The A List (2018) s02e02 Episode Script

You Don't Remember Me

[30s music playing on gramophone]
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Could it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
["Do My Thing" by Feena playing]
Got my own style
Got my own vibe ♪
Everybody watch now ♪
Imma do my thing ♪
- [Mia] Worried I wasn't coming?
- I knew you'd be here.
I've got food, water,
spare clothes, all the stuff you said.
I got some new clothes too.
- They're very you.
- Aw.
I've got the cash.
Where's your fisherman?
How did you find him anyway?
I posted about Peregrine Island.
There's stuff about the quarantine,
but there's also tonnes of weird history,
pagan rituals, witches, ghosts.
Wait, so we're going to be in a boat
with an internet pagan? Now I feel safe!
[Harry] We have to trust someone.
[Mia] Well, he'd better be there.
'Cause if someone is looking for us,
they'll see that I just made
a big cash withdrawal near here.
- I think I saw that in a movie once.
- [Harry] There he is!
We're environmental activists.
That's the cover story.
I love a cover story.
When I was little, I read all these books
about kid spies having adventures.
I always wanted to go on one.
Of course, that was
That was before all this.
How much do you remember?
Scraps of images
They slip away like a dream.
[muffled screaming]
But they're enough.
They'll have caught Amber by now,
locked her up.
But whatever happens,
she won't hurt you again.
- Okay? I won't let her hurt any of us.
- [phone vibrating, ringing]
Hi, Mom. Yeah, no,
I'm just with some friends, but [gasps]
- Harry! What the hell?
- They can track you with it.
I saw that in a movie, too.
[breathing heavily]
[inhales sharply]
- [bangs on door]
- [shouting] Where am I?
[banging on door]
Who's there?
The Count of Monte Cristo.
My name is Dev.
[ethereal music playing]
You still there?
What's your name?
My name is Midge.
Wait, you're back?
[chuckles] You're alive?
You remember me?
I Not exactly, but I know who you are.
[chuckles] We thought you and Amber were
the same person.
Yeah, I know.
Sounds crazy because it is.
But I'm free of her now.
Me too, I guess.
I'm glad you're okay.
I'm glad you're okay, too.
- Mr. Sutherland?
- Aye.
I'm guessing you're PeregrineHunter.
- We only spoke online.
- I think it's a good name.
[Sutherland] You got the money?
Okay, I'll take you to Peregrine Island.
I'll be back for you in two days.
But if you're late, I won't wait.
- Understood?
- Yeah.
As soon as the last passenger gets here,
we're off.
[chuckles] Wait, this is all of us.
Nope. One more.
- That wasn't the deal.
- Relax.
This fella's one of your lot.
Tree hugger.
Save-the-planet folk.
Okay. I don't like this, this feels
like a trap. We should go. Okay?
- Yeah.
- Hi, there.
I'm Fitz.
Eco Fightback, right?
- Right.
- Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, I'll untie the boat.
- Stash this for me, yeah?
- [grunts]
Good lad! [inhales]
- [rope thuds]
- [Fitz] Okay.
Peregrine Island, here we come.
- [device beeps]
- After yesterday's incident [sighs]
we've had to increase security.
You don't seem to understand.
It's not safe for you out there.
And what are these?
So we can monitor you.
- Oh, like a fitness band?
- They're tracking devices, genius.
You left me no choice.
Dr. Kelman, Dr. Shaw wants to see you.
See how worried she is.
The plan worked. Jenna got away.
- Maybe she's talking to the police.
- Maybe she's on her way back with help.
Maybe they already caught her again,
and she's locked up in isolation.
- No harm in being positive.
- There's no sense in it either.
- [knocking on door]
- [Dr. Shaw] In.
[door beeps]
[inhales] Before you say anything,
I know yesterday was a serious breach,
but I've already tightened security
I thought you wanted
to see me about the escape.
Oh, that. No.
I'm sure you have it all in hand.
Yes, I do.
We have teams looking for Jenna.
Well, let's hope
we find her before Amber does.
Should we try to bring Amber in?
You saw what happened to
the last thing that got too close to her.
[ominous music playing]
Mags still wakes up screaming.
No. Amber stays where she is.
She can't get in here,
and she can't leave the island.
[Fitz] I reckon we take that trail,
hike till sunset,
then we can build a base camp.
[scoffs] You can do whatever you want.
Good luck and goodbye.
Oh, but I thought we were
on the same team.
Find out
about the secret quarantine cover-up?
Th the toxic chemical spill.
- Right.
- Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um
The thing is
we're a direct action cell.
It's probably best if we split up
'cause that way if we get caught,
you still have a chance.
Solo mission?
Okay, that fits my skill set.
I'll see you in two days?
[Mia] Okay.
[laughs nervously]
Um, Harry got us these.
He has this theory that Amber can't
turn us if she can't see our eyes.
Or because she's distracted
by our bad fashion sense. [chuckles]
[zipper zips]
[zipper zips]
Shouldn't we have warned him about
you know?
No one asked him to get on our boat.
He made his choice.
Well, what if Amber really is out there?
You said you wouldn't let her hurt anyone.
No. I said I wouldn't
let her hurt any of us. We don't know him.
Wow. If Amber did
to you what she did to me,
you wouldn't let him take that risk.
[ominous music playing]
Come on, Harry.
Look at this.
Midge's latest tests.
- Her animosine levels have decreased.
- I know.
In the last few hours.
New serum? Did you isolate antibodies
from the blood samples we've been taking?
But I put Devon
in the cell next to her,
and somehow
they've managed to talk to each other.
Isolation was completely
the wrong strategy.
The way to stabilize the levels of
animosine is through contact with people.
- Did you think Luka would still be here?
- Luka will be long gone.
Guys, look.
- Isn't this
- Dev's! He was here.
[sniffs, exhales]
I'm cold.
It's from
when we were supposed to map the island.
Yeah, and look at these markings.
Dev was searching for something.
Maybe he was looking for the Institute.
[Fitz] Which is what, exactly?
Hey, sharp shades, bro.
You don't want any part of this,
trust me.
But I am part of it,
whether you like it or not.
I found this during my reconnaissance.
Looks like some kind of gas.
My guess is they used it
on whoever made this camp.
I need to know what we're up against.
A shape-shifting girl
with mind control powers?
Okay. [chuckles]
If you're not gonna give me
a serious answer
Secret bioweapon tests.
Makes people sick and hallucinate.
They're keeping the victims
in a hidden facility.
Okay then. Thank you.
With the four of us,
we could each split into teams,
each locate the nearest sector.
And an environmental expert
could be helpful.
Okay! Just don't say we didn't warn you.
Um, me and Petal will search this area.
You guys take the other.
All right! Nice, boys v girls.
Ha, Team Scorpion!
- Walkie-talkies.
- Yeah.
For if you see anything or anyone.
No goodbyes.
[breathes deeply]
Shall we?
[speaking Spanish]
Este es el arbol. [chuckles]
This is the tree.
Jenna showed me another one,
but I can't remember it.
- [laughing]
- [ping-pong ball bouncing]
Oh, good. You're all here.
You've got someone new joining you today.
[ping-pong ball continues]
Or should I say re-joining?
[ping-pong ball continues]
Come on in.
[ping pong ball stops]
This map must be wrong.
Or I'm not reading it right.
This should be the camp.
It is.
[Mia exhales]
How is this possible?
- It's only been a few weeks.
- Maybe some sort of accelerated growth.
The plants on this island are weird.
I mean,
I saw a tooth growing out of a tree.
Okay, well, let's see
if anyone left anything useful here.
A note, another map
So how many?
- How many what?
- These friends of yours we're looking for.
I heard you guys talking
while you were searching that camp.
The less you know, the better.
You're scared to death,
but you came for them anyway.
They must be very good friends.
- Best friends I've ever had.
- [chuckles]
True friends
are rare.
- I've seen this before.
- What?
[ominous voice echoes]
What is it?
The Screaming Tree of Peregrine Island?
- [female voice screams]
- [both shout]
[laughing] Harry!
Hi. [chuckles]
I'm Jenna.
You don't remember me, do you?
I remember seeing you on the cliff.
And we know you were
at camp with us the year before.
Then let me fill you in.
I was a loner.
Nobody liked me.
Amber didn't need to wipe your memories
for you to not know me.
Midge, wait.
Whatever happened before,
I do remember you trying to reach us.
I remember your message,
"I'm still alive."
You guided us.
You helped us.
And I think we helped you too.
- [thuds]
- [muffled gasp]
I don't understand how, exactly,
but I think we brought you back.
You did.
Even Mia.
I know.
I thought they were all
really basic before I met them too.
They're not bad people
once you get to know them.
After all,
we've all been through the same thing.
So maybe we can help
each other make sense of it.
So we're an Amber survivors' group.
It must have been awful.
Alex told us how Amber
possessed you.
One way or another,
she just gets inside your head.
Either by force, or by making you think
it's what you wanted.
Well, it isn't what I wanted.
No, of course not. I just meant that,
at the time, letting her in,
felt like the only choice you could make.
What choice?
You let Amber turn you?
N No. I It wasn't like that. I
I couldn't bear to be without you,
so I wanted to be with you,
so I went to her.
No! I fought her.
You just gave up.
- Kayleigh, wait.
- [speaking Spanish] No me hables, Zac.
I can't even look at you right now.
[Zac] Kayleigh, wait.
I never was very good at making friends.
You stayed out here all night by yourself?
I go wild camping with one of my dads.
I'm used to roughing it.
- [Harry] Mia, come in.
- [walkie-talkie beeps]
- I'm here.
- We found Jenna.
Nearly died of fright.
Thought it was Amber.
No, it couldn't have been. I promise you.
I gotta go.
Hi, Amber.
I've been waiting for you.
[Mia] What are you doing here?
Where are the others?
They're locked up, but safe.
Did you escape?
No. They don't want me.
It's all about Midge now.
But I can take you to them.
I can take you to Dev.
I'm different now.
I want to help you, make things right.
I don't think so.
What do you really want?
There's something
that I need in the Institute,
and I can't go in there alone.
Well, then, sucks to be you.
[Mia] It's going to be dark soon.
Let's put some more distance
between us and Amber.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Mia grunting]
If I still had my powers,
I would have used them.
If I wanted to hurt you, you'd be falling.
I just need your help,
and in turn, I'll show you the way.
[breathing heavily]
[Amber] That's it. One step at a time.
[both grunting]
You can trust me, Mia.
No, I can't.
But if you take us to the Institute,
I'll help you.
- What is it you want, exactly?
- I'll tell you when we get there.
The Institute is where
you'll find all of the answers.
We won't make it before nightfall.
We'll need to camp here.
I'll go and fetch the firewood.
It will be just like old times.
- This isn't good, Mia. You promised
- Yeah, and I'll keep that promise.
[exhales] She needs us, so we're safe.
At least till we get to the Institute.
And after that?
We stick to the plan.
[sighs deeply]
[water trickling]
[Mia] I'm sorry I dragged you into this.
[Petal] Neither of us had a choice.
We had to come back here.
What if everything's changed?
Last time I saw Dev,
he said I meant nothing to him. [chuckles]
I know he was mind-controlled, but
[exhales]it was like
I didn't even know him.
What if what we had is broken?
At least then you know it was real.
there wouldn't be anything to break.
Alex cares about you.
She's just all Alex about it.
She is very Alex.
That's what I like about her.
But I don't know
what I'm gonna say when I see her.
I've gone over it
in my head a million times,
but I can't get past "Hey, Alex."
It's a strong start.
[water trickling]
[footsteps approaching slowly]
Stay out of my head.
This is just a nightmare,
and when I wake up, you'll be gone.
you think you're real.
You're just a dream of a girl in a coma.
And you belong to the island.
- [ominous music intensifies]
- No!
What did you do?
That's not me. That's Midge.
[breathing heavily]
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