The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

Daddy Daughter Day

[grunts in effort]
[screams, grunts]
[Grug snoring]

- It's Daddy Daughter day.
It's Daddy Daughter day!
[Grug yells]
[gasps in fear]
- Why would you--
- Daughter--
[gasps in fear]
[Grug yells]
It's Daddy Daughter day!
- Ooh! It's Daddy Daughter day!
BOTH: [chanting]
Daddy daughter day! Daddy daughter day!
Daddy daughter day!
Daddy daughter day!
Daddy daughter day!
- This is it, the end of the world.
I thought there would be more fire.
Daddy daughter day! Daddy daughter day!
- Get out!
Daddy daughter day! Daddy daughter day!
- Happy Daddy Daughter day!
- Let's live wild, the world's our own ♪
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll ♪
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go ♪
Whoa-ho-ho ♪
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together ♪
It's an evolution
for worse or for better ♪
To find some unity ♪
For all humanity ♪
Because we're stuck together ♪
In one big family tree ♪
- Ah, Grug!
You're moving out.
Well, if we're honest with ourselves,
this was never a great fit.
Sometimes you have to
cut your losses and move on.
Here, let me help you pack
so you can be on your way
as quickly as possible.
- No, Phil, it's Daddy Daughter day.
Remember? I woke you up?
- Stars above,
I thought that was a nightmare.
- You're moving out?
Well, we all knew this day would come.
Yeah. Let me help you pack
so you can be on your way
as quickly as possible.
- We're not moving out.
We're going camping at Lake Wetwater
for Daddy Daughter day.
- Oh, well, then I'm glad
you woke us up so early
and didn't make breakfast.
Don't you worry though.
I'll take care of it like I always do.
- Oh, great! I'll have
chickenseal eggs, over easy.
- I'll take mine over medium
with just a bit of run to the yolk.
Yes, just like that.
- Okay, Dad, I've got the fishing poles
and Sandy has the bait.
[growls proudly]
- What's all this for again?
- Daddy daughter day!
It's a sweet tradition Grug started
where he and Eep
spend the day together on their own,
leaving me on my own.
All day long.
It's glorious.
- And we always have the best time.
Just a dad and his daughter together,
hiking, camping,
cooking dinner over an open fire,
gazing up at the stars.
[sighs in delight]
- How many times do I have to tell you?
No drawing on the furniture.
- Ugh! You made it worse!
- Honestly,
it's my favorite day of the year.
- No, it's mine.
- No. No, no, no, mine.
- No, mine.
- No, mine.
EEP: No, it's mine.
- No, no, no, mine.
EEP: You know it's totally mine.
- Uh Ugh. I'm sorry.
- Don't be. Nothing can
ruin this day for me.
Because all day long--
- Me neither.
'Cause this Daddy Daughter day
is extra special.
Sandy's finally old enough to join us!
Aren't you, Sandy?
[groans in pain]
That makes it--
[groans sharply]
Daddy Daughters day.
[groans] Ooh.
Solid punch--
[inhales] Sandy.
- That also makes it Ugga's day
'cause I finally get some me time.
- Ooh, "me time."
I like the sound of that.
Phil, you're doing something
with Dawn today.
- Who?
Your daughter!
- Oh, Dawn.
I thought you said "prawn."
My hearing is hindered by egg.
- Why would I say "prawn"?
- Exactly. Hence my confusion.
- Good morning, family,
and friends that are like family.
- Good morning, daughter.
Gird yourself for a treat
because today is,
apparently, Daddy Daughter day.
And that means you and I
are about to bond
over our shared bloodline
and familial connection.
- Ooh! I'm not sure
what all that means but I like it!
- Good. Fortunately, understanding
isn't a prerequisite for enjoyment.
- Still lost and still in!
- Excellent. Come along, Dawn.
- Uh--
- Phil!
- Apologies.
All of my senses are hampered by egg.
Hey, I know this year is different
with Sandy coming,
so it's okay if you're jealous.
- Jealous? Of Sandy?
I'm not jealous. I'm excited.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Watching Sandy's first time
will kinda be like
it's my first time all over again.
I can't wait.
- Well, now I'm jealous.
Okay, Sandy, can you do this?
Ooh, ooh, ooh!
- Oh-ho!
- Show-off.
- Sweet move, Sandy.
But you two monkeys
might wanna take it easy.
We still got a long hike to Lake Wetwater.
Uh-oh. Wolfspiders nearby.
- Nah, this looks like an old web.
But you know what is nearby?
Turns out these shiny rocks
aren't totally useless.
They cut right through wolfspider webs.
- Careful. Don't get stuck.
- Oh, I won't. Why?
BOTH: [in unison]
We never touch the web.

- Okay, go ahead, hon.
Each berry has a different flavor,
so it's best to eat 'em one at a time.
Or you can taste all the flavors at once.
Sorry, Eep, no more berries.
- Eh, it's okay.
I did the same thing
on our first Daddy Daughter day.
- You did?
Huh. Don't remember.
- This time I'm all about
catching Big Bloop.
We are finally gonna get him.
- We sure are.
Sandy, I gotta tell you about Big Bloop.
He's the biggest
Mahi Mahyena in Lake Wetwater.
Some say he belongs in the ocean
but got stuck in a lake.
Some say he ate a mountain
and made the lake with his tail.
- I heard his splashes are so big,
they turned the sky blue.
- [laughs] Oh, come on, that's crazy.
Who told you that?
- You.
- Oh. Well, that's 'cause it's also true.
- So, what do you think, Sandy,
ready to catch Big Bloop?
Where's Sandy?
- Aw, she was getting more dragumberries.
But she forgot that--
BOTH: [in unison]
We never touch the web.
That's okay.
She'll learn.
Right after she beats you in the race.
- Uh, what race?
- Uh, to the tree! Come on, Sandy.
- [laughs] Hey, no fair!

- Hey, Dad, are you ready?
- Dawn! You're here.
Now we can finally begin
Daddy Daughter day.
- Great. I'm so excited.
So what are we gonna do?
- Oh, you're in for quite a treat.
Because today we'll be embarking
on the ultimate in father-daughter fun!
Rigorous, methodical lab work.
You'll love it.
- We're inventing something together?
- Actually, I want your help
with an invention that has me flummoxed.
It's a device that allows people
who are far apart to communicate.
I call it the Speak-in-Shell.
Trouble is, the sound is malfunctioning.
[in a high-pitched eerie voice]
You see? I need to fix this.
- Whoa, scary.
So what can I do to help?
- Hold out your arms.
- [Dawn straining]
These are heavy.
GRUG: [yelling]
Hello, Lake Wetwater!
Where the lake is better--
- 'Cause the water is wetter.
[both grunting]
[laughs, pops]
- Hey-hey! Nice pop, Sandy.
- You wanna learn
the rest of the Lake Wetwater handshake?
- And then I'll teach you how to fish
so we can finally catch Big Bloop.
But first, we need to set up camp.
Check it out. Perfect spot.
Plenty of shade,
right by the water and no "wifi" troubles.
- "Wifi"?
- Wildfires.
The nearest one's up there.
- I think Sandy
wants to camp in the woods.
- Aw, come on, Sandy.
Don't you wanna be by the water?
[growls angrily]
Well, but Eep and I
always camp by the water.
It's a tradition.
- Oh, come on, Dad.
It's her first Daddy Daughter day.
Let her pick.
Besides, you let me pick the spot
when I was her age.
- I did?
Well, okay, Sandy,
we'll camp where you want then.
It's not a great view
of the lake from there.
But trees are like
lakes of leaves and wood
that are nothing like lakes.

Hey, Eep, pass me the--
[Eep grunts]
Great. And can I get some--
[Eep grunts]
- Dad, I'm ready for the--
[both grunting]
- [laughs] You still got it.
- Even when you don't.
You need to brush up on your leaf throws.
- Oh, Sandy, no, don't pull that--
Uh, thanks for your help, sweetie,
but you know
what you can do for daddy?
Get me more vines.
Go. Go, go, go!
- We don't need more vines.
- You can never have too many vines.
And it'll give you and me a chance
to finish this lean-to
without any more setbacks.
[Grug grunts in effort]
This trap should take care
of any predators that come around.
- And, if it doesn't,
Sandy's trap will get 'em.
- Sandy's trap? Where?
- Right behind you.
Nice trap, Sandy.
[Grug screams]
[Grug groans]
[body thuds]
Really got some distance.

[screams, groans]
Easy mistake, Sandy.
Snakes are the sticks of animals.
Gotta admit, Sandy,
this is a pretty sweet camping spot.
It's cozy, nice breeze and--
[sniffs] these flowers
smell better than the lake.
- Dad, I think this is quicksand.
- No. I know quicksand.
This sand is as slow as it gets.
If you say so.
Hey, hey. Want me to show you
the rest of the Lake Wetwater handshake?
First it's--
- Oh, look at you two.
This is why we do Daddy Daughter day.
You're both getting so big.
Sandy, you're taller than the lean-to.
It's like you're growing up
right before my eyes.
Wait, how are you doing that?
- Dad, we're not growing, you're sinking!
- Pull me out!
Well, why didn't someone tell me
we were setting up camp on quicksand?
Yeah, I did.
Oh. And what did I say?
- You said it was slow sand.
- Yeah, that sounds like me.
Besides, campsites sink
into the ground all the time.
- Do they?
[grunts in effort]
[grunts happily]
- Aw, we've camped with a lot less.
Besides, the real reason we're here
is to catch Big Bloop.
Am I sinking again?
[in a robotic voice]
- I am Phil Betterman.
The greatest inventor alive.
Ugh. Too much.
Back to the drawing board.
DAWN: [strains]
Uh, can I put this stuff down?
- Oh, Dawn. I forgot you were here.
Yes, of course.
Are you having a good Daddy Daughter day?
- Honestly, it's a lot more
me watching you work than I expected.
- You're welcome.
- Yeah, um, the-the thing is,
I just thought, for Daddy Daughter day,
we'd do something where,
you know, I'd actually do something.
- Screeching eelgles, you're right.
How thoughtless of me.
This day has been all daddy
and no daughter.
Well, no more!
Dawn, what would you like to do? Name it.
- Hmm. Well, I have one idea--
- Great. Then that's what
we're doing. Let's go.
- Wait. I didn't say what it was.
[Grug sighs in relief]
- It's lucky we've been tracking
Big Bloop for so many moons.
This map of sightings should help us
figure out exactly where to find--
Whoa! [screams]
[water sploshes]
- So, where to, Dad?
- Uh, let's go to the water area.

[Eep sighs]
- Well, maybe Big Bloop
moved to a different lake.
- No, he's here somewhere.
And we'd know where if we had our map.
Uh, I might know where to find him.
- [yells] Aha!
I mean, aha.
Big Bloop, you've blooped your last bloop.
Quick, Eep. He's getting away.
Row faster, but also quieter.
We don't wanna spook him.
No, Sandy, you'll scare him away!

- Oh, Dad, we weren't
gonna catch him anyway.
We never catch him.
- [sighs in disappointment]
You're right.
Okay, Sandy, you can slow down now.
Sandy, stop.
[Grug and Eep scream]
[Eep screams]
I'm not sure about this, Dawn.
Is there any way for us to share secrets
without revealing our secrets?
- Sorry, Dad,
that's kinda the whole point.
Here, I'll start.
So, you remember that koalameleon
you and Mom got me when I was a kid?
Renaldo? Oh, yes.
He was a fine pet
who could blend into his habitat
making him virtually invisible.
He was a good friend to you.
It was a tragedy when he ran away.
Yeah, that's my secret.
Renaldo didn't run away.
I felt bad keeping him in the cage,
so I set him free.
- Well, Dawn, I too have a secret.
Your mother never wanted
to clean up after a pet.
So Renaldo wasn't invisible.
He never existed.
- What?
So you're saying you just
gave me an empty cage?
I loved Renaldo.
- You sure did.
Whew! Glad to finally
get that off my chest.
You know, sharing secrets is liberating.
I wish we'd done this sooner.
[groans uncomfortably]
- Maybe secret sharing
wasn't such a good idea.
- Well, what else do you like to do?
I'm up for anything.
- How about crowverine gliding?
- Except for that. Try again.
- Well, sometimes Eep and I
like to do pranks.
Nothing mean, of course.
Just jumping out and scaring people.
It's pretty funny. Here, watch.
Dawn? Where did you go?
- Rah!
[gasps in fear]
Fun, right?
- More than I could have imagined.
Let's find others to scare
for our own amusement.
- That should do it.
These mirrors will reflect the sunlight
to heat that water
and, boom, hot showers.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
It's gonna take a while, guys.
It's less of a "boom"
and more of a "boo-o-o-om."
[both yell]
[Phil screams, groans]
[sighs] Oh! Prank, huh?
- Yeah. Were you scared?
- More sad than scared.
It's gonna be a little longer
on those hot showers, guys.

[both yell]

- [chuckles] Bad idea.

[both yell]
- Hello?
[both scream]
Wait, that's not Gran, that's a mop.
[Gran growls]
[Phil groans]
That's Gran.
[sighs in frustration]
I don't get it.
Scaring people works when Eep and I do it.
- Don't blame yourself.
- I'm not.
- Never admit fault.
It's a sign of weakness.
But I have another secret for you.
The truth is, the fault is mine.
I'm sorry Daddy Daughter day
has been such a disappointment.
- Oh, Dad, wh--
I'm not disappointed.
We got to spend the day together.
- That's true, and it's been a delight.
Why don't we do this more often?
- Well, I'm usually
hanging out with Mom or Eep
and you're usually in here
working on your inventions.
- Stars above, you're right, Dawn.
How could we have been so blind?
- I wasn't blind. I saw it.
- But you didn't see Renaldo.
- Too soon, Dad.
- Sorry.
But now it's clear as day.
If only the problem
with my Speak-in-Shell was just as clear.
- I think I know what's wrong
with your Speak-in-Shell.
[in a high-pitched eerie voice]
You're not using it to prank.
- Dawn, you're a genius!
Just like your father.
- [chuckles] Too bad
we're out of people to scare.
- No.
There is another.
[evil laughter]
[laughter echoing]
[Grug sighs deeply]
- Well, we didn't catch Big Bloop,
so it's roasted sticks for lunch.
[groans unhappily]
Hmm? Aw, don't feel bad, sweetie,
it's not all your fault.
Everyone makes mistakes
when they're your age.
Maybe you were just too young
to come this time.
[groans angrily]
Oh, hey, where you going?
[sighs in disappointment]
Did I say something wrong?
- Several somethings, actually.
-[sighs] This was so much easier
when it was just you and me.
- Not at first.
But you figured it out.
Just like you'll figure it out with Sandy.
You just need a way to connect with Sandy.
You know, a hook.
Also I'm sitting on a hook. Ow.
- But you're easy.
I-I don't have to say anything
and you know what I mean.
- And how do you think that happened?
You taught me stuff.
I wasn't born knowing
how to make a lean-to
or start a fire or catch fish.
I learned all that from you.
- [gasps] You're right!
I've let Sandy down.
I'm a terrible father!
- No, that's not what I--
- Sandy!
I'm sorry!
- Well, that could work too.
- [pants] Please forgive me!
[growling in distance]

Sandy, wait! Come back!
I'm sorry I didn't teach you
how to make a lean-to
or how to fish
or the difference between wood and snakes,
but that's on me.
You didn't mess up, I did!
But I'm gonna fix that.
If you let me.
You're not Sandy. You're a wolfspider.
[Grug pants]
Oh, no. I touched the web.
I touched the web!
[grunts] This is a big web
for such a little wolfspider.
Oh. Now it makes sense.
Uh hi, daddy wolfspider.
Listen, if you want to eat me, I get it
because you'd do anything
for your daughter,
just like I'd do anything for mine,
and right now,
I need to tell her I'm sorry.
So how about you do me a solid, huh?
Dad to dad?
And-and let me go?
So that's a maybe?
[low growling]
[Sandy growls angrily]
[Sandy grunting]
[wolfspiders whimper]
[Sandy chuckles]
You didn't touch the web!
And you used a shiny rock to cut it.
Where did you learn all that?
[grunts happily]
I really need to remember stuff better.
[Sandy coos]
I-I just said all of this to a wolfspider,
but I meant to say it to you.
So here goes.
I'm sorry--
Hmm. Yeah.
Words aren't really our thing, are they?
Hey, Daddy Daughter day isn't over yet.
You wanna take
another crack at Big Bloop, huh?
Together, sweetie!
I meant together!
Wait for me.
[humming, breathing deeply]
soft classical music playing ♪
PHIL: [in a high-pitched eerie voice]
Hope, it's Phil's mother, Agnes Betterman!
I'm coming to live with you!
- No!
- Oh, man, that was amazing.
- Yes. Hope and my mother
never did get along.
I knew that would strike fear
deep into the core of her being.
What could be more fun than that?
- Guess we make
a pretty good prank team after all.
- How about we don't wait
until the next Daddy Daughter day
to have another Daddy Daughter day?
- Hmm. I'll have to check my schedule.
- Oh. Okay.
Just get back to me then.
- I'm kidding, Dad. I'd love to.
Plus, Mom could always use
more "Mom time."
[growling angrily]
[growling continues]
- It was nice knowing you, Dawn.
- I wish you'd invented something
to make us invisible.
- [whispering]
Like Renaldo?
- Good one, Dad.
Ha, ha!
We're coming for you, Big Bloop!
- Shh.
- [softly]
Oh. Right, right. Good call, Sandy.
We're coming for you, Big Bloop.
Okay, this is all you, hon.
Now, if you feel a bite,
just pull in the vine nice and slow.
[Sandy grunts]
- And, Sandy, get ready,
'cause Big Bloop's right there.
[Big Bloop growling menacingly]
[Sandy grunting in effort]
- That's it, nice and easy.
That's perfect.
Oh, you're a natural.
[stick creaks]
[Grug screaming] No!
[in slow motion]
He got away!
[Sandy whimpers]
Uh, I-I mean, uh, no big deal, Sandy.
Big Bloop always gets away.
It's a tradition.
- Sandy! What are you doing?
Big Bloop's a beast!
- Yeah, honey, stay away from his mouth!
And his fins! And his tail!
Everything else!
[Big Bloop snarling]
- Yes!
- Didn't see that coming.
- Whoa! We did it!
After all these moons,
we finally caught Big Bloop!
[Eep chuckles]
[Sandy coos]
Well, it was a good run, Bloop,
but it had to end at some point.
Because you were up against the Croods!
And the Croods always get
their Mahi Mahyena.
[laughs, sighs]
Hey, what's the matter?
Why aren't you celebrating?
- No, it's great,
but it's also the end of our tradition.

[low growling]

- We're all nodding
about letting him go, right?
- Yes, Dad.
[growls in affirmation]
[Grug grunts sharply]

And now we have a new tradition.
[bird chirping]
[owl hooting]

[wolfspider howling in distance]
- Sandy, can you keep the howling down?
We're trying to sleep.
- No, we're not,
because it's Daddy Daughter day!
[all howling]
[wolfspider howls]
vocalizing ♪
closing theme playing ♪

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