The Circle (2020) s02e02 Episode Script

Alliances Are Formed

Okay, decision time for the influencers.
Terilisha, Savannah, which one player each
are y'all gonna save?
I'm terrified.
I've got a feeling she's gonna say me.
I've got a feeling.
I'd like to save
who you saving?
This could change the entire game.
[suspenseful music playing]
Emily. Oh, my God!
Yes! Come on! Come on, baby!
Emily, I got you, boo. [laughs]
I'm very curious to see
who Savannah will save.
Oh, my God.
Please, please, please pick River.
She might see me as a threat.
She might see me as a threat.
She might not wanna choose me.
My heart actually hurts a little bit
because I'm so scared.
If she doesn't save me,
I'm gonna probably be heartbroken.
Circle, message
Oh, come on.
I just don't know
which way this is gonna go right now.
If she knows what's good for her,
she'll choose me.
[mimics heart pounding]
Oh, God. Send.
[music climaxing]
Are you joking?
Thank you, little sis.
Thank you. Oh, my God. Thank you so much.
Oh, my God. Chloe's probably so mad at me.
Oh, my gosh.
I can only imagine what she's saying.
What a little fucking bitch.
[Michelle] Which is British for,
"I totally get it, boo."
-Bryant, you are now at risk.
I know,
and I'm even last in the statement.
[sighs heavily]
How has this happened?
"One of you will be blocked tomorrow."
Hopefully, it's not me.
Oh, my God, that's awful.
Look at that ugly red circle. Oh, no!
One out of the four of us
is gonna go home.
That's not good odds.
That is not good odds at all.
I am really gonna have to step up
my game tomorrow.
Use the head, less the heart.
Even though it is a game,
it's not a game for me now.
Now I'm at risk,
so I need to pull out all the artillery
and get this job done.
I may have lost this battle,
but the war is certainly not over.
[Michelle] Courtney, I love you,
but you need to stop coming for my J-O-B.
Mama's got bills, honey.
Well, damn.
That was an eventful first day.
Time for the players to turn in
because after all that emotional cardio,
they're gonna need their rest.
I'm the only girl at risk.
Crazy first day in The Circle.
Very thankful that I've been saved.
Okay, Circle
time to go to bed.
It was a great day.
Good night, Circle.
Lights out, please.
[Michelle] Goodnight, you guys.
["Once in a Lifetime" plays]
It's the first morning,
and I bet our players are up and at 'em,
hyped for another day in The Circle.
Good morning, Circle.
[Michelle] Well, I'm sure they will be
in a minute anyways.
Letting the days go by
Let the water hold me down ♪
I feel so good to have woken up
as the number-one influencer.
I would really hate to be
one of the red circles right now.
Once in a lifetime
Water flowing underground ♪
The thing is with this game,
if you're an influencer,
you have got the power.
So I can't run at Savannah and be like,
"Why did you choose Trevor?
And why did you cut me out, bitch?"
[Michelle] That looked like it hurt.
And something else that looks
like it hurts is whatever this is.
The players have access to other rooms
including this bomb-ass gym.
[groans] Do I have abs yet?
While Savannah is feeling the burn,
after a cute outfit change,
Chloe's just feeling burned.
My head's scrambled.
If I talk to Emily,
then she can maybe help me understand
if there is anything going on
with Savannah.
If there's any bad blood,
if I've pissed her off.
Or if she does fancy Trevor,
and she's out to get my man.
She is my lifeline at the minute.
[Michelle] Hey, Emily, incoming.
Oh. Oh! We got a private chat.
take me to private chat with Chloe.
So, Circle, message,
"Em, I was just wondering
if you could shed a little light
as to maybe
why Savannah chose to save Trevor."
She's thinking the same thing as I am,
but when you express doubt about someone,
like Savannah expressed doubt
about Trevor, she brought it up.
For her to bring that up
in the first chat to three people
that you're sus about someone
and then save them is pretty strange.
Message, "Maybe today we could both try
to chat with her, see where her head's at.
My bitch is bad and boujee.
Ow! Fuck. Fuck. [chuckles] Uh
Well, how about
I just add her to the private chat,
and we all have "a girl gang" meeting?
[playful music]
This is a bad idea, yo.
This is a bad idea.
I don't know.
I kind of like the way it's heading.
"Chloe has invited you to a group chat."
Okay, Circle, take me to the group chat.
[shouts] She's in the chat.
She's in the chat.
It's only Chloe, Emily, and I?
Savannah's probably like,
"Why is Emily here?"
But I'm down to lurk in conversations,
like I don't need to be the centerpiece.
I don't know what to say. What do I say?
she approaches it with some finesse.
[Michelle] Finesse and Chloe are
just like Tia and Tamera. #twinning.
Circle, message, "Hello, Savannah.
I thought it would be a good idea
to add you to this chat.
My head is like scrambled eggs right now."
[Savannah] "I love the thought
of being close to you girls,
but I'm confused as to why
you chose Trevor over me."
It's a bit blunt,
but it doesn't include me, so
Get it out.
Don't beat around the bush.
Go straight through it.
If you go straight through the bush
Okay, Circle, message,
"Hey, Chloe, good morning.
I was actually planning
on reaching out to you today."
"As I felt extremely bad about
the decision I had to make last night"
But she's still typing.
[anxious welp]
"After the girls' chat,
I took what you all said about Trevor
into account
and had a private chat with him
to get to know him better."
"He and I connected on multiple levels,
which is why I decided to save him."
Oh, my God!
This conversation honestly
could've been a one-on-one
between Chloe and Savannah.
Circle, message, "I feel disappointed
that you felt like you couldn't talk to me
about seeing eye to eye with Trevor."
"I just thought after our girls' chat
yesterday, me and you connected.
Babe, I understand
it was a really difficult decision,
but just know I'm always here
if you want a girly chat about anything."
Lies, lies, lies
Lies, lies, lies, lies!
Because What do you mean?
These are lies.
[Michelle] Em, head in the game, bruh.
Circle, message, "I understand
why you might feel that way."
[Chloe] "I'm the type of person
who is upfront and honest.
I do feel like
I have a connection with you, Chloe,
and if it wasn't for the chat
I had with Trevor,
I would have saved you."
That is such a submissive answer.
Circle, message, "I'm so glad
that we've cleared the air, Savannah.
I mean it from the bottom of my heart."
[Savannah] "If you're upfront and honest,
you'll get the same from me."
She says she'll be upfront and honest,
but how true is that?
Circle, message, "I'm glad
we were able to sort this all out.
I have my girls' backs 100%.
It feels amazing to know it's mutual."
"Can't wait to talk to you guys later.
I'm feeling very optimistic
about today's blocking.
I think I've done a really good job.
I don't know.
It might be bad news for Chloe.
[Michelle] While Chloe holds her breath
ahead of the blocking,
one guy who is not waiting to exhale
is Bryant down in the yoga room.
He's also not waiting
to make a strategic move in The Circle.
Oh. "Bryant has invited you
to a private chat."
A lot is riding on this chat.
I can't focus on her saving me.
I need to focus on the connection.
take me to private chat with Bryant.
Bryant started early.
Said, "Let me get
to the number-one influencer first thing."
Gosh. Circle, message,
"Hi" with four "i's".
on becoming an influencer.
Cool teachers changed my life.
I'm also a yogi and vegan as well.
We have a lot in common.
Smiley face." Send.
Okay, I like how he plays
the "we have a lot in common" card.
Circle, message,
"Thank you for the congratulations.
I'm happy you had teachers
that changed your life.
That is the goal. Thumbs-up emoji."
"Just curious,
what is a breathwork technician?"
I love that she's interested in this.
Circle, message,
"All ages can benefit from it.
You usually find peace
and contentment after.
It's gotten rid of my anxiety,
limiting beliefs, and fear.
So good for when you're
in eighth place. LOL."
Circle, message,
"Bryant, I like the way
you're handling it.
May I ask what was your anxiety,
limiting beliefs, and fear all about?"
Circle, message, "Of course.
My fear is that
I thought I had to be
someone I was not, to be loved.
My limiting belief
was I thought I had to work
a job I didn't like to make money."
"And my anxiety was making decisions
that were not good for this world."
I respect that fear.
I think a lot of us have been there.
Circle, message, "To be honest,
I had a slutty stage.
I was addicted to stimulants and bulimic.
It's great to be open about these things
and be loved because of them."
"Thank you again for asking."
All you can do is be yourself.
[intense inhale, exhale]
That explains a lot.
I wouldn't necessarily want
to tell anyone that either.
Sometimes you have
to talk about where you've been,
let people know where you're at,
what you're doing for this world.
I am definitely looking at Bryant
totally different.
I think that he may deserve to stay.
I definitely think Chloe, Courtney,
and River are gonna have to come with it
because at this point,
I'm thinking that
I don't want Bryant to leave.
[Michelle] Before Chloe causes
a major environmental incident,
The Circle wants to play a little game.
-Oh, my God!
Welcome to The Circle's Poetry Slam.
Thanks, Courtney. And this is a big one.
With Bryant, Chloe, Courtney,
and River, played by Lee,
all at risk of being blocked,
each one of them must write a poem
about an influencer
in the hopes of staying in The Circle.
I can't rhyme.
I can barely put
a sentence together half the time.
[shouts] Oh, my God. It actually rhymed.
What I just said rhymed.
I'm gonna have to write that down.
The four at-risk must rhyme their way
into the influencers' good graces
using the gift of words,
and they better make a good impression
because one of these poets
is gonna be blocked later.
[doorbell rings]
Each poet gets an outfit,
because, obviously,
we all know that's gonna help. [giggles]
I'd rather loved and lost
than never to have loved at all.
I don't think I would pull any guys
in this outfit in the club.
The at-risk poets will get 15 minutes
to compose their creations.
Then the remaining safe players
will grade them.
C and F.
Guys, give it to us.
Please do not make me give you an F.
-Your time starts now.
Okay, let's go.
I hope the others aren't, like,
magically rappers.
The cool teacher
Okay. I'm okay with that.
That's four lines.
[gasps] For fuck's sake.
When it comes to this poem,
I wanna do something different.
I wanna offer allyship.
I think that'll set me apart
from the other players.
Savannah banana
I'm going to put "z,"
like "layerz," "playerz."
I feel like a rap God.
"Let not" There you go. "Let not"
[baroque-like music playing]
[Lee] Okay.
[shouts] Time's up!
the time has come to poetry slam."
Here we go.
First to perform their poem is Courtney.
Give us what you got, Courtney.
I wanna see who is this poem about.
Circle, message, "A Sonnet for Savannah."
For me? Courtney, you shouldn't have.
"Dear Savannah, my L.A. sis"
"This crazy opportunity
I don't want to miss"
Okay, big eye roll.
"We both love the 2000s' R&B vibe"
"I'm begging you, queen
To keep me in this tribe"
"We're family people
So I see you very clear"
"I think we would be friends so easy
My dear"
"Choose me from the others
And an ally you will make"
"When we get back to L.A.
I'll bake you a cake"
Oh, I love that.
Oh, I'm fucked.
Girl, I'm really gonna bake that cake
if you keep me around.
That's how you jump it off.
He brought in some elements
of Savannah's personality.
I literally have put in my poem
that if she keeps me safe,
that she will have an ally.
That's not something
that you necessarily want to announce.
That can put a target on your back.
-An A.
-A for Courtney.
A "B."
I personally think
it might be more of a B,
but I gotta make some connections here
with Courtney. I gotta gas his ass up.
Give him an A.
[Courtney] A, A, A.
you are working your way back up.
Well done, Courtney.
That was a beautiful poem.
That is gorgeous though.
It must have took him Fifteen minutes.
We had 15 minutes. It must've took him
15 minutes to make that. [laughs]
[Michelle] Oo, I can't wait for this.
[screams excitedly]
It's me!
Let's go, Chlo.
Serve it up, girl. Serve it up hot.
"My Babe's Ballad."
"Terilisha, the cool teacher
Fiery Leo, I'd like to meet ya"
Holy shit.
She got some rap elements.
"Girl, don't rate me low
'Cause I don't wanna go"
"Like an onion, I got layerz"
"I could be one of your favorite playerz"
This is more like rap,
which I kind of like.
"Gorgeous beauty with the brains
I can tell you're no plain Jane"
Oh, my God.
That's so good.
"I'm sad to end my speech
'Cause, girl, you're one hot peach!"
Chloe, clap for that, snap for that.
I really hope they felt
all that energy through the TV screen.
Attagirl, Chloe.
That's the one
I'm competing with, right there.
-I mean, I'm going for an A.
[Chloe] A!
[cheers] I'm so happy.
Circle, message, "B."
Oh, I don't like this girl.
You are not dulling my sparkle.
It's crazy that everybody
loved her poem
because I was really in between. Hm
Maybe I have to, like,
do some reflecting about that.
[Michelle] We ain't got time for that
because it's River's rhyme time.
And he's reciting his poetry to Savannah.
All right. River, it's your time to shine.
Circle, message,
"A Servant's Pain
and A Servant's Compassion."
"I came brokenhearted
And sorely mistreated"
"Fighting my pain of an ex who cheated"
"With you and the others
My suffering has eased"
"The Circle has cured my heart's disease"
"Dear Lady Savannah"
"Who all knows has heart"
"Let not your servant River
The Circle depart"
"In you he sees the moon, stars, and sun"
"And lo, this journey we've only begun"
That was poetry.
That was beautiful, River.
Perhaps the best yet,
-but I'm gonna give it a B.
-I'm gonna give it a B.
He didn't really give me
any new information.
He didn't include anything
he learned about me.
I'm gonna give him a C.
Wow. That's
Wasn't expecting that.
She doesn't like me.
-Oh, what?
-Savannah's kind of a savage, yo.
If The Circle has already cured
his heart's disease,
then maybe it's time for him to go.
River, don't take that to heart.
That was freaking beautiful, man.
I think they're only giving him
high scores because they feel bad.
[Michelle] Honey, it ain't no crime
to dig somebody's rhyme.
I'm in trouble.
Last to face the audience is Bryant,
who also wants
to impress influencer Savannah.
All right, Bryant. Let's see what you got.
Okay, let's do this.
Pretty much talking from my third eye.
Circle, message,
"Eight Lines from Eighth Place."
Fair start.
"It's our time to connect"
"You have the power
To control what's next"
"Oh, intelligent angel above"
"Please save a machine learning to love"
"I'm a balloon about to fly away"
"Grab me and save the day"
I really like that line.
"Savannah, banana, from Americana"
"Go Savannah!"
Bryant, what the fuck was that?
[laughs uproariously]
Dang, I should've gave Courtney an A.
I'm so curious what they have to say.
The fact that he says it's our time
to connect now instead of, like, before,
I don't know.
It leads me to wanna give him a C.
C, honey.
B for bad.
Oh, C. [winces]
I knew Emily would give him
a high score because they
Two peas in a pod, there.
He's probably kicking himself.
She's scared
to be anything other than nice.
[sighs] Eighth place. Worst poem.
Not a good position to be in.
"Congratulations, Courtney and Chloe!"
"You got the best grades
and are Poetry Slam winners!"
Winners! Woo! Yes!
Another one in the basket!
"Please collect your prize from the door."
There's prizes?
[gasps] Oh, my God!
[screams] The golden quill!
I love it. It's a gold feather.
"However, the true winners will be"
"whoever survives the blocking later."
Yes, that's quite obvious, Circle.
I'm feeling okay,
but I'm not so sure about everybody else.
I'm damn glad I'm safe.
I don't wanna go,
but if it's me, it's okay.
[Michelle] You could've made
that rhyme, River.
And with our annual Poetry Slam done,
it's time to ditch those uber retro,
17th-century clothes.
It seems Bryant,
after singing his sonnet for Savannah,
wants to check in with River.
And I ain't no Al Roker,
but it's a good thing you put on
that windbreaker,
because a storm of emotions
could be blowing your way.
[Bryant] Circle, message,
"River, let me praise you.
Your poem spoke to me and showed
you had wisdom amongst the chaos."
"had wisdom amongst the chaos.
Bryant. I have also been heartbroken.
It's a hard lesson
to learn unconditional love.
Thank you for being authentically you.
I see you and want to get to know you."
I'm not actually authentically me.
I'm excited to connect
with someone with good energy.
You've had good energy this whole time.
"Planting seeds for friendship and support
through poems and heartbreak."
Oh, my gosh,
you are just too freaking nice.
And when I meet you,
I'm gonna have to say,
"That was 33 years ago
when it happened to me."
Message, "Hate that we're both at risk,
but doesn't mean the end
of this friendship." Send.
[Michelle] While Bryant is busy connecting
with River, who isn't an influencer
You can't fake authenticity like this.
[Michelle] Courtney's making more
strategic connections with Savannah,
who is an influencer.
Circle, message, "Hey, girl.
Wanted to say thank you
for the grade on my poem.
Meant every word too.
How are you holding up today?
Smiley face."
Send message.
Circle, message,
"Hey, Courtney. Exclamation points.
Thank you" In caps. "for the poem.
It was beautiful."
"I'm so happy
you've reached out to me.
been waiting to talk to you."
[exclaims gleefully]
I didn't get a chance
to kind of get to know him yesterday,
and I would like to know more.
"OMG. I literally feel the same way.
I'm so glad we have this time."
"Girl, I have some chili in the oven.
I'm missing my quesadillas back home,
What do you like to eat?" That's so funny.
A little chili.
Maybe I can eat all of this. Maybe not.
Circle, message,
"I'm so glad that we're on the same page,
and we haven't even talked that much."
"Just means that our connection
is only going to get stronger." Bam!
Message, "OMG, I love chili,
but it low-key makes me fart.
Laughing emojis."
[laughs] She's funny.
I knew that she would be! Yes.
See, when you just know, you just know.
I saw her, I read her profile,
and I just knew that she was my girl.
"What 2000s R&B do you like?
I love me some T-Pain and Nelly."
Yes. T-Pain's literally my favorite.
Circle, message, "What are the chances?
I'm always down for T-Pain and Nelly,
but I'm still obsessed
with Cassie and Usher."
Circle, message,
"Yes. Cassie doesn't get enough credit.
'Me & U' is still such a bop."
Message, "Courtney, we are vibing
on the same frequency right now."
"I know you must be nervous for tonight,
but I wanna reassure you
that you can trust me."
"My only hope is that you'll have my back
in the future. #MeAndUTillTheEnd."
That's such a cute hashtag, Savannah!
I think he's gonna love that,
and it gets Courtney on my side.
Circle, message,
"I'm hella grateful we got to kiki,
and do not worry, sis. I've got your back.
Perfect. Yes, we got this. Yes. Yes!
Almost broke my ankle.
Did y'all see that? God. Lord.
You'd have had to call the ambulance.
[Michelle] With friendships forming
all over The Circle,
River wants to check in with Terilisha.
Wonder why that is.
I need to have this chat with Terilisha
because she gave me all those A's,
and she's an influencer, most importantly.
[Michelle] Oh, right.
I've got to get you on my side.
[Terilisha] Oh!
A private chat.
I'm interested to see what he has to say.
Message, "Hey, pretty lady.
I'm over the moon
with how you responded to my poem,
and the outfit was Shakespearean,
so it got me in the mood. #JFTF."
What does that mean?
Message, "Dearest River"
[Lee] "What the fuck is #JFTF?"
I won't act like I came up with it.
I'm gonna say what it means.
"Just for the fun."
Act like it's,
you know, young people stuff.
[Michelle] Look at River
making up his own hashtags.
[Lee] I think I wanna ask for advice
because I want
to play into the big-sister vibe.
And you know what?
I think I'm in danger, and I need her.
Message, "JFTF equals just for the fun.
I felt like I did share more.
The break-up happened one week before
I headed to the Circle. #It'sStillRaw."
River, honey. This story has been #Played.
[Terilisha] "How long do you think
it will take to really get over it?
#AfraidToTrust. #NeedABigSister."
I have no problem, you know,
being a shoulder to him.
Again, that could work in my favor.
No one wants to throw their big sister
under the bus.
So hell yeah.
Message, "River,
what's meant for you will be for you.
I'm already a big sister. I have two.
Wouldn't mind having a brother.
Hug emoji."
I will be her brother,
and she's saying it's okay.
She's connecting, and I like that.
Lee is in the game now.
Message, "This is the best I've felt
since getting in The Circle.
Big sis, let's take it to finale night.
I came in thinking I need a number one,
and I think I just found her.
Message, "Glad I could be a pick-me-up.
Strong emoji."
[Lee] "Great chatting with you.
By the way, good luck tonight."
It is the winky face.
Oh, my gosh.
Winky face. That's saying,
"I've got your back, little brother."
Yes. I feel good.
[Michelle] Nice chat, River. Winky face.
With the blocking fast approaching,
let's check in on Chloe.
I guess she'll either be talking
to her unicorn
or about to flirt with a guy.
I need a good old flirt with Trev-Trevs.
That will stir the pot, won't it?
Circle, open private chat with Trevor,
"Chloe has invited you to a private chat."
What you gotta say to me, girl?
I don't wanna go in there
full guns blazing.
I don't want him to feel uncomfortable
if him and Savannah are talking,
and they are getting along,
and I'm gonna get him to come to me.
Circle, message,
"Hey, Trev. How was being a judge
in today's poem battle?
Question mark. Kiss." Send message.
Circle message, "What's up, Chlo?
It was kind of hard being a judge today.
Growing up,
I really wanted to be a rapper."
"I was expecting bars on bars on bars."
I love that!
Oh, my God.
No, my pizza's done right in the middle
of a really interesting conversation.
"By the way,
I recognize you from another show,
or am I bugging? Question mark."
Well, it definitely wasn't Iron Chef.
[Chloe] Circle, message,
"Babe, you're not bugging. I am who I am,
and yes I was on Too Hot To Handle.
Eggplant emoji. Over-18 emoji." Send.
[Deleesa] I knew it. I knew it,
and I completely believe you are
who you are, like absolutely.
[Michelle] Yeah, trust is so important,
right, Trevor?
I couldn't imagine him having this kind
of conversation with Savannah at all.
No way.
She's a robot builder.
Circle, message,
"Those guys did not deserve
the queen that you are.
Don't ever settle for less."
[Chloe] "If I ever had a chance
to take you on a date,
we'd go indoor skydiving,
and then have a champagne picnic
in the park."
I don't want that to make me excited.
I don't want it to make me excited.
But I can't help it.
I literally can't help it.
That is so sweet.
Like, I'm making her feel her self-worth.
As a man. Hell, I feel great about that.
I actually feel amazing that I'm a guy,
and I'm able to make a woman
feel amazing to be a woman,
and that she's appreciated
by at least one guy,
and there are good men out there, so
"Where there's respect, there is trust,
and I can truly say
that I'm starting to trust you.
Can't wait for that date.
Over and out. Love heart emoji."
Send message.
I think my strategy is working.
I don't wanna be a top player,
not yet at least.
That needs to come towards the end.
Right now, I just need to hold
on strong right in the middle.
I didn't come in here for romance,
but I do feel like there is some romance
in the air when it comes to me and Trev.
Okay, I think we need to break this up.
[Courtney] Uh, oh!
-We've got an alert!
An alert!
Somebody's going home, and it ain't me.
Oh, shoot.
All right, Circle, what do you got for me?
Gosh. Okay.
"Influencers Terilisha and Savannah
must now decide which player to block."
Wait, what?
"Terilisha and Savannah must go
to the Hangout to make their decision."
I wanna go to the Hangout.
I'm ready. I hope Terilisha's ready too.
Let's go.
Oh, gosh. Here we go.
Ug. Chloe, Courtney, River, and myself.
One of us are going home.
Oh, my gosh, this is so
[Jack] Do they want an easy decision?
Or do they wanna make a big move
and take out a threat or someone popular?
Knowing that they're making a decision
is sickening.
Savannah and Terilisha are in the Hangout
ready to ruin
someone's Circle dream forever,
and they're upset about it.
I can't believe I'm here.
I can't believe I made it.
I'm an influencer.
It's crazy being the first one in.
First one in, last one out.
Oh, Influencer chat.
Circle, message, "This is insane.
Can you believe we're here?
I can't think of anyone else
I would want to be in this position with.
Cheers, sis."
Message, "This is absolutely insane.
Exclamation, exclamation, exclamation.
I can't believe it,
but I am so glad we are the ones.
Cheers emoji. #Let'sDoThis." Send.
Okay. Here we go.
Circle, message,
"Let's do it. Let's start with Courtney.
What are your thoughts?
Question mark." Send.
Oh! Right to it. Okay.
I just see Courtney
as a threat because he is liked.
I have yet to hear anything negative
about Courtney.
I don't have any negative feelings per se,
and that's a threat.
I won't say that at this point because
I don't want Savannah to know that.
That would be dumb.
"I genuinely like Courtney's energy.
He seems fun, but I'm curious.
Is there more to him than what he shows?
What do you think of him?
Question mark. Look emoji." Send.
Circle, message,
"I agree with you 100 percent.
His energy is contagious.
I don't know him well enough yet,
but I'd like to have that chance."
She doesn't seem to be threatened at all
by Courtney
but I am.
"Courtney seems very genuine to me.
However, in the long run,
as you mentioned,
his contagiousness
could possibly be a threat.
What's cool now can be
your competition later.
Period." Send.
Okay. Circle, message,
I think that goes for every other person
that's at risk though.
What I can tell you is
that Courtney is not on my list to go.
He seems very genuine to me." Send.
What? Fuck.
This is what I feared.
Courtney better save my ass later
'cause I won't go through all of this
for someone who won't have my back.
I don't want Courtney to stay,
but I don't feel like
Savannah is gonna budge.
"What are your feelings about River?
Question mark." Send.
I wanna keep River around
because he looks at me as a big sister,
and no one is gonna throw
their big sister under the bus.
Okay. Circle, message, "I think I have
a lot in common with River,
but I haven't had a chance
to get to know him yet.
He seems very nice
from what I can see in the group chats.
What do you think about River?
Question mark."
I am actually thrilled to see
Savannah's message about River, uh,
'cause she says
she hasn't got to know him yet.
So I feel like I have
an opportunity here to sway her
to keep in River in the event
that he's up on the chopping block.
Message, "I like River.
I think there may be more to this kid.
Think emoji.
I think we both agreed on giving River
some more time in The Circle.
Are you okay with taking him off the list?
Question mark." Send.
[suspenseful music playing]
Circle, message,
"Only if you're okay
with taking Courtney off the list."
Oh. Fuck.
She wants Courtney to go.
It's not happening.
Message, "Yes."
She said yes.
Damn, that's crazy.
Courtney is the true threat in my eyes.
River is little bro at this point.
That just leaves us with two options,
Bryant and Chloe.
Circle, message, "Let's move on to Chloe.
She seems like a fun girl,
and she's a part of #GirlGang.
I have all intentions
of keeping my promise to you girls
because I know we can
all help each other make it to the end.
I'm worried she might doubt my intentions
because I didn't save her last night,
which makes me think
she might not have my back in the future."
Oh, gosh.
So she fears Chloe at this point.
She didn't save her last night.
She did not keep her #GirlGang word.
I can use that to my advantage.
I saved a girl.
Message, "I don't think Chloe doubts
you are #GirlGang.
I'm sure she will have your back.
She literally said 'girl power.'"
Because she said "girl power." Like, no.
Come on, Terilisha.
She's willing to flirt with the guys
and get them on her side,
and she's also willing
to befriend all of the girls
'cause she knows she needs those numbers.
I just don't think
that's good enough, you know?
Something's feeling different today
about Savannah, and I don't like it.
I wanna keep Chloe
because I wanna keep my word.
In the group chat today
that I had with Chloe and Emily,
I promised I was gonna have Chloe's back.
So if I don't have Chloe's back in this,
then I lose Emily,
and if I lose Emily, I lose Bryant,
and then I've fucked myself over.
So, no, that's not gonna happen.
Circle, message, "It's important
for me to stay faithful to the girls.
I'm a woman of my word." Send.
You're full of shit.
It's important
for you to stay faithful to the girls,
but you didn't even fucking save a girl.
You saved Trevor.
I'm definitely thinking that she isn't
what she first presented herself to be.
Very, possibly, disingenuous, for sure.
I wanna move on to Bryant.
I've said what I had to say about Chloe.
Message, "What do you think about Bryant?
Question mark." Send.
Circle, message,
"I feel iffy about Bryant.
I don't know too much about him,
and it doesn't seem like he has
too much interest in getting to know me.
However, he ranked low, so I don't see him
as much of a threat right now.
What are your thoughts about Bryant?"
Message, "I definitely agree
about the iffy feeling with Bryant.
He has been vague and aloof
in our group settings."
"However, I got an opportunity
to speak with him today,
and there is more to him
than may meet the eye."
I freaking knew it.
She's trying to do
the same thing I'm doing,
which is building her numbers,
and she's not gonna give up a number.
I'm not gonna give up a number.
[blows raspberries]
Oh, my God. This is
[whispering] This is tough.
[Terilisha] I am looking at Savannah.
She's definitely a frenemy.
While the ladies play influencer chess,
all four at-risk players are pretty tense.
Guess how Bryant's dealing with it?
I'll give you a clue.
It starts with a "B."
Inhaling good energy into my pores.
[inhales deeply]
Exhaling any toxins.
Any chance that I'm gonna go home tonight,
I'm releasing that right now.
I'm not ready. I'm not ready to go home.
Message, "It looks like our decision
has been made. Mind-blown emoji." Send.
Circle, message, "I'll let you
do the honors of telling everyone."
She's gonna be like, "This bitch."
You bitch.
And you know what? She's right. [giggles]
Can't blame her.
Message, "Sounds like a plan."
-This is it.
-[laughs, screaming]
It's crunch time, baby.
[both] "The influencers
have made their decision."
My mind is so fried right now.
I might grab some popcorn
because the show is about to go off.
"All players must go to Circle Chat."
Circle, please take me to Circle Chat.
There it is. I have no words right now.
I feel sick. Who have they chose?
Message, "I know that we are all sitting
on the edge of our seats right now.
Just know that by no means
was this an easy decision."
Oh. Okay. She wrote. Okay.
"Just know that by no means
was this an easy decision."
"It was very tough.
The player that we've decided to block"
"is someone who made an impression,
but wasn't able to connect equally
to the both of us."
I could be going home right now.
Oh, no. Stay positive.
"The player that we have decided
to block is"
-I don't even wanna look.
-Come on.
[suspenseful music swells]
-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my
I thought my time had come.
[screaming] Oh, my God!
[sad music]
He's gone. Oh, my
-[imitates game show buzzer] Wow.
That shit is harsh, man.
I can't even say bye, bro.
Well, it's all part of the adventure.
[inhales deeply]
I'm This is stupid.
I'm not supposed to cry about this.
[Bryant exhales]
It's just a game.
Hm I'm gonna take this moment in.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime moment
to experience this.
So grateful, so appreciative.
The aim of the game
is to be popular, and, Bryant,
you weren't popular, babe.
Bryant, our bro-y yogi has been blocked,
but his adventure isn't over yet.
"Before you leave,
you can meet one player face-to-face."
Nice. Oh, good. I need a hug.
"Think about who you would like to meet."
I would love to go meet Courtney.
He was my first friend in The Circle.
Even though we ended up at bottom four,
I felt the support.
Um, he was my loyal lad.
River, I know he's pro-equality,
he's pro-expression,
more importantly
he wears his heart on his sleeve.
I could go visit Savannah.
You're the reason why I got blocked.
I could ask her
her decision-making process.
Terilisha, it hurts that you weren't able
to stand up for me in that room
because I would have
done anything for you.
Out of all these players,
who am I gonna go and visit?
-Alert. Shoot.
Oh! Again?
"Bryant is on his way
to meet one of you now."
Are you joking?
Oh, my gosh.
I think that there's a high chance
Bryant could come.
[tense music playing]
He's won't confront anybody.
He wants to do the one
he had the connection with.
[blows raspberries]
Talk about staying
on the edge of your seat.
He could walk through
that door at any point.
-Hold up.
-My name is Trevor. How you doing?
[tense music continues]
I don't know if I can face him
if he comes to see me.
[music swelling]
-Hello, how are you?
-Yes. Oh, my God.
Come here.
Come here.
[laughs nervously]
[Lee] Are you shocked?
-Aren't you shocked?
-Not at all. You kidding me?
-We're all playing a character.
-[Lee] Yeah.
I was going off just the quality of
the feeling behind words, to be honest.
[Lee] I have this strategy,
see on the refrigerator,
and it says it's heart not head.
-You were playing so much with your heart
and you were forgetting strategy,
I think.
[Bryant] Yeah. Here's the thing.
Throughout every interaction
I actually had with you,
that was because my heart led me to it.
I would never have changed anything.
-Let me tell you who I am. My name is Lee.
-Please. Okay, Lee.
I'm a writer.
-That's River, by the way.
-[Bryant] River's gorgeous.
[Lee] He's a friend of mine.
His name's not River.
He's actually straight. He's 20 years old.
You could've played yourself,
shown your face on there.
I would've loved you
for exactly as you are.
[Lee] You would've.
I don't know that everybody would've,
and that's made by fear.
But, you know, I felt the rainbow love.
Even though I'm out first,
there's still something that gives you
a good feeling when you follow your heart.
You wrote that about your friend.
-The $10,000, that she was homeless.
I think people were saying,
"Okay, one of two things.
He's too good to be true,
or I can't beat him
because he's too good."
It sounds cliché,
but I'm winning because of this feeling
and the trust that I did
what my heart wanted me to do.
You and I are friends for life.
-I swear to God.
-Give me your hand.
-I mean, we are friends for life.
-[Bryant] Thank you.
[Lee] I said if he comes to see me,
I wanna go lay in the grass,
stare at the sun with him,
-and learn breathing.
-God. That'd be the best.
Well, I guess he's not coming to see me.
I've brushed my teeth for nothing, Bryant.
For goodness' sake.
-[Bryant] Go win this thing. You got this.
-[Lee] Okay. Come on.
All the best. All of this is impermanent.
You got this.
-Rock this.
-I'm gonna rock it.
It doesn't matter who you're playing.
Be yourself.
-[Lee] All right.
-Okay, friend.
We will see you at the finale.
[exhales] Ah, you guys.
I love that guy.
[Michelle] And just like that,
Bryant is ending his nama-stay
in The Circle.
And while he heads off into the night,
breathing at strangers,
the others are relaxing,
and we know what that means
by now though, right?
[alarm blaring]
Y'all know I was trying to go to bed.
I was trying to get my teeth
all clean and pristine,
and now what?
Please tell me this is a joke.
Why do we have another alert?
I'm in my undies right now. Hold on.
I gotta put my big-boy pants on. Hold on.
Did Bryant even get to leave the building
before y'all ushering somebody else
all up in the gig?
Are you actually joking?
Is it a girl or a boy?
Lance Bass? You are freaking kidding me.
Lance Bass from NSYNC?
A celebrity has entered The Circle?
The Circle is not playing.
Is he American?
Maybe Trevor's got a little bit
of competition.
[Michelle] Circle, girl. Holy sh
[upbeat music playing]
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