The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e02 Episode Script

The Demon King's Duel of Intellect

Meleheyth's time is stopped
one second after his death.
You can revive him
so long as you maintain this state,
but are you prepared to wager
the mana needed to do so?
Are you certain you do not
want me to wager my life?
If you think that chips are cheap,
then you are already dancing in my hand.
Interesting. I will lay you bare.
Then allow me to explain the rules.
You make statements
regarding the identity of the God-Child.
I state whether each one is true or false.
However, I can lie exactly once.
You can make at most 18 statements.
If you determine their identity,
then you win.
My mana will be sealed for five seconds.
Meanwhile, if I win
you cannot use mana for five seconds.
And naturally, first, you cannot make
the same statement twice.
Second, neither of us can attack
the other during this battle.
Third, a withdrawal is considered a loss.
Do you accept, Demon King Anos?
If we make one change to the rules.
And what is that?
I only need nine statements.
That will only put you at a disadvantage.
What are you plotting?
I wanted to make this contest
a little more fair.
You cannot have enough of a handicap.
After all, you are challenging me.
Very well.
Then let the game begin.
My master has ordered me
to take your source.
So this is your doing?
Why do you need Misa's source?
Because she harbors
the Great Spirit Leno within her.
Your source has the power
to control all spirits.
The Great Spirit Leno?
Then let's have you explain
why you have half of that magic sword.
What do you think?
Is not the spell I developed
quite similar to Ask and Zelga?
Just so you know
I absolutely hate that spell.
Are you aware that a god
was involved in your creation?
I know that a god assisted Zelga.
Yes, in order to create a vessel.
They waited for the birth of a vessel
capable of harboring a god!
And what was born was
You are quite interesting.
I must dissect it part by part
and see every inch!
Now I know
that I can't leave you be.
Why us?
You were born of the will of a god.
What does that mean?
When Sasha's source was split in two,
a being that would otherwise
never have existed was born.
That was me.
No god willed anything.
Did you think it was coincidence?
A god modified the magic circle,
but the Demon Realm
needs not interference from the gods.
I will end you before you awaken.
I see. Thanks for telling us.
But you're wrong.
Right. The one who gave us life
was not some stupid god!
Among my subordinates, these four
have the potential to be the God-Child.
This will be my basic assumption.
This is my first statement.
The God-Child is one of my subordinates.
This is exactly as I expected,
but there is a chance of a lie.
To gain certainty
Misha is the God-Child.
Sasha is the God-Child.
Zeshia is the God-Child.
Misa is the God-Child.
You seem to have given
the answer on the fifth statement.
It wouldn't be a battle of wits if it
followed expectations, Demon King Anos.
Behind you.
The magic shield Genias.
It curses anyone who harms
its master with double the pain.
Unless you destroy it, the curse cannot be
broken, and the wound will not heal.
Oh? So I just need to destroy it?
That was a lie.
You have a tendency to be too trusting.
His source has been destroyed.
He will not stand again.
The people in the castle
Using the Crimson Stele King's power,
I improved that Anos's Igrum!
Except now it is so powerful
that even their sources are consumed!
This spell is terrible!
Don't do it!
Sorry, everyone, but we'll save you!
It has to be somewhere
Found it!
The ghouls should stop
being created if I destroy that!
Lao Hi
You need not worry.
I will make you
unable to feel sorrow soon enough.
Jino Greanas.
My mana is being drained
Once you are devoid of mana,
it will be your end.
What is that thing?
She's concealing her mana with Nadila.
How did she do that from that range?
The Will Sword Garnest.
It is as I will it.
Ice Castle.
Take this!
Too bad for you!
Garnest's form and count
are also as I will.
I willed this before you struck.
Now you cannot use those pesky
Magic Eyes Of Destruction.
You are still concerned for you sister?
That is admirable.
"Misa is the God-Child"
was stated as true.
If Ziek used his lie, then none
of the four is the God-Child,
but that would contradict the statement
that the God-Child
is one of my subordinates.
Supposing he is lying,
and the God-Child is Zeshia,
then there will be two God-Children.
This would violate the order of the gods.
There is no contradiction
only if Misa is the God-Child.
But if the original assumption is the lie,
then there is a possibility that someone
apart from these four is a God-Child.
For example, if Lay were,
then there is no contradiction.
This confirms that the God-Child
is indeed one of my subordinates.
Either Misa or someone
other than these four.
However, that would be too easy.
Why did he say Misa was true?
That means that
there is a point if the God-Child
is one of the three that he eliminated.
In order to make
this contradiction possible
The God-Child has
the Magic Eyes Of Destruction.
That fused being
It may have a true name
that I do not know.
Of my subordinates,
only Sasha and that fused
being have the Magic Eyes Of Destruction.
This contradicts the statement that
"Misa is the God-Child."
That means that he used his lie
on one of these two.
He no longer has a lie to use.
The God-Child is not a full demon,
but half demon and half spirit.
That means that it is not Misa.
What remains is that fused being,
which means
I do not know the name of the God-Child.
The next statement is your last.
The God-Child is one of my subordinates,
and I know their name,
but it is not Misha or Sasha
or Misa or Zeshia.
This has been a very interesting
battle of wits.
The key to resolving this contradiction
is not part of the game.
You planted a false memory into yourself.
The answer I seek does not exist.
So you've discovered it.
But it's too late!
You lost the moment
you accepted this battle of wits.
The Zect ensures that you
cannot attack my barrier.
But if you withdraw,
your magic is sealed for five seconds.
Now, what will you do?
I withdraw from this battle.
You made the wrong choice, Demon King!
This is the end
Did you think you could defeat me
if my magic were sealed?
Supposing it was a false memory,
you planted it with the true memory.
You had a reason for your actions.
You destroyed Meleheyth's source
without a moment's hesitation.
Not mine, but his.
That reveals that killing Meleheyth
was your first priority.
Meleheyth should be of no importance
to the Flaming Death King
and the Heavenly Father God.
Kill me.
I defeated the Violent Demon King
in battle, even one of wits.
I have no regrets.
That is what the
Flaming Death King's chief of staff says.
Even the delusion that you could defeat
my liege in but a game, is blasphemy.
I will be merciful
and end you without pain.
You recreated the Will Sword
the moment it touched you?
Do you know what you are creating?
Do you!
This is impossible! That palace
Delsgade itself is a god!
How can a simple demon
Has she awakened?
I am
Waiting won't help.
Anyone who destroys Genias's mana crystals
has their source destroyed by its curse.
Then I can just destroy them all!
You should be careful when fighting
someone with more than one source.
You could not
Seven sources
The Sword Of Spirits,
Gods, and Man, Evansmana
I cannot hear you.
Have you lost the strength to speak?
I said that I would never leave you be.
Will which transforms into mana
cannot enter this territory.
That's wrong.
Will nests in one's source.
Wh-What? How!
I've created it.
With only the will inside my source!
-This is your punishment!
The Hero Kanon lived
You were the one born of a god!
Ice Crystal.
I'll ask one last time.
Where did you get that half
of the magic sword?
I cannot answer that question.
Was his source destroyed?
No, it looks like he reincarnated.
The barrier disappeared.
Theo Ingar.
Impossible Impossible!
The Crimson Stele King's power!
To a humanoid spell!
The Crimson Stele King may be amazing,
but I'm the Demon King's spell.
I made it
How are you alive?
What you destroyed was
a fake which I replaced him with.
The source was real!
I saw it with my own eyes!
I recently learned of a spell.
One that a god created.
The source birthing spell Eleonore.
Do you mean that
you created a false source?
Magic that powerful without any research?
If you studied my history,
you would know that much.
But when did you
"You lost the moment you accepted
the battle of wits" is not quite correct.
You had already lost, the moment
you thought to challenge me.
Did you think I would let you escape?
You cannot lie any longer.
Ziek, state your objective.
My objective is to reduce the Violent
Demon King's forces even by a sliver.
That is why I targeted Meleheyth.
So the people of Azecion still believe in
and fear the existence of Avos Dilhevia?
They believe that Zelga's actions
were the work of the Violent Demon King,
despite Diego's sentence
for raising an army.
That may become a new cause
of conflict if left alone.
I believe it should be revealed
that Avos was a false existence
at the ceremony for the second
coming of the Demon King.
Kanon and I joined forces to destroy Avos?
The Hero Kanon is said to have
disappeared after the end of the war,
but I believe that his attendance
at the ceremony should be considered.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
You are all here.
There is something
I want to inform you of.
The God-Child which we are
searching for, may be among you.
The Crimson Stele King's subordinate said
that she was a vessel
made by the gods' will.
I don't know any gods.
I'm Mama's daughter.
This is not fully certain yet.
It may be a plot
to make me suspicious of you
while they awaken the true God-Child.
That's true. We can't trust the enemy.
Regarding that, there is a message
from the head of the Unification Party.
Their identity was supposed to be unknown.
Who are they?
The Devil's Right Arm, Shin Reglia.
Shin? Why has he not shown himself?
Circumstances prevent him from doing so.
I have received word that he awaits you
in the Great Spirit Forest Aharthern.
On that note,
the Curse King's subordinate had this.
I see.
The Plundering Sword Gillionges.
I last saw it 2,000 years ago.
Doesn't it belong to Shin Reglia?
The head of the Unification Party is
Shin Reglia and is master of that sword?
Too hard for me.
Don't worry. I don't get it either.
I wished to tell you immediately,
my liege,
but I could not find
a trace of you or your mana.
I have been remodeling
the underground dungeon as of late.
Underground? Under Delsgade?
Why would you do that?
I made a town
where 10,000 Zeshias can live.
A town?
It seems like they're all
enjoying themselves there.
Don't make something so crazy
Lord Anos, what will you do now?
I will go to Aharthern.
The Great Spirit Leno
should be there as well.
But you can't take your eyes off
Nous Galia.
And there is a chance that
he may target one of them.
There is no choice
but for all of us to go.
Naturally, including Nous Galia.
But how?
Gods keep their promises to others.
He cannot disobey a work assignment.
The next lesson will be
a field trip to Aharthern.
"The Spirit School."
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