The Following s02e02 Episode Script

For Joe

Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
I smell food.
Claire, no! Ohh! How's Claire? We're losing her! How's Claire? This week, marks the anniversary of Joe Carroll's death.
Joe Carroll lives! People of New York City fear as 5 people are dead in a brutal slaying that occurred on a downtown subway.
Looks like there's a new cult.
Who are they? Ryan tells me you're law enforcement.
I'm a cop.
Just made detective.
What am I doing here? Lily Gray, the witness, art dealer, gallery in Soho, I take it you're Ryan Hardy.
I want no part of this, Mike.
This is over for me, all right? I'm done.
Did you share what you know with the Bureau? What, this? This is a hobby.
All right, guys.
What do you got? Ok.
One match.
Carlos Perez.
You were in Havenport with Joe Carroll.
Where is he? I haven't seen Joe since the lighthouse.
I picked him up on the beach.
What happened? Ryan Hardy showed up at my place.
_ Heather Clarke.
She lives in the building across the street, where she was killed and moved here.
I mean, the murders on the subway were a spectacle, an announcement.
This is a very specific message.
With regards to the subway murders and Joe Carroll, I'm not involved.
Well now.
"A woman was found in the park.
She was reportedly posed with a copy of The Gothic Sea in her hand.
It is believed to be the work of Carroll's cult.
While most have been apprehended, at least 8 are still at large.
" Mama's up.
You'd, uh, best put that away.
What you two up to? Last-minute homework.
Her paper is coming along very nicely.
I think Miss Givens will be very pleased indeed.
Want some breakfast, my love? Just some coffee.
Was he doing your homework for you? No, ma'am.
Go on.
Get to school.
Bye, mama! Bye, Uncle Daryl.
You have a good day now, Mandy honey.
Your country voice stinks.
I know.
I'm still having trouble with my hard Rs, but the speech patterns themselves are reasonably comparable to that of the region, are they not? Want some grits and eggs with your coffee? You better not be doing her homework again.
That girl ain't gonna learn anything if you're filling in all the blanks.
Yes, yes, of course.
We don't want this house too smart, or someone will come sniffing.
Oh, not much danger of that, darling.
You didn't get much sleep.
Heard you up all night watching the news.
Oh, it was a natural curiosity.
It was rather alarming seeing the murders in New York, you know? It's your cult, isn't it? Oh, possibly.
I have really no ideas.
You ain't getting itchy, are you, baby? No.
Of course not.
All that is behind me, you know that.
We got a good life here, Joe.
I don't want to mess it up.
You are my world, my salvation.
I owe you everything.
a bottle of gin is a rose of a different name the devil made me do it the first time the second time I done it on my own _ What physical evidence do we have from Heather Clarke's place? NYPD found prints on her body that match the ones found at her apartment.
Partials suggest that there's more than one assailant.
And the building security cameras? Inoperable.
The perps were careful.
They needed time with her.
They spent the day there, they cooked breakfast.
The neighbors heard laughter, music, male singing.
And no sexual assault? No this isn't sexual.
It's an intimate experience unlike the subway murders.
That was theatrical, an announcement-- it's the anniversary of Carroll's death.
They miss their fallen leader, and they're letting the world know, but the girl on the park bench is a specific message.
The girl reading on a park bench.
It occurred in Gwendolyn's memory in Carroll's book The Gothic Sea, where Carroll wrote of loneliness, isolation and solitude.
You look surprised.
I did my dissertation on Carroll at the academy just like you.
Now what I don't understand is why they haven't made contact.
I mean, they've got the whole world watching, and these kind of murders come with bragging rights.
My face is all over the news.
How did they know it was me? _ _ _ Guys, I don't understand it when you speak French.
_ _ _ Soon.
Not soon enough.
You're in a database.
There were surveillance cameras in the subway-- height, size, body mass, simple deduction.
_ I've been watching it.
There's no messages.
He hasn't called.
Where you guys going? Sightseeing, have some fun.
What? Nobody's looking for us, Carlos.
Not yet anyway.
You, however, are not to leave this room, understand? _ _ _ _ Carlos, listen to Giselle.
Do whatever she says.
I don't understand her! _ _ All right.
Thank you.
It's nice to see you.
Yeah, you, too.
I was hoping we could talk.
Do you have a minute? Of course.
What did you want to talk about? It's about Joe Carroll.
I got it.
Fischer residence? They're lovely.
Who are they from? Carl Fischer.
Thank you.
Just give me a minute, hmm? Excuse me? You need to sign for them.
Sign where? Here.
Aah! Aah! Honey? Who are you? Where's Alice? Unh! Heh.
The FBI asked the same question.
Agent Weston was his name, I believe, but I never met Joe Carroll.
Is there a chance that you don't know that you know him or that you forget having met him? He used to teach at Winslow University, grew up in Oxford in the UK.
I've never been to Winslow University.
I've been to Oxford, but I've been to many places.
I live in Paris half the year, grew up in Denmark, travel all over the place.
Why would anyone think I know him? Well, you're the only surviving witness, so it's strictly job procedure to ask why.
But you're no longer with the FBI, right? I searched you online.
Before yesterday, I-I knew very little about you and Joe Carroll and his cult.
I was abroad most of last year, so I read up on you.
I'm no longer with the Bureau.
But you can't turn it off.
What's happening, it's hard for you.
There's a certain helplessness in it all.
You're an interesting man, Ryan.
Whoo! Miss Judy, you do a man right.
Thank you, Reverend.
See you on Sunday.
Hey, brother Daryl.
Hey, Reverend.
How are you today? Well, I feel like I've gone to heaven and back.
Yes, sir.
Your sister is a good woman, Daryl.
Yes, she is.
And you? How are your nightmares? Pbbb.
War haunts a man, Daryl.
When you're ready to talk Thank you, Reverend.
I'm sure you saw a lot of ugliness over in Afghanistan.
It's not good to keep it all bottled up inside.
I'll bear that in mind.
Give me a prayer.
Dear heavenly Father, I ask that you bless brother Daryl and heal his suffering.
Bring glory to this hero before me.
In Jesus' name we pray.
Thank you.
Hey, there, Mandy.
You're looking prettier and prettier.
Yes, ma'am.
What do you think? I could sass it up with a sharp shoulder cut.
Hey, you? Emma! Hmm.
Yeah, sure.
Well, maybe the police got Carlos.
It would be in the news.
Did you check his place again? It's too risky.
Ryan Hardy was there.
The FBI could be searching it right now.
I don't understand why Carlos is doing this.
The guy ditched us.
We haven't heard from him for a year now.
Looks like he's made new friends.
I want to know who they are.
If there are others out there, we should know.
Is there any other way to find Carlos? Maybe one.
when I was just a little girl I asked my mother "What will I be?" "Will I be pretty?" "Will I be rich?" Here's what she said to me Que sera, sera whatever will be will be the future's not ours to see que sera, sera Dear Lord, thank you for this food we're about to eat.
Thank you for such an amazing family to share it with.
We are truly blessed.
What was that, dad? Oh.
I'll let Mark tell you.
Tell him about the girl we met.
You do it.
You liked her more than I did.
I thought she was a little talky.
Her name's Heather.
She's really beautiful.
She has the long legs that go on for days.
She's a dancer, a chorus girl.
You would like her.
Sure, mom.
You can meet her.
We'll invite her over next time.
We should do this more often, guys.
It's me.
Don't shoot! What are you doing here? I left messages.
You don't call me back, I storm your place.
That's how it works.
I was gonna call.
What happened with Carlos Perez? I went to his place, he saw me, he ran, I lost him.
That's it? And I was hit by a cab.
But you found this? I want my keys back.
Too bad.
You know that mask has its own task force? Silicone, hand-painted, using materials obtained from a thousand different vendors online and elsewhere.
Good luck.
You're withholding that you obtained illegally.
You've got to stop playing dirty Harry and go to the FBI, Ryan.
They're your people.
That mask is not gonna help them.
Tell them about Joe Carroll.
I have no evidence.
You know that.
You have a theory, a good one.
Crazy one.
They'll listen.
They have to.
And they won't believe me.
Tell me the truth.
Do you believe me? I think it's worth investigating, and so will they.
I was wrong to involve you.
I'm sorry.
I won't do it anymore.
That's not what this is about.
I offered to help, but we're in an iffy place right now.
I want to help you, but this isn't just research anymore, and I don't think you should take this on.
It's too much.
You know what I'm talking about.
I'm taking off.
Don't wait up.
It's Travis, so he's liable to keep me all night.
You keep that TV off, okay? Don't work too hard now.
Where's your tablet? I did what you said.
I accessed "Baltimore Gazette.
" Here's the classifieds.
Is this how leave messages for your friends? No.
It's how they leave them for me.
All right.
So it's a New York number.
Your friends killed al those people, didn't they? I suppose they did, yes.
What's it like to kill someone? Your mother would kill me if-- if I answered that question.
I know what you've done.
That's why mom wrote you all those letters in prison.
She told me she could fix you.
And she did, and here I am.
Are you gonna leave? No.
I'm never gonna leave you, pumpkin.
Promise? Mm-hmm.
Because I don't want you to go.
It's better with you here.
Come here.
I know I don't really open up much.
Mark's the sensitive one.
He wears his heart on his sleeve, and I'm not good at this stuff, but I love you, dad.
Hope you know that.
You ready? Yeah.
What happened to that guy you were dating? Really? We're gonna have a normal conversation? I was trying.
Hello? Hello, Ryan.
Who's this? You can call me Luke.
Trace this call.
Now, now.
What? Why? Yeah.
What can I do for you, Luke? You have to ping the number to my phone.
I thought it was time to call and introduce myself.
I'm glad you did, but, uh, phone calls are so impersonal, you know what I mean? I'd much rather meet you face to face.
I think we may be meeting very soon.
So, uh, talk to me.
What have you been up to? This and that.
Have you enjoyed our show thus far? Well, the subway was a great opening number, and there was a certain poetry to the girl in the park.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
What about Joe? Did he enjoy it? I mean, that's who all this is for, right-- Joe Carroll? Ehh.
Anything? West Side, 80s.
It's still searching.
Come on, come on, come on.
I'm on my way.
I'm calling the police.
No! Let me go first and check it out.
Ryan! They knew I was gonna trace the call.
Which is exactly why we need to involve the police.
Then they show up, sirens blazing.
These guys are gonna disappear.
Worse than that, someone's gonna get hurt.
We're gonna have nothing.
They called me.
They want me.
Let me go first, check it out, and you can call whoever you want.
Damn it, Ryan! What's going on? It's an empty brownstone.
We have a signal? Signal is still there.
You're on top of it.
I think it's on top of me.
I'm gonna hang up now.
Ryan, keep me on the phone.
All right.
Hang tight.
Still there? Must still be above you.
I think it's on the roof.
What was that? What rang? I see you made it.
Well done.
Max, you need to send units to 437 West 88th now.
I want my mom.
Where's my mom? What's your name? Ben.
Hey, Ben.
I'm Ryan.
I need you to come with me.
It's all right.
It's gonna be okay.
In 2002, a brutal series of murders rocked a Virginia university and shocked the nation to its very core.
For over a year, literary Professor Joe Carroll attacked 14 college girls.
Did you play too many video games growing up? No, sweetie.
Did you watch a lot of horror movies growing up? No, sweetie.
media feeding frenzy with bloodthirsty lawyers, outraged citizens Evening, Mandy.
Where's your mama? She's out.
When's she coming home? I got some time.
Brother Daryl, how are you? Not good, Reverend, not good.
I'll just sit down for a while and wait.
Hey, Mandy.
Will you grab me a beer? They called me.
Why you? I don't know.
Ask them.
How exactly did you get here? I was lured here by phone.
They give you the address? They engaged me.
Tell me why I shouldn't arrest you for obstruction.
Uh, because that would be very stupid of you.
Excuse me? I seem to be only one they want to speak to.
Sir Look.
I recognize your special relationship to this case, but you keep this up, and I will personally pull your head through your ass.
Still surprises me how people are so drawn to you.
Ryan, it's the same MO.
The cigar, the cognac, another homage to The Gothic Sea.
It's Gwendolyn's parents living under the same roof but isolated, disconnected from each other.
But hidden within these tableaus, the killers' own pathology is starting to emerge.
Spent time with them post-mortem just like Heather Clarke the dancer.
This time they're playing house, creating a family dynamic.
Hey, Ryan! Hello.
How'd it go at the crime scene? Did they find lots of prints and DNA? Does it matter, Luke? They won't identify you because you don't exist, do you, Luke? I saw what you did to that family.
The Gothic Sea symbolism was a bit obvious, but it goes deeper than that.
You're lonely, and you're searching for an identity.
Am I warm? You think that if you lure Joe out of hiding he will magically become the father that you never had.
Just wow! That's-- that's impressive.
So insightful, Mr.
Since we're talking identity, everyone around you dies.
You know all about lonely.
Did I touch on something too personal? I'm sorry.
You know, I bet Claire's death hurt.
Well, too bad, but it's nice to see you getting back out there again.
You really have a thing for blonds.
I don't know what you're talking about.
We followed you, Ryan.
We know you're crushing on a certain blond art dealer from Soho, the little victim that got away.
She looks lovely in red.
I'd hurry if I were you.
So what are we watching? We had enough of the TV for-- a desire to belong.
Carroll manipulated that desire to get It's horrible stuff, ain't it? Because of his followers' admiration, Carroll's ego grew and eventually led to his demise.
You see, Carroll believed himself to be a grand and visionary author Yep, sure is.
That's why we've had enough.
He was a lousy writer and an even lousier husband.
Well if Judy ain't coming home soon, I guess I'll mosey.
Sure you don't want to just hang around for a while? I appreciate the offer, but I got a sermon to write.
He knows.
I think you're right.
Let me deal with this.
No, Joe.
Don't hurt him.
Excuse me, Reverend.
Can I have a moment, please? Hey.
Hold on now.
Get out! Get out! Hey, Reverend.
Finally you're awake.
You have presented us with quite the conundrum, Reverend.
I feel as if you forced my hand.
Dear God! It's really you.
Please, Joe.
Don't kill him.
Help me, dear.
Untie me.
You see, the trouble is I-I-I just don't know what to do with you.
I barely know what to do with me.
I've been stuck in this-- phew-- dystopian squalor for-- for a year now.
In fact, I-I-I'm rather off my-- off my game.
Granted, it has been good to have the time to, uh, to reflect, but all I've been doing is hiding my failures while wallowing in a pit of clinical depression.
Best laid plans and all that.
See, I failed.
I failed as a writer, I failed as a husband, and I failed-- I failed as a father.
These are not easy things for me to admit to you, Reverend.
You said you-- you would listen to me.
You said you would help me.
Now is the time.
Now is the time.
Help me.
What am I to do, Rev, hmm? Am I gonna kill you or not? Again, thank you so much for coming here tonight.
Let's raise a lot of money for this wonderful cause.
Thank you.
You got here fast.
Did you run the whole way? Don't worry about it.
I'm here now.
So how about you leave the lady alone and come after me? I'm the one you really want.
Well, yeah, but killing her would get you.
Guilt kills Ryan.
I mean, you must blame yourself for Claire's death.
How do you sleep at night? That's what's motivates you.
You really think that if you can save all the world's victims that will ease your suffering.
I think killing you would.
It's nice to officially meet you.
See that? I told you it would be quick and painless.
Sweetie, I'm exhausted.
Can we just go right now? - Of course.
- Thank you.
The car's waiting in the back.
How many agents on the scene? I don't know what you're talking about.
You're FBI.
Don't pretend you're not.
We got a situation here.
How many? You need to find Lily Gray, make sure she's secure, now.
This way.
I'll have you home before you know it.
Down here.
It's just around this way.
Who is that? Hello? Who are you? He was in the subway! He was in the subway! This way! Stay behind me.
Run! Aah! Help! Aah! Shh.
It's okay.
It's me, it's me.
They're here, the people from the subway.
They took David.
FBI, Ms.
Gray! Get Ms.
Gray secure! It's okay.
It's okay.
They're FBI.
Keep her safe.
You're gonna be fine.
Hey, Ryan! Come on.
Let's go.
Surprised, huh? Okay.
Hang on.
Hang in there.
Hang in there, hang in.
Luke, you're bleeding.
Damn straight! I've just been shot.
Damn that Ryan Hardy.
He shot me.
Ha, ha, ha! Come on.
Let's go! Traffic cams caught them leaving in a car.
They taped over the license plates.
They know how to avoid cameras.
What happened to the man? David roland.
He's gonna be okay.
Paramedics are taking him to Memorial Hospital.
Gray will be under tight security.
Excuse me.
Give us a minute.
You screwed up tonight.
But you had agents here.
Good move.
She was the only surviving witness, Ryan.
She was a target.
Of course we were gonna watch her, but you-- What are you doing here? They-- they called me.
They're engaging me.
So you call us.
Call me.
Engage the FBI.
You almost got two people killed tonight.
I'm sorry.
You want to get these guys so bad, you don't care who gets hurt.
What happened to you? Hey.
You're looking for brothers, okay, identical twins.
I can ID-- Tell it to Mendez.
I'm done with you.
I have to go see David at the hospital.
I could take you.
Thank you.
I'm sorry about tonight.
Why are you apologizing? I took risks with your safety.
I was reckless.
You saved my life.
If you hadn't been here-- My judgment was clouded, and I put you in danger.
You saved David.
You helped.
That's all I know.
Human beings can rise above their instincts, Joe.
The fact that you're struggling with your choices is proof of your humanity, your goodness.
Except there is no struggle.
There's There's patience, but I'm rapidly running out of that.
You may not be a religious man, but you're an intelligent one, a philosophical one.
Socrates tells us that we cannot be better than in seeking to become better.
But he also tells us that death may be the greatest of all human blessings.
Joe, don't.
Oh, you see the trouble is I thought I was gonna be reborn, that I could start anew, but the reality is that I am inevitable.
Stop, stop! Unh! Aah! Yes! Yes! Yes! Ohh.
Oh, my God.
Hmm, hmm.
No! I should answer it.
He'll know me.
He might hang up on you.
Hello? Hello? Who's this? Carlos? It's Emma.
How did you know about this number? I found it in the paper.
It's the failsafe.
Where are you? Who are you with? Who is it? It's Emma.
Carlos? Emma, are you with Joe? What? Carlos Joe's dead.
Carlos, no! Hey.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay, sweetheart.
Mama's gonna be home soon.
She's gonna be mad.

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