Tracker (2024) s02e02 Episode Script

Ontological Shock


Okay. Now, just up ahead
you're going to see something.
Something I can't explain.
Here we go.
I'm on a secret DOD site.
It's not on any map.
This isn't supposed to be here.
Look at that. See that?
What the ? (PANTING)
Oh, come on.
Oh, no.
SCOTT: Sweetie, I don't
want you to worry, okay?
And I-I know you think it sounds
crazy, but I swear to you,
something weird is going on up here.
- I finally found proof.
And that's the last you
heard from your father?
Yeah. He left me this
voicemail two days ago.
I didn't hear from him,
so I came over here.
I called the police, but they
weren't too concerned
because there were
no signs of foul play.
They told me he was an adult,
and unless there was evidence
of something wrong,
there wasn't much they could do, so
I decided to go another route.
Did you, uh, you notice
anything when you entered?
Anything at all?
- Besides the mess, no.
- Hmm.
Your father ever do this before?
Disappear, go off the grid?
Nothing like this.
He usually texts me when
he's gonna go camping
or on one of his research
road trips as he calls them.
Your father live here alone?
(SIGHS) Yeah.
He does now.
My mom died last year.
They used to get a kick out
of all that alien stuff.
Kind of a quirky hobby of theirs.
After she passed,
it was really hard on my dad.
What kind of work does he do?
He's a retired electrical engineer.
But he didn't want to
go back to an office,
so he started hiking a lot.
He'd go up in the backcountry.
You suppose that's where he was
when he left the voicemail?
(SIGHS) I don't know.
He told me that he saw
something out there.
Something being hidden from the public.
At first I ignored it.
I mean, I was just happy that
he was finally doing something
and being engaged.
But then he got a little obsessed.
Any idea what that was about?
Government conspiracy stuff.
- I know how that sounds.
- It's okay.
I know a little something about that.
To be honest, it all sounded crazy.
Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not.
Uh, well, I drew a line
when he started talking about the
government having him followed
by unmarked black vans 'cause
he was onto their secret program.
If I take this job, I need
all the information.
And I need to be able to trust all
the information that I'm given.
What are you not telling me?
Well a few months ago,
he started harassing an
astrophysics professor in Philly.
Dr. Iris Blair.
Do you know what that was about?
but her husband took out a
restraining order against him.
Maybe he did something to my dad.
I'll look into it.
He's a good man.
My father.
Can you help me find him?
I'll do everything I can.
- Hey, Velma.
- Hey.
I thought you'd like the sound
of that $20,000 reward.
So, what do you think
about Scott Palmer?
Daughter says there
was a restraining order
taken out against her father.
Feels like there's a connection.
Remember that job last year in Reno?
The missing dentist?
- Yeah, I remember.
- He was nuts.
What about this guy?
He thought the government was after him.
Oh, boy. Any proof?
Is there ever?
Good point.
(SIGHS) I got Bobby looking
for a location on Palmer,
and I looped in Reenie.
See if she can find out
any more information
about this restraining order.
I'm actually heading into
Reenie's office later today.
Well, it's starting to
sound more and more
like it's your office, too.
Yeah. No, I really like being there.
Starting to feel useful again.
Good. Good. I'm happy for you.
All right, we'll talk soon.
MAN: Listen.
I want to help you out.
That's why I came to you.
- So, your client pleads guilty,
I agree to six months in jail
and three years probation,
but only because I like you.
Aren't you adorable?
Does that really work on women?
Because you like me?
I mean, it's really sweet
that you think I'd actually go for that.
Do you need to get that?
Look. Let me do you a solid.
Time served plus six months probation.
Come on, Reenie.
I got a boss to answer to.
Well I don't.
And what I also know that
you may not know I know
is that your only witness was
wasted after partying all night
when he supposedly saw
my client commit the crime.
Now, do you really want to waste
taxpayers' dollars on a trial
where I eviscerate your only witness
on the stand in front of a jury?
I mean, what would your boss say then?
Time served and six months.
Great. I'll get it drawn up.
It was a pleasure doing
business with you.
- Always.
- Mm.
Colter, you do realize
I have a real job.
Sorry about that. I'm just
on a bit of a clock here.
Well, you should put
me on retainer, then.
Save you these golden-time
rates I'm charging you.
You find out any information
about the restraining order?
I did. Spoke with the
judge who granted it.
Dr. Blair's husband filed
the restraining order.
He presented to the court
Scott Palmer's call logs
as proof of harassment.
And he was quite the eager beaver.
Palmer called her up to 20 times a day.
Do you have those call logs?
Did I get the call logs?
- Sending them to you now.
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
Dr. Blair, right?
That's right.
- Can I help you?
- I think so.
Uh, my name's Colter Shaw.
I'm looking for Scott Palmer.
Why? Did something happen?
Well, he's been missing for two days.
His daughter hired me to help find him.
I'm not a-a cop,
I'm not an investigator.
I'm sorry. I'd help if I could,
but, um, I don't know anything
about him going missing.
I really need to get to work.
But you have been on the phone
with him quite a bit, right?
I have the call logs.
And then there was a,
a restraining order that was filed.
Yes, the calls were
getting more incessant.
I mean, he just wouldn't stop.
Oh, I understand that. It's just
one of the calls was ten minutes long,
and there were a couple that
were seven minutes long.
I know enough to know
it doesn't take that long
to get rid of someone,
so, just curious what you
two were talking about.
He had some interesting ideas.
Are you familiar with UAPs?
Same thing.
Unidentified anomalous phenomenon.
There's still a stigma attached
to the subject of UAPs
- and NHI nonhuman intelligence.
- Mm-hmm.
Especially in academia.
And that's what Scott wanted
to talk to you about?
Well, it's a subject
I'm interested in, yes.
And Scott had ideas about UAPs?
Look, he can be very
intense and vocal.
While I prefer to keep
the data points discrete.
He was sharing information with you?
MAN: I'll call you once I'm on the road.
Wh-What are you afraid of?
I'm sorry, um
look, I-I really can't discuss it,
and I need to get to work.
Look, I-I hope you do find him.
Thank you.
BOBBY: Hey, C, glad I caught you.
Bobby, what do you got?
Well, Scott Palmer's phone was dead,
so I couldn't ping his location.
What about previous locations?
All of his phone location
records are gone.
As in wiped clean.
This is the part where you tell
me how brilliant you are, right?
I found Scott Palmer's car.
No built-in GPS,
but he does have an
aftermarket dashcam installed,
so I was able to hack
the location in that
and find the car's last location.
Unmarked road, government land.
Government land?
His daughter said he'd been
hiking deep backcountry,
talking about government conspiracies.
Sounds like two plus
two equals four to me.
- Sending you the location now.
- Thank you.
Hey, what do you know about UAPs?
I mean, how deep do you
want to go? (LAUGHS)
You want to talk about Jacques
Vallée, J. Allen Hynek?
We can even get into David
Grusch and Lue Elizondo
and the modern disclosure movement.
I mean, either we're
living in a simulation
or these things are
interdimensional entities,
some might even say religious.
So, you're a believer?
Come on, Colter. The universe
is a big place, an old place.
Do you really think
we're alone out here?
How come we haven't seen anything?
I mean, there's plenty
of footage online.
Footage. You talking about,
uh, YouTube videos
with fuzzy little light?
That could be anything.
It could be weapons testing, right?
All right, all right.
Every Mulder needs his Scully.
I'm cool with that.
But if you want to check
out something cool,
I highly suggest the Kumburgaz video.
It's a sighting that happened in Turkey.
Oh, maybe some other time.
Right now I just want
to find Scott Palmer.
This professor knows something.
She's stonewalling.
See what you can dig
up on her, will you?
Yo, C, what's up?
COLTER: Hey. I'm at the location.
Had a look around.
There's no sign of Scott Palmer's car.
Yeah, I see you.
You're in the right spot.
- Nothing?
- No.
Anything more on Dr. Blair?
Yeah. Found a secure message board.
Looks like a group of
scientists used a portal
to share intel with each other on UAPs.
Dr. Blair was part of it?
Yup. Traced the IP address
from her office to the site.
Looks like Invisible
College kind of stuff.
Invisible College? What's that?
Yeah, it's a network of scientists
who want to keep their
findings on UFOs secret.
If I was a betting man,
I'd say Dr. Blair was a part of it.
Hold on.
Found Scott's car.
He didn't want anyone
to know he was here.
Hey, C, you there?
(DISTORTED): Colter.
- Bobby?

It doesn't make sense.
I can't find anything.
Uh, Colter's been gone for 12 hours now,
and there's, like,
zero digital footprint.
Usually I can grab a
signal from somewhere,
but now I can't find anything.
VELMA: I had a deputy go to the
coordinates you sent, Bobby.
He found Colter's truck,
no sign of Colter.
You sent him out to
Palmer's last position?
Yeah, and now the signal from
Palmer's dashcam is gone, too.
That's it. I'm gonna go.
Go where?
Colter's in trouble. I can feel it.
He would not want you rushing
into God knows what, Reenie.
And if it were me or any
one of us out there,
he wouldn't hesitate.
You both know that.
Colter would do the smartest
thing in front of him.
That's what I know.
Who are you calling?
Plan B.
Colter's really not gonna
be happy about this.
Yeah, well, too bad.
He hasn't ghosted us like this. Okay?
There's something's wrong,
and I know who can find him.
DALEY: Hey. Wake up.
I know you can hear me.
There you are.
You're Colter Shaw, right?
That's what it says on your license.
COLTER: Where am I?
Safe place. The safest.
You're lucky we found you before
you got blown to smithereens.
That land you were on?
Lot of, uh, unexploded ordnance.
I seen a deer step wrong once. (SCOFFS)
Red mist was all it was.
- What is this?
- That's for your own protection.
You had a really bad
reaction to the tranq.
You mind taking these off?
I think I tweaked my knee
when I went down.
Oh, yeah?
Tell you what.
I'll loosen this so you can reach, yeah?
It'll be our little secret.
But you won't get far if you do
what you're thinking of doing.
That guard behind that door,
he'll double your next dose.
I seen guys sleep for three days.
A tranq dart. That's
what you hit me with?
Well, you breached a
secure DOD facility.
Now, back in the day, it was bullets.
Lucky for you, new protocol
is nonlethal deterrence.
Is that what happened to Scott Palmer?
- You working with him?
- I was hired to help find him.
But you probably already know that.
Tell me what you know about Scott.
You don't have him, do you?
I got to put this back on.
Remember what I said
about trying to escape.
So, where am I? Is this some
kind of a-a military base?
Uh, afraid I can't tell you that.
That's classified.
Scott Palmer thought there
was something going on here.
What did you say your name was?
Let me go work on getting you cleared.
In the meantime, try to get some rest.
Come on.
What's happening?
Colter Shaw slipped his restraints.
Did he, now?
Well, it seems Mr.
Shaw's got some skills.
You, uh, want me to tranq him again?
Not yet. Let him have his fun.
I have to make a call.
DALEY: Yes, sir, I understand.
No, we are on schedule.
Eight hours and counting.
I just have to do a little cleanup.
Whoa, easy, easy.
Who else was gonna get
you out of this pickle?
What are you doing here?
Let's chop up the who, what,
why, when and how later, okay?
- Right now we got to move.
- Yeah, it's not gonna be easy.
- They got a guard.
- I wouldn't worry about him.
Or the other two. Brought you a present.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
RUSSELL: Come on, man,
we got to make tracks.
COLTER: We're outside the perimeter.
Yeah, of an unnamed covert DOD program
operating as a black site.
They don't care about perimeters, man.
Those guys can touch anybody anywhere.
Trust me, I know.
I've been on their side.
How'd you find me, anyway?
Military buddies?
You working for private
contractors again?
A little of both, maybe neither.
Reenie called me, gave
me your coordinates.
Lucky for you, I was close
by, cleaning up a mess.
- Reenie just called you, huh?
- Yeah.
Think she didn't know who else to call,
so, uh, I guess I'm kind of that guy.
I think the, uh, results
speak for themselves.
Here we go. (LAUGHS): Okay.
So I made some phone calls,
and, uh, turns out my little brother
had wandered onto a black site.
And here I am.
"Thank you, Russ." You're welcome.
So you and Reenie are phone buddies?
- We keep tabs.
- What's that mean?
Means I keep asking her to dinner
and she keeps ducking me.
- It's all right.
She's busy hanging her
own shingle, and I get it.
But, uh, rescuing you?
That's gonna get me a date 100%.
- Wouldn't be so sure about that.
- Oh, I'll take my chances,
especially when you tell her
how brave and heroic I was.
Not doing any of those things.
When it comes to Reenie,
you're on your own.
All right? Let's just focus on the job.
Velma filled me in, so, what,
some guy looking for UAPs?
You're talking to Velma now?
Well, I guess they view
me as a bit of an asset.
But, uh, listen, you know
what happens to civilians
when they see stuff they're
not supposed to, like UAPs.
So you're telling me you
believe in UFOs now?
UAP is the proper nomenclature,
Colter, okay?
And it's not about believing,
it's about knowing.
So you've seen stuff?
Oh, brother,
the stuff I've seen would
blow your hair back.
That's all I'm gonna say about that.
Let's go.
RUSSELL: All right, so who's
this guy we're looking for?
COLTER: Scott Palmer.
You gonna help me find him?
I thought that's what we were doing.
Lucky for you, my schedule's clear.
Where am I headed?
Well, they don't have him on the base.
So we got to find him before they do.
Maybe the aliens took him.
I'm serious.
So am I.
You believe this stuff, huh?
Hey, you remember that
time when we were kids,
Dad took us up to, uh, Eagle Head Rock
to show us the lights in the sky?
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
Come on, you remember.
You had your little, uh,
spaceship pajamas on.
You asked Dad what the lights were,
and he pointed to the spaceship
on your little jammy shirt.
Could've been a meteor shower.
You keep telling yourself that.
I'll tell you one thing.
If it's between the Zeta Reticuli aliens
or some off-the-books DOD spooks,
I'm picking the lizard folk every time.
Who's that?
Scott's daughter.
Colter, um, did you find my dad yet?
No, not yet. We're
still looking, though.
Okay, well, there is a black SUV
with a couple of strange guys
parked outside of his house now.
It's been there since yesterday.
Maybe my dad was onto something.
Patti, you could be in danger.
I need you to get yourself out of
there without anyone seeing you.
Can you do that?
Uh, I'll-I'll try.
Um, but what did my
dad get himself into?
Can't talk to you about that right now.
Just, uh you need to get out now.
I still have my phone.
They let me go on purpose.
It was too easy.
What are you talking about?
I busted you out.
I mean, just 'cause I make it
look easy doesn't mean it was.
No, no, no, they want me
to find Scott for them.
That's what this whole
thing is all about.
Let me see that phone.
You got to get rid of the SIM card.
What are you What are you
do What are you doing?
- There you go.
- I said get rid of the SIM card.
You didn't have to smash
the whole phone.
Can't be too careful, and,
uh, take off your jacket.
Let me see the back of
your neck, come here.
Oh, yeah.
- Feel that?
- Yeah,
it's where they got me with a dart.
No, there's something else in there.
Hang on, this is gonna
sting a little bit.
What the hell?
Oh, yeah.
See that?
COLTER: You ever see
anything like that before?
Yeah, trust me, there's a lot of
worse places they could've put it.
Whoa, whoa.
An idea.
That was a better idea.
That'll keep them busy.
Yeah, nice throw.
It's okay, it's okay. Don't be scared.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I'm just looking for Scott.
He's in serious trouble.
Who the hell are you?
I'm Russell.
Went ahead and made myself a
sandwich, I hope you don't mind.
This, uh, homemade sourdough?
- So nice.
- I'm so sorry he did that.
I tried to stop him. He's an animal.
No, I just had to top off
the tank, you know?
I told you, I don't know
anything about Scott
and what he's mixed up in.
RUSSELL: You're gathering
proof of extraterrestrials.
Am I right? Hmm?
But you got to keep it anonymous
to protect your reputation.
COLTER: Right now Scott's being
hunted by government agents.
Now you told him something.
Have something to do with this?
I tracked Scott to the
last location he was at,
and when I did, my phone went crazy.
Popping up with all these, uh,
these symbols and these numbers.
What's it mean?
What's it mean?
We think it's a form of communication.
They've been coming through
for the past six months.
- From extraterrestrials?
- We're not sure.
We've been trying to build a primer
to decode the messages,
but it's not complete.
And you told Scott about that?
Well, he wanted to help.
I mean, even though
I told him not to and
He did, uh
Where is it? He sent a
he sent a screenshot
of a recent message.
What does it say?
It's hard to say.
Uh, it-it could be c-coordinates.
Maybe they're inviting us for a visit.
Like I said, it's not complete,
and we're still working
on what it means.
COLTER: The message that I
received looked just like this.
Except the top line ended with 2901.
Are you sure about that?
Let's see, well, if we go with
geodetic coordinates
That could be here.
RUSSELL: That's about 200 miles away.
If Scott figured out the location,
odds are, he's on his way there now.
It's very possible.
We'll check it out.
Scott's in danger because
of what he knows.
Which means you could also be in danger.
- Yeah, I've thought about that.
- RUSSELL: Seriously.
Okay, this whole thing is mixed up
with above-black DOD programs.
They write their own
rules of engagement.
You might want to skip town for a while.
- Come on.
- Yeah.
COLTER: We're gonna go find Scott.
RUSSELL: Watch yourself.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Please leave a message.
Honey, where are you?
(SIGHS) Something happened.
- Call me back.
You going somewhere, Dr. Blair?
Please, please.
No, please!
Please, no.
COLTER: We're on the spot.
I don't see anything.
No sign of Scott.
All right, so what are we thinking?
- Wrong place? Wild goose chase?
Oh, here we go.
I'd better answer this.
She could be worried.
You know? You know how it goes, right?
Decline the call.
Why would you do that? Hey, hey, hey.
- You serious? Really?
- Can never be too careful.
Look, whoever was tracking me
could be on Reenie's signal by now,
which means they're tracking you.
- Yeah, but she's now gonna think
- Okay.
Hope that made you feel good.
(WHISPERS): Hold on a second.
You hear that?
Yeah, what is that?
I don't know, come on.
COLTER: What the hell are they doing?
Looks like a UAP landing site.
You a believer now?
The surge begins in T-minus ten minutes.
What's going on here?
He's got to be around here somewhere.
All right, well, isn't this what
you do, you find people?
We should split up.
Okay, I'll take the north,
you take the south.
And if there's something
to kill, let's do that.
- Let's not do that.
- Until we have to.
Just meet back here in 20 minutes.
- All right.
- (P.A. BEEPS)
AUTOMATED VOICE: All personnel,
move into the safety perimeter.
Still got nothing off Colter's phone.
He popped back online for a minute,
then disappeared again.
Great, now Russell's
ignoring my calls, too.
He should have checked in by now.
Uh, got an idea.
- I'll call you back.
- Reenie?
- Yeah?
A call showed up on a police scanner
for Lebanon County
for a car registered to Dr. Blair.
REENIE: Police scanner?
- Smart. What was the call?
- Not good.
A 10-54.
10-54, possible dead body?
Yeah, and then later followed
up as a 10-56, suicide.
Yeah, there's no way.
Someone got to her.
begins in T-minus five minutes.
Drop it.
Where's your brother?
My brother? Oh, he, uh,
he likes to go his own way.
Always has. Yeah. Try being his brother.
I say left, he goes right. It's a mess.
Yeah, like your father Ashton Shaw.
Got a long family history
of getting in the government's way.
What, you don't think
I know who you are?
Come on. Where's Scott Palmer?
Never heard of him.
You know, it'd be a shame to wreck
this whole science fair project
you got going here.
See, I know what's going on here.
So, you guys sent up a cosmic Morse code
and somebody answered back, am I right?
You have no idea what
you're talking about.
Didn't you build that big
landing pad out there
for the little alien meet and greet?
No matter what you think you've seen,
no one will ever believe you.
Maybe you're right.
But I'm gonna give you a little pro tip.
If you're gonna shoot me,
you should shoot me now.
- One more step and I will kill you.
- (P.A. BEEPS)
AUTOMATED VOICE: T-minus three minutes.
(QUIETLY): Should've shot me
when you had the chance.
Ooh, what do we have here?
AUTOMATED VOICE: T-minus two minutes.
T-minus two minutes.
Please don't, don't shoot me.
I'm not here to hurt you,
I'm here to help you.
Your daughter hired me
to find you. Let's go.
No, I I have to see this.
There's a vessel coming, I know it.
There's not a vessel coming.
It's just what they want you to think.
Look, I know too much,
but they can't keep this a secret.
Some secrets aren't worth dying for.
Well, this one is.
The world needs to
know that this is real.
My wife would've wanted that.
Your daughter hired me
- to bring you home.
- T-minus 30 seconds.
She doesn't want to live without you.
You're the only family
that she has left.
Now come on. Let's go.
Whoa, whoa.
- Cover your ears.
We missed it.
GUARD: They're in here somewhere.
Find them.
That's our cue. We got to go.
Take this, come on. Follow me.
Go. Go.
Hey, guys, guys.
Clock's ticking. They know
we're here. We got to roll.
Oh, come on, I-I got to
see what happened.
- The alien craft could still be here.
It's now or never, man. Let's move.
There's no time. We got to go. Come on.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Calling all personnel.
There has been a security breach.
- Come on, come on.
MAN (OVER P.A.): Stay where you are.
Come on, come on, come on. Come on.
They're on the move.
Let's go. Let's go.
Come on, hurry up!
MAN: We're losing 'em
outside the perimeter.
SCOTT: Oh, my God, is that them?
I can take out those tires from here.
COLTER: No, we might need the van.
Colter Shaw?
You got a phone call.
- Who the hell's this?
- REENIE: Oh, thank God,
you son of a bitch,
you had me so worried.
- Reenie.
- And you know I don't like to worry.
- I never worry. I meditate.
- Reenie? Hey. Russell.
Sorry I missed your call.
It's Colter's fault.
Thanks for the van.
- Okay, just
- Missed my call?
Russell, shut up. And van?
- Do you know how expensive that van was?
- COLTER: All right. After you.
To get a guy sent out? Seriously.
Two dumb Shaw brothers together,
and neither of you could
text one person back?
Son of a bitch.
SCOTT: Oh, God, I'm sorry.
It's okay, I'm just so
thankful you're safe.
Thank you.
You're welcome. Thank you.
Take care of each other, okay?
We will.
So, what do you think?
Still a nonbeliever?
I saw something out there.
You know, I don't think
it proves anything.
- You see anything out there?
- I heard it.
I felt it, you know? Saw the light.
Could've been testing a new
weapon defense system.
Or, or could've been a transporter
from another planet
that landed 50 yards from us. Huh?
I, uh, grabbed something.
- Check that out.
- What'd you nab?
Oh, it's great.
It's great. It's a rock.
No, it's (STAMMERS) It's like alloy.
I mean, look at it closer.
The structures
that's engineered, man.
That could be a (INHALES)
could be a piece of a craft.
Now I believe less.
Well, I got a guy.
He's gonna run some tests for me, so
- You got an alloy guy?
- Yeah, I got an alloy guy.
- You don't have an alloy guy? Huh?
- I don't need one.
You got a guy who can
drive me to my truck?
Come on.
A sweet ride.
Wouldn't mind getting behind
the wheel of this thing.
That's never gonna happen.
Got a text from Velma.
Oh, yeah?
I'm sure they're happy to have
you back safe and sound.
Yeah. They found Dr.
Blair's body in her car.
Ruled a suicide.
Well, they got to her.
Velma's worried they might
still be on our tracks.
No, they were just worried about
somebody getting in the way
of whatever happened
out there, you know?
That's why they went after Scott.
It's why they killed the doc.
Now that the circus has
left town, they don't care.
- It's all over.
- That's what I told her.
And Scott doesn't have any proof, right?
So he's just gonna sound
like any other nutjob
with a conspiracy theory.
I wish I knew that
government guy's name.
Bigger question is, how does
he know about our family?
What do you mean?
Had a little chat with him
before I knocked his ass out.
He knew about Dad.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I mean, a little textbook
spook move, right?
Drop a little crumb, see where it goes.
Maybe it was more than just a crumb.
What do you mean?
Dory's got this-this
box full of Dad's stuff.
You know anything about that?
- What's in it?
- I don't know.
Probably a bunch of junk. Who cares?
Well, I-I-I think it's weird
that she's got this box
and she didn't mention
it to either one of us.
Well, you know what I think?
I think she doesn't want you
going down some rabbit hole
like you surely would.
There's rivers to cross
and hills to climb ♪
And some days we might fall apart ♪
And some nights might
feel cold and dark ♪
What are you doing?
Truck's down there, it's in the woods.
This baby doesn't drive on gravel.
You picked me up from that black site
Well, that was an emergency.
This is not an emergency,
so, uh get to walking.
You serious?
All right, yeah. No. I see how it is.
No problem.
And, honey, for once in our lives ♪
Let's take our chances
and roll the dice ♪
- Where are you off to now?
- (CLICKS TONGUE) Colorado.
- What's in Colorado?
- Reenie.
Gonna collect on that
date she promised me.
Said she'd go to dinner with
me since I saved your ass.
You did not save my ass.
Eh a little bit.
And you know what to do if she calls?
You smoke your brother up.
I'll see what I can do.
Appreciate it.
I'll see you when I see you.
Oh, Russ, uh
Ooh-hoo-hoo ♪
Thank you for saving my ass.
A little bit.
Ooh ♪
Ooh-hoo-hoo. ♪
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