Partisan (2020) s02e02 Episode Script

You May Kiss the Bride

Good, you can just
put the robe there.
Just look straight ahead.
Very good.
Turn to the side. Profile.
And then profile again.
The back.
That's it! Snazzy.
Very good.
Take half a turn more
so we get the full spin.
Backside. Thanks!
You may think that
what we're doing here is negligible.
But one beautiful day
you'll wake up and realize
that our people have been enfeebled.
That's good, look here.
And then you will be grateful,
believe me.
And then straight ahead.
That's it.
Don't you think so Valeria?
One beautiful day,
then you will wake up,
and realize that it is your brain
that's enfeebled.
Okay, we'll try a new approach.
If you go down a little like this,
like a deer.
There. There. There! So, pretend.
Even if you're not
the most noble steed at Jordnära,
you are definitely
the most loyal and able to work.
And that's not cat shit.
I can tell you that.
In the future
you will be able to unite people
by what would be absolutely best.
And until then I guess
I have to continue teaching,
enlightening, working with
What do you think about these?
It's the same girl.
Maybe you should try with her here.
- Because this is
- It's the same. You are correct.
Not that bad. You are good at this.
You've got an eye, Maud.
It's really good.
What is he doing?
Doesn't the boyfriend get
that dad is flirting with her?
He's like proud I guess.
Excuse me?
It's probably
that his girl has been chosen.
Magnus Strand. NOA.
Mildred Malinovska.
You were here yesterday, right?
Yes, that's correct.
Have you received anything
about the body? Gender?
It's unfortunately impossible to say
at the moment.
I was thinking of taking a look.
If it's okay.
- Yes.
- Right, thanks!
NOA. The fuck are they doing here?
You have been awake for 24 hours.
Go home. Rest.
I'll see you at the station later.
Okay? This will take some time.
- It's cool.
- Okay.
Well, what I can say
is it's a serious crime.
That's obvious. Without a doubt.
But neither murder weapon nor,
like, cause of death for certain.
And the body? Can you say
anything about gender or?
I have never seen
such a burnt body ever.
It's a severely Most severely
burnt body I have ever seen.
So, it is very difficult to say
anything about identity right now.
You sleep at all?
Did you eat?
No, but I'm fine.
So what's What's going on?
We can't talk about it.
You know that.
You can tell me something.
Okay, what do you want to know?
How about tonight
we go to a special place?
I make something to eat.
Okay. Sure.
You can close this one. Pack it up.
Is it true
that you don't sleep at night?
Have you gotten the results
from the lab?
Yes, you have
some vitamin-B deficiency
but that doesn't explain anything.
I I don't believe
it's something physical.
Can you try to explain
with a little more detail
how you are feeling?
How do you live with yourself?
How can you live
with all this assertiveness?
What do you mean?
Kent and you.
You wanted a lager house,
a nicer one.
And I gave it to you.
And then you wanted a new car.
And a higher salary of course.
And you got it.
And your baby could only,
only come from her.
You would have all the best.
I put down a massive effort
to get Nicole and Maria here.
I put down
If you hadn't pushed so hard
on everything
that was about you and yours
If you'd seen
anything other than yourself,
and what you wanted
If you hadn't been so assertive,
the girls would still be here.
They would have lived here.
And you would've had your baby.
And Kent.
Kent would've still been here.
For now we'll do like this.
You'll continue to work here
as a doctor at Jordnära.
And otherwise
you just do as you're told.
Hello. Welcome.
- Thank you very much.
- Glad to have you here.
- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.
Oh, how pretty you are.
Imagine that you're going to be
a mother now, Gunn.
You, who just recently
ran around here playing.
Have you got everything?
Yes. I think so.
There's nothing left out?
Nothing you miss?
A bed maybe?
For the baby.
Think of something bigger.
What would you say if
If I had found a man for you.
You don't have to be frightened,
this will turn out so well. I have
I have found a man.
A really, really nice man.
And you'll be
You'll be so pleased.
And he also wants
to be the father to your child.
Wait. I'm getting married?
- To whom?
- Feel no worry, Gunn.
It's going to be great.
To Victor.
- Victor?
- Mm.
- I'm getting married to Victor?
- Yes.
And you'll be married tonight.
Oh, but we must get a dress.
And my hair.
Yes, we can take it as it comes.
It will turn out great
no matter how we do it.
- Goodbye, Gunn.
- Goodbye.
- Isn't Gunn here?
- No.
Has anyone seen Gunn?
She shouldn't be with us
anymore, right?
No, she's pregnant.
Yes, I know that she's pregnant.
Why haven't you two exchanged yet?
Are you also pregnant or what?
No, I'm on my period.
Oh, no. God. You're on your period?
Oh my God. How are you feeling?
Poor thing.
Should I You want some water?
Should I call an ambulance
or something?
You're not fucking paralyzed,
are you? Go and change!
You can still move
even if you're pregnant
or on your period, right?
Continue the warmup.
Focus now!
- Hey.
- Hello.
Have you seen Gunn?
No No, sadly not.
Oh, okay.
Gunn, are you there?
What the hell
For fucks sake.
How nice. Just great.
Here you are enjoying yourself
while there's training.
Hello? Earth to Gunn.
You have training.
But Maud says I'm not supposed to.
I should rest.
Rest? Yes, that's great.
But you are done resting now.
You replace Maria at the competition
tomorrow. Come on, jump up.
Can you come out of the pool
and get dressed
or do I have to get in and get you?
No, I'm not allowed to.
Not allowed to? Come. Come here.
Can you get up now?
I am your coach! I am your coach.
I decide when you get
and don't get to practice.
Come on, put on your robe.
Take the slippers too,
I'm nice today.
Can I take one of those? Thank you.
Come on.
Fuck, everybody's waiting for you.
Come on now! Hurry up.
There, hurry up.
Go change. You have one minute.
You know what? I'm so fucking tired.
Of your hormones and your uteruses.
I decide over this team.
When you train.
Or when you don't train.
Come on now! Let's get pumped!
Let's do some floor. Come on!
- Hey.
- Hey.
Is everything okay?
And how's dad?
I need to talk to you.
You can't do this.
Or I don't want to do this.
It doesn't feel right.
I understand.
But what you're feeling
and not feeling.
It's, simply put,
not particularly relevant.
You know what you must do.
Was there anything else?
He had a saying that was very funny.
Well, that was a short rest.
When something finally happens,
it feels stupid to miss out on it.
- Hi Magnus.
- Hello Mildred.
I'm glad you're here. We were just
talking about Kent Bergström.
I told Björn that
we have an ongoing investigation
regarding financial irregularities
linked to Jordnära.
Kent is our prime suspect.
About the body in the trunk.
There were a lot of uncertainties
surrounding it.
What do you think? Based on the
length, could it be a man? Mildred?
No, no idea.
But what do you mean by financial
irregularities at Jordnära?
Money laundering mainly.
You collaborate
with a foreign organization,
exaggerate income and so on.
I can't go into the details
of the investigation.
I can't believe Jordnära
would be doing that kind of thing.
Yes, well it isn't your concern.
The body in the trunk
is prioritized now.
I could use some help with it.
But how much more
can you give us on Kent?
It's Petrus, the forensic.
Yes, I didn't think
you would call back so soon.
Oh, yes.
No, I know that you are.
I understand.
Yes. Okay.
Thanks! Bye.
What did the forensic say?
There was no match
on the person in the trunk,
but it probably was a woman.
Mm, okay.
We have a appointment tomorrow
so we can get more details then.
I guess I'll spend the night then.
I will accompany you there tomorrow.
Yes, you can sleep there if you like.
Do you need anything?
A toothbrush maybe.
Yeah there's a store
right across the square.
Keys are next to the fan if you need
to go there and back again. Mildred?
What, are you off now?
That's how it is out here, Magnus.
Mildred, please come back.
I need to talk to you.
Meet me at the bar.
You didn't tell Björn anything?
I don't like going behind his back.
But hey. Mildred Malinovksa.
Former NOVA squad commander.
What happened over there?
The shooting at Sveavägen?
I don't know.
I don't really know what happened.
I got a
Couldn't act.
So my colleague died.
And how did you end up here?
I can't stay.
My husband hates the city
so we rented a house
and the position became vacant.
I have an operator inside Jordnära.
Johnny. Newly hired truckdriver.
I haven't heard from him
in three days,
so I thought it was him in the trunk.
He drove two girls out to stay with
Kent and Susanne over the summer.
He thought something was off
and asked me to check.
And he was right.
They aren't in our register.
Not under those names.
But Susanne should have told me this
when I asked if they had children.
Can it be one of them in the trunk?
I have to get to Jordnära.
- I can go and check it out.
- No. Wait on the forensic.
It's better if they don't know
we are looking for the girls.
You only need to sign
these two papers.
Gunn! Come and sit.
There, then just sign here as well.
That's it.
So, I hereby declare you
husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
Maud, I thought
we were going to have a party?
Yes, it will come.
We will handle all that later.
I think that you and I have a few
things to go over in the contract.
So how about you two
head out for a while
and do something fun.
We have some work to do here.
This is my room.
Will it will make do
until we find a place of our own?
What, what is it?
Not tonight.
But it's our wedding night.
But it will have to be another time.
Is it me that's wrong or something?
It just can't be tonight.
Yes, her little sister
came in with her yesterday.
She was unresponsive then.
Didn't want to answer questions.
So, this urine sample
It shows signs of heavy narcotics.
Do we know anything else?
No, not really.
But her little sister said
that she ate something bad.
Is she a minor? Do we have her age?
She has no identification,
but I would guess so.
- Okay then.
- It might be best to call the police?
I'll make that decision.
So I'll get back when I know more.
Hi, Susanne. Marianne calling.
You made a post in the closed group.
Yes! Exactly, that's right.
I think we have the two girls
who escaped from you.
I haven't contacted the authorities.
It happened now?
They came yesterday.
The older sister is unresponsive.
The younger sister
only walks around in the hallway.
I'll be in right away.
Call me the moment
anything else happens.
Thank you very much for calling.
It means a lot.
Great, bye.
Mildred Malinovska, from the police.
I'm looking for Susanne Bergström.
One moment,
just let me get in touch with her.
Can you just open the gate?
There you go, drive in.
How fucking hard can it be?
Is anyone home?
There you are! I was just told
that your mother is here.
My mother?
Yes exactly,
she's out there apparently.
Follow me.
The number you have dialed
cannot be reached at the moment.
Hello. Can I help you with anything?
Mildred Malinovska, from the police.
I'm investigating Kent's accident.
Do you know where Susanne is?
Do you know where her daughters are?
Daughters? She has no daughters.
What did you say your name was?
Mildred Malinovska.
Do you know where Johnny is then?
The driver?
We found something of his in the car.
Didn't it catch fire?
No, I haven't seen him in a while.
I have to get going.
Wait! Here.
Reach out to me
if anything were to turn up.
Oh my god.
Can you leave us alone for a moment?
Here I'm trying to do something
totally unique.
Completely before its time.
If you don't understand that,
well, then I don't know
what to do with you.
Is that some kind of a threat
or what?
A threat? No, no honey.
I would never, never threaten you.
But I Where do you want to get?
I don't understand.
I just don't know
what to use you for.
My seed doesn't stick in you
so there has to be
something wrong, right?
Are you serious?
No but there's nothing strange,
it happens sometimes.
And I mean we're lucky
that we have Valeria.
- What do you mean?
- Well, you have a perfect daughter.
And there was nothing wrong
with her biological father,
as far as I can remember.
So, why not?
She's an obvious candidate
for the program.
Maud on the other hand, she's a pity.
For real.
It would be directly irresponsible
for us to pass down her genes.
And it's a shame.
I'm the first one to agree on that.
A damn shame.
I have never met such a sharp girl.
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