1000-lb Sisters (2020) s02e03 Episode Script

Wake-Up Call

Previously on
"1000-lb sisters"
We're going to Atlanta today
to see Dr. Procter, and
[ Farts ]
What's your secret?
Even though Amy has lost
a lot of weight,
she's still a very
high-risk pregnancy
at 288 pounds.
Plus, this is going to put
a huge damper
on her overall weight loss.
I'm worried about Tammy.
Your chances of dying
in the next five years
are about 80%,
if nothing happens.
What's your feelings about
the doctor's appointment, Tammy?
Come on, now. Stop it.
Tammy: When you don't feel like
doing something, you don't do it.
Just because she does it
don't make it right.
Chris: We're going down here
to have breakfast.
After going through
what we went through
at doctor Procter's yesterday,
with Tammy,
she was pretty depressed.
So, I figured I'd talk to her,
and maybe just get her
in a better mood than what
she was when she went to bed.
Are you good there?
- Yeah.
I could push the table to you.
Tammy: No. I'm good.
Breakfast is gonna be
an egg-white omelette
and some yogurt.
Is this Greek yogurt,
or regular yogurt?
Greek yogurt.
Here we go.
[ Laughs ]
I know the temptations
are gonna be there.
I'm excited to be on
the journey with Tammy,
because it'll help motivate her,
and I believe it'll help me,
too, just stay on board.
Amy: Hey, Youtubies.
It's Amy.
Chris: There was three
beluga whales in that tank.
Tammy was the big white one.
Amy was the little gray one.
[ Laughs ]
Amy: Today, me and Tammy
are gonna go see a therapist
because Dr. Procter wants us to.
Honestly, I don't feel like
I need therapy
because I've already had
the surgery.
- Hello.
- Good to see you.
Amy: Nice to meet you.
Tammy: Hello.
I work almost exclusively
with bariatric patients,
and do pre-op evaluations, and
a lot of post-op care, as well.
Today, I'm meeting with
Amy and Tammy.
And Amy has already
had her surgery,
and Tammy's in the process
of trying to get ready
to have surgery.
And so, we wanted to talk about
if surgery is going to, indeed,
be an option for Tammy
in the future.
Dr. Stapleton:
Everybody's had covid tests?
Everybody's good?
You guys okay
if we take these off?
Amy: They smell. Please.
How are you feeling
about being here?
Oh. So, "therapist" sounds like,
"we have to talk
about feelings."
Not a comfortable topic, right?
We'll kind of go with
With what works for you, okay?
Where are things today?
Where are you in your lives?
Amy: I had gastric bypass.
I lost 118 pounds.
And I found out
I was pregnant, too.
Oh. Wow. Well, congratulations.
Oh, my gosh.
Everything's going well.
Alright. Well, we'll come back
to that in a second.
I need to ask you, Tammy,
how do you feel about
your current circumstance?
It could be better.
It could be better?
So, you weren't able
to have surgery?
What happened there?
I mean, life happened.
Life happened?
It does that.
Do you still want
to have surgery,
or is that off
the table for you?
So, what kinds of stuff
are you eating?
Ooh, look at that cheese.
Oh, yeah.
I think Amy is overdoing it
when she eats.
I'm giving her bad stuff
that's killing her,
but yet, if I don't,
she gets mad at me for it.
I'm trying to be nice.
Well, you're blaming
everything on me.
Of course.
Let's talk about the ability
to say "no."
We say "no" to kids
to keep them safe.
"I want to stay up
and watch a movie."
"No. It's bedtime.
You've got school."
But we fail to say
"no" to ourselves
because we want what we want
wen we want it,
because that's what addicts do.
Do either of you
consider yourself
to be an addict
A food addict?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
So, how are you gonna learn
to say "no" to you?
Are you willing, Amy,
to commit to not getting her
unhealthy foods?
What you're responsible for
is what you do.
So, if you buy her that food,
that's the part
you're responsible for.
So, back to that "saying no."
Can you love her enough
to say "no"?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Amy and Tammy have a very strong
interdependent relationship,
and it's very, very unhealthy
for both of them.
The whole concept
of saying "no,"
whether it's to themselves
or to each other,
is pretty foreign,
and I think is something
that's gonna be critical,
in terms of either of their
success going forward.
So, when I look at you,
Tammy, I'm thinking
there are some things
you might be scared of.
Your sister's gonna have
all this other stuff
going on in her life.
I'd be scared to death.
I've had a lot of other people
tell me that they're scared
to have to take responsibility
for their lives.
That's a very good question.
She's seen me,
with her own frigging eyes,
walk without a Walker,
and she's making a big
[Bleep] deal about it.
So, your baby would be fine.
It hurts your feelings
when she says that?
She don't care.
Amy: Yeah, I do.
No, you don't.
I'm just worried
that you might fall.
You're not stable enough.
Don't sit there,
and make me out to be
the [bleep] bad guy.
I'm not the bad guy.
I'm just trying to say
I told her I didn't want to do
this [bleep] in the first place.
I know.
I had my surgery.
But did you just want
the surgery,
or did you want a better life?
I have a better life.
I got what I wanted.
I wanted a baby.
Do you want a better life
for the baby,
in terms of how he learns
to communicate,
how he learns
to talk with people?
I don't want to be called a bad
mom because I don't know
Tammy: Nobody's calling you
a bad mom.
You're going to be a great mom.
I hear that. I see that.
I feel that.
I know.
I was taught the same thing,
and I wanted to be different.
But I couldn't just snap my
fingers and know how to do it.
I went to individual therapy,
group therapy, couple's therapy.
How do you learn
how to be a good mom?
I guess watching "Brady bunch."
[ Laughs ]
If we were sad,
and we needed a hug growing up,
it was always, "toughen up."
I want me to be able to have
my kids come to me,
be able to get
all his emotions out.
What about you, Tammy?
What's something you're gonna do
for yourself going forward?
What do you plan to do
for the rest of your life,
keep all this stuff in you?
Eat at it?
Who are you mad at?
Yes, you are.
You shut down for a reason.
Tammy, you've got to choose
to take care of you.
Because I see that
you are more capable
than you're giving
yourself credit for.
You know,
it's about loving ourselves.
"Can I love myself enough
to stop harming my body
with food?"
Tammy clearly shuts down.
And mostly because
this is too much,
she fears she's not gonna be
heard anyway, so why bother?
But it's a clear sign that
she's communicating something
through that silence,
like, "I need help.
I need somebody to teach me
how to get this out of me."
You're welcome.
Thank you both for
You know, for listening.
I hope that some good
came from today,
and that you'll listen
to each other.
Based on what Tammy
was willing to put in today,
and based on what she's saying
about how she's eating,
absolutely she is not
a good candidate
for bariatric surgery
at this point in time.
Amy: In my mind,
I'm thinking the worst,
I'm thinking
I'm having a miscarriage.
Amy: Going home to Kentucky is
like a whole different experience,
because we're all on edge.
We're all just tired.
We're all kind of perturbed
because of how our appointment
went with Dr. Procter,
and then, me and Tammy's
appointment with the therapist.
We just want to just go home.
Let's go.
We rolling?
Let's go.
We're looking at least
eight hours driving time.
I'm glad that I'm able to
help Tammy along the way,
with the diet
Would you let me finish? Damn.
He's not my size,
but he is closer than what
you were, a little bit.
Oh. Has she?
Doing this trip, I would say
it has brought us together
a little closer.
[ Laughs ]
Amy: Coming back from Atlanta,
I realized that I was on the
wrong track for a long time.
So, today, we're gonna be
making a healthy dinner,
just because
we want to be healthier,
and I need more nutrition
in my diet.
So, today, we're attempting to
make what was it?
Eggplant parmesan.
Yeah. Eggplant parmesan
and sketti squash.
Spaghetti squash spaghetti.
Spaghetti squarsh spaghetti.
Still didn't say it right,
but okay.
Tammy's pretty knowledgeable
when it comes to food
because she watches
a lot of cooking shows.
That's the only thing
she's knowledgeable in.
Bitch, what?
Okay, girl.
My damn.
Give me that spray.
Alright, this is ready.
Amy: I hope Tammy is serious
about changing.
Me and Tammy need
to work on ourselves.
We need to work on our
relationship with each other,
and our relationship with food.
I want my child to know
what a healthy relationship is
between me and my sister,
and be a better role model
for my child.
Trying is better than nothing.
I've still got to learn
how to say "no" to you.
Doesn't matter.
You're still gonna overeat.
Let me see it. Let me eat it.
I kind of liked it.
Compliments to the chef.
I'm the chef.
I put the batter on it.
That does not make you a chef.
[ Farts ]
[ Both laugh ]
I hate you.
[ Laughs ]
I seriously [Bleep] hate you.
Oh, my god.
I didn't know we would need
some air freshener for outside.
[ Both laugh ]
It kind of tastes
like Sauerkraut
with hamburger and sauce on it.
It ain't bad. I'm just saying.
The texture is kind of weird.
Tammy: No, you're not
on life support.
Amy: Today, we have an
appointment for an ultrasound,
and it's perfect timing, because
I've been having a lot of pain,
a lot of cramping,
and I just want to make sure
the baby's okay.
- Hi, there.
- Hello. Amy.
Woman: How can I help you?
I'm here to see the doctor.
Have a seat.
I'll be with you
in just a moment, okay?
Having these symptoms
are really, really scary,
because I'm high-risk
because I am overweight.
Plus, I just had gastric bypass.
So, all of that together
really worries me.
Come on back.
I'm five months pregnant,
and with these cramps,
I'm really scared that
I'll have pre-term labor.
We're just gonna have you sit
right there on the table,
and she'll be
right in with you, okay?
- Okay. Thank you.
- You're welcome.
In my mind,
I'm thinking the worst.
I'm thinking
I'm having a miscarriage.
Something's going on.
- Hi, Amy.
- Hello.
Laura: How are you today?
I'm having some, like cramping.
Laura: Okay. We're gonna
take a look,
and make sure everything's
looking okay today.
I'm Laura.
I'm gonna do your ultrasound.
So, what I'm gonna do first is,
I'm gonna have you
just lift your shirt up for me,
and then lower your pants down.
I'm gonna put something here
so I don't get
any gel on you, okay?
So, have you been feeling
okay during your pregnancy?
Really? Yeah.
I'm looking at the sonogram
pictures like,
"is the baby okay?
Is the baby alive?"
If something happens,
I don't know what I would do.
Well, everything looks great.
It could definitely be that
you're having Braxton Hicks.
And, you know,
they will get stronger
as baby does continue to grow.
So, what is Braxton Hicks?
Uterine cramping.
Do you ever have cramping
with your periods?
It's like that,
except for a lot stronger.
Braxton Hicks do present,
a lot of times,
in the second trimester.
And I think that's probably
what she's feeling.
Amy is considered a high-risk
pregnancy due to her weight.
If Amy would have lost more
weight before she got pregnant,
it probably would have been
a smoother pregnancy.
And I think that
she could face challenges
as it's time to deliver.
Are you taking prenatal
vitamins every day?
Yes, ma'am. Good.
Are you keeping on
a healthy diet?
It is very important
to maintain a healthy diet,
just because, a lot of times,
with obesity,
a what runs hang-in-hand
is high blood pressure.
And those are things
that they will continue
to monitor
throughout your pregnancy,
to make sure that
those do stay stable.
You want to hear
baby's heartbeat?
[ Machine warbles ]
It's such a relief to hear
that it's just Braxton Hicks.
And the baby's got
a good heartbeat.
Everything's healthy
with the baby.
It's nice and insolated
in there.
Just listen to your body.
Rest when you feel like
you're not feeling well.
Sometimes, your body
just needs that extra rest.
Okay. Thank you.
Alright. Do you want me to
Yeah, you can pull this down,
put your feet up here.
[ Cellphone buzzes ]
Amanda: What is going on?
Amy's on the way
to the hospital.
- Alright. I love you. Bye.
- Love you, too. Bye.
Amy went to the E.R.
this morning.
I'm waiting to hear
what happened,
why she went to the hospital,
if she's okay.
So, I'm kind of, like,
freaking out,
just hoping everything's okay
with her and the baby.
Michael: No. Not yet.
Is she admitted, or are they
just monitoring her?
[ Amy crying ]
You're not dying.
What the [bleep]
are you talking about?
[ Amy crying ]
[ Amy crying ]
Amy, relax.
The baby
Is making you sick.
Next time on
"1000-lb sisters"
Tammy: I can only hope that
nothing's wrong with the baby.
Chris: Tammy's hard to deal with
when she gets upset.
So, if that doctor says
the wrong thing,
and pisses her off,
it's gonna be hell on wheels.
Kind of dreading it,
'cause I'm afraid the scale's
gonna be like, "you're fat."
Well, clearly.
I'm nervous because
I've had some bad days
where I just eat whatever.
I didn't even think
that was humanly possible.
But apparently, it is.
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