Taxi Driver (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

Back in Business

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
Anyone over 18
without a criminal record
is considered a runaway,
not someone who's missing.
Look at that! With some studying,
he pulled it off.
Your son called the embassy himself.
He doesn't want you to find him.
I submitted a similar resume
to Lee Dong Jae's.
It took less than 24 hours
to get a response.
He spent ten months overseas
looking for his son
by handing out these flyers?
I'm sure Mr. Jang and Mr. Kim
are up to something without us.
Are you telling us
to make illegal gambling programs?
Darn it.
Go to your rooms. Start studying!
Darn it.
(An Go Eun)
(An Go Eun)
Mr. Jang.
I thought I told you not to call.
Do you see the white button
next to the monitor?
- Press that.
- What?
The white button.
Press it to get it to work properly.
Did you press it?
It's still not working.
What are you doing in my seat?
I'm in my office.
You're not in your office,
you're in my seat.
(Episode 2)
(Resume, Lee Dong Jae)
Lee Dong Jae is our case.
Can I ask what this is about?
Can I get a copy of the files?
You can't.
Can you let us
take a look right here?
I'm sorry but you can't do that
without the captain's clearance.
- When will he be here?
- He's on holiday.
I just want to check something.
Could you please help?
Who are you two anyway?
Are you lawyers or something?
Can I take a look if I'm a lawyer?
Pretend I'm a lawyer
and let us see the files.
Who are you people?
Listen, mister!
Let him take a look.
I give permission.
Who are you anyway?
Who? Me? Who am I?
Who am I?
- You could get in trouble for this.
- Hey, don't
Me and your chief!
We ate out together last week!
- In Haeundae You don't know?
- Kyung Gu.
Get your chief out here!
Where's the chief?
I eat with the chief every day.
In the cafeteria.
(Cell 2)
Kyung Gu.
Did you get it?
You caused that scene for this?
Keep it safe.
So that my sacrifice
was not in vain.
Do you understand?
When did you take this? Gosh
Wait, detective. Don't Wait.
Don't worry too much.
You'll be out in a few days.
And everything on the file,
I took photos of it earlier.
When did you take these?
While we talked to the detective.
Why are you telling me this now?
If you'd stopped me
from causing that huge scene,
then I wouldn't have to be in
I didn't think you'd go that far.
Get lost, punk.
Let's go our separate ways.
You're even worse.
- Kyung Gu.
- Leave.
Call when you get out.
Shall I send you food
if you're hungry?
Study hard and program well.
It's a prison cell.
(Delete files with login records)
(I'm scared. Save me.)
(I want to go home. Dad. Send me.)
Save me.
I want to live.
I want to go home.
(Web Programming)
(I want to go home. Send me home.
I want to go back home.)
Get out.
- Please don't hurt me.
- Come along.
- I'll do as you say.
- What a loser.
Don't hurt me.
We gave you a simple job.
- Please spare me.
- Walk.
Darn it.
You're huge and you let him
push you to the ground?
- Hey.
- He's gone?
He ran off
but they didn't chase him?
(Father's Touch)
Excuse me. Help.
Call the Korean embassy.
Korean embassy.
What is it?
Who are you?
- Please help me.
- Who are you?
I was kidnapped.
Can you call
the Korean embassy for me?
You were kidnapped?
Relax and sit right here.
I'll call the embassy right away.
Get some water.
Poor you.
(Father's Touch)
Why won't the monitor work either?
My gosh.
What just happened?
Go Eun.
(Airport Railroad)
It's almost time.
Why isn't he here yet?
Kyung Gu. You should've called
to say you made it.
I was worried
something had gone wrong.
You kept me in the dark too.
This is me getting revenge.
Okay, fine.
Do you have the file?
Do you think it's right that we go?
Don't you get it?
Mr. Kim's here on his own.
Who knows what could happen to him?
Do you think we can even find him?
We must.
What if the bad guys have him
and he has no luggage or food?
Don't you want to hurry
and get him out?
Do you have a plan?
I'll explain on the plane. Let's go.
- Shoot.
- Let's see it.
Darn it.
- Let's have a look.
- I have nothing.
You, get up.
Why must I stand
whenever we play poker?
Why is the darn beer always warm?
Bring back some soju
the next time you visit Korea.
Will that cure my homesickness?
Boss. Can't we stay in Korea?
I heard lots of
the voice phishing guys
went back home.
We're not like them.
They get the job done
with a few phone calls,
but we must keep
the program running.
Do you want to get caught?
Boss, have you heard?
The site Hyung Tae's gang made
was a huge hit.
They reached 300 in no time.
I'm jealous.
If we hadn't lost the program
that was almost done
Why'd you bring that up right now?
I'm upset about it, that's all.
- It's your turn.
- You. Come here.
- I'm sorry to upset you.
- Sorry, Boss.
I'm so darn sorry
I deleted the program.
Boss. The guide
who brings us the workers.
Shouldn't we bribe him or something?
We send him on deliveries
all the time and it feels
I don't care. I have a Full House.
That must be Doo Sik.
Let's go outside.
Who left this open?
Hello, Boss.
What took you so long?
Aren't you disciplining
the new recruits, you punk?
Break one of his ankles tomorrow.
As an example.
Sleep tight.
This will shift your blood
so it hurts less tomorrow.
Mr. Jang, do you hear me?
Sorry. Mr. Jang's not in.
He ran off.
Go Eun?
I haven't heard your voice
in a while.
What happened?
You couldn't be reached.
I'm fine right now.
You're there
to find Lee Dong Jae, aren't you?
There's no keeping secrets from you.
Are you really all right?
Are you happy now?
Where on earth are you?
You reached Kim?
Their goal
is to create
an illegal gambling program.
Because they can't do this in Korea.
They offered a job
to lure engineering students.
If they're making gambling software,
it's likely they work
in cells or groups.
What you saw so far
might not be all there is.
The site Hyung Tae's gang made
was a huge hit.
They reached 300 in no time.
Right. Do you have anything
on Lee Dong Jae?
Not yet. I'll look around some more.
It seems more dangerous
than expected.
Why don't you come back,
regroup, then return?
I agree.
The situation's
worse than you think.
I can't get out alone
and leave the other guys behind.
If I do that, the remaining guys
will end up in worse danger.
What can you do on your own?
Can you send me a program source?
That's easy.
Bear with me.
You might have to hurry.
How much longer Lee Dong Jae
can survive in this place
I have no idea.
(Cotaya Chinatown)
Is this it?
Are you sure this is it?
Look at the map. It's the same name.
Kyung Gu, you speak Vietnamese too?
Isn't that English?
Let's go inside.
We'll find something.
Oh, shoot!
Is the punk here?
Yes, he's on his way.
Please spare me, Madam Lim.
You moron.
Did you think you could dupe me?
I won't do it ever again.
do not
trust men.
Raid his place and take everything
that's worth anything.
And get rid of him.
Yes, madam.
Kyung Gu, where the heck
did you bring us?
What is she doing here?
I don't know.
Let me find the place.
That's a good idea.
That would be a good idea,
but we left our luggage over there.
Our luggage? All of it?
Yes, money, clothes, everything.
- Go and get it.
- No way. You go.
Let's just go.
The map's in my head.
Let's get out of here.
Kyung Gu, can I trust you on this?
Hurry! Mr. Kim is in danger.
Good morning.
Did you finish your homework?
The atmosphere in here
is quite different.
What are you doing?
The air here is so clear.
That must be why I had
such a great night's sleep.
Are you teasing me?
It's not just me, is it?
Boss. Take a look at this.
- What is it?
- Look.
(Rainbow Betting Balls)
(Starts in 2 minutes 50 seconds)
Did you write this program?
It's not complete yet.
Don't press just anything.
Hands off.
This looks awesome.
We should tell Doo Sik right away.
You punk
- Can you not press anything?
- Look at the colors.
You, really
Just look at it.
(Rainbow Betting Balls)
We have something incredible, Boss.
Got it.
(Rainbow Betting Balls)
You wrote this?
I didn't get it from a corner store.
I wasn't even allowed out.
You're quite something.
I got a job here to get away
from writing programs,
but look at me.
Am I destined
to write programs forever?
You made something like this before?
Yes, for a while at my previous job.
Where was that?
A place called U Data.
- U Data?
- U
Oh. U Data.
Didn't the boss die
in a bomb explosion?
(Rainbow Betting Balls)
Hey. It's not working.
That's odd.
It was working a while ago.
F5. Darn it.
Hey. Why won't it work?
What are you talking about?
It was working just fine.
Look. It's not working.
What did you do to it?
What do you mean?
I didn't do anything.
I think you deleted
a few important codes.
Did you erase them on purpose?
What's wrong with you?
Why would I delete anything?
I worked so hard
to write this program.
What the heck?
He's not lying.
It did work earlier, Boss.
Yes, I saw it work too.
You erased it on purpose!
Pay me back! Pay me for my work!
You dare talk back at me?
I should just
You, funny guy.
Write another one.
What did I tell you to do?
Oh, right.
I'll prepare the example.
Move it!
Hold it up.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
Hold on tight.
Watch your head.
I'm sorry!
I'm making an example of you
so others would work hard
and not run away, okay?
Tell me if you need anything.
I won't run away again.
Let me off this once. I'm sorry!
I have to do this in one go.
Darn it.
Do you have a death wish?
You told me to tell you
if I need anything.
These two majored in graphic design.
It'll take me ages
to complete the program on my own.
I can't do it.
It'll take way too long.
Forget it. I quit.
You couldn't even pound me to do it.
You cheeky little
Leave him be.
Give him whatever he wants.
I should also keep my word.
Why you
Boys, get back to work.
You, stay.
Just me?
- Gosh.
- Get up.
Follow him out. Go.
Move it.
It happened before
and then once again.
Are you trying to mess up
the operation?
Of course not, Boss.
I didn't do anything funny.
Why did you do it?
I didn't, Boss.
You got it all wrong.
- Get in there.
- Sorry?
- Get in.
- Goodness.
Are you boys going home?
Lucky you.
You can also
get back to Korea like them,
so work hard.
Run along now.
Have a safe trip home.
Don't forget your suitcase.
He must be over the moon.
Go on in, boys.
You will eat and sleep here together
and come up with the program.
- Good luck.
- Good luck to us.
Are you all right?
I only came out here
because they said I got the job.
Don't worry.
We'll all be able to go home safely.
In order for that to happen,
I'll need you to help me.
I'll go and get my equipment.
Just a second.
Have some coffee before you go.
We haven't seen each other
for quite a while,
but I failed to ask how you've been.
You and Mr. Kim were still at it.
Why did you never call me?
It's because we thought
you were doing well.
Actually, it was our wishful thinking.
It's been a while
since I had your coffee.
Delicious, right?
It is.
I wonder where
Mr. Park and Mr. Choi are though
and why they haven't been in touch.
Don't bother contacting them.
They're probably doing well
away from this shenanigan.
They're aware of what's going on.
They came to me recently.
Where could they be, then?
Kyung Gu.
Where are we going?
Are you sure
we're on our way to Mr. Kim?
I have no idea.
Let's get off this time
when he stops.
- Kyung Gu.
- Yes?
I'm hungry.
I've been hungry for a while now.
All I see are crops.
Would you be okay with that?
We'll get off this time
when he stops.
That's weird.
It was working just fine.
Darn it.
Did I really press the wrong button?
You stupid thug.
(Type in password
to recover program.)
I'll show you
once the program is recovered.
Mr. Kim, I'm getting
the data as we speak.
Please sweep the data
and see if there's anything
regarding Lee Dong Jae.
Got it.
The leader of this ring
is Kwon Doo Sik
who was once a gangster.
(Interpol Wanted)
A red notice was issued
by Interpol on a murder charge.
No wonder. Compared to the others,
he seemed to be
in a different league.
I think the taxi meter is broken.
It's weird.
Where are you from?
South Korea.
Really? I can actually speak
a little Korean.
This isn't broken.
You're in a deluxe taxi
that charges a higher fare.
You call this a deluxe taxi?
I doubt it.
By the looks of it,
this doesn't even belong to you.
Your fare is 6,000 dollars.
- Pay up, you punk.
- Give it to me.
Mr. Kim, did something happen?
It was nothing.
Did you find anything
on Lee Dong Jae?
Not yet.
Most of the data
were invaluable programs.
Those that weren't fully developed.
Where could the programmers
all have gone?
I don't know where they are now,
but they all came here
for the same reason.
you have been hired."
They all received that text
before coming here.
They are young men who had a dream.
Who wanted to be proud sons.
Who wanted to have a decent job.
Did you figure out
the identity of the tour guide
who met us at the airport?
I had that done ages ago.
He's actually working two jobs.
Enjoy your trip.
Have a peaceful night.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
(Republic of Korea)
Is this the Korean Embassy?
(Choi Young Jin)
I'm calling regarding
a missing persons report.
My name is Choi Young Jin,
and my resident registration number
is 990524.
It's just that my family
has been calling me nonstop.
I ran away from home, you see.
Yes, domestic abuse.
Just a second.
I think this is the wrong way.
It's why I'd appreciate it
if you didn't tell my family.
Now that I am free
from domestic abuse,
I will fly away seeking my freedom.
Right. Adios.
Hey, is the game still on?
I said I'd be there soon. Just wait.
I told you this is the wrong way.
Do you have a death wish?
Stop. Don't kill me!
Who is this lunatic anyway?
So that's how you've been
fabricating their disappearance.
Who are you?
Untie me right now!
Where is this young man?
(Lee Dong Jae)
I don't know.
Who is he, anyway?
Where did you send him?
You have no idea
who you're dealing with.
Untie me while I ask nicely.
Just a second.
Wait. Where are you going?
What are you doing?
I'll tell you, all right?
Sir, please.
Sir, wait.
Where was Lee Dong Jae sent to?
I have no knowledge of that.
I only brought the kids
to the meeting point, that's all.
How many teams
does this operation have?
I think it's four. No, five.
No, four. Wait
They add teams and dismantle them
as they please.
Besides, we take orders
from the head office.
- The head office?
- Please don't kill me.
I will be good to you
and only speak the truth.
And where is this head office
you just mentioned?
How on earth should I know?
I only move after getting the call.
That's for me to find out, then.
Thank you. Adios.
What? Hey, wait!
Hey, you can't just leave me here.
Help me!
Kyung Gu.
I'm at the point
where I'm hallucinating.
What? I think I see him too.
Kyung Gu, it's Mr. Kim! Look!
Are you good?
Are you injured?
Have you been eating well?
We thought you could be in trouble,
so we came here to help.
We're here now,
so don't you worry.
Don't worry.
- Gosh, this is sour.
- No wonder.
I knew there was a reason
I couldn't reach them.
When did they head out there?
By the way, we came across
Madam Lim on the way,
and it almost cost us our lives.
The thought of it
gives me the chills.
Why is that woman even here?
Lee Dong Jae has to be
at one of the places they manage.
We don't know where the teams are,
and teams are constantly resized.
How can we track him down?
We can't. We don't know where he is.
Then what?
We need the teams
to gather in one place.
You punks!
Do you want
your businesses to be closed?
We don't even know
how far the teams are spread out,
but you want them to gather?
And on their own accord?
Will they be having
a year-end party?
In what way can this be possible?
We'll have to make it work.
How can you do that on your own?
I couldn't.
But you're operating alone
out there.
That's what I thought,
but there's someone here
I consider an ally.
Mr. Park and Mr. Choi?
I get that they can be
of some help, but
Wang Daoji!
Ask around and find out
what he was doing here.
Yes, Madam.
He ordered two crates of liquor
to this address.
(Father's Touch)
What the
You stupid thug.
Darn it.
Why isn't the guide picking up?
Aren't we getting
a fresh batch of boys today?
Maybe he got wasted last night
and is still sleeping it off.
He wasn't at the airport
and can't be reached.
Now he's just getting on my nerves.
Wait. Hold on.
Hey, hand me the binoculars.
Who are those punks?
Darn it.
They seem to be coming our way.
Hurry down and lock the front gate.
Got it.
I wonder what Madam Lim
thinks of me now.
Wang Daoji.
Today, I will rip you to pieces.
(From Guide: Get out of there!)
Darn it.
They must've gotten to him
before he could contact us.
- What do we do?
- Go to the head office.
Call the other teams!
The other teams?
They have our guide
which means our organization
will soon be exposed.
Can we go to the head office
without the chairman's approval?
We won't hear the end of it.
I'd take that over getting crushed
by those punks.
Get the boys
and leave through the back door!
Who are we looking for in here?
The most handsome punk.
You are to look
for the most handsome punk!
- Find the most handsome punk!
- Find the most handsome punk!
We're moving!
- He's not here.
- You dimwit!
They must've all made a run for it.
You useless punk!
I had
something to ask you.
Wang Daoji!
All right. Hurry up. Move it.
Come on. Hurry.
Faster, guys.
(Cheongeum's Head Office in Cotaya)
Get out of the car already.
The other teams
must have arrived as well.
They all seem severely injured.
Don't just stand there and watch.
Get moving.
- You slowpokes.
- Move it. Darn it.
Hurry up.
Right here. Sit down.
Get on your knees. Come on. Do it.
Kneel down, you jerks.
Come on. Do what you're told.
Aren't you Korean?
Seriously. I'm getting hot
because you're frustrating me.
I told you not to come here
without my permission.
You even brought
the other teams with you?
I'm sorry.
It was an urgent situation.
- You little
- Gosh. I'm sorry.
So it was an urgent situation.
This world is full of evil people.
(Kim Hyung Sub)
You're just following protocol.
If we cross the line
and ignore protocol
just because we can,
we'll be going from police officers
to offenders of the law.
I'm sorry for the commotion,
Mr. Chairman.
It's okay. Here's what I think.
Someone might have come up
with this ruse
to come here.
Mr. Kim.
That chairman
is a cop.
He's the captain
who handled Lee Dong Jae's case.
There's nothing we can do for you
when someone of age
refuses to be contacted.
They evaluated the handwriting,
and it was written
by the same person.
It doesn't hurt
to always be cautious.
If you haven't gotten
all of their suicide notes,
make sure to get everyone's.
And handle them.
- Yes, sir.
- Bring me a cool drink.
Bye, sir!
Didn't you hear him, you slowpokes?
- Hurry up! Come inside.
- Hey. Let's go.
- Get going!
- Hurry up. Move it.
- Didn't you hear him? Hurry.
- Move it.
Darn it. What do we do?
All right.
Write down exactly what I say.
"Life is so hard."
"Bye, everyone."
Hey, you're here.
Lucky seven.
Let's start with 7
for the 1st round.
We'll finish the rest after dinner.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Right. The guys in the previous
batch are still alive, right?
- Yes.
- Get them ready.
- Hey. Dump it in.
- Come on.
- Do it properly.
- Sorry.
You really are making a mess here.
- Gosh.
- Should I do it?
You have to stop saying
you don't know.
You should study
and try to figure it out.
I don't have all day here!
Write it up now!
You jerks ditched your family
and came here to have it easy
while enjoying the nice view here.
If you have any conscience at all,
the least you can do
is write them a letter.
You'd better start writing it now.
You selfish jerks.
You're wrong.
Who just talked back?
We didn't come here to have it easy
without our family.
We came here to work.
So we could use our paychecks
to do nice things for our family.
You punk. Have you gone mad?
That's why we're here.
When did you untie your hands?
But people like you
would never understand it.
What are you guys doing?
Kill that jerk already!
He's getting away!
Calm down.
I was just following orders.
(Passport, Republic of Korea)
(Name: Lee Ji Hoon)
Are you boys going home?
Lucky you.
Are you all right?
Take care of the rest.
We have a problem, sir.
You have a room full of guys.
They couldn't handle one guy?
How is that possible?
I got it, sir. Move it!
Yes. I already secured the money.
Yes. I'll hurry.
Let us handle the rest.
You should get going!
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Kyung Gu. What do we do next?
These are BB guns.
Don't shoot.
Whatever happens, don't shoot.
Go Eun, can you hear me?
Yes, Mr. Kim.
We must find out
where the chairman went.
I just located the captain.
He's heading to the amusement park
at the end of the river.
I'm still too far behind.
I'll try to buy you some time.
There might be a way to do that.
Mr. Kim.
Make a detour. There's a shortcut.
You're closing in on him.
There's no way out on the rooftop.
Who are you?
You must have been busy
running this operation
and working as a cop.
Do you know me?
You're a police officer.
Aren't you even ashamed of yourself?
You see,
catching criminals in Korea
is pointless.
Because those criminals
have it better in the end.
What choice did I have?
I had to take care of myself.
Don't you agree?
So did you
take a look at yourself
in the mirror?
You committed crimes
and covered up the truth.
I see a dirty cop
who turned into
a despicable old man.
An old, dirty cop.
Too bad.
I may be old,
but your time might be up
before mine, young man.
Mr. Kim!
Mr. Kim, are you all right?
- A large-scale organization
- Hey, that hurts.
had been operating illegal
gambling websites abroad.
- The members of the organization
- Hurry.
were arrested abroad
and extradited to Korea.
Many of them were violent gangsters.
To avoid murder charges,
they led the lives of fugitives abroad.
And Interpol had issued
a Red Notice as well.
In order to operate
illegal gambling websites,
they lured young men in their 20s
by pretending to offer a job abroad.
- They kidnapped these young men
- Stop taking pictures
- and forced them to make
- if you don't know the whole story.
- illegal gambling websites.
- I did nothing wrong!
This discovery shocked the nation.
The police charged
the extradited men
for murder, abduction, assault,
and confinement.
And they are investigating
the details of the case now.
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
Dong Jae
Dong Jae!
Are you okay?
Are you hurt?
I'm okay.
My son.
I'm okay, Dad.
(Seoul 24 M5283)
I found all of their illegal
gambling websites
and shut them down.
Good work, Go Eun.
That's not it.
Don't you remember?
I'll take the taxi out of service.
(Letter of Resignation)
Do you have a plan?
I'll go back to where I belong.
Where do you belong?
My company processed
my letter of resignation.
- What?
- That's unexpected. Mine too.
- Welcome back.
- You're back.
- There you are.
- What took you so long?
Where is the office?
Go to the second floor.
The second floor? Thank you.
Hello. I'm On Ha Jun.
This is my first day here.
Is anyone here?
All right. Then is everyone here?
Then let's get started again.
(Taxi Driver 2)
I took care of it.
I'll find out who he is.
(5283 beginning service.
Tell us your stories of injustice.)
(Korean Crime Victims
Support Association)
We have a senior citizen
as our client this time.
He's been commenting
all kinds of crimes
against senior citizens.
The old lady treats him
like her grandson.
She's clueless
about his malicious intent.
Can I ask you for a different favor?
If you sign up for this,
I'll get tens of dollars
for commission.
- The financial damage is quite big.
- Jerks.
That's no way to greet your customer.
Not even a hello?
Mom, just take it as your burden
and die in debt.
What should we do with those jerks?
We should give them
a taste of their own medicine.
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