The Traitors UK (2022) s02e02 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 2

22 players arrived
at this Scottish castle
to play the ultimate
murder mystery game,
in the hope of winning up to
But concealed amongst them
are the Traitors,
who will secretly murder their
fellow players at night.
It's up to the Faithful to work
out who the Traitors are
Are you a Traitor?
..and banish them from the game
You know what?
I think YOU'RE a Traitor.
That is mad.
..because if a Traitor remains
Oh, my God!
I would never have guessed her!
..they take all the money.
..three traitors were selected,
but there was a surprise twist.
..three traitors were selected,
but there was a surprise twist.
The Traitor selection is not
quite complete.
Traitors, you will enlist
the final member.
So the Traitors had a big
decision to make.
So, Andrew is one.
We've got Miles
Sonja. ..Sonja and Diane.
It's you.
As the prize pot started building did suspicions.
I heard you had problems
on your boat.
What bird told you that we had
problems on the boat?
Did you panic under the blindfold?
No, I was straight That was me.
Ross heard somebody say,
"I'll sleep easy tonight."
I'm not sure what angle
she was trying to get at.
And the Traitors were about to
meet with their new recruit
for the very first time.
You are now officially a Traitor.
I know that we've made
the right choice.
This is The Traitors.
# This is the darkness inside #
# ..This is the darkness inside #
I'm a Traitor.
Yeah! Ah! Crazy.
Oh, my God!
Welcome to the dark side.
Oh, my God!
Baffled, absolutely baffled.
Had no idea it would be those three
who's chosen me.
So, yeah
And you were top. Oh, really?
You were right at the top. Really?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Miles being brought in has
strengthened us
an unbelievable amount.
He's a big personality,
but he's also fiercely loyal.
Oh, my God, I can't believe it!
Did you suspect anything?
No, no, no, none of you. Really?
None of you.
It puts me in the game, I'm excited.
I want to be the last man standing
and have all the money. Game on.
Now that you're here,
got a little job to do, innit?
Ah, oh, my gosh.
So the people who won a Shield
tonight, obviously Kyra, Jaz,
and somehow I've won
a Shield as well. Wonderful.
Like a proper traitor, snake-style.
So, obviously,
they're off the table.
Do you want to know a name
I was thinking?
He got a bit spiky before.
He did.
He switched on Zack.
You've got to remember as well,
that you - people who will
banish themselves.
I think with, you know, him
kicking off with Zack and whatnot,
that potentially might spiral.
He's definitely on the
chopping block.
Who's off the table?
Something weird that happened
this morning. Sonja.
Really? Yeah, I know.
At the breakfast table,
and she's like, "Are YOU a traitor?"
And she started laughing.
Oh, really?
I, I honestly believe she's
No, no, no, no, no.
Sonja has got a big following.
This evening, Aubrey also was like,
"Oh, I have suspicions."
This evening, Aubrey also was like,
"Oh, I have suspicions."
Aubrey watches from a distance.
He's been on a game plan
since day one.
I think he's purposely kept
himself separate.
This is what we don't want,
is the separate groups.
Diane, you kind of feel like
she suspects you
when she's even just stood there.
So if she has got a bee in her
bonnet about you,
then she can start spreading
it around.
The message we should try
and send is that no-one's safe.
So who are we going to murder?
OK, so it's between Diane
..and Sonja.
# I, I just died in your arms
tonight #
# I, I just died in your arms
tonight #
I think it's the best choice
we could have made.
It's a great move.
Happy murdering.
Feels so good, doesn't it?
# ..I just died in your arms tonight
# ..I just died in your arms tonight
# It must have been something
you said #
# It must have been something
you said #
Last night, the Traitors
committed their first murder,
but which Faithful didn't make it
through the night?
This morning, the surviving players
will make their way to breakfast,
but one Faithful won't be
arriving at the castle
and currently, only the Traitors
know who that is.
# Cos nobody loves me
# It's true
# Not like you do #
Oh, there's no-one in here.
Oh, there's nobody here!
It's just us. Ah!
We came down for breakfast,
one of the first ones in,
which was strange.
My God, that's so weird, isn't it?
Oh, we've got to sit
and watch everyone come in now.
Where shall we sit?
Wherever there's food.
We are new to the whole
murdering scene,
so it's very nerve-racking,
it really is.
Who do you think's got murdered?
I have no idea, to be honest.
Oh! Here we go! Who's it going
to be? Come in!
Hello! You're all alive! Oh, wow!
We're all alive!
Going into that breakfast,
it was
I was convinced that
I was up for the chop.
Cos I'm a Christian, so I was like,
"Please!" I mean,
I don't know whether God really
watches The Traitors, but
I'm sure he does, or she.
Or she! Yeah, he or she.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like I can,
like, relax into breakfast now,
I can eat and that's it.
But then, like, it only lasts
for a second
and then it's like, "Who's not
going to come through the door?"
Ooh! Oh, here we go. Come in!
Here we go. Who's it going to be?
Hello, everyone. I would say hi.
Hi. How are you?
As a Traitor, breakfast is the
hardest thing cos like,
for me, I know who I'm going to see,
I know who's there.
How did you guys sleep?
Not very good,
I kept thinking I was going to die.
I was still really nervous
and stuff,
but I sort of knew all was good.
Of course, yeah,
you had the Shield, yeah.
But I still felt like,
heart beating.
It's like heart beating as in,
someone's going.
You just can't relax.
So my plan is to
genuinely believe I'm a Faithful
cos if you believe that lie,
it becomes the truth.
Are you suspecting anyone yet?
It sounds stupid but like, Zack,
just because, at that table,
you could hear him laughing,
then as soon as we took 'em off,
it was like,
something had happened, you know?
But if I look at everyone else,
I've got nothing.
I've got nothing either.
Someone else.
Was that a knock?
Hello! Hey! Hi!
Hello! Argh! God, the stress!
Hello. Hi, guys!
It's good to see you! See?
Nothing to worry about.
Oh, my heart's pounding
out my chest.
Anxiety at the first
breakfast was high.
Obviously, I'm the new recruit,
so I'm really in unknown territory
at the moment.
So who are we expecting?
There's actually quite a few,
isn't there?
Ooh! Ooh! Here we go!
Knock on the door.
Come in!
My whole thought process is
perfecting walking in for breakfast.
Hello. Good morning, everyone.
Good morning, mwah!
Just got to kind of manage the,
"Thought I was going to die,
I've not died."
Oh, my goodness.
Really happy to see everyone.
So I'm tempted to maybe do
a watery eye.
Deep breaths, give waves round
the table
and take it from there,
type of thing.
Right there, when Paul walked in,
he looked genuinely happy
that he was here.
I don't get a sniff from Paul
of being a Traitor. No.
Come in!
Great to see you.
Hey! Hi, lovely. Oh, thank you.
I suppose the surprise is that
you are going in for breakfast,
so you're not the missing person,
that was good.
Lovely to be back at breakfast
with everybody.
Well, not everybody.
Who's not here?
But it takes a bit of working out
about who's there and who isn't.
Diane? Can you see Diane?
I don't.
So there's Andrew, Zack
..Aubrey and Diane.
Now we're down to these people
and they're not at the table.
Like, any of them, I'm going to be,
like, really gutted.
Aubrey's gone. Aubrey's gone.
Aubrey's gone!
Oh, no! It's Aubrey.
Aubrey's not here.
I'm going to put out there, Aubrey.
I feel like it sends a message.
I think so.
I don't feel like anyone would
suspect us four right here,
right now, to say Aubrey.
It throws them off our scent.
"Dear Aubrey, by order of the
Traitors, you have been murdered.
"Signed, the Traitors."
I think I've been murdered
because I'm too observant.
I was a threat to the Traitors
and they could see that.
I say what I see.
Perhaps I should have kept
quiet or whatever.
They've made a big mistake.
If you think about it, I feel
like this really makes it real now.
We were afraid of Aubrey, for sure.
It really came down to
that strong alliance between
Diane, Aubrey and Sonja.
All three of those people
are not afraid of coming straight
at you.
We have to take out
the strongest link first.
That left us with no choice
but Aubrey.
I don't understand
the motive behind it.
Because he sits and watches.
He did sit and watch.
I am a bit distraught
that Aubrey's gone,
I was very fond of Aubrey.
I think it was tactical.
But why Aubrey, though? I don't
know. Maybe he's not friends
with him. Maybe whoever sent him
down wasn't mates with him.
I killed Aubrey,
which felt lovely.
The nice ones, like,
you get like a sweet taste.
You know, like really rich
Good morning, everyone.
Morning! Morning!
But it isn't everyone, is it?
No. No.
Aubrey has been killed,
the first person to be murdered.
Aubrey has been killed,
the first person to be murdered.
But better him than you, eh?
Shall we get him down
Do you mind helping me?
Will you get his portrait
down for me?
Oh, go on, Paul.
So, Aubrey's been killed
and as is tradition with the first
person murdered
Is it real yet?
Yeah. Yeah, now it is.
Yeah, it's so real.
Because you're not on holiday.
Tonight is the first banishment
at the Round Table.
Faithful, this is your chance
to rid yourself of a Traitor.
Faithful, this is your chance
to rid yourself of a Traitor.
You need to watch, you need to
you need to take it all in.
Do you understand?
The game is now on.
Be careful not to ruffle
anyone's feathers.
And on that note, I'll see you
shortly outside for today's mission.
And on that note, I'll see you
shortly outside for today's mission.
Oh, feathers! Good spot!
I'm going for a coffee.
I'll catch you guys. All righty.
Where's everyone gone?
Tonight, we have the first
Round Table.
I feel like it's more pressure
for the Traitors
cos the truth you're hiding,
So my plan today, just chill,
I'm not trying to make everyone
follow me.
Just look like the good guy,
It's getting intense now.
It was a bit overwhelming in there.
My mind started racing a bit.
It's tricky. It really is.
I find it more easier to see
who's not a
Who I think is a Faithful,
rather than who's the Traitor
at this point.
That's, that's a good way
to tackle it, I guess.
Because I think, like, there's
a lot of people that I think,
"Yeah, definitely a Faithful."
Like, Paul,
definitely a Faithful, I think.
Now Aubrey's been murdered,
it's like, OK,
we're playing the game now.
Everyone's brain
went into gear after that
and speculating had started.
Do you know what my game plan is?
I'll make it up as I go along.
What else are you going to?
Like, what else can you do?
What game plan can you have,
coming here?
You've just got to be yourself,
unless you're a Traitor
and then you don't want to be
yourself. Well, yeah. Yeah.
So what do you do, like? Obviously,
apart from being a Traitor,
you know what I mean?
I do have a degree, an honours
degree in social science,
which is the study of how people
interact in society.
Oh, I like that.
That would be one you would hide,
I would say.
Oh, I came here thinking,
"I'm definitely not
going to say that,"
but I think you're all too nice.
It's probably,
I've probably just gone
Realising that the first person,
in the morning,
at breakfast, had gone,
did make all conversation change.
It's not a big, long holiday, this,
I need to get my act together
and start working out who's who.
Do you do modelling, Mollie?
Yeah, I do disability modelling.
Oh, do you? Really?
Yeah, yeah.
How did you get into it?
So, when I was like, younger,
I walked into a shop
and I saw a model and she had one
arm, and then, from that moment,
I just remember saying to my mum,
like, the way she made me
feel, I was like, "I want that to
be me for, like, other people."
So I do limb difference
and then stomas, um
What's stoma?
Sorry, I don't know what that is.
When I was 11, I got diagnosed
with ulcerative colitis
so they removed my colon.
So I have, like, a bag that, like,
collects all my waste.
Obviously, as an 18-year-old,
getting told that you're
going to have, like, a bag
stuck to you for the rest of your
life, you're suddenly thinking,
"Oh, my God, I'm never, like,
"going to be able to wear
anything again,
"never be able to go swimming
again, like,
"never get a boyfriend again."
But, yeah, no, I mean,
that's why it was nice doing that
swimming challenge yesterday.
So that's that.
My head's baffled.
I've heard so much,
so much bitching.
No, it's a high pressure
environment, man.
I don't think any
Nobody's used to it, do you know
what I mean?
But you can't help
but get sucked in, man.
What are you thinking?
And also, I can't help but say
my piece, do you know what I mean?
So, had a little situation yesterday
where Zack said to me and Evie,
he went, "I'm going to sleep
well tonight, right?"
He just chats shit.
I don't think Zack's a Traitor,
I don't think - he's not changed.
Do you not think?
But then me and Evie, in the car,
brought it up that Zack said this,
but then all of us collectively
were like, "Oh, but it's just him."
He's smart enough that he
wouldn't let it slip.
The next thing I know, we're having
dinner and Sonja's there
going, "Yeah, tell them the thing
that you said about Zack."
And I'm going, "What, that thing
"that we said we weren't going
to tell people?"
Ross, that conversation we had
in the car, somebody saying,
"I'll sleep easy tonight."
Oh, yeah, that was Zacky-boy.
So I'm kind of thinking now,
she's starting to stir the pot
a little bit.
She looks like the type,
doesn't she?
Early on in the game,
when people are looking for any
little titbit
to, to kind of latch onto,
when you're seen stirring the pot,
to me, that screams traitorous
I actually have no other solid
evidence for anyone else to go off,
so I do think it's Sonja
at this point in time.
If anybody comes in here,
and I've got a loud voice
Like, we'll just make up something
that we're talking about.
I don't get on with Anthony.
OK. He doesn't get on with me.
I looked at everybody when they came
and I thought there could
possibly be people that
might be able to be a Traitor.
I actually thought you might
be able to do it. OK.
Not because I think you're
horrible or anything,
cos I thought you'd play
a good game. Terrible. Carry on.
Play good games, right?
I agree with you, to be fair.
Anyway, then you watch egos
and you watch, you know,
the way people behave,
and the first thing that happened
to us
when we got in that line
for Claudia to come out,
I tried to get in the middle
cos I didn't want to go to one end
or the other.
Right, guys, can we move over?
You can move that way
if you want to.
No, I'm quite happy to move this
way, thank you.
And I tried to physically get in.
Anthony was there
and he wouldn't let me in.
He's got an ego.
There's the ego, maybe, yeah.
And I just think he thinks, "That'll
be good, I could be a Traitor."
Look, anybody could be a Traitor,
let's face it,
and I could also be sitting chatting
to people who are Traitors, like,
who I think are really friendly,
but I will continue to be
suspicious of Anthony.
I think he's putting on a good act
and I think that he could
play a game.
Anthony and Andrew never chat,
so are they staying apart?
Yeah, I've never seen them,
I've never seen them really chat
as well.
I think it's three.
So do I.
And your next one's female,
probably, so go on. Would be female.
I haven't got a female.
Oh, you haven't?! No.
So you haven't noticed a female
that Anthony chats to?
No. Go on.
Ash. Mm.
I feel like she just speaks to
everyone, though.
No, not really. No, she doesn't.
Does she not? No.
Diane's already going, you know,
"Ash is kind of someone that
I've got my eye on,"
and I was thinking,
"You are switched on from,
"like, the start." The fact that
she was doing that
is raising concerns.
Our players are gathering
for the second mission of the game.
This is a chance for both Traitors
and Faithful to work together
in order to win money, which will be
added to the final prize pot.
Yes, mission time.
I absolutely love the missions.
It's nice to throw yourself into
something physical and just have
a break from the think,
think, think.
My strategy every mission is
play like a Faithful,
you look like a Faithful,
you convince everybody
you're a Faithful.
Players, today's mission is
all about communication.
Players, today's mission is
all about communication.
If you succeed,
you could win up to £6,000.
That'll be added to the prize fund.
Nice! Ooh!
What I need you to do first
is split into two.
Nine people are in the castle
and the rest of you will be
inside the castle.
A word of warning.
Only the nine who are outside
will have the opportunity to grab
Only the nine who are outside
will have the opportunity to grab
a Shield and therefore protect
themselves from tonight's murder.
a Shield and therefore protect
themselves from tonight's murder.
I need nine here,
the rest of you there. Let's go.
Shall we go for fit people in the
field? Shall we go down the middle?
Let's go down the middle?
To be honest, I think the people
outside are going to be running
around. I can run about.
I think that we say also people who
haven't had a Shield yet,
maybe stay inside. I haven't had a
I don't care about the Shield. I
want to do the mission, guys. People
who had a Shield stay inside.
People who had Shields stay inside.
I don't think you should talk
like that. I feel like what's
people's strengths? Exactly.
It's not about that.
If you're physically fit
But everyone should go outside,
that's what I'm saying.
The way we picked wasn't
probably the most democratic.
Why should Kyra and Harry,
the people who've already got
a Shield, be having
the opportunity to get a Shield?
I think not being a team player
is just as bad
as being a Traitor at the moment.
I don't like the selfishness at all.
It's about gettinggetting that
cash for all of us. I don't care.
It's about gettinggetting that
cash for all of us. I don't care.
Guys, you've got to pick,
let's do this.
We need one more
person on this side.
How the hell are
we meant to find Traitors
if we can't even agree who
goes inside and who goes outside?
I mean, come on.
OK, so that's the nine.
Is everyone happy?
Yeah. Yeah.
Zack, you're not happy.No.
Who Would you like to swap
with someone?No, I'm all right.
Voice your opinion.
No, I'm good, I'm good.
Zack felt that me and Harry
should have stayed inside
and given someone else
an opportunity.
It's giving very much Traitor vibes
that he's pissed off
because I keep getting the
opportunity to have a Shield
and it's, like, back the hell up.
Forget about the Shields,
let's build the money. Shall we
just build the pot, yeah?
Come on, we got it, guys. It doesn't
matter, come on. Forget about it.
Well said, Charlotte.Thank you.
OK. Let me tell you about the task.
The beautiful castle grounds
have many exotic birds.
You will hear a variety of their
calls all across the grounds.
You will hear a variety of their
calls all across the grounds.
You nine must now
get into teams of three.
Your job will be to find the birds.
You will then have to mimic
the birds' call to those
who are in the castle.
In the castle, your job is to find
the correct replica
In the castle, your job is to find
the correct replica
and bring it to me.
They have names.
Let me introduce you to Beaky.
You've got only one chance
each bird call.
OK, so our three teams,
you will each be given a map
of the nesting grounds
of the birds.
On those maps there is also
the nesting ground of the very
rare Shield bird.
If you decide to take time
out of the mission
and can get the castle group to
correctly identify it,
you will automatically win
three Shields.
You have 25 minutes to do it,
but I have faith.
Bird watchers, please go
and get in your starting positions.
The rest of you, you come with me.
Come on.
Good luck, guys! Good luck!
Good luck, guys!
I think the missions are key
to find out
people's true self.
In stressful environments,
that's when people show
their true colours.
- Everyone ready?
- Yes!
We are! We are!
Claudia, we are born ready.
Jas to Claudia,
we're ready to rumble.
Enormous luck.
For £6,000,
So we're here, yeah? Yeah.
So if we go straight down this path,
look. It'll be there. All the way.
We've got one of our huts there.
Yeah, yeah.
The castle's this way. Yeah.
So we do that one first?
Come on, then. Let's go.
Straight on, that's where it goes.
Come on then guys, we got this.
Smash it.
Here! Yeah. The Marshes. Yeah.
Where's the instructions?
Go, go, go. Straight in the front.
"To hear this bird call,
"blow the whistles simultaneously
inside for three seconds."
We had to go to the
bird sheds on the map,
blow the whistles and then
you'd hear
the bird call.
That's a bird? Was that a bird
or a dog?
That's the bird. That's the bird,
that's the bird. OK. Better get on
the radio then.
And then imitate the bird call
back to the castle.
Green team at the Marshes,
can you hear me?
We can hear you.
OK, the sound is
Uh-roo! Uh-roo!
It was just so embarrassing.
Where are they? Let's go, go, go.
It was like some
kind of dog being sick.
Ruff! Ruff!
Run, run, run, run!
Come on, Son.
I'm going for it. Good running.
The team who were back at the castle
had to run around like crazy,
pressing all these stuffed birds
and listening to their call.
Urrr! Urrr!
Not that one.
No, it's not that one.
Ruff! Ruff!Funny-sounding bird.
Reminds me of a date I once had,
to be honest, Jonny.
No. No, no.
No, it's I reckon it's this one.
It was quite difficult.
When you've got like,
five birds going off at one point,
you're, like, trying to listen
to it.
Yes, that one, it's that one.
It's that one. It's that one.
Go on, Zacky boy.
When we put the bird on the plinth,
we had to say
where the location was
and what the name of the bird was.
All right, er, I believe the
Marshes is the, er, Wormface.
Well done.
Go, go, go!
Right, one, two Three.
Blue team at the Fountain.
Come on! Run, run, run.
I was just running round,
just in stitches for most of it.
It's not that one.
Here, I've got it.
I've got it, I've got it!
Claudia, we've found it,
we've found it! Yes!
If you put it on the plinth,
you're locking it in.
Tell me.Blue team, at the Fountain
and it's a Flap Flap.
Go, go, go.
Go out and listen.
Yes, we did it!
Flap Flap, eh?
Well done, guys!
I'm really proud of us. Yeah.
It is in the garden, isn't it?
The Walled Garden.
It's in the Walled Garden,
so we get in there. Let's go!
If it was down to me, I wouldn't
have gone for the Shields,
I would go and get the money first
and if there's time at the end,
we'll go and get the Shields.
Got to look for it, guys, it says.
Can you see it? I've got it.
We're here, we're here, we're here.
However, Andrew said,
"Let's go and get the Shields
"and go and get all the money."
That to me sounds like a win-win.
So, OK, I'll follow you
and that's what we'll do.
There it is. Hold on.
OK, this is red team at the
Walled Garden and the sound is
That was the That was the
flamingo. ..flamingo! Flamingo!
Potentially. Where is it? Woo-ooh!
I've got it.
Yeah! Yes! We've got it!
I'm running about probably
the fastest I've ever run
since high school.
PE teachers watching this,
be proud. And, um,
it's all going quite well, I feel.
You're sure?It's Fooper,
in the Walled Garden.
You are correct.
Come on, next one! Next one!
All good. High five.
Cheers, guys. Well done.
Cheers, guys.
Get moving, moving.
That is three correct so far.
But not all of them
might be for money.
Blue team, the Forest.
That was banging, by the way.
Yes. That's it. That's it.
The location is the Forest
and the Clucker.
Yeah. I'm afraid that's incorrect.
Come on, time's running out, go!
What was that? Sounded like a fart.
That one's a machinegun.
They didn't even sound like birds,
like a lot of them were just
so abstract.
The location is the Shrubs
and the bird is the Chico.
- That is incorrect.
- Oh!
Guys, focus!
That was the one that we just had.
I don't know how Jas did it.
I don't know how she managed to even
produce that sound with vocal cords.
Everyone, do the sound for me.
West Lawn, Chico.
Well done.
Go to the next one!
Here, right in the middle.
As a unanimous group, we decided
we'd do the first challenge
and the second challenge and then
we will go and get the Shield.
It's flown the nest.
It would have been nice to obviously
get the Shield because I feel like
there is a massive X on my back,
but I just have to pray
for the best.
I'll be interested to see,
is anyone going to fess up?
Have a little look. Yeah.
We run straight down here.
This is where we need to go?
Yeah, that's where we need to
go, down there.
This way, there's
a gate, there's a gate.
Four minutes left!
Guys, we've got four minutes left.
Where you going to?
What's your location?
This is red team in the Labyrinth.
I think I know that one. I think I
know that one. It's the billiard
room, isn't it? I'm pretty sure
that's the big bird in the billiard
room. I'm sure it is.
Only bring it to me to lock it in.
This one.
It was frantically fun, in a way.
Ready? Go. It's massive.
Oh, this is huge. This one big bird
was so tall, like,
we nearly took its head clean off.
Come on! Time is running out!
Tell me.Red team, Labyrinth,
Well done.
Guys, you have done all seven birds.
Well done, guys, we got it.
I'm so buzzing.
Now the strategy
for every single game
is the Traitors have to
go for all of the Shields.
Perfect. That was epic, man.
Shields and money, yeah? Yeah.
What more could we want?
Seriously, well done.
Do you feel good?Yeah! Yes!
You heard seven bird calls.
You correctly identified
five of them.
There was a cheeky
Shield bird in there,
There was a cheeky
Shield bird in there,
but you made £4,000
for the prize pot.
So, very well done.
We contributed £4,000
to the prize pot! Yay!
We contributed £4,000
to the prize pot! Yay!
I think, in an environment
where you're talking about who's
a traitor, what you're doing,
it's really nice to just
lift everybody as a group.
I am talking now just to the people
who grabbed themselves a Shield.
I am talking now just to the people
who grabbed themselves a Shield.
It is up to them
whether they make themselves known.
Would anybody like to say,
"Yeah, I got a Shield"?
Yeah, I think we should,
I think be honest. Yeah.
We've got Shields, guys.
Congratulations, red team.
Well done! Well done.
Andrew, Paul
and Anthony had all got
Shields and were protected.
It's glaringly obvious that
Anthony's a Traitor
and not a team player.
Andrew, Paul, Anthony,
you will sleep soundly tonight.
You are protected against murder.
However, you are not protected,
any of you, against banishment
However, you are not protected,
any of you, against banishment
and on that note,
I'll see you very soon
for the very first banishment
at the Round Table.
Oh! Oh, God!
I hope you like tension.
I bet you're happy you can
sleep easy tonight.
Oh, I know.
It's funny that it got like a boo.
Oh, no, it was just like a,
"Ooh, lucky you."
Well, I think there was a boo.
It wasn't my call to go and do it.
Ooh, I love this fire.
I love it, I love it, I love it.
So, what was it like out there,
So it was good.
We all had two places to go to
and then there was the Shields.
Whose call was it to get
the Shields first?
Nothing wrong with it. Yeah,
Yeah, I don't think there's
anything wrong with it
There's nothing wrong with it.
..actually, weirdly, but it feels
Do you know what I think?
In my group,
we didn't go for the Shield first.
We said it would be unfair to
go for the Shield first
because you guys in the castle
Didn't get that chance.
..didn't get that chance.
To be honest, I knew they were
going to for it first. They've got
Andrew on that team and I think
he's a Traitor. Don't get me wrong,
I really love Paul. I think had
he been placed in a different team,
I don't think he would have
gone to the Shield first.
Rightly or wrongly,
whether you like it or not,
whether you get a Shield,
you are going to carry
the weight of having the Shield
and you're going to carry the weight
of having the opinions of it.
But you're also going to have
a very good night's sleep.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly, so
We're all going to have to
accuse someone.
I can just imagine a lot of people
taking it very personally. Mm.
I can just imagine a lot of people
taking it very personally. Mm.
The first banishment is
going to be awful.
Anything can happen, so it's prepare
for the worst, hope for the best.
You've got so little to go on.
You have to just find the smallest
thing to go off. Yeah, I know.
You're not a Traitor, are you?
You could be a Traitor,
you know, that's the thing.
I'm not a Traitor.
I'm a Faithful.
That's the whole thing,
isn't it? Like Are you?
Well, course. The thing is
Of course you are!
I thought being a Traitor would be
the easier role to play, actually,
cos I thought, you know, you get to
see everything, you're in the know,
you get to be in control, this,
that and the other, but actually,
people continue watching
and it's a little bit uncomfortable.
I have a very strong
feeling about who I think it is.
The one that has really been
rude to me as well.
I know who you're on about
because everyone's got their back up
and there's been a massive change.
The only thing I would say is that
he just keeps himself to himself.
But it weren't like that at the
beginning, though, was it?
He wasn't like that.
The thing with me, right,
I'll give you, I'll give you one
that I think, I personally think is
who I'm going to call out tonight.
She's Mm. ..stirring.
I was the first person he met,
so I know.
With Anthony,
because he's so aloof
and he's so abrupt,
and he's completely
different to day one.
If someone's consistently acting
odd, you've got to question it.
So, who do you think you're going
to vote for then?
I think you need to be very
careful about voting for people that
other people are OK with.
Cos then you'reyou'll
be challenged.
Really? Mm.
# Mm-mm-mmm
# Mm-mmm
# Mm-mm-mmm
# Hm-hm-hm-hmm. #
It's time for our very first
and the players will get their first
taste of castle politics.
They're going to vote somebody out.
Will they catch a guilty Traitor,
or banish an innocent Faithful?
Will they catch a guilty Traitor,
or banish an innocent Faithful?
I'm going to be honest,
this is my favourite bit.
It's time for the Round Table.
Tonight's the night.
It's the first time that we've gone
through a banishment.
I'm nervous about it.
It's about to get
hot in the kitchen.
The atmosphere is pin-drop tense.
We're all Traitor
hunting at this Round Table,
like, I want to catch a Traitor
more than anything.
The pressure of 20 other people all
watching for your facial
expressions, your fidgetiness,
The pressure's unimaginable.
Welcome to the Round Table.
This is where it really begins.
Congratulations, your prize pot
currently stands at £19,000.
Congratulations, your prize pot
currently stands at £19,000.
But who's going to take
the money at the end?
The last time we were in here,
I chose the Traitors.
The last time we were in here,
I chose the Traitors.
So, Faithful, I'm wondering
if you can do the same.
You will all get one vote each.
And whoever gets the most votes will
be banished
from the castle forever.
..who can you trust?
Who's already lying?
Maybe who's changed?
It feels like a conversation
needs to take place.
Who would like to begin?
I would like to begin.
Ooh! Go on, Diane.
Go on! Yeah.
So this started for me
the very first day we arrived.
We had to stand in line.
Because of last year, I wanted to
be in the middle and I went and
stood beside Anthony to get into the
line and he looked down at me and he
said, well, he just wouldn't move
and I said, "Could I get in,
And he still continued to look at me
and wouldn't move.
Now, that to me smacks of somebody
who's out for themselves.
Absolutely not having that.
Quite simply, at the start when,
erm, we were in line,
and myself and John were trying
to get in order,
you have not spoken to me,
you have not hugged me.
I've spoken to practically every
person in this room.
If I've got a problem with anybody,
I will come straight to them
and deal with them.
Why is it, it's only now that you
decide to do that?
In fairness, I do find you to be
very defensive
and you know me and you get on.
And I have seen a few
times that there seems to be
a change in demeanour since the day
we met on the platform,
like, you were so happy
and so bubbly. Really?
But it does ring in my head,
is someone cracking under a little
bit of pressure there?
If somebody accuses me
of something that I know is not so,
why should I go, "OK, then".
You know, no. Just I will you understand? I don't think
Anthony's a Traitor.
I know it's not worth much in this
I think he's defensive, but I don't
think it makes you a Traitor.
I'll be completely honest
and open the floor of what
suspicions I've heard. Go on.
I've heard about you, Andrew.
At the beginning
of the challenge today,
you were saying that how, erm,
it's not about the Shield,
it's not about the Shield,
it's not about the Shield.
when the mission first started,
you directed the group to
go for the Shield straight away.
I just said, and the whole group
didn't agree on that.
That's what I heard because Shall
I pick Now you can pick up.
Er, so thatthat was me.
So, if we're trying to pick a name,
the name I thought was you,
So, if we're trying to pick a name,
the name I thought was you,
and Right. be honest,
it was that comment.
"Forget the Shields,
forget the Shields."
And then we got together and it was,
"Let's go get the Shields."
But then I'm with you as well,
and I agreed.
Yesterday, people went for Shields
and put no effort or contribution at
all, and I got a problem with that.
We got everything we did today,
so we couldn't do any more today
than what we did.
We done everything
and the Shield was a bonus on top.
The Shield was quite close to us.
My thing is that I felt like the
challenge was more important.
I don'tof course I would want
the Shield.
It would be unfair for me
to go for the Shield first, because
I haven't completed the challenge
and the people at the castle
Then why be hypocritical?
It's not hypocritical, because I
You did the same thing yesterday.
It's not hypocritical. We all had to
run past the Shield.
Yesterday everyone had the equal
opportunity to get a Shield.
I didn't have a equal opportunity,
because I can't swim.
But the issue is
No, she's talking.
Just for a minute, please.
So therefore, the two Shields in the
sea were not up for grabs for me.
The reason why I say it's
hypocritical is you can't say
you were doing it for the team
when people were still
bound when you went for it.
I was untying Miles
and I saw you run for it.
So, to suggest that he did it for
No, I actually, I asked someone,
"Does anybody need help?"
OK, that's fine. I let you talk, let
me talk.
..suggest that you did it for the
but he didn't is just hypocritical.
Guys, I just want to
know who the Traitor is.
Please, I just want to say my
speech, cos we're on that topic,
yeah, so obviously I've got nothing
to go off and, like, honestly,
the only thing I've got to go off is
you, Zack, as a Traitor, because
for me, it's like, you're so, like,
you're always a laughy guy and stuff
like that, and the only thing I've
got to go off is the round table
of when the Traitors were chosen,
you were laughing at anything, any
sound, like you was all making, like
laughs, do you know what I mean?
Everything since then
No, but, when you took the blindfold
off, it was like a different,
as if, like, it was like something
had happened.
So I just wanted to put
that out there.
That's all I've had to go off.
I've got a suspicion and it's only
based on what I have witnessed
and what's happened to me,
and, er, Sonja, that's yourself.
Yesterday in the task, Zack,
you made a comment saying,
"I'll sleep well tonight," and then
me and Evie joked and we said,
"Oh, will you now?" You know?
Potentially that's Traitor speak.
Obviously, we know what you're like.
You chat, you joke.
We said, but that's just Zack,
you know, he runs his mouth,
he's like a little Jack Russell.
And then went into sun room and
there was a group of you, including
yourself, Sonja, and you went, "Just
the man we want to see," to me.
And then Sonja, you went, "Just
tell them all what you said that
"Zack said," so Yeah. my opinion,
you were giving it a little stir.
I'm taking this as evidence
and information that I'm obviously
gathering pretty much now. Yeah.
Obviously when you hear about it
Yeah. looks like deflection.
I think it's really about
the stirring.
Erm, I've seen you directly do this.
You're starting a conversation
and immediately,
before you say anything,
"Oh, well, you're a Traitor, so"
I feel uneasy about you, basically.
Yeah, I can see why
you're saying it.
If I was a Traitor, which I'm not,
then I think I'd be making
an effort to actually build
alliances and friends.
I can look you all in the eye
and say I am a Faithful,
whatever you think.
You're wasting your vote.
Don't do it, guys.
I'm going to say here, I don't
think you're a Traitor, by the way.
I think like everybody else, like,
we're just clutching at straws here.
Yeah. There's a lot of direction
going towards you, Sonja Yeah.
..and if I choose you tonight
Yeah. ..and it's not you,
I'm sorry, Ross, but I'll be looking
at you after this.
Ooh, strong words.
Three other people have also made
a point about Sonja,
so whywhy would you target me?
Yeah, because I just feel like
the direction's coming from you
and I'm just sitting and
observing, right?
I'm not saying you're definitely
a Traitor,
I'm saying I'm going
to be looking at you.
Players, the time for talk is over.
I'm going to need you to
write down one name,
and that name is the person that you
believe is a Traitor.
Has everyone locked in their
answers?Yeah. Yeah.
Jaz, we're going to start with you.
Please tell me the name of the
person you believe is a Traitor
and why.
Just going to go with, er, Sonja,
just after hearing,
listening to sort of the group.
Yeah, Sonja. Fair enough. Yeah.
Diane, who do you believe is
a Traitor and why?
I'm going for Anthony, cos I don't
believe you're a team player.
So I've gone with Zack.
Obviously, I told you.
Like, I knowI know it might just
be you and I hope I'm wrong,
honestly, but I feel like it could
be the added pressure of
being a Traitor. You're wrong.
Zack, what name is on your board
and why?
I've gone with you, Sonja.
Erm, I feel like it was the only
evidence we had.
I apologise for it Yeah. ..I
reallyI really do like you.
Jonny, who have you voted for?
Sonja, you beautiful lady,
I'm sorry.
Based on potential evidence Mm.
..I've voted for you. Yeah.
Mollie, who have you voted for?
Yeah, I'm really sorry, Sonja
..I think you're a fabulous woman,
but I voted for you.
Thank you.
Miles.Yeah, just gone with
yourself, Sonja. Yeah, fine.
Just because it kind of comes across
with sloppy game-playing, maybe.
Just because it kind of comes across
with sloppy game-playing, maybe.
Tracey.Erm, I have gone for you,
I'm sorry, it's not personal,
but your behaviour
from the train compared to
afterwards was very different.
who do you believe is a Traitor?
Well, Ross, this is such
a coincidence, because, erm,
I have voted for you and the reason
why is nothing to do with tonight.
I have voted for you and the reason
why is nothing to do with tonight.
It was actually
when we were round this table
and we all took our blindfolds off,
I thought
you reacted rather strangely to
something Claudia said.
So, a vote round-up.
Five votes for Sonja,
two for Anthony,
one for Zack and one for Ross.
Andrew, your name please, and why.
Before I came in here, I'm a strong
guy mentally and physically,
and I said I would only
go on evidence,
but based on the evidence we've had
tonight, I have to vote for Sonja.
who do you believe is a Traitor?
It's nothing personal.
It's just based off what everyone
was saying today.
So I'm voting for you, Sonja.
Yeah, Sonja, I'm really sorry,
I've gone off facts.
If you end up going out, I'll miss
you, I'll miss your outfits.
Ash, who have you voted for?
Er, I do have to give you my vote,
That's absolutely fine, Ash.
Erm, but I just have to say,
it's been a lotta, lotta laughs.
Erm, but I just have to say,
it's been a lotta, lotta laughs.
Anthony, what name have you
written down, please?
Well, I guess it's not going to
be a surprise.
My vote is for Diane.
For somebody to coerce things
and those type of attributes
are attributes that
and those type of attributes
are attributes that
I would associate with a Traitor
trying to lead people.
So, that's why my vote is for you,
Meg, who do you believe is a Traitor
and why?
I'm just going to go with Diane,
but I hope you make me feel really
stupid and that this vote is wrong.
A vote count.
We have nine for Sonja,
two for Anthony, two for Diane,
one for Zack and one for Ross.
Evie, who have you written down?
Brian.I think it's just down to bad
decision-making on youron
your part, Sonja.
You haven't convinced me
that you're not a Traitor,
so I voted for you, Sonja.
I think this person is playing
a game at this moment in time.
I think this person is playing
a game at this moment in time.
I'm sorry, Sonja,
and I really hope I'm wrong.
I voted for you, Sonja.
And for the final vote, Charlie.
I really hope you're a Traitor,
because I think you're so lovely.
you have received the most votes.
Please come up and join me.
# Hear the battle call
# Cities rise and empires fall
# But it's a war worth fighting #
Sonja, you have been banished.
You can now reveal,
are you a Traitor or a Faithful?
Well, guys, facts are important to
me as they obviously are to you, so
Well, guys, facts are important to
me as they obviously are to you, so
here's a fact that I would now like
to confirm to you,
here's a fact that I would now like
to confirm to you,
and that is
..that I am
..a Faithful. Yes!
# And we will keep on fighting
# And we will keep on fighting
# It's a war worth fighting
# It's a war worth fighting. #
So, you just banished a really,
really smart Faithful.
So, you just banished a really,
really smart Faithful.
You'll have another go tomorrow,
but before that,
somebody will be murdered.
Sleep well.
I knew she was a Faithful.
Absolutely gutted Sonja got
No, we just learned
we need to communicate more, man.
I think it's herd mentality, though.
Do you know what, it'sI've
gone off something that's happened.
Same here. That's all you can do.
What elsewhat else did we have?
I am devastated that there's two
Faithfuls gone,
but I was going on facts.
Sonja made it quite easy for me
to vote for her.
Jonny, he did a little switcheroo
right at the end
and I could see him, he was
looking at me from across the table.
I'm going to have to keep
an eye on him, I think.
No-one can physically have
trust here,
so that means the communication
has to be double.
She wasn't a Traitor,
but you acted as if he was. Yes.
And that was the problem.
I think obviously she was too
intelligent for her own good.
It's the way she acted.
I feel really bad.
I was so convinced she wasn't
I was so convinced she was.
..a Traitor
that I thought, "Do you know what,
I'm just going to say it,"
so I said it and then of course when
she was a Faithful, I went, "Yes!"
But that's awful Yeah. ..because
it would have been a lot better if
she'd been a Traitor. It weren't
the best move.
No, it wasn't, and I am sorry.
I had got myself so worked up,
I was going
..because I believe absolutely
that she's Faithful,
and as everybody was writing down
and going for her,
I thought, "You've got this so
I know she was a Faithful, but,
like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, babe,
she wasn't a very good one,
because like, I don't understand why
she was doing all that.
But she's a clever lady Yeah.
..and I just think
she just thought that none of you
would ever think she was a Traitor.
I haven't really warmed to Diane,
or she hasn't warmed to me.
She looks at me all the time.
I think, "Is she being suspicious?"
I have this weird theory.
I think there's a mum
and a child here.
Do you?
And I think it's Diane and Paul.
Do you think?
Well, with Diane, when she came
straight out for Anthony,
right out the gates.
I just did not see that coming.
I think she's real, I think she's
I think she's quite intelligent.
I think, er, she's someone's mum.
# Some may say
# May say
# I'm wishing my days away
# No way #
I was just, like, well, I was
OK, that's our
The chimes of the castle clock
signal the murdering hour is near.
The chimes of the castle clock
signal the murdering hour is near.
You take care. Bye, Harry.
I'll, fingers crossed,
see you tomorrow, hopefully.
Goodnight. I hope none of us
get killed.
It's time for the Traitors to return
and decide which Faithful will be
murdered by moonlight.
# We could live together
# Walking on, walking on the
moon #
# Walking on, walking on the
moon #
Ah! Hello, everyone.
Good evening. That was amazing.
Paul, straight away, great effort.
If we can get a Shield, that's
just perfect.
See, I passed the blame onto Andrew.
Perfectly as well.
And in the chats afterwards as well,
I thought,
"Our names aren't coming up."
Well I do have to say about Ash.
Yeah, I've heard your name
quite a few times.
Diane said to me that she
believed that you move around the
castle, like, really weird.
The thing is, though
That's bizarre.
Diane now has no allies. Tracey.
Diane will banish herself.
So who's on the list?
Who's got a big influence, then?
Kyra's got a massive
..she, she's definitely
one to watch.
If she flips on you,
you're in big trouble. Exactly.
And unpredictable. Yeah.
And she has so much power in
that room.
She has a big voice.
She doesn't really let anyone
else get a word in.
I think she's a big voice,
but I don't know how many people
listen to her.
I really feel like we should flip
the table, as in, like,
really random, someone like Jonny.
Oh, my God.
So, I also feel like that will lead
everyone to Ross.
Well, this is the thing.
He said about it today,
"If it's not Sonja, I'm going to be
watching you."
I don't think anybody
would banish him.
The name I thought of was Meg
..because she threw out a random.
I didn't expect her to
go for Diane at all.
If Meg is murdered, it would kind
of double down on that narrative,
If Meg is murdered, it would kind
of double down on that narrative,
so to speak.
# Ah-ah-ah #
So, guys, it's going to
be between
and Kyra.
# Ah-ah ah #
Everyone happy? Yeah.
So we're going to cause chaos in
there, I believe,
by murdering this person.
Mate, we're so evil, aren't we?
# Ah-ah-ah
# Ah-ah-ah
# So rising. #
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