TrollsTopia (2020) s02e02 Episode Script

Smooth Operator - FUNtography Day

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
all by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun
To share this one ♪
With someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along! ♪
- All different voices ♪
- Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪

Okay, for my glitter-ball team,
my third first pick will be
[Dante chuckles]
And my fourth first pick will be
- the mysterious figure in the shadows.
- Huh?

The Smooth Jazz Troll?
The one and only.

Jazzed to see you all again.
Uh, a Smooth Jazz Troll?
Can someone tell me what's going on?
Oh! I call recap-sies!
Chaz the Smooth Jazz Troll
is the bounty hunter
who hypnotized Branch, Poppy and
me with his magical saxophone,
only to be fended off
by our companion, Hickory,
who was actually
two yodeling bounty hunters
in a Country Western disguise.
And then we all made up and partied
together in Volcano Rock City.
All clear now?
- Crystal.
- So great to see you again, Chaz.
What brings you to TrollsTopia?
Oh, nothing really.
Just a bit of utter loneliness.
- Aww.
- Allow me to jazz-splain.
You see, I am the only
Smooth Jazz Troll there is.
With no place to call my home.
- Aww.
- But then I heard of a glorious new
city where every
Troll finds a place.
And its name was TrollsTopia.
Well, that's exactly the kind
of place TrollsTopia is!
Welcome, Chaz!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Look, guys, as a Hard Rock Troll, I
naturally question things, okay?
Rules, convention and especially
saxophone-wielding strangers
with an eerie amount
of chest hair.

Ooh, yeah.
You can't just welcome him in.
He tried to hypnotize you.
Yeah, but just the one time.

Besides, Val, we should strive
to welcome everyone,
regardless of their past.
I mean, Queen Barb tried to
steal all the tribes' music
and now she's like my bestie
times infinity plus one, so
- Hmm?
- Yeah, that's true.
- But no.
- Uh!
I'm watching you, jazz boy.
[Chuckle nervously]
Okay, I'm just gonna say it,
I am not cool with the jazz.
It is so boring!
- Keith!
- No offense taken, Queen Poppy.
It's widely known that Smooth
Jazz has no effect on children.
To them, it's as boring as
shopping with their mom and dad
for pants.
Pants-shopping? Ah!
[Chuckle nervously]
Where were we?
Oh, yeah, welcome, Chaz.
At last, a home.
Now, which way
to the Smooth Jazz Neighborhood?
- The what?
- You know, the famous TrollsTopia neighborhoods
that reflect each
Troll's unique culture?
Oh, right, the Smooth
Jazz Neighborhood, yeah.
We don't have
a Smooth Jazz Neighborhood.
- Oh.
- I'm so sorry, we just didn't think
No, it's my fault, Poppy.
I should've known the dream of
TrollsTopia was too good to be true.
Maybe I can make this area
the Jazz neighborhood.
This can be my bed.

At last a home.
Okay, guys, we have to help Chaz.
And I know just what to do.
A little father,
a little farther.
Listen, Chaz, it breaks our hearts
that you don't feel like you belong,
so we've been working
on a solution.
The Smooth Jazz Grotto!
- Oh!
- Want a tour?
- Welcome to your new home.
- CHAZ: Oh, oh, oh!
First, to set the mood for the
ultimate Smooth Jazz locale,
one must have a roaring fire
on every wall!
Oh! Fan-jazz-tic.
And a deep shag rug to lie on
while you play sax,
the deepest shag we could find!
I'm okay!
- Oh!
- And, here we have a personal hair salon
- to keep those luscious locks of yours a-flowin'!
- Yes!
I never thought I could
achieve such chest volume!
Uh, sugar, we actually thought
you'd use it on your
Now, the conditioner.
Never mind.
Well, friends, you've shown me that
the dream of TrollsTopia is real.
Every Troll, even the one that
is me, has a place here.
- Aww.
- Now, out of gratitude for all of this,
there's a priceless
gift I'd like to give.
- Oh.
- To your ears.

Not fooling me, jazz boy.
Chaz! It's Biggie!
Mr. Dinkles and I brought you
some housewarming fondue!
Sorry! I tripped over your
suitcase, but I'll clean it up!

Uh, I found what appears
to be your evil plans
for turning all of TrollsTopia
into something called JazzTopia.
Which I know I shouldn't be shouting
out, but I can't seem to stop!
K, I'm going to run
for my life now! Bye.
Ah! Ah! Ah!
[Biggie screams]
Sorry, but I can't let you go,
not until you and every
single Troll in JazzTopia
is under the smooth control
of sweet Lady Jazz.

Uh, what is happening here?

And now the conditioner.
Jazz boy!
[Poppy hums]
Poppy! You gotta see this.
Wait, what's that?
It's a grotto-warming gift
for Chaz.
What? Poppy, forget that! Chaz
is hypnotizing the entire village!
- Jazz, jazz, jazz, jazz.
- POPPY: Oh.
Well, gee, Val,
based on what you're saying,
we've gotta find Chaz right now.
So he can explain that this is
all just a big misunderstanding!
No! Poppy, he's evil!
Ugh! Chaz, would you please tell
Val you don't have a secret plan
to turn us into
Smooth Jazz Trolls?
Of course! Except that's
exactly what I'm doing.
- See! Wait, what?
- I knew it!
You can't resist it ♪

So don't you try ♪

The velvet smooth
infectious groove ♪
Playing all
through the night ♪
A swinging beat
It moves your feet ♪
You can't be mad ♪
The luscious tones
invade your bones ♪
You can't stop jazz
Wow ♪
Finally, the only Troll
that suspected me. And you
You never saw it coming.
KEITH: Oh, yes, she did!

Sorry, Mr. Snooze Jazz, but Poppy
smuggled me in here, for this!
[Keith screaming]
Jazz has no effect on
children. Give that back!
[Jazz Tiger roaring]
Ah! Ah!
- Now, jazz it over, kid.
- Uh, uh
No! The hypnotism!
- Mew.
- Huh?
Oh, you may have bested me
this time, but I'll be back!
You cannot stop the power
of Smooth Jazz!
[Jazz Tiger roaring]
Well, that was weird.
Sorry, Val. I guess I shoulda been
more suspicious from the start.
Nah, I like that you think
the best of every Troll.
Don't go losing that Poptimism
just because of one bad cupcake.
Besides, it's cool being the
skeptic in this friendship.
[Smidge grunting]
Oh, my guh!
Oh, hey, guys.
What'd I miss?

Well, ya'll! Tomorrow the Metroll
System opens across TrollsTopia!
That's right!
And Branch recently pitched us
an intriguing idea.
It's a state-of-the-art
security system.
- Ooh!
- Wherein every Troll scans
a photo ID badge as they board,
allowing us to track who's
riding the train at all times.

- Thoughts?
- We love it, Branch!
But can you take out
all the stuff about security,
scanning and tracking?
What? But then it's nothing but
a flimsy excuse to wear fun badges.
- Hooray! Whoo!
- Yeah! Alright!
So tomorrow, you'll all receive
your own Photo Fun Badge!

And, of course,
new Fun Badge means new photos,
so start practicin' them poses,
ya'll, 'cuz tomorrow is Picture Day!
- No!
- Huh?

Uh, Minuet, you okay?
- You're, uh, going at that violin pretty hard.
- What?
I have no idea what you mean.
Oh, who am I kidding? It's this
infernal Picture Day! Guh!
Wait. Picture Day
is what's gotcha all worked up?
- But why?
- Because, for my entire life,
I have never been able
to take a good picture.
- Oh, c'mon, that can't be true.
- Yeah, Minuet, you're adorab
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Ah! Ah!
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
You see, I am a first chair
violinist, I speak 17 languages,
at age two, I could
already do this!
- Ooh!
- Oh!
I have mastered any skill
I put my mind to,
but when it comes to posing for
a picture, I am helpless!
Aw, Minuet. Listen, who's to say
whether a photo is good or bad?
But you are awesome either way,
so who cares, right?

Hmm, yes, you're right, Poppy, who
cares if I can't do this one thing.
This one simple thing,
so simple, in fact,
that young children can do it,
but I can't!
That's fine with me!
I think we're gonna needs some
help from an expert.
So, Poppy tells me you've
never taken a good picture.
Well, I have never
taken a bad one.
As you'll see
when you step inside my gallery.
Or as I call it
my Guy-llery.
How do you do it, Guy?
Where did you acquire such talent?
Well, while it is true
that I am very talented
- Guy.
- Sorry, where was I?
Oh, right, I was saying
that I never take a picture
without a little help.
In this one, a large fan gave my
hair that windblown look.
- Ooh!
- And to get this shine, I had
- my glitter waxed for three days.
- Ah.
What about that one?

Ah, yes. Actually, this one
got the most help of all.
It was taken during a very special time
when the light is absolutely ideal.
- Golden hour?
- GUY: No, no.
Golden second.
- Oh, my.
- Yes, golden second.
A rare and fleeting moment
when the cosmos aligns,
wraps you in its unknowable
wonder and whispers
"Say cheese."
- Oh!
- Of course, no one can predict
when a golden
second will happen.
Even so, I had no idea
there were so many ways to improve
the quality of a photograph.
Guy, will you help
me on Picture Day?
I would be honored to be your guide.
Or as I call it, your Guyde.
- Ready. And
- Hold, please!
- My crew needs time to make some adjustments!
- Your crew?
All right, team!
Let's work it!
Pose on fire
Fire ♪
Looking fine
Work ♪
Confidence on lock
Don't stop now ♪
Go on, shine ♪
We light it up
We set the flash to strobe ♪
And then I let it go ♪
Go to the left to the right ♪
Now pose ♪
Shine like the star
you know you are ♪
I'm gonna find my pose ♪
Work that camera
So much glamour ♪
Go to the left to the right ♪
Now pose I'm gonna
find my pose ♪
Not one good picture?
It's useless!
No matter how much we add, I will
never take a decent photograph!

What-what's happening?
Minuet, take your position.
Golden second is upon us.
Say cheese.
We've got it.
[Minuet gasps]
At last.
I've conquered the one skill
I could never master.
I must take a closer look!

[Guy gasps]
Grab that picture!
[Tiny grunts]
Never fear, winged Troll lady!
Tiny Diamond's got that good photo!
Oh. Wow, no.
Tiny Diamond did not!
- I got it! I got it!
- I got it! I got it!
I got it! Uff!
Still got it! Still got it!
Still got it! Still got it!
Still got it! Still got it!
[Train approaches]
- Back away!
- Get off the tracks!
It's stuck!
Please, Minuet!
It's not worth it!
- You've gotta get outta the way of that train!
- Train?
Oh, my!
What? What am I doing?
Minuet, are you okay?
Am I okay?
Am I okay!
Poppy, I nearly let myself
be steam rolled by a locomotive,
all for a 4 X 3 glossy. Does
that behavior sound okay to you?
Uh, I mean, I guess not?
Well, I certainly hope you "guess not."
This madness needs to stop right now.
This one. This will be
my train badge photo.
Let's be done with it.
- What? Just like that?
- Really?
Yes. Because you know what?
I am a first chair violinist.
I speak 17 languages.
And, I can do this!

- Oh!
- As you said before, good photo or bad,
I am awesome either way.
Well, hot dang!
You go, girl!
That said,
it won't be easy being the only Troll
to ride the train
with a bad photo.

You know, Minuet,
maybe riding the train
won't be as hard as you think.
A bit more.
A bit more. There?
Looks good to me. Minuet?
[Minuet chuckles]
It's perfect.
Step forward.
Step forward.
Step forward.
Thank you, friends. Now, group
shot, everyone! Say cheese!

You can't resist it ♪

The velvet smooth
infectious groove ♪
Playing all
through the night ♪
A swinging beat
It moves your feet ♪
You can't be mad ♪
The luscious tones
invade your bones ♪
You can't stop jazz ♪
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