Reasonable Doubt (2022) s02e02 Episode Script

Say Hello

Previously on Reasonable Doubt.
Do you feel like you're
becoming yourself again?
[DAMON COOKE] The way you hurt me.
- No. No! No!
No, I'm good. You can clear me.
What happened?
They're saying that Shanelle killed him.
[JAX] We're separated.
So, when you are ready to be an adult,
you let me know.
I don't wanna get a divorce.
I need time, Jax.
You're Shanelle's lawyer?
I'm just gonna help her through
the investigation, and then it's over.
You were right.
As much as it pains me
to have to say no to Shanelle,
I can't be her lawyer.
You got anyone else in mind?
Jax Stewart. Long time no speak.
What can I do for you?
[JAX] Five more minutes.
Remember what you said last night?
let me press snooze."
Oh, that was last night.
That was before
I factored in all the time I save
with my new, my new cut.
- Jax.
You also said you wanted
to be early for Corey's first day.
Okay, what are you, a court reporter?
Just a husband who listens.
I'll listen to you more
if you move back in.
I'm just playing.
I'm just trying to stay in bed longer.
I'm still thinking about it.
- Moving back in, not staying in bed.
- No, it's all good.
[SIGHS] Alright, so you wanna
jump in the shower first
before I wake the kids up?
No, you go ahead, they already know.
They already know? How?
Naima said she's not a baby anymore.
And Spenser said,
"Boomers always be cappin'."
We are not Boomers.
We are Millennials.
You know what? Fuck them kids.
- Right.
- Right.
- Right.
[NAIMA STEWART] I thought Mom
was dropping me off at school.
What happened?
[LEWIS] No, she's, uh, dropping off
'cause it's on her way to work.
Wait, she's back to work?
Like, for good?
Thank God.
Whoa, whoa, where you going?
You know I don't sit
in the back anymore.
- Since when?
- Dad, I'm gonna be late for school.
Let's please table this discussion
for later, okay?
- You just
Corey Cash sounds like a fake name.
Yeah, I was thinking maybe, like, a spy,
or, like, a '90s rapper.
[IN DEEP VOICE] Corey Cash!
Okay, he's not a rapper or a spy,
he's a lawyer,
and a damn good one.
How do you know him?
We've been on quite
a few panels together.
Ran into each at the NBA.
I've been following his career
for the last few years,
and he is one trial away
from becoming a household name.
And who knows,
Shanelle's case could be the one.
So, that's why he's here,
he's trying to make a name for himself,
be all up in the videos.
Oh, his great-grandfather was a lawyer.
And his grandfather was also a lawyer,
and president of Howard University.
And he'll blend right in
since he started in corporate law,
making boatloads of cash
with C-suite executives
before transitioning
to do the Lord's work.
I'ma call him "Not Jax."
- Krystal.
- What?
You know I have a five-year friend rule.
And I am at year four.
And I am gonna need
an extension for you.
Okay, Krystal, look,
you do not have to be friends with him,
just be nice.
I'm always nice.
You like it, I love it.
Yes, Mrs. Stewart is expecting you.
Oh, he's here.
Ooh ♪
Cash rules everything around me,
C.R.E.A.M. ♪
Get the money,
dollar, dollar bill, y'all ♪
I think I love it, love it.
everything around me, C.R.E.A.M. ♪
Get the money,
dollar, dollar bill, y'all ♪
From La Brea to Slauson ♪
It's all us ♪
The Sun, Central Ave Jazz ♪
It's all us ♪
Where we at? ♪
Hit the Maverick Flats ♪
Leimert and right back to the ark ♪
It's all us ♪
We coastin' on the west
between sets and wealth ♪
We toast the sunset in the Dons ♪
Take flight into the night
under Cali stars ♪
In a world on wheels ♪
It's all us ♪
It's the world we feel ♪
It's all us ♪
From the hills to Hollywood ♪
It's all us ♪
No doubt we all we got ♪
Hold it down, black and brown ♪
In a city of dreams ♪
It's all us ♪
Yes, I understand your concern, Stephen,
but Shanelle used her nest egg
on the initial retainer,
and if she were to lose, we will
figure out how to recoup the funds.
But we're not going to lose,
because, as we discussed,
Corey Cash will be
taking over this case.
Stephen, Vince, everyone, this is Corey.
It's nice to meet you all.
Happy to meet you as well, Corey.
Jax has told us quite a bit about you,
but I am curious,
are you related to Jeremiah Cash?
He's my father.
Get the fuck outta here.
That's incredible.
I mean, he's a legend, you know?
Yeah, trust me, the son of a bitch
tells me every chance he gets to.
I played a round of golf with Jeremiah
and the Justice
at the Chumsky Foundation Tournament.
I pleaded with him
to teach me that power fade of his.
- You play golf?
- [COREY CASH] Yes, since I was eight.
Yeah, I was hoping to get up
to Pebble Beach while I was out here.
Now I hear it's almost
as impressive as Pine Valley.
You played Pine Valley?
Listen, as much as I love the challenge
of completing a course under par,
golf is not what brought me out here.
Back in 2011,
the UN reported that, on average,
five women are killed every hour
by their husband,
their partner, or a relative.
So, when I was struggling
with a misstep in my practice,
my grandfather told me, he said,
"Corey, the portrait of justice
"looks much different depending upon
who's holding the paintbrush."
So, now while the DA charges
abused women with first-degree murder,
I do all that I can to stop them
from punishing women
for surviving that one hour.
I mean, you had me at hello.
Welcome aboard, Corey.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.
You okay?
Where have you been?
I haven't seen you in weeks.
- I know
- Who is this?
My name is Corey Cash.
Corey is an attorney who specializes
in domestic violence cases.
He's exactly who you need.
He's gonna be my lawyer now?
Why don't you wanna help me?
I do want to, but I-I
I'm too close to this, Shanelle.
It's best to have someone
who can be objective, without emotion.
But I'm still on your team,
and you have the support
of my entire firm.
Alright, I'm listening.
So, how are they treating you?
Like shit.
You know, oftentimes inmates
with your notoriety, they are targeted.
That happens again, you let me know.
I'm handling it.
[COREY] Okay. Little about me.
Um, born and raised in Chicago,
went to Howard
for undergrad and law school
What's your plan?
What do you want?
To get out of here, obviously.
- Jax, what the fuck is this?
- Shanelle, just
Jax, can you give us
a-a minute alone, please?
Do you mind, Shanelle?
Yep. Fine.
- [COREY] Let's start over.
Did you kill him?
In that moment, did you think
that he was gonna kill you?
- Yes.
- Now see, that's self-defense.
That's self-defense.
See, people out there,
they don't see you as a victim.
They see you as this pretty,
privileged, rich, spoiled gold digger
who had everything, but got greedy.
But I can help change
that narrative, okay?
Help them see what I already know.
The makeup, the money, the smiles,
it can cover all of the bruises
but it will never repair
the real damage.
It's here
and here.
So, yes, Jamarion Tucker is dead,
that's so unfortunate,
but he is not the victim here, you are.
And once everyone knows that,
you will not spend a
single day in prison.
How do I know this?
Because I've done it for other women
and I will do the same thing for you.
Well, you've redeemed yourself.
What did you say?
Exactly what she needed to hear.
See you tomorrow?
[JAX] Yeah.
[DR. VERNON WEBB] Lewis, it sounds
like Jax's decision to bring on
someone to represent her friend
has made things better
these last few weeks.
Jax, how do you feel?
Me? Um
It's just gonna take
some getting used to.
Not being in charge, you mean?
Yes. Fine, I like to be in charge.
But, honestly,
it seems everyone at work,
and Shanelle, are happy with Corey,
and so, I'm happy too.
Good. Has that happiness translated
to intimacy between you two?
- Um
- Nope.
Damn, why you say it like that?
Have either of you
tried to find that spark?
I-I mean, I tried after
the whole Damon thing happened,
but things were still, um
But that was months ago.
I mean, she certainly hasn't tried.
No, I did the whole,
the whole butt scoot thing once
with no success.
I mean, maybe when I was dead asleep
because if not,
I would've taken something.
I mean, hell, anything. It's dry.
- Okay. Well, then.
- Like, like the Sahara.
Why haven't you tried?
I What do you mean
why haven't I tried?
O-Okay, okay, when was
your last date night?
That long, huh?
Well, let's start there,
and see where that leads.
Also, you both agreed to move
beyond the Damon situation.
He was a symptom, not the disease.
All that is right or wrong
in your relationship
is because of Jax and Lewis,
no one else.
But this is nothing
like your other ones.
Shanelle Tucker is rich, famous
Ah, ah, ah, no, no, my client's husband
was rich, not her.
And he used his money to wield his power
and control over her and abuse her.
Now she's the one
that's in jail for protecting herself.
[NEWSCASTER] Oh, not for long.
She'll be back
in her mansion awaiting trial.
[COREY] Oh, really? How so?
You gonna pay for it?
She can't afford it.
Your client won't be posting bail?
- I find that hard to believe.
- [COREY] Oh, you
Oh, okay, well,
let me make it easier for you.
Shanelle Tucker is simply a survivor
fighting to clear her name,
to get back home to take care
of her beautiful daughters,
free from all the terror that she's
endured for all of these years.
So, no, no, my client
will not be posting bail.
She will stay in jail
until the day she's finally free.
- [JAX] Knock, knock.
[COREY] Oh, hey.
You said you're not a morning person,
so I'm gonna keep a safe distance.
I saw your interview last night.
You don't think Shanelle
should post bail?
Oh, no, no, no, not good for optics.
What about what's good for Shanelle?
Okay, listen, I understand
your hesitancy, I, I, I really do.
It's hard for you to take a step back,
especially considering our client
is a close friend of yours,
but I promise you, this works.
Oh, it's tested, tried, and proven.
Maybe so, but it's why the partners
are calling a meeting.
And I'm sure Shanelle wouldn't
Oh, no, Shanelle's already on board.
Oh, yeah, I mean, I
it took some convincing,
but she understands
it's a necessary sacrifice.
And as far as your
partners are concerned,
well, Dan and I have
an incredible presentation.
I promise you, I won't let you down.
I'm sorry, but who's Dan?
- Cash, you ready?
- Dan the Man.
- Of course, I'm ready.
- Alright.
- Wait. Whoa.
- Oh, whoa, whoa.
- Pssh!
- Jax, you coming?
- Oh, hey, Jax.
The Civil Rights movement's
"jail, no bail" strategy
represented the sacrifices
that people were willing to make
in order to draw attention
to their causes,
the inhumanities of the times, right?
Shanelle was a survivor
of domestic violence,
no different than any other woman
that endured unspeakable abuse.
Now, while there's no such thing
as a perfect victim,
there is an image
that the public prefers.
It's grassroots, but with social media,
it's been very effective.
Does divert attention
from the greedy gold digger narrative.
Ah! I see you get it, Vince.
Are you interested
in being my second chair?
- Does it include a lap dance?
- Only after hours.
[COREY] Hey, Dan,
let's hit 'em with tiers
two through five of the strategy,
please. Thank you.
Now, of course, we're gonna be starting
with the opening statements
You said Corey should be my lawyer.
I also said I would be
here to support you,
and I don't think you being in jail
is the right thing to do.
Yeah, I don't think so either,
but Corey said
What do you want?
Of course, I don't wanna be here,
I wanna be home with my kids.
But Corey's right.
JT froze my assets.
I ain't got that money.
What if we came up with the money?
Me, Autumn, and Sally.
We can do it.
For real?
Yes, of course.
But only if that's what you want.
Help me get home to my babies.
Alright, so, they wanna cop
JT's Jordan Retro Xs,
Nipsey Hussle Victory Lap,
and the Jordan One retros
just came through.
Okay, we don't speak sneaker, Adrian.
You'll get $10,000 each.
Okay. Yes, now that's
what I'm talking about.
Thank you, Adrian.
I know JT was a friend of yours.
Standing on business.
I knew he was living foul.
These side bitches.
I mean, I'm sorry, women.
I have a mother and two sisters.
I don't know what I'd do if
It's the least I can do.
Well, we really appreciate your help.
Oh, what about the, the watches?
Did you get buyers for the watches?
- They're all fake.
- What?
Somebody got JT's ass.
Sounds about right.
Oh, fucking loser.
Anyway, how are we looking?
Are we even close to getting the money?
I spoke to my wife, and we're okay
giving her a couple of thousand.
Well, that is very sweet of Kendall,
but, I mean, we are
at least, what, $100,000 short.
I just knew that we were gonna be able
to raise enough money
to post her bail.
Damn JT is still controlling
her money from the grave.
This is gon' break Shanelle's heart.
I can get the rest of the money.
It's cool, I'm the same ♪
Hey, I am, I am so sorry,
got stuck at work.
There was a problem
from the last round of tests
Lewis, it's all good.
You're right on time.
But when the first body went down ♪
You wouldn't tell me
that I know it again ♪
I'd rather lay it down
and get back 'cause killin' is a sin ♪
You coming?
I hope so.
Listen, uh, hey, it was an effort.
I get a A for effort.
I tell you what, I'm glad we Uber'ed.
No kidding.
Sometimes I look at you,
and I, I can't believe you're my wife.
What do you mean?
Because you are fine as fuck.
Okay, now that's the wine talking.
No, I promise you it's not.
Alright, folks, can I
interest you two in dessert?
Fuck yeah.
[WAITER] Well, tonight we're featuring
a lemon creme brûlée,
our seasonal tiramisu cheesecake,
and our classic warm bread pudding
served à la mode.
- Mm.
- Mm.
- Do you even have to ask?
- Uh, bread pudding to share.
Absolutely. Excellent choice, sir.
Oh, and another bottle of wine.
Yes, ma'am.
Oh, you trying to get turnt up.
That was the assignment.
Yes, it was.
To Dr. Webb.
To Doctor Motherfuckin' Webb.
I want you to fuck me.
- Don't pull my
[LEWIS] Oh, God. Finally.
That's what I'm talkin' about.
- [LEWIS] Okay.
- [JAX] Okay.
- No,
- What, what?
- I want you to get on top of me.
- Oh, I want you to ride me.
- [SIGHS] No.
- Alright.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Just give me one second.
I'ma just rest my eyes for a minute.
Alright. Mm-hm.
[BOTH] Yeah.
I'm gonna rest and then I'm
gonna tear that ass up. [PANTS]
You didn't see the sad little look
on Jordan's face when she asked me,
"When am I gonna see my mom again?"
Come on, we can't put
our house up for her bail.
That's too much money
we could risk losing.
I know I'm asking for a lot,
Chris, I do,
but I would do this for anyone
in your family if you asked me to.
I wouldn't do it for anyone.
It's not about Shanelle, it's about us,
and what we are risking.
Baby, you don't understand.
What don't I understand?
Sally, talk to me.
He just kept hurting her, Chris,
and he wasn't gonna stop.
I told her that she had to leave,
to start gathering her things
little by little to sell,
so she would have enough money
to get a place for her and the girls.
Why you think half of her shit
is in the garage?
Because she was scared
that he was gonna find out.
Chris, please,
I'm asking you to help me.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
Baby, you have the biggest heart,
and I love that about you, I really do.
But putting up our house is not a risk
I'm willing to take with my family.
I'm sorry.
[JAX] Who is it?
[COREY] It's Corey.
What did you do?
Well, Happy Sunday to you too.
No, no,
Shanelle needed to remain in jail
looking like the victim
for the world to see.
And you know what made the difference
when we were fighting
for our civil liberties?
Everyone thought it was when the fireman
was hosing down those kids,
but, see, that wasn't the first time
that that happened.
What changed the game was the first time
that the cameras were there
to capture that inhumanity
for the world to see.
It worked for the movement.
Okay, Shanelle's not a movement.
You shouldn't make
your client fit your strategy.
Shanelle is a mother who wanted
to be home with her daughters,
and not in jail.
Your way ignores the client's needs.
Oh, come on now, Jax.
It's not about the client's needs,
and you know that.
Look, I saw how you reacted
when you saw how jail was affecting her.
You couldn't take it.
You knew that you couldn't
do what's best for her
as her friend and her lawyer,
so you hired me.
You said it was my case,
and then you go behind my back,
and you undermine me.
Why even bring me here
if you're gonna sabotage me?
I'm not trying to sabotage you.
Corey, it is just that I know for a fact
that you're wrong about this.
So, you know for a fact?
Okay. Well, you know
what I know for a fact?
I know for a fact that if we don't
follow the right plan, we lose.
Everything after this
is gonna be on you, Jax.
Not me. You!
Oh, I suggest you take some of that base
out your voice, homie.
Don't worry, bruh, we done here.
I don't care if he is your coworker,
the next time he comes in my house,
and raises his voice at you,
he gon' find out
what a real nigga fuckin' look like.
[AUTUMN OWENS] Look who's home, Jordan.
- Mommy!
- Oh!
- I missed you.
I missed you too. [CRIES]
I wanted to see you, but Granny
wouldn't allow me to come visit.
Oh, no, I know.
And you need to listen to her, okay?
Come here.
Come here.
Y'all, we starving, where the food at?
- [JAX] [LAUGHS] I did.
- Oh, shoot!
- [INDISTINCT] no more.
Do not ask me.
- Can we do my thing now?
- Yes, let's.
You know what, Natasha,
you wanna take your sister upstairs,
and text your granny and let her know
I'm bringing you home in an hour, okay?
Okay, Auntie Jax.
We need to cleanse this house
of the spirits that don't belong.
[JAX] Girl.
Should we say anything or
Fuck you, JT.
- [JAX] Okay.
- Okay, not that.
But don't worry, I came prepared.
With the cleansing power of this sage,
I release all negative energy
from this space.
May it be filled with light, love,
- positive vibrations.
- [JAX] Yes.
Sacred sage, cleanse and renew us.
Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
I have never heard an amen.
- What the hell was I supposed to say?
No, not, "Thank you, Jesus."
This is sage, not a Bible, Jax.
[AUTUMN] Y'all need to come.
- Shanelle, I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry. Keep laughing.
I mean, when you do it like that
I'm sorry. I don't even know
what's happening right now.
[SHANELLE] Sorry, I'm sorry.
No, no. That's your cousin.
Ah! Oh, I love you.
Aw! I missed my Ladera Ladies.
Missed you too, girl.
- [VOICE BREAKING] I love you.
- Love you too.
[JAX] Love you.
Oh, damn, look at the way
those tables move.
It is so hot.
Yeah, numbers do that for me too.
This shitshow has been an adventure.
I mean, there's money
being moved everywhere
between accounts in
America and overseas.
- Whoever set this up was smart.
Ah, so you-you can't follow the trail.
I mean, they're smart, but I'm a genius.
Okay, Carlata, yeah,
I like a woman with confidence!
But, you know,
I'm just getting out of something,
so I'm not ready to start dating again.
- Good to know.
- Yep.
Anyway, I've seen similar situations
with wealthy husbands
trying to hide assets from their wives,
but I've just begun to skim the surface.
- Check this out.
So, the way Carlata explained it,
the money in JT's foundation
was moved to his corporation.
Sometimes that's done
as, like, a tax shelter.
Yeah, but that's not weird, is it?
Uh, not really, but JT moved 30 million,
and that's a lot at one time.
Thirty million? Where to?
Uh, well she's not quite certain yet.
Okay, well, we have to find it
because there's no doubt in my mind
that that money is the reason why
the DA's charging Shanelle
with first-degree murder.
Don't worry, we are on it.
You know,
I'm gonna go see Lucy tomorrow,
get a better sense to where things are.
She won't show me her hand,
but maybe she'll tell
me how to play mine.
Whoa, that's so smart, Cash.
Uh, hey, question,
how do you get over someone?
My ex, Cynthia,
she broke it off with me,
shattered my heart
into a million tiny, little pieces.
But there's this girl, Carlata,
and she might be feeling me
Okay, you went out twice with Cynthia
before she ghosted you.
- And this Carla
- It's Carlata.
And maybe she's the one.
What do I do, Cash?
Stay away from her.
Hey. Morning.
Dan, let me tell you, this is
what you do. Let her come to you.
I mean, you have a lot to offer
because you, [LAUGHS]
you killed that presentation, right?
And I wanted to say thank you,
by the way,
because it's really, really nice
to feel supported.
Ah, well, it's really, really nice
to be appreciated.
I appreciate you.
I thought you were joking.
- Sorry.
- Thanks.
[JAX] Hey, um,
Corey, let me talk to you for a second.
Listen. Alright.
Look, I know we disagree, alright,
but Shanelle is now home,
and she is with her daughters,
and she's happier
than I've seen her since.
I followed my instincts.
That's what the client needed,
and that comes first.
Oh, it seems more
nurturing than strategic, but hey,
If you say so, Jax.
So, that's what we did.
You know, we, we got dressed up,
and we went to a fancy restaurant.
I wore my sexiest dress,
and the heels that I know that he likes
that were killing my
feet the entire time.
But, yeah, we laughed,
we talked, we had wine.
Lots of wine, right? [LAUGHS]
It was a really, really good night.
Good. Would you agree with
Jax's assessment of the evening, Lewis?
Yeah. Yeah.
- But
- But what?
But we weren't intimate, Jax.
I mean, that was the assignment.
I see.
Do you not want to, Jax?
I do. I mean I, I really did,
but we, we were drunk, we fell asleep.
I don't know how that's my fault.
Oh, I didn't,
I didn't say it was your fault.
He just asked me what I thought,
so I was just being honest.
I love how you like to have
all this honesty when we get here.
You know what, maybe it's a good thing
that we didn't have sex.
I mean, why would I want to
when I know that, eventually,
he's just gonna leave again?
Now you act like you didn't
give me a reason to leave, twice.
And don't act like
you don't enjoy your space.
I'm the one who asked you to come back.
Not in a serious way.
Oh, so you want me
to beg you to move back in?
You want me to throw roses at your feet?
Whatever kind of food you like.
You know what I would like
you to do is be vulnerable.
- I can't even count how many times
- Okay, okay.
- Do you see what you're doing?
- [LEWIS] Mm-hm.
- Keeping score.
I'm I'm
We should stop here
and talk about this week's homework.
You know what, I don't know, Dr. Webb,
last week's assignment
didn't go so well.
Well, therapy is about trial and error,
so this week we're gonna try again.
I want you to start a five-minute timer,
hold hands and stare
into each other's eyes.
- And then what?
- That's it.
[DR. WEBB] It's about being silent,
and being present without noise,
without judgment,
and most importantly,
without interruption.
- [JAX] Hmm.
- [LEWIS] Hmm.
[JAX] Okay, five minutes.
- Alright, come on.
Alright, you know what? Forget it.
Okay, wait, wait. I'm sorry.
I can reset it.
- No, forget it, the Eagles are playing.
- I can reset it.
Look, I said I'm sorry,
what more you want me to say?
That's the point.
Why is that so hard for you?
- It's not.
- Obviously it is.
Listen, I know you've been
through a lotta shit,
but I've got needs too.
Okay, I see.
This is not about me or our marriage,
this is about you getting your dick wet.
And I get it, I understand,
it's been a long time
Not as long as you think.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
You're smart, Jax, figure it out.
- [JAX] No. No! No!
You be chillin',
laid all the way back ♪
So casual ♪
Unintentional ♪
Way past mellow ♪
Super relaxed ♪
Not emotional, no ♪
One dimensional, no ♪
Make it make sense ♪
Carefree is cool ♪
But not at my expense ♪
Tell me what matters
'cause I don't know where you've been ♪
Until you're gone again ♪
Why is it that whenever we get into it
you're the one who leaves?
I could've stayed at my place
last night, but I didn't.
Weren't we supposed
to stop keeping score?
Give me the blanket.
You still coming to JT's funeral?
Yeah, why wouldn't I?
JT was my friend, in case you forgot.
Damn. I'm just asking a question.
The bathroom's yours.
I'll make sure the kids are up in time
for Lu
to pick 'em up for school.
You know what, Lewis?
if you don't want me
to put my boxing gloves on,
then maybe you should take yours off.
What's that supposed to mean?
You're smart, Lewis, figure it out.
Although Jamarion Tucker's funeral
isn't set to begin for
another hour or so,
folks are already lined up
to mourn the all-pro football player.
And many are wondering
if Mr. Tucker's widow,
Shanelle Tucker, will show up today
considering she was
arrested for his murder.
Now, she is currently out on bail
despite her attorney's claims
that she had no access
to her husband's money.
[COREY] No, my client
will not be posting bail.
She will stay in jail
until the day she's finally free.
When I spoke with Corey Cash,
he claimed that his client
was too destitute to post bail.
But now it's being reported
that Shanelle Tucker is out,
and rumored to attend
her husband's funeral.
Either way, we'll be
on the lookout for her.
Now, look, I know this is
not gonna be easy, alright?
Just be nice,
and don't talk longer than you have to.
I am here for my daughters, that is all.
- [BYSTANDER 1] Killer!
You okay?
Hi, my baby.
[JORDAN] Hi, Grandma.
Uh-uh. Mavis, now you agreed to this.
I know.
But we need to chat.
It's fine.
I don't want you here.
I only did this because
the children need their mother.
[CHOKING] Why couldn't you just leave?
You did not have to
He almost killed me.
You knew what was happening,
and you never stepped in.
This could have easily
been my funeral and not his.
I wish it were you in that casket!
- [BYSTANDER 2] Murderer!
Murderer, murderer, murderer.
- Murderer
Lucy, good morning, Corey Cash.
You got a minute?
I hope you didn't come here
to merely introduce yourself.
[COREY] Well, uh, yes,
but also I wanted to figure out
why you're overreaching
on this first-degree murder charge.
Grand jury didn't think so.
Yeah, but they work for you.
So, who do you work for?
The people? Politicians?
Right wing? Donations?
You used to work for corporate law
representing sketchy businessmen,
and even sketchier businesses.
You went after the women
you claim to protect now.
Why the switch?
I decided to get on
the right side of the law.
Oh, you mean the righteous side?
The side that helps you sleep at night?
Oh, that's interesting because
when you took down that Red drug cartel,
your quote was, "No plea deals
and more prison meals for criminals
helps us sleep better at night."
For most of us, yes,
but I'm a single mom,
I haven't slept for years.
Well, sorry to hear that.
I know two things, Mr. Cash,
how to follow the law,
and how to spot a liar,
which is why your client
should be very worried.
Well, she's not because I'm not.
Oh, right, I forgot,
despite her impoverished circumstances
she was miraculously able to post bail.
Was that a surprise or a lie?
Or did Mrs. Stewart not agree with your
obvious ploy to garner sympathy?
I am confused.
I was told that you were first chair.
- Hmm. Well, if we're sharing
- Mm-hm.
maybe you should tell me
why you moved from
one DA's office to the next
over the last four years.
Were you pushed out?
Trying to move up?
Or were you running away from something?
It was nice to meet you.
I'll see you in court.
Well, Jordan is with Sally,
and Lewis said he's gonna
make sure Natasha is fine.
Mavis likes him for some reason.
Did you see how they were looking at me?
And these comments.
See, stop reading the comments.
And you know the worst part,
every time I close my eyes
I'm afraid JT's gonna wake me up
throwing ice-cold water on my face
because he's mad or drunk.
I thought today, just finally
seeing that he's dead, I just
I would know it's all over,
but it's not over.
Well, at least you're
not in jail anymore, right?
Well, I might as well be.
It's what I deserve.
Why would you say that?
Is there something
you're not telling me?
I need to know everything.
That's the only way I can protect you.
How are you gonna protect me?
You're not even my lawyer anymore.
Do you want me to stay with you?
No. I'm, I'm
[SIGHS] I need some time alone.
I'm just gonna take a nap,
and then I'll,
I'll go get Jordan. Is that okay?
Of course.
I'm gonna call you tomorrow
and check on you.
You know that thing we talked about?
You were right.
I'm ready.
Ooh, don't, don't you mess up
my organization, Daniel.
Oh, and did you get a chance to talk
to any of JT's ex-girlfriends?
If so, I can add your interview notes
to my potential witness chart.
I'm working on it, but a quite a few
of 'em don't want the attention
given the way Shanelle's being dragged.
But I found the money.
Traced the $30 million missing
from JT's account.
It appears Shanelle
signed a few transfers
that total $30 million into an account
that's only in her name.
When did these transfers take place?
it took place over about three months.
The first cleared 10 weeks ago,
and the final transfer cleared
six days before his death.
Well, can't you just add it to the rest?
I mean, marital assets.
She was still married when she did it.
Well, that would be true, but the trace
says that the money was wired
using account passwords
under a shell corporation,
meaning, legally, the money
belongs to only Shanelle.
And it appears that she might
have done all of this
without JT's or his business
accountant's knowledge.
Okay, well, I need to know
everything about this money.
I mean, where'd it come from?
Pension, investments?
And see if there's a logical reason
behind the movement
that does not implicate Shanelle.
I got you, Cash.
- [COREY] And
I need to know J
and Shanelle's every movement
at the time of these transfers.
Abusers almost never relinquish
control without a motive.
I'm gonna need these, so.
Listen, I, uh,
printed JT's car navigations,
uh, that'll help us.
Yes, that's good. Thank you.
Can you call Shanelle for me?
I need to talk to her.
What have you gotten me into, Jax?
Y-You didn't have to come by so late.
You know, Jordan has plenty
of her things still here for one night.
[WHISPERING] I wanted to make sure.
Thank you
for taking care of her again.
I just, um, I just need
some time to think is all.
Of course, I understand.
It is not a problem.
I love you, Sally.
Thank you for everything
you've done for me.
You're family,
I will always be here for you.
- Good night.
- Okay.
- Kiss her nose for me.
- Okay.
Oh, oh ♪
Yeah ♪
Why you make it so complicated? ♪
Off the drink, we concentratin' ♪
I know you won't leave me hangin' ♪
Smokin' weed out the container ♪
The boy and girl?
We spend cash for our entertainment ♪
Fed, in bed and asleep.
[JAX] Hmm.
It's me and you
and we makin' arrangements ♪
Thank you.
Thank you for
Just thank you.
You're welcome.
I'll admit I probably haven't
been taking the homework
as seriously as I should.
This emotional shit is, is hard for me.
But I can at least try.
Try harder.
I need to know,
are you really concerned
about me trying to do the work,
or are you
are you still trying to punish me?
Damn, no.
I don't think that's what this is about.
Oh, I am on one ♪
Where you be at? ♪
Where you gon' be at? ♪
Later on ♪
Why you make it so complicated? ♪
Off the drink, we concentratin' ♪
I know you won't leave me hangin' ♪
Smokin' weed out the container ♪
So, who was she?
Jax it doesn't matter.
It's you and me
and we makin' arrangements ♪
I'll keep it simple, baby ♪
I'ma keep it simple with you, baby ♪
You know I don't ever play no games ♪
You know I don't ever complicate it ♪
Got me feelin' some type of way ♪
Someone I know?
You came through with that sativa,
indica be havin' me stuck ♪
Did she do this?
Oh, yeah, get ready ♪
Oh, we're on ♪
I said I'm ready ♪
Oh, yeah, I'm ready ♪
Hold the phone ♪
Oh-oh-oh, hold the phone ♪
Get ready ♪
how did you fuck her?
[LEWIS] Hmm.
You really wanna know?
Smokin' weed out the container ♪
We spend cash for our entertainment ♪
It's me and you
and we makin' arrangements ♪
It's you and me
and we makin' arrangements ♪
Why you make it so complicated? ♪
I like waking up in your arms.
I feel safe when you're here.
I love you, and
I don't want my space, I want you
back in our space.
I want you to move back in.
Go 'head.
I'm not going anywhere.
maybe the phone company cut it off.
Okay, wait, this is her cousin Sally
calling me, she'll know.
I'll call you back.
What? Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, slow down.
No, Corey's been trying to call her too.
Oh, fuck.
Okay, alright, I'll-I'll meet you there.
What's going on?
Corey said Shanelle's phone
is disconnected,
and Sally found a note
she left for Jordan
in the bag she brought over to her.
What'd the note say?
"Mommy had to go away,
remember I love you always."
She's not here.
And I don't know where she could be.
Oh, so, your instincts don't know?
She could have hurt herself, Corey.
Yeah, well, it appears
she hid $30 million of JT's money.
So, you wanna know
what my instincts are saying?
They're saying she's gone,
she's rich, and we're fucked.
[JAX] Oh, hell.
Oh, I ♪
- Run away ♪
- Oh I, I, I ♪
- Well, alright ♪
- Run, run away ♪
- Run, run away ♪
- Oh, I, oh I, I, I ♪
Well, alright ♪
Damned if I do ♪
Damned if I don't ♪
You know I got a girl back home ♪
You got a man ♪
What you want, what you want? ♪
What these bitches want from a nigga?

Want some DMX shit ♪
I know them other
niggas love trickin' ♪
On some BMX shit ♪
But not me ♪
Now I'm sure you done heard about me ♪
A Black Star, Mos Def, Kweli ♪
Good so them bad hoes try me ♪
They try me ♪
This is Martin Luther King
in the club, getting dubs ♪
With a bad bitch in his ear,
sayin' that she down for whatever ♪
In the back of his mind is Coretta ♪
And she knows, she knows ♪
And I know she knows ♪
And deep down she knows ♪
She knows ♪
And I know she knows ♪
Well, alright ♪
- Run, run away ♪
- Oh ♪
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