Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

Testando limites

[tense music playing]
[Bruna] Come on, Lana.
Turn on your Wi-Fi,
it's your time to shine.
[Lana] As you know,
I'm Lana, the hostess of this retreat.
When I saw her,
I knew things would go to shit.
[Lana] I'm back
and fully updated for this season.
Let's hear it for Lana!
[all cheering]
Thanks, Lana, you're beautiful!
[Bruna] Wow, if you guys
wanna suck up to Lana,
I have two words: USB cables.
[Lana] According to my database,
you're all real players…
…who wouldn't be allowed in any paradise.
Thanks. We're in it together, yeah?
Wow, she's sassy.
She can sass all she wants. She can.
[Lana] WG, are you happy I'm here?
[girls laughing]
I'm in a state of shock.
A state of shock.
[Lana] Therefore, my goal
is to offer a good environment
for your personal development.
[Lana] So, for this task
to be accomplished with pleasure…
[Bruna] What a dirty mind you all have.
That's why you're here, you know?
[Lana] I don't mean that kind of pleasure.
There is a prize
that might change each of your lives.
Now you're talking.
-This is getting better.
-What can you offer us exactly?
[Lana] R$500,000.
Holy shit!
Now we're talking!
-I love it!
[Lana] The prize is decreased
every time one of my rules is broken.
-No shit.
Just tell us the rules.
[Lana] No physical interaction
aiming at sexual pleasure is allowed.
[doom music plays]
Well, shit.
Does it count cuddling?
[both laughing] Well, shit!
Fuck me…
[Lana] That is,
the following are forbidden:
Kissing on the lips.
Heavy petting.
-That's it? Done.
-[Lana] Especially in the fun zone.
I don't know how that's gonna work.
I can't remember the last time
I spent a long time without kissing,
or petting, or bumping uglies.
[Lana] In addition to any form
of sexual gratification,
together or by yourself.
[Lana] Nayara,
you can only chafe from sunburn.
Lana, if I wanna chafe, I'm gonna chafe.
Just try and stop me.
[Bruna] Yeah, and everyone gets screwed.
And since you didn't respect my arrival…
R$50,000 has just been
deducted from the prize.
-[Ítalo] No, no, no!
-[Nayara] What?! Come on!
Come on, that sucks!
I thought it was Anitta. No!
[Khiara] Oh, no.
[Bruna] Where's your smirk now?
We tried to screw Lana over,
but she screwed us first.
Fame went to her head!
[WG] Damn! Damn!
I have to laugh so I don't cry.
[Lana] The prize is now R$450,000.
Oh, no, man.
Shh, let it go, let it go.
I've never spent so much money so fast.
My mom is gonna kill me.
Sorry, mom.
[Lana] Welcome to Too Hot to Handle.
[Sandri] I'm so upset!
Lana, you've gone too far.
[Bruna] I think it was you
who went too far.
And now the drone has gone too far.
[Ivan] You got quiet, bro, what's up?
You were bugging her.
Whose money did you lose?
You lost everyone's money,
not just yours.
You were pissing her off.
If you'd been quiet like me,
she wouldn't be…
[Bruna] Is Kelvin
on the same show that we are?
-[Ítalo] We all kissed.
-It wasn't that.
Because you were--
You, she got up and was bugging her.
You were bugging her.
[Ivan] When she showed up, we all kissed.
[Bruna] Ah, Lana just killed
Kelvin's dreams
and his last brain cell.
Are you mad at me for sleeping last night?
No, of course not.
Do you want to connect with other people?
Not with everyone.
I mostly wanted a connection with you.
If something had happened yesterday,
it wouldn't have been the way I wanted.
-We were like…
-Yeah, it'd be like…
-And we're too, like…
-We're like…
The guys said I fell asleep
in like, two seconds,
but that it took you a while
and I was like, "Oh, fuck."
-Yeah, anyway.
But it's…
I don't regret
not having sex on the first day.
If it's meant to happen, it'll happen.
[Bruna] Or not.
-[Sandri] I want the money.
-[Ivan] I want it too.
-[Sandri] Did you hear her?
-[Ivan] It's like this.
If we're meant to have something, we will.
-No matter what.
-Now or later.
[Bruna] They're fighting
to defend their connections.
Funny, right?
They don't seem like the same people
who welcomed Lana with an orgy.
I felt a nice, lovey-dovey energy,
sleeping next to Ju.
[Sandri] I felt that energy.
Oh, girl, I'm…
[Sandri] I felt it. I felt it too. Relax.
But I admit it hurts
to see him kissing Isa.
It bruised my ego.
[rock music playing]
[Nayara] But then I thought,
"Isa is fucking perfect."
"Who wouldn't want her? She's a goddess!"
When I feel like
it's something I really want,
I'm gonna go for it.
[Justen] I'm already dying to kiss you.
How am I gonna kiss you? I'm fucked.
Can't do it.
Like this.
[Justen chuckles]
[Nayara giggles]
Guys, that man. My God!
I don't know what to do!
[Bruna] Nayara, if I were in your place,
I wouldn't either.
[Kelvin] What's that?
Hey, keep that sword in your pants.
-[Victoria] Sheath your sword.
We've already lost 50 grand, please.
-[Justen] Are you keeping count?
-Stop it.
I think people see us as like,
-the couple who'll lose money.
-[register machine dings]
Like, mind your own business,
No one should control anyone.
[Khiara] No, I feel it.
We won't share
whatever money's left with you.
[Bruna] If there's any money left.
-Are we there?
-Where? Making a connection?
I think you're fucking attractive.
You're fucking beautiful,
you're totally my type.
But that's her point,
for me not to see you just in this way.
Mm-hmm. Exactly.
She wants me to see you like…
Yeah. Here.
And I fucking like it.
I like it a lot.
[Bruna] Check out
how well-behaved they are!
[Bruna] Aren't they sweet?
[upbeat music playing]
[Ítalo] I had a really good night.
I really got to know Victoria.
We talked a lot.
It was the first time
we had a real connection.
[Lana] Hello, people.
Lana, honestly,
waking up with you is no fun.
[Lana] How was your night?
-How was our night? Good.
It's a tough test, waking up next to Ju
and not doing anything, you know?
Not going to war with that sword.
[Bruna] The point is
to make connections, not war.
This is a retreat, girl.
[Lana] Did I make anyone sad and horny?
-[all laughing]
-[Nayara] A lot!
[Lana] Now the only thing
left for you to conquer
is getting to know the rest of the house.
[all screaming]
[girls squealing]
[girls singing indistinctly]
It's like you didn't lose 50 grand.
[girls screaming]
Damn! Holy shit!
God, Lana rocked the gifts.
Mirrors, make up…
Lana knows how to make it up to us.
[Bruna] One day ago they were moaning,
"Oh, Lana killed my vibe,"
and now they think
she's their sugar mommy.
I feel at home.
[Nayara] Oh, my God!
[Sandri] My closet!
[Lana] It's like
you've conquered paradise.
[all screaming]
[Lana] You still haven't seen
the most important part of the house.
[Lana] You may go to the lounge.
[Nayara] Guys, it's perfect!
[girls squealing]
[Khiara] Look at the view!
[Sandri] What's that view?
[Khiara] It's really paradise.
Really, check out this place,
the house is perfect.
I won't complain much.
[upbeat music playing]
-We lost 50 grand and all.
-[Vic] Look at you, head of the table.
[WG] He keeps reminding us.
But it was epic.
-Everyone enjoyed it.
We lost 50 grand for doing that.
But if she showed up again,
I'd want to do it again.
Now we'll have to choose
between money and sex.
[Bruna] Yeah, hot stuff.
It's time to reflect on priorities.
We started in the worst possible way.
The best, bro, you're crazy.
Look, everyone,
we got ourselves a bookkeeper!
[WG] Forget it, I won't be that.
I won't be that person.
There's always a bookkeeper.
-I'll be the bookkeeper.
-[Justen] Don't start with that shit.
Bookkeeper my fucking ass!
[Bruna] Anything goes.
The problem is,
they've only got one priority.
No one can control me.
No one, no one.
I hate people trying to control anything.
I know. I don't like it either.
Okay, I think
R$10,000 is a lot for a kiss.
It is, and I want the money, too.
It's a lot of money.
-But man, this is gonna end.
So I don't wanna just focus
on the money and not do anything,
and suddenly find myself back home.
Would you lose 10 grand?
To kiss me?
[Bruna] What did he just ask?
Would you lose 10 grand? To kiss me?
Forget it, babe, the money is gone.
I get jealous.
That's how I am.
But I had a conversation
with her about it,
and she understood the situation.
[Khiara] No, she didn't.
It's a fact.
-I feel bad.
-I don't wanna be--
And the fact is,
he knows it too, so, like, fuck it.
And if it's not happening,
I don't wanna waste any time.
I'll connect with another guy.
It's nice to know people
and build beautiful things together,
-but we all just met about four days ago.
I have needs,
and these needs should be met.
I think we have a connection,
but she came first, you know?
Exactly, she came first
and took the prize. [laughs]
But I don't know, anything can happen.
Yeah, that's it.
[Justen] Isa and I
look at each other and are turned on.
It's hard to control it.
[Bruna] But do hold back, Justen.
Because who wants everything?
Check out the sword of Wakanda fandom
getting together.
Of course they're gonna talk
about Justen, right?
I'm here to talk to you.
Okay, girl, let's talk.
I had a dream
of getting here, and it'd be
an orgy, a sex party, and then…
Because we had our minds
set on conquering.
And we thought,
"No, I'm gonna conquer paradise."
"I'm gonna kiss everyone."
Exactly, like--
And now Lana says, "Connect".
Like, when I got here, I thought,
"Man, I wanna kiss everybody,
hook up with everyone."
"I want things to happen."
With or without Lana, I say "fuck it".
I'd still hook up with anyone, that's it.
I have interests and needs
and I want to fulfill them.
I know what's going on with Ju,
and I respect that.
I also need to know where you two stand.
I don't wanna get involved
in anyone's story,
but I also have needs
and there are things that I want to do.
Isa is being very honest with me,
but I'm not dealing with it very well.
It takes two to tango.
If I feel he's into you,
what I want with my Wakandan prince
is not what he wants with me,
so I'll step aside.
Go on, use that money.
If the kiss is good, it's all good.
The chat with her was good,
but don't mess with my man.
I admit that I got intimidated when
you told me about your feelings for him.
I felt really jealous.
But my jealousy was only
about my own insecurities.
I thought: "She's being honest,
she wants to fool around,
and she's a beautiful woman
who got Ju's attention."
And so I got intimidated.
[Bruna] Come on, Isa, now's the time
for you to suggest a throuple. Go!
Nay, help me out!
Let's make a throuple, man,
it'll be great!
[Bruna] Great and expensive, right?
[sultry music playing]
[Lana] One of the purposes of my retreat
is to offer my guests
the opportunity for personal development.
For this, I count on the help of experts,
to share their knowledge.
[mystical music playing]
[Aline] I'm Aline Lima, a Jungian analyst.
The purpose of this workshop
is to help them look at
their own emotional history,
so they can talk about it with
each other, listen to themselves,
and be able to see themselves
in a different way.
[mystical music continues]
[Aline] Close your eyes…
Keep your hands by your sides…
Pay attention to your thoughts,
coming through your mind.
As if you could see them from outside.
[Ítalo] I'm opening up myself here.
I want to show myself
in a totally pure way.
Search your past
for something that you believe that,
if you could turn back the clock,
and do differently,
would change your future.
I wasn't prepared
to understand my feelings.
I didn't know I'd have
to deal with this now.
Look at the situation
and forgive yourself for that decision.
It was the best you could do at that time.
I was able to really reflect on things.
It was amazing, how she led us.
Little by little,
when you feel good and calm,
you may open your eyes.
[Bruna] I think some people
took the opportunity to take a nap.
[Aline] We'll have a moment
to exchange thoughts in couples.
It's a time to exercise
speaking and listening.
While you listen
to what the other person says,
you don't speak.
I know I'm paired with Kelvin,
but there's no connection here,
I just have to suck it up.
[Kelvin] I think we got off
on the wrong foot.
I mean it, for everything.
Once again Kelvin reopens
a discussion that was closed
and lost track
of the purpose of the activity.
Let me ask you something.
If you want in, if you want to try this,
we, like,
we could get to know each other,
forget we kissed,
and we could be truly friends.
I agree that we have
to forget we ever kissed,
so we can make this situation better.
To me it's all the same.
I'm getting to the point.
First I'm telling you how I feel about it.
We had a little DTR,
but she's so closed off,
it's pissing me off too.
For me, from the moment
you came to me and apologized,
I'm done, see?
The workshop was not
the right time for a DTR.
We were supposed
to get to know each other.
So I started as a really happy kid,
but with time, I had a lot of heartaches.
Because of certain…
[gentle music playing]
I fucking suffered.
I keep thinking,
what if they that to my daughter?
over time I closed myself off,
and I ended up hurting a lot of people.
[gentle music continues]
I opened up to her in a way
I've never opened up to anyone in my life.
It was amazing.
[Nayara] It was a very intense moment.
It was touching and liberating.
[Bruna] Oh, guys,
is someone chopping onions?
It's not easy for me
to talk about my feelings in general,
but I connected with you
because of the way you talk to me.
[WG] I have a huge block
when it comes to emotions.
It's incredibly hard, maybe
even impossible for me to fall in love.
[Bruna] That's why you're here.
I noticed he's not opening up,
and that's hard for me.
[Victoria] My childhood was tough.
I lost my father when I was two.
I lost him in a very tragic way,
he committed suicide.
My mother was young too, 19 or 20.
So I know it wasn't easy for her either.
And she had to study and finish college,
so she left and I stayed
with my grandparents.
So in the back of my mind,
there was always this thing about leaving.
[Ítalo] Hearing Vic was incredible,
and when she opened up to me,
I like, fell apart.
My walls came down and I surrendered.
I just wanted to get closer.
It's work, talking about ourselves,
seeing ourselves,
it's not easy.
Man, that experience
was completely new to me.
I've never stopped to reflect on my life,
or my childhood, my history.
How far I've come, and how far I can go.
Now I want you to share
you experience with the group.
I'd like each of you
to describe what you saw
in your partner.
I can see better now
that she's a strong woman.
I just want to know her better,
she still has a lot to tell me.
I'm ecstatic.
[Aline] It's really nice knowing her
through his eyes, right, guys?
Our conversation was really hard for me.
[Ítalo] Cry, cry.
Now I'm trying to laugh so I don't cry.
It wasn't exactly the same
conversation everyone else had.
Through the whole process
I tried thinking of other things,
but I think now, only time will tell
how we'll know each other.
This has been dragged out for too long.
I need time to process
everything that's happened.
I listened to his childhood struggles,
and could relate.
[voice breaking] When we go to school,
and start to understand about life,
maybe you don't understand
why you were born with that
skin color, or that type of hair.
Only with time you change,
you see how beautiful they are.
For me, he's a prince,
he's beautiful, he's Wakanda. [laughs]
[all laughing]
I'm-- Oh, guys, I'm done.
About Nay, I told everyone already.
If we were at a party, she'd definitely
be the first one I'd have to approach.
I can tell she's a fighter,
for everything she's been through,
and she became this awesome woman.
For everything.
Doing this with Nay
made all the difference.
We opened up to each other,
and had this amazing connection.
I really wanted to thank you
for your commitment, your honesty.
It hurts, it's not easy, it's not pretty.
Knowing ourselves is not nice or pretty,
but it's important and necessary.
So now, to seal this experience,
I want you all to hug, as a group.
-[Aline] Hug, everyone!
-[girls] What a group!
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] Oh, so touching.
After taking a dive
into their souls, and the sea,
I think they'll cool down a little, right?
[playful music]
[Lana] Hello, Victoria.
-And Ítalo.
-Ay, ay, ay.
-[Ítalo chuckles]
[Lana] I've noticed you're getting closer
and opening yourselves up to each other.
[Lana] So I prepared a special moment
for you to keep talking in private.
[Ítalo] Thank you, Lana!
See, she's fucking great!
[Bruna] Lana was in such a hurry,
she couldn't wait for Vic
to wash her armpit.
The first date for a couple
who's really connecting,
and… shit, we'll lose money.
The workshop really made
our bond stronger.
I realized it'd be the perfect opportunity
for us to connect more deeply.
[Nayara] I'm totally okay
with losing some money.
Sure, don't overdo it, but I'm cool.
[WG] We've already lost fifty grand.
If I were in Vic's shoes,
I'd definitely do it.
After all, Ítalo is our golden boy.
[sultry music playing]
Great date! [chuckles]
Bottle of wine. We're so privileged.
To this moment
we're having together. [giggles]
-Are you happy you're here with me?
-So happy!
Since the beginning,
I've had my eyes on you.
I'm glad we matched.
Me too, I even made it clear
to all the other girls
that, since I arrived here,
I was really into you.
And that I already had… [chuckles]
…set my sights on you.
[Bruna] Not just you, babe. Me too.
She said I was her crush, and she was
my crush from the beginning,
Everything is beautiful.
So, do you think they'll be mad
if we break some rules here?
[Bruna] I'd be mad if you didn't.
Are you happy
your buddy got a date today?
It was about time
he got to know her better.
I think they just needed
to have a moment like that,
because he seemed
to really want to connect.
And I think a date is the perfect moment.
Oh, if they spend money…
A kiss is fine,
but doing more expensive stuff
would be too much.
Things have already gone pretty far.
But what about just a little kiss
Just like…
-But then we should just do it.
No, but I'd just like to know
how much it would cost.
Think I'm going crazy ♪
If we keep it going, which I want to,
and we probably will,
I think she'll be nice to us.
She'll know our intentions.
Yeah, she gets it.
She's got it.
I don't know why it took her
so long to propose this.
I think Ítalo was a little shy, you know?
I thought he'd be more forward.
-Today I think we're like…
-Very high.
At 125%.
From zero to one hundred.
[Bruna] Look, I've seen some slow people…
It's good.
…but he's slower than a turtle.
I have no idea how much a kiss,
or anything else costs.
Yeah. That's the problem.
If we knew, we could calculate it.
Right, exactly.
But, you don't wanna find out
how much a kiss costs?
I do, but do is it worth h it?
[alarm blares]
I was the first one to break Lana's rules.
I'm eating my words.
Almost more.
[both laughing]
-Do you think the duration counts?
-No, it can't be.
Oh, my God, we're screwed.
For God's sake, Lana,
we're trying, we have purpose.
You can see everything. Help us out.
-[Victoria] What's that?
-What's up, big guy?
What's up, man? Tell me, bro.
[WG] Bro, tell me.
We got to the date.
-It was fucking awesome, you know?
Wine, lots of food.
[Bruna] Salami makes everyone happy.
[Ítalo] We ended up kissing.
[playful music]
It would be too hard
not to break any rules on that date.
[Bruna] It will be too hard
for Lana to change you.
How was that kiss? Was it really intense?
-It was a good kiss.
-Just one?
Just one, but a long one.
[alarm blares]
[Bruna] Was it a long kiss or not?
Let's replay it.
[playful music continues]
[Bruna] Holy mother!
It was a long kiss.
I miss that.
[rock music playing]
We'll talk about that later.
When? You've said later
five times already.
You're too impatient.
-I am.
-Do you wanna talk now?
-There's lots of places to go.
-Okay, you wanna talk now, let's talk.
Isa is not really someone I'd like
to have a deep relationship with,
like some of the other couples.
Okay, so I said we should talk.
Our reality completely changed
after all of this stuff, you know?
Because, at least from where I'm standing,
we wanted the same thing.
We had a really similar energy,
we both wanted to have fun.
It's too complicated.
If it was that, then everything stayed
the same as it was in the beginning.
The sex and the fun,
we'd be fucking great together.
-And that's it.
-Yeah, we'd be happy, but…
But man, we're completely different now.
We changed after this, you know?
I believe that we have
something more sexual,
than something really sentimental.
I see her more
like a friend with benefits, you know?
You have to have some interest
to establish a connection.
-It's the basis for everything.
And I'm not feeling it.
I know what I said.
I really don't wanna be with him.
So, we're buddies now?
Fuck, yeah.
That's it. All good.
[Bruna] Yeah, folks.
Little by little, they'll get
what this retreat is really about, right?
[Kelvin] Come on, let's gossip.
[Bruna] Yay, we love gossip.
"Today I'm gonna do something"
No, you won't.
[Nayara] Would it be too bad
if someone kisses tonight?
-[Kelvin] Yeah. For sure.
-[Isadora] Yeah.
[Victoria] Awful!
-[Nayara] Because you've…
-[Victoria] We have to know the price.
[Justen] A kiss for each date.
[Khiara] But you can't kiss thirty times.
Oh, now guys,
but this date thing is serious.
I really want to have a good time here.
I really need it.
so, everyone on dates has permission
to kiss if they want to, right?
I think dates will only happen
if there's a connection.
[Kelvin] How much should sex cost?
[WG] Damn, boinking takes it all,
300 grand.
[Ítalo] You'd leave owing money
if we're all like, "fuck it", you know?
-We'd all go broke, that's it.
-[Nayara] Like blood from a stone.
[Ivan] I wonder
if we're really connecting,
like, having feelings
and wanting to be together.
And not just having sex.
[Sandri] Yeah, that's what I thought.
[Ivan] Or is this a friendship
and being together is really good.
I was really moved by the workshop,
because I really
started thinking about it.
Because I'm not ready to like, feel that.
To feel something like that, you know?
[Ivan] You became
someone special for me here.
And I don't want to ruin it
by forcing anything,
like, sleeping together,
or being together.
Getting a watch just
so we can kiss, and we'll…
[Sandri] I think we have to, like,
keep checking our feelings
and sharing with each other.
[gentle music playing]
[Sandri] I feel comfortable
sleeping with Ivan tonight.
It makes me comfortable,
but I don't know if anything will happen.
[Bruna] Sleep on it,
because a new day is rising.
And you have some bills to pay.
[blues music playing]
-[Lana] Hello, people.
-[Justen] Fuck.
-[Victoria] Oh, my God.
-[Nayara] A meeting…
[Lana] How's the retreat so far?
Lana, I'm trying to absorb
what you told us.
I'm trying.
-[WG] Let me try.
-It's like he hasn't been here for days.
He's at day one.
[Lana] I have to admit
your reception frightened me a little.
[all screaming and laughing]
[Lana] You welcomed me
with an open bar of kisses.
[all squealing]
[Lana] I don't think it's funny.
[tense music playing]
[Lana] I've never seen my rules
being broken so quickly
Yesterday, there was another infraction.
We know.
Come on, Lana, what's the verdict?
[WG] How much did we lose?
[Khiara] I knew Vic and Ítalo
were going to kiss,
so that's not news.
Now we just need to know how much it cost.
[Lana] Ítalo and Victoria,
your date cost…
[suspenseful music builds]
[Lana] R$10,000 from the final prize.
[girls screaming]
[Victoria] Holy shit, ten grand?
How was that kiss?
[Justen] Ten grand for a kiss? Come on.
The bill came, right?
Shit. Ten grand for one kiss?
That's so expensive.
We'll have to review that permission
we gave to couples who connect.
-[Isadora] Wait!
-[Bruna] The power of R$10,000.
I thought it was like R$4,000.
That would be okay.
But R$10,000 is too much,
I could get a boob job.
-This kiss is too expensive.
-[Ítalo] I had no doubt it would be that.
With R$10,000
I could buy so many outfits.
[Bruna] I could buy an entire mall.
[Lana] Your prize is now R$440,000.
Yeah, guys. Let's have a meeting.
A meeting to rethink
all those expenses, because, damn…
[sultry music playing]
Okay, so…
So, I think that yesterday we shouldn't
have talked about it in the activity.
And like I was saying to the girls,
it just created more tension,
because I didn't want to do it then.
I wanted to talk to you.
But I don't like pulling you away
from the others. It's annoying.
I want to set you free if you
don't want it, we can finish talking…
I don't like to push.
That's not it, again. You don't listen.
You don't let me speak.
Kelvin talked too much,
I couldn't take it anymore.
-Everyone got to know me a little.
-But we're a bit distant.
-I'm not "everyone".
-Everyone has.
-I don't know.
But you're always distant.
I don't know what you're thinking about.
You're always telling me
you "know what I'm like."
I said that once,
during our first argument.
-You also told me in the workshop.
-No, I didn't.
I told you that twice.
I can talk to everyone,
but I can't talk to you.
We can't be friends now, I can't do it.
That was the end of it for me.
[Khiara] For me, we're done.
We have to stop talking about it.
[Kelvin] It's over.
-Okay, then.
The shortest
and most problematic relationship ever.
Honestly, this conversation
has made me a little mad.
He stressed me out.
We were supposed to talk about me.
About what was bothering me.
And he kept interrupting me again.
[Kelvin] She's always defensive.
She's angry about everything I do.
I don't like it.
I don't know if we're getting
back together after this fight.
[Bruna] What do you mean,
you "don't know"? Don't you get it?
Do you think I should say,
"I want you, that's it,"
-or do you think I should let…
-With Sandri?
-When I'm with her--
-You wanna be with her. I know, relax.
But if you say that,
you'll scare her away.
"I wanna be with you", and all,
that shit scares people.
I don't even know
if Sandri and I will be a couple,
but I know we have an awesome friendship.
We're really respecting each other,
we're not crossing any lines.
It's very empathetic.
We're all here to learn
something from each other.
I have something to learn
from your personality.
You urgently need to have some
of my personality. That's urgent.
[Bruna] I'm impressed with
your self-esteem, Kelvin.
What if--
You can't be too soft.
Like, the first night
you slept with Sandri,
I think it's crazy you didn't bang her.
Yeah. No, that, man,
that was disrespectful to me.
-It's absurd.
But, like, I…
I don't know.
[Bruna] Oh, I don't know, Ivan.
Let's drink.
[carnival music playing]
[girls squealing]
[Nayara] Oh, it's Lana's Carnival Parade!
Lana's Carnival Parade!
[Ítalo] Forget about everything!
It's a Carnival party.
Lana. I love you so, so much!
Thanks Too Hot To Handle!
[Bruna] Every time someone toasts
in this reality show, it gives me chills.
Everyone is really excited.
This party is gonna be great.
[Ivan] I was missing Carnival.
Today we'll dance and celebrate.
[Bruna] I hope you only do that, Ivan.
You've seen what Lana
is capable of, right?
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] Here we go!
If we mix two good things together,
and there's a purpose,
and we're at a party…
I also think you need purpose.
What about right now?
-Spending money now?
Like, I want to,
and I have a purpose, so…
Okay. Spend that money!
[chanting] Spend that money!
Spend that money!
[alarm blaring]
We spent 10! We're just so fucking happy.
[Bruna] Oh, people.
WG is that friend
that gets rich when he drinks.
I really needed that.
Man, Carnival is about kissing,
about enjoying ourselves. They had to.
Today is the day to spend money.
I didn't know if it would happen,
but I had to try it, and I did,
And anyway, man, I had to.
I had to do it,
because I was like, really indecisive,
and now I'm sure of what I want.
You know, I get it now.
[Bruna] Maybe Sandri is on the same page.
I'm not feeling too hot for him.
Like, we're in sync,
we want a connection, but there's no lust.
[Victoria] Honey, he's like,
he's cute, but he's too nice.
I know he can be naughty in bed, I just--
-I like a bad boy, you know? And he's too…
I want some new blood, you know?
[Bruna] Be careful what you wish for.
[tense music playing]
I was at the head of Lana's parade,
I was feeling myself…
[tense music continues]
…and out of nowhere…
[all, chanting] Hey! Hey!
[upbeat music playing]
[all] Hey!
[all] Hey! Hey!
We didn't understand it,
we were enjoying the party,
-and out of nowhere…
-Hey! Hey! Hey!
[Gabriel] We're here in this, bitch!
[girls cheering]
Two new people arrived.
Hi, nice to meet you.
My name is Gabriel Veiga.
I'm 23 and I'm a model. I think of myself
as a charismatic, happy guy.
I'm Thay Gonçalves, I'm 26 years old.
I'm a professional dancer and a model.
The Northeast is great,
respect the northeast.
Girls from Capixaba are very charismatic.
It's my way.
[Gabriel] I have a fetish
about places, right?
Colleges, beaches.
It's hotter when it's forbidden.
[Thay] I'd say the craziest sex thing
I've ever done was a threesome.
No, wait, a threesome
can only have three people, right?
Until I find the right person,
I'm meeting the wrong ones.
-[Nayara] Lana, have you met Lana?
-[Thay] No.
Who's Lana? [giggles]
[girls] Too Hot To Handle!
[Khiara] Do you like sex a lot?
I thought, "Shit."
Everyone was hooking up,
I was gonna get some drinks,
do what you do at parties.
Welcome to your spiritual retreat.
[Sandri] That's it.
[Justen] You can't do anything.
You can't kiss, can't have sex…
Today we paid 10 grand for a kiss.
Here you need to have
an emotional connection with the person.
But you're free to do whatever you want.
Shit, we could lose money, right?
By breaking the rules?
Wow, I'm shocked.
I'm shocked I have to hold back.
[Isadora] Nice,
their first body shot here.
-[Isadora] Guys…
-They deserve it.
-Wait a sec.
-Go, Khi Khi!
[Isadora] I think she deserves
a more complete experience.
[Khiara] Girl!
-[Victoria] Go, Khi-Khi!
-[girls cheering]
I'm on fire.
-[girls squealing]
-[WG] Go, go, go!
Come on, come on, go!
[girls screaming]
It was a welcoming bodyshot, right?
Let's spend some money!
["Two To Tango"
by Maciej Zielinski playing]
It was a very nice bodyshot.
I was surprised by Nay,
because I thought
she'd still be pissed at me
for the thing with Ju.
[Gabriel] I can see they're
not really respecting the rules.
They're spending all the money,
so if I feel like hooking up
with someone, I will,
and I'm not too worried about that.
[contestant] Gabriel went off!
-[Gabriel] They gave us wrong information!
-[Thay] Wrong information!
[WG] Go on, Doc!
-Go on, Doc!
-[men cheering]
-[Justen] Damn.
-[WG] Hold on, man!
That¿'s enough.
[tense music playing]
[Lana chimes]
[Ítalo] Fuck, Lana, Lana, Lana!
[Lana chimes]
-[Victoria] Oh, my God!
-Let's find Lana.
-[contestant] Check the living room.
[screams] She's here!
[Sandri, mocking Lana] "Hello, people!"
[Bruna] Of course, the world's
most frigid virtual guide
had to arrive in an ice-cream cart.
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] Hello, people.
[contestants moaning and greeting]
[WG] What's up Lana?
[Lana] You cross the line
every time you have fun.
But I just got here!
They just got here,
it was just a welcoming party.
[Lana] That is enough for me.
We need to have a serious talk.
[Sandri] Wow. Wow.
[Justen] No, it's cool.
Lana, why are you always such a killjoy?
-[Victoria] It blew up in my face
-[Sandri] And in my ass.
-[WG] Things have gone sour.
-[Lana chimes]
[Lana] Thaynara and Gabriel,
welcome to my retreat.
[all cheering]
The energy in this house is great.
Everyone is nice and welcoming.
[Lana] I wish that
I could welcome you differently.
[nervous chuckling]
[Lana] People.
Do you think that's the only way
you can have fun?
[tense music playing]
We were so tame, for Carnival…
[Lana] This behavior
is unacceptable in my retreat.
[girls moaning]
-Khi-Khi told you so!
-[girls chuckle]
But we all have to be
responsible for ourselves.
Unfortunately, Lana, I have to agree.
Honestly, I'm a bit scared.
[tense music continues]
[Lana] Three rule breaches
were detected during the party.
[Kelvin] We'll run out of money.
I don't know how it's gonna go.
-[Khiara] Three?
-[Isadora] Come on, guys, honestly!
-[Sandri] So bodyshots are allowed.
-I saw one.
[Victoria] Three. Was it necessary?
[Lana] Sandri and Ivan,
your behavior cost R$10,000
from the final prize.
I know.
[Lana] Sandri and Nayara.
You again?
[Lana] You also caused
the loss of R$10,000.
[Khiara] Nay and Sandri's kiss was absurd.
How could they?
Yeah, Sandri. You devil!
Come on, don't clap,
they were really out of line.
[Victoria] That was unnecessary.
[Khiara] Exactly.
I love kissing, so please,
if you don't wanna lose money at parties,
-Don't tempt me, I can't resist.
The moment, she was so close, so…
Her mouth really close to mine,
and we'd kissed before.
It'd been good, so we just…
[Lana] Sandri and Victoria,
you deducted another
R$4,000 from the prize.
-[Sandri] What?
-[Gabriel] If Lana saw it, it happened.
Another four grand.
[Lana] But that's not all.
[intense choral music playing]
Another couple, far from everyone's eyes,
committed more infractions
than all the others combined.
[Victoria] What?
[Thay] I'm telling you something
for your personal development.
[Khiara] It's really hard to live here.
Everyone has their pain, but…
[WG] Now we have something good.
[all] Ooh.
Man, more booze!
If they have sex, there's a huge
possibility we'll go bankrupt.
[closing theme music playing]
["U Like 2 Dance"
by Fayss & Chrizah playing]
[pop music playing]
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