions?
Great! I'm not answering them.
Let's nail it, people.
Go! Go!
Okay, make cupcakes.
Add flour, baking powder.
Eggs. Here we go.
If they follow the recipe,
they'll be successful,
but it's hard to follow a recipe.
I think it's a very tough challenge.
First you have to create
the cupcake batter.
And then you have to bake the cake,
you have to make the buttercream.
And for the cake pop, form it
out of the leftover cupcake sponge.
Mold it and dip it in chocolate.
Also, the pops need to hold
on the cupcakes, so you need structure.
They also have to make characters,
which is the hardest thing to do.
Each one has a face and a personality.
All right, man. Here we go!
I'm just gonna get everything ready,
and then I'm going to make it, mix it.
And then I'll be on my way.
That's all I'm going to do.
When I first met my wife,
I told her I would do all of the cooking.
For one, to win her over
'cause she's beautiful.
And then for two, because
I actually think that I can cook.
Okay, three.
If I get my wife to love my baking,
I won. That's all that matters.
Is this one stick of butter?
It seems like a lot.
One, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, bingo.
I just decided that I'm going to get all
my ingredients pretty much together
so that I'm not running around later
when time is short.
I have to say Nicole looks good.
- She looks like a baker to me.
- She does, right?
- She is confident.
- Yeah.
Everything is pretty measured.
I am a little worried about Kristina.
Half a cup of butter.
They're already mixing. Cool.
I'm way far behind.
No big deal.
But I should probably plug in my mixer.
The top three things
that I'm scared of in life.
Number three, death.
Number two, getting pregnant.
And number one would have to be
a mixer.
There we go.
I think I'm pretty proud of this dough.
Do I really need this many?
Yes, 'cause if I screw up
I'll have extras.
I'm afraid he over-filled the pans.
If you fill them all the way,
they may just rise and fall.
'Cause you need the support of the pans.
All right.
I don't work well under pressure.
Okay. Although I could be using
something else for this.
That's not even better, but oh well.
I'm, like, freaking out.
All right, yeah.
They all have their cake in the oven now.
Oh, I'm making buttercream.
Cool, I don't even know
what I'm doing right now.
Not bad.
I think I just
excuse medid something good.
I would love to design a cake for you.
I would love for someone
to turn me into a cake.
I'm adorable.
All right, I'm improvising.
Buttercream is frosting.
You learn something new everyday.
That's cool.
So, Nicole is taking cake
out of the oven now.
Oh, damn it.
- Chris' cake looks a little wild.
- You see, I told you.
Yup, it completely collapsed.
My cupcakes have overflown, and now
they look like an inverted nipple.
Oh, man.
Oh, my God.
My God.
We got to adapt.
This might be the worst decision
of my life.
I don't know if we're going to have
one nice cupcake.
I'm sorry for whoever has to eat this.
Okay, I'm gonna do my cookies next
for my cake pop.
Two cups of chocolate chips.
Yes, yes, yes. Yes.
Baking soda.
Pack it tight just like my Spanx.
Not only do I have to make a cupcake
and a cake pop,
but there was chocolate chip cookies
on top of that.
Shape cookies into balls.
That's what she said.
Bakers, you guys have eight minutes left.
I'm not going to make the cake pop.
I don't have enough time.
This is a head for my cake pop.
This is gonna be the hood.
I'm improvising.
I'm behind. I'm gonna probably just
wrap this with fondant.
Oh, I love that.
He took a real egg
and he wrapped it in fondant
to make the head.
This little straw
maybe is a little too big.
Look, the goose is out.
It's the cake pop.
Oh. Oh, no.
It just all fell over.
No way.
There is a bit of a problem
with the weight.
That really sucks.
How am I gonna get this heavy little goose
to perch up on top of the Beanstalk?
That's not gonna happen.
- She's improvising a little bit. She's
- Yes.
I think she broke it in half
to make it smaller. So, maybe
- Oh, yes. A bit less heavy. You're right.
- That's smart.
It's gonna be so pretty.
The cookies are okay.
This is my cake pop.
I didn't have enough time.
Damn it.
Okay. The lips
are supposed to be her hood.
This looks like what my worst nightmares
are made out of.
All right, we have one minute left.
It looks bad, but it'll taste good.
That's the key.
It's a little short.
But that's okay.
It's too heavy.
You know what?
I could actually, possibly pull this off.
Now she looks like a pirate.
Five, four, three, two, one.
You're done!
How'd it go?
Oh, it's good.
All right, Chris, you are up.
Just a reminder,
this is what you were trying to make.
Now let's see what you made.
Nailed it.
The snowman.
It does look like a snowman
who's missing the bottom half of him.
It's so scary.
From the table
I kind of see you putting an egg
on the middle of the head.
No, I thought about it. I just wanted
to get the shape and idea
- Okay.
- of how big I should make it.
Is this a marshmallow?
Nope, it's fondant.
So, in a way,
it's kind of incomplete.
But there's still hope.
I mean, the flavor may be there.
All right, let's taste it.
Oh, my God. This is pretty dry.
No, really?
I'm so sorry. I was gonna be nice.
Oh, it's awful.
- How much salt did you put in there?
- You put only salt in that.
- Really?
- You put salt instead of sugar.
Okay. Three.
My friend, after doing that to us,
you have to eat it.
What's a little salt? Who cares?
We need some water. I'm sorry.
- Thank you, Wes!
- You're welcome.
Great hair, Wes.
Your punishment is no water.
Doesn't Wes look like
the adult Simba from The Lion King?
Sorry to do that to you,
but we did it.
This has been a journey.
- Keep on baking.
- You got it.
All right, Nicole, this is what
you were trying to make.
Now let's see what you made.
Nailed it!
- Look at it!
- Oh!
A goldfish!
It looks like a gold dolphin
- The colors are right. Look!
- coming out of the ocean.
So, what happened?
Why not on top of a stalk?
The cakepop with the fondant
was kind of heavy.
So, it kind of pierced.
- You impaled your goose.
- I did.
All right, let's taste this.
Wow, it's actually good.
It's airy and fluffy.
- Flavor? You did really good.
- Thank you, Chef.
Design-wise, that golden goose
has landed and quite roughly.
- Let's move on to Kristina.
- All right.
This is the beautiful
Little Red Riding Hood
you were trying to make.
- Let's see what you've made.
- All right.
Nailed it.
- What's happening?
- She's lived a rough life.
Little Red Riding Hood is dead?
Right. Or a night at the bar.
This is Little Red Riding Hood
after the wolf attempted to kill her.
- It's a horror story.
- It is.
Is this lips? What is this?
This is supposed to be her summer hood.
I just love that you put lips
on top of a marshmallow.
It's a summer riding hood.
I love that you keep saying summer
- like that means something.
- It doesn't.
- Let's taste it. Let's taste it.
- Yeah.
- Perfect. Look at that. Oh, my God.
- Ooh, kiss me.
Hey, these are good cookies.
- The cupcake is pretty light.
- Mmm. And the marshmallow. Mmm.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- To die for.
- It tastes better than it looks.
- Yes, it does.
Okay, contestants, scooch on down.
- All right.
- So, I think we can all agree that
Chris I think you realize
that you're not going to be the winner.
So, now it's between Nicole and Kristina.
So, the winner is
Nicole, you'll be the envy
of all your friends
with a brand new automatic stand mixer!
- No way!
- Yes!
- Yeah, where is it?
- That's right.
That is so awesome.
Where is it? Where's the prize?
- Where's the mixer?
- Where?
- Where?
- Where?
Oh, it's right on the table.
Wes was very sneaky.
It's beautiful, right?
That is gorgeous.
Also, since you are the one to watch,
you get a sparkly, fierce baker's cap.
Oh, God.
- Thank you, Nicole.
- You're welcome, Nicole.
Now, Chris, you really blew it.
But that's okay,
because we're gonna give you
a little extra help in the next round.
Right over here behind door number two.
Follow me over there.
Come on, people.
Everyone starts from scratch in round two.
The ten thousand dollar grand prize
will go to the winner
of this final challenge
which we call Nail It Or Fail It.
What will they be making?
Take it away, Ron.
Many have attempted to re-create
this magical being.
But only few have succeeded.
If you're a daring dreamer,
a five-year-old girl,
or me, Ron Ben-Israel,
then you'll always believe in
- Wh
- Unicorns.
It's a unicorn cake.
There's just a little too much smoke.
This unicorn cake
is just like a little bit too dramatic.
Almost too beautiful for words.
Five stunning layers of color
on the outside
and on the inside as well.
The unicorn has those two beautiful eyes
and then the chocolate dripping
from the top of the cake.
And, of course,
the horn sculpture on top of it.
This cake has it all
and will truly test your ability
to bake and decorate.
And it looks pretty tough, but we're
gonna give you a little bit of help.
Each of you has a panic button
on your table, so if you get stuck,
hit it
and one of our expert judges
will come over and help you
anyway they can for three minutes.
Chris, since you did so terribly
in that last round,
- you get a call for help
- Yo!
which is a three-minute
video phone call to anybody you want.
All right, we got two hours on the clock.
We have ten thousand dollars on the line.
Are you ready?
- Ready.
- Yes!
I said, are you ready?
- Ready!
- Ready!
Great, 'cause I already started the clock,
so you better get baking, okay?
Let's try this again.
Those bakers are very lovable
and my heart goes out to them.
- They have to start from scratch.
- Yes.
They have to bake the cake,
they have to make a filling,
they have to assemble it, they have
to roll out fondant for the cake,
and for the horn,
and then they have to decorate it.
It's a lot of things to do in two hours
and anything can happen.
I'm not putting salt in it this time.
We're putting salt in it this time.
One step at a time.
Details, details, details.
All right, learning from last time.
All right.
That is looking beautiful.
Nicole is squashing rectangular pieces
of parchment paper
into the cake pans.
You're supposed to cut a circle
to fit only on the bottom.
I think it's gonna make the cakes
come out easier.
Now you have all these folds of paper
that are gonna trap cake batter.
And it's never going to come out nice.
I'm going to keep it together this time.
Last time I got too flustered.
This time not.
I'm gonna keep my crazy locked in tight.
Kristina's batter is looking
a little high. Is that normal?
- Oh, you're right.
- Right?
You know what? That's going to take longer
to cook, to bake.
Color is gonna change more
and there's no need to put so much in it.
That's such a waste of ingredients
and time.
I need to make blue.
And I didn't see blue in the pantry.
Here we go.
Some red, some yellow, and some green.
Be blue!
Holy poop.
It's not blue.
So, I guess one of the shades
of the rainbow now is poop.
It's like chocolate.
I am nailing the cake part.
The colors are good.
I've got green, purple, blue, yellow, red.
Un, deux, trois.
How many different colors
do I have in here?
If I can get all of the prep stuff
ready to go
A yellow, a blue, a purple.
I gotta get all these colors
right on that stinking cake
you guys made us do.
It's not bad.
How big is that?
Help me!
Panicking. Need some help.
If I can get some help over here?
Nicole, what's going on?
How can I help you?
I have to make sure to listen
to her help call.
So I'm gonna silently listen in
and eavesdrop.
- The big question I have for you
- Yeah.
is like those flowers look like
they're all the colors of frosting mixed.
- How do I load it into the bag?
- Okay.
You put a little color here,
a little color here, a little color here.
Then close it, tie it,
do that, and push your color down
all together.
When they come down,
you can start decorating.
Like that?
Oh, my God, that's amazing.
- All right.
- Good with that?
- Yeah, thank you so much.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
This is the one thing
I'm pretty confident in right now
is my colors.
I'm feeling good.
I am about to start making my layers.
- Oh, my God. This is a catastrophe.
- Oh, no.
Mounds of unicorn flesh.
That sucks. That really sucks.
Let's check my cakes.
Oh, shart.
Oh, no!
Oh, my God, she's in trouble.
- She all overfilled the pans
- Oh.
and now they're all going all over.
Um, it's not baked
all the way through.
I'm gonna take it out
and see how much I can cut off.
That didn't just happen.
That's my blue cake.
- The cakes are totally underbaked.
- Yes.
They didn't check
if the cake was cooked?
I mean, I will look if my cake was baked.
That's the first thing I will do.
I'm just gonna put the top in
because the top's made.
When the judges eat it,
just tell them to eat from that side.
I'm just not giving up.
I'm just gonna keep going.
It's gonna be great.
Can I ask you
a technical baking question?
Of course.
What is happening?
This is not good.
I gotta come up with a new plan.
Look at what she's doing.
She's putting everything in a cake pan.
This is coming back.
Ay, yay, yay, yay.
We are under 20 minutes.
And I think you're all doing really good.
This is like bringing out
my crazy.
Yes. You guys are gonna wanna take
a picture of this.
Oh, my God.
Tell you what,
no matter what happens today,
that's the first time,
I actually made a cake
that didn't fall apart.
It's not over yet.
So, I'm stacking.
Buttercream. Stack.
Buttercream. Stack.
It's like alike a sandwich.
I see that they're working
with fondant.
It's actually my first time using fondant.
I'm gonna use it
for the outside of the cake.
What is the key to working with it?
I have some fondant here.
I'm going to show you
how to shape that unicorn horn.
This is the fondant. Touch it.
Oh, I need that unicorn thing.
And I have a little water.
And I have the stick for the unicorn.
So, what you do? You roll it.
And you're gonna keep one side
a little bit thick.
And the other side you go thinner,
and thinner, and thinner.
Okay, you're going to hide the stick
as much as you can.
- And then you roll it this way.
- Ah.
You want to do it?
And you keep rolling very delicately.
Oh, look it me.
And now you need to leave a little bit
to put that on the cake.
So, what you can do is cut it.
Close it on top.
- And you have
- Bravo.
a unicorn horn.
Come on, you stupid fondant.
Damn, that came apart.
- Call for help.
- Yo.
Oh, Chris, are you using
your call for help?
- I am using my call for help.
- Who are you calling?
I'm calling my buddy Sean.
He's a professional chef.
Come on, pick up.
- Is he a friend?
- He is a friend.
- I'll hold it. Hello, Sean!
- Hey!
- TurnYou gotta turn your camera.
- Turn your camera around.
People need to see you, not the bike.
Anyway, hey, what up?
- Oh, Sean, you are cute!
- Hey. Sean, what's wrong with you?
- He's soHe's a
- Sean can get it.
He's on the older side, he doesn't know
how to work technology.
- Sean, hit the camera!
- Sean, hit the other side.
- Sean.
- He's on a bike.
- Thank God you have three minutes.
- Oh, my God. Flip it around.
There you go.
Sean, I need to know
how to use fondant.
- Roll it out thin. Place it over anything.
- Thanks, Nicole.
So, what's the
Oh, my God.
So I got my salty cupcakes
and I got this guy.
You gotta flip your camera.
- There we go.
- Good.
- Keep it there.
- Sean, what is your deal?
I love your outside.
This is Spokane, everybody.
- It's soall the trees.
- You only have tenSean!
I just wanted Nicole to come over,
apparently. Sean, thank you.
Have a good day. Oh, my goodness.
- Well
- Hey, not bad.
Your friend was helpful-ish.
But not really.
I am going to kill Sean.
I need one thing on this cake
that's edible.
You guys, I don't
I don't even know which cake is which.
They both look so much alike right now.
She's got a candy unicorn horn?
I just want a Slim Jim.
I think I see Chris's horn.
Is that a carrot?
Yes, a lot of improvising is going on.
Oh, look at this.
You guys have under ten minutes.
You should be putting
your finishing touches on your cakes.
Need some eyelashes going on.
My decoration's gonna have to be
the strong suit because
my cake is like sort of a one-story
reminiscent kind of a thing.
I just gotta get it close.
It might go over, but if it goes over
everyone loves chocolate.
This experience has made me question
every life decision I've ever made.
Like, should I have gone to college?
Was it a good idea?
You can't even make eyes or eyelashes.
They definitely need to cry
in front of the mirror later. For sure.
One minute left.
One minute.
Thank you, God.
Oh, my God. I can't even deal.
This is too good.
This is actually looking pretty damn good.
Five, four, three, two, one.
- You're done!
You nailed it!
You know, I'm happy to say
there's no hair in here.
And I get hair in everything I make.
Now, bring me your cakes.
Kristina, this is what you were
trying to make.
Now, please reveal to us
your unicorn cake.
Nailed it.
Speechless. Floored.
I love the horn,
but what happened to the cake?
I felt good and confident.
And then it was like a roller coaster.
It just went, "I'm all right, I'm cool."
And then, I don't know.
Everything else was a blur.
Next time I would definitely just measure,
measure, measure correctly.
Pastry is like that.
You have to really be precise with it.
Where were you, like, two hours ago?
- I think that we have something.
- Yes.
There's a lot of colors swirling around.
Very unicorn, very magical like.
Honestly, though,
I don't know if it's a cake.
That'sthat's good.
- But good job.
- Thank you.
All right, Nicole.
You have the golden baker's cap.
You are the one to watch.
Let's see what you did.
Well, I
nailed it.
Oh, boy.
I mean, it's colorful.
As you can see,
this is a baby unicorn
that is just hatching.
And that's why it hasn't grown up yet.
Is it a pacifier?
Yes, cause it's a baby unicorn.
- I see. Very creative.
- She said it hatched.
You were able
to totally change directions.
You adapted.
When you take your cakes out of the oven,
do you look at the doneness?
Do you stick a little wood skewer in it
and check if it was dry or wet?
This is the basics of baking a cake.
But I think I improved my decorating.
You did, but we want to send you home
as a better baker.
Thank you, Chef. I appreciate it.
Thank you, Nicole.
- Hi, Chris.
- That's a hold.
Judges, can I just have you guys a tiny
little scooch this way? That's perfect.
We're rolling, let's settle and
Nicole, whenever you're ready.
Chris, I bet you're very happy
that we started over from scratch
from that last round.
Please reveal to us your unicorn cake.
Nailed it.
What I like
is that your cake is standing.
We asked you to do a cake.
You give us a cake.
You get the color. You get the shape.
The unicorn horn..
That is not a carrot, is it?
It is a carrot?
And you wrapped the carrot in fondant?
- Yes, I did.
- How much salt did you use?
- That's a good question.
- The correct amount.
Thank you, Chris.
But as you know, the look of the cake
is only part of this equation.
We won't know the winner
until we taste it.
All right.
I want you guys to cut or ladle,
the perfect piece of unicorn cake,
and I'd like you to bring it
to the judges' table.
Let's do it.
Oh, no. It just occurred to me
I hadn't tasted my cake.
The one thing that Chef Jacques told me
from round one is
taste the cake!
All right, so this is
the perfect unicorn cake.
Now, we have Kristina's cake
that kind of looks like
and I say this in the nicest way possible,
like unicorn diarrhea.
Nicole said that my cake
looked like unicorn diarrhea.
Um, I'm sorry, how is that a bad thing?
Do not eat the green goo.
- The green's not frosting?
- No, that's cake.
Your buttercream is great.
- Yay!
- Nice vanilla flavor.
And the color is right,
so congratulations on that.
What is your horn made out of?
Um, two candy canes
and then one of those, like,
sour sugar things.
I think it's pretty inventive.
Especially in an emergency,
this is not a bad solution.
Overall, this is fun.
Okay, now we have Nicole's.
This looks like a unicorn
fell down from a very high place.
And you do see layers of baked cake.
And then
- Don't go too deep, Nicole.
- Okay, let's cover that back up!
This, I think, is baked.
- Yes?
- It's a little dry
which is wild,
'cause it's not even cooked.
I do like the magic mane,
with all the colors of buttercream.
- Thank you, Nicole.
- Thank you, Nicole.
Okay, now we're onto Chris.
And this is such a pretty purple.
Oh, you approve?
Try it.
- It's so moist.
- It's very moist.
It's fully cooked all the way through.
This is interesting.
Ron, will you do the honors?
How is it?
- Carrot-y.
- Mm-hmm.
My guess is it will take as much time
to wrap the carrots
with the rolling fondant
than wrapping a stick with fondant.
It would be pretty much the same.
Now, it is time to reveal
who actually nailed it.
It's very unanimous.
The winner is
Oh, you did it, Chris.
- What a comeback.
- Yes!
This win is for my Angie.
I did it. I did it, honey.
- We won.
- Hit him with that cash.
Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! I can finally say
Chris Elam nailed it.
Thanks for joining us on Nailed It.
The next episode starts
in four, three, two, one.
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