Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

The Heroes Are a Couple of Beauties

Let's turn back time a little.
It's the afternoon days before Makoto
was summoned to the other world.
Sorry. The date on the document
from the student council was wrong.
Can you use this copy instead?
Thank you.
Makoto Misumi.
It's said he's the hero
who went and joined the Archery club
where all the members are handsome guys
while he is an average Joe.
I don't think he looks like a hero.
However, I do envy him a little.
With some effort,
I can get anything I want.
I'll keep trying new things
and give them my best.
There will be no setbacks.
Everything will go smoothly.
It's such an easy life.
It's utterly boring.
At least, I thought so.
Where am I?
You must be Hibiki Otonashi.
That's right. And you are
I am the goddess of another world.
The world under my protection
is being attacked by evil demons.
It's a crisis unlike anything before.
I hope you can lend me your strength.
The plan is to send you and another
to that world as heroes.
Please, show the humans guidance.
I'll do my best
to bless you with my power.
Can you get someone else for the job?
I do have plenty of friends.
My life has been smooth sailing.
Do you want to spend
the rest of your easy life with friends
whom you share no connection with
and can never open up to?
What's your point?
The world you're in is too small.
You must have longed for a friend
who will always have your back
and a life worth taking risks for.
But that's
That settles it, Hibiki Otonashi.
I will bless you with powerful magic
and increase your physical strength.
You will also have charismatic leadership
and a divine item.
A silver belt?
Well then,
the goddess' trial for you begins.
I know you can pass it.
I have high hopes for you.
A prophecy from the goddess?
She mentions sending a hero
to slay the demons.
I thought she had forsaken us.
Limia can finally be free
from the demons' torment.
This must be
She is the hero. Please treat her well.
That's all you have to say?
Thank you!
Our hero!
Is this really a different world?
after Makoto Misumi was summoned
No one was there to welcome him.
He wanders alone in the barren wilderness.
It's been days since I came here.
This looks exactly like Japan.
The demons have been
forced to live on barren land
by the goddess's people.
They have been expanding
their territory over the past ten years.
The great
Kingdom of Elysion was wiped out.
The Limia Kingdom allied
with the Gritonia Empire
to draw a last line of defense.
The Gritonia Empire
There is another hero?
Is it true the Empire also
has a hero on their side?
How did they come to have one as well?
they are two neighboring countries.
It'd be strange
if they were very friendly.
After the war with the demons ends
I should get ready for the worst.
Hey, are you listening?
Speak up if you have something to say.
I didn't expect the goddess' gift
to have a giant wolf spirit in it.
So, I'm supposed to choose my party
members tomorrow from the mercenaries.
The confirmed members,
based on the king's recommendation,
are the court magician, Mr. Woody,
and a rising star
among the knights, Verda.
I can smell the nepotism in this.
Is that her?
She is so beautiful.
So, that's the hero.
She looks too clean
and doesn't carry the smell of blood.
A flower who doesn't
belong on the battlefield.
Huh? Are you leaving already?
If it isn't the mobile artillery of Limia,
the mighty court magician Mr. Woody?
I'm not very fond of that moniker.
Naval, the Silver Hair Ogre.
I'm not interested in
becoming the elite student's bodyguard.
All I want is to kill the demons.
So long.
Excuse me.
I could tell right away.
You must be the strongest fighter here.
I need you to train me in swordplay.
I'd also like you to be my partner
who will watch my back in a battle.
Please accept the job offer.
I can't entrust my life to someone
who needs swordplay training from me
while I'm in the fray.
I thought you were eager to slay demons.
Follow me
and you get to kill as many of them
as you want at the front line.
I guarantee you won't get bored.
Isn't that much better
than rejecting my offer
and not being able
to stay in this country?
Very well.
Hibiki, the summoned hero!
She is truly beautiful!
I must figure out a way to stay with her.
Meanwhile, a dragon
who loves period dramas
has fallen in love with Makoto Misumi.
What is taking so long?
This is exactly why I hate guard duty.
we don't get a visit from a priestess
of the Laurel Commonwealth every day.
Bad news!
The priestess' carriage is in trouble!
stay inside.
Cursed kobolds.
These are monsters that become stronger
by devouring powerful mana.
They may not look like it,
but they are pretty strong.
I must say, that priestess
from Laurel is incredible.
With that magical shield,
they can hold off the enemies
until we reach them.
There are four kobolds.
Each of us will have to take one out.
Unless we finish them off quickly,
they make strange noises
to summon their kind.
You've never killed a monster, have you?
Don't worry. I can do it.
I didn't cut deep enough. One more time!
S-Save me
It speaks!
Hibiki, what are you doing?
-This is bad!
-So powerful!
-That thing summoned its friends.
Hibiki, stand down!
The shield won't last much longer.
This is my fault.
Because I hesitated
Hero, save me
I'm the hero who is ending this war!
I'll always keep moving forward!
Go! Follow Hibiki's lead!
You did great for a first-timer.
Thank you for saving us, my hero.
I am a priestess from Laurel.
My name is Chiya.
Please let me join your party!
I want to assist you in your cause!
W-What is she talking about?
Running around with a priestess
could harm our relationship
with the Laurel Commonwealth.
If If people see my hair,
they will think the people of Limia
have done horrible things to me.
Are you kidding me?
We could lose our heads.
I want to end this war,
together with the hero and her party!
Your threat is too contradicting.
It was a shame
to lose your beautiful hair.
Long hair is fine
for decorative priestesses,
but it gets in the way during a battle.
I see.
I should cut my hair as well.
Me too.
No! You two are already very strong.
You don't need to do that.
Stop thinking so lowly of yourself.
Your magic shield was impressive.
Can you teach me
how to use magic, Chiya?
We secured victories after victories
in our war against the demons.
We never lost a battle.
Until the day we ran into that thing.
What is this monster?
The Black Spider of Calamity.
It devours anything it gets its hands on.
The advance team was wiped out.
We never expected to run into this
on our way to the battle.
Normally, we'll have to wait
until it passes by.
This thing is literally a calamity.
Darn it.
Chiya buffed us with her magic, but
Every attack feels so heavy.
Magic is useless against it too.
No matter how hard it is,
it must have
a limit!
It worked!
It regenerated.
Let her go!
Chiya, start healing her now.
Let me support
I can still fight!
Bring it on!
Am I going to die?
Howl Where is everyone?
Thank goodness. You made it out alive.
Despite fighting with all we had, we lost.
This defeat is so unbearable.
Thank you for the defeat,
Black Spider of Calamity.
I will come out on top next time.
Let's rewind a little bit
to a few days
after Hibiki Otonashi was summoned.
They say you're working as a model.
Can you give us an allowance?
Huh? I didn't catch that.
Why are they picking on me?
I've never done anything to them.
Hey! Are you guys bullying Tomoki again?
You're an embarrassment.
I'm not being bullied!
It must be nice
to be the elusive teenage boy.
Darn it! What now?
I can't even do well in a video game.
An isekai fantasy novel.
With a power as strong as a cheat,
in another place,
even I can
Where am I? Is this a dream?
You must be Tomoki Iwahashi.
Who is it?
I am a goddess from another world.
The world under my protection
is crawling with monsters.
I can't deal with them all by myself.
Please become the hero
and save the world from perils.
A hero
You need not worry.
I am sending
another person into this world.
You will be blessed with my power.
What kind of power?
A body capable of combating monsters.
The magical power that makes
the demons pale in comparison.
The "Devil Eye" which can make
people submit to your will.
And a pair of silver boots can
give you the ability to fly
while dispelling fatigue from your body.
This is basically like a cheat.
But this is probably a dream.
Since it's just a dream
Is that all?
It could overexert me a little,
but I'll grant you a body
that cannot die at night.
However, this power can only used
when the Moon is out.
Can you change my look as well?
Into the look that I want?
Of course.
Thank you, my goddess.
I'll give it my all to be a hero.
I'm counting on you.
This is the goddess' world.
You must be the summoned hero.
Oh Yeah
I am Lily Flont Gritonia,
the Second Princess
of the Gritonia Empire.
I am Iwahashi. Tomoki Iwahashi.
This isn't a good place
to have a conversation.
Would you come with me?
Princess Lily.
Is the goddess' prophecy true?
This is our hero,
Master Tomoki Iwahashi.
Master Iwahashi,
this is our most prestigious knight,
Ginebia, the royal guard.
I've never seen a female knight before.
You may be the summoned hero,
but this is still rude!
It's all right.
Please stop staring at me
It makes me feel uneasy!
Master Iwahashi,
I need to test your compatibility
with magical items and your level.
Please come with me.
My level?
There is a leveling system in this world?
I'm exhausted.
I'll send someone later at night
to show you around the castle.
Please rest for the time being.
How are the results?
It's some kind of Devil Eye
that bolsters the effect of "Charming".
I need your help negating
the effect on me and the royal family.
No one must learn about his power.
The hero
His innocent look repels me.
You must be the hero.
Who is this?
This is our alchemist, Yukinatsu.
She'd like to have a word with you
I may be an alchemist,
but I don't make potions.
I am a Force Player.
I specialize in the creation
and manipulation of golems.
Golems? You can make golems?
What types of golems?
I was told you could use every
magical item in the Empire's inventory.
I'd like to have a discussion about that.
We can do it in my room.
S-Sorry. I couldn't help it.
You two may chat another day.
The Devil Eye
A dragon?
Sir, who are you?
I am Tomoki. I'm kind of a hero.
You're the hero?
I am Mora, a Dragon Summoner.
Don't judge me by my appearance.
I'm one of the top tamers.
I see.
Do you and your family live in the castle?
No. Our village was attacked
by the demons.
We only came here
because Princess Lily took us in.
I'm sorry. I didn't know.
It's all right. By the way,
can you make me your bride?
I mean I want you to be my family.
It's more like a companion than a family.
You formed a party with three people?
It shouldn't be a bad thing for them
to become the hero's party members.
Ginebia, Yukinatsu, and Mora
all admire you very much.
Judging by the looks of it,
he still can't use the Devil Eye at will.
What did you think about me
when we first met?
When I first laid eyes on you,
I knew you were the hero
that would lead us to greatness.
You are an outstanding hero.
It's only natural
that everyone admires you.
I'll be glad to support you.
I No.
If I become the perfect hero,
the Devil Eye's power
is only a minor drawback.
As long as we get to wipe out the demons,
I'm willing to sacrifice everything.
It's all for the sake of my mother,
who had believed in that wayward goddess
until the very end.
Meanwhile, Makoto Misumi
accepted the passionate kiss
of the Black Spider.
The third night.
"Stellar Wars."
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