Robin of Sherwood (1984) s02e02 Episode Script

The Children of Israel

In 32 mystery paths of wisdom had Yah, Jehovah, the God of Israel the Elohiem of the living, the king of all time the merciful and pleasing God the sublime in the highest and holy eternity vertoeft His name chiselled with the three Sepharim: The numbers, letters and sounds.
Samuel, Hester, val father tricky.
Why read it on the Sabbath? - He studies the Kabala.
What is the Kabala, father? - The Kabala is ancient wisdom.
That is over from the time of Moses.
But not for small children.
And also not ignorant.
It is said that when evil people read her secrets then the strength of the book overwhelm them.
Good Sabbath, everyone.
I think he is not.
It was just a rumor.
- No, it was more.
There is only one man who knows when the sheriff comes back.
Are you sure? - You will be annoying, De Talmont.
He will be there tomorrow.
I said that I have the power to decide in each issue.
I do business with the sheriff.
- I am the sheriff.
The real sheriff.
Come back tomorrow and blames this wasted visit yourself.
What is wrong with it? Is he sick? - Let my father some rest.
Please, my lord.
- If it really should.
This is not sick NUIS.
- Thank you, my lord.
A poacher, my lord.
A poacher.
Do you? With blood on his hands.
Soon only one hand.
Go ahead, captain.
Is there any news about Robin Hood? - No, sir.
All days.
This is ridiculous.
- AI eight days and he is not.
Which way is he? - This.
John does not.
- We will see.
There are only two roads.
He is one of the two.
He can also travel by Sherwood.
- Sherwood is ours and that he knows.
I do not think he aandurft.
Send me a rich sheriff with a car that cracks of the money.
We are always on the go.
Even in Sherwood.
And now we are here as fleas on a pig.
It suits us.
- Robin says It does me no matter what he says.
- Calm down, Will.
We always listen to him.
You're right.
He runs again.
- Maybe.
I think his feet itch.
Will he leave us? - Perhaps.
That there was to arrive.
The botert not between him and Robin and later we lost him.
What is wrong with you? A small hill and you sweat as spectacular sows.
Push, damn.
Do not have to mooch.
Help them.
Come on.
Is it already? Not yet.
- Why not? He is.
- How do we warn the rest? I already told you.
We shoot an arrow signal into the sky.
And they do the same when they see the sheriff.
I was forgotten.
What are you thinking? Is it about Will? Why do you say no? - He must come first.
He does not.
He is - Stubborn.
He draws everything into question.
There can not have two leaders.
- Tell him so.
Is he? - Yes.
They are many.
- No longer.
I give the signal.
- It is not necessary.
Then they see the signal too.
- We have to.
Then they see it too.
- We are all against them? Four or seven.
What is that? - Robin.
Come on, John.
We can only.
Do it after.
Imagine how we cart take.
Imagine how Robin will be surprised.
- Probably.
- It is fun.
That would reward waiting.
- Okay.
Are you in for a game? - Yes.
This is not a game.
Where is Gisburne? Ready? Here they are.
Ga they chased.
Here they are.
That way.
Hurry now.
Bunch of idiots.
You never listen.
Help me.
- Let them not escape.
Ga they chased.
Let them not escape.
Behind Current fools.
Why have you done? You had enough time for a signal.
It was your idea, huh? Or not? Listen, we had luck.
Bad luck? Is that all you have to say: We had bad luck? You got it wrong.
He is the one who has bad luck.
If he dies - Are you threatening me? I tell you.
Don 't you to run when I talk to you.
Ga Now you listen very carefully to me.
It is the fault of us all.
Why do you not that the error was? Because we just had bad luck.
Bend, damn.
My lord, I thought - Did you, Gisburne? What a pity that I was not.
When were you thinking then? When I was in London? Or was it perhaps less long ago? Such a remarkable event remains hanging in your memory? Or perhaps it was this morning? When I was attacked? - Attacked, my lord? Fifteen miles outside Nottingham.
The men of Robin Hood.
On the side.
When I had a thought, Gisburne.
And you know what it was? A simple, simple idea.
Where is Gisburne? Where is the escort why I had requested in my letter? Your letter? In your letter that you have four days back.
It is dated the eighth.
- The seventh, Gisburne.
Search no excuses.
- But my lord But? You are the greatest but here.
- You insult me.
Yes and I will continue to do so.
As long as you give me reason to give.
I am not wipe your feet.
No, Gisburne? Anyway, I got them me be successful.
If you have been, I then had them killed.
What do you want from me? - Payment, my lord.
You know you make me think The Talmont? A leech others empty sucks.
Your disease requires more than a leech, sheriff.
Jealousy is hate that can not be cured.
Jealousy? Jealousy? Why would I jealous of you? Indeed.
That question I am often off.
A lender.
- That is the price of our existence.
You didn 't have to borrow.
Ga sleep without dinner, I without guilt.
Disgusting hypocrisy.
How can a Jew thrive without debtors? I thrive by debtors, my lord.
I am here now.
You forget who I am.
- Not at all.
You are my servant.
- You what? Of course.
You have borrowed money from me.
The debtor is the servant of the creditor.
From: Proverbs.
This is your Bible.
And also in ours.
- I 't meat of your whale bones.
That you're not rid of your debt my lord.
It would eerzamer for you, and less painful for me if you paid me.
- Guards.
But if you still remember me what me legally deserve then me no choice and I will inform the king.
My people, the kings of England past 200 years served.
With money he has its churches and castles built.
We are accountable to to him.
And only him.
You would do well to not to lose sight, Mr.
Come on, Sarah.
He just has his own sling knotted.
We need him only around his neck to make.
How is he? - Worse.
Can you hear me, Tuck? I am, Marion.
He is not dead? We must return to Sherwood.
For Gisburne us arrested.
Where Tuck can we go to? Calverton.
- That is not far away.
We have a cart is needed.
Ga a cart out in Calverton.
We have often helped so do they.
I think it is pretty messy, Gisburne.
But I can handle it.
You are too young to give you the coronation Richard to remember, huh? No, I was there with my father.
- Really? It was a magnificent spectacle, right? The people were crazy with joy.
- Yes.
And they murder most Jews.
It's a way to celebrate.
- Yes, my father also said that al It was a tribute the Crusades.
But I think they just a little encouragement is needed.
That is not so difficult.
The same thing happened in York.
One year later.
And that would also be in Nottingham can happen.
Or sometimes not, Gisburne? - I think so.
I suggest that it happens.
Birds love.
Why not send your cart? - It is too dangerous.
We leave tomorrow morning.
- You guys are outlaw.
We have often helped you.
That means something.
Something, but not enough.
Why not go to Sherwood? - It is hours walk.
He now needs rest.
But that can not.
- Cowards.
Go away and leave us alone.
We go.
Nothing is forgotten.
There is never forgotten.
Have you been good? - Yes, father.
Very sweet.
But not too sweet, otherwise you will be eaten.
Ga now.
Father is tired.
You've made an enemy today.
A man who makes no enemies, has never made.
I saw how you looked.
I belong to the king.
Therefore he hates me, and therefore he must repay the debt.
He will probably struggle and threaten me but eventually he will pay me.
That, I wonder.
We are the flies of God.
Eventually, the fly Friday and the caged eagle.
Where am I flower? - In Sherwood.
Together? With his all.
No, not moving.
My head feels like a pumpkin.
- Keep silent lie.
Listen, Robin.
Take them sorry.
They were terrified.
We have repeatedly our lives for them geriskeerd.
And they gave us away.
As if we were strangers.
You can see it not.
It was all in vain.
They are not worth for fighting.
They are serfs and they never will.
We are rich.
Piece by piece.
But no, you had to believe Herne that you had chosen.
You people homesickness would.
That would give them hope and a perhaps the desire to fight.
Why are you not honest with yourself? You're just a outlaw.
And more you will never have.
Weather the archer.
Saturn is in the house of the scorpion.
Why are you here? For my faith to swear.
- That you can not.
You are chosen.
- Choose someone else.
There is nobody else.
The kids will be afraid hide.
There will be revenge.
You must arrows ready.
- The target is too far away.
I can no longer aim.
- Mik then again.
Why? What is the goal? There is no end and no beginning.
The aim is enough.
And the Lord said: Samuel.
And he was awake from.
And when he stood up and ran to Eli.
He said: Here I am.
What do you want? And Eli said: Go back to bed.
I have not called you.
- Sarah.
Who brought this? - A man.
Who? - He wore a cap.
I have warned you, Father.
Leave Nottingham.
- They want us to attract outside.
No, the danger is real.
I have been here.
The sheriff wants to murder you.
- Where should we go? Back to Lincoln, to the house of my brother.
To the family of Aaron, your fiance.
Come on.
I told them that Christian blood on their door smeerden.
Come on.
They went there.
It is again.
If anything happens to me, then only my brother this book open.
Remember: This is the Sefer Yetzirah.
This secret, sacred knowledge is not for non-insiders.
Come on.
Come, children.
They were warned.
The bird has flown.
Listen, Captain.
They are all died.
Understood? If the sheriff of harassment - I understand.
Come on.
We address the others.
Come on.
That cursed villagers.
- This is not Scarlet.
I was not talking about Scarlet.
I'm tired of those mysteries.
He said: The target is enough.
What does that mean? I might as well to shoot the moon.
I thought they believed in us and courage began to gather.
And the first time that we ask them for help they drive us.
You know it not? They have now more harm done than Gisburne, the sheriff and all his soldiers could ever do.
What you gonna do? Will we go searching.
Peace, Father.
- We must continue.
Why they hate us? Because it's easier to hate than to understand.
They hate each other for the same reason.
No, because the lack the same reason.
And Talmont? - There is no Jew in Nottingham on.
Hang a couple oproerkraaiers on my anger of such an act show.
I 'n indignant letter to send the king.
Was there a lot of silver? - The guards bring it here.
Most goes to the treasury.
That will please him.
- Most? Yes, Gisburne.
I want something for the effort.
- What about me? I see that I 'm gone too long.
You are Jews.
- Yes.
And what are you? - A lucky man, I think.
What have you got? - Nothing.
That, I do.
- Please.
You have our money.
Let us go now.
This is a holy book.
I beg you, do not.
- I want your book.
Take this.
But the menora here.
- I do not ring.
And you do not candlesticks.
I have everything I want.
Get outta here.
He is gone.
Let him now.
- He could be anywhere.
But he is not everywhere.
He is somewhere.
And we will find him.
Lead me.
This direction.
What is it? - We should be followed.
I see nothing.
- No, but I can hear them.
Look, The Talmont.
Where are you going? He is gone, my lord.
Disappeared? Where have you found? - At The Talmont.
You mean the Talmont is escaped? - Yes, sir.
That is not what I heard.
- Sir Guy wanted to obscure.
Yes, that he would want.
Did you this? - Yes, sir.
And hidden from Gisburne? - I know his handwriting.
Yes, master.
Me too.
Why? - It is not easy to explain.
I've seen you more often and I'm interested.
Interested? - More than that even.
I saw that you looked at me.
- That is partly what I mean.
I feel attracted to you.
- Really? And know the sheriff you 'n Jewess desires? I'm gone.
I have swallowed enough of him.
He is small for me while I know I'm the better man.
I ga in service in Chester Count and you go along.
If I use your faith, You no longer Jewess.
Ga you marry me? - Yes.
It is so simple.
- No, it is not.
I am engaged to Aaron of Lincoln.
- That I do rule.
As in Nottingham? - It was a revolt.
But you knew that there would be or not? Why do you have the others not warned? That was not the plan, And besides I only followed orders to.
- But did you just not.
You decided who would live and who would die.
That you decided.
I've saved your family.
Do you not? - Yes, I understand, but not you.
- No, you listen.
I find disgusting.
Your cruelty, your arrogance and your ignorance.
How can I marry you? In blood of my people in your hands.
Should I be your wife and everything in which I believe? I disgust you, and I despise you.
And I still prefer to die.
- You are hysterical.
You have the difficult, but you you need a man for you.
Let me go.
Leave her alone.
Do you think they go out? - No.
Where are you going? She is my wife, De Talmont.
This can not do.
This is prohibited.
Let me go.
- No, wait here for me.
Gisburne, bring her back.
I beg you.
Let her go.
I beg you, Gisburne.
We must stay here.
He comes back.
I don 't sure.
Father? What is it? - Sounds.
Has anyone seen anything? What have you found? - Rider.
Three, maybe four.
This is really a mystery.
What are you doing there? I will give you nothing.
They are children.
Poor rattling.
- Come on, you are safe.
We want to help.
- What are you doing here alone? I would not just walk around.
They are Jews.
- Speak you English? Do you speak their language, Nasir? - A little.
Where is your mother? - Mother is dead.
And your father? - Those looking for the man who Sarah away.
Who is Sarah? - Our sister.
Do not cry.
Do not worry.
We will find them.
I promise you.
Stay with them.
John, Nasir, we go hunting.
Where the tracks lead go? He is alive.
- Stay with him.
Bring him back.
This horse is lame.
What is wrong? Listen, your old life is over.
I can give you everything you want.
Do you hear me? I make myself part of for I am with your faith.
Do not be retarded.
We rest.
We have a long journey ahead.
Here you Will.
Keeping him.
You had to kill me.
Looking Gisburne? - Gisburne? He has a girl with him.
Where? Come on.
My father will go to the king.
- It may.
All Jews belong to him.
You are his possessions.
Then I buy you.
I want the girl, Gisburne.
- She is mine.
Grab them.
You've practiced.
Drop, Gisburne.
Brave boy.
We were looking for you.
- You found me.
Were you robbed them? - Well I 've been wrong before.
I am not saying that you always have.
But you got us together and There is only one leader.
That was it.
You know that now the longest man in Sherwood are? Now.
I can not appreciate your company.
But you have only the choice between bird and sex verstotenen.
No movement.
Where is Gisburne? - He has my daughter.
Yes, I thought something like that.
He is very receptive.
And the king of Sherwood? Captain, the boy.
He is hunting Gisburne.
- It is ironic.
Me too.
But it was better than I had dared hope.
How did you find us? - We found your employee.
And after a small party, she said you have gone to Lincoln.
Of course not through the main roads.
The sheriff has to deal with them.
- Really? Come on.
- That we do not win.
Why? - The children.
Captain, search their luggage.
What a beautiful piece of lattice, The Talmont.
This has been very costly.
Furthermore jewels? A book.
Let me see.
- I warn you, sheriff.
Warn me? Warn me? What is that? A book of spells? How to change lead into gold? - Turn that book open.
That is absurd.
Stay out of my neighborhood.
Ga road.
The snakes.
See them squirm as smoke.
Thicker and thicker.
My hands.
My hands.
They rot away.
They rot away.
You see the leeches? The leeches? They swear at me together.
They pull me down.
Fingers around my throat.
The dead leave their graves.
They drag me into the slime.
I can not breathe.
Take them away.
Get them off me.
Their breath.
Their dirty, smelly breath.
They come get me when I sleep.
Their Daggers are sharp.
You know who I am, sheriff? Bind them.
Ga us hanging? - You have not tried.
Who complains to these men? - I accuse them.
They preplanned the murder of my father.
For all of us to murder.
They have the Jews murdered in Nottingham.
An eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
They must die.
- I say: Let them live.
The best a man can do Sarah, is a different forgiven.
That is the best form of revenge.
You have tried, sheriff.
You are our guests until you go.
Nasir will give you the correct way.
What he saw in the book that he was crazy? His own verdorveneid?
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