Thunderbirds (1965) s02e02 Episode Script

Path of Destruction

'Thunderbirds are go! ' - He's late.
- McCall knows what he's doing.
I don't think you realise the importance of this operation.
I'm as keen to get started as you are.
- How are things? - 0K.
This must be the biggest thing ever programmed.
Where are they now? (Bleeping) - Good.
He's almost here.
- Yeah.
Better say hello to the guy.
- Base control to Crablogger 0ne.
- 'Loud and clear, Jannsen.
' Welcome to base.
Get the reception committee to stand by! ' He's here.
Better not get too close to the base, they might get worried! Yes, they won't have seen a machine like this.
McCall, you can park there for the night.
'You'll want to freshen up.
' We can make a fresh start in the morning.
Put on your tuxedo.
I'm going to show you the sights tonight.
- Coming, Simms? - No, Jannsen.
Couple of things I want to fix up for tomorrow.
(Spanish guitar) (Laughing) Unloading the Crablogger was an experience I'll never forget! This is your first trip to the tropics? Yes.
We've been with Jim Lucas since the design days.
So Lucas wanted us to come on the first contract.
I'm glad we've got experts with us on the job.
Ah, Sancho.
Ah, good evening, Mr Jannsen.
I see you have brought me some new clients.
Er, yeah.
Welcome, señores.
What can I offer you? Can we see the menu? Alas, señor, we have no menu.
But for you, I can prepare something very special.
Believe me, Sancho cooks his beef in a very special way.
Ha, ha.
Thank you, señor.
Yes, very special.
Hot, strong and lots of it.
- I'll try the special, too.
- And me.
For me, the usual.
Rare and juicy.
Very good.
That is, three specials and one steak, huh? How special is the cooking here? to South America, let's try anything.
Hurry, Maria.
Mr Jannsen has brought his new colleagues.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Everything is hurry.
They will have to wait.
Our concern is the production unit.
Tankers and transporters will feed the Superon liquid gas tanks there, and receive processed materials from here.
We'll be producing 60 barrels of pure wood pulp every 30 minutes.
Each quarter hour, Every three hours, a tanker links to the Superon tanks.
Just as we assumed.
I can't wait to start! Wish Lucas could see the Crablogger in action! Where's that food? Good.
It's ready.
It smell good, yes? Maria, sometimes you talk too much.
Sancho! Si, señor! I'm coming! Ha, ha, ha! Here we are, señores, here we are.
Here's a chance to get your energy for tomorrow.
Well, there they go.
0K, Simms, let's get this operation underway.
Yes, sir.
(Bleeping) - Right.
Zero your datums.
- Zeroing now, sir.
(Buzzing) There's Franklin's programming for the Crablogger.
I just wish he was here now.
I'm worried about him.
He sure is sick.
As soon as we're underway, I'll radio for the doctor.
Here comes the tanker to service the tanks.
The transporters will be coming.
'Control to Crablogger.
Commencing in two minutes.
' Standing by.
the radiation shields in place.
Screens on.
Here goes.
Right - switching on ocular monitor.
Hold tight, Peterson.
Starting clearance now.
Operation Crablogger is underway.
And it looks like a success! I wish Lucas was here to see it.
Phew! It's getting hot in here.
Are the fans on, Peterson? Yeah, they're on all right.
Base control, we're nearly ready to release the first cargo.
- 'Get the transporter to stand by.
' - Right, Crablogger.
Control to TP Six.
Proceed to Section Nine for delivery.
Peterson! The transporter's on its way.
Switch to remote.
Peterson! I'm telling you, Jannsen, he's passed out! I don't feel too good myself.
Listen, McCall, take her off remote and close down the reactor.
We can't.
' It'll be all right, Jannsen.
- L-I can handle her.
- 'McCall, listen to me.
' I'm calling the operation off.
Is that clear? He's passed out.
We can't stop her.
McCall can't have got to the remote switch.
But Jannsen, the village! It's right in the path of the Crablogger! The tankers must keep feeding her Superon, and we must keep unloading her.
If the processor jams, it'll blow up everything within 50 miles.
Must be Franklin's bug.
Must have been Sancho's special.
- Jannsen, what are we going to do? - 0nly one outfit can handle this.
You're kidding.
There's nothing anyone can do.
Calling International Rescue! Crablogger base to International Rescue! This is an emergency.
- You've warned the village? - 'A transporter's evacuating it.
'Lf the machine gets there, the processor will jam.
' Look, anything can happen.
- 0K, we're on our way.
- '0ne more thing.
' It may miss the village, but one thing's sure, it'll hit the San Martino Dam.
'The controller at Crablogger base thinks it's pretty desperate.
' Scott, you'd better get out there straightaway.
Yes, sir.
Stay in touch with the satellite.
Tin Tin Sir? - Ask Virgil and Brains to come up.
- Yes, Mr Tracy.
You know the situation, Brains? Yes, Mr Tracy.
Tin Tin tells me a Crablogger's gone out of control.
Any ideas on how to cope with this? Jim Lucas built the Crablogger for Robotics International in England.
He could answer all Scott's danger-zone queries.
If we wait till we get there, it might be too late for his help.
And our identity would be revealed if we contacted him.
That's right.
I've a better idea.
I'm all set.
Good luck, Scott.
Thank you, Parker.
It makes it much cosier.
Yus, m'lady.
I quite agree.
Much cosier.
Sherry, m'lady? Just half a glass, please, Parker.
- Then we'll serve, shall we? - Very good, m'lady.
Thank you, Parker.
We will serve now, then.
Very well, m'lady.
(Candlestick bleeps) Parker M'lady? It may have to be sandwiches instead.
Very good, m'lady.
Jeff, how splendid of you to call.
Is it business or pleasure? 'Let's just say ' business with you is always a pleasure.
Thank you.
I want you to contact Jim Lucas of Robotics International.
We need to shut down the Crablogger.
It's a matter of life and death.
- 'It's night there.
' - He won't be working now.
But we must contact him.
Lives are in danger.
Leave it with me, Jeff.
I'll be in touch directly.
(Bell jangles) - You rang, m'lady? - Yes, Parker.
I'm afraid it will be sandwiches after all.
Get out the Rolls Royce.
Base from Thunderbird 1.
Proceeding to danger zone.
'Any developments? ' I've asked Penelope to find out how to shut down Crablogger's reactor.
Virgil's blasting off any moment.
He and Brains will be with you soon.
I just hope Penelope can find Jim Lucas.
Opening hangar doors.
Well, Mr Tracy, another rescue operation is underway.
I only hope we can pull it off.
That machine has just got to be stopped.
Yes, Mr Jannsen.
The last truck has just left the village.
There is no-one left now but me.
Leave now.
The machine will be there any moment.
One second.
- The machine's here! - If bricks jam the processor, they'll hear the bang a hundred miles away.
So beat it! I'll see what I can do at the dam.
Calling Thunderbird 2.
Approaching danger zone.
What is your ETA? Scott, we're about 18 minutes behind you.
So we've 45 minutes after arrival till the Crablogger reaches the dam.
It's them.
It's International Rescue.
(Bleeps) 'Thunderbird 1 to base.
' Yes, Scott.
'I'm at the danger zone.
Virgil arrives in 15 minutes.
'That leaves 42 minutes to cut our way in and shut down the reactor.
' Think you can do it? 'We can get into the Crablogger 0K, 'but we need the shutdown procedure for the reactor straight after.
' That's quite out of the question.
I can't reveal information about personnel without written permission.
Officer, this is terribly important.
So you say, madam, but you haven't even explained.
I tell you, I can't explain.
- Is that the personnel file? - Yes, it is.
And you won't tell me how to find Mr Lucas? There's no question about it, madam.
Very well.
I'm afraid I can't wait any longer.
Ah Hey What the? What are you trying to do? What is this? What's the big idea? I'm sorry to inflict this on you, but I had to find Mr Lucas tonight.
You will suffer no after-effects with this beam.
Thanks for this.
I'll see that it's returned.
(Door shuts) (Alarm bell rings and dogs bark) I trust you got the information you required, m'lady? Oh, yes, Parker.
Your aiming, as usual, was impeccable.
Thank you, m'lady.
Where to now? Full speed ahead, Parker.
We mustn't let Scott and Virgil down - they'll be relying on us.
Just look! International Rescue to Crablogger base.
'How long before it reaches the dam? ' OK, you'll be hearing from us.
Right - now hold tight.
Parker, we're slowing down.
Speed is essential.
There's something up ahead, m'lady.
Looks like an accident.
Shall I stop, m'lady? Oh dear, the time.
Of course, Parker, we must stop.
Oh dear, we must help the poor man, Parker.
But m'lady, our little errand! We must help.
Fetch the First Aid kit.
I'll radio for an ambulance.
We're nearly on it.
You know the plan.
Get to your positions.
OK, Scott.
We're in position.
Hold tight, boys.
Going up.
Right, two degrees, Scott.
Two degrees.
Forward four feet.
'We're level with the control cab.
Hold her there.
' FAB.
'We're aboard.
' Scott, Virgil is about to use the laser beam on the hatchway.
'We'll need Penelope's information pretty soon.
' We're too near the dam for my liking.
Yes, officer, that is correct.
About a mile past the Belmont roundabout, on the left.
It seems to be concussion, mainly, and there's a broken leg, I fear.
(Clanging bell) I think I can hear the ambulance.
I must dash.
I have a terribly important appointment to keep.
- Quickly, Parker - to Islesham.
- Yus, m'lady.
Calling base.
- 'How far are we from the dam? ' - You've got 13 minutes left.
Unless that reactor is closed down I hate to think what will happen.
I understand.
How are things at the dam? I'm waiting for final confirmation of evacuation.
There goes the last of the transporters.
- How long now, base control? - Listen, Manuel, you've less than 13 minutes till the Crablogger arrives.
But I can't leave yet.
I've got to get my papers together.
Get it into your head - when the Crablogger falls into the dam, the reactor will explode releasing so much water into the valleys that not one village will be left standing.
Yes, yes, I know.
'Well, if you're certain the site is clear, beat it! ' Only two more weeks' work to complete this dam.
And now, we're evacuating! (Virgil) We're nearly through.
I hope Penelope will come up with the information.
Well? There's not a window or door unlocked, m'lady.
Then there's only one thing to do - since men's lives depend on it.
So might I trouble you for the loan of a hairpin, m'lady? - Well, fellas, what have you found? - The boys don't look too good.
- Sooner we get them out, the better.
- 'What about the reactor? ' Until I know the closedown sequence, I daren't touch the controls.
Let's get these fellas out first.
' Then we'll wait for Penelope to radio through.
Only she can save the situation now.
Don't move, Mr Lucas.
This gun is pointed straight at your head.
Mmm Eh? 0h! Wh-who are you? What do you want? Who I am is not important.
Keep still and no harm will come to you.
Now look here, what's the meaning? Quietly - we mustn't disturb your wife.
I'm going to ask you to repeat the closedown sequence for the reactor of the Crablogger which you designed.
You're going to what?! All right, Mr Lucas.
Go ahead.
I wish I knew what this is all about.
There's no time to explain.
Lives depend on this information.
Now, Mr Lucas, the sequence, please.
Start from the remote position.
Well, um, before, um, returning the remote lever to manual, the stroke and the head cycle of the machine must first be dialled to the correct code number on the, er, control console.
Coffee, Mr Tracy? Thanks.
I wonder if the boys have got those fellas out of that machine yet.
(Bleeps) Well, John? 'Virgil and Brains got the guys out.
They're being sent to hospital.
' Good.
Now they're waiting.
I'm waiting to transmit Penelope's instructions.
' To close the reactor down completely, you must depress the button marked "closing release".
The unit incorporates a three-minute time-lag, after which the Crablogger should stop.
Thank you, Mr Lucas.
You have been most cooperative.
Parker! And now I'm going to leave you.
For reasons I can't explain, I'll first send you back to sleep.
I wish oh I knew what this is all about.
I was just hoping to get to know you better, too.
You've certainly got a got a lovely voice.
'Er We have now programmed the hand control, 'and it is now possible to break the interlog 'which previously held the remote control lever in position.
' 'To close the reactor down completely, 'you must depress the button marked "closing release".
'The unit incorporates a three minute time-lag, 'after which the Crablogger should stop.
' Three minutes! We'll never make it! I've carried out Jim Lucas's instructions.
Well, all we can do now is wait.
Might as well take a look outside.
Scott, we've closed down the reactor.
We're waiting out the time-lag.
- 'What are the chances? ' - (Brains) We're heading for a ledge.
We've got to get those Superon tanks empty.
If Crablogger falls into that basin, the tanks will go up and bust the dam.
I'm coming in to offload the tanks.
- You haven't a hope! - There's no time.
Look! We're not just going to sit back and do nothing! (Siren wails) - They just haven't a hope.
- Two minutes to go! (Siren wails) (Siren continues) Listen, Virgil, you two must get on the processing plant roof to hook up the pipeline.
FAB, Scott.
Come on, Brains.
Fuel valves are on the master tank.
'The others are fed by the master and won't need draining.
' Thanks, base control.
Come on, baby, come on! Look! The Crablogger signal's getting fainter.
The reactor is closing down.
But they're too near the end of that ledge.
- Hold tight, Virgil! - You can say that again! - She's stopped! - I know, Simms.
Just think WHERE she's stopped.
Be ready to hook up the pipelines.
OK, Scott, start the pumps.
- Heck, she's going! - Get ready to jump, Brains.
Forty thirty twenty ten Right - that's it! Right - jump! Well, well.
Quite a bang.
Could have been a much bigger one.
I wonder what Jim Lucas will say when he hears about his Crablogger.
Well, I'll be so that explains it! What? And I thought it was a dream! The girl in the bedroom - so I didn't dream it.
What girl? What are you talking about? Never mind.
I'll tell you about it later.
It's back to the drawing board with the Crablogger.
We don't want to call International Rescue again.
What an organisation! International Rescue's done it again! Jim, what's this about a girl in the bedroom? Oh, it's nothing to worry about (Dialogue fades out)
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