Snabba Cash (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

Are They Chatting or Selling?

How's Sami?
He's okay.
This isn't the end, Leya.
It isn't the end?
Well, I brought you this anyway.
Sami wanted me to give it to you.
Was school okay?
My God!
What is it you don't get?
I won't go down with you!
Just 'cause you're a fucking idiot!
You either take TargetCoach
or I'll bury you with it!
This is war now!
- Hey!
- It's Jihad!
Are you out of your goddamn mind here,
This is a fucking schoolyard!
Have you gone completely out of it?!
How tiny is your cock anyway?!
Sami, that was just
That was Mom's crazy boss.
- Uh
- Hmm.
Just forget it. Come on.
Anyway, Tomas was roundtripping,
and you know
I'm not involved in that shit.
He's trashed my whole company.
What I can see here is you both
are partners in the company, together.
And truth is, you're both guilty
of accounting fraud in this case.
- You could get six years behind bars.
- Si
Si But
Okay, just wait. Uh
Marcus Werner. Remember him?
- Of course.
- Yeah.
He was complicit in roundtripping.
- He got out of it.
- I don't know anything about the case.
I mean, my colleague represented him.
Maybe Werner was innocent.
Can you find a way around it?
Can't you?
Sorry, but the way I see it,
TargetCoach won't survive this.
He's an amateur who can't shoot.
Who is this fool?
Doesn't he know who Ravy Baby is?
Why you here? I don't get it.
- Huh?
- We came to help you.
So what, are you going to a party?
You come all dressed up?
Go get your stash.
Fill up the car, bro.
Four gunmen, and go for it.
I'm on it. We'll get it done.
Come on, Nala.
Okay, guys.
We put the word out
that we're the new suppliers
who will be taking over the business.
We stand to make some good money, but
we have to stay on the down-low.
Don't go around flashing money,
gold chains, or anything like that.
We don't want the cops to catch on.
Got that?
And it's gonna be messy,
so bring your guns.
Sit over there.
The fuck are you doing here?
You been out there shooting
without my permission.
Since Dani died, this is my fucking turf.
That means your Rambo bullshit
is fucking over.
You two are paying a fine to me.
Then I'll meet with Ravy.
Now get out, man.
Here's how it's gonna go.
You give us all your burner phones now,
all your contacts in town.
And you start working for us.
What are you talking about?
You'll be working for us.
Or soon your mom will be crying.
The fuck are you saying, motherfucker?
You think I'm scared?
Think you fucking scare me?
There's three of you, right?
So, no, my friend.
You no longer call the shots here.
And bon appétit.
Ah, hey, babe.
Mm, hi.
- Uh, ah, not out here.
- What's up?
- Nothing. I've just been hurt.
- So what happened?
I got shot.
- Someone shot you?
- Yeah, but I'll be fine, trust me.
So So have you lost your mind?
You got shot!
- Did you see a doctor?
- What?
- Have you been to the hospital?
- I went to the hospital already.
When? Why didn't you call me?
Why would I call you?
So you can act this way around people?
People? Who was there?
- Leya, Nala, others.
- And you didn't call me?
Then you come here,
so the shooters find me.
Next thing you know, I'll be shot.
How about if your precious baby gets shot?
- Can we go inside and talk about this?
- No.
Why not? Are you serious?
You expect me to keep on playing the fool.
I wanna be with you, but I just can't.
What do you wanna eat?
Today I want to have
a goddamn kebab special.
Hey, Freckles.
What's up, dude?
- What are you doing here, bro?
- Hey.
- Yo.
- What's up?
- All good, bro?
- Thanks.
- Looking good.
- You okay?
Yeah, I'm on an internship here.
That's sick, man.
Got you flippin' burgers now?
Yeah, it's my probation stuff.
That's cool.
So what about the kebab special?
- Hold the tomatoes though.
- I'll have the same as Nala.
Comes to 230.
What? No kinda bro-price or anything?
- How 'bout it, dude?
- Sorry, man, I can't do it.
- For real?
- Hey. Order.
- Hey
- Huh?
We need to talk.
Yeah, sure. What's on your mind?
- Nala, we're alone
- Asshole!
I thought I said it loud and clear.
"No fucking tomato."
Away you go.
What are you babbling about?
Hey, listen.
He is our fucking shot.
We haven't got any product.
We got nothing.
We're fucking screwed here.
Bro we've been alone like this a lot.
It's up to us to find that little bitch
who did this to us, okay?
Too soft, bro.
Life gets a little tough,
and you wanna give up now?
Oh, my God. Vlad, thank you!
- Come in, come in. Nice to see you again.
- Leya, hey, hi!
- Hey.
- I'm so glad to see you.
Yeah, me too. Go in, go in.
Okay, long story short,
you know that roundtripping Tomas did?
- Uh, yeah.
- Yeah, he used Kryptichat.
And now ekobrott is on my ass.
Oh, fuck.
I need your help to erase it,
delete it, something.
I don't know, just
Can you just look at it?
Yeah, this This is a bit
What does it mean?
- Well, you have to clean this up.
- Yeah.
So basically, what you need to do is, um
You need to continue
the roundtripping. Um
What do you mean,
continue the roundtripping?
I'll go to jail. No, I
I want to delete the roundtripping
I know. I know.
But this is the way you have to do it.
You need to create a system
where the money just moves
around and around the world.
And then, yeah, you clean the numbers.
- And there is no other way?
- No, unfortunately not.
- Can you do it?
- Me?
- No, are you crazy?
- Vlad, please.
I can oversee the process,
um but that's it.
So So, first of all, uh, you need
a lot of money to pump up the system.
Yeah, and then you need someone with the
the right bank connections
around the world.
Yes, you're so right.
You should have a good time.
Jonas is very welcoming. Yes, you'll see.
- Marcus, long fucking time!
- Hey.
Oh, sorry. Yes, I'll see you later.
Uh, take care of her.
- Hey.
- What are you doing here?
I'm thinking we could talk a little.
- So you're here to see me?
- Yeah.
Normally you book a meeting.
I have a meeting,
by the way, but will you
- I'll walk with you.
- Walk with me?
I know things got fucked up between us.
Hey, you were a fucker,
I was a fucker, but it's okay.
I don't hold a grudge.
- Well, that's nice.
- I like you. You're cool, and I like you.
So what do you want this time?
So what am I thinking?
I want your help.
That's what I figured, but with what?
I'm working on a system for roundtripping.
What the fuck?
- You're kidding?
- No, I am not. I'm fucking serious.
So you come here, proposing things
about your shady business.
- Get out of my face!
- Listen, just drop the act, okay?
Everyone knows you got caught
roundtripping, but you got away.
Only I know,
you're a fucking huge swindler.
Exactly. There was an investigation
that showed I was innocent. So?
It depends on who you ask.
- You're unbelievable, you know that?
- Yeah.
- So?
- There's some money in this, okay?
- A fair percentage for you.
- You can't No, fuck this!
- Marcus.
- We
- Leya, we can have lunch.
- Mm-hmm.
- I think this can be really super.
- Oh, my God.
- Here's what we'll do.
- Mm-hmm?
We'll go have lunch,
talk about some of your plans.
Then, not now.
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Talk it over then.
- Mm-hmm.
You are a fucking idiot.
You're so fucking stupid. Fuck.
You want nothing to do with me now?
Not as long
as you're involved in all that shit, no.
- Bye, Ravy.
- Yeah.
That's right.
- Think so?
- No way, man.
- If you say so.
- Not bad, though.
Quit hoggin' the chips.
Let me get some.
So you nervous about the test?
- Yeah, I didn't study at all.
- Did you think about what Zaki said?
Are you kidding?
- No.
- You gonna start dealing now?
No, I can help out
with other stuff.
Are you stupid?
- Not stupid.
- How you gonna help if you're dead?
You'll be their little errand boy.
You never have my back.
You're always complaining and shit.
Where are you going?
To get more chips.
See ya.
Yo, Jalal!
He's pissed.
Yo, dawg. What's up, brother? What's up?
- Hey, man. You trippin'?
- Hey, check that out, bro.
- What you talkin' about?
- Fuck you.
You don't know
what the fuck you're talking about, bro.
That shit will kill your ass, man.
Bro, look at them rats.
- They working or gabbing now?
- They're just boys, man.
God, I can't take no more
of this shit, bro.
These goddamn project hood rats.
Hey, Ravy, jackpot. We found 'em.
Who the fuck is this? You know him?
Zaki just sent me.
He said I could help you with stuff,
and I could get some cash.
Let's go.
- Go, go, go! Run!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Where you going? Huh? Slow down. Hey!
- Hey, we got you.
- I'm not with them.
- Shut up!
- That way!
You need a daycare teacher?
You want that?
I'll be your goddamn teacher. Get in.
Empty the apartment.
- Move everything. Everything, yeah.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- What's this? What's going on?
- Hello, yeah.
- I got an order to empty this by today.
- Wait a minute.
- There's the order.
- Wait, wait. This is a mistake.
- I haven't heard Who are you?
- The apartment will be emptied now.
- Start here!
- Wait, wait! Not in that room!
Wait, my son My son's in there.
- What are you doing?
- Guys.
- Make sure that room is empty.
- Sami.
- Wait. Where did you get that order from?
- All the kitchen. Yes, from Macking.
- Please, can you sign this order?
- From Macking?
Yeah, just move it, to that room there.
Sami, come here, sweetie.
We'll go to this hotel.
They have a sauna. They have a pool.
Hello. Welcome.
Fucking asshole Tomas.
- Hey, y'all. What's up now? Bro.
- Hey.
This kid? Come on, huh.
Come here, let's talk.
- That's not him. It's this kid here.
- Not this one?
- No.
- This little fuck? What he do? He's young.
He had this bag with him.
You okay, bro?
What's your name?
- Jalal.
- Cool.
How old are you?
Damn, you're starting early, man.
Is this your bag?
- No.
- How'd you end up with it?
You do magic?
Why don't I know if you can do magic?
I guess you can conjure up
the rest of my shit too, huh?
Yeah, that's it.
Let's make this easy for everybody.
Just tell me who it is.
Don't be afraid. Nobody in Sweden
has a bigger dick than me.
Hear what I said? Tell us who it is
and we can all go home. Understand?
Bro, let me walk outta here
and I'll get you new stuff, I mean it.
I have to help out my mom.
Shola, who is this kid, man?
We don't know.
Bro, for real?
Make it easy for all of us. Tell me who.
You keep asking me stuff
I don't know. I'm telling you.
What are you telling me?
The questions you're asking,
I have no idea.
What the fuck are you
telling me here, what?
- Hey, hey!
- I don't know!
Don't fuck with me.
A little gangster, huh?
- I don't know!
- You fucking lie to me?
Who? So you're a gangster,
you fucking little rat?
- Hey! Hey! Chill, Ravy!
- I don't know!
- I don't like rats who
- Ravy!
- Fucking
- Yeah, yeah.
Hey, listen! Get away from me, man!
Damn it. I I'll fuck him up!
Bro, go away!
Fucking brats! Fucking rat bitch!
Bro, chill.
I'll kill him! You little fucking rat!
Ravy, dude, chill out!
- Fuck that! Bullshit!
- Check it out.
He's not the one who fucked you, brother.
It's not him!
- If he runs his mouth, we're all screwed.
- He wants to play gangster!
Bro, if the boy opens his fucking mouth,
he'll screw us all.
Trust me when I say to leave him alone.
- Ravy?
- Don't go against me no more, understand?
- He's a fucking boy.
- You'll be sorry.
Now get him out.
I know what you're about to say.
This is fucked up
You have no idea
what you're talking about!
- He's flipped out!
- Wait.
He's a little snot-nose,
and his eye is destroyed.
Baby, you brought the snot-nose,
put him in danger, right?
- Fuck.
- All right?
You kidnapped him with me, right?
You found the kid with me, right?
Exactly. Now you feel sorry
because his eye is fucked.
- Why didn't you do anything earlier?
- Keep protecting him. Keep it up!
You and me are equally responsible
for this now! Equally fucking to blame!
Are you kidding me?
This place is completely and totally cool.
We're happy
with how it turned out.
We wanted to have a little LA feeling,
with big windows, a great view.
You know the style.
That's not why I'm here.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Have you been
considering it?
Ah, right to the point,
as always.
Isn't it tough
to always be stressed out like that?
Yeah, Marcus,
I'm out of time, I need to know.
That pool required an investment
of two million.
- No.
- 'Cause I can't stand any stress at home.
Look. See that?
- The trees are reflected in the water.
- Can you please say
I feel like having a nice swim.
I really feel like a swim.
I'm hoping that you do also.
I have a suit I can loan you. Join me.
No need to be so formal, right?
If you wanna talk business
here's where I'll be.
See you over there.
It's great.
Come on.
That's it.
- So what do you say?
- What? I say that I'm relaxed.
That this pool was a great investment.
Have you seen the view yet?
- Ah. It's kind of poetic, isn't it?
- Nice.
- How big a percentage?
- Swimming in the treetops.
- What'd you say?
- How big a percentage?
My percentage?
I think I'll have
a little sparkling wine.
- Ah
- I don't want any wine.
- Huh?
- I don't want it.
- Well, at least hold the glass.
- I was thinking
- Ten percent.
- Ten percent?
It's far too low.
you have such
distinctly beautiful lips.
- Knock it off. I can't.
- Insanely beautiful.
Stop, please. It's not
It's not one of those things, okay?
Come closer.
- Come on, relax.
- I'm not feeling this.
Yeah, I'm gonna say
something good now, okay?
I think that in order
for this to work out,
I wanna have
you, Leya.
Come on Please.
Come cuddle, Leya.
- Hey. Hey, come on now.
- Don't touch me.
- I was just kidding. I was joking, okay?
- Let go!
Hey, I was just kidding there. Leya!
Are you leaving? For real?
Jesus Christ!
Sami, should we tell Mommy
what we did today?
- Mm-hmm.
- We went out to the park. Right?
And ate a bit. We did so many things.
And when we got home,
we baked a little something.
And we were so happy.
We have to leave soon, okay?
Don't forget.
- But can't you stay a little longer?
- No, we really can't, Mom.
He has homework, he has to shower.
We have so many things.
What is it?
Something happen?
I know something's wrong.
Mama's intuition. Please just say it.
Huh? Tell me.
I could be losing the company soon.
Can't you just leave it?
Mom, what are you talking about?
- Yeah?
- You know I can't just quit.
But work shouldn't make you this unhappy.
I'm not unhappy.
But I can see that you are unhappy.
You can still get a good education.
Jadmilla's daughter studied social work.
She has a great life.
I don't wanna be a social worker.
I love you.
I love you too.
Do you remember
the first time we met?
Go on in.
Hey, Jalal.
How you doin'?
Doin' okay
I guess.
- Is everybody here?
- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
We'll do something fun
when you're feeling better.
Yeah, we can go to the movies, you know?
So I think that
I could be blind in one eye.
- Hey.
- Hey, Mohammed.
Mohammed, let's talk.
- Yeah, Dad?
- Hey.
How are you?
Was it hard seeing Jalal today?
You know, Mohammed,
this has been hard for us also.
We've been very worried about you.
But But But this was just
a one-time thing, no more.
- I promise.
- Hey, Mo, listen to me now.
This thing is serious.
So much shit going on now.
We're moving away. We'll do this together.
You and me,
we'll explore all the options together.
- No.
- This is for you own sake.
Seriously, Dad? We have to live
where I have no friends or anyone?
Mohammed, you'll understand
when you're a bit older
But I don't wanna move. You can move then.
But I don't really wanna leave here.
Dad, please just listen to me.
- Hey, guys.
- Hey.
I'll see you soon.
See you later.
Nala, hold on.
I know where this money is coming from.
- I don't want it, Nala.
- You know I love you, okay?
- I've just been helping you out.
- And I love you too.
Okay, Mama, but I have to go.
Pray for me, 'kay?
- What's up?
- Yo.
So talk!
You made us come all this way. What's up?
We're short on time.
Shit, we're sorry. We gotta quit.
What do you mean, quit?
Yeah, so we
We can't be working for you no more
Where you going?
Tell me, who you gonna work for?
We're gonna do our own thing, bro.
Solo, huh?
- Yeah.
- You think this is Destiny's Child, man?
You work for us.
- Sorry, this is not working no more.
- What are you talking about?
Ravy, dude.
We can't work with him no more.
Listen, Ravy is fucked up, man.
You can't work with him, huh?
Listen. Taking my boys and we're going.
I hope you're cool with this,
'cause we made you profit.
Go fuck yourselves!
Fucking hood boys!
I told you shit would get bad now.
Bro kids like those guys,
they're out 'cause traffic is slow now.
If we can find our stash, just watch 'em.
Shit's gonna be fixed.
You wanna tell me
where that fucking spook has our shit?
Relax. We can fix this. Come on.
If we find Jalal's friends,
they'll lead us right to the stash.
We'll see
if anybody knows anything.
These kids must know something.
Right. Look at that.
Hey, ladies. Y'all been good?
- Yeah.
- Uh-huh.
Ladies, I have a question for you.
Have you seen Jalal around?
Jalal's a short dude
who goes to this school.
No, we haven't seen him.
Nicki, how about you?
- Nope.
- All right.
- Hmm.
- What the fuck?
Yo, boys, you seen Jalal around?
- Nah.
- No.
Hey, Mohammed.
There's people looking for us.
I don't know exactly,
but Sulle said they're fucking scary,
like gangsters.
What are we gonna do?
Hey, little man.
There's this little dude named Jalal.
Busted eye.
- Know this guy?
- Mm.
- Who's he hang with?
- I don't know.
Hey, baby
How can you know who Jalal is
but you don't know who he hangs with?
- I don't know.
- Listen to me. You better tell me.
- I told you, I don't know.
- I feel like you do know.
Guys, tell me who he hangs with.
- There's Liban
- Yeah?
- Mohammed and Rana.
- Okay.
And where are Liban, Mohammed and Rana?
I have an idea.
What are you gonna do?
Get a rifle and blow them away?
Come on. We gotta get out of here.
Hey. Hey, hey. What are you doing here?
You can't be in here.
- Come on, come on. What are you doing?
- Okay. We're leaving, bro.
- You kidding me? Go.
- We're studying.
- What do you do in school?
- Let's go.
I'm looking for my little sister.
You know she goes here.
Let's go, let's go.
Bro, I've shown you respect.
- Respect me and leave now.
- Bro, come on, come on.
Bro', he's too old.
Leave it alone. Come on.
How are you doing, friends?
Not so great.
So what's going on?
Well, there's some people
at school who are looking for us.
- Do you know who they are?
- Nah, we've never seen them before.
One was Nala.
They're Ravy's folks.
You don't need to worry
about any of those guys, okay?
I'm gonna help you with that.
After that, you can help me
when I need help, okay?
- We help each other, right?
- Mm-hmm.
Okay. I'll fix it.
What's up?
What are you doing here?
Is that something you can help with?
What kind of numbers would it be?
Say around 15 to 20 million.
I can help you with that.
But you know what I want
from you in return.
But Marko please.
You want me to be your go-between
with a fucking South American cartel.
- Let me help with something else.
- No, I just need a go-between.
One meeting.
- Over in a second, then you're done.
- It's not one meeting.
It's fucking 14 years
on a fucking narcotics bust.
What the hell, Leya?
What do you think I been peddling?
Milk and cookies?
Know what? You're a real fucker, Marko.
Name-calling won't help you.
What kind of language is that?
Take care of this and I'll help you.
It's one damn meeting, done.
In and out, and that's it.
- And you get your fucking roundtripping.
- Just one meeting?
- Hey, my fucking brother.
- All good?
- Yeah, how about you?
- I'm good.
They got you a job here?
- Yeah, for real.
- Doing fine, bro.
It is what it is.
Dude, this is what your dreams
were about in prison, right?
- Hundred percent.
- Yeah, man.
Thanks for looking out for me behind bars.
- Stockholm is fucking open, brother.
- Exactly.
You haven't changed your mind?
Nah. I gotta stay clean.
I respect that, dude.
But for guys out here like me, there's
There's only one way.
So, bro,
I'll be needing help with a thing.
- With what?
- Ravy.
Nothing special, man.
I just need addresses
on some of his places.
It's no problem if you don't wanna do it.
It's cool. I'll help you.
- You sure?
- Hundred fucking percent.
You're a true fucking brother.
I would die for you.
- For sure.
- Sweet.
Ravy's gonna have his hands full
in the near future.
- He's gonna have to fix this.
- Find out who's doing it.
I don't know. We'll have to check.
- Yo All good?
- Bro.
- What's up, Ravy?
- Yo.
- We're hearing stuff.
- Hmm.
those kids stole all our product.
Our stash is all over town.
Who's behind it, Osman?
- We don't know anything.
- People have been leaving, man.
- What's up?
- Shola's boys are all out.
What is this, a funeral?
That's what I've been telling you.
Hey, what's up with you?
Why is everyone jealous of you? Hear me.
'Cause you're the best. All right?
Where's Nala?
Where's that Nala people talk about,
brother Osman they talk about?
Nobody's like you, right?
How much have we been through?
We're family, right? We'll fix it now.
They want out? Let 'em go, Fuck 'em, man.
We're here.
We jump from cock to cock, right?
Who is this Shola bitch?
Fuck him, bro. He's small-time.
Okay, bro. Let's do this.
Come on! Go, go, go!
Fuck you, motherfuckers!
Stay down, Nala!
- Look out!
- Fucking pussies!
You're all dead! You're fucking dead!
- Fuck!
- You hit anyone?
- No.
- None of 'em?!
No! How'd they know we're here?
- They want war!
- How?!
How'd they know we're here?!
- There's a fucking rat here with us.
- A fucking rat!
I'll fucking kill him!
- I'll kill him!
- Get out!
- Out, man!
- Fuck them!
- Outta here.
- Motherfucker, you're gonna pay.
Okay, I'll go next.
Um Apple.
I'll say, uh
passion fruit.
Hey, Leya.
- Hey, Tomas.
- Are you ready to get crushed?
Sit, the menu is great here.
We have a company together.
And if you have a company
that also has a huge problem then
You a veg?
Or you eat meat?
- Meat.
- 'Scuse me?
Can we get another of the meat dishes?
I have people
who are ready to shut it all down,
bury it for good,
right away, liquidate it now.
And therefore,
we're standing by, ready to do it.
- I won't let go of TargetCoach.
- You sure about that?
All signed and ready.
- This will take you down.
- Think so?
No, I don't just think so, I know so.
But, Tomas, I know you've heard
that I'm the whiz from the hood.
I'm very sharp, and I'm smart.
You even said so.
I don't think I'll go under.
- Completely signed.
- Sami, pick up your glass.
- And with all the NDAs.
- Let's toast. Ah Thanks for everything.
- I'm not fucking around.
- Hey, Marko, it's
- Oh, look Okay.
- Right.
I don't get the problem.
Let's get this done!
Calm down, Marko. Let's do it.
- Exactly. Let's do it.
- Mm-hmm. Fix the meeting.
- Good.
- Then you'll fix my thing.
- You'll get it. You know that.
- Great.
Talk to you soon.
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