The Legacy (2014) s02e02 Episode Script

Afsnit 2

- Emil is coming home!
- Wow!
I'm so looking forward
to seeing you, Emil.
- Is he coming to Denmark?
- I think so.
He needs to come home and relax.
He's had a rough time.
I just put some of
Veronika's pieces together.
It's very good.
- We should have made six.
- It's over, Robert.
That's the year she gave me away.
Do you think that's me?
Gro, the piece downstairs
Has it been sold?
It's not a piece.
Did you know that Gro
is going to be her godmother?
If I die, Gro gets my child.
Take her.
Gro shouldn't be the godmother
if that's not what you want.
- Talk to them.
- I can't.
Signe is going to be her godmother.
- What?
- We haven't talked about it.
- I don't think Isa is feeling very well.
- I know.
I've tried very hard
to get her to take care of her child.
I know, Gro.
I think there's something wrong with her.
The first thing in the universe
was a sound.
And Melody, you are our big bang.
Please take her.
We found her!
Get out of the way.
Hi. Listen, I'm in the middle
of a conference.
In prison?
What do you mean?
He's been there for two weeks,
and you haven't done a thing.
You're his lawyer.
You said we had a deal
and I've paid through the nose.
No, I won't calm down.
How could this happen?
I'll be right over.
The audience has settled in now.
Emil has been charged with dealing.
- The penalty is two to ten years.
- What?
I have to go.
What about the conference?
- Can't you?
- But I can't introduce the speakers.
Here's my script.
- Why haven't we been told before?
- We're very confused too.
They accept our money and then
charge him with something worse.
It's never happened to me before.
They're trying to root out corruption.
Perhaps someone heard
that they'd been receiving gifts.
Otherwise, I don't know
how it could happen.
What should we do now?
Send more money?
- Not once they've charged him.
- Then what?
The best thing we can do right now
is to get Emil to confess.
- Then the sentence will be halved.
- Confess to something he hasn't done?
Then we wait for the king's birthday.
The king's birthday?
His sentence can be reduced
by royal pardon.
If we play our cards right,
he could be home in one to two years.
Two years?
He's a healthy young man.
This conversation is over.
I'd like the whole case file.
You're fired.
More gravel.
There we go. That's it.
- More?
- Yes. More.
And put it over there.
Let's see now.
Bloody hell! Just a minute.
Can you push it in place
with your foot or something?
Hi, Gro.
We're in the middle of a family event.
No, don't come over.
My family isn't getting involved in this.
Yes, I will.
Yes, I'll come.
I'm hanging up now. Bye.
Emil has been charged
with dealing now.
- He didn't deal drugs.
- I don't know.
- Didn't they let him off?
- I don't know.
- Gro fired her lawyer.
- And now what?
She's very upset. I'll have to go to
I don't like using my contacts
for this sort of thing.
- It has nothing to do with you, does it?
- No, but it always ends up that way.
and help Gro with something.
- Is it about Emil?
- Yes.
Is he in prison?
I'll get hold of a good lawyer for Gro,
and then they'll help him.
- Will he be released?
- Yes, of course. At some point.
One phone call.
- It's going really well.
- Is it?
Are they all right?
- They're looking good.
- Great!
The only problem is
that the ground is dry.
I've been thinking the same thing.
More sun has been forecast.
You have to water them.
Within the next couple of days, I think.
Here comes Jan.
I hope he agrees to
expand the production.
Just be focused.
Show him that you know what you're doing
and that you're on top of everything.
- I forgot the milk. Should I go get some?
- No, it's fine. I like black coffee.
- Here's the lease agreement.
- Yes?
if I want to sow more fields,
I have to give them notice now.
- Yes, before the first of the month.
- Exactly.
- So I have to figure out if I
- Have you seen Thomas?
- He's away on a gig.
- What?
He and his trio are playing
at some nursing home.
Oh. Already?
- I'm in a meeting, Gro.
- You have to take her.
Excuse me.
I can't.
Just until he comes home.
Gro, I'm in a meeting, and afterwards
I have to go to the sports centre.
Emil has been remanded in custody.
Now they're charging him with dealing.
- Really?
- Yes.
I'm talking to the embassy
and the ministry of foreign affairs.
And I have to delegate at work.
So I can go to Thailand.
- I thought he was just being fined.
- I know.
Frederik is on his way over now.
Will you please help me?
- Yes, of course.
- Thanks.
- Shall we postpone the meeting?
- No, it's fine.
Give her a bottle in an hour's time.
- An hour. Right.
- Hi.
Here are some clothes.
And she needs to have
her nappy changed.
Here are some more.
- The buggy is out the front.
- Right.
There's Frederik.
So The thing is,
if I want to turn this into a business,
I'll need more land,
isn't that right?
Yes. I have some good
supply contracts.
Could you sell 80 hectare's worth
of hemp next year?
Most likely.
Some of the contracts
aren't quite finalised, but
- I don't know exactly how much I'll need.
- But you think so?
Yes, it looks that way
at the moment. So
Yes. OK.
At the moment I can't promise you
that I can sell more than 60.
Can we finish this later?
You know what?
I'll give notice to the lease holders.
- OK.
- This is what I want to do.
And if I'm going to do it,
I have to do it now.
- You're sure?
- Yes.
All right then.
Welcome to the hemp industry.
- I'm looking forward to it.
- Good.
- Well done!
- Yes.
- Good luck.
- Bye.
I'm sorry.
- See you. Bye.
- Bye.
Yes. I'll tell her.
She'll be pleased.
Yes. Thanks.
I owe you a dinner.
We certainly will. Bye.
I got hold of guy called Tyge.
He's very good
and wants to help,
and he's willing to use unorthodox
methods that he thinks you'll need there.
But he says the best thing you can do
is to have Emil confess
and wait for the king's birthday,
just like the woman you fired said.
But he can't survive in prison there
for two years.
You and I know
that Emil isn't a drug dealer.
I know that's what he's charged with.
Tyge doesn't normally
take on cases like this,
but he's doing it
because I asked him to.
It's the best you can get right now.
Would you please
take a look at the file?
If you don't find anything,
I promise to do as Tyge says.
- Just take a look.
- No.
He's all alone in a Thai prison.
I know you're angry with him,
but we're all he has.
He doesn't have anyone else.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Hi, sweetie.
- Have you seen Ole?
- No.
- We're you supposed to meet up?
- I want him to look over some papers.
Hi, Melody.
Hi, sweetie.
Are you out on the town with Signe?
Yes. Thomas is working,
and Gro couldn't take her.
Haven't you heard from Isa yet?
She doesn't answer her phone.
I don't know any of her friends,
so I can't
- Didn't you call her father?
- They're not on speaking terms.
But he might know where she is.
She's taken off before.
I looked him up on the internet.
I don't know
Isa isn't in contact with him.
Signe, she has disappeared.
She has a little baby.
You should call the police.
Something could have happened to her.
Thomas is convinced
that she'll come back. So is Gro.
It's not up to them.
You have to find her.
Let me take that.
Lise, I've taken four sweets,
here's 20 kroner.
- Hi, Dad.
- Hi.
Ole said that you were meeting.
I just came by to say hi.
I want him to look over the papers
before I send them,
to make sure I haven't missed anything.
I don't want Jensen to find a loophole,
so I don't get the fields.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Hi, Ole.
The lease of the land is the only source
of income you have right now.
I want to cultivate the land myself,
so I can make money.
- I've packed some food for you.
- OK. Thanks.
But Signe,
you already have a big loan,
inheritance tax, property taxes,
renovation costs and regular expenses.
I know.
So to avoid borrowing more money
I need to earn some.
It would take major investments
to run a real farming business.
Here is the budget. Drilling for water,
renovating the barn and seed.
You can't give them notice
until the bank has approved the loan.
- There's still plenty of equity in the house.
- Damn! Here comes Martin.
- Signe, I'm off.
- OK.
- Bye.
- Thanks.
I'd like to go over the individual
training programmes with you.
I've e-mailed them to you.
If you print them,
we can look at them together.
Yes, of course.
- Speak later, sweetie.
- See you, Dad.
Are you making big decisions?
- Hi.
- Hi there.
Do you have time for a coffee
or something?
I have a meeting with our sponsor.
I just wanted to say hello.
- A quick one?
- No, sorry. Some other time.
Then come
and have a coffee soon.
That would be nice.
You can bring Mette if you like.
We're expecting.
- What did you say?
- We're having a baby.
She's three months pregnant.
- You and Mette X?
- Yes.
You can't do that, Andreas.
How long has it been?
I'm all alone
in a fucking dark and cold house
trying to figure out
what happened.
And you go and make
an instant family? Just like that?
- And you have the nerve to tell me here.
- But
- Signe
- Thanks.
I didn't
Let's go home. All right?
- You forgot your food.
- Oh. Thanks.
What an idiot,
leaving you for her.
Well, he didn't.
I wouldn't have gotten over you
that soon.
What business is it of yours?
What about Signe's piece?
I talked to the foundry.
They're coming next week.
When they've made the cast,
you can pick it up.
I will.
You don't want me to register it,
so what do you want me to do?
Destroy it.
It will be easy to expose it as a fake,
if someone is curious enough.
Do you know where the buggy is?
I'm taking her out.
- It's in the barn.
- OK.
There, there.
Easy now.
Look who's here. Hi.
Is Daddy home? Hi.
What's the matter, you little rascal?
- Look who's here.
- I say.
Have you given Gro the slip?
Emil is in prison,
so Gro had some things to sort out.
I've been watching the baby.
I thought he had been released.
I don't know.
She's sorting things out.
You and Gro, you'll manage it.
She'll get him out.
What are you doing?
I was looking for sprinklers,
but all I could find was this old pump.
- For the fields?
- Yes, they're drying out.
- We can just make one ourselves.
- How?
I don't know yet.
- Down there?
- Yes, thereabouts. This isn't art.
It's pretty damn close though.
That's it.
- Yes. Yes.
- Yeah!
Look at that!
It's a good thing nobody can see us.
Good God. That's it.
Can we use this bit of pipe, Thomas?
Let's take it with us.
We could drill holes in it.
I was thinking of calling Isa's father.
The man's off his rocker.
But he might have some information,
Don't do it! I'm here, aren't I?
No fucking way.
We have this contraption
If it still works.
Let's try it.
- Are you ready?
- Ready as I'll ever be.
- Ready?
- Yes!
- Amazing!
- It works!
Wow, it's coming
You know what?
You know what we can do?
We'll put a wind machine
behind it.
Then it will spray it all the way down
to the wall.
- Yes, we need it to spread more.
- And it will.
Do you have a wind machine,
- Have you not seen my wind machine?
- No.
I have one.
- How about
- Let's take a break.
- in an hour or so?
- Fine.
- Thanks for helping me.
- It's fun.
- Hi.
- Hi.
What a place!
Fresh air.
How are you?
- I can't get hold of him. Is Frederik home?
- Yes.
Oh, there he is.
Did you get the latest e-mails and
correspondence from the embassy?
You won't get him off.
He had joints in his pocket,
and he's admitted it.
You can hope for the charges
to be reduced to possession,
- and then he might get off with a fine.
- How?
There's only one real possibility.
In the police report it says
that he had 80 joints on him.
That's beyond the limit for personal use.
That's why he's charged with dealing.
- So?
- The number
You can dispute the number
and that will give you a slim chance.
- Can we do that?
- Perhaps.
I need pictures of Emil
on the day that he was arrested.
- Why?
- So I can see his clothes.
- OK.
- If you can get hold of any, it might help.
See you.
I've made some coffee.
Would you like some?
I don't know if I ever
want to see him again.
Do you want coffee?
Yes, please.
She won't fall asleep
and I can't.
- Has she had enough to eat?
- Yes.
And a clean nappy.
She just won't fall asleep.
You weren't so difficult.
And you didn't cry as much.
How would you know?
You left for Paris.
Now, now!
I have a lot of gigs
at the moment.
When Isa comes home,
we'll build an extension at the back.
Then we'll live here.
She can be on her own
when she wants to,
and she can be with others
when she wants to.
- Now what?
- I'm taking her with me to the house.
That's very nice of you.
- Thanks.
- Sleep well.
Good night.
Emil, are you there?
Gro, is that you?
Are you OK?
Hello? The connection is terrible, Gro.
Can you hear me?
I can barely hear you.
I can hear you now.
- Are you OK?
- I'm fine.
Do they feed you?
What about the other prisoners?
The place is crowded and very hot,
but I'm fine. I'm managing.
Have you heard from the embassy?
Yes. I got a package
with a blanket and medicine.
Are you sick?
No, I just have some cuts.
I'm fine.
- What kind of cuts?
- It doesn't matter, Gro. I'm fine.
Emil, I promise I'll get you out.
Emil, I have something important
to ask you.
Did anyone take photos
the night you were arrested?
- I don't know. I don't think so. Why?
- How about on Facebook?
Some of your friends
might have posted some.
Maybe my friend Lee took some.
I don't know, Gro.
What's your password?
Yes. Like "bottom" without the "B".
How many joints did you have?
I don't know. Five or ten.
- OK. No more than that?
- No.
- No?
- No!
You didn't sell them, did you?
Gro, you have to believe me.
I'm not lying.
I didn't sell a damn thing.
I told you what happened, all right?
- You didn't happen to?
- I told you what happened!
I told you everything, Gro!
I just have to be sure,
so I can help you.
Yes. I I'm sorry.
I'm sorry about everything.
I have to
Can you look after Melody?
- Thomas will be up soon.
- Of course.
- I have to go see Frederik.
- Yes.
Are you cold?
Nice warm blanket.
You have a fever.
A very high fever.
Yes, you must.
It will bring your fever down.
It will help.
You have to open your mouth.
Open your mouth. Come on.
Yes. Come on.
Come on. Yes.
You take one every day.
Ten days.
Then you'll get well.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Are you here all by yourself?
I'm working from home today.
Emil's Facebook password
is ottom123.
What? That was your code
for the plane, wasn't it?
He couldn't say "bottom", the idiot.
Lee, one of his friends,
might have posted some pictures.
- There he is.
- Lee Yang.
Hang on a minute.
- Have you found something?
- I don't know.
- Doesn't this look similar?
- Yes.
According to the police report,
he had 80 joints on him
when he was arrested.
He has a shirt pocket
and two back pockets.
But Thomas taught us
never to carry joints in our back pockets.
If every pocket was full,
he could have had 42.
But he had a wallet, so that's
32 joints at the time of his arrest.
- He might have had a bag.
- He didn't. Look at the picture.
32 joints is a lot for personal use.
It is, but it still shows
that the police made a mistake.
It should be enough
to undermine the charge.
Thanks, Frederik.
- Well done!
- Whatever.
I knew it!
- Did you talk to the lawyers in Bangkok?
- Yes. My plane leaves in the morning.
Although you have a good case,
you have to be careful
because undermining police work
is ticklish.
I'll do everything the lawyers say.
I promise.
And I won't fire anyone.
What an idiot!
The Old King's Road
was completely empty.
Not a soul in sight.
And then she ran
I'm telling you
- My God
- Oh. I'm sorry.
I have a meeting with the bank.
So I need to drop her off.
- Can you take her?
- Yes, of course.
- Hi, Lone.
- Where are you going?
I'm going to make coffee.
Would you like some?
Good idea.
Would you like some?
No, here.
I'm putting your things
on the floor, OK?
- I'll put her down here.
- Yes, do.
- Bye.
- OK?
Thank you very much.
That was really nice of you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Have a great day.
- You too!
- Did you hear?
- No.
We're picking the teams tomorrow,
so no beer tonight.
Take care.
- How did it go?
- Really badly.
I don't get why they're so sceptical.
There's so much equity in the house.
- They want a solid business plan.
- And I gave them one.
No one has really made money
on hemp in Denmark.
And you've already spent
a lot of money.
If they say no,
I'm switching banks.
Signe? Signe?
- Yes?
- Ole is just trying to help you.
- Thanks for your help, Ole.
- Not at all.
- Well, if it isn't the field vole.
- I'm not in the mood.
Has Ole gambled away
your whole business?
No. Why can't he see the possibilities
of growing hemp?
What do you mean?
It's the plant that has the most uses.
Every part of the plant can be used.
For clothes, medicine
building materials - you can make
breathable insulation out of it.
It's the miracle plant.
A man in Holland
has built a house out of hemp.
And it can be grown without the use
of pesticides. It's sustainable.
It sounds fantastic.
It is, but Denmark
hasn't realised it yet.
But scientists have.
Abroad, and in particular in Holland,
they're way ahead of us.
In 20 years, you'll get Ole on board.
Do you realise how hot you look
when you talk about hemp?
See you, Martin.
See you.
Lone, can I ask you something?
I hope it's OK.
Thomas didn't have any coffee.
No, it's fine.
- So I took the liberty of
- It's fine.
I just had a shitty meeting
at the bank.
How can it be that I made
a perfect business plan,
but they won't lend me the money?
And my lawyer is on their side.
- What did they say?
- That they didn't have faith in it.
They think
I've squandered money away.
- How?
- Because I've spent a lot.
But they said I should fix the place up
and lent me the money
for Veronika's piece.
Now they say I'm unreliable.
And that the piece
is just consumerism.
- It's an investment. They're wrong.
- But they don't think so.
- It's because it hasn't been appraised.
- Then get it appraised.
I can't until it's been cast.
That'll take six weeks.
I have to give notice to the tenants now.
If you have the prototype and know
the material it's going to be cast in,
you can easily get it appraised.
I can help you.
I wonder if it's a bad idea.
The piece isn't worthless.
At any rate, it's best for you
to have it appraised.
I'll get in touch with some people,
and then we'll take a look
at your prototype.
Come in!
- Hello.
- Hi.
I'm Isa's father.
And you are?
Oh, sorry. I'm Signe.
- I'm the one who called you.
- Yes.
I just wondered
if you knew where Isa was.
No, unfortunately.
- Does she live here?
- Yes.
That is, down in the caravan
with Thomas.
And he's her boyfriend?
- Is he there now?
- Yes, I think so.
- Could I?
- It's in the back garden.
Left round the house.
- It's a caravan.
- I get it. Thanks.
- Have you ever heard a nightingale?
- Uh-huh.
- Yes? Have you seen one?
- Yes.
- It's a boring little bird with a great voice.
- It's fucking homely.
We have some here.
Down in the thicket.
- Isn't that wonderful?
- Hi. Can we help you?
Isa's father. Henrik.
Oh, are you?
How nice to meet you.
I'm looking for Thomas.
Isa's boyfriend. I
That's me.
Would you like some coffee?
Or something else to drink?
- Are you?
- Yes, I'm Thomas.
And that's Melody.
- Is she?
- Yes, she's your grandchild Melody.
Don't wake her up.
Feel free to look. It's her nap time.
- Did you say Melody?
- Yes. She's lovely, isn't she?
And who are you?
- Lone.
- My lawyer.
I'm a friend.
- She's that too.
- I have to go.
- I'm here to talk about Isa.
- Do you know where she is?
She'll never be able
to take care of her child.
- That's a very strange thing to say.
- She's been hospitalised several times.
That'll drive anyone crazy
if they weren't crazy to begin with.
I'm here to offer my help
with Isa's child.
That's awfully nice of you,
but we're managing just fine.
- See you, Thomas.
- Bye, beautiful.
- You are lovely.
- Bye.
Children need security
and a stable home.
- Yes, they do.
- And you think you can offer that?
You're smoking pot
right in front of your baby.
That's none of your business.
I think you should leave now.
When Isa comes home,
I'll tell her you were here.
From what I've seen here,
I hope she doesn't come home.
What do you mean?
Did you know that Isa has suffered
from cannabis-induced psychoses?
She might have run away from you
for a different reason.
You and your diagnoses.
It's just because you don't
love each other enough.
You don't know
what you're talking about.
Oh, don't I?
Let her sleep.
Hey! What are you doing?
- I'm saving my grandchild from you.
- No, you're not!
Give her back! Now!
- I won't let you do it.
- I won't let you. Do you hear?
- Signe?
- Stop it!
- Thomas, what's going on?
- He wants to take Melody away.
Now calm down!
- And get in your car and leave.
- No way.
- No, I won't.
- You'd fucking better!
- Calm down!
- I will not!
- Take it easy.
- Let him go!
Stop it!
Hey! What the hell?
What the hell are you doing?
Who are you?
Stop it!
I'm calling the police!
Take it easy.
I have Melody!
What do you think you're doing here?
He was smoking pot
in front of my grandchild.
I've lost my daughter.
I can't stand to see that.
You know what? I think you should
get out of here and never come back.
Hey, hey, hey! Stop! Stop!
Gro, stop! Stop!
Henrik, Henrik, look at me.
I know that Thomas isn't a model father,
but he loves her,
and he's a loving father.
He's an addict.
He doesn't even know
that what he's doing is wrong.
There are many of us here
to look after her.
This doesn't end here!
Bloody hell.
Bloody hell! He's more of a nutcase
than his daughter.
He said he'd come back.
What was he doing here
in the first place?
I called him to ask
if he'd heard from Isa.
You called him?
Yes, we have to find her, Gro.
She's Melody's mother.
Christ, Signe.
And it isn't cool for Thomas
to smoke joints around Melody.
I have to leave, and you go and call some
neurotic idiot who comes to take her away!
I didn't know that he was neurotic.
I wanted to find Isa.
What do you want with her?
She neither can nor wants
to take care of her child!
- But she's still the child's mother.
- Yes! So where the hell is she?
Cover your mouth when you cough.
Didn't you mother teach you that?
Do you have a family?
My parents are dead.
I have two sisters and a brother,
but right now everything is a mess.
But that's family for you.
It goes up and down.
But you stick together anyway.
My brother and I had to stay
with an aunt for a while.
It was just after my father died.
One day I got so sick of Frederik
because he always corrects people.
He kept telling me off
for chewing with my mouth open,
or if I moved around on my seat,
or if I talked too loud or something.
I didn't want to be there anymore.
I wanted to go home to my mother.
So I left.
I walked the whole way home.
Over 20 kilometres.
When I finally got there,
she wasn't home.
So I sat on the front steps
of the house, and waited.
Later I found out that she was at home,
but she just hadn't heard me.
So I sat there.
And suddenly I saw someone
coming up the driveway on a bike.
At first I couldn't see who it was.
But it was Frederik.
He parked the bike, and I thought,
"Now he's going to give me hell. "
He walked up and stood in front of me.
Then he pulled a five-kroner coin
out of his pocket - one of the old fivers.
He gave it to me and said,
"We won't tell Auntie about this
"because if she finds out,
you might end up in an orphanage. "
Then he put me on the bike
and walked it all the way back.
On the way home, he told me stories.
He always told me stories about a boy
called Emil and his brother, Frederik.
They beat all the bad guys and monsters
in the whole world.
They mowed them down.
And they could fly.
I'm off.
My plane leaves in the morning.
- I don't know when I'll be back.
- No, of course not.
Just make sure
you get him out of there.
- I hope to.
- There we go.
She's asleep.
Don't wake her.
If you have any trouble with her,
then ask for help.
Yes. But come on now.
I took care of you and Emil and Frederik.
We'll be fine.
If that psycho comes back,
call the police.
Yes, and the army and the TA.
We'll have a nice time.
And Isa will come back soon.
Then there'll be two of us.
Don't worry.
Just bring him home, OK?
Feel free to offer Thomas
your help.
Just watch her.
Don't call all those idiots.
I won't.
Do you promise?
Henrik doesn't have the right
to come here.
If you see him again, call the police.
See you.
Hey. Good luck.
Could you hold her for a minute?
I have to get something in my caravan.
There, there.
Take your dummy.
I'll be back in a minute.
Hi, sweetie.
What's that?
Are they the annual accounts?
Take a look at this.
How much was?
I sold the resort. You saved me.
I'm eternally grateful, Solveig. Thanks!
I feel so alone.
Frederik and I try to talk,
but it's hard
It's as if you and what happened
is constantly present between us.
And the children can tell.
Miss you and hope you're taking care
- Hi.
- Is something wrong?
I'm going to Thailand with Gro.
All right?
- To Thailand?
- Yes.
I'll be back in a couple of weeks.
Two at the most.
- Frederik, are you sure it's a good idea?
- Yes. I'll help her.
Go back to sleep.
I'll call you as soon as I get there.
- Frederik!
- Give my love to the kids.
Is it? Can't we?
- Did you check in?
- Yes.
I can't believe you came!
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