Reginald the Vampire (2022) s02e02 Episode Script

30 Days

Previously on "Reginald the Vampire"
Don't you think it's about time
for you to sit on your throne?
Look, I'll do it.
I ran away from a church
that worshipped angels.
This is perfection.
What did I tell you about
being a pompous asshole?
Let's take it slow.
- Top of the morning!
- Have you guys met?
I needed time, but I didn't get it.
Can't we be friends?
I've been having these weird dreams.
You are a mistake that
requires correction.
- Something terrible is coming.
- It's just a dream, okay?
A subconscious rendering
of everyday worries.
Or something terrible is coming.
I was burned alive.
Okay, Reggie, it's your first
vampire Council meeting, okay?
You're bound to be a little bit nervous.
Burned alive
by a CEO, a nun, and my dad.
And none of them walk into a bar.
[BREATHING SHAKILY] This isn't nerves.
It's a premonition, a bad one.
Okay, okay.
Let's say that you're right, okay,
and something terrible is coming.
- Like what?
- I don't know.
But it's heading in my
direction, I can tell.

- Angela Hibbert?
- Yeah.
Listen to me.
Listen, listen, listen.
Why don't you stay a while?


I miss nice things.

I'm thinking sports coat and suspenders
for a bit of formality
and then jeans for comfort.
It's our first Council meeting.
- I wanna impress.
- I made a mistake.
I can't be deacon.
But for all intents and purposes
and ridiculous ceremonial hats, you are.
Look, Reggie.
Taking the throne is against
everything I've ever stood for.
I hate politics.
I hate politicians.
I used to fight against
the establishment.
[CHUCKLES] And now you
are the establishment.
Take that back.
Dude, if you want to be Batman,
you need to be Bruce Wayne too, okay?
We have a plan, remember?
Change the vampire species
into something better
more diverse, more inclusive.
Also, fewer shallow, vain assholes.
But can we?
And as your newly-appointed hand,
I will be right there
with you with my big brain
to help you every step of the way.
Yeah, Reggie, you will be. [LAUGHS]
And look, with your smarts,
you could not only help
me make the changes,
you could make them yourself.
A-and I'll sign off on them.
No, no, no.
You dethroned Logan
the Eternally Absent.
This is your chance
to create a new world.
What if I don't want to?
I say this with love, Maurice.
Tough shit. This
meeting, it's happening.
And from what I remember
about vampire proceedings,
they are boringly predictable,
which means every Council
member will be there
to worship your every
move and do your bidding.
You think?
You're gonna get sworn in,
I'm gonna read the minutes
from the last meeting, useless,
and then we're gonna go
over your agenda for the day.
I have an agenda?
Dude, vampires love
Robert's Rules of Order.

So sports jacket, right?
Or oh, should I do plaid?
Got my eyes on the prize, Mike.
This dream, we're
gonna build it together,
going on forever.
Nothing's gonna stop us now!
[CHUCKLING] Okay, ease up, Starship.
It's one thing to be confident,
but it's another thing entirely
to think of the Assessment
as something you can pass easily.
Yeah, but I will,
because you are looking at
the perfect vampire specimen.
But every Assessment is different.
You could be writing
essays, for all we know.
Well, I've written over
40 reviews on Amazon.
I got this.
What's up?
I need you to take this seriously.
Being a vampire is complicated.
Things are uncertain.
We don't know what our world
is gonna look like tomorrow,
let alone in a year.
And once you're turned,
there's no turning back.
I get the perks of being a human, I do.
I just want something a little, uh,
you know, perkier.
Beautiful day.
- Yeah.
- Sun on your face.
You like the sun?
Yeah, it's nice.
- S-stop that!
Jesus, man, what are you doing?
I used to love the sun.
Now it's death to me.
This alabaster skin doesn't tan anyway.
It's all burn and peel.
Todd, do not take this decision lightly.
You're not ready.
What, to be eternally awesome?
Yeah, I am.
You think being a vampire is a costume
you get to wear for a
forever of make-believe?
No. No, no, of course not.
I feel weird.
Why do I feel weird?
Maybe 'cause you kissed
a vampire a few weeks ago.

Was that a kiss?
Hmm. Weird.
I, uh, don't remember it that way.

K-nock, k-nock.
Oh, no, thank you.
I said, knock, knock.
Uh, okay.
Who who's there?
Iguana who?
Iguana tell you a secret.
- Can I get you something?
A slushy or maybe your own table?
No thanks, hon.
We are just getting to know one another.
Uh, which begs the
question, who are you?
More fun than a barrel of chimpanzees.
Oh, you want a go at
these old bones, Romeo?
Then you better come on in my kitchen
'cause it's gonna be raining outside.
- I'm so confused.
Is this about the weather?
Oh, Maurice!
She's rude and creepy, sure,
but she's just an old lady!
That's no lady.


Behold, I am Altus.
And I bring thee tidings
of disaster and woe.
And some other stuff
that is vital to me,
but not pertinent to
your desperate situation.


What are you?
The worst of all shape-shifters.
He's an incubus.
Altus, at your service.
Oh, we met years ago in Chicago.
You were a cop, a
cat, and Richard Nixon.
My favorite president.
They called him "Tricky."
You stole my wallet out of my pants.
Aw, sorry face emoji.
Reintroductions aside,
and I really wanna hear
that pants story sometime,
you said you were bringing something?
Tidings of disaster and woe.
It is imminent that celestial creatures,
purveyors of doom, numbers
of which I know not,
shall descend from the heavens.
Do you mean angels?
Also bingo.
Harps, halos, and
full of celestial fire.
Something terrible is coming!
Reggie, he's lying.
Okay? That's what he does.
I don't believe in angels.
Not really.
Angels don't exist, do they?
Uh, they do, but angels never
leave the heavenly realm.
Not anymore. Why would they?
Enchiladas, for one.
I myself have been known
to pass through multiple
planes of existence
for a braised short
rib smothered in queso.
When are they descending?
I know not one thing more.
'Twas merely workplace
gossip I happened to hearken,
except this is no casual
weekend away for them.
This is cataclysmic for you.
And you're telling us why?
I seek a girl, 13-ish,
goes by the name of Claire.
Being that you're her friends,
I was hoping you might introduce us,
pave the way, so to speak.
Why are you looking for Claire?
With all heaven about to break loose,
I figure it's time,
given our very personal
connection, if you will,
that we finally meet.
You're her dad!
Holy shit balls.

- Uh, ooh, duck, duck!
You, hamster! Stop!
My dad?

Are you, uh, all all right?
- Why wouldn't I be?
Well, an incubus just told
us that angels were coming,
and based on your previous relationship
with at least the idea of them,
I assume you would have
some thoughts on the subject.
I was sure
no, I am sure that they don't exist.
Okay? They can't.
And I'd be inclined to agree with you
if not for the fact
that a few months ago,
I was 100% sure vampires didn't exist,
and I do exist, and incubi exist,
proven by Altus' shape-shifting
the old crone, the man,
and then the rodent.
Mm, don't forget father.
Yeah, Claire's father.
Why does that feel like the most
impossible thing about this day?
Because she's never mentioned a dad.
It's always been her and her mom.
Except Claire did say she thinks
Anne is being visited by
something in the night.
Like, an incubus something?
It could explain the
Man, poor Claire.
You know, you spend your
whole life thinking, no father,
only to have one suddenly materialize
right in front of you?
Th-that's gotta be disturbing.
As disturbing as angels?
Man, I spent my whole life
telling myself that they didn't exist.
You know, that everything
that they taught me
was just a lie manufactured
to manipulate me.
But what if that lie is true?
Angels exist.
They're on their way to
Akron, and when they get here,
cataclysm will follow.
Is that right?
I mean, my my dreams
were pretty specific
Is that right?

Yes, Sarah.
That's right.

Okay, we only have a few minutes,
so we really need to talk about
how we're gonna bring this up.
Bring what up?
Angels, chaos, death.
Did we not meet the same incubus?
Reggie, there'll be no talk
of angels at my Council meeting.
Are we clear?
Reggie, you can't trust Altus.
He's an incubi, and
incubi are notorious liars.
He's the most notorious
liar of them all.
Seriously, dude, if you bring it up,
my days as deacon are
over before they start.
Fine! Okay, I won't bring it up.

Our ride is here.

- Just do it.
- Okay.
Oh, should we pick up donuts?
"New Deacon Brings Donuts"
would be a great headline
for his first ever Council meeting.
Let's say my dad was away on business
or in the Witness Protection Program
or just some guy I never met.
Let's say he was, you know, human.
That I'd understand. But
when a shape-shifting demon
is the father of your only child,
you tell her.
I wanted to tell you so many times.
But telling the person
you love most in the world
that their dad's a incubus
isn't the easiest subject to bring up.
Oh, so you didn't tell me
because it was too hard?
I needed to wait until
you were old enough
to understand what it meant.
I'm sure dealing with the news
that you're half-human has
everything to do with age
and nothing to do with the
fact that you're half-human!
You're right.
I kept it a secret.
It was my burden, not
yours, but I was wrong.
Claire, I never meant to hurt you.
What about the guy that's hurting you?
What do you mean?
I hear him, Mom,
when he visits at night.
- It's him, isn't it?
- Mm-hmm.
You've been sick in bed all the time.
It's because of him! It's
because of the horrible
- things he does to you!
- No, that's not true
Then tell me the truth.
I will tell you everything
when the time is right.
Until then, you just have to trust me.
No, he's hurting you.
I know he is. And if you won't
do anything about it, then I will.
Oh, great.
We're online.
No one really meets in person anymore.
[LAUGHS] Thank you.
Oh, your accolades are,
of course, appreciated.
In the flesh.
You better be here to
beg for forgiveness.
You brought your own gavel?
We are here to interpret
the previously
established Council rules.
And the first rule is
- No pets.
Cute, LeBron.
Funny, as always.
As you all know, I am
the deacon's new hand,
the deacon who will be sworn in today,
which brings us to our
first order of business
Point of order.
We call for the removal
of Maurice the Not Yet In Charge.
[SIGHS] Here we go.
For what reason?
- Treason.
- [LAUGHING] That's ridiculous.
Was Maurice not in
league with known rebels?
No, not exactly.
Did he not aid and abet
in the subversion of
your very own murder
and execution of Logan
the Great and Powerful
in order to take his
place on the throne?
Okay, it's hard to argue that one.
Yes, yes.
Then it is without a hint of regret
that I call for the expulsion
of the traitor known as Maurice.
- Stop.
While we'd be the first to admit
to dusting the previous deacon,
I would like to cite the ascensions
of Nadja the Bitter, Yusef the Sniffler,
and Jet the Superfine,
all of whom took their
predecessor's throne
by deadly force.
Is there a point to this history lesson?
Why, yes, there is.
It's precedent,
precedent that this counseling
body duly recognizes,
which I know for a fact,
because I read the rules.
The relevant passage
appeared on page 5,210.
It's a very big book.
- Precedent introduced
and duly recognized.
- Right.
Release the hat.
Oh, God, not the hat.

Do you, Maurice Miller of Akron, Ohio,
agree to sit upon the throne
of the Deacon of
Americas North and South?
If you do, please
affirm by saying, "I do."
Whatever. I do.
Dude, you can't just
"whatever" the throne, okay?
- A little louder, please?
- I do.
Congratulations. You're in.
All hail Maurice, the
Once and Future Fucked.
[WHISPERS] Eh, might
wanna work on the nickname,
but, hey, we have an eternity.
Get this damn hat off of me.
Our first order of business,
I have news of great importance
regarding a potential threat
to each and every one
Don't you do it.
Or, and of equally great importance,
is our decision to expand the definition
of what it means to be a vampire.
Oh, thank you, yes.
But after thousands of years,
I think we've sorted that out.
Then why does every
vampire look the same?
Present company excluded me, meaning.
Because of the agenda.
The what now?
The vampire agenda.
Do you know how hard we
have worked to promote
our reputation as beautiful,
smoldering killers?
We have spent billions of
dollars positioning assets.
So vampire public relations?
A well-oiled PR machine.
What, did you think
"Twilight" just happened?
Did you think Robert Pattinson
was cast by by a human?
[LAUGHS] Please.
But the look of a vampire
should not define a vampire.
I learned it's what's inside
them, what's in their s
I'm bored.
Who are we having for lunch?
Is this what every Council meeting is,
just talking shallow bullshit while
while a very real threat
- Reggie!
- Hangs over our heads?
What is your lapdog talking about?
Angels. They're coming.
And from what I hear,
they're not coming in peace.
Angels? Huh.
And from whom did you hear
this troubling bulletin?
An incubus named Altus.
But but he brings tidings
of destruction and doom.
A-And also, I've had these dreams
that make it pretty clear that
Okay, so I've been told that
Altus may not be the
most reliable source.
Altus owes me $50.
He owes everyone $50.
He is a liar and a trickster,
and there is nothing he enjoys more
than manipulating the easily duped.
But please, by all
means, hand to the throne,
tell us of this, uh [SCOFFS]
[LAUGHING] This coming apocalypse.
Oh, how droll.
Ah, stupid.

[YELLING] What the fuck?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Aren't you supposed to be at
a big meeting or something?
Oh, we're, uh, on break.
So dad.
Pretty cool dude, am I right?
I'm still hoping it's a super
elaborate practical joke.
Claire, we're talking
about your father here.
If Anne really wanted to create
the illusion of a fake dad,
why wouldn't she shoot for the stars?
Why not a Hollywood movie
star or, like, a NFL player?
Why some crazy story about an incubus,
no matter how charming he may be?
Good point.
Maybe it's mind control.
Incubi don't do that.
Okay, maybe he's glamouring her.
Incubi don't do glamouring,
except for their ability to seduce.
And don't get me wrong, they
are masterful at seduction.
Your mother chose him for
all things large and small.
Besides, she's a very intelligent woman
more than capable of
making her own decisions,
especially when it comes to love.
Love? Please, he's been a
deadbeat dad for 13 years,
and now he shows up?
Well, maybe he's been around,
and you just didn't know.
That's possible.
Or they just decided
to keep him a secret.
Whose side are you on?
[SIGHS] I'm just saying,
if my absentee father came into my life,
I would try to get to know him.
Wouldn't it be great if you
woke up one Father's Day,
and you went [GASPS]
I have one of those!
But he's hurting my mom.
Nonsense! He would never.
Okay, how would you know?
Well [SIGHS]
Listen, kid, I think if
you got to know Altus,
you'd realize that he's very kind,
not to mention wicked smart
and pretty easy on the eyes.
- I don't mean to brag.
- Wait, what do you mean,
you don't mean to brag?
Uh, slip of the tongue.
What I meant was
wh-what I'm trying to say is
- Altus?
- That hurt.
- I hope so, dick.
Call me Dad.
You tried to manipulate me.
I know. It's like
we're a real family now.
- Next stop, therapy.
- Admit it.
Admit that whatever
you're doing to my mother,
it's hurting her.
I can't admit that.
It isn't true.
[SNAPS FINGERS] Leave now.
This is my Slushy Shack,
and I want you out of here.
Stay away from me.
Stay away from my mom.
I never want to see you again.
Get out!

Oh, you're here.
I'm okay.
- Your message sounded urgent.
- Yeah, yeah. No, it is.
Um, come this way.
Slushy Shack heading in
a different direction?
Entrepreneurial seminar tip number 23,
ambiance is key in
creating an experience.
It is the experience
that makes the sale,
not the product.
So the better the ambience,
the worse the product?
[SCOFFS] Don't slam the seminar.
It was very legit.
The hotel they held
it in had two Jacuzzis.
Proving my point.
A slushy?
Todd, I I can't.
There is no sales pitch on Earth
that will make me drink this
disgusting blend of sugar and ice.
[WHISPERS] It's blood.
- Blood?
- Oh, yeah.
I I mean
Human, AB negative,
your favorite.
- It's wonderful.
- Score!
Ah, man.
Chilled perfectly.
Bright, metallic, with
a long, long finish.
I got a guy who works at the blood bank.
It's not a big deal.
You're still not ready.
Mike, come on.
I love slushies.
I I want to drink
them when I'm turned,
share them with our kind.
I even have a catchy name for it.
You're not ready, and this proves it.
A blushy.
A blood-a slushy. [CHUCKLES]
A blushy.
I mean, I'm working on it still, but
Todd, you still don't
know why or how we feed.
The blood doesn't come in
a hand-cut crystal glass.
What we do is visceral,
messy, dangerous.
Show me.
You're not ready.

The hell I'm not!
- Mike, come on.
- Eh.
Just hear me out.

It's 300 calories.
That's 20 minutes on the Peloton.

I should tell them.
They're my friends.
They deserve to know.
I wish I was taller.
What if I'm stuck like this?
What if I'm done growing?
Mmm. Slushy good.

- What's your sister's name?
- I don't have a sister.
Do you mean my brother?
What's his name if you
are who you say you are?
Okay, good. You're you.
Pretty much every day. [CHUCKLES]
Claire, what's wrong?
The monster is hurting my mom.
I need him to stop,
and I need your help to do it.

This is ridiculous!
Who has time to hear vampire grievances?
- They're eternal.
Your predecessor was only
too happy to hear them,
and he would laugh in
their pathetic faces.
Compromise. How about
grievances are heard
every other Council meeting
to give parties time to cool off
and to hopefully figure
out their own problems
so it'll lessen the amount of grievances
that need to be heard?
- Oh, look!
Today is every other Council meeting,
and I have a grievance with
Maurice the Inexperienced
and his poor choice in advisors.
This moron has one
encounter with an incubus
and believes that a
celestial attack is imminent?
Do you know what? I have a grievance!
I resent being called a lapdog,
a pet, and especially a moron!
Well, you could be
called a sucker or a slug.
- Will that do?
- Yeah?
Your cheekbones are misaligned.
- Oh, my.
- Did he?
- Gasp.
- How dare you?
Stop it!
I will do as I damn well please!
I can't deal with this
asshole for one more minute.
You can deal or you cannot deal.
You're the motherfucking deacon.
Start acting like it.
- Stop!
- Motherfucking deacon.
- There.
All better, huh?
The deacons that came before me
ruled under the old laws,
laws which compelled us
to live in the darkness
of our own shadow.
Why are we still such creatures?
Why haven't we evolved?
Well, today, the torch of
privilege gets passed to me.
And while I hold it,
I will fight for all the
things we have yet to achieve
compassion, tolerance, and justice.

There's my deacon.
It's okay.
Mom sleeps like a log.
I guess someone robbed a church.
Four churches.
If we're gonna protect
my mom from this demon,
we'll need crosses.
Protection spell to
protect her from harm.
Like a restraining order
on my deadbeat incubus dad.
We'll create an energy field so strong
that Altus won't be able to touch her,
I hope.
Here, salt.
Scatter it around the
edges of your mom's bed.
- I'll set up the mirrors.
- Okay.
I'm hoping these mirrors will reflect
Altus's harmful incubus energy
back to wherever he came from.
And make him disappear?
That's the idea.
Claire. Claire.
We don't have to do this, okay?
I get it. If Altus is your father,
then we could be severing
ties with him forever.
No, I mean, whoa, what about
my incubus energy?
If Altus is my dad,
then I'm half-incubus.
Will I be restrained
from seeing my own mom?
What if I disappear?
Okay, copy that. We
need to undo this now.
[GRAVELLY VOICE] Altus the incubus,
father of my child,
you are no longer welcome near my person
and Claire.
[NORMALLY] Honey, did you
really think this was gonna work?
- Please?
- No.
- Pretty please?
- Todd.
Mike, don't make me pout.
I am convincingly cute when I pout.
[SIGHS] Okay.
But that doesn't mean
I'm changing my mind.
- Yeah? [LAUGHING]
- Okay, so ideally
you want someone who looks healthy,
unless of course it's a cheat day,
in which case you wanna hang around,
like, a French restaurant or something
to capitalize on the
richness of their blood.
Ah, oui, oui. Whoa.
Yeah, and you want someone
whose heart rate is elevated.
It'll get the blood pumping faster.
[CHUCKLING] Wait, so joggers
are literally fast food?
This is serious stuff.
But yeah.
Here, hold this.
See you up there.

Man, that is so cool.


I remember.

To improve the vampire species,
we have some initial proposals.
I know it'll be very hard, but I believe
this is the best way
for us to move forward.
You bastard.
Now, enough of this
blah, blah, blah, blah.
As per the agenda and the
rules by which we abide,
it is time for the event we
have all been waiting for.
- Wait, what event?
I have no idea.
Reggie, I thought you
read all the books.
Not every rule is written, nerds.
It is customary that at
the first Council meeting
of a new deacon yes,
even yours, Maurice
there shall be, for our entertainment,
an execution!
- Wait.
No, no, tell me that's not a real thing.
It it might be a thing.
Oh, it is a thing, yes.
A prisoner has been chosen
and krrt condemned
and will be put to
death, as is tradition.
Wh-what prisoner?
- Bring in the condemned!


Et voilà!
ALL: Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood!
ALL: Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood!
Blood! Blood! Blood!
You really think you've got
the guts to sever this neck?
Not a chance.
Angie, shut up,
or I'll have you gagged.
Ooh, Maurice, you flirt.
Angela has already been
demoted and punished.
What are her charges?
She glamoured a delivery boy
in direct contravention
of a Council order banning
supernatural agency.
- I was hungry.
- She glamoured her human lover
to remember everything she
had glamoured her to forget,
a direct threat to us all.
Okay, well, I was in love.
ALL: Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood!
We're not really
considering this, are we?
Of course not, but I need
you to find a way out of it.
- On it.
- Boop!
- What if I can't?
- I guess I'll just have to kill them all.
I'm down with that plan.
ALL: Blood! Blood! Blood!
Eh-eh-eh! You put
that back, you cretin!
It's personal.
Got it.
What is it?
- A loophole.
- Hold up.
A loophole, bitch.
Crosses? [CHUCKLES]
If you really wanted to
keep your father away,
you could have just put on a clown mask.
He's terrified of clowns.
So he really is my father?
Yeah. Well, that doesn't
have to be a bad thing.
Maybe you just need to get to know him.
The few hours I've known him,
he's appeared to me
as a fairy-tale witch,
a hamster, and my best friend,
so introductions are
not his strong suit.
He gets nervous around you.
He always did.
What do you mean "always"?
He's visited in other forms.
Remember that sweet old man
who lived next door for a few months?
The guy who taught me
how to play checkers?
- Mm-hmm.
So how did you two get together?
I was having one of these cliché days
where everything was going wrong.
To cheer myself up, I
went for lunch in the park.
And in the middle of my
mundane ham and cheese sandwich,
I just started to cry.
And then this fluffball of
a puppy comes bounding up,
licking my tears away.
So he had a dog?
He was the dog.
- Oh.
Now, was I shocked when
he morphed into Altus
and told me what he was?
Sure. Did I care?
No, because to hell with
ham and cheese sandwiches
and cliché bad days.
I wanted something extraordinary.
We couldn't get enough of each other.
And then I came along.
Yeah. But honestly,
we weren't even thinking about a baby.
The child of a human and an incubus?
It's impossible.
But I wasn't impossible.
You should have seen
his face when I told him.
Was he happy?
He was stunned. [LAUGHS]
And then he was ecstatic
because our love made a miracle.
And I want him to get
to know that miracle.
And it's important that
you get to know him too.
I can try maybe.
I know he's a strange father,
but he's the only one you've got.

The world is a strange
and wonderful place.
Yes, it is.

Yes, it is.
As much as it pains me to admit it,
LeBron is correct.
It is customary for an
execution to take place today.
But only one.
And according to this agenda,
there are two prisoners in custody.
Therefore, it is customary
and according to Council law,
the deacon chooses who dies.
Nice one, LeBron.
Screwed it up again.
Bring in the second prisoner.
- Don't worry, I've got this.
I never asked you to do me any favors.
Maybe thanking me for saving your life
in the last possible minute
would be a nice gesture.
Oh, Reginald, so young, so naive.
Once you realize that
you're an unchanging entity
in an ever-changing world,
you too will be free to
be your most authentic self
and never have to change for anyone.
You know, I have some thoughts, but
oh, look, here comes the condemned.
According to his testimony,
the prisoner was changed
on his 87th birthday by
a stripper who his, quote,
"stupid brother-in-law" thought
it would be funny to hire.
He chooses not to live a life of a man
who's advanced in age and decrepitude,
a fate he sees as monstrous.
Then why didn't he
just walk into the sun?
Blood! Blood! Blood!
Yes, but what about Angela?
The rules are very clear.
There will only be one execution today.
Besides, the vampire wants to die.
Who are we to keep him from his mercy?
Maurice, as deacon, will you grant
this vampire's wish
for the one true death?
- Sure.
- And as mandated,
will you grant Angela's
request for freedom?
Damn right I do.
By the power vested in, well, me
I hereby order the execution of, uh
Excuse me.
Excuse me, what's your name again?
- What the

I am Balestro.

Oh, it oh, it's
it's you, the the guy from my dreams,
the the guy who set me on fire.

Whew, on my first damn day?

I told you angels were coming.
You've been quiet.
Watching someone feed for
the first time can be jarring.
No, it was
it was beautiful.
Then why so glum?
You know, I'm athletic,
so I'm a little arrogant.
I'm gorgeous, so of course
I always get the girl.
I'm strong, so heaven forbid
I ever actually show my feelings.
You don't have to be
any of those things.
Yeah, well, it's the
life I've been living.
Playing a role with
rules in a society made up
for people like me.
Those rules can't be all bad.
Blonds have been having more
fun since the Middle Ages.
It may look like that on the outside,
but on the inside
I've been getting smaller.
And then I met you.
Definitely not blond.
You live life according
to your own rules.
I want that.
I wanna be quiet if I
feel like being quiet.
I wanna feel the things that I feel.

I don't wanna hide anymore.
I wanna kiss my friend again
if I wanna kiss my friend again.
I thought you forgot.

Oh, damn it.
I-I'm sorry. I did it again.
I just jumped in.
I didn't even ask your permission.

I'm free.
I'm free!
I still don't think you're ready though.
Come on, man.
Don't ruin a good moment.
[SIGHS] Yeah.
There's something I was hiding ♪
Um, so you can shape-shift, huh?
Would you like me to turn
into something for you?
Anything but a clown.
I hear you do a swell
old next-door neighbor.
He was great, some of my best work.
You were a terrible checkers player.
- Was I?
- Yeah.
Or was I just letting you
win in order to curry favor?
Or was I letting you win so
that I might be able to
Altus, focus.
Right, sorry.
I have ADID, Attention
Deficit Incubus Disorder.
Well, if that joke
doesn't prove you're a dad,
nothing will.
Hey, if you can
shape-shift, can I do it too?
Truth? Not sure.
Plus, it's more of a third
wave of puberty thing, so
But on the subject of
special skills, this
With the fingers, that's
not an incubus thing.
Mom, please don't tell me
you're a magical creature too.
Full-blooded human, promise.
But still very magical.
Then what's wrong with me?
There is absolutely nothing
wrong with you, baby girl.
An incubus and a human making a child,
that's an impossibility.
I believe you are
something altogether new.
You're special.
Our miracle.
Okay, guys, stop it.
She has your eyes.

Well, she has your heart.
Okay, stop it!
Seriously. Or I'm out of here.
And the fingers thing?

You didn't tell your mother?
Your face, this expression,
it changed when you gazed at them.

Maybe I have magic, too.
That's a very strange question.

Um, this is what happiness looks like
when you're happy for someone else.
There are many variations of
happiness in my experience.

Thank you.
You petulant children.
You were given the gift of eternity,
but you have failed
to do anything with it.
Other than become
monsters, isn't that right?
In the beginning, the world was divided.
Abel ruled the light
from whence came humans.
Cain ruled the dark from
whence came vampires.
While humans built a world
of discovery and invention,
vampires contributed nothing.
To this day, you're only interested
in satisfying your unholy thirst.
Despite eternity, your
lives amount to nothing.
And so to nothing you shall return.
We have plans to fix that.
This failed experiment we call vampires
shall exist no longer.
What was made by us must now be unmade.
Listen closely.
You have 30 days.
When the bell tolls midnight
on that day, I will return,
and every vampire in
this earthly realm will be
What happened?
Well, good news, I'm not crazy.
My dreams were in fact premonition.
Bad news?
We have 30 days
until that angel comes back
and kills every one of us.
I hate deadlines.

My, my, my, m-my, my,
m-my, my, my angel lover ♪
My, my, my, m-my, my,
m-my, my, my angel lover ♪
My, my, my, m-my, my,
m-my, my, my angel lover ♪
My angel lover ♪
Oh, my angel lover ♪
Oh ♪
My, my, my, m-my, my,
m-my, my, my angel lover ♪
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