The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 2

It's for the wild boar.
They come looking for food at night.
Leaving already?
No mercy.
You have to keep an eye out
or these animals flatten everything.
I'll put a rifle in the weapons cabinet.
I need a piss.
Stay here, don't mess this up.
- I don't need babysitting.
- I was told you do.
Go before you piss yourself.
Why so many rifles?
I like hunting
and there's nice game around here.
Fine. Anything unusual, you let me know.
Shit, Amaia.
Move, I saw his car.
Wait, Amaia. Just think for once.
You think!
Manu is locked up and tied to a bed.
- You didn't see what that animal did.
- I get it.
But we need to be smarter than them.
I'm not giving in to that scum, OK?
I know what I'm talking about.
If I'd shot my stepfather earlier,
I wouldn't be deaf.
And if I'd had better aim,
my mum would be safe now too.
So get out of my way.
- Amaia, please, think about this.
- Go away!
- Did you hear that?
- What?
A noise in the hallway.
- Where?
- I'll go check.
You need to stay calm, Amaia.
We need to follow Darío and find Room 3,
but not this way.
How the hell do we do that?
This is a prison.
We need Inés.
Are you sure?
Yes. Over here, sir.
It's me.
I was reading.
Is reading forbidden now too?
Be very careful, Paul Uribe.
Get out of here.
I love you.
I love you too.
What a shit.
What are you doing here, Elvira?
- If you're here about Elías
-Don Arturo, please.
I have something important to tell you.
You know that
after the death of Yolanda
Elías wasn't the same anymore.
He lost his faith.
He felt responsible.
This girl's death
wasn't due to possession by the devil.
It was a strange and powerful poison.
Platinum strychnine.
The Devil's Hand.
Around here it's called 'Crow's Nest'.
The poison has a very complex formula,
lost over the centuries.
Only someone with the Crow's Nest codex
could brew it.
Hang on.
Do you mean the Draco Musca codex?
That book is a myth.
This poison shows
that someone is using it.
They say the Draco Musca codex
contains vast knowledge.
It's a collection of offences to God.
There is no limit to the arrogance
of the heretics who used it,
which is why God
condemned them to oblivion.
León, sorry to wake you so early.
Can I come in?
It's important.
Your name is Álvaro León.
Don't be frightened.
Dial the first number on your phone.
What's going on?
León, it's happened again,
but don't worry.
It only lasts a few minutes.
- Who are you?
- Do as I say.
You'll feel better in a moment.
There are some pills for your headache
next to the clock.
Take one.
Lie down and rest a while.
Keep going.
He's very weak.
I don't know if he can take it.
You were here. You were just here.
This is good for him.
We can manipulate his memory.
Or erase a particular memory.
Now, we'll put that memory
back in its place.
We're missing some information.
The codex is not complete.
Thanks for shutting the door in my face.
I'm sorry, Elvira.
I didn't sleep well.
I had a bad night.
What did you want to tell me?
He's seriously pissed off.
Next time, put it under his pillow
to warm up his bed.
Who's laughing?
What is it?
- Eric didn't say anything.
- Who asked you? Get up.
I need your help.
We have to get to Room 3.
The one we saw on the screen.
Where Manuel is.
I thought if we hid in Darío's car
Sorry I'm late.
We'll talk later.
Let's rehearse from the top.
Everyone focus.
Inés, you start us off on the piano
then the rest join in.
One and
Oh, Virgin of the Peaks, glory
Our Lady of the Peaks, pure
Good morning.
What are you reading?
Come on, what are you reading?
Mum's book?
Don't torture yourself.
Forget it.
Aren't you curious?
About what? I know what she did.
Come on.
There's mass later.
Oh, Virgin of the Peaks, glory
Our Lady of the Peaks, pure
Oh, Virgin of the Peaks, glory
Our Lady of the Peaks, pure
Save us
Amaia, wait.
I can't take this nightmare anymore.
Why is this happening to us?
I don't understand.
I don't either.
it might have something to do
with something I've found.
Have you told her?
Will you help us?
Follow me.
What is it?
I don't know.
I don't know why or when
I got this tattoo.
But I've read about it, I've seen it.
It means I'm one of them.
I promise, I don't remember anything.
It's why I thought it was best not to.
You want us to feel sorry for you?
Let's go.
Let's think.
How can she not remember?
She's got amnesia, that's why.
Are you sure she's got amnesia?
She could be making it all up.
Yes, but
- What for?
- Exactly, what for?
It doesn't matter.
She's got the tattoo.
She's part of the Lodge.
The Lodge of the Crow's Nest kills girls
and tears their eyes out.
They took my sister.
And her father has Manu.
OK, but he's not her father.
- He's tricked her.
- What if she's tricked us?
Have you thought about that?
We've all told you.
- Why would she show us her tattoo?
- Who cares!
- I don't trust her.
- Fine.
Me neither.
I don't.
Hey, we're only trying to help.
What did you tell Inés?
What did you tell her?
- Nothing.
- Nothing?
Hardly anything.
Not a word, from now on.
Amaia, we can't risk it.
We have to do this on our own.
Gosh, Darío.
Turns out you are a romantic.
I love them.
Yellow is my favourite colour.
I don't have time
for favourite colours right now.
What are you talking about, Mara?
The flowers.
They're beautiful. Thank you.
I'm very busy. We'll talk later.
How much will it cost?
I need you to list equipment
and quantities.
I'll do the numbers.
We remind all pupils that today is
the Festival of the Virgin of the Peaks.
Hurry up with that sign.
Careful with the mantle.
Taking part in community traditions
is a way of preserving them
and paying respect to the school.
Do me the favour
of being careful with Our Lady!
What the devil?
Get out from there immediately.
This is revolting and indecent.
You're worse than wild animals.
Nothing happened, OK?
And that tomboy attitude?
What kind of woman
do you hope to become?
I'm ashamed to look at you.
Pathetic clowns.
You're an offense to God!
Perverted and effeminate.
You'll learn.
You will do penance during the homily.
You will be humble and repenting.
We'll see if that teaches you.
Son of a bitch.
Taking part in community traditions
is a way of preserving them
and paying respect to the school.
Rita's dead because of you.
What are you hiding over there, Adèle?
What about you?
What are you sniffing?
Ethyl chloride.
Fran gave it to me
because I twisted my ankle.
It gives you brain freeze, it's awesome.
Can I try?
If you show me what you're hiding.
Where did you get that from?
I found it.
It's not there.
- What do you mean?
- Exactly that.
You definitely put it there?
Of course I did.
- You didn't tell anyone?
- No, Paul.
And no one knows
we were the ones who hid it there.
Oh, Virgin of the Peaks, glory
Our Lady of the Peaks, pure
Oh, Virgin of the Peaks, glory
Our Lady of the Peaks, pure
Save us
Need this?
- Yes.
- I could ask my father to take me home.
Once there,
I'll distract him and open the boot.
What will you do?
Follow him.
Thank you.
Good luck.
I don't trust her.
She's helping us, isn't she?
Oh, Virgin of the Peaks, gloria
There were flowers in my office.
- Then
- I didn't send you flowers, Mara.
Perhaps an admirer is sending you flowers.
That's all.
What's up? When are you playing?
I couldn't practise enough.
Why not?
I've got a bad headache.
I'm cold.
Dad, I want to go home.
OK, fine.
I'll finish up here and we can go.
Can't we go now? I don't feel well.
Get your things and we'll go.
Our Queen and mother
Hear that? We’re missing mass.
Think you'd kill someone with this
or just maim them?
I don't know. Try.
You know
my mum's in prison
for killing 15 people.
She went to school here too.
That explains everything.
This place makes you want to kill.
I always wanted to go to school here,
like her.
She would tell me stories.
Amazing stories.
About wardrobes
that were actually doors
or hidden monsters.
Ask her what she was on.
In the end,
turned out she was the monster.
Another year,
and here we are on this cold day.
We remain humble,
beneath these majestic mountains,
and at the feet
of Our Lady of the Peaks.
Blessed is Mary,
who heard the word of God,
and kept the truth in her mind
and in her heart.
Now, we humbly ask
Hail Mary, mother of God,
pray for us,
the perverted ones!
For the tomboys and the effeminate!
Forgive us for being
worse than wild animals!
And pathetic clowns!
Let's go, Paz.
Let's go.
What a show.
Are we moving?
But Inés didn't get in, did she?
- Shit, you're right.
- Fuck!
I didn't hear the passenger door.
What if she's told her father
we're in here?
How are you?
Guess what just happened downstairs.
I had a bad headache before.
Forgive me.
I found something
that changes everything.
There's an ancient codex.
It contains vast scientific knowledge
that was lost.
What sort of knowledge?
Well, chemistry.
Formulae for repairing human braincells.
The Catholic Church
persecuted the authors.
The Lodge of the Crow's Nest.
Know it?
Of course. They killed those girls.
The codex was called Draco Musca.
To protect it,
the Lodge split it into three parts.
Present, past and future.
But they hid it so well
that over time, they lost it.
Why was it called Draco Musca?
That's "dragonfly" in Latin.
Someone's using it.
OK, we need to find out what for.
Look, only the Lodge's leaders
knew where the books were hidden.
They had a tattoo of the Death rune
on the nape of their necks.
Excuse me.
Do you know where my father went?
Your father?
- I was meant to go with him.
- I don't know.
He got a call and rushed off.
He doesn't tell me anything either.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
See if you can blow them all out.
This is revenge for what I did
on your birthday.
Wait, make a wish.
You knew where the Draco Musca was hidde
Julio, come here.
- Did you see Pelayo's face?
- Silence.
He went a greenish yellow.
You, in here.
This way, baldylocks.
It was so worth it.
Like what we did to that Nazi.
Did you notice he still smells of shit?
I'll put it all in the boot and get going.
He's gone.
It's all we have for now.
No, listen to me carefully.
I don't have the complete Draco Musca.
I'm working blind,
but I know what I'm doing.
Of course.
Anyway, we've nothing to lose.
We'll continue with the testing. Yes.
What if Room 3 is in there?
Let's go.
What the hell?
Has he locked us in?
It won't open.
He's leaving.
He's going.
- Paul, wait.
- Son of a bitch!
Paul, calm down!
Relax for fuck's sake!
Calm down.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Son of a bitch.
At least he didn't catch us.
Darío's a sadistic bastard.
I don't understand
how people like that exist.
Did he really hurt you?
Your father.
My stepfather.
It’s OK.
Are you OK?
Up the stairs.
Let's go.
Bloody hell.
What the hell is this?
I don't know.
Shit, Amaia.
Do you hear that?
I'm sure Darío still uses this place.
- Is it a lab?
- Yes.
That's blood.
Who the hell's is it?
Look. "Corax Laboratories".
No way.
Help me.
I don't believe it.
We never left the school.
Come on.
Look at me. Breathe with me.
Nothing's going to happen.
This place gives me the creeps.
Terrible things have happened here.
I think it's the old Peaks Sanatorium.
Let's go.
Hear that?
Behind here.
This is like a museum of horrors.
An old custom.
Memento mori.
- They're
- Dead.
They photographed them
before burying them.
Let's go.
Amaia, there's a door, hurry.
Shit, man.
Look at me.
What's wrong with you? Adèle?
Eva, you look awful too.
What have you two taken?
Shit, it's cold.
I never had so many people
clapping for me.
It was awesome.
How's it going, Eric?
Feeling OK? Resting up?
I'll tell you something funny
that happened to me this morning.
Come on, come with me.
Come on.
Stand there, Eric.
Stand over there.
- What?
- Take that ridiculous skirt off.
And get completely undressed.
Come on.
You might like shit,
but I prefer people to be clean.
Darío left without me.
There was nothing I could do.
How did you get back?
We didn't go very far.
Look what I found.
That's León.
And he's dead.
Adaptation: Tilly O'Neill
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