The Machinery (2020) s02e02 Episode Script

Tre kaniner

Can you take Anne's shift?
Her kid is sick again.
Really? I've already taken two
of her shifts this week.
Come on, it's not like your cat
won't survive another hour.
No, but maybe you could learn
to plan better? And I have no cat.
Excuse me? Are you going to Sweden?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Can I come?
and I haven't been paid yet.
My boss is an idiot.
We have that in common.
I promise I won't murder you.
You know what? I get it
if you don't want to. It's fine.
- It's okay.
- Yeah?
Thank you so much. You're an angel.
- I love this!
- You like it?
I saw you didn't want
the police to see you.
What have you escaped from?
But first and foremost my ex.
He's taken away my son.
He's destroyed my life.
But now Now everything
will be fine again.
Mum, will Jim die?
Welcome to Tidaholm.
Let's start with stripping.
It doesn't look like there are
more buses today.
Do you want to sleep on the couch?
- It's damn hard, just so you know.
- Yeah? So am I.
Time, I don't need time
I've lived a whole life
At the same place I left you
But listen, they're singing again
They said you were the angel
Who took the horn from my side
But you didn't ask for anything
There's something about time
Always something about time
You think you've seen it all
But you haven't seen shit yet
I think there must be
something wrong with me
Everyone has said
That it must be time
There's something about time
- The actual extradition is on Monday.
- Okay.
But isn't it possible to appeal?
We've tried everything.
This was the last resort.
And where will it be?
The Vorstan facility.
Those bastards want me to die.
Erik, I really did everything.
Did you?
Did you really do everything?
- Hi.
- Hi, boss. What's up?
Yeah, fine.
- I'll do a trick for you.
- A trick?
Pick a card.
- Simsalabim.
- Bravo.
He did the fat depot in Sandefjord.
Two or three years ago.
They shot cops and stuff.
- You know that?
- Yeah.
- Or are you guessing?
- I know.
Okay. Sort it out.
Unlock at 7:00, breakfast at 7:30.
Make sure you're there on time.
The vultures are hungry.
- I need to make a phone call.
- Come on, you know this works.
- Put in a request. Sit down.
- I get all that, but I
I have a son.
I don't know if he's alive or dead.
I just wanted to call the hospital.
I can't do anything about it.
Sit down and take it easy.
I'll sit. Just
Do you have children?
Then you know what it's like.
Yeah, but I'm not a criminal.
You put yourself in this situation.
- Sit down and take it easy.
- I can't wait until tomorrow.
- Calm down.
- I'm calm!
Shut up, Olle. Take it easy.
Sit down. Take it easy. You can talk
to your lawyer about it tomorrow.
- Take it easy!
- I'm just asking for a phone call!
Olle, calm down, I said!
- Lie down, Olle.
- Lie down!
- Olle, calm down!
- Lie down!
Lie down. Olle.
You won't win this fight, Olle.
You want a smaller or bigger problem?
Cooperate, and everything
will go well. Take it easy.
We've got him.
Come on. Take it easy, Olle.
He's warm.
- How's it going?
- Good.
- You wanted to talk.
- Yeah. I want my job back.
Nina. Sorry, but I thought you'd
realise that after what happened
That's bullshit. It's just
a formality, and you know it.
It's not just a formality.
I found the robbers,
They were all convicted.
If I'd followed all the rules,
it wouldn't have been solved,
and you know that.
You have to let this go. Seriously.
I solved the case.
You're missing 30 million
from Sandefjord.
Don't be so fucking happy.
Is that what this is about?
The 30 million?
If you knew how much shit
I was in because of that
And not only me.
No, the whole department!
You'll get a lot more shit
now that Monica Hansen is out.
Monica Hansen is dead.
You'll have to excuse me.
I actually have another meeting.
I'm just going over
to borrow some eggs.
But if you're very hungry
and can't wait,
there's juice and yogurt
in the fridge, so help yourself.
- Thanks.
- See you later.
- Morning, sweetie.
- We're late.
Oh my God.
We're late for the meeting at school.
We'll make it.
Give me a few minutes, okay?
- Go eat something while you wait.
- I already did.
Right. That's good.
We have been in contact with
the hospital and have been told
We have found out that Eva-Lena
is fighting for her life.
But the doctors are doing
everything they can.
We'll collect money
for flowers after this meeting.
And we have a card here,
which not everyone has signed.
So if those who haven't signed
could just sign it
- It'll be fine.
- Just pass it back.
Sorry. I just had to try it.
It was so nice.
Jossan, can I talk to you?
What are you doing here?
I don't want anything to do with you.
Hang on. How's Jimmy doing?
Is he okay?
- Go away. Now.
- Jossan
I don't know how it works in Norway,
but we need your CV.
- You want my CV?
- Your conviction. Why are you here?
We don't like snitches,
rapists or paedophiles.
They don't live long here. Get it?
I need a phone.
And I want a girl with big tits.
What's your conviction?
And another thing.
See the cleaning wagon over there?
Visit for you.
I just talked to the doctors.
Jimmy is still not conscious.
But he is fine
under the circumstances.
They operated on him,
and he's under observation.
The police will want
to ask you some questions.
They want to exclude
your involvement.
My involvement?
Yes, that you didn't use Jimmy
to escape.
They know he visited you
in prison several times.
Is that why I was moved here
to this prison?
Because they think I put
that bomb belt on my son?
There is no formal suspicion.
Right now, the police actually
seem more interested in Josefin.
- Yes. Where have you been?
You lied to me!
Mum's dead!
Why'd you lie to me?
Hi, Stefan.
- Hi.
- Hi. Sorry I'm late.
Please sit down.
We've reviewed our files,
and what Laholmen can offer
with construction
starting in the spring of '23.
And Broviken?
Well, Broviken is private land,
so it's a completely
different negotiation.
We want a package solution, and I had
expected a prospectus on it by now.
- I can say with certainty that
- This deal might be too big for you.
Excuse me.
Josefin, you have a visitor.
- I'm in a meeting.
- It's the police.
so I think it's important
to underline
- Hi, Josefin.
- Hello.
He is the municipality's
social secretary.
- Hello, Josefin.
- Yes, hello.
I want to start by saying that
I'm here as a support for you
and your children.
And then I'd like to get an idea
of Jimmy's home situation.
Well, I don't really know
what to say.
I'm quite shocked myself
about this situation.
Well, as you can imagine,
it's my duty
to investigate
the child's home environment
when they commit serious crimes.
- And you have a daughter too.
- Yes, Lilly.
Lilly. And how's she taking this?
I mean, Jimmy has had
a good environment at home.
- No one is accusing you of anything.
- It sounds a bit like that.
I would really like to
I would like to make a home visit.
Yes, you're welcome.
I have a meeting I have to go to.
Another thing
The bomb was quite advanced
for a 12-year-old.
Is there anything else
you'd like to tell me?
No, why?
Our technicians found traces
of the explosive Tovex.
And once we'd gone through
Laholmen's import licenses,
we found large quantities of Tovex.
Wait. Do you think
I supplied Jimmy with a bunch of
Well, what?
To get my husband out of jail?
Is that what you?
Well, you're all
I don't want to discuss this
any further.
No. I want to go back
to my meeting now.
from Aabco was here.
- Is the deal in place?
- Soon.
Good. Then I'll ask legal
to review the contracts.
No, you absolutely shouldn't.
Don't be in such a hurry
all the time.
Are you okay?
I need to talk to her now.
Do you understand?
You don't have
the right to talk to anyone.
It will be many weeks
before your call lists are approved.
Hey! You're my lawyer.
And I have rights.
So you fix the damn call.
The only thing you can do right now
is to stay damn calm, you understand?
You have five minutes.
Would you like me
to contact Josefin for you?
Just tell her I love her and Lilly.
That she doesn't have to think
about me. That I'm fine.
You may have heard
that Monica is dead?
I think it's going to be tough
for Jimmy.
He loves her.
Was Monica very involved with Jimmy?
- Was she a good mother to him?
- I wouldn't say good.
But she loved him.
Will she leave anything behind?
- Monica?
- Yeah.
Do you think she knew anything
about the loot from Sandefjord?
- Where it could be?
- I guess it doesn't matter now.
counsellors notice that vulnerable
people living on small margins
- Hello?
- Hi!
I have a surprise,
so pack your bag.
I just have to check something first.
What do you mean? Where are we going?
Sweetheart. You stink of fish.
What's the surprise
you're talking about?
- We're out of toilet paper.
- It's on the cleaning trolley.
Look, I just want to apologise
for what happened in there.
- It was stupid.
- Yes, it was. So I'm sorry.
I wondered if I could read
my conviction.
You know I have a right to see it.
Yes, you'll get it at lock-in.
I want it back
first thing in the morning.
Of course. Thank you.
I'll have one of those, please.
I'm going to pick up Lilly
from school soon, so I'm going to go.
A beer, please.
- Tough day?
- I've had better.
Hey, this thing with Aabco
Yes, I apologise
if I was short before, but I
I also have bad days sometimes.
Cheers, Josefin.
- There you go, ma'am.
- What's this?
Honey. The view, look
Check it out.
I'd rather look at you.
God, you're so corny.
I know. Come here.
But I like it.
This is how we should always have it.
I love you.
I love you.
- Hey, I ordered up some bubbly.
- Really?
- So, I'd like to show you something.
- Okay.
Just give me a second, okay?
I'll be right back.
Let's see There.
What do you think of this one?
This one just went on the market.
It's right on the water. Algarve.
It's 230 square metres. Private pool.
It's probably all we need.
Us and some little ones.
Some little ones?
- You know what I mean.
- Yes, I know what you mean.
But seriously
- What?
- You clean fish.
You can't afford this.
Yes, I know I clean fish.
But maybe it's just a job I have
to keep the Department of Corrections
in a good mood.
I've got a few projects
of my own going on too.
What kind of projects?
Do you like the house?
Good. So do I.
Well, it was so
It was so much fun, I think.
You think so?
What? Oh my God!
I'm sorry, sweetie!
Time just flew by.
It was my fault your mother was late.
I ramble on too much sometimes.
- Why didn't you call?
- I've done that.
Honey, I'm sorry. I saw it now.
We were going
to the hospital to visit Jimmy.
Yes, that's right. Right.
But we'll do it tomorrow, okay?
We'll do it tomorrow.
- Why didn't you go in?
- You know I'm scared.
Okay, sorry. Sweetheart,
I'll never do that again. Okay?
Wow. That's wild!
Thank you.
I mean, for the beer.
Thank you. Not
Is it all right
if I stay another night?
- Of course.
- Great.
But I thought you wanted
to see your son.
You know what? He's in the hospital.
- Is it serious?
- Yes.
He's sedated, so there's
not much I can do, really.
I'll just have to wait
and try to collect my strength.
I don't know. I can't imagine
seeing him just lying there.
- Me?
- Yeah. Go ahead.
- Okay.
- Some therapy.
I want you to stay.
Forget that. Everything went fine.
I'll show you that Finns have
an undeservedly bad reputation
when it comes to dancing.
Hi, this is Jimmy.
Say something, or hang up. Bye.
Hi, it's me.
I just wanted to say good night.
Make sure you go
to the toilet before two o'clock.
Here's the conviction.
We lock in five.
- I'd kill for a cigarette.
- I have cigarettes.
You have cigarettes?
What, under the bed? What the fuck?
- Don't you want one?
- No. No, I quit.
You can blame me
when you start again.
Damn, that's good.
Want to know what happened?
Only if you want to tell me.
Your ex-husband?
Olle and I took out a loan
on the house to build the new one.
And then when all
this fucking shit happened,
the bank demanded
all the money back.
Yeah. I tried to get a loan
at another bank, but they said no,
because Olle has a record.
So I took out
a lot of unsecured loans.
Extortionate interest.
It's just gone up and up.
I don't even want to talk about it.
Just let me know if there's
anything I can do to help.
- Thank you. But I'll do this myself.
- Hey.
Why don't you and Lilly come
and visit the shipyard next weekend?
We can take a trip to the islands
with my new boat.
Can I ask you something?
Why are you still married to Olle?
has lied to me.
He's ruined everything.
But he's the love of my life.
That's that's just how it is.
What can I say?
So you forgive him
for everything he's done?
That's nice. Does that mean anything?
Something that never was.
Yes, I understand. I have some too.
When I was young. Look.
- Here.
- No one in my family talks.
You can talk to me.
- Hello?
- Hello, it's me.
- Lilly? Hi, sweetheart. How are you?
- Mum is weird.
- How, weird?
- Drunk and stuff.
Okay, but it'll be better tomorrow.
You'll see.
I miss you.
I miss you too, sweetheart.
Can I come to your place?
No, I'm in Gothenburg.
And I don't think
your mum wants us to meet.
Sorry, Lilly, sweetheart, but I have
to hang up. Sleep well. Kisses.
- It went south. Jocke got busted.
- Got busted?
They grabbed him
when he went to get the Mustang.
What the hell, Reine.
You said they were pros.
Yeah, it's damn hard
to find good people.
- Okay. Where's the car now?
- Kungsgatan. There's a tail in situ.
Right, I'll get it myself.
Who were you talking to?
- Honey
- Yes?
Can you
Can you pay for the room
and meet me outside in 25 minutes?
- Yes?
- Toilet.
Signal when you're done.
Let's go.
Honey, get in the car.
- Get in the car.
- Whose car is this?
We'll get to that later.
We're in a hurry. Get in.
Put your belt on.
- Fasten your seat belt, honey!
- I'm trying!
What the hell have you done?
Turn off the car.
What are you doing?
Hold on, honey.
I said we were in a hurry.
- You're fucking crazy.
- Can you just be quiet? Hold on.
What about one of these
for the house in Portugal?
You've fucking lost it.
- Slow down!
- What the hell?
Keep your eyes on the road.
- Fuck!
- Look at this.
What's this?
It's our future.
- If you think this is romantic
- Will you marry me?
Palle! Get a grip, damn it!
Get us out of here.
We'll talk about this later.
- Will you marry
- Palle.
What the hell are you doing?
I'm just helping deliver a car.
A stolen car, right?
Yeah Yes, it is.
But it's not as bad as it sounds.
The guy who owns this car, he'll get
a new one from his insurance company.
I don't want you
to be put away again.
I won't be put away again.
Didn't you see how well I drove?
I'm sorry, it I was just kidding.
But I won't do it again, okay?
- Who is he?
- Who?
- The one who'll get the car.
- I don't know. It doesn't matter.
Focus on us now. You and me.
What do you say? Can I hear a yes?
- Yes.
- Yes!
- Here.
- Wrong hand, honey.
Sorry. Here.
That's it.
- Hey
- Yes.
- You have to leave.
- Okay, sure.
- You have to leave.
- No.
- Yes, you have to leave.
- It's the middle of the night.
- Josefin, you
- No, no, no, just leave.
- Come here, come
- Please.
Okay, okay.
Okay, I'm leaving.
The documents?
- Is everything okay?
- Sure.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Welcome.
- Wow.
Check them out.
- Go ahead.
- Thanks.
Here you go.
All the documentation.
Import registrations,
roadworthy inspections, the works.
The cars have new GPSes
and new serial numbers, of course.
- Yes.
- Do we have a deal?
600,000 each?
There are more people
interested in your cars.
I've been asked if you can get hold
of these models.
That's quite a lot.
- Can you handle it?
- Yeah, I can handle it.
You're the man.
- See you.
- Yes. Take care.
You have a visitor.
Sit down.
What do you want?
Impressive CV.
There is a way to get out of here.
But it'll cost you.
Three rabbits.
Then they grab you
and me out of here.
- Rabbits?
- Rabbits.
So, one rabbit - one million.
Why don't you just say
a million instead of rabbits?
You were part of Sandefjord.
If you can guarantee three rabbits,
I'll do the rest.
I don't know where the money is.
- I wouldn't have known that either.
- Listen to me.
I wasn't in on that robbery.
And I don't know where the money is.
- Do you understand?
- No.
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