Where's Wally (2020) s02e02 Episode Script

Mumbai Dance Party

# Oh, way, oh
# Oh, way, oh
# Where do you go,
Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh, way, oh
# I search the world for you
# Take a trip all around the world
# Take a trip all around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach
# Jump in
Discover something new
# Oh, way, oh
# Anywhere you go
I'll find you
# Anywhere you go
I'll find you
# Oh, oh, oh
# Where do you go,
Where do you go? #
Where's Wally?
# Ba, ba, left, right
Shimmy, shimmy ah #
What kind of dance
do you think that is?
What kind of dance
do you think that is?
Hm. Left foot in, left foot out.
Left foot in again.
Shake it all about.
Shake it all about.
I think it's the Hokey Pokey!
I think you're right.
They did just do the Hokey Pokey
and turned themselves around.
and turned themselves around.
That's what it's all about.
Wizard Whitebeard?
Wizard Whitebeard!
Wizard Whitebeard!
It's no use.
He's shaking it all about again.
# And that's what it's #
Ah! Wally, Wenda!
Ah! Wally, Wenda!
Arf and I were doing
The Hokey Pokey?
Join us!
# You put your whole self in
Take your whole self out
# You put your whole self in
Take your whole self out
# You put your whole self in
And shake it all about
# Do the Hokey Pokey
and turn yourself around
# That's what it's all about
# That's what it's all about
Wonderful job, Wanderers,
you both dance divinely!
Will come in very handy
on our next adventure.
Will come in very handy
on our next adventure.
Next adventure?What do you mean,
Wizard Whitebeard?
Jazz beard!
BOTH: A WanderPost!
BOTH: A WanderPost!
Arrived this morning
from my great friend, Wizard Odissi,
one of the finest dancers
I have ever known!
Wow, she is a good dancer!
Modern, ballet,
hip-hop, chicken dance,
Modern, ballet,
hip-hop, chicken dance,
and the even tougher turkey dance!
You name it,
Wizard Odissi can dance it!
You're not so bad yourself.
You're not so bad yourself.
Why, thank you, Wenda!
That is why Wizard Odissi
has asked for my help.
she's the choreographer
for a new film.
she's the choreographer
for a new film.
She comes up with the steps
that the dancers will make,
and she could use extra
backup dancers
for the dance she's put together,
so she has invited us to join her!
for the dance she's put together,
so she has invited us to join her!
Wait, we're going to be in a movie?
BOTH: Cool!
Where's this film being made?
Where's this film being made?
What do you say we dance on over
to the WanderGlobe and find out?
# By stripe and star
and white of beard
# I summon magic, wild and weird
# I summon magic, wild and weird
# Spin, oh magic globe, to show
# Where these Wanderers will go
# Where these Wanderers will go
Mumbai, India, of course!
Dancing is a huge part
of Indian culture.
It's India's
most celebrated art form!
It's India's
most celebrated art form!
Which is why dancing
is the highlight
of Mumbai's Bollywood films!
Well then, grab your dancing shoes,
because Mumbai and Bollywood await!
Well then, grab your dancing shoes,
because Mumbai and Bollywood await!
ALL: Wander!
ALL: Wander!
# You put your tail in
You take your tail out
# You put your tail in
And you shake it all about
# You put your tail in
And you shake it all about
Well, everyone, say hello,
or namaste, to Mumbai, India!
Well, everyone, say hello,
or namaste, to Mumbai, India!
Um, this doesn't look
like Mumbai to me, Wally.
Did the magic suitcase
take a wrong turn?
Did the magic suitcase
take a wrong turn?
I don't think so.
Last I checked,
Mumbai was still on Earth.
Um, excuse me?
Could you clear the set?
We're in the middle of filming.
Could you clear the set?
We're in the middle of filming.
Oh, sorry, we thought
we'd gone to Mars
instead of Mumbai!
Ah, Ajay!
Wizard Whitebeard, you're here!
Wow, your belt has more things on it
than I have inside my hat!
That's because Ajay is Odissi's
hair and makeup specialist.
That's because Ajay is Odissi's
hair and makeup specialist.
She never films a sequence
without him!
And I see that the beard shampoo
that I gave you is working well!
Right, let's clear the set.
We're on a tight filming schedule.
Speaking of tight schedules,
please tell Odissi
Speaking of tight schedules,
please tell Odissi
we're filming the dance
in a few hours,
so 'she should have the dancers
rehearsed and ready to go!'
Will do!
Which means we don't have much time.
Follow me. We have to find Odissi
and get you into dance rehearsals
right away!
and get you into dance rehearsals
right away!
It's so busy!
I didn't know they made
so many films in Mumbai.
India makes more films each year
than any other country in the world,
India makes more films each year
than any other country in the world,
but all of these films
have one thing in common,
great music and dancing!
Wizard Odissi should be around here
Wizard Odissi should be around here
Well, we can't wait
to meet her, right, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
You never miss a beat!
And you never miss a step!
And you never miss a step!
Wanderers, meet Wizard Odissi!
Odissi, this is Wally and Wenda!
Welcome to Bollywood, Wanderers!
Sorry I didn't meet you earlier.
Welcome to Bollywood, Wanderers!
Sorry I didn't meet you earlier.
If there's a good beat playing,
my feet and my hair dance to it.
Thank you for inviting us.
Thank you for inviting us.
My pleasure!
Dance number?
I was the one that came to India
I was the one that came to India
to be Bollywood's
newest film star, Fritz!
Just look at these moves!
Ah, mm, mm, mm, mm, ah, oh.
Ah, mm, mm, mm, mm, ah, oh.
Ah, mm, mm, mm, ah.
And now those Wanderers
are going to be
in a film instead of me?
in a film instead of me?
Sweet jalebi!
Fritz, are you even listening?
Huh, uh, sure!
I can't let Wally and Wenda
take my starring role away from me.
I can't let Wally and Wenda
take my starring role away from me.
We need to know what's going on.
Stop eating
and take us up, Fritz,
I need to listen
to what they're saying.
I still can't hear
what they're saying!
Swing us closer, Fritz.
Wizard Odissi, you have
a little something in your
Is that sweet jalebi?
How did that get in there?
What's sweet jalebi?
How did that get in there?
What's sweet jalebi?
It's an Indian dessert,
fried dough with a sugary syrup.
It's delicious, but you
do not wanna get it in your hair,
it's very sticky!
it's very sticky!
Ajay, uh, could you just
Jalebi removal, coming up!
You are a true hair wizard, Ajay!
It's all in the shampoo.
It's all in the shampoo.
Now to the studio, Wanderers!
We have some rehearsing to do.
Follow me!
We'll rehearse on the way.
We'll rehearse on the way.
One, two, three, two, two, three!
Be careful with that sticky thing.
You almost got us spotted.
Be careful with that sticky thing.
You almost got us spotted.
But it's delicious!
It might be delicious,
but your stomach is going to get
us in trouble!
Now let's keep moving.
Now let's keep moving.
Head up! Better!
Legs closer! And turn!
Now tango, tango!
Now tango, tango!
Wow, great job, everyone!
And great job, Wanderers!
You're both naturals.
Thank you, Wizard Odissi!
Macarena, look at the time!
Everyone, take a break.
Macarena, look at the time!
Everyone, take a break.
I have to get our newest dancers
fitted for their costumes.
Come with me,
we have no time to waste.
Come with me,
we have no time to waste.
filming is nearly upon us,
and we still have more to rehearse!
You know, Fritz,
I think I have an idea
how I can become
the star of this film.
Dance lessons?
No, not dance lessons,
who has time for that?
No, not dance lessons,
who has time for that?
I'm talking about this:
the Follow the Leader Key!
Ooh, the Follow the Leader Key!
Ooh, the Follow the Leader Key!
If I use this key on those dancers,
they'll follow every move I make,
then my dance will become
the hottest craze in Mumbai,
then my dance will become
the hottest craze in Mumbai,
and they'll have to make me
the star of their film!
Hey, everyone,
who's ready to do the Odlulu?
Hey, everyone,
who's ready to do the Odlulu?
What do you think
of this hat, Wally?
That's weird.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
No, not the hat, Wenda, that!
WENDA: What is that?
WENDA: What is that?
I think they're dancing.
That's not the dance we rehearsed.
And where are they going?
We have a film to film, and soon!
And where are they going?
We have a film to film, and soon!
Ajay, where's everyone going?
I don't know.
I left to get more hairspray,
and when I came back they were doing
whatever it is they're doing.
What are they doing?
whatever it is they're doing.
What are they doing?
They said they're doing the Odlulu.
ALL: Odlulu!
The Odlulu?
I've studied every kind of dance,
but I don't think
I've ever heard of the Odlulu.
That's because Odlulu
isn't a dance, Wizard Odissi.
That's because Odlulu
isn't a dance, Wizard Odissi.
Odlulu is trouble.
And twist! And twirl!
And twist! And twirl!
And, um, another twist, yeah!
Look at me, Fritz,
finally I'm a Bollywood dance star!
Look at me, Fritz,
finally I'm a Bollywood dance star!
Look at me, Mumbai!
OK, everyone,
back to the rehearsal studio,
OK, everyone,
back to the rehearsal studio,
we have a lot of practicing to do.
Remember, one, two, three,
two, two, three. Jitterbug!
Remember, one, two, three,
two, two, three. Jitterbug!
It's as if they're under some kind
of magic spell.
(GASPING) Wonders, Wanderers, look!
(GASPING) Wonders, Wanderers, look!
It's the Follow the Leader Key!
With that key, anyone Odlulu zaps
will follow her every move,
even these very unusual dance moves.
even these very unusual dance moves.
WALLY: Odlulu!
Hey, Wanderers!
Come to join me dance party?
Hey, Wanderers!
Come to join me dance party?
Reverse the magic
and release those dancers.
They have a film to make!
I'll get them back
in time for your film.
I'll get them back
in time for your film.
I need them to help me
get everyone excited
for my new dance!
Your new dance?
That's right!
Once everyone in Mumbai
is doing the Odlulu
Once everyone in Mumbai
is doing the Odlulu
you'll be begging me
to be in your film!
Look out!
Woo, that was close!
Yup, that's definitely
one dance party
we don't wanna be invited to.
ODLULU: Hey, Mumbai, it's time
for a dance party, Odlulu style!
ODLULU: Hey, Mumbai, it's time
for a dance party, Odlulu style!
How do we stop her?
We have to film the big dance
and I have no dancers.
We have to film the big dance
and I have no dancers.
Also, no boom operator,
or the actor in the alien costume,
or the kid that gets us coffee!
We have to get that key back,
or Odissi's film will be ruined!
We have to get that key back,
or Odissi's film will be ruined!
And everyone
will be stuck doing the Odlulu!
Whether they want to or not.
Whether they want to or not.
Come on, Mumbai!
Are you ready
for the newest dance craze?
Let's do the Odlulu!
She's headed
towards the Holi festival!
Look, Fritzy, my plan is working.
Look, Fritzy, my plan is working.
I have the biggest dance
in all of Mumbai!
Now they'll have to put me
in their film.
ALL: Woah!
There they go!
We need to get
that key back from Odlulu.
We need to get
that key back from Odlulu.
But how do we get
past all these dancers?
Maybe we won't have to.
Wait, what?
Your beard!
Wait, what?
Your beard!
Oh, right, my beard!
OK, whiskers, time
to whisk away that key!
Got it!
Hey, beard, give that back!
Hey, beard, give that back!
Uh-oh. Oh, no. No, no!
Beard, fight it! Don't follow!
Beard, fight it! Don't follow!
Oh, bad news, Wanderers.
I don't think the plan worked!
If only we could distract Odlulu
to get the key.
FRITZ: Jalebi!
ODLULU: Not now, Fritz!
I think I might have an idea
on how to make that happen.
I think I might have an idea
on how to make that happen.
What did you say, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here!
Come one, come all!
Come one, come all!
Wally's Rolling Jalebi Stand
is open for business!
This chasing
has definitely made me hungry,
This chasing
has definitely made me hungry,
but I'm not sure
this is going to help us
get the key and my dancers back.
Trust us, Wizard Odissi.
we know a certain little ferret
with a very big appetite.
we know a certain little ferret
with a very big appetite.
Phew, having the biggest dance
in Mumbai sure is tiring!
Phew, having the biggest dance
in Mumbai sure is tiring!
I think I need to take a break.
OK, everyone, you can stop now.
What are you doing?
We're not dancing anymore.
I said stop!
We're not dancing anymore.
I said stop!
Fritz, get them to stop!
ALL: Sweet jalebi! Come and get it!
Sweet jalebi!
Not now, Fritz, we have to
Yes, get your sweet jalebi here!
Not now, Fritz, we have to
Yes, get your sweet jalebi here!
Only one magic key for a dozen!
Magic key?
Oh no!
Fritz, it's the Wanderers,
it's a trick, let me
Magic key! Sweet jalebi!
Magic key! Sweet jalebi!
Look, Wally, Odlulu dropped the key!
This is our chance!
(GASPING) The monkey has it!
He's not a monkey,
he's a forget it!
Quick, after Fritz!
Quick, after Fritz!
Ooh, sweet jalebi!
Ooh, sweet jalebi!
Oh no, now they're doing the Fritz!
Oh no, now they're doing the Fritz!
It looks like the Follow
the Leader Key has a new leader.
I told you your stomach
would get us into trouble.
Make it stop!
Oh, no, not this again!
Ugh, ah, oh, no, it's stuck!
Stop following me!
Uh, Wally?
Uh, Wally?
Oh, no, Wenda!
Wally, Odissi, help!
One, two, three
Come on, key, ugh, sticky syrup!
All I wanted to do was have
the biggest dance craze in Mumbai,
All I wanted to do was have
the biggest dance craze in Mumbai,
but this is ridiculous!
Odlulu, you need to reverse
the Follow the Leader Key's magic!
I'm, ugh, trying,
but the button is stuck!
I'm, ugh, trying,
but the button is stuck!
There's jalebi syrup in it.
Hold onto your stripes, I'm on it!
Maybe I can pull it loose.
Maybe I can pull it loose.
It's no use!
If we can't reverse the magic
then I won't have my dancers,
If we can't reverse the magic
then I won't have my dancers,
and we're filming in a few minutes!
We're out of time!
Huh. Odissi, call the studio
and tell the director
to be on set with her cameras.
and tell the director
to be on set with her cameras.
I have an idea
how we can still film that dance.
What's he talking about?
I don't know.
What's he talking about?
I don't know.
Wally? Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here!
I made some adjustments to our ride.
I made some adjustments to our ride.
It's now
the Wally Rolling Dancinator!
But I don't have any dancers.
They're still following Odlulu.
But I don't have any dancers.
They're still following Odlulu.
I don't think I understand.
You said Bollywood dancing
includes all kinds of styles.
Maybe it's time
to include doing the Odlulu.
Maybe it's time
to include doing the Odlulu.
Who needs practice when you
have a Follow the Leader Key?
Oh, good thinking!
Show Odlulu the dance steps,
and she will show us what to do.
Show Odlulu the dance steps,
and she will show us what to do.
Let's get this rolling dance party
on the road.
Hit it, Fritz!
Hit it, Fritz!
Odlulu, follow Wizard Odissi!
Odlulu, lead us onto the Dancinator.
OK, are you ready to be
a real Bollywood dance star?
Um, I think so?
Now just follow my lead.
Now just follow my lead.
We're going to do the Odlulu
like you've never done
the Odlulu before!
Five, six, seven, eight!
Arms up! You've got it!
Wonders, it's working!
Ha, look, I'm doing it,
Ha, look, I'm doing it,
I'm leading a Bollywood
dance number sort of!
Hey, this is fun!
Hey, this is fun!
Well done, Wally,
and well done, Odlulu!
(SIGHING) Where is she?
(SIGHING) Where is she?
We're going to lose our light
if we don't roll cameras now, and
Wait, do you hear that?
You don't think
Open the gates!
The Wally Dancinator has arrived!
The Wally Dancinator has arrived!
Roll camera, quickly! Action!
This is nothing
like how we discussed it,
but this is even better!
And is that a driving monkey?
And is that a driving monkey?
Brilliant, I love it!
ALL: He's not a monkey,
he's a ferret!
Oh, right, the jalebi!
Now here's my best move!
Now here's my best move!
The key, it's loose!
And cut!
Time to reverse the magic,
Wizard Odissi!
Time to reverse the magic,
Wizard Odissi!
Oh, fantastic, Odissi!
You've outdone yourself.
That was amazing!
More than I expected.
Where did you get all these extras?
More than I expected.
Where did you get all these extras?
Oh, and that key thing?
How did you train that monkey
to drive?
Oh, I had a little help
from some friends.
Oh, I had a little help
from some friends.
You did great, Wanderers!
You're born dancers.
We should celebrate!
What did you have in mind?
What did you have in mind?
How about a dance party?
Oh, no.
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