The Unit s02e02 Episode Script

Extreme Rendition

Hey, that's mine.
No, it's it's my watch.
He stole my watch.
He wants to know if you're the American they caught with explosives in the national museum.
I told him you won't talk.
And he cursed you and the filthy pig whore you came from.
You're American.
What are you doing here? Aren't you curious? Psst.
Psst! I'm Richard Faber from the consular office.
And you are James Fisher.
Does your family know you're here? No.
What does this mean? It means "take me with you.
" Why? Got it from a girl i met at a bar.
I guess that's good news, huh? Well, i'm not gonna mince words, the Bulgarians do not like folks who want to destroy their historical treasures.
So if you know anyone who knows anyone, now's the time to speak up.
My uncle.
What's his name? Thomas Ryan.
He's a colonel in the army.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You just missed the social worker.
They say Westlake is it.
It's close enough for dad to visit.
How much? And a private nurse at home? Double that.
What about the other, uh, nursing home, the one right off the freeway.
I'm not going to put my mother in a home unfit for rats.
All right.
The hospital's discharging her on friday.
Westlake needs a full month's payment before they accept her.
Give her a credit card advance.
We're all maxed out.
When we get home, i'm going to talk to Cynthia Burdett.
I'd rather you didn't.
I don't like it either.
I don't have a choice.
You do what you have to.
But i ain't gonna be your cheering squad.
Go for Blane.
Next hypothetical the impossible assassination.
Is that, uh, Viktor Brana? The master transporter himself.
But it doesn't matter, could be anybody buried deep.
And zero access.
No such thing.
Guy's got to travel.
Wait till he comes up for air.
No time.
Got to nail him by the end of the month.
Location? Whereabouts unknown.
All that security, someone's susceptible.
Make a contact, find his location.
Same problem time.
Let's make it harder.
Got to hit him by the end of the week.
Oh, you're going to change the parameters now.
Let's say brana's about to transport nuke materials into north korea.
Is he? What did you have to do to get Ryan to rip up your transfer papers? Oh, come on, just answer the question.
How do you kill a man that you can't get to? I don't know.
How? Jonas: Loosen the kill chain.
Come again.
Loosen the kill chain.
Find, fix, track, and kill.
Yeah, indeed.
But what you're saying make no sense.
The goal is to tighten the kill chain.
No, the goal is to kill the target.
Game over, boys.
We got an op-order.
Well, however you handled Ryan, it's good to have you back.
Grey: See ya in a few.
It's definitely Deckard.
Got my eyeball i.
confirmation from Brown in the prison.
How the hell'd the Bulgarians catch a guy we've been after for 5 years? It was a stone fluke.
in a car accident.
Cops found him unconscious.
Too bad for him, he was driving a vehicle loaded with 2,000 automatic weapons.
Do the bulgarians know who they have? Brown says he's passin' as Canadian.
So what's the rush? Couple more days, Grey's done with his continuing ed.
Deckard's planning to break out.
If he succeeds, we may never get another look at him.
Do we want to jump in on this all half-baked, sir? Yes, i do, and we will.
Deckard was moonlighting as a hit man when he was with us.
We didn't do him then, we'll take him where we can find him and be glad of the chance.
You ship out in 30 minutes.
You have something of mine.
Yeah, what is that? Give me the note.
Give it to me now and i'll spare your life.
What, do you walk through walls? You think you're safe because i'm behind these bars? Give it to me now.
Williams: Brown up for this? It's like getting a flu shot.
What about Jonas? - What? - He didn't like the mission.
Well, he don't have to like it, he just has to do it.
And do you blame him? He knew the guy.
We get Deckard out, but what if he won't agree to track Brana for us? In exchange for leniency back home? - You would.
- I don't know.
What's he looking at, - He'll do it.
- I don't think so.
I'll tell you what.
I'll bet you a box of Cubans that we don't even have to sell it.
He'll offer.
You're on.
We predict that radio frequency identification will be the standard worldwide in less than 5 years.
If the alcov corporation has its way.
That's what we're working for.
We believe your prison can benefit from an improvement in technology.
Quinn, you are not in the backwaters of civilization here.
You run a sophisticated operation.
The next logical step is R.
I D.
Unfortunately, our annual budget has been spent.
You misunderstand me, warden.
We want to give you our technology, without charge.
And why would you do that? The R.
I D.
Chip was developed for subcutaneous implantation in the arm.
Sir, the United States has certain rigorous testing standards that must be met before the product is marketed.
I see.
You need test subjects.
If you would allow us to try the product on your men, those in your high-security block, we are prepared to sign a contract giving you the technology and free technical support for 5 years.
Show me how the system works.
I was hoping you'd ask.
Woman: Molly! Hello.
Hi! Excuse the mess.
We're still moving in.
Yes? You'll let me know when terry checks in? Sure.
I really need to hire someone to run this office so i can get back to San Diego.
But the more pressing agenda is to get the air conditioning working.
Here, Molly.
Sit down.
It's great to see you again.
You, too, Cynthia.
You and Andrew have really started something here.
Fourth branch office.
Honestly, it's bigger than we ever imagined.
And the jobs just keep coming.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
How are you and Jonas? Good.
We're really good.
I have to admit, i thought i was off your christmas list.
Oh, no, never.
So what brings you here? Well, actually Excuse me.
Terry's in.
It's all good.
Thank god.
Things got a little hinky on a child rescue mission in Columbia, but he pulled it off.
A child rescue mission? One of the things we do that the military doesn't.
I'm very proud of that.
Well, i wanted to ask you, what are you paying people who bring you recruits? Headhunters fee just went up.
Regular enlisted, 4,000.
Unit member, 8.
But as i said earlier, i need a local director for this office, and i cannot imagine a better candidate.
No, i couldn't possibly.
I appreciate the offer, but it's just not what i'm looking for.
I'm just in a temporary bind.
We have an immediate need for a driver in Brazil.
Non-combat zone, obviously.
The job requirements are spelled out here.
Driver for the finance minister.
The headhunter's fee is paid when the recruit signs his contract.
Does it hurt? We use a local anesthetic.
It feels like a pinch.
There he is.
It seems appropriate an American should be the first Guinea pig for an American product.
This is James Fisher.
Hello, James.
Do you know what a radio frequency tag is? What in the world are you giving to me? Whatever it is, son, we're doing it.
It won't hurt, so just relax.
Is it like those things they put in a dog's ear in case he gets loose? Very much like that.
I'm going to insert a microchip into your arm, just below the tricep muscle.
This is to numb the area.
That's it.
Now take a look here, warden.
This is your office.
The chip activates automatically after insertion.
And there it is.
Click on the dot for the prisoner's serial number.
Will the prisoner please move across the room.
It tracts your inventory to within one meter.
What if someone tries to remove it? There's a sensor in the chip that detects room air.
It'll trigger an alarm within 5 seconds.
Show me.
Jonas: The farthest he would have gotten is in the hall.
So you want to implant all the prisoners in cell block 9.
Your highest security block, yes.
We're prepared to do it now.
Of course, there will be a consulting fee for your generosity.
What else can we do to convince you? Tag all the prisoners for free.
If we can get started right away, you have a deal.
Man: Hey, Charlie.
Oh, my god, i love this.
That's Lori Colegrove's rack.
She wants $10 for the parka.
I only say this 'cause you're like family, but i wouldn't pay more than 5.
So, does Jonas know? Of course he does.
He's not stopping me, but he's not carrying pom-poms either.
I'm sorry, sweetie.
When you gonna wear this? When you go to the north pole? When we go back to Michigan, i'll wear it plenty.
- Hi.
- Sorry we're late.
No, you're not.
We're just getting started.
How's your mother? Better than expected.
That's a relief.
Know what, why don't you guys set up on the table there? Is it a sin to tell the truth? No need to upset her.
If it wasn't for my family, my mother i'm only doing this once, you know? Buy some time until i can figure out a permanent solution.
And don't worry, i wouldn't dream of recruiting an operator.
Put my husband and yours in danger? No way.
- Then who? - Boys.
Someone in the unit support staff.
Need to figure out who's up for reenlistment.
There's a shortcut to that.
Tom: What brings you here, ms.
Blane? Have you heard about Blackthorne? Yes, i know what Blackthorne is.
They've opened up a branch just off base.
Well, it's a matter of time, i suppose.
And you know they'll be coming after your shooters with a lot of dollar signs.
Well, fortunately, uncle Sam still has his charms.
But even to lose one or two that would be a tragedy.
If you were to give me a few names of some of your support staff who are up for reenlistment Yes? I would guarantee you Blackthorne would leave your operators be.
You want the names of my men that are up for reenlistment? Only the support group.
Are you here to help me, or are you recruiting? Well, I Are you recruiting for Blackthorne, mrs.
Blane? Yes, i am.
Your husband know you're here stealing away the men that pack his chutes and forge his I.
S? Jonas is off, saving the world.
I am the only one here asking you this.
And i would so much rather you hadn't.
I'm only asking for one or two names, so the chutes will still get packed.
Do you think another recruiter would take care not to go after your shooters? Do you think that they would come into your office and ask your permission? It's good to see you, mrs.
Thank you for your time, colonel.
Give my best to your wife.
Easy, easy.
Where'd he go? I don't know.
He was here when i left.
Pardon the interruption, mr.
Quinn, but it seems a prisoner has escaped.
Anyone dangerous? A canadian arms smuggler.
Yes? Deckard's food's still here, uneaten.
There's no other place he could have gone.
The woman serving the food must have helped him escape.
Where's the kitchen? Excellent.
Thank you.
Uh, that was my company.
More supplies will be shipped out tonight, so we can the rest of the prison.
I'm just sorry i couldn't get here yesterday.
Yes, it's unfortunate.
Now, for your own safety, mr.
Quinn, i must ask you to leave.
What are you doing? I have 20 years experience in prison security.
Perhaps i could assist.
- I see this is cell block 9.
- Mm-hmm.
- And the yard is just south of that.
- Mm-hmm.
What is this here? The kitchen.
So the kitchen is southeast of cell block 9.
Kitchen's southeast of here.
Need you to pack a suitcase with the infrared cameras If you're standing in the door, the suitcase is on your left.
Roger that.
Gonna get the search equipment here soon, sir, help you apprehend this guy.
Where is he? Against the wall.
Go go go go go go! You delivered his food.
Where is he? Where is he? All right, let's go.
In there, in the door.
In there.
We know you're here.
Don't make us shoot each barrel.
Give me a hand.
Uhh! Unh! Warden! I just got a call from my driver.
He found something outside on the westside of the prison.
Thank you.
Someone on the outside was helping him.
This was his escape route.
His bag's still here.
Means he's still here.
Close off the main sewer line from the prison.
You have him trapped.
I owe you a favor.
Just glad i could help.
Good luck with the search.
Bob: How long we got? Had to guess on his weight.
How'd you land in the lockdown ward? Planted a watch, picked a fight.
Get the gate! Go go go! Go! The problem with yard sales is you gotta lug back all the stuff you didn't sell.
And that's why i usually donate to the church.
You can just set that down anywhere.
And you didn't have to come back and help, but thank you.
You're welcome.
I meant to ask you about that couple i saw you with earlier.
She was trying on a parka.
Jeremy and Crystal.
She's our date-night babysitter.
An absolute doll.
Yes, well, i had my eye on that parka for my Betsy.
Nope, that parka's gone.
I was afraid of that.
Did i hear her say that they were moving to Michigan? Jeremy's up for reenlistment in a month.
He's in a unit, you know.
Signal squadron.
And i think he wants to stay, but Crystal's pretty homesick.
And they're not married, so who knows.
I knew i'd seen Jeremy before.
You think i could get their number? Maybe she'll want to sell me that coat.
Of course.
Non-combat zone pay is You don't get that a month.
If you move into a combat zone, you'd be making I don't know.
Have you ever been to Brazil? Are you kidding? Been to 3 states, that's it.
Blackthorne would give you the opportunity to travel, see the world.
It sounds cool and all.
But i want to be a unit operator.
to become an operator.
Can you wait that long? I got no choice, i guess.
And you know how hard it is to make it to selection, Yes, ma'am.
You change your mind like once a week.
- I do not.
- Yes you do! Last week it was, "my job's so boring, "they never let me do fun stuff.
" You want 3 more years of boring? You said everyone at the unit treats you like a kid.
No one's asking for a decision now, so think about things.
In the meantime, would you be interested in learning how to drive from a real unit operator? Hell yeah! Well, let me see if i can arrange it.
Jonas Blane.
Hello, Alex.
You went to all this trouble for me? What can i tell you? I missed you.
Look at you.
Running your own team.
Aren't you gonna introduce me? They know who you are.
- And who are they? - No that's against the rules, baby.
You opted out.
You are out.
You wanna know why? No, not particularly.
Hey, did you know little Jonas, into a swimming pool? And i took the heat for him.
Try your charm on someone else.
So, what now? Gonna take me back home, answer for my crimes? Something like that.
You expect me to believe that your mission was extreme rendition in a country with an extradition treaty? What do you really want? You want something related to Brana.
What is it? Information.
About upcoming arms shipments.
Why? Rumor has it he made a deal with the Chinese.
He is now the official mover of all missile components into Iran.
You didn't know.
Must have happened when you were in prison.
He broke the news to one of your partners with a block of C-4 underneath his Mercedes.
He's eliminating your consortium one by one.
So much for profit-sharing.
If i get you this information, what do i get? Leniency back home.
A cell with a window, perhaps a view.
And how do you propose i get this information? Well, that's your territory, friend.
Thanks, no, i don't think so.
But i'll tell you what.
Brana keeps a master flight log of all his planes after they've flown.
I can get you that.
Forget it.
Why should we care about old flights? I just thought you might wanna know where his planes are parked.
Perhaps you'd like to know their tail numbers, and the ones not registered.
I guess i was wrong.
Where is this flight log? It's in Edirne.
Just over the Turkish border.
Too bad, we're going in the wrong direction.
Turn around.
I'm tempted to bring the baby here all the time.
He sleeps so well.
Well, i love having a baby in the house again.
Especially a boy.
Now, all you gotta do is name him, so i know how to address the handsome fellow.
Still workin' on it.
- You have everything, Serena? - Uh-huh.
Where's Gigi? Where's your giraffe? Must be in the bedroom, i'll get it.
Don't worry, i'll find it.
- Do you have a minute? - Please, come in.
Excuse the mess.
Can i offer you something to drink? No, this won't take long.
I'm here about Molly.
Molly? Your best friend, Molly Blane.
You may remember her, she's one of the unit wives.
And she's recruiting someone from the unit for Blackthorne, and i want to know who it is.
I don't know who it is.
Is that the truth? You doubting my veracity? All right, then.
Will you tell me if you find out the name? I believe i'll do what's right.
I didn't want to interrupt.
No, it's all right.
Is Molly really working for Blackthorne? She's trying to recruit someone.
That's right.
How come the team left you home? I'm sticking around for class work.
What can i do you for? - Favor.
- Consider it done.
Actually, it's more of a proposition.
All right.
There's a young man, you may know him.
Jeremy Erhart from the signal squadron.
He may be interested in working as a driver for Blackthorne.
I'd like you to train him in offensive driving.
You're working for blackthorne now? No, i'm just helping them recruit one person for one specific job.
I'm not sure if i have the time.
- Whatever you can spare - Not sure if i should.
I see.
The only thing that's keeping Jeremy here is thinking he can become an operator someday.
We both know what a long shot that is.
You think he can make it? There's $500 for you if you decide to help him out, 'cause that's what you'd be doing, helping the boy.
You should have seen Jeremy when i told him he might drive with you.
Like he'd just won a trip to the moon.
I suppose if he's going to join them, he needs to know how to protect himself.
My thought exactly.
All right, turn.
Turn! Turn, man! Whoo.
Too close for comfort.
Should i try again? No, we gotta move on.
Take us back up.
So listen.
The reverse 180? There's no parking brake involved.
Just gonna roll backwards at 40 miles an hour, you take your foot off the gas, and i just want you to snap that wheel as hard as you can.
This time, the front of the car pivots.
Let's get it.
Ok, get ready.
Now turn! Sorry.
No worries.
Listen, you got good instincts.
Stop fight them.
That's Yuri.
Viktor's coordinator.
- You'll take us in, introduce us as - No.
If i'm gonna do this, i'm gonna do it my way.
I'm not gonna let you go in alone.
Depends on how bad you want that flight log.
This is bull Your choice.
We do this, or we go home now.
But you are not going in alone.
I'll take one man.
And not you.
I'll take my bunkmate.
I've always had a soft spot for newbies.
You're not out by then, my man's gonna end the conversation.
My god.
Hello, Yuri.
We heard you were in a Bulgarian prison.
I'm out.
Well, good, good.
This is Mike.
He's a new pilot i've hired.
Multl-engine? Yeah, multl-engine, high-performance.
Come in, come in.
Let's have a drink.
Cool breeze, he's all in.
- Tick-tock.
- Roger that, snake doc.
Ok, i've been thinking about this a lot, and i'm just gonna come out and say it.
You used me.
I beg your pardon? You used me to get to Jeremy.
Crystal told me you came by.
And all that stuff about the parka was utter garbage.
- Kim - No, let me finish.
I am deeply, deeply offended for 3 reasons.
you were a friend.
doing something that you advised me not to do.
And 3, you are helping blackthorne pillage the ranks of our men.
Are you finished? Yes.
First of all, i'd like to say how terribly ashamed i am, not for what i'm doing, no, i'm ashamed because i didn't think i didn't trust you not to judge me.
My mother needs to go into a nursing home.
I'm not saying this because i want your sympathy.
I just want you to know how all this started.
- Your mother - She has Parkinson's.
She's getting worse every day.
Cynthia and Andrew are good people.
And i believe they have good intentions with Blackthorne.
So is Jeremy going to join them? I don't know.
He'll make his own decision.
This is from my private distillery in Belarus.
Not for sale to public.
So, in which cesspool did Alex dredge you up? I mean no offense.
Oh, none taken.
We met in the army.
How delightful.
To the U.
Army for training our gunrunners.
- Yuri - Hmm? Viktor sent me.
I'm supposed to review his flight routes to see which ones Mike can take over, free up some of his planes.
I, um, i wasn't informed.
Do you want to get started? Wait, when did you talk to him? To Viktor.
Couple of weeks ago.
Before i was delayed by the Bulgarians.
Yeah, well, Orders may have changed.
Viktor still thinks you're in the prison.
Heard one of the partners died.
Yeah, Sandofur.
Poor man.
Imagine, have a tree fall on his car.
Did Viktor have something to do with it? Are you crazy? You you had me there.
You really had me.
Ok, let me make a phone call, we'll get this cleared up.
How long will that take? Why? You in a rush? Ah, we have other appointments.
And you know, you shouldn't bother viktor with the little stuff.
Yeah, um sit tight, won't take long.
Cool breeze just raised his bet.
Roger that, stand by to cash out.
The place is bugged.
I guess your boss isn't the trusting type.
Yeah, we'll hear back soon.
So where in the states are you from, Mike? Who's listening, Yuri? Is it Viktor? Snake doc, Viktor's watching.
It's a setup, he's after Jonas: Bob.
Get him.
He's not breathing.
No sign of Deckard.
Get out of here! Not many people get the personal tour.
Appreciate it, sir.
You should feel appreciated.
To know that you're working for signal squadron is crucial.
Thank you, sir.
- Enjoy it here? - Yes, sir.
Why haven't you re-upped yet? It's complicated.
Break it down.
Crystal, my girlfriend, misses home.
Can't say i blame her.
I miss my family and friends, too.
Plus - Go on.
- Well I think maybe the signal squadron isn't quite right for me.
Information and communication is the backbone of this unit.
Without your work, our operators wouldn't be able to complete their missions.
But is there something else i could do, within the unit, that's more exciting? You ready for some action, is that right, soldier? Yes, sir! Now that's commendable! Tell you what.
I will guarantee you a place in selection in 3 years, when you're 24.
Can you guarantee i'll be an operator? No, son, that i can't do.
But i can put the opportunity in your hands.
And in the meantime? Signal squadron needs you.
You stay there.
Enjoy your youth.
You'll miss it soon enough.
Keep it steady.
Take it back to neutral.
That's better, that's better.
I'm coming up alongside you.
I want you to spin me around.
I'm not sure if i can.
Come on, you know how to do this.
Hate to break it to you, but you just passed offensive driving.
Yes! - Good job, man.
- Thanks.
Hope you don't mind an audience.
- So amazing! - Yeah, it was.
The decision's all yours now.
Man: Blackthorne worldwide security.
Welcome to the family.
Congratulations, Jeremy.
This is Art.
He'll show you a few things so you can hit the ground running when you start next month.
Molly, can i see you in my office? This is for you.
Thank you.
Jeremy is perfect.
Thank you.
He's a terrific young man.
And you're a natural.
I had a family emergency, i did what i had to.
That's the funny thing about family emergencies.
You never know when the next one will come.
We have a desperate need for a security officer in Kenya right now.
If you can think of anyone? News reporter: The decapitated body of notorious arms transporter Viktor Brana was recovered today from a lake near Odessa, Ukraine.
It is suspected a business associate may be responsible "business associate.
" Is that what they're calling Deckard these days? I guess he objected to "psychopath.
" Hey.
It's not every day you get to die and come back to life.
I dunno.
Not sure it's wall-worthy.
Oh, come on.
After what i went through? Oh, wait a second.
I was here 3 years before i got something on that wall.
Tell you what.
Mack owes me a box of cubans, i'll give you half.
Oh, get out.
Deckard offered to get the flight log.
After top asked for information.
Hey, hey, i deserve all those cubans.
Dream on, newbie.
Congratulations, gentlemen.
Impossible assassination accomplished.
Was the misinformation about Brana ever in doubt? If it was, brown sold it when he planted the bug.
Started the kill chain, so to speak.
Might i inquire, sir, didn't we just set up Deckard, to take over for Brana? That's a concern for another day, soldier.
Your mission was impossible assassination.
You did it.
Have a good one.
New hypothetical.
You've got a rogue ex-unit member who's just killed the world's leading arms transporter.
How do you hunt him down?
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