Vinland Saga (2019) s02e02 Episode Script

Ketil's Farm

Einar, Thorfinn,
from today you two will be friends.
Come on, introduce yourselves.
I'll have you two work on the same job.
Cooperate with each other, okay?
Nice to meet you, Thorfinn.
All right. Let me explain about the job.
Einar, what does this look like to you?
Is it a forest?
That's not quite right.
This is a future wheat field.
This forest belongs to me.
But I will lease it to you two.
- Lease?
- Yes.
I'll leave everything to you.
Clear the land, manage it,
and harvest the crop.
I will buy that from you at a proper rate.
When your earnings surpass
the price at which you were bought,
buy yourselves out.
Buy ourselves? You mean
we can become free?
Yes, that's right.
Use your own power
and the right procedure to become free.
Depending on how hard you work,
you can do so within three years.
I won't charge you the lease payment
until your first harvest.
What's wrong? Do you disapprove?
No! Thank you! I will do my best.
If there are any problems
or you have any questions,
ask Pater.
He knows the farm very well.
Nice to meet you.
I bought my freedom in the same way.
I know it's tough being in a foreign land
but do your best.
Just watch how Thorfinn works for today.
You must be tired from the long trip.
Thorfinn, take care of Einar, okay?
- Got it?
- Yes.
Hey, is the master What?
Hey, wait a second.
Hey, what kind of person is the master?
Is this normal in Denmark?
There were slaves in my homeland too,
but slaves were always slaves.
I was born in the north of England.
What about you?
Iceland, huh?
Iceland is
Wow You cut down quite a lot already.
How much more to go?
All of this side.
This side?
You see that river?
Everything on this side of the river.
On this side of the river?
That means
we still have quite a lot to do?
What is it?
Didn't he tell you to just watch?
I want to be free as soon as possible.
Is that wrong?
In that case, do me a favor
and choose a tree farther away.
Also, cut it so that it falls
perpendicular to the river.
I see.
We're transporting them using the river?
I'm so hungry.
How does lunch work here?
They serve it.
That's great.
Do we go somewhere to get it?
No, a farmhand should deliver it soon.
Are you serious? What great service.
- No way!
- I'm serious!
Our food! Isn't that right, Thorfinn?
I'm serious. You're the only one
who hasn't done it.
I had no clue! Maybe I'll go tonight then.
Yeah, go ahead. And get dumped.
Come on!
Hey, isn't that the newbie?
Seems like it.
What a dumb face. Fitting for a slave.
Hello, I'm
- We know. We heard.
- Um
- What's this?
- Your lunch.
All right, tonight's the night.
Um, is this
Like I said, it's your lunch.
This measly thing?
What? Do you have a problem with that?
Well, it's more like
This is for two people?
- Did you hear him?
- Jeez
Hey, is this your first job as a slave?
Then remember this.
You're lucky to even get food.
And we free people came
all the way here to drop off lunch.
The first thing you should do
is say thank you.
These guys
Come on, say it.
"Thank you very much."
What's with those eyes, you brat?
I'll take this. Thank you very much.
Teach that guy some manners, Thorfinn.
Also, don't hurt the horse.
They're taking a nap
What's up with them?
They just came to play hooky.
You too
Stop kissing up to them
just because you're a slave.
Einar, push it from the back.
I'll pull it from the front.
Once we get to the bank,
we'll make a raft.
Shouldn't we cut this wood a little more?
It's impossible with just one old horse.
The trees belong to the master.
We can't cut them without permission.
Hey, isn't this supposed to be their job?
They don't usually let slaves
handle horses.
- And why is there only one old horse?
- Whatever, let's get to it.
- Einar!
- Right!
Einar, lift the front part.
Got it!
Let's go.
I'm so hungry I feel nauseous.
I'll never forgive those guys.
How dare they eat my lunch.
Hands are basically people who
have no choice but to work for the master
because they don't have
their own land, right?
What the heck!
That's the same as being half enslaved!
They're bullying us just to feel assured
that there are people below them.
Thorfinn! You think so too, right?
I don't know.
I couldn't care less about that.
You have to care!
We are the master's property!
It's unacceptable for
mere farmhands to exploit us.
I'll tell the master.
Don't do that.
It'll only make the harassment worse.
You You're okay with this?
- Einar, Thorfinn!
- Master
Einar, what are your thoughts
after spending a day here?
- Um, I have to report
- Stop it.
Shut up! Excuse me,
I have something to report.
Today, the farmhands that
What do you want to report, Einar?
What a strange man.
If it's nothing, I'm going to get going.
You didn't need to report it?
Shut up.
- It's so hot today.
- We've got water!
It's fresh from the spring.
It's cold!
Give me a cup!
Quick turn!
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
We went to the deep spring this time.
I feel revived! Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- All right.
Okay, everyone! We're almost there.
- Let's finish this area before noon.
- Yes, sir!
The master works himself, huh?
I always thought rich people didn't work.
When you see them working like this,
there is no difference between
the Danes and English.
Hey, you're doing it wrong!
Don't make me repeat myself, Olmar.
What the heck? I'm doing
exactly what you told me to do.
Use a sickle.
And you have to cut them below the knee.
I've already told you this!
- It doesn't even matter how you cut them.
- What!
You fool! Once the wheat is done,
we have to pasture the animals.
We leave more stubble
so we can feed it to the livestock later.
You are already 17 years old
and you still don't know the process.
That's why you can't understand
the significance of each step.
Enough already I know all of that.
I've got the process down perfectly.
Show more humility
when someone's talking to you!
As someone with authority
Okay, okay! Below the knee, right?
You fool! What is with that swing!
You're going to damage the ears of wheat!
- You said below the knee!
- What is going on?
He's getting yelled at like crazy.
He's Olmar, the master's son.
Oh, they're father and son
I can't take this anymore!
For once I decide to help you out,
but all you do is nitpick on the details.
I'm done.
I was going to work, but never mind.
Hey! Where do you think
you're going, Olmar?!
Away from you, you old man!
In time, you will be inheriting this farm.
Act more responsibly.
When did I ever ask you
to let me inherit it!
I'm a grown man!
I don't have time to be doing teeny-tiny
insignificant jobs out in the field!
I'm going to use this
- Hey, what is he doing?
- I wonder
I'll rise up the ranks with this sword!
- Damn it!
- Olmar! Wait, you little
Very soon, I am going to England. I swear.
I'm not going to spend
my whole life out in these boondocks.
I'm going to enlist
in Prince Canute's army
and make a name for myself!
Young master, how soon is "very soon"?
Very soon means very soon.
In time, King Harald will convene
a fleet for reinforcements.
I think it would be best
for you to take over this farm.
Huh? You too? What do you know anyway?
No, I mean
I'm just so worried.
Let's do it one more time
Yes! Good job, my daughter!
- Keep it up.
- How is it going?
I brought a meal for the young master.
Not now. They're about to start round two.
Oh, my! Oh, my
Anyway, now our family
has nothing to worry about.
That's right.
As long as the young master
continues to favor her
What is the matter, young master?
Did our daughter
do something to upset you?
Shut up, you idiot!
I know what you're all up to.
You poor tenant farmers!
You're after my dad's fortune.
You want to become relatives of
the Ketil family and live lavishly!
We've never thought about that!
You women are always like this!
Young master! That was not our intention!
Young master, please wait!
Damn it! Damn all of you!
I'm my own person!
Not a freebie that's attached to my dad!
Damn it! This is unbearable!
Oh, it's the young master.
What? Young master?
- Young master!
- Hey!
What are you doing?
- It's dangerous to be riding at night.
- Dangerous!
And what are you two doing?
We'll be right there
Come on, use your feet.
You know, we went to see that woman
but the farmhands got there before us.
Hey, the wheat
But if we get in a fight with them
our boss will get mad at us again.
- It's ridiculous, you know?
- Ridiculous!
Must be nice to be you.
You're free to do
whatever you want on this farm.
Shut up. You wouldn't know how I feel.
Oh, are you mad? Are you?
Is something bothering you?
Don't be mad!
I don't have any time to waste on you two.
Go back to the fort and go to sleep.
Now, now Don't be so prickly.
- You're still young.
- You're so cold.
Hey, don't grab onto the muzzle.
Don't worry.
Let's just get some more drinks.
Let's talk the night away, young master.
Tell us about your worries as a youth.
You just want to be
entertained by my stories!
Don't be ridiculous! I'm leaving! Let go!
Why can't he just inherit it
without complaining?
He doesn't know war.
He's under the impression
that warriors are cool.
People who fight wars are all animals.
Go to sleep.
We have an early morning tomorrow.
In the past, the village where I lived
was attacked by soldiers twice.
The army sent by the King of England
burnt down all the houses in the village.
My dad fought back, but he was killed.
couldn't do anything but watch.
The second time
was by Danish soldiers.
They said they were rescuing us
from the tyrannical King of England.
But they just plundered
the entire village.
They're disguised as humans,
but they're nothing
but animals.
Hey, Thorfinn
Did you fall asleep?
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