Troppo (2022) s02e02 Episode Script

The Past Can Burn

Mom and dad at home?
Not today.
It's my birthday.
Not comin' in the fuckin'
fuckin' house!
Even though I have all this
tension in my body,
I choose to let it go.
Well, I've got plenty more advice
if you want to stay for a drink.
Two lovers whose sex
was so hot they self-combusted.
Julian ran Family Tree.
It's a retreat that helps broken
families get back together.
Victim's Z-type Jag
went missing the same night.
You might want to ask him about
the fight he had with his old
man the night of his death.
He drove me crazy.
Alright, he did.
- But he was still my dad.
- Prove he's innocent. Okay?
I can't have you two
contaminating my crime scenes
or hounding
my medical examiner for intel.
We are professionals.
Stay away from
my investigation.
I've had enough.
Good to see you again, Amanda.
[sirens blaring]
[woman sobbing]
- [long beep]
- [chatter]
- [man, indistinct]
- [woman sobbing]
[woman sobbing]
- [sirens]
- [sobbing]
What happened, son?
[man] The boat hit something.
Bart was thrown.
Oh, no!
Sorry, nothing more we can do.
[woman] No!
[weeping] No!
[theme song playing]
[phone chimes]
[line ringing]
- [Amanda] I've been calling.
- Aman
Where are you?
No, no, stop. Stop, stop,
stop talking.
I got shot.
- I'm coming over.
- That's why I couldn't
- [line beeping]
- Hello?
Oh, for God's sake.
You know,
on this planet, we knock
before we barge
in on somebody in a bathroom.
You tell me you've been shot,
I rush over here
and you're in the fucking bath.
Been shot with rock salt.
That's why I'm in a bath.
Who the fuck
shoots someone with rock salt?
I'm trying to tell you.
A crazy lady shot me.
Now, can I get a minute?
I need a drink.
And White Hat was nothing,
by the way.
Just a broken-down shed.
And I'm fine, thank you very much.
I am thrilled for you.
Twist's back.
He cut his hair?
Like he was taking a souvenir.
He knew I was there.
He wanted me to see him.
That's all he said to you?
"It's good to see you".
Yeah, but it was the way
he said it. Fucking with me.
This guy. He's
been in hiding for months.
He only strikes
when there's a need.
So, what's the need?
I don't know. He's breeding
an army of snake-human hybrids.
I don't know. Fuck.
All right. Take a breath.
What if his hair
What if
it is some kind of trophy?
What do you think?
Twist killed him?
Makes more sense
than you being the target.
The very least,
seems like they knew each other
and that's
something for us to go on.
Six months ago, he killed
a man in front of me, Ted.
And he tried
to stitch me up for it.
You're on the couch.
- No, it's fine. I can go.
- Nah, you're safe here.
And you?
Are you safe?
Shiner one day,
shot the next.
Can you please
just stop pissing people off?
I'll see what I could do.
Thank you.
[birds caw, whistle]
- [hissing]
- [screams]
- Hey! Bloody Amanda! Hey! Shoo!
- [geese squawking]
Knock it off!
Shoo! Go on.
- What the hell?
- [phone ringing]
Chateau Conkaffey. We do
hope you enjoyed your stay,
but you left
without checking out.
Tell me you're
not where I think you are.
I'm in our office.
Where else would I be?
You're telling me
you left this house
and went straight
to the office?
That's what you're
trying to tell me?
I mean, I may have made
a slight detour on the way.
Amanda, of all the
stupid shit
Twist's lab's been
boarded up for months.
What's the big deal?
This is a partnership.
We are partners, all right?
When we do dumb shit,
we do it together.
Doesn't work if one of us
goes running off half-cocked
right back into the same goddamn
trap they fell for the last time.
Okay, well, he wasn't there,
so not a trap.
Are you coming into work or what?
You, out.
Come on, mama.
- Are they back already?
- Just see what they want
and take it from there.
- We need you to come with us.
- Raph.
Are you even
looking at anyone else?
- Raph. Raph, come on.
- Huh?
Are you even
looking at anyone else?
You do something stupid,
they'll do something stupid.
- Put it down.
- I can't go back.
You're not going to prison
because you didn't do anything.
She's made up her mind about me.
Then she'll looked
like an idiot
when the PIs find out
who really killed your dad.
Please put this down.
You're not alone, okay?
I'm here.
For the record, is there anything
from your previous statement
you'd like to revise?
Do you recognise this
item of clothing?
It was found by
an employee of Family Tree.
Let me help you.
This is a photo of you lifted
from Family Tree's website.
Take a good look
at the shirt you're wearing.
Same distinct design, right?
Fucking Debbie.
Can you explain
these bloodstains?
I get nosebleeds.
- Usually brought on by stress.
- Hmm.
Keep this shit up,
maybe I'll give you a demo.
So, this nosebleed,
it wasn't brought on
by a physical altercation?
Maybe one you had with
your father the night he died?
- We have a witness.
- That fucking journalist.
You know they make
shit up for a living, right?
I told dad I was leaving town.
Got a little bit out of hand.
But it was just words, mostly.
Then why burn the shirt?
Because every time
I looked at it, I remembered
my last moments
with my dad were an argument.
And I knew how it would look
to you people.
A warrant for your DNA.
Fill it out.
You're right
about the way it looks.
You can either give us
a DNA swab or we can take it.
I recommend the former.
You have shed your skin.
It's a bit of a shame.
I outgrew it.
May I?
I was sad to hear
about your demotion.
Murderer to victim.
Enough to make my head spin.
- Still killed her.
- Accidents don't count.
Is that what you're doing here?
Telling me I'm out of the club?
You're rescinding
my membership, are you?
Now that would imply
that I murdered somebody.
What'd I just
tell you about accidents?
You tried to frame me.
Turns out I wasn't the first.
I could do it again
if you like.
I can help
you claw back some of that power,
wipe the pity off their faces.
It's nauseating, isn't it,
how they look at you now?
It's a shame about your snakes.
Seized by
Parks and Wildlife, right?
Venom too. Ouch.
How much did that set you back?
Might explain
why you're hairdressing now.
I hear you're
looking for
Julian Norton's killer.
Maybe I'm looking at him.
Who was he to you?
You're right.
It is still in there.
Is there any chance
she can come out and play?
[geese squawking]
Hey there! Take it easy.
All right. Here, here.
- Oh, nice, nice.
- [phone ringing]
Hey, cutie. Aren't
you supposed to be in class?
It's recess.
Where are all
the other kids?
I wanted to talk to you.
Oh. I always want
to talk to you, peanut.
Thanks for my phone, Dad.
It's my favourite present.
Mum's really angry at you.
I'm so sorry
about your party, kiddo.
It's okay. It took
four of them to take you down.
You should probably
get back to class
before your teacher
comes looking for you, huh?
Can I see the geese
first, please?
And then you go back inside?
All right.
There's Mama.
Say hi, Mama.
- And there's Almond.
- I love their new house.
Yeah, I got lucky.
My neighbour was
throwing away their playhouse.
I wish I could
come see it for real.
I think they'd really like that.
I'll work it out with your ma.
- How about that?
- Good luck with that.
Your mosquito-infested
hovel isn't fit for kids.
You don't worry about Ma,
all right?
You just start thinking
about what you want to pack.
Now get on back to class.
Promise is a promise.
He was just here,
wriggling around under my skin.
I don't know what he wants
and I don't know
how he knows Julian,
but I'm sure
he's up to something.
Did he threaten you?
I honestly don't know.
Oh. Dare I ask?
Well, you like your case
photos on the wall,
I like my plastic toys
on the blackboard.
Makes sense.
Walk me through it.
Okay, so, Julian gets beaten up
before being set on fire,
hurtling to his death,
crushing Erin.
Suspect number one is his son
because drugs, priors,
and a massive chip on
his shoulder
because of his dad.
Makes him
the performing monkey.
- Correct.
- Subtle.
Questions. One:
Why was Julian
paying big bucks to
White Hat for a rundown shed?
Two: What happened to the jack?
And three:
How does Twist know Julian?
Okay. Which one are you?
- I'm the one with the teeth.
- Ah.
Where am I?
[imitating galloping, neighing]
We should talk to Raph.
If he knows Twist, maybe he can
make the connection for us.
First, we should
talk to the neighbors.
Policing 101, Pharrell.
By the book.
What are you doing?
We know you can sit in the car.
Now's not the time
to take a backward step.
It's not a linear thing.
Just because I got
in the car once
when I didn't have
any other choice
doesn't mean
I'm ready to do it every day.
Yeah, I got a theory on that.
Oh, you do, do you? Go on.
You were locked
up when you were 16, right?
- Yeah.
- That's the year most kids
are getting
their first taste of freedom.
You never
learned how to drive.
Driving's not an issue, Ted.
Never was.
I've been
driving since I was eight.
Since you were eight?
You'd be lucky
if you could reach the pedals.
But all right, let's see it.
Drive us to the McQuillans.
You're driving
me up the fucking wall.
Okay, then, I'll just
let you get a head start.
Maybe I'll pick up a coffee.
Ow. Fuck.
You all right?
It's weird nobody's come out
to greet us.
You want the house?
It's all yours.
I'll take the
Anyone home?
Hey. No, not a good time
to call unannounced.
Amanda Pharrell.
- I'm investigating
- Yeah. I know who you are.
You solved
that Korean bloke's murder.
That scientist,
or whatever he was.
Those kids
didn't mean to kill that man.
I suppose they didn't mean
to feed him to the croc either.
Okay, what is it you want?
I just wanted to ask you some
questions about your neighbour,
Julian Norton.
Your kids leave
and you inherit their dog
Until it gets
some growth in its spine
and the back legs go.
Need a hand?
I'm sorry.
Are you okay there?
Fucking hell.
No, no. I'm just looking
for the property owner.
Piss off, mate,
you're trespassing.
Sure, I can do that.
I just stumble into a guy
sitting alone in the dark
with a barrel to his head,
Can't really just walk away,
you know?
Could you?
- You thought I
- Yeah. Kind of looked that way.
- Is there anybody I can
- You got a dog, mate?
I can't say I have.
I'm more of a goose person.
Well, I just, um
Yeah. I can tell this
is not the best time.
Look, I'm
a private investigator.
I just came here to
ask about your neighbour.
The dead one with a missing Jag.
So that's it?
You're snooping around to see if
I stole that bastard's car.
Wasn't the first thing
that crossed my mind, but
This farm was here long
before that prick arrived.
Didn't stop him
complaining, though.
Noise, dust fertilisers.
Oh, he whinged to everybody,
you name it.
Coppers, council,
Department of bloody Agriculture.
Told them I was using my machinery
outside of operating hours.
All horseshit,
of course, but they believed him.
They believed him because
he coddled troubled teenagers.
I'm not surprised
got himself killed.
Right. Well, I won't
take up any more of your time.
Was it an act of kindness?
Because I can give you five
names of blokes in this town
who I'd have put down before
that dog.
Yeah, I bet.
An E-type Jag? Us?
What, riding around
town chasing eyeballs and envy?
No, that was his thing,
not ours.
Oh! I'm buggered.
[sighs] Here.
You can do the honours.
Oh, our son's idea.
Wish he chose
a different one.
- Oh, one last thing.
- Yeah?
On the night your neighbor died,
where were you and your husband?
Well, Max and I were
here at home, alone.
Asleep by 9:30, as usual.
Oh, and, um,
he wasn't our neighbour.
He was a man who thought he stood
taller than the rest of us,
who just happened to share
our boundary line.
They're going on
the murder table, right?
No question.
There's a lot
of empty cabins here.
Should see if
we can move in,
seeing as Family Tree
was built for our kind.
Major fuck-ups.
- What the hell?
- What the fuck?
You're a few minutes
too late.
What the fuck did you do?
If you'd have been a few
minutes earlier,
you would have
seen Raph break his own record.
- Smashed it, didn't you, killer?
- Two minutes, ten seconds.
[Twist exclaims]
Oh, this is Uncle Ezra.
He's Dad's brother.
Can't you see
the family resemblance?
Dad called it flooding.
- Looked a lot like drowning.
- It's in his book.
You expose yourself to a fear,
bit by bit,
until you overcome it.
Yeah, I'm familiar.
Nearly drowned a few years back.
It helps.
And, yeah, your dad's brother,
he into that sort of thing?
Facing your fears?
No, I don't think
he's afraid of anything.
His dad's half-brother,
different fathers.
My family always said
not to trust him, he was dodgy.
Sounds like good advice.
Well, people say any shit.
Dad dobbed him
into the cops once, though.
Got him put in jail,
his own brother.
- What for?
- Some bullshit.
But Ezra can't be all bad.
He loaned Ronnie money.
Stopped our banana
plantation going under.
Yeah, well,
the Ezra I know
doesn't do shit
out of the kindness
of his own heart.
Well, when I called my family
to tell him Dad was dead,
he was the only one who came.
You were ready
to go straight in.
That's good.
That why she hitched
her wagon to you?
Very brave.
Are you gonna tell me
what you're really doing here?
My brother died.
Thought my nephew could
use some emotional support.
Ah. By scalping
his father in the morgue?
She told you about that?
Did you know that the hair is supposed
to contain the spirit of a person
so you can
contact them in the afterlife?
If you know
the right witch.
[Twist laughs]
Yeah, I'm fucking with you, Ted.
But I'm tickled that
you talked about me.
Go near that girl again
we're going to have
a little problem.
I'm worried, Ted.
I think she might be getting
a little attached.
So tell me. I bet she's got
ink in some interesting places.
Call your fucking dog off.
Call him off.
[Twist laughs] Whoo!
Relax, Raph.
We're having fun!
Brave and sensitive.
Really is the full package.
[alternative rock playing]
721 days.
If he makes parole.
He will.
Charlie's a good kid,
You fucking hired Brooke.
Now, you and I,
we both know everyone deserves
a second chance.
When she falls off the wagon,
could you try hiring someone
that didn't
fuck me over?
Is that the shit beer
or the piss-weak beer?
Careful. You don't want
to offend the locals.
Are you offended?
If you wanted to offend me,
all you'd have to do is bow me up
on the highway
and tell me how
shit I am at my job.
And that would do it?
Every day of the week.
Well, I'll be
careful not to do that, then.
Solving the Park Jong Min case
would suggest you are
actually quite good at your job.
What happened to
stay away from my investigation?
I can compartmentalise.
Maybe you do
what you have to, to survive.
Read my case.
And your partner's.
I need to know
who I'm dealing with.
So do I get my
own little compartment in there?
[bird whistles, insect chirps]
All right.
Good. Yay!
By my calculations,
you have seven-months interest.
You're the one
that did the runner.
Who was I going to send it to?
Mr. Twist,
care of God knows where?
Unforeseen circumstances
favour the lender.
I don't have it.
I didn't
expect to see you so soon.
You might have
even secretly hoped I was dead.
But I'm also
going to need the rest of it.
I'm calling in the loan, Ronnie.
How am I going to
find that kind of money?
You knew this day was coming.
Why now?
No warning. No installments.
I don't.
There's no way.
It's all right, Ronnie.
I'm not a bank.
Which is good.
If you default with me, we'll
come to some other arrangement.
This is my grandparents' farm.
I'm not interested
in an arrangement.
You want to have
something left,
something to leave
your daughter, yeah?
The deal
will be what I say it is.
- [whispering, indistinct]
- [door closes]
[Amanda whispering]
Tension in the body
Let's go, Conkaffey.
Driving lesson.
What happened to I've
been driving since I was eight?
Come on before I change my mind.
Oh, I get it. You don't
know how to drive a stick.
What do you want, a prize?
How hard can it be?
Clutch-in, shift gears,
blah, blah, blah.
A little more complicated
than that. Uh, uh, uh.
If we're going to do this,
we're going to drive somewhere
you can't run into anything.
Follow me.
All right.
I am in control.
- Jesus!
- I am in control.
I am behind the wheel
and I am in control.
- I am behind the wheel.
- All right.
I am behind the wheel
and I am in control.
Quit jawing
and get in the car.
In control.
I'm behind the wheel?
Come on.
Fuck it! Fuck it.
All right.
- All right.
- All right.
Your right foot
goes on the brake.
- Which one?
- The one in the middle.
- All right.
- The left foot,
that's your clutch, right? That's
all your left foot's going to do.
You clutch in. Push it in.
- All the way?
- All the way.
Now you want
to put it into first gear.
Where the fuck
is first gear?
Grab the stick,
over to the left.
All the way up.
You're in first gear.
And now you're going to ease
off on the clutch
and gently accelerate.
It's a smooth transition.
Oh! I said, Easy.
Easy. Easy.
There you go. Once you get
it in a higher gear, nothing to it.
- Nothing to it.
- No.
Five fucking minutes.
That's all it took
for you to destroy her.
Even I know
it's the radiator, Ted.
They need water.
Something the owner should check.
That's okay. So,
we're walking, are we?
Not waiting around
in this heat.
Okay, so what the fuck
is going on?
One trip to Sydney
and you're back being
the tight-lipped arse
you were when you first got here.
Can we just walk in peace?
Yeah, but that's my point.
You ain't peaceful. You were
so looking forward to this trip.
So what is it?
Kelly or Lilly?
Drop it.
No! We are way past that.
This partnership
only works if you communicate.
So fucking communicate!
You move out of my way.
The house was
raided on Lilly's birthday.
Oh, those fucking assholes.
How is this not harassment?
They dropped your charges.
They Some bullshit
about new evidence and
They're just doing whatever the fuck
they can to ruin my life. That's why.
Yeah, because
there's no other suspects.
They're never
going to leave you alone.
Okay, then we just
have to work out who the fuck
did it and solve the case.
How? How are
we going to do that?
I would love to do that.
I tried back when I had
the resources, I had access,
I had the files,
I had Frankie.
A badge.
Yeah, but now you got me.
All good here?
You know, the air-conditioning
is pretty powerful.
- Sure you don't want to
- No, no.
So, Colin, of all the dishonest
professions, why journalism?
The truth?
Ah. The truth.
So why Family Tree?
You know,
kids today are really struggling
with what they're inheriting
from us.
Climate, economy, social media.
Broken families
need places like Family Tree.
Why Crimson Lake? I mean,
surely there's plenty of these
retreats closer to the city.
Yeah. Well.
This way I get a break up north
and the boss pays for it.
So, do they work, these retreats?
Well, Family Tree's clients
seem to think so.
Everyone adores Julian.
for the McQuillans.
Yeah, yeah, I've spoken to them.
They are decidedly not fond.
But you can't blame them.
What's that?
Well, their son, Bart.
You've seen that old boat
in their front paddock, right?
It ain't there for decoration.
[Ted] Any chance
you can make a detour?
[Amanda panting]
Wow. That hit
something hard. Real hard.
Took on a lot of water.
Went down pretty fast.
Raph said he nearly drowned once.
Now we know how.
Family Tree visitors
would have to pass by this.
Julian and Raph too.
You know that's by design.
They're not
just punishing the neighbours,
they're punishing themselves.
[camera shutter clicking
Get out of there!
Mr McQuillan. Hey!
Max, stop that!
What did
I tell you about trespassing?
Hey, we're sorry
about your son, all right?
We're real goddamn sorry.
No, you're not.
Nobody is.
No one cares.
If they cared, they would have
arrested that Naughton kid
who murdered my son!
You stupid old fool!
Whoa, whoa!
Bart didn't even get an inquest.
- Give me the gun!
- Bloody take the thing!
That bastard
got his son off scot-free.
Yeah, now they think
you killed him.
Okay, I'm sorry.
He shouldn't have done that.
It's just
The bloody dog's
knocked us for six.
Did he kill Julian?
Every night, in his dreams.
That rifle seemed
pretty damn real.
Yeah, well, it's hard
watching you and the police just
falling over yourselves
investigating that man's death.
It was a murder.
So is killing a farmer's son
in a boat
if you're high as a kite.
Max, wait.
Raph was high?
Stella, help us understand.
Dear Lord.
Okay, look,
it's been a tough day.
It's going to cost you a drink.
[Ted groans]
[music playing]
Raph was driving,
smashed into God knows what
and it threw Bart out of the boat.
When my boy's autopsy came back,
there was something in his blood.
Not any of the usual shit,
something else.
Plant-based, they said.
Do you think
Raph was on it too?
His history?
Young men that age
tend to share a brain cell.
I'd think that would
make Raph more culpable.
Julian threw his weight around
and got Raph's blood test
thrown out.
That's who you're advocating for.
You, of all people.
Grief bonds you at first.
You're the only two people
who truly understand what's lost.
And somehow you end up sleeping
in different rooms, a world apart.
Max gets angry and I
Did you confront
Julian about this?
Did Max?
What do you think?
Is there any chance that Julian,
Max revisited that conversation?
Maybe the night he died?
Well, I already told you.
Max and I went to bed, as usual.
You sleep
in different bedrooms.
Max could have easily snuck out
without you knowing.
Up and at 'em, lovebirds.
What's going on?
Come on.
We've got work to do.
[Raph] Whoo!
Is it much further?
Nearly there.
[Twist] Never came up here
with your dad?
No, it's too ordinary for him.
Everything had to be a bonding experience
or a challenge to be
in the moment.
No time for
just hanging out, you know?
Doesn't sound like
you two had much fun together.
We did
when Mum was around.
Yep. She brought the light,
your mum. She blazed.
Who did this to my brother?
I got no idea.
Honestly, I wish I did.
Then I could get the cops off
my back. They think it was me.
Was it?
What, are you serious?
No. I didn't kill my dad.
It's okay if you did.
It's your business.
I wanted to kill him plenty times.
Had to ask,
you understand?
Just feels personal,
lighting him up like that.
Someone had a bone to pick
with your dad.
Or with me.
Could be a message.
They're coming for me.
Then maybe you.
You have any sudden epiphanies,
don't go talking to the cops.
You come to me.
- [sighs]
- [geese squawking]
Oh! Hey! Hey!
No, wait! [groans]
God damn it.
Hey! Get back here.
[phone ringing]
Thanks for calling me back.
Here we are.
Where's here?
This is where we bury your dad.
It's in his will.
You've seen his will?
Convinced Devi to show me.
She's the executor.
Don't worry. You're going
to be a very wealthy young man.
Yeah, I don't think about that.
He left you everything.
You got the world
at your feet, mate.
I don't think
he ever understood me.
Or even really liked me.
But he did love me.
I do know that.
This love,
was it conditional?
Anyway, you've done your penance.
The only person
you have to please now is you,
Eight-feet long,
three-and-a-half-feet wide, and
six-feet deep.
Have you done this before?
You're standing on your grandad.
Oh! Shit. Sorry.
He's past caring.
- [laughs]
- Yeah.
I always thought Dad wanted
his ashes spread through the forest.
Either way, mate.
You bury your past or you burn it.
If you don't,
it'll come back rearing its fangs.
Brands don't matter.
- They all use the same base ingredients.
- Thanks.
Cracked radiator pipe,
I hear.
Actually, you got a minute?
Mario, how much longer
for Ted's car?
I didn't pick you
for a rev-head.
Miss my '92 Celica.
That fuel used to set
Julian Naughton on fire,
wasn't leaded, was it?
I think
I think it was lead-additive.
Just like he'd use in his car, right?
From the burns on the back,
he was drenched in the stuff.
But on the front, there's nothing,
like he was marinating in it.
That's weird.
You're renovating.
What's that colour called?
"Banana Beam," I think.
Lilly, my daughter,
is coming to visit.
Just for a weekend.
But if I get this right
it might happen more often.
You're investigating
a double-murder
in the crocodile capital
of the world.
Not sure
you can paint all over that.
Who owns Frankenstein's monster?
Was Ronnie's. She wanted
to send her off to the wreckers,
but she's too good
to sell for parts.
Thought I'd fix
her up as a paddock bomb.
I might be
in the market to drive.
Well, beneath her scars,
she's still got a lot of guts,
a lot of personality.
I like her scars.
She's not manual, is she?
No. Those were the days.
She's old, but she's an auto.
Thousand bucks.
You can pick her up
when the new light comes in.
Or 800 and a year
of free servicing.
Look after her.
I've seen what you do to cars.
And Ted's shit-heap?
Fine. Tell him
to pick her up tonight.
The walk'll do him good.
He knows where to find the key.
- [gasping]
- [hissing]
[sirens blaring]
[gasping] Bart, I'm sorry. Hey.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
[panting, gasping]
Hey, hey.
I want him arrested!
Do your damn job like you
should've done three years ago!
What happened to you
not interfering with my case?
I'm just
looking for a missing car.
Got a little physical,
but that's all.
A little physical?
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
I don't give a fuck
what you've got going on here.
I'm just trying
to work out who killed Julian.
- [gasps] Oh.
- You okay?
Where the fuck
did you disappear to?
Not now.
Ah, so it's a race, then?
You're only
just figuring that out now?
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