Sleeper Cell s02e02 Episode Script


Previously, on Sleeper Cell Bureau is offering me a teaching job.
academy? Do you remember Benito Velasquez? Converted in prison, studied with the librarian.
Velasquez was released a few months ago.
So you want me-- to check him out.
Lot of true believer and a loyal soldier.
Any news on my buddy Farik? Did they break him yet? I'll try to make it to Canada and you can come with me.
I'm the cheikh of a group of mujahidin whose sole purpose is to avenge our defeat in Los Angeles.
Salim is my right hand.
He's an engineer from Iraq.
I'm Mina.
Since when do we involve women in our operations? Since when do we not? Why would an ex-con be meeting with his parole officer when he's supposed to be hiding from every cop in the country? The more communication we can get from whoever is on the other end of that card, the higher up we can move on the arcade of chain of command.
I did my case agent back from the Sudan and I stay focus.
Over here.
We need a new leader.
It should be me.
Darwin is one of the most experienced now.
I can't take that job in Quantico.
Not yet.
Something happened.
It's gonna be all over C.
Allahu akbar.
Who the hell are you? Brother Al-Akim.
Allah has returned you to us.
Your loyalty has not gone unnoticed.
After brother Khalid death, you could have disappeared.
But you have done well keeping his followers together.
We will need them.
And we will need you as well.
I think you been drinking too much mad dog 20/20 old man.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Of course, you don't.
Agent Al-Sayeed.
- Warren Russell, your new case agent.
- How old are you man? Twenty-four, twenty-five? Twenty-seven, next month.
But I spent the last five years at ATASS, so I've doing nothing but counter terrorism since 01.
I know that thing that happened with your former case agent, it must have been quite a shock.
- Agent Serxner.
- What? She had a name, Patrice Serxner.
And about what happened to her, she was murdered in cold blood on the fuckin Internet.
Don't answer on these shit.
Of course not, okay? Just wanted to say I'm sorry.
The base is sending me instructions on a moving web page.
The U.
are transmitted on one of these.
Now, Khalid had one of these on him, this is a new one.
I need you get the I.
guys and clone that chip.
Is this from the homeless guy? Yeah.
There's also three addresses here for decommissioned hospital in L.
Now, I'm supposed to secure one as an operational base.
Well, you let me know when you lock one of these down.
Then we'll break at the place with video/audio surveillance.
Anything else? Whoever's at the other end of that thing, they want me to get an FIM 92B Sure.
We'll warn service delivery missile.
So what? You shoot down a plane? To early to tell.
Besides, the big problem is everyone in the intelligence community they all know how hard the U.
use clamp down on live Stingers.
- So? - So, this may be a test that I don't wanna pass.
I manage to come up with a legit FIM 92B I'll be the luckiest terrorist on the planet or-- A government agent, right.
I got it, okay.
So, what do you do? See if you can help me out with a Russian SA-7 Grail or a SA-18 Grouse man pack.
To keep my credibility intact.
Show them I can still deliver the good but it won't blow my cover.
Russian and Surface Air Missile.
It'd be better to just leave that last one out.
That's it? Then we had to step up operational security and change the meeting place.
The homeless guy knows where I am living.
He could easily be up on this location.
Okay, got it.
Alright, well, we'll be in touch.
Hey, Darwin! Look man, I know how this goes, okay? My job is to control the U.
and control case, but, we both know you are really the one running this operation.
Alright? And the real reason the director brought me in, is because everybody in the L.
office thinks this job is cursed.
But you and I, we're gonna prove them wrong.
Assalamu alaikum.
Alaikum assalam.
I'm Lieutenant Hayat.
I'm a Muslim cheick.
Allah, mercy on you.
And you as well.
Brother, will you pray with me? I've been authorized to lead you in Salat al-Jumu'ah.
Come on.
I'll undo your shackles.
So, who's the guy? Okay, his name's Surab Hassani.
He's a Pakistani national, used to sell arms to the mujahidin against the Soviets in Afghanistan.
He's living in L.
A, now.
And our informant said that he's back at work brokery deals for terrorists.
Now, ATASS has an open investigation on this guy and they're looking to do a sting.
So he sells you the missiles, they pick him up, everyone's happy.
No way.
It's too risky.
The agents everywhere, cameras, recording devices, this could blow the entire operation.
They've already made the decision.
so, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about it now.
Russell, you're supposed to have my back, not try and law me out to other cases.
How do I find Hassani? How's Samia? Samia? My wife.
She's in U.
custody, I thought perhaps you spoke with her.
How many Muslim chaplains can the U.
possibly have? We could always use more.
I could probably locate her for you.
But you have to do your part as well.
And help the Americans? If they can't get anything from you here, they won't hesitate to send you overseas.
Where the interrogators won't be so humane.
Once you're out of American hands, I can't help you.
And the death sentence is waiting for me in Saoudi Arabia.
Don't give them a reason to send you away.
Nothing good can come of it.
I've been in communication with the senior brothers.
They want everything running smoothly as if nothing ever happened to Khalid.
We have no time to waste.
The day of judgment will be upon us very soon.
Benny? I need you and Mina to secure a new base of operations.
There're three decommissioned hospitals on that plan.
I think I got an idea how we can rent one out for a few months.
Salim, you're riding with me.
Hey, Darwin? Black guy and Arab guy driving around L.
Who do you think the cops would Rodney King first? You got me.
In the U.
K, they always go after the Paki.
I thought your family was from Iraq.
No, I don't matter.
I'm still a fucking Paki to them.
Do they call you that to your face? All the time.
Once back in secretary school, I got this argument with a mate of mine.
I don't even know what it was all about.
As he turned away, I heard him saying in his breath: "Bloody Paki".
I-- I shove him to the ground.
As he's long (*), I think to myself: there're so many ways I could have this fucking guy right now.
What would he remember most? Broken bones heal, right? But teeth? Teeth don't grow back.
So I used my best penalty kick and I knocked out three in one go.
Is this your front? Front? This is the finest halal butcher shop in America.
I could retire from the profits on my shop alone, but, I have a legacy to uphold.
Yeah, I heard you helped take down the Soviets in Afghanistan.
I did more than help.
I won the war for the mujahidin.
Without Hassani, they would have had no-- grenades, no machine guns.
Not to mention tanks.
That was a long time ago.
When I opened my butcher shop in the U.
, I thought I left the arms business behind.
But, Islam is under attack.
The world is at war.
And one cannot fight a war without the proper weapons.
That is why, Hassani has come out of retirement to offer his services.
I'm gonna need some very, specialized equipment.
No problem, I'll have it in 48 hours.
You realize I'm talking about a surface to air missile, alright? Of course.
I still have contacts in the arms world, and, I believe, in the right path.
I will not lie to you.
The missile will be expensive to obtain, but, Hassani can.
I'll need ten percent in cash, upfront.
Bring it tomorrow or the deal is off.
Miss Bishop? - Yeah? - I am Warren Russell, with the F.
I'm a colleague of Darwin Al-Sayeed's.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Darwin's not here.
- I know.
I know.
Anything happened to him? Oh gosh, no! No, he's fine.
He's fine.
No I'm actually here to see you.
May I come in? - Yeah, yeah, come in.
- Thank you.
Right here.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
Oh, sorry.
I'm just catching up on some paperwork.
How that involves your-- relationship with special agent Al-Sayeed.
Why, you guys are not going to * anymore or It's, none of my business.
No, but this is.
This is, an N.
None Disclosure Agreement.
For you to sign.
See, you're the only civilian that has any knowledge of agent Al-Sayeed's undercover work, so you can understand why we want a safeguard against any information leaks.
I would never say anything to anybody, I-- Of course not, I understand.
All the same now, we've got everything in writing, so-- You know.
Just put your signature on the last page, there.
And this is just a written guarantee that you won't reveal anything you know about agent Al-Sayeed's activities.
You'll be subject to criminal prosecution if you do.
Prosecution? But there is nothing to worry about.
Nothing to worry about.
Unless you plan to go on Oprah or something.
Just on the bottom there.
Okay, here.
Okay, watch your step right here.
See, after the quake in 94, a lot of these buildings failed inspections.
Some companies felt it was easier to just move than to try, you know, retrofit the whole structure.
But, now, it's the perfect location for your horror movie, don't you think? - Yeah.
- Yeah? Okay, hum So what's it called? 'Cause I love scary movies.
It's called, "Kill Team".
A sort of horror/action flick.
That's the working title? Yeah, yeah, it's It' about how the government's been genetically alterating soldiers to become elite killer machines.
One trouble is, they did too good of a job.
So, when the C.
comes in and try to take them out, try to execute them, they come back to life.
An who they go for and wake up in the morgue? The nurses! Could we see the roof? No problem.
Just follow me.
You sure don't want some rugs? Asian, Anatolian, whatever you like.
I can get you genuine Sarafian.
I'm fine, dad.
You'll never find a wife if you don't learn to decorate.
Show people you have taste.
What are you doing here? I know you wouldn't have driven all the way out here just to visit.
A father can't miss his own son? Come on, dad, what is it? Is the shop ok? So, so.
Everybody's a vegetarian now.
Maybe I'll sell it soon.
But you love that shop.
How else can I pay for retirement? I'm in debt.
How much? How much? It's not your worry.
I've decided to go back to the old business.
No, dad.
Dad! I'm a U.
marine, I don't even wanna ear it.
Just one deal.
One deal and I can retire.
Visit my son, one day maybe even see my grand-children.
I don't even wanna ear it.
Russian SA-18 Grouse.
Surface to air missile.
Are you out of your fucking mind? It's for a collector.
Big estate in Arizona.
To mount above the fireplace.
He'll never use it.
It's fine.
It's fine, it's fucking illegal.
And it's impossible, where the hell are you gonna get something like that, anyhow? I thought, maybe you could help me.
Do you have any idea what you're asking me? I know the U.
military has stock piles of foreign weapons.
You have completely lost it.
Do you know I almost didn't pass my background check because of you and your fucked-up past? And now you're here and threatening my career all over again? What I should do is pick up the phone and report you to the F.
O mar.
For your father.
I'll never ask anything of you again.
I have work to do.
You can let yourself out.
For your sake, and mine, this conversation never happened.
Let's cooking.
Macaronis and cheese with slice hot dogs in honor of our last night in America.
Sure, you'll make it taste good.
What are you doing? Where did you get it? From a backpacker, down the trail, some German guys.
- It's not a big deal.
- You fucking idiot! What if a cop saw you buying drugs? What if it was a cop selling it to you? Come on, it's just pot.
It's enough to get us arrested, it's enough to fuck everything up and we are five miles from the Canadian border? Shit! Jesus, Ilija, you see, this is the kind of paranoid the U.
government puts in the people.
The U.
government, corporations, the churches, they're all out to control you through fear.
We're just having a good time, we're not hurting anybody.
That fear spoils everything.
But you don't have to buy into it.
I don't.
Come on, get high with me.
One last chance to tell this country to kiss your ass before we leave.
- Where are you going? - Help me pack-up, we're leaving.
What? You put us in danger.
We have to go.
- You're crazy.
- No.
Just driven by fear.
I got the best dry cleaning in the city so the bills are untraceable.
Very good.
Who is your associate? My backup.
Carrying ten grand in cash is risky business.
We're still on schedule? This is a very hard to find piece you ask for.
My sources in California temporarily sold out.
- You sold out? - But, I have another source who will ship them in from outer state, especially for Hassani.
There may be small delay, but, they will be here very soon, you have my word.
- Your last word was 48 hours.
- Relax.
Hassani won the war for the Afghans, he will win the war for you.
Remember, the best products always take a bit longer.
My suit? Eight months.
Darwin? A gift for you.
Our most select halal lamb chops.
The finest in the country.
Grill them up, you'll see.
Hassani does not lie.
I made some inquiries for you about your wife.
And I floated the idea of a meeting between you and her.
And? They say they would consider it if you finally cooperate.
Brother, remember what the holly Koran says.
"Repel evil with that which is better "then your enemy will become your trusted friend.
" My wife is innocent.
She's done nothing.
The prospect of seeing her again would have been unthinkable one month ago.
Now, it's a real possibility.
This is a victory for you.
Seize it.
There was a contingency plan in place.
If we ever needed to hide out, to flee the country.
The Y.
A in Hopsters.
Downtown Los Angeles, locker 67.
You'll find everything there.
Hey mom! Listen Janet, the kids just got home.
I will see you at the benefit.
You took them shopping! I thought you said they could use new outfits.
You got them to sit still long enough to try on clothes? I bribe them with Ben and Jerry's.
Mina let me have a brownie sundae.
No, you hate those, don't you? I had those fat frozen yogurt, Lenny Rowsens, mom, says ice cream gives you hips.
They had a great sale on Burberry's, I got a kilt for Lacona*, and a Novocheck button down and khakis for Cody.
That is too cute! Is that everything then, Mrs.
Rasmond? You're not coming with us tonight? Come on, Mina.
It's gonna be so boring.
- Please.
- I can't.
I have a date.
Who's the lucky guy? It's more like a first meeting, coffee.
We met online.
Be careful, Mina.
There's a lot of psychos on the Internet.
I will, thank you.
There are secure storage facilities.
Meeting rooms, plenty of beds if we need to sleep here.
There's also a courtyard entrance, hidden from the street, where we can load and unload cargo.
And the roof top.
It's very defensible.
We can make a last stand there if need be.
Hold off authorities for hours.
Maybe days.
Isn't him * that shit, man? 'cause he sold his good for something.
* Hey, boss? You know what you boy does after he leaves the butcher shop? I don't really care, as long as he gets us the goods.
He drives a cab.
How many arms dealers do you know who drive a fucking cab? How many, holly warriors do you know who work as nannies? We run a grocery store in east L.
It's called a cover.
And InchÂ’ Allah, you'd better have a good one.
Following him around at night, he's probably made you already.
Let this be a lesson to all of you.
We cannot afford any mistakes.
Understood? Too busy to return my calls? - Mr.
Darwin, please.
- Where are my goods? Goods, bads, it's different*.
It is coming, my friend.
Just some delay, very small.
I work non stop to get them for you.
I know you work non stop in this cab to 2 in the morning.
How the fuck does that help me? How? I am legitimate, I swear.
Who's your source? Who's supplying the material? I can't tell you.
These men are very powerful.
- They will kill me.
- I will kill you right now.
What-- You kill me, then you'll never get your weapon.
Please! Please! I need to make this sale.
What happened to you being a big time arms dealer? I was.
American helps make me rich, so I take my family to U.
open a legitimate business but things don't work out the way I plan.
We were healthy in Pakistan, and poor in America.
I was an important person Mr.
Now, I drive a taxi and sell lamb chops because that is all I can do in this country.
This is not Hassani.
I can help you, please.
Just give me the chance.
My contacts are still good.
My son, he's a U.
marine, very high rank.
He's getting the missile for me.
You will have it, I swear.
I just need a little more time, please.
He's a dud fraud, he's a con artist.
Did you even check into this guy? What? Air national terrorism operation section sent him to us.
Do you check him out personally? Look Russell, the way this works is you are my last line of defense.
Why didn't you check into this guy background? He claims his son can slip him an SA-18, no problem.
Does that sound credible to you? Our informant said he's still big time arms dealer.
Or he's giving you bullshit information.
and I'm the one who's get fucked.
Maybe twenty years ago, this guy was a player, but, these days, he's living in a fantasy world, he'd be lucky if he can buy a fucking hand gun.
Why the hell did Hassani agree to broker a deal for you then? This poor motherfucker still thinks he can get back in the game.
Everyday that goes by without that missile, I'm losing credibility.
Hey, even if Hassani isn't a real deal, maybe we can turn him into the real deal.
You got two minutes.
Stick to english or we cut you off quicker than you can blink.
How are they treating you? I'm fine.
They haven't mistreated me.
I still haven't seen the lawyer yet.
Why hasn't she seen a lawyer? She's done nothing.
Only you can help us.
I haven't spoken to Asma in months.
They won't tell me where she is.
I know that you don't care about what happens to you.
But our family has been destroyed.
You have to be strong, Samia.
Think of our daughter, she's just a child.
Imagine what they can do to her.
Don't let them use our daughter as a bargaining chip! She lives in another country, they can't touch her! Allah will protect her.
No, you are her father.
You should be the one protecting her! If you had martyred yourself on that day, at least we could be in mourning.
But now we are lost.
I don't know if it's day or if it's night.
They keep asking me questions I can't answer.
Only you can stop this.
Samia! You are letting them poison you.
Samia, look at me! Look at me! Look in my eyes.
Did you ever think you'd be looking at my face again? No, it's true.
I didn't.
Be brave, Samia.
Time is up.
She's a good looking woman.
I don't understand what she sees in you.
So, your father explicitly stated to you that he intended on committing a federal offence? One that could endangered the lives of hundreds, even thousands of people! And you felt no need to report it? You don't know my father like I do.
There is no way he could get his hands on a SA-18 man-pack.
So why would I send my own father to prison for some crime he couldn't possibly commit? 'Cause we're post 9/11, sergeant! And we can't afford to take any chances.
Nobody's taking any chances, he's harmless! He likes to talk.
He does more than talk.
We have sworn statements from associates of your father who describe him as an active player furnishing weapons to known terrorists.
He runs a butcher shop all day, he drives a cab all night.
Have you ever even seen him selling a weapon? To anyone? I'm not at liberty to address that, but I will tell you this: under the Patriot Act, just being willing to abet terrorist activity is enough to warrant heavy criminal prosecution.
So sergeant, by allowing you father to pursue his terrorist activities, you've turned yourself into an accomplice.
Which could mean Court Martial, and prison time.
Are you fucking kidding me? I served in Iraq! The only way that you can help your father and yourself, is by helping us.
I'm heading east before I cross through the mountains.
The border is unprotected out there.
After you cross over, meet me at the waypoint I programmed into the GPS.
When will you get there? Wait at the meeting place from ten to midnight.
If I don't show up the first night, comeback to the coordinates every night for a week.
If I don't make it by then, I might have been captured or eaten by a bear.
Either way, go back to Los Angeles and forget any of this ever happened.
Easy for you to say.
I'll see you in a few days.
We'll celebrate in Canada.
Alright, let's go and get this to the translation team right away.
We got it.
Is it true? You have it for me? Why else would I be here, dad? Give me a hand.
Allah be praised.
Where did you get this? I can't tell you.
Can you please just help me get it out of here? Dad? I I'm so proud of you.
That you would do such a thing for your father.
Tell me the truth.
This is the only deal you've done since we came to America.
Right? Of course.
We'll have a great celebration for your father's retirement.
Sure, pop.
See? Hassani is a man of his word.
Missile Armature.
Battery It's the real shit.
Of course it is.
Okay then.
I'll transfer radiophone, let them know.
Hang up the phone.
What? Shit.
This fucker is a thief.
This is ridiculous.
I've deliver-- Oh, shit! The submission punished me for thievery! You, for what? - For fucking treason! - You're crazy! His master cooling unit is from the fucking eighties! The cooler lasts for ten years at most, after that the battery is worth shit.
Without a working piece to use, the whole thing is useless.
How do you know this shit, man? I spend two summers training in fighting in Tchechenia.
I'm telling you, he betrayed us! He's trying to sell us a fucking paperwing.
He's dead, man.
He's fucking dead.
He's fucking dead, man.
This bastard tried to swindle us.
I had to maintain operational security.
Get up! You don't think this compromises operational security? Look at me! We got bloody fingerprints everywhere! I'm sorry.
We need to get this missile back to the hospital.
Move! I stay away * - Look, so what, help you if this shi - Shut the fuck-up.
Turn off.
Go! Look, Darwin, I'm really sorry-- Get the fuck out of here.
I'm saying get the fuck out of here! Why didn't you me the battery units would mess me? Gray your fucking mind? Weren't gonna give 'em a working missile, you know that! You told me the plan, so I could have kept Salim outside at least away from that missile.
Neither one of us knew that your boy could identify an older model BCU.
It was an unforeseen circumstance.
Your unforeseen circumstance got a man killed! Do you understand that? Look, I wasn't in the butcher shop.
Okay? You were.
You were the last one defense there.
Now, I'll share the blame with you.
Don't fucking pile it over, my buddy.
Have you seen? Do you see what happened when you go into things behind my back? I can't control a situation if you leave me in the dark.
Now, from now on, you have to keep me in the loop on every little last thing you do.
And you have to get me some sort of real intel on the subjects that I am surrounding myself with.
Or you can get another UC.
I heard about how you really got this job.
Your uncle's deputy director of the bureau.
Next time you talk to him, tell him I don't have time to baby-sit his fucking nephew.
Be extra-careful with the evidence, alright? This is Farik's safehouse.
We want forensics to get everything.
- Clear! - Okay, let's go.
The safe house wasn't so safe, huh? There's no hope for you.
I try to reason with you.
Like a brother.
But you're not a true Muslim.
Says the man who uses the Koran to serve you as foreign policy.
I am the believer.
You are the apostate.
And may Allah have mercy on your soul.
It's your soul that needs Allah's help, not mine.
- You don't understand.
- I understand perfectly.
Pick him up.
Get him out of here.
Baby, how are the fair does? Cool? Let's go see the dolpins.
They are over here.
Right over there.
I'll be right here, alright? So, hum Private club oratories facility opened for the end of the year.
I used to go there when I was a kid, I was thinking we could take Marcus.
It's not gonna happen.
Not in while, at least.
I'm really sorry, but this is gonna have to be the last-- day out for a while.
What are you talking about? Why? Because I thought it was gonna be quick this time.
But it's not.
Of course it's not.
Your, friend, special agent Russell came by for a visit, and made me sign a non disclosure agreement.
He said if I violate it, I could face criminal penalties.
He came to your place? So, how long are we talking about here? Like a week or a month? - I don't know.
- You don't know.
So that's it, right? Damn it.
Every time something good happens to me, the other shoe drops.
Please Gayle, don't do this now, okay? God.
I'm the only one that can do this.
And I have to do it.
I know.
Guys? Why don't we check on the elephants first? It's feeding time there.

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