Tschugger (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

La Bomba

Yesterday, they struck again.
Unknown people broke in
break in
in the stable of the farmer Erich Holzer in Bratsch
and kidnapped a goat
goat with a black collar.
The incident is part of a
a series of mysterious robberies
that have never been seen before
in Valais.
The cantonal police have been investigating
since last week and hope to find
that witnesses will come forward
in this case.
Let's move on to sports.
All my life I've dreamed
to be part of
of being part of the Edelweiss team.
You know,
only the best of the best.
But at that point, I realized
that I was now at the other end
of the food chain.
Oh, my God.
How does this
this damn thing work?
Can someone show me?
Damn it.
Pirmin, answer.
Bax, we know
that you are there.
You are surrounded.
If you cooperate now,
it will help you later on
in front of the judge.
This is Delta, target in sight.
Can we lead the assault?
Negative, we are still waiting for
-We are ready.
-We are ready. Thank you.
Damn it, Bax.
That I still have to live
something like this
just before retirement
I know that before,
I always said
that you are my little Tomba la Bomba.
And once again you want to
to run headlong into the wall.
But not this time!
I don't know if you can remember
remember Alberto Tomba.
He sometimes stood half-drunk
in the departure cabin
and his face was destroyed
from the day before.
The more desperate the situation became,
the faster he found his way
to the finish line.
And I too have the same ability
with the same ability.
Bax, get out of there now.
I'm sure we can clear up
this misunderstanding.
We have to go in.
-Intervention. Delta position.
-Go, Go, Go
-The Delta Boys are protecting.
-In the kitchen.
-Everything is protected.
The kitchen is empty
There's nobody here.
-Hey Dani, you got anything?
-Negative, no contact.
-Damn it, there's no one here.
-Target's gone.
Listen to me for a moment.
We'll leave this here for
forensics here.
and discuss the other steps
at the station.
Boris, Clara, I'm getting into your car.
That's right. And this is my left.
Frängi, damn. I give up.
Let me out.
Bax, I've never been able to
to put up with you.
But that you didn't
reported me to Fedpol
was really
a noble gesture on your part.
I fired a few shots
in the forest of Finges,
the whole post has nothing
to do with it.
But now,
it's a fair fight.
We'll see who's on the front page at the end.
And Frängi, can you tell Gerda
that I have everything
Anybody home?
Tiger, it's going to be okay.
It's great that you can
help us out a bit.
And it's temporary.
At the 10 o'clock break,
I'll introduce you
my fellow teachers.
They are really looking forward to
to meet you.
Courage, darling!
Damn, how much longer is this going to go on?
Patrizia, it will last
as long as it takes.
It's his first day on the job,
and he's not the fastest.
No, please, this is not
a service weapon!
We hold it very differently.
Look at this Mr. Lötscher?
It is important that the
that the angle is correct.
Otherwise, it cannot
read the barcode.
It's a precision device.
I'll show you one more time.
See that?
That's much better.
Before I joined the police force,
I was all about the music.
I put all my money
and my brother's savings account
into that tour bus.
This is where I used to have sleepless nights with the guys.
We were dreaming of something
very big.
We sweated, shot and danced
and danced together.
Reto left his girlfriend,
Meisi has given up his
apprenticeship as a butcher.
We were ready to go
around the world with this bus.
But when the APEA found out
that Rudolf, our guitarist,
was only 10 years old,
they cancelled our whole
Radioactive tour.
Not only me, but also our fans
our fans were devastated.
What's up?
Is this right?
Did you take the picture
with the camera?
And how will you
send it now
with the cell phone?
-Do you have a USB cable?
-No, I don't have one.
I don't carry around
a piece of shit camera like that.
I take my pictures
with the phone.
The quality is ten times better
than with the camera.
I can just take a picture of the screen
with my phone.
I don't care how you do it,
we just have to
send it now.
And look where we can get
animal feed.
You have to feed the cattle well.
What? You can't possibly
give him pet food!
food for animals!
You fool,
I'm talking about the goat!
Ah ah. And what do we give her?
to her?
If everything goes well,
and we get the key
for the policewoman,
we'll be rid of her
before she gets hungry.
-Anything else?
-Well then
Bring us the key right away or your girlfriend will die!
And no police!
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, L, M, K
Very good, it's coming along,
Mr. Lötscher.
Practice makes perfect.
Pst Hey, Pirmin.
-This is me.
-Jesus Mary
-Bax, what are you doing here?
-What are you doing here?
In a fucking school library?
I was suspended and sentenced to community service.
All because of you.
The Edelweiss team
has stormed my place,
and I don't even know why.
Butterfly, is in danger of dying.
We have to get him out of the hospital.
We'll both be heroes
in the end, and
Fucking wig.
will save the Valais.
I'll make a bet with you.
Pirmin knew very well that I only bet when I really win.
And a Dänemark cup.
Well, except for one time, maybe.
Bax! Bax! Bax!
I had the flu
and I was not in shape.
Take him to 313. Come on, let's go!
Everything is in order,
Yes. Sir is leaving.
We don't have what he's looking for.
Did you check the computer?
This is not necessary.
20, 40, 50. Yes, you can also
give me the rest.
If you go now to cry
at your mother's house,
I'll tell her that you smoked pot.
Hey, Lord Voldemort.
Do you have anything to smoke?
What do you want?
Something to smoke.
Can I see your taser?
No way.
It's not for little kids.
My uncle also
is a security guard.
I bet he can shoot a taser
much faster than you.
You know what?
Just be careful.
Where's the grass?
I know some of you don't think this is very cool again,
but in an operation
like this,
you have to accept
collateral damage.
Go and look elsewhere.
If this is CBD,
tomorrow you're dead.
And I still had to take revenge
to take my revenge on the APEA.
"The case of the mysterious mummy"?
That's a good choice.
Are you still here?
I found Fricker
half dead in his villa.
Bullet in the belly. It looked like a slaughterhouse. Fucking hell.
You know what? Go to the counter already.
I'll be right there.
I need to know where Bax is.
How do I know?
We both know
that Bax is on to something
and needs our help.
For me, this story
is over.
Hey, Butterfly. Wake up. Hey!
-Nurse! Help me!
-Pst! No!
It's me, Bax.
I promised you.
I don't fucking leave
one behind mine.
I'm going to get you out of here.
Come on, put this on.
Maybe it's really best to file the books
to file the books here
and leave Bax to his own devices.
You've always said that:
"A good police officer must also sometimes
go beyond his limits."
But I must have been wrong.
Wait a minute.
I have to show you something.
And suddenly the Italians pointed
their gun at us and
What should I have done?
I shot Patty Schnyder
I'm sorry.
Didn't I tell you
that I have little experience with
No, Butterfly.
Listen to me.
I'm the one who's sorry.
I just saw too much in you.
Too much talent. Although, actually,
you're a terrific loser.
And now,
many people
have to live with the consequences.
Pirmin works at the
the school library,
and an arrest warrant
is issued against me.
The most wanted man in Switzerland.
And all this only
because I wanted to help you.
Help me? I almost died.
I will probably never be able to walk properly
walk properly ever again!
Calm. No emotionalism.
When debriefing, it is important to remain objective.
This is about facts.
So let's shake off all
the negative,
and focus on the
on the positive.
So, what do we have? A hot lead:
Ginger's license plate.
We'll run it through Sirio
to find
where Ginger went with the pickup.
Sirio, the plate registration system
of the Valais.
Since Frängi used it to spy on his
to spy on his ex,
for security reasons,
only one person still has access to it.
And that's where you come in.
You go back to the police station.
Before you do that, you might want to take a shower
and put on some decent clothes.
Then you go to Ida
and invite her to dinner.
After the second or third course,
one thing leads to another,
you get closer,
you make eyes at him
And then it will happen
what must happen.
You want me to prostitute myself?
No! Well Well
You're crazy.
Butterfly, it's part of our job.
Butterfly, don't take it like that.
So you will have sex again
James Bond does it all the time!
Sleep with Ida yourself!
My grandfather
wasn't just a fisherman,
he was also a good dancer.
And when he held on to Ida's mother while dancing the polonaise,
nine months later,
Ida came into the world
although Bruno was in the army
the whole time.
No. Listen,
I need your help.
What else do you want to do?
Replace the ink cartridges
cartridges at the station?
Yes. Replacing the ink cartridges sounds good to me.
Ink cartridges
This is the solution!
The printer.
I would like to retrieve the key.
We're not a pawn shop.
But it's urgent.
After the whole story you told us last time?
She's safe in the
the conservation room
evidence, don't you think?
Anything else?
Actually, yes.
Yesterday I saw a movie in which
a woman had been kidnapped.
I wanted to ask
what the police
recommends in such a case.
Especially when it is requested
not to notify the police.
In reality, normally
the hostages die.
Or the one who tries
to save them.
More cables
so that we can solder.
Yes, take this too.
And what do we do with this?
Ah, the tripod, very good.
We followed them
all the way up the slope.
There were 30 or 40 people
with strange costumes.
They kept saying "Ararat".
Then they killed Ginger
because he didn't get
a certain key.
"Ararat"? Isn't that the
name of the kebab shop in Sierre?
Yes, it is possible.
It was exactly here.
This is the room number of
Patrick's room number at the hospital.
Do you think the same as me?
Yes, but the kebab store
shop is closed.
No. Patrick's room number
on a police ticket?
You think
that someone from the station
involved in this case?
What are they doing here?
What are these animals?
This is a black collared goat
and here a black-nosed sheep.
And look here
A sheep from Saas,
there are very few left.
Wait, I've seen it
I've seen it somewhere before.
This is the cow of Rüedi Martig
that was stolen,
I had to look for it the other day
with Peter.
Damn, somebody's still here.
Yeah come on, we have to
go all the way!
But from here it doesn't work.
We have to get
much closer.
We can't get any closer.
-I have to stay in the dark.
Here I don't get a signal.
-A little more.
-No, you see the mirror?
-There's almost a meter left!
-No, where?
I'm already almost stuck to the wall.
We can try.
Yes, it looks pretty good.
Let's give it a try.
That's great! Where did you learn all this?
It's better
you don't know.
Ah, damn it!
It's not enough. You have to go to the limit with this bike.
Let's go, let's go!
We are not here
for pleasure.
I hope this thing
doesn't blow up in our faces.
I think it's working.
Now we have to quickly
install the Brute Force program
on the printer.
Then we will have access to
Ida's computer.
We're in.
-Give me the license plate.
-Okay, one minute
Successful. Now
we have all the coordinates.
You're a great guy, you.
And now we go as quietly as
as we arrived, okay?
If you want to know what
Diego said about the hole
in the conversation room
why this one
has a sock in his mouth,
how I tracked the GPS data,
why Mrs. Brotz
wanted to jump on me,
how Pirmin
behaved at the bowling alley,
everything my brother discovered
at the ultrasound,
how to shave your legs properly
and what else can you use
a nail file,
don't miss
the next episode of FLICS
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