The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (2023) s02e02 Episode Script

Moulin Rouge

[Birds crying]
Laurent: Dear Lord,
these are the things I hope for.
I hope the people I care about
will be safe and happy.
I hope someday
this feels like home.
Everybody here
says they love me.
I see how they look at me.
I know it's not my destiny
to be an ordinary child.
I wish it was.
But wishes are not hopes.
So I hope I can be the person
they need me to be.
[Bell tolls]
[Indistinct shouting]
[Bells tolling]
[Engine shuts off]
[Vehicle doors open]
Hi. Ooh.
-How you doing, buddy?
I made you something.
I love it.
A little dog.
How's Isabelle?
She's good.
Losang: Daryl.
-Glad to be back.
Laurent: But I also hope I can
be the person I want to be.
And I hope Daryl teaches me
how to throw a knife.
Do you hope for Daryl
to stay here?
Yes, but I think he misses
Carol and the others.
I'm sure
they miss him, too.
Daryl's a fine man.
But your future requires more
than good aim with a weapon.
That's why you're here with us.
With me.
I know you're not sure about
all of it. That's okay.
Doubt is the question
that faith answers.
You doubt because
you are special,
not because you aren't.
Do you have
an appointment?
Daryl wants to teach me
something. It's a surprise.
Very well. Go on, now.
[Daryl and Laurent
speaking indistinctly]
[Engine rumbling]
You coming?
Just grabbing what I need
for the repair.
And getting over
my surprise
that we're still alive.
Don't get too ahead
of yourself.
[Walkers growling]
I got this.
You work on the fuel leak.
[Walkers growling]
[Bow clicks]
[Bow fires]
[Bow clicking]
[Walker growling]
[Bow clicking]
Carol: Aah!
[Walker growling]
[Carol grunting]
Woman: Welcome
to Greenland!
Yeah. People.
[Birds chirping]
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
Ca va. Ca va.
Daryl: Okay.
Bend your knees.
Alright. Choke up
on the bat a little bit.
Put your hands together.
Alright. Ready?
Keep your eye
on the ball.
It's alright.
I got another one.
Bend your knees.
Next one. Ready?
Cricket again?
No. It's baseball,
American baseball.
We need a catcher.
What's a catcher?
You stand behind me
and you catch the ball
if I miss it.
I'll be catcher.
We got a catcher!
A little over. That way.
There you go.
Alright. Ready?
Eye on the ball. Come on.
That's what
I'm talking about!
We lost the ball.
That's alright.
I got another one.
Jacinta will make me
read Socrates.
Socrates is
very entertaining.
We'll get the ball.
Good job, slugger.
They're working him pretty hard,
don't you think?
Well, you too.
Sports, self-defence,
We're just having fun.
He needs balance.
Body and mind.
You know, some of the stuff
they're teaching him up there,
he's not buying it.
A kid should question things.
He's skeptical.
Doubt. It's healthy.
What about you?
You ever doubt it?
Like I said,
it's healthy.
That's what I thought.
You're not like them
at all.
Who am I, then?
You're like us.
What does "us" mean?
In a week or two
whenever you figure out a plan,
you'll be gone,
and we'll stay here.
People make choices
for a reason
that makes sense
to them.
There's always doubt.
Sometimes you
let faith make up
the difference.
You understand that.
How else do you get on a boat
to the other side of the world?
You can make
a different choice.
You could come with me.
Both of you.
It's not possible.
Of course
it's possible.
Laurent's entire life
has led to this place.
Everything that's
kept us going.
Maybe that's all it was.
Something that
just kept you going.
[Birds chirping]
Laurent. C'est moi.
What? What is it?
Laurent's missing.
There's sand here.
Someone took him.
[Jacinta speaking French]
Two men climbed over the wall.
They knocked out our guard.
Where did the men
look like, Tarim?
One had a tattoo
on his face.
Someone told Genet
where we are.
They're taking him
back to Paris.
The tide
will come in soon.
Let's go. Come on.
[Speaking French]
La Vérité est Espoir.
Bring him home.
Everybody follows Daryl's lead.
We should get going.
Sister Isabelle?
Sister, this could be dangerous.
Please reconsider.
I'm going with them
to find him.
God be with you.
[Engine starts]
It's not too much further.
I'm Eun, by the way.
That's Hanna.
Thanks for your help
back there.
Hanna: Not the best
landing spot.
The field
is full of Tupilag.
Carol: Tupilag?
Eun: Pet name
for the necrotics.
After an old Inuit myth.
Tupilag is
a flesh-eating beast
conjured up to take revenge
on its enemy.
And if you can't
find them,
it returns home
to kill its maker.
Rose by any other name,
I guess.
You're the first people we've
seen in -- It's been years.
When we heard your plane,
we thought we were dreaming!
There's a crack
in the fuel lines.
More like a nightmare
for us.
You think
you can fix it?
Yeah, it's nothing
but a patch-up job.
It shouldn't be too hard if
I can find the right supplies.
I'm sure we've got something
you'll be able to use.
Home sweet home.
Smells good.
What do you have
Just our specialty.
Oh. [Chuckles]
right back here.
Okay. Great.
Let's go have a look.
Make yourself at home.
Thank you.
We make our own
Oh. Maybe later.
What brings the two of you
all this way?
Climate research
for our PhD.
Tracking glacier melt.
Was supposed to be
three months, but
Oh. Yeah.
The world went to hell.
You make it sound
so terrible.
Isn't it?
how you look at it.
Maybe the world
is trying to heal itself.
By killing
everyone we love?
Weren't we already
doing that to ourselves?
Poisoning the Earth.
One species, to serve
its bottomless appetite,
devours all the others.
You saying
we deserve this?
Tupilag is Mother Nature
fighting back.
Never screw with
somebody's mother.
Ash: Speed tape. Yep.
Should do the trick.
Why don't you go ahead and
I'll be along with some food
you two can take
with you?
You want some help?
Maybe I will take you up
on that drink.
Eun: So, why France?
Ash: Carol is trying
to find her daughter.
Obviously, it's --
Chances she survived
are, well
I understand.
Yeah, but how am I
to tell her that?
If it were my kid
and there was a chance
even a shred
of a chance
It all sounds
pretty nuts, right?
I think it's beautiful.
And how about you?
Any children?
A boy.
But, you know
[Gun falls]
Here it goes.
Gah! Wow.
[Exhales sharply]
So what else do you put
in your, uh, broth
to season it up?
Carrots. Potatoes.
You mind?
Not if you're careful.
And, of course
[Bow clicking]
You sure you want
to do that?
Does it make you nervous?
it's why
accidents happen.
You know,
my mum and dad
taught me never to point
a weapon at anyone.
I'm supposed to
kill you.
I don't want to, though.
Then it's unanimous.
But I lost
the coin toss, so
And then your friend
won the coin toss?
And she's supposed to
kill Ash?
Kill him?
No. No.
[Tape tearing]
You ever thought
about having more?
More what?
Oh, you're serious?
I mean
what kind of world is this
to bring a kid into?
What if everyone
felt that way?
Humans would die out
like we were never here.
That's what Hanna wants --
for civilisation to end.
What do you want?
To save it.
That's all
I've ever wanted.
You're gonna help me
do that.
Oh, yeah? How?
By letting nature
take its course, silly.
The same way it's always
been done, over generations.
Sorry. What?
You're not serious.
We've done all the calculations
a thousand years out.
First me, then Hanna.
We've even picked out
baby names.
Okay, I'm really sorry,
but you're gonna need
to find somebody else.
There's nobody else, Ash.
Leak's fixed.
I should find Carol.
Forget about Carol.
Hanna's going to kill her.
You said you didn't
want to kill me.
I'm not a killer.
Well, then,
why do it?
Because Eun said so.
That's what Eun wants.
What about you?
What do you want?
I don't know.
Think about it.
You must want something.
I do.
I want to get out of this place.
It's killing me.
You can come with us.
You're just saying that
to save your life.
I'm offering you an opportunity
to save yours.
How often does a plane land
outside of this shit-hole?
Eun will never leave.
And I can't leave Eun.
You can do
whatever you want to.
We go find Ash,
we fix the plane,
and we leave.
Eun: Hanna?
What's the delay?
I'm getting around
to it.
Where is Ash?
At the plane.
He's fine.
What are you waiting for,
Can you give me
a minute?
Apparently not.
You gonna listen
to her?
No. Shut up.
She doesn't listen
to you.
Shut up!
I did my part, Hanna.
You do yours.
Do it.
Do what I goddamn tell you
or I'll do it myself!
[Bow fires]
I had to. Right?
You had no choice.
But she was my friend.
Will you still take me
with you?
Of course we will.
[Walker growling]
If something moves,
don't hesitate.
Don't worry.
He seems kind.
Ash? Yeah.
He's been through a lot.
Then he's lucky
to have you.
You know, this is
the first time in years
I've thought
about the future.
And all the French
I learned in grade school.
I'll finally
get to use it.
[Projectile whooshes]
[Hanna gagging]
[Hanna gagging]
Carol: Hey.
She was gonna
kill you.
I had to do it.
I know you did.
Help me out of this, will you?
We have to get going.
Is this your first time?
Killing a person?
Until now,
I've been lucky enough
to be left alone,
I guess.
How about you?
No. I've killed
a lot of people.
I remember all of them.
Never goes away.
Get some rest.
We still got a ways to go.
[Engines shut off]
They must have refuelled.
They stopped here.
What is it?
Two, maybe three people
went off on foot that way.
We walk from here.
[Pots clanging]
Alright. I spotted
at least two of them.
And Laurent?
It's hard to tell.
There's only
one way in.
Everyone follow me.
You good?
Come on.
[Metallic clanging]
[Knocking on door]
[Man screaming]
Isabelle: Daryl.
She from the Nest.
She works in the stables.
[Shouting in French]
[Arrow whizzes]
[Man groaning]
[Knife plunges]
Why are they doing this?
Soeur Sylvie.
Go! Go!
Laurent is still at the Nest!
What are you doing?
You weren't meant to be here.
You and Fallou both.
You can still
let them go, then.
You and I can
work this out.
I'm sorry, Daryl.
Who asked you
to do this?
They were worried
Laurent would leave.
Everything the Union
had fought for would be lost.
Everything we did.
You're confused, Emile.
Not thinking clearly.
Listen. We understand.
We do.
After everything
you went through.
You don't know
what I went through.
The only made me watch
while they did
their experiments
and murdered
the others.
But they're martyrs now.
For the cause.
No one will doubt it
after tomorrow.
What happens
To prove what we know.
That Laurent
is special.
Prove it how?
Isn't this
what you believed?
That his birth
was a miracle.
That he represents
a future
where we can no longer
be hurt by les Affamés.
They're gonna test him.
it will be proven.
He will not succumb
to the bite.
And all doubt
will be dispelled.
Look around you, Emile.
Does this look like salvation
to you?
It still can be.
She said I'll be tempted.
She said to be strong.
[Gun cocks]
Fallou: Emile!
[Exhales sharply]
[Engine rumbling]
Where are we?
About a hundred miles
That's France
down there.
I better find a place
for us to land
before we run out of
What about that?
That over there?
Looks like a racetrack,
Ah. Yeah.
Good eye.
Alright. Hold on.
[Engine shuts off]
[Exhales sharply]
Is that the extent
of your French?
[Chuckles] I might remember
a few phrases from high school.
Let's find a place
to put her.
Need to find something
to cover this up
so no one messes with it
while we're gone.
I think
you should stay here.
Yeah. No way.
You think I came all this way
to wait in the car?
Plus, you need me.
You said it yourself, that
you barely speak any French.
I don't want anything
to happen to the plane.
Ash: It won't.
I'll hide it.
Or to you.
I don't want you getting hurt
because of me.
I'm responsible for you.
No. I am responsible
for me.
I made the decision to come here
'cause I want to help you.
So, you know
let me help you
find your daughter.
You are. You will.
You're gonna help us get out
of here when the time comes.
And I'm gonna need you
and the plane to do that.
Two of us together,
it's safer.
I've been doing a lot
of things on my own.
I've been out in this world
more than you have.
I'm pretty good
at taking care of myself.
We'll need fuel.
That could take a while.
You get us ready.
How long
are you gonna be?
Not very long, I hope.
If I'm not back in two weeks,
don't keep waiting.
I'm not leaving
without you.
I promise I'll be back.
Until then, stay safe.
Bonne chance!
It means
"good luck."
Au revoir!
[Women singing operatically
in French]
[Engine approaches]
[Brakes squeal]
[Engine shuts off]
[Speaking French]
[Man grunts]
[Man speaking French]
[Man speaking French]
[Man grunting]
[Cloth rips]
[Metal clanging]
[Door closes]
[Engine starts]
[Clanging in distance]
[Indistinct shouting]
[Indistinct conversations]
[Indistinct conversations]
[Indistinct shouting]
[Shouting stops]
Bon appétit.
[All exclaiming]
[Indistinct shouting]
[Indistinct conversations]
[Weapons cocking]
[Speaks French]
[Man speaks French]
[Sea birds crying]
We have to wait
for the tide.
I'll go make
a perimeter.
All these years,
I believed in that place.
In Losang.
I thought it was the one thing
that would save us.
Well, people gotta believe
in something, you know?
My one job,
the one thing I promised Lily,
was to protect Laurent.
Don't worry.
When the water goes back out,
we'll go in
and get him.
And then
we'll go with you.
If the offer
still stands.
There's a word
in French --
It's hard to translate.
It's like a
Like a nice
change of scenery.
Makes you look at things
a different way.
Huh. I like that.
[Door opens]
Losang: Descartes said doubt
was the origin of wisdom.
Are you doubting
the plan?
We'll go through with
the test. It will work.
But we'll still have to deal
with Daryl when he comes back.
He's not
coming back.
I amended the order.
Amended how?
I told them the truth.
Daryl was in the way
of our mission,
that you felt
he would be an obstacle
as long as
he was around.
Should be done by now.
What about the others?
Isabelle? Fallou?
They were not
part of the plan.
Your prophecy
inspired these people,
held them together
all these years.
We've come too far to let it
all be foiled now by weakness.
Is this who we are,
Is this who
we want to be?
What we want
what we all want
is to be certain.
Without that
everything falls apart.
Oh. No problem.
You speak English.
I used to teach English,
but it was long ago.
Rémy. Enchanté.
Nice to meet you.
Do you know
where we're going?
You have heard of
Madame Genet? No?
She's trying to start over.
A new France.
We were skeptical,
but it's hard to argue
with bread.
And wine.
[Cheek pops]
Vive la France!
At least my husband
can rest for a while,
not moving around
all the time.
His lungs, has it more and more
difficult to breathe.
And I heard there
might be a doctor
Julien is in
the other truck.
They wouldn't let us
ride together.
I don't understand why.
[Man shouts in French]
[Dog barking]
[Electricity crackling]
[Man screaming]
[Blows landing]
[Man screaming]
[Door opens]
[Bones cracking]
[Bones cracking]
[Bones cracking]
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