Will Trent (2023) s02e02 Episode Script

It's the Work I Signed Up For

[WILL] Previously on Will Trent
Cricket Dawson, bomb squad.
- Ask me out, Will.
- I'm confused.
Cooper said this thing about Macy's dad.
I got scared that you were
having an affair. It's true?
I was thinking of
taking the physical exam.
Angie, don't think I don't know
about that nerve pain in your arm.
There is a bomb in your car.
My son went to prison. And
then I got a call from somebody.
The man demanded five grand, or
else they were gonna hurt Miles.
We ran a trace on the ransom calls.
It pinged to a burner phone
inside Georgia State Prison.
We found the bomb. You got six
minutes to clear the building.
Cricket died. Least I could do is
figure out who ordered those bombs.
No one in that prison
wants to talk to you.
I know one person who's
dying to talk to me.
Did you receive my gifts?
- He got here 15 minutes before me.
- [AMANDA] What? How?
Amanda, I don't know. The man
drives a Porsche. It's got pep.
[AMANDA] I don't want
him alone with Ulster.
They're taking my phone now.
I'll call you when we're
done here, okay? Bye.
Check any and all weapons too.
You'll get 'em back when you exit.
Am I not moving in
enough of a hurry for you?
I know the routine.
Special Agent Mitchell.
Sturgill Hardly, I'm the
warden of this facility.
My condolences for Agent Dawson.
Thank you.
I need to speak with a
prisoner, Miles Highsmith.
- His father was one of the targets.
- Yes, ma'am.
And, uh, he's in solitary per
your instructions. Follow me.
By any chance, do you know
the whereabouts of my partner?
Uh, Special Agent Trent is
speaking with James Ulster.
Well, the world has gone mad.
A bombing at the GBI. And a dead agent.
You don't think I had
anything to do with it?
Oh, no.
Oh, no, no. Car bombs aren't your style.
But you know how things
get done in here, don't you?
- And I have questions.
- Sorry.
I keep a low profile. Stay
out of people's business.
Please. I've kept tabs on you.
All right, you're
listed as a legal adviser
on two dozen prisoner appeals.
You're handling a divorce
for one of the guards.
Business is booming.
All right.
I have to say, I'm moved.
You do care about me.
Miles, your father was instrumental
in breaking this case open.
The GBI is gonna make
sure that you're safe.
Great. Thanks.
Look, I know you didn't wanna
talk during that video conference.
I get it. But it's just me now.
So if there's anything
else you can give me
[WHISPERING] The walls talk and listen.
[BOMBER ON TAPE] Slide the
quiet mice on the moving beds,
and hightail it out. Hear?
Those were the instructions given
to the man who planted the bomb,
- but I bet you understood that.
- I was addicted to Duolingo before I moved in.
So, learning the local vernacular
Do you recognize the voice?
Uh, no.
The call was made on a contraband
phone. Who sells those in here?
Well, as many guards as prisoners,
and you wanna know who buys them?
Tracking down one burner with
an inmate population of 2,600
is something you'd only do
if you really hate yourself.
Oh. Wait.
That explains it.
Well, your dad's doing great.
His doctor has him on
this low-cholesterol diet,
and I'm sure you know
how that's working out.
I don't mind how it tastes
- as long as there's plenty of salt.
Salt's not great either.
Do yourself a favor and
google "Mediterranean diet."
Gotta live our lives, right?
We're gonna die of something.
I will tell your father
that you're doing great.
And if you do change your
mind, and you wanna talk,
then just ask for me.
- [NARRATOR ON TV] An adult elephant has quite
a tall task to avoid starvation.
Hi. [CHUCKLES] Yes. Thank
you for calling me back.
Hey. You need another
pillow or something, bud?
No. I'm okay.
[GINA] Thank you. We really
appreciate it. Thank you so much.
All right. Everything's
sorted out with school.
They're gonna let you take
your history exam next week.
[SIGHS] Thank God.
Well, the science
fair is still tomorrow.
So, I'll drive your project over,
and Mrs. Johnson said she can set it up.
I can drop his project off at school.
I'll call into work. We
can all hang out today.
Maybe talk.
Oh, um
yeah, I have an appointment
in Candler Park soon.
So, I can just drop it off.
Uh, Max, is it in your room, buddy?
[MAX] I didn't do it.
- What?
- What?
No. You went over to Corey's house
- to work on it three days last week.
- You didn't check?
- I thought we always checked homework.
- [CHUCKLES] Oh, okay. We check homework?
When's the last time
you checked anything?
You handle all the school stuff.
I thought that was your thing?
- It's not my thing. I just do it.
- Guys, stop!
My head is killing me. [SIGHS]
Okay. Look, here's what we're gonna do.
I'm gonna order a pizza.
Three of us are gonna
figure out the science project.
You're gonna turn it in late.
You'll get a bad grade, but
you'll have done the work
and that's what matters, okay?
Michael, I told you I need to go.
Yeah, what's this
freaking appointment, huh?
You know what? It's okay.
Max and I got it covered. Right, bud?
I pulled the blueprints from
Miles Highsmith's cellblock.
Each one services a
cluster of six cells.
They can all hear each other.
We need the names of the other five
prisoners in Miles's cell cluster.
Those names ain't gonna
matter. Nobody's gonna talk.
We lost an agent in the
line of duty today, Warden.
And I thought you'd be more eager
to join in the troubleshooting.
I'm a pragmatist, Special Agent.
I'm just trying to inform
you what you're up against.
Well, I'm a skeptic who
doesn't trust anyone.
We know what we're up against.
That's why she pulled the blueprints.
Got the whiteboard and everything.
Would you like to hear the plan?
Ulster's gonna make
the friendly approach
to the five prisoners on your list.
He'll use their prison language
to try to hire a hit on the outside.
Is the GBI footing
this bill, or are you?
First suspect is an ex-contract
killer for the Russians.
He talks British, even though
he's not. So the guys call him
Slop up some gravy.
What'd you say to me, mate?
I got a blue skylark
who's squeezing my shoes,
and needs sitting down. You wanna roll?
[PRISONER] Hey. It's our turn to play.
All right, all right, all right.
Who's this next guy?
[HARDLY] That's Mackey.
Oh, and there's no fun
story for his nickname.
Word is you're the fixer for a
tangled hustle beyond the wire.
Nah, you're just a child
playing in grown folks' business.
Maybe you need to get sat down.
Uh, what?
Okay. That's our guy.
If you want, we should
intervene, Special Agent.
Yeah, I suppose we should.
[ANGIE] Oh, no. I should've
warned you about that.
- You been going to your meetings?
- Yes, ma'am.
Oh, God. Mmm, okay.
Don't call me that. That's
I'm just getting used
to the sponsor thing,
you're gonna hit me with a "ma'am"?
Let me make it up to you.
I'll pay for your coffee,
'cause I got a job.
You did? Joey, that's
amazing. What is it?
Working the grounds at
this house in Brookhaven.
It's like a mansion.
How's it going? You enjoying the work?
I just push a mow around
like an idiot, but, uh
Hey, drug addict.
It's okay to be happy.
Okay, okay. Your boy got a job.
Okay, there it is! [CHUCKLES]
- I'm still gonna buy the coffee.
- No.
- Come on.
- Gotta go.
Cleanup continues
after the GBI bombing yesterday
that killed one GBI
Check the call logs.
I don't know where that came from.
Yep. Here it is.
The calls to the bombers.
This is the right phone.
We got you on tape, Mack.
I didn't consent to any recording.
You left a message on
an answering machine.
Who'd you make the calls for, Mack?
You do not wanna take the fall for this.
I run with Flash. All right?
He asked me to make some calls.
- That's all I know.
- Who's Flash?
[HARDLY] Ron Flashwood.
You remember the guy that
gunned down five people
at Piedmont Park about 30 years ago?
Please. Don't tell him I snitched.
- Let's go and talk to Flash.
- [MACKEY] Please.
Which one of you's Flash?
All right. We need the room.
Take him back to his cell.
No, he can't leave until his
dialysis session is finished.
Jack's good people.
He can hear what I don't
have to say to these fools.
Well, here's what we figure.
You and your broke-ass kidneys are
due for a release in six months.
If only you weren't
a convicted murderer,
you could've made the transplant list.
Instead, you ran an extortion ring
to buy yourself a kidney,
but the victims turned on you.
So you decided you'd rig
their cars with bombs.
Who told you all this?
Hey, the walls in here, they talk.
- You got the wrong guy.
- Hmm. Didn't you say that
about the woman that you killed in 1988?
Why y'all jamming me up? I'm
walking out of here in six months.
Oh, not anymore, Flash.
You're gonna die in here.
Take him to solitary.
"You're gonna die in here"? Don't
you think that was a little extra?
- Look, if you need a break
- Faith, not now.
- Cricket died right in front of you.
- I'm fine.
Right now, I need a
[STAMMERS] paper trail
connecting Ron to the
extortion ring, all right?
All right.
I'll start a full workup
of Ron's associates,
get his financial picture.
If we can link him to the money,
then we can be done here.
Amanda. Um, Amanda, hi.
So Will's phone is off or
[STAMMERS] it blew up. I don't know.
Is he all right? Is he doing okay?
Physically, he's fine.
Emotionally, who knows?
- So, same as always.
- Full steam ahead.
He's at State Prison
now. They took his phone.
Hold up. You sent him to the
penitentiary where Ulster is?
- What are you thinking?
- Right now,
I'm thinking you better watch your tone.
I couldn't have stopped
Will short of firing him.
Joey. Hey, what's up?
I messed up, Ang.
I didn't mean to slip, but he's my boss.
Your boss got you high. Who is this guy?
Coleman Walsh.
Coleman Walsh. God, I hate Brookhaven.
[SIGHS] Did you tell
him that you're sober?
[JOEY SIGHS] I tried.
All right. Just stay there.
I'm gonna come get you.
Coleman Walsh. Let me guess.
Pretty young people, drugs and coercion.
- He has a record?
- He should.
Instead, he's got eight
charges for sexual assault
that have all been dropped
or settled before trial.
Uh, my sponsee is in
trouble. I I gotta go.
I hope you're taking that down to APD.
You are not back on the force yet.
My guy has a record
and barely an address,
so I can't have him getting swept up.
I just gotta handle it.
Hey, get my coat.
What are you doing?
Coming with you.
You're about to do something stupid,
and I do not want to deliver bad news
to Will in the morning.
- [WILL] Where's Mackey?
Everybody on the ground now!
[FAITH] Who attacked him?
[FAITH] Ron must have figured out
Mackey talked and called a hit.
You didn't think Mackey
needed extra protection?
Ron couldn't have ordered the hit.
He's in solitary. We moved him
straight from the infirmary.
There's no such thing as solitary
when the vents are walkie-talkies.
I can't leave.
I need to make sure this
scene isn't contaminated.
Copy. I'll go find Ron.
Find out what he's thinking.
We got a man down.
We can't get a visual ID of the
stabbing from the security footage.
Mackey's dead. Our prime
suspect hanged himself,
and you could've stopped both
of those things from happening.
Did you want Flash to
apologize before he checked out?
People on the outside died
because of your lack of action.
You okay with that?
I believe that's your
jurisdiction, Special Agent.
[SIGHS] Ron's suicide isn't right.
His guys didn't want
me to get too close.
- I hope you did anyway.
- Positioning of the body is way off.
Ligature marks ran
straight back on his neck.
- He was choked from behind.
Guards had to be in on it. They
can't even stage a suicide properly.
Yeah, and if you're wondering who
else was in and out of Ron's cell,
hallway security cameras
were out of order.
Ron wasn't the shot caller.
That's why Mackey gave
up his name so easily.
[FAITH] Did you find a murder weapon?
None of them had it.
[FAITH] So it's stashed in the yard.
I need your baton.
Syringe needles.
Medical waste.
We missed something at the infirmary.
What are you gonna
do about Mom's friend?
Okay. First off,
don't ever mention
that guy's name again.
That was a I don't know a blip.
It was a mistake.
Mom said that?
People make mistakes, Max.
Like you not doing your science project.
It can be fun to shirk
your responsibilities
and go on an adventure.
But keep doing that,
things that do matter,
they end up slipping away from you.
Then what?
Well, then we fix it,
before it's too late.
You're up.
My precious time ♪
No, it's never too late ♪
That'll get me a B, right?
Mmm. B might be a bit of a stretch.
- Needs more
- Zip?
I was thinking bang, zoom.
Miss Johnson taught you about
ferromagnetism at school yet?
That doesn't sound like a thing.
Well, it's a similar
concept to a coil gun.
I confiscated one in Kandahar.
You give me two seconds,
I'll go grab a high-voltage
electrolytic capacitor from the garage.
- I'll be right back.
Willow, willow ♪
Won't you weep for me ♪
So, you're a sponsor?
Yeah, I've been out on
disability way too long.
I need to feel useful.
It's funny how scary it is
being on this side of the relationship.
Kind of proclaiming I am the adult here.
Don't worry. I am not
traumatizing this kid, Joey,
like I messed up Will.
Look, you said it, I didn't.
[CHUCKLES] You were thinking it.
Will is the only person
I've ever had on my side.
it's hard to let go of that.
You know, I was with Evelyn's
brother for ten years.
Had a wedding dress
picked out and everything.
You two weren't good for each other?
Evelyn's brother's gay.
- Oh.
- Yep.
When we let go of something
that was never going to work,
we both got a shot at being
who we're really meant to be.
Can you stop that?
It's annoying. It's like
Will's handkerchief thing.
It's It's part of my PT.
It's working. I think.
I'm gonna take my physical next
week, get back in the field.
Yeah, um, so, when we get there,
let's run plates for warrants.
Are you packing?
Calm it down.
This isn't official GBI business,
and you're still a civilian.
We're just two ladies
going to pick up a friend.
You think I'm a lady.
That's nice.
[WILL] Folks are getting
restless in lockdown.
Yeah, I wouldn't last a day in here.
I think you'd run your
cellblock within a week.
Well, thank you.
Can you fast forward? Whoa, stop.
Go back.
Ron comes in at the same time
as this other guy for dialysis.
Nurse hooks him up.
Look at all the steps.
Then she moves on to patient number two.
Wait, did she even insert the IV?
Nope, it's all for show.
- Oh. Oh.
- There it is. Mm-hmm.
[FAITH] A shoulder
rub and then a squeeze.
Warden, where's this, uh,
nurse that we saw earlier?
Adina? Yeah, her shift's over.
Who's that prisoner?
That's Jack Richards, a serial killer.
We racked up three bodies
before they got to him.
He's got a hell of a temper.
He used to prey on housewives.
Oh, he's preying on your nurse.
If she's gone, we need her back here.
Warden, you feeling okay?
Yeah, just, uh
I'm doing the best I can, GBI.
I'm understaffed, underfunded,
and every day, I get
the most broken men alive
showing up on my doorstep.
Help us track down Nurse
Adina. We'll handle the rest.
Yeah, and drink some water.
I need you to take me to talk to Ulster.
Wait, wait. Why?
Jack Richards, the killer
that's grooming our nurse,
I know his name.
Ulster's helping him
with some legal work.
Oh. Thank God.
- [PRISONER 1] Hey, let us go!
- [PRISONER 2] I ain't got my dinner yet.
[PRISONER 1] Hey! Shut up!
- [PRISONER 3] Open up, you screw.
- [PRISONER 4] Let me outta here!
Let's talk about Jack Richards.
You ever hear of
attorney-client privilege?
You're not a real lawyer anymore.
Well, that's hurtful, but true.
Is he our ringleader?
Is Jack Richards the only thing you care
about right now? What about what I want?
Look, I don't have time
for games. This is urgent.
Didn't we have a deal?
- Front gate said Adina hasn't left yet,
but I can't find her anywhere.
We should go check on Jack Richards.
We're still on lockdown.
He should be in his cell.
You wanna take that chance
with the day we're having?
Fair point. Let's go look.
[HARDLY] I think we got a jailbreak.
[FAITH] It's gotta be Jack.
Hey, what's happening?
My card's not working. I'm
going for help. Hang tight.
So much for urgency.
Let's get to know each other.
Backup power's been sabotaged.
The phones are down too.
[FAITH] Someone's been busy.
If a breakout is underway,
we won't see it from here.
Okay. Will's with James
Ulster. Can we get to him?
When the power's down,
the doors are inoperable.
But I do have a master key.
Okay. I'll need to go get my
phone, and then we'll go get Will.
Follow me.
What the hell?
Hey, where's the kid?
Why do you smell like vodka?
[CHUCKLING] There's a
whole party going on.
That snake has a snake.
It's called a lancehead viper.
- Guess what happens when it bites you?
- Why are we talking about a snake?
There's a kid who's drugged up in there.
He's waiting for me to save him.
Coleman Walsh says he doesn't know Joey.
And he hasn't tried to hire anyone.
- That's bull.
- You think?
[SIGHS] We need pretense
to search that home.
So back to the snake. Its
venom causes paralysis.
And then your brain
explodes and you die.
- And that, milady [SMACKS LIPS]
- is a threat to public safety.
[OPERATOR] Department
of Natural Resources.
Come on, let's bond.
I loved your mother,
maybe I can love you.
Don't talk about my mother.
You didn't love her.
You killed her, then
put me in a trash can.
Can you please let that go?
- Hey, sit down!
- No, no, no.
[WHISPERING] It's Nurse Adina.
[ADINA] Get to the taco
truck, and we'll be swimming.
Did you know her and
Jack were having a thing?
He didn't mention it.
Smart if she was helping him to escape.
Is that what she just said?
Wh-What was the message?
It's time for you to pay up.
Thanks for the call,
Wags. This is gonna be fun.
There's a tank in the living
room. Have your team start there.
Polaski and I will search for the
young man whose picture I sent you.
How many critters you
think we got in there?
[CHUCKLING] Enough to put a rush
on my fishing license, I hope.
Who are you?
[OFFICER] This is a probable cause
search. I need everyone's IDs out.
Hey. Let me see.
- I'm so sorry, Angie.
- Oh, God.
I've been where you are so many times.
You're safe now. Let's
get you out of here, okay?
Come on.
[SIGHS] What do you want to know?
Well, it's only polite
for me to start with Angie.
How's she doin'?
It's a long road to recovery.
Keep it about me.
Why the three-piece suits?
- I work better in layers.
- That's poetic.
Did you think about killing
me that night in the basement
when I battered Angie, bleeding
on the cold stone floor?
Yes, I did.
What stopped you?
I'm a duly appointed
special agent of the GBI.
- Stop. Stop.
- My responsibility
Give me the real answer.
You wanted to die.
So you resolved to spite me
with a fate worse than death.
That's a funny way
of dispensing justice.
Tell me what Adina's message said.
Have you found your mother's sibling?
The brother I mentioned?
- Why do you care?
- I'll bet you have a photo of Lucy,
your mother, in your office.
The only family you feel worthy of.
Hey. Hey!
[WILL] What's happening?
- Wilbur.
- Can someone get me out of here? Hey!
[JAMES] Tell me the truth.
It's difficult when there's
something so deeply wrong with you.
Tell me what Adina's message said.
She wants him to meet
her in the ambulance bay,
so she can smuggle him out.
[CHUCKLING] She must be a movie fan.
- You sure? Huh?
- Yeah, I'm sure.
I need to tell Faith.
Consider this a gesture of love.
Give me that thing.
- Director's office.
- [FAITH] There's a breakout in progress.
We need a perimeter
around the facility ASAP.
Hey, excuse me. I was left here.
Stand by. Let me loop in Amanda.
Oh, I think she's calling in
right now. Director's office.
Caroline, it's Trent. I need
you to connect me with Faith.
Oh, I have Agent Mitchell
on the line right now.
- Still me.
- Sorry. Hang on.
- [WILL] Faith.
- Hey, Will.
Nurse Adina and Jack
Richards are trying to escape
through the ambulance bay.
You need to stop them.
It's in the south wing.
[PANTING] We could
We could go down
- Oh.
- Hey, what's happening? Faith?
I need [GROANS]
Faith, you there? What's happening?
He's in cardiac arrest.
Dead batteries. Are
you kidding me? Will?
Just stay with the
warden. I'll find Jack.
Hey, you doing that just out of spite?
I need a power source. [GRUNTS]
For the door.
Hey Hey, I'm Special
Agent Mitchell with the GBI.
How much time do you think
you'll get off your sentence
if you help me save his life?
Come on.
proud of you right now.
Shut up.
Hey, hey, hey.
Power's back, Jack.
Prison's surrounded by law enforcement.
The money you extorted
is frozen by the GBI.
It's over.
Your escape plan's not gonna work.
Easy, okay?
Miles, you okay?
- Not really.
- All right, take a step closer,
I'll plunge this Drano
right into his brain stem.
All right. All right.
Killing him is not
gonna do you any good.
Putting me back in the cell
is not gonna do you any good.
You're not getting out of here.
Prisons have people.
It doesn't matter if it's a
nurse, a guard, an orderly,
one's all it takes to get
me up and running again.
[FAITH PANTING] One, two, three, four.
Head for the ambulance. Don't stop.
- Hi.
Miles, grab the machine
with the paddles.
Bring 'em here.
[FAITH] Hey. Hey, Warden!
- Back up.
- [FAITH] Damn.
- [FAITH] Charge him to 200.
Hey, where'd he go?
You seem like a good man.
This is where good people go to die.
- Shh.
Damn. Clear.
- [FAITH] You're okay.
[PANTS] You're okay.
Get on the ground. Now.
[JAMES] All right. All right.
Lights went down.
- My door popped open.
It's fate.
You should try it sometime.
Violation of my personal freedoms.
What gives the state of
Georgia the right to decide
the kind of animals I
can keep in my own home?
And what a beautiful home it is.
How's Joey?
Uh, EMT says he'll be fine,
but he just lost his job.
He's hopefully
not gonna end up back on the street.
But Joey has you.
And you have you.
We friends now?
- We lady friends?
Don't push it. [CHUCKLES]
I'm gonna talk to Heller.
You're ready. He needs
you back on the force.
[ANGIE] Wow.
Thank you.
Crystal. Oh, my God.
Hey, this girl's good to go, right?
She's one of my informants.
I'm just gonna grab her.
I was just talking to Wagner
about this, so Just Let's go.
Weird party, huh? [LAUGHING]
Who keeps a snake as a pet?
Hey. Hey. What's going on?
Last time I checked in with your mom,
she said you guys were leaving town.
Yeah, she went to New Orleans.
What? She just left you here?
She's scared of me, so
Your mom is not scared of you.
[SIGHS] I killed her boyfriend.
You thought my life was
gonna be, what, normal?
So, are you in school?
Do you have someplace to
live? Do you have money?
I get an allowance.
Is it enough?
All right, we're gonna figure out
some better situation for you, okay?
No, I'm fine! I'm just tired.
This is This is not crazy,
me asking all these questions.
- I'm worried about you. I wanna know you're okay.
I'll text you my new number.
And we'll talk.
Soon, I promise.
Hey, text me now.
[MAX] Mom, you gotta see this.
You did all of this in one night?
Well, Dad helped a lot.
He's good at fixing things.
[MICHAEL] Drumroll, please.
- Oh, my. It's something.
- [MICHAEL] All right.
- We waited for you to test it out.
- [MICHAEL] Ready?
[GINA] Will they let
you bring this to school?
Right about there. All right.
- Whoo!
- Oh, hell, yeah, dude.
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
- Your dad will fix it.
[GINA] Go ahead and get ready for bed.
- That was fun, bud.
So, where did you go?
I drove to the empty parking lot
behind where the Kroger used to be,
and I sat in the car.
Can't tell if you're joking.
I need space, Michael.
I I can't deal with this right now.
With what? Me?
With whatever you want from me,
whatever it is you're trying
to convince me to do
- I just wanna talk, okay?
- or think, or
There'll be no convincing
coming from me whatsoever.
Then what the hell was that?
What? A science project?
Is the science project proving to Max
that you want this
marriage more than I do?
[SCOFFS] I'm not the one who
took the kids to go see Harris.
Every time you cheated,
I blamed the women.
And I pretended for years
like it didn't matter
what you did as long as you came home.
Yeah, and I didn't deserve
that forgiveness, but you do.
You know, for putting up with
all my crap over the years.
I just [SIGHS]
I just wanna say that
I'm still in if you are.
I don't know if I am.
I'm not asking for any
promises or anything.
I'm not telling you how
to feel, or what to think,
or any of that.
I just need you to know that I love you.
And I can't even begin
to picture a world
without you in it with me and the kids.
- I can't. I just
- Listen Listen,
I know you don't want to
hear this right now, okay?
you're the love of my life, Gina.
You're the only one.
I can do better for you.
And I just feel like I
have to say these things,
or I'll never never forgive myself.
I'm I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what to say yet.
Just see what happens.
You'll be back to see me.
I'm not coming back.
I killed for you.
That wasn't for me.
Well, it wasn't for me.
You know the way the
mind of a serialist works.
Show me one painted fingernail.
Flash and Jack Richards were two
of the top dogs in your block.
Now they're gone. It seems to me
that puts you in a very nice position.
You're pushing me away here,
but I know you came for something.
Antonio Miranda.
Lucy's brother.
Your uncle.
It's not Morales?
Well, it's the name he uses,
you'll have to ask him why.
- Don't expect a thank you.
- [JAMES] It's the truth, you know.
I killed for you.
Family is everything.
[TEACHER ON TAPE] I walk. Yo camino.
You walk. Tú caminas.
She walks. Ella camina.
We walk. Nosotros caminamos.
- [NICO] What you doing?
- [TEACHER ON TAPE] You look. Tu miras.
She looks
- Um.
Toaster oven's been on fritz.
I bet I could find a
new one on the Internet
for, like, ten bucks.
[WILL] Well, I prefer to do this.
[NICO] Good Lord, why? All of this?
It's giving way too much work.
You know, it's good to
know how to fix things,
and if you want to fix something,
you need to take it apart, look
around inside and find the issue.
Or just buy a new one.
Wait, did you lose your job?
- Is she gonna get her treats cut off?
- It's all good, Betty.
- All right?
No one's gonna mess
with your chew-chews.
I know you don't like
to talk about work stuff,
but I just wanted to ask,
because of all this work stuff.
Thanks, Nico. But, um,
it's the work I signed up for.
[QUIETLY] I told you
he's not very smart.
Hey, um Look, if you
If you're ever interested in any
of this kind of stuff, I can
I can help you. Just,
you know, let me know.
All right. Well, pull up that
little stool there. [SIGHS]
We're gonna start here,
then slowly work our way up.
No, wait, baby steps.
Um, do you No. Do
you know what this is?
- You're reaching for it, know what it is?
Grounding wire. I'ma tell
you why it's important.
It's electricity. If I
take this solder here.
Now, if I needed to, I
could solder these wires
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