Thunder in My Heart (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

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Yes, oh my God.
Keep going.
Didn't you use a condom,
like we agreed?
-Yes, of course.
-Then, why is it sticky?
I don't know. Maybe it's from you?
It's coming out at the top.
That's weird.
It's three years old.
-Oh? Is it?
Did you know that the morning after
pill only delays ovulation?
What did you say?
If you've already ovulated
and an egg has been fertilised,
the morning after pill is pointless.
-Did you know that?
Why doesn't anyone talk about it?
It's important information
that nobody gives you.
Why doesn't anybody tell you this?
-I mean
-Sigge, you're not pregnant.
Maybe I'm not pregnant,
but I probably have HIV.
There was "material" that entered.
I don't think you have HIV.
Isn't it exaggerated to celebrate in
the countryside when you turn 24?
It's not like he's turning 25.
I'd get that.
But Louise loves birthdays.
-This is so nice.
-Great to see you.
-These are for you.
-Have you bought me flowers?
-So nice.
-Oh, I got stuck.
Why is he not wearing shoes?
He wanted to feel the grass
under his feet, he said.
-Can we help with the luggage?
-No, it's fine, I think.
-Yes, we're fine.
Sigge, you'll sleep
in the little cottage.
-It's my favourite room.
Antonia and Janice,
you get a room in the main house.
Alex, you will also
be in the main house.
You can just
Follow me, and I'll show you.
-Nice. Really nice.
-It's feta and spinach.
-Louise's Dad made it.
Hello, hello.
I just wanted to welcome you,
-And happy birthday, my darling.
Behind the house,
we rinse the dishes.
And my amazing friend, Johanna,
has promised to tattoo
those who want one this evening.
If you're brave enough.
I just want to thank you
for being here.
It means a lot to us.
And thank you, Mum and Dad,
for letting us borrow the house.
So nice of you.
Well, we have to go pretty soon.
But this means
that you young people should feel
free to party as long as you want.
We will! We will!
Where is the toilet?
It's round the back of the house.
Just go around.
-This pie is good.
-Damn good.
Long may he live
Long may he live
Let him live until he's a hundred
Long may he live
Long may he live
Let him until he's a hundred
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
-Hi! Is this where you are?
-Yes, I was just stretching.
God, Louise has made it so nice.
I liked the little bottles
in the room. It felt like a hotel.
-Yes, she loves birthdays.
-Birthdays are the best.
-Yes, they are.
I'm really glad that you're here,
you know.
-That's annoying.
Me too.
It's such a cliché that you can't
be friends after
We're still friends, aren't we?
Yes. Definitely.
We are.
-Or, are we?
-What do you mean?
Well, I just mean that
We hardly ever see each other.
Or, we see each other at these
things, but not aside from that.
And we never call.
We don't have to call.
That's not what I mean.
I've just thought about the fact that
we don't call like we used to.
I know, but
Maybe that happens when you have
a new person closest to you.
Toni and I hardly ever
call each other either now.
I'll have to call you more often.
-I'll get better at that too.
-Okay, good.
-Wohoo! Nice.
Oh, I'm sorry. Have you seen Janice?
No, why? Is she gone?
No. Or, I don't know.
She's very sociable.
She sends a lot of texts. I'm sure
she's somewhere doing that.
It's hard to know exactly what she's
doing when she's not in front of you.
It's impossible.
-Are you okay?
Or why wouldn't I be okay?
No, I was just thinking about how it
started between you.
-It might be hard now.
-No, we're doing great.
We're so in love and we
have lots of sex. It's just
fuck, fuck, fuck all the time.
I have sex insanely much now.
Sigge! "I've never had sex in a car."
Okay, good, Ville.
No, we're playing. Come here, Sigge.
"I have never."
-You have never
-had sex in a car.
had sex, full stop.
No, I'm joking.
How are you?
-Do you and Eva talk?
Of course we don't.
Why are you asking?
Because you're going somewhere all
the time. You pee every five minutes.
That's not normal.
Nobody pees as much as you.
I don't think about I pee as much
as everybody else.
-No. A lot more.
-A lot more?
Well, maybe I'm diabetic.
You pee a lot at the start.
I'll have to check that.
You know what?
I was going to show this later, but I
may as well show it now. I did this.
-For real?
-"The gut feeling"?
-That's so nice.
-Wasn't it?
It's really, really, really nice.
-Bye, Mum.
-Take care.
You too.
-Nice to see you.
-Zayn, you're coming with us, right?
-I'm going with you.
-What? No. Are you going?
-I thought you were staying here.
-I actually want to go with them.
I'm so tired.
There are so many sounds.
Yes, but it's my birthday.
-It's great that he's coming with us.
-I thought I'd go.
I can manage.
I want you to stay.
Can't you just stay?
They're waiting for me.
Let me go home.
-Yes, but
-Let him go.
Yes. Please.
Hello! Are you coming to dance?
-Come on!
-Come, Sigge wants to dance. Come.
-Give me that.
-I'm so tired.
-Come on now.
-Well then.
-For you.
-Thanks. Did you open it?
Yes, why? Is that weird? I thought
I'd make it easier for you.
-Have you done something?
-Hello! Hello, again.
-Damn. What the hell?
-Are you okay?
-I'm great.
Alex, maybe you should drink
some water.
No, I shouldn't.
-I'm drinking this.
There. There, there. Let go.
There. There we go.
And then. Whoops.
-And down.
-Can't we just go for it?
-Me and you.
What are you on about?
Nobody loves you,
and nobody loves me.
Can't we just do it? Me and you.
What? No.
-Absolutely not.
-Come on!
I don't care if you have HIV.
I don't care if you have HIV.
I have nothing to do either.
Or anybody to talk to.
You know what? You're drunk.
-I'm not drunk.
-I'm not drunk.
Can I have water?
-It's in the middle.
It won't work. No, wait.
-I can do it.
-It's like ten laps.
-I want to do this.
-He's asleep now.
I gave him some water too.
-Should I try?
No, I want to do it.
I'm sure he'll get there.
He's good with his hands,
in a manner of speaking.
Yes, he really is.
Or, it was a sex joke, right?
That Sam is good
with his hands in bed.
Okay, good. That's what I thought.
-Sigge, stop.
I'm just saying that you know what
you're doing. It's a compliment.
He really takes you where you
want to go, you know.
But you know that already.
I don't need to tell you.
God, I can do this.
Shit, it's tangled.
Seriously, Sigge, what are you doing?
What? Nothing. Or, she cracked
a joke, then I cracked one.
Why are you acting like a child?
I'm not acting like a child.
I'm an adult.
Are you?
Wearing a suit doesn't make you
an adult
neither does being with a
30-year-old that you hardly know.
Can you just go and sleep with Ville
or something? I don't care.
Okay, I'll go and do that.
Do that. Good.
-You're welcome.
-Can I take your top off?
I thought this might happen.
-Are those curls natural?
-Are your curls natural?
-Eh Yes.
-And the colour too?
Did you get the colour
from your Mum or your Dad?
From my Dad.
-It's really pretty.
Can you pull it a bit?
Your hair?
You can pull it harder.
-Like that?
-Let me know when it's good.
-It's great.
Do you want me to touch you
in a different way?
Yes, you can slap me a bit there.
Like that?
-Did you come?
This is my song! I cued it.
I know the lyrics are problematic.
Yeah, it's fine.
Sometimes problematic
can be quite fun. Right?
Matching tattoos.
That's permanent. That's good.
Wow. I'm just going to pick up.
Hi. I have to take this.
He's hysterical, Sigrid.
I asked if he'd brushed his teeth
and he got hysterical.
Okay, but can't you just let him
not brush his teeth tonight?
That's not the
Can't you just come here? Please.
-He might calm down with you.
-I don't know.
I'm in the middle of
Hello, are you still there?
-Hey, Bab.
-Hey there.
-You've spilled.
-I didn't mean to.
Aren't your feet cold?
No, they're not.
-Have you had a good time.
-Yes, a great time.
We have such a nice family, Sam.
What do you mean?
I'm just talking gibberish.
Go and party with your friends.
Don't worry so much.
You're starting to get wrinkly.
You'll look like me. Yes.
I'm alive.
-Back from the dead!
-What are you doing?
-Bab, I'll be right back.
What is it?
I mean, you can't behave like that
in front of Dad.
You're embarrassing yourself in front
of him and everyone else here.
Relax, it's your party.
I'm not the only person
who has drunk.
I thought Dad went home
with Louise's parents.
Is it a good idea that he's home
alone when he's feeling like this?
My God, Sam, he's fine.
Why do you babysit him?
Babysit? No, he's not well at all.
He's behaving weirdly. Are you blind?
How do you know that he's unwell?
How do you know?
You don't even live with us.
I live there with Dad,
I'm there all the time.
For real, if you think he's fine,
maybe I should move home again.
-You have to keep an eye on him.
How he's feeling, what he's doing.
-All the time.
-Sorry, I'm not like you.
I'm not as perfect as you.
I won't ever be as perfect as you.
Is that what you want to hear?
Do you want me to go behind the
fucking house and shoot myself?
You're never going to say that
to me again. Got it?
That's enough.
What's happening?
-Mum is stupid! Stop it!
-That's enough.
-Don't look at me.
-Turn around.
-What's going on?
-Look at me.
-I hate you!
-That's enough.
-Don't look at me.
Benjamin, breathe.
What happened?
I can't sleep at Dad's.
I know, but that's not Mum's fault.
Whose fault is it?
Why is everybody so mean to Dad?
We're not mean to Dad, but
we can talk about it another time,
when you're big.
But I am big.
I know, but when you're bigger.
Maybe 18.
When can you and Dad
be friends again?
We are friends, we just don't
see each other that much now.
-Are you awake?
I'm sorry.
I think the start
of our relationship might
be triggering things in me now.
And you might be diabetic.
Of course I'm hoping you're not.
You should check it out.
I'm praying in the toilet.
What did you say?
I'm praying in the toilet.
Not every time, of course.
Sometimes I actually pee for real.
Why haven't you told me
that's what you're doing?
Because I think it's weird.
Because I can't stop it.
I don't think I believe in God
anymore, but I still can't stop it.
I don't think it's weird.
-You don't?
I'm really tired.
I'm not tired.
Do you want me
to do something differently?
I just have to check on Dad quickly.
Do you want to watch something?
Mum says I can't watch stuff
if I'm going to sleep,
because it makes me energetic.
But sometimes I have to
watch something to relax.
It's like a vicious circle.
I'm in a vicious circle too.
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