Ultraman (2019) s02e02 Episode Script

Flames of Fury

Take this!
What is this?
What's going on?
Now I see.
What the hell is going on?
I wanted to enjoy Japan
after being away for so long.
Cover me.
Got it.
Well, the disappearance incident this time
might finally lead to
the evidence we've been trying to get.
But still,
drones can only take you so far.
Well, I'll march in myself.
Luckily, there's no one in the city.
We conduct a thorough investigation
with its connection
to New York's incident.
Hey, Pops.
Seeing the people of Earth
suffer like this
really tears me up on the inside.
Oh, right. Sorry.
Why were we suddenly assigned
to this crazy place?
Probably since we're not married.
-What's this?
Don't move!
Who's this?
He looks like an ordinary guy,
but I don't think he's like
the other survivors.
Yes, I apologize.
Right away? But…
Yes, sir, we understand.
There they are, the maids from earlier.
I guess we'll have to
transmit another Ultraman.
But how should we lure him in?
We got some conclusive evidence, Izumi.
The people caught on
the town's online cameras all disappeared.
Here's a record of
what happened in New York.
The red dots are people who disappeared,
and the blue are those who didn't.
The ones who disappeared
were within the cameras' range.
It sounds crazy,
but it's consistent with the facts.
You're right.
We'll ask HQ for further orders,
so please wait here for a bit.
My goodness.
That yakitori
is best when freshly grilled.
It got cold
because you took your sweet time.
My, how rude of me.
But you didn't wait here
just to have a secret date with me, yes?
Isn't that obvious?
It's about the incidents
where all those humans disappeared.
Any ideas on who might be behind it?
So that's what this was about.
If that's what you want to know,
I'm sure it must be the Alien Wadoran.
The Alien Wadoran?
-The ones that are endangered?
-What's their motive?
-Oh, my.
In all likelihood,
they wanted to sustain their own lives
by taking the lives of earthlings.
What happened to those humans?
I believe they are still alive.
The life-energy camera likely quantized
them and sent them somewhere temporarily.
However, something seems off to me.
There are only a few Alien Wadoran left,
so they have no need
to abduct that many people.
Someone is pulling the strings
behind the scenes.
Is that what you're saying?
It makes sense, doesn't it?
After all, the Star Cluster Council
is staying silent even after
such a large-scale event.
Excuse me.
Moroboshi speaking.
What did you say?
Do you have intel on the alien?
You have my thanks.
And you have mine.
Thank you for the yakitori.
We need to somehow capture
one more Ultraman
and fulfill the contract we're under.
And our people's lives
until now have also--
We already know that.
Now start thinking about
how to capture that beanpole--
What was that?
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
I'm a journalist.
I know you're making
those people disappear.
The SSSP knows about this place too.
What? You've got to be kidding me!
-What do we do?
-Please calm down.
It'll be okay.
How did they find us?
-Hey, what do we do?
I told the people over at the SSSP.
-But they need HQ's orders to move.
-Let's stay calm.
Hello? Can you hear me?
Hey, Kotaro!
We're in luck.
This person seems to be nearby.
Then hurry up and abduct her.
-As you wish.
This doesn't look good.
Got any comrades
besides that girl on the phone?
Give us an answer, please.
Why are you making
people on Earth disappear?
Because we want their lives, of course.
Then did you kill
the people that disappeared?
You earthlings probably don't understand
after being protected by Ultraman,
but we have to do this to survive.
That doesn't mean you can steal
whatever you want from others.
If we put our heads together,
I know we can find another way.
We've got to stick together. Right?
Wow, are you an idiot?
Do you see her?
There she is.
the transmission task is incomplete.
If we take the photo now,
the target may be terminated.
Sounds good to me.
We've abducted enough people anyway.
Hey, you don't mean…
Why isn't that guy picking up his phone?
I hope he didn't get in trouble again.
Are you survivors as well?
Excuse me.
Good evening.
I sincerely apologize,
but please refrain from
obstructing us any further.
I knew it.
She won't transmit either.
Kanawa, what the hell happened?
It seems the transmission failed.
There is a high chance that she…
What did you all do to Izumi?
What shall we do with him?
Transmit him too.
Just do it!
Your wish is my command.
Please forgive me.
Hurry, shoot him!
What happened?
He's not disappearing.
Just like the woman from before,
the transmission must have failed.
This man will most likely--
What is going on?
I'm not sure either.
Stay away!
Where are you?
Look at that.
Damn, I was too late.
Come on. Transmit.
Time to go beddy-bye.
Calm down already.
At this rate,
the city will burn to the ground.
What the hell?
And now there's a spaceship?
Princess, are you all right?
I don't know!
We will capture
the remaining Ultraman for now,
so please stay calm.
Chief, is it really okay
to leave this up to them?
For the Alien Wadoran,
their people's survival depends on it.
As things are now,
running in shame is not an option.
This isn't looking good.
If his temperature keeps going up,
he might generate nuclear fusion.
Got any good ideas?
It's a gamble,
but we have one more suit
under development.
Let's lock him up in it.
I see. It's worth giving a shot.
Did it work?
We're controlling the suit on our end.
He won't be able to
move around on his own.
Is he sealed inside?
Hey, he's not going to
explode like this, is he?
Thank god.
It worked out somehow.
Even so,
how did this guy get like this?
As of now, an alien attack warning
is officially in effect.
If you are in the vicinity,
please quickly evacuate
to the nearest shelter.
As of now, an alien attack warning
is officially in effect.
Come in, HQ.
HQ, please come in. Do you copy?
Foolish people of Earth,
good evening to you all.
We are the Star of Darkness.
Or what you on Earth would call…
your invaders.
Please quickly evacuate
to the nearest shelter.
So they must be the masterminds.
We are the ones who wiped away
the earthlings in this area.
We have but one request.
Relinquish half of Earth to us.
You have 24 hours to respond.
If we do not receive an answer,
our next act
will be to make
half of all people on Earth disappear.
Subtitle translation by: Chul Woong Kim
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