Allegiance (2024) s02e03 Episode Script

The House Always Wins

- Previously on Allegiance
- He's drinking.
- Yeah.
[VINCE] Gabby's been
put on indefinite leave.
Detective Corporal Zak
Kalaini, your new partner.
- Is this you?
- This is me.
- I have access to the assistant crown's laptop.
- Copy it.
You want to apologize for
taking advantage of my condition?
You have risked both of us
being thrown into prison.
All charges against Minister
Sohal have been dropped.
[AJEET] I've gone over it
from every angle, Sabrina,
there's no legal way to
bring Campbell to justice
without also incriminating
you and everyone involved.
Get on the ground!
Hey! Don't touch it!
- Okay.
You want to walk out of here?
Then do exactly as I say!
[ISHAAN] I got short-listed on Zoom,
and now I'm very
short-listed in person.
[SABRINA] I'm only
hearing about this now?
- [ISHAAN] I didn't want to jinx it.
- So where's this interview?
It's um it's in your building.
Wait, what?
I'm interviewing for the
civilian investigations unit.
You want to be a
civilian watchdog over me?
Not just you.
All of you. I get to be
the big sister for once.
If you screw up, I'll be
there to call you on it.
That could really
complicate things for me.
I thought you'd be happy.
I thought we were both up
for police accountability,
especially for the
assistant commissioner.
I am.
You know what, you're right,
and I'm proud of you.
Well, I don't have the job yet.
I probably won't.
Silver lining is, when they say no,
Kyle's gonna say it's a sign
that I should move
to Toronto with him
You'll get it.
Be yourself,
just not the self you are at home.
And don't make any aunty jokes.
There's been a spike of gang violence
in Guildford the last 24 hours.
- Brambilla?
- Yeah, I'll pull officers
- in from the south end.
- And finally,
I'd like to welcome back
Constable Doug Gabinski.
Thank you, superintendent.
yeah, I'm just gonna name
the elephant in the room.
I'm in recovery at the moment,
and I want to thank you all
for the opportunity
to work by your side.
Okay. You're riding with me, gabby.
You drive.
Giddy up.
All right, that's it, get
out there and do good work.
Missing the uniform?
Something like that.
- Well, we gotta go.
- What's up?
Armed robbery.
- Forensics are there already.
- Morning.
- Morning.
- Morning.
Uh, Sabrina, actually, can I
chat with you for a quick sec?
It's about that case.
Oh, right, um
two secs, I'll meet you at the car.
Yeah, just, I wanted
to, uh, consult with you
about whether you'd consider
getting together with me,
after work?
Um "getting together"?
Yeah, uh, I don't know, thought maybe
it would be good idea to clear the air.
You know, somewhere not here.
maybe over dinner?
I'll text you.
[SUNNY] Bridal jewellery,
Which one's Sunny?
[SUNNY] This is our
complete inventory
Sunny yang?
Hi. I'm Detective Kalaini,
this is Detective Sohal.
How are you doing?
I'm not doing great.
Been better, I imagine.
Do you mind if we ask
you a few questions?
- Okay.
- The guys who came in here,
they both had weapons?
- Mm-hmm.
- Shotgun, handgun?
- Handguns.
- And you didn't hit the store alarm?
They stopped me.
- Did you get a good look?
- No, it happened so fast.
- They wore balaclavas.
- Old school.
But you heard their voices?
Mm-hmm. One of them
did all the talking.
He was aggressive.
He said he'd kill me if I
didn't do what he wanted.
Any kind of accent?
How old were they, about?
Young, I think. 20s, maybe.
Both kinda athletic.
And do you remember
what they were wearing?
Oh, they wore black gloves,
the disposable kind.
They seemed professional,
like they knew exactly
what they came for.
- What was that?
- They wanted the delabrean.
The what?
It's worth 25 grand.
It wasn't even on display.
We don't keep it out.
Ishaan Sohal?
- Mm-hmm.
- Ishaan, I'm Svetlana Peters.
I don't blame you for being nervous.
Am I nervous?
160 people applied for this position,
and it is down to you,
and two other candidates.
To be honest, on paper,
none of us thought
you'd make it this far.
This is my pep-talk?
I don't do pep-talks.
The panel members are
waiting, Mr. Sohal,
so shall we?
The cameras are digital,
but the hard drive's gone.
They knew where to look for it.
Maybe they had the help of an insider?
- Talk to me.
- Can you see if FRAUD has a file on the store?
On it, as we speak.
- [VINCE] Morning.
- [ZAK] Morning.
- Morning.
- [VINCE] Degas said you needed hands.
[ZAK] Yeah, we're looking
at two suspects, male, armed,
possibly 20s, balaclavas,
athletic builds.
They could still be in the area.
Can you canvass the rest of the mall,
see if anyone saw anything
between 8:45 and 9:15 A.M.?
Yeah, I'll send a unit out there.
Right, these are the stolen items,
but the real target was the watch.
We'll check the pawn shops.
- Thanks, Brambilla.
- Yeah.
- And, uh
- Constable Gabinski, sir.
So Gabinski.
Yeah, he used to be staff sergeant.
Did his demotion have anything to do
with his kid trying to stab your dad?
Son of a CFPC officer
tries to assassinate
the newly-exonerated
minister of public safety?
Now, that is some very
Shakespearean shit.
Well, constable Gabinski
had already been relieved
of his duty by that time.
Undisclosed reasons.
Mr. Yang, just a few
follow-up questions
Prince of Pawn, two blocks west.
Haven't been sent on a
canvass since I was a rookie.
How's all this sitting with you, gabby?
In terms of what?
Me in your old job.
Taking orders from Sabrina.
Fastest promotion in
the history of the force.
She's gonna be running that
place in a couple of years, right?
Hey, look,
I'm happy for the kid.
Okay? It's not my
time, Vince, I get that.
Not everybody gets a second chance,
so I'm going to bust my
ass trying to earn mine.
Mr. Liang.
Please take a step back.
We understand that you're upset.
You're goddamn right I'm upset.
Mr. Liang, who else besides you
knew the delabrean was in the store?
Only my wife, and Sunny.
My other clerk, I had to
let him go a few months ago,
couldn't afford to pay him,
the rent I pay, the insurance
We'll need his full name
and contact information.
Oh, and some of my clients.
Customers who collect.
When I get a watch like
that, I send emails.
Can't afford to hold it long.
We'll need that information as well,
- anything that you might have.
I gotta get this.
Where's your wife, Mr. Liang?
At home.
- Any other family?
- Two kids.
My daughter's away at university.
I'm sorry, I have to call my
insurance company to start the claim.
Please, by all means.
Great, thank you.
- Kalaini?
- You okay? Thank you.
Right, that was FRAUD.
So it sounds like Creative Goldsmiths'
been late on vendor payments.
They had to let an employee go.
- "Desperate times ?"
- " Desperate measures."
Robbing his own store?
Let's get a hold of the ex-employee,
could be motive there as well.
And of course there's sunny,
maybe he's the inside man
who could have unplugged the hard drive.
I'm sorry, could you
please repeat the question?
Some of the staff here think
that with a sister on the force,
a father whose political
portfolio oversees it,
that this is potentially
a conflict of interest.
Funny, uh,
I think that growing up
entrenched in law enforcement
has given me a unique
perspective, and a leg up
Tell us about your military experience.
I, uh, I completed basic
training at Camp Borden,
went on to specialize at the CFIG,
analyzing and disseminating
sensitive military intelligence
A real-life spy.
Not exactly.
Uh, I spent three years at the BPRT,
Baghdad Provincial Reconstruction Team,
navigating corruption,
surviving in a pressure cooker
Your father was charged
with treason last year.
Those charges were dropped
How did the evidence that
eventually cleared his name
come to light?
I'm not sure what you're, um
The assistant commissioner
is leading an internal investigation
into how these events came about,
so, hopefully, we'll get answers
and full accountability soon,
not that I trust the CFPC
investigating itself
Not even with a sister on
the inside of that police force?
What are you suggesting?
we're just not sure
whether we can trust you.
Thanks for your time, Ishaan.
You want to know if you can trust me?
Totally fair,
but here's the thing,
the CIU,
with all its good intentions,
is still an organization,
and if there's one
thing that I've learned
is that every organization,
civilian, military, whatever,
is only as strong as
the flawed, messed up,
vulnerable human beings involved.
So I guess my question is,
can I trust you?
Thank you, Ishaan.
I'll call you end of day.
got anything good for us?
Two pawn shops down, and no joy.
I'll let you know if the story changes.
[ZAK] Thanks, Vince.
Well, well, well, look
what the cat dragged in.
Good to see you too, Keith.
Yeah, I heard you got suspended.
Can't keep a good man down.
I'm sorry, who are you?
This is Staff Sergeant Brambilla.
I thought you were staff sergeant?
Yeah, well, I'm making a
couple of changes in my life,
I'm in recovery at the moment, so
Great, good for you.
You got some new pronouns, too?
Has anyone come in here
looking to sell a delabrean?
That's funny you should ask.
Yeah, a guy came in.
I asked him to go away
or come back with a COA.
- What did he look like?
- 20-something.
I don't know, white.
Looked a little roughed up.
Can we take a look at
your security footage?
Cameras aren't exactly popular
with most of my customers.
Hey, I do got a nice Casio
that might be in your price range.
[VINCE] Call Sabrina Sohal
He's not interested.
Hey, Vince, what's up?
So, the thieves tried to pawn the watch,
but they don't have the COA.
- The COA?
- Certificate of authenticity.
You can't move a watch
like this without it,
so our thieves are stranded.
Okay, hold on one sec. Hey, Zak?
- Yup.
- Check if Mr. Liang
has the COA for the delabrean?
Hey, how's it going with gabby?
Fine. I miss my old partner.
Yeah, me too.
Has he said anything?
- About?
- About being back?
He seems solid.
- I gotta go.
- Stay safe out there.
Yeah, you too.
He keeps it in the
safe at his family home.
- That's smart.
- Yeah.
It's almost like he knew
someone was coming to rob them.
Mr. Liang
we're going to need
the COA for evidence.
Can you please give
me your home address?
343 Fleetwood.
911, what's your emergency?
There's a man in my
house, he's wearing a mask.
- 343 Fleetwood Road!
- Shut up!
- Please
- Get down!
So that lawyer from this morning.
Nate Brugmann?
He's the assistant crown,
works a lot of the detachment's cases.
Is he cool?
Sure. I mean, he's good at his job.
Didn't he just lose
that big treason case?
He didn't lose the
case against my father.
It was thrown out.
There was an official CFPC apology.
It's all good.
Just getting the lay of the land.
Suspected intruder
at 343 Fleetwood Road.
That's where we're going.
Alice Liang, the owner of the house,
called 911 from the inside,
then the line went dead.
The thieves knew where
the certificate was.
- We're on our way.
Gillian, we're at Fleetwood.
- How far out is backup?
- Three minutes.
Okay, tell them to hurry.
Okay, hold tight, okay?
[ZAK] Gillian?
Send me the number that
called from inside the house.
Texting it to you now.
Don't touch it!
Face down!
It didn't work! You gave
me the wrong numbers!
I didn't, I promise
It better work this time, or I swear
Head in the pillows.
Don't move!
Any contact with the caller from inside?
No. No answer. We're getting concerned.
Command, where's our additional backup?
Nine minutes out.
Come on!
We can't wait.
- Okay, let's go.
- The safe's in the bedroom.
You two, take the rear exit,
go now.
Shit! Cops!
Get up!
Come on!
- Hurry up!
Hurry up! You do it!
[SEBASTIAN] Hurry up.
[ALICE] I'm-I'm almost there.
I just need [SOBBING]
- We don't have time!
Gabby, you take the stairs with Sohal.
- I got it.
- [ROBIN] You've gotta get out of here!
- Police! Drop it!
- Drop your weapons!
Don't move!
Drop the gun!
- Don't shoot, please!
- Do it now!
Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
Mommy Mom, it's me.
My god, that's my son. Don't shoot!
Don't shoot him!
Checking the back deck.
Back deck clear.
No sign of the suspects.
Roger. Area secure.
No sign of the suspect.
Moving back to the house.
Turn around.
- Copy that.
Suspect's outside
second-floor window.
Police! Police! Don't move!
Show me your hands!
Hey! Hey!
- You good?
- I'm good! I'm good!
One of the suspects has fled on foot,
heading west.
Got his backpack.
Open it up.
[ZAK] We've got the COA.
I've got his gun.
Which is a fake.
[ZAK] Tell me about the guns.
[ROBIN] They're airsofts.
Where'd you get them?
Army surplus place on King George.
help us understand.
Why would you do this
to your own family?
What choice did I have?
It's not like I can go
to them for the money,
they're not exactly supportive,
and I didn't think it
wouldn't matter anyways
because dad would have
the insurance or something,
but I forgot about the papers
[ZAK] Wait a minute. Slow down.
Why did you have no choice?
Sebastian needed it today.
My boyfriend.
We need $25,000.
Oh, my god, it's all my fault
Robin, it's okay.
Just one thing at a time.
Why do you think it's all your fault?
I got him started on it last year,
the gambling.
It was just for fun.
I mean, everyone was doing it,
and he was so good at it, too.
Yeah, like he was good at track.
He transferred here
from Vernon to compete.
He's good at everything, basically.
He's so smart
about sports and stats,
and he was winning.
He just kept winning.
Till he wasn't
and he had to borrow.
Then he kept on coming close to winning,
and we were like, you know,
just one last time, you know?
Maybe this time, maybe this time
But he never hit.
And today his time's up,
and we don't have the money.
[SOBBING] I'm going to lose him.
Who loaned him the money?
I don't know!
He wouldn't tell me, he
was trying to protect me!
They already roughed him
up really bad, a warning.
They said that this was our last chance,
that next time [SOBBING]
You have to find him.
Please! I can't lose him.
[VINCE] Okay, thanks, Sabrina.
The kids were paying off a loan shark.
25 grand.
Who loans kids that kind of money?
I may know someone who can help us.
Turn left at the light.
Do you have any idea
where Sebastian meets with
the people loaning him money?
You said everyone's
into online gambling.
What about your friends at school?
Yeah, most of them.
Did any of them borrow
like Sebastian did?
I don't know!
You you guys should
talk to Carl Hinton.
He's the one that got us
started on all of this.
Okay, good.
Where can we find him?
[VINCE] Dean!
Look who it is!
You look good.
Yeah, and you're still a terrible liar.
- You want an espresso?
- No, I'm good, I'm good.
Come on, è delizioso,
provalo no, no, no
What's all this?
Eh, can you believe it? I've gone legit.
- Selling toys.
- Toys, huh?
Yeah, yeah, the whole
gambling game's gone online.
- Hurt business?
- Murdered it.
Uh What about you?
You want a coffee?
No, I'm good.
Yeah, it's a whole different world.
My game's done, casinos are empty,
racetracks are bleeding money.
It's just not a social thing anymore.
Yeah, but people still
have gambling debts.
Where would they go if
they needed to beg for a line?
there's a shark out there
that's targeting minors.
See what I mean?
In my day, there was a code.
Huh? Tell me more.
I might've heard about a guy.
- All right, tell me.
- He's new on the scene,
and by all accounts,
he's a real psychopath.
Okay, what's his name?
He broke a kid's leg in Barnaby,
paralyzed him for only seven grand,
just to send a message.
What's his name, Dino?
Or if you'd like, we can just book you.
For what?
These "cozy stuffies"
are obviously fakes.
Not good ones.
Going legit, my ass, Dino.
He goes by the name "Dark Horse".
What are you, stupid?
That job was your
personal responsibility.
Now go fix it.
You're late.
I'm sorry.
It's a delabrean.
You brought a watch?
It's worth at least $20,000.
Where's the paperwork?
I've got it.
I mean, I know where it is.
I just
I need a few more hours,
and I was just hoping that
the watch would be enough
to buy me some more time.
Stay here.
Excuse me,
have you seen this
individual, Carl Hinton?
How does a 17-year-old
even get in that deep, that fast?
When you're walking around
with a 24-hour casino
in your pocket,
and every commercial during the game
reminds you of the
excitement of winning?
[SABRINA] Their brains aren't wired yet
for impulse control.
It's all about the amygdala.
Wait, were you a geek in high school?
Uh, excuse me,
have you seen this guy? Carl?
You'll find him in the gym.
That way?
Thank you.
There isn't enough money in the world
to make me come back to my high school.
Really? I would've pegged
you as the star athlete,
- popular kid.
- Popular
with the inside of a locker
You? Inside a locker?
What can I say?
I was a late bloomer.
I'm gonna do a little bit over.
That's so high.
- Carl Hinton?
- You mind?
We're in the middle of a hand here
I think she's telling you to fold, bro.
Where's Sebastian Weatherley?
- He didn't come to school today.
- He's in trouble.
Okay, well, that sucks for him,
but, uh, I know my rights.
I've got the right to an attorney
if I can't afford one.
I have the right to
Give me your phone.
No, man, you need a warrant for that.
Tell you what,
how about we play a hand of poker?
I win, I get access to your phone.
- You win,
I call your parents and tell them
you're involved in underage gambling.
I didn't do anything illegal.
[SABRINA] What's in it for you?
I get a bonus
every player I refer
to bet24, that's it.
What's this chat group?
"Punter's Paradise."
It's just a group chat
for kids who like to play.
sports bets
The "Kickback Kid's" you?
I'm not a criminal.
Please don't call my parents.
Who's "Freakwent Flyer"?
- What?
- His name's all over this.
"Hit me up if you're short,"
"Bro, I got you for 2k."
I never met Freakwent Flyer.
I swear.
Whoa, what are you doing?
but you are texting Freakwent,
looking for a loan.
What's Sebastian's handle?
It's "Mythiqman," with a "q".
"Mythiq "
He's all over this group chat.
Silverpine Academy.
Parking lot in 15 minutes.
Another school.
What about my phone?
I'll bring this right back.
What the hell is this?
It's It's a delabrean.
You're supposed to bring me 25k in cash,
not a hot watch.
- But it's worth
- Nothing!
What you're bringing me,
Sebastian, is trouble.
I want my money, in full.
I don't have it.
Please just take this for now.
- No!
- Leave it!
You knew today was your last chance.
I have the papers, okay?
I'll get you the papers,
I just need one more week.
No more weeks.
Oh, God. Please.
But I'm gonna give
you some time to think.
- Put him in the trunk.
- No
No, please don't do it.
No, you don't have to do this.
Please, no! No, no, no, no!
No, no, please!
Freakwent Flyer?
Oh, shoot, my phone. Can you just
- You're coming with us.
- Just
A loan shark who goes
by the name "Dark Horse".
You know him?
Your phone records show text exchanges
referencing kids and drop-offs.
We traced the number
back to a burner phone.
Yeah, well, you're not
dealing with an amateur.
Mr. Palmerfield, you recruit
the students that you teach,
and you feed them to a mobster.
- How do you sleep at night?
- Look, I got my pressures, too.
Do you know how much a
substitute teacher makes?
I had no other way to pay off my debt
So you took a second job,
a side hustle, as a middle man?
- Every client that I bring to him
- They're not clients,
- they're children.
- This "Dark Horse", what's his real name?
- I don't know.
- Bullshit.
I don't, I've never met
him. I've never had to.
Did you introduce
Sebastian to Dark Horse?
Sebastian is in real danger.
- I can't
- Did you hear what just I said?
We are talking about a 17-year-old boy.
He is out there right now!
I want my lawyer.
Get up.
Get up!
Take him to holding.
Somebody, please!
Help! I can't breathe! Help!
"Punter's Paradise," that chat
group we found on Carl's phone
You want me to round up
the students and bring them in?
We want their parents.
We're looking for Sebastian Weatherley.
Sebastian's life is in danger.
He owes $25,000
to a loan shark known as "Dark Horse",
and his time's run up to pay.
You're all here because your
children are part of the same group chat
as Sebastian,
and they might be clients
of this man as well.
He offers loans with
compounding interest.
Your kid might borrow
$1,000 Monday morning,
and by Friday, it's $4,000.
The week after that, it's 12.
[SABRINA] We need any
information you have,
anything that can help us stop this man
before something happens to Sebastian,
and to help us protect your kids, too.
Has anyone here paid Dark
Horse to bail out your child?
We encourage you to let us know.
Whatever you say here stays
here, you have our word.
My son, Jamie
it started during COVID.
He missed his friends so much.
He asked me for my credit card one night
so he could play with them online,
50 bucks, it seemed harmless.
Then about a month ago,
he came to me
he broke down.
He said he needed $5,000,
or they were going to hurt him
We met a man in a
high-school parking lot.
[ZAK] He's a middleman.
His online handle is "Freakwent Flyer".
A substitute teacher
with access to hundreds
of vulnerable students.
This network is a serious
crimes priority now
[QUIETLY] Excuse me, can I have a word?
[VINCE] This is not a
character flaw in your kids.
Addiction happens by design,
and gambling, I mean, it's become
an exponentially growing industry.
It feeds on peer pressure and isolation,
and hope.
[SABRINA] Your son,
does he know Sebastian?
He's never mentioned him.
And did you know that he was gambling?
Yeah, I knew he liked to put
a couple bucks on the game.
And what about you? Have you
ever paid off a debt to Dark Horse
for your son?
I, um
I introduced Ellis to it
to the gambling.
Go on.
My dad was a gambler.
So was his.
You know, they say it can
skip a generation, but
I owe Dark Horse 150k.
Not Ellis.
When my wife found out, she, uh
[VOICE BREAKING] she left,
and now I'm paying 10k
a week to stay alive.
Do you know Dark Horse's real name?
No, but I met him.
When you owe this much,
they make a personal visit.
Do you still owe him the money?
Text him.
Tell him that you have it.
All of it.
Mr. Dean,
what if this was Ellis
who was missing right now?
We will keep you safe.
I was starting to give up on you.
My luck turned.
I knew it would.
This, uh, should clear
the slate, I guess.
Where'd you get that kind of money?
I, uh, I found another guy to stake me.
Got lucky on the Panthers.
If any of this is trackable
It's it's not.
Next time
your business stays with me.
Got it?
Yes, sir.
Out of the car!
Zak, I got a runner!
Hands on the wheel!
- Stop!
- Where's Sebastian?
What have you done with him?
I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Tell me where he is.
- Sebastian!
- Sebastian, buddy.
- Sebastian, wake up!
- We've gotta get him out.
One, two
- Sebastian?
- Sebastian, can you hear us?
Come on, buddy.
Come on! Hey!
Come on! Come on!
Sebastian, come on, come on!
Oh Hey!
Hey, buddy.
You're good.
[VINCE] I know it's hard
to reconcile what Robin did,
but he's a teen,
he's in love
and he needs you
and the better you
are able to support Robin,
the better he'll be able
to support his partner,
because right now, we just don't know
if Sebastian's own parents
will be there for him.
I'm so sorry.
I'm going to stop, okay?
I'm going to get better.
I promise you, okay?
I am I am so sorry,
for everything that I did.
I'm really sorry.
It's okay.
It's gonna be okay.
[ZAK] Plans for the evening?
Nothing much.
I thought I'd hit the
casino on my way home,
unwind a bit.
Actually, it's multiple
attackers tonight.
What is that?
Special seminar, with, uh,
knife, baton, handgun scenarios.
Is that like a martial art?
It's not a martial art,
or a competitive sport.
The real world is your arena.
There are no rules,
eyeballs and groin are fair game,
and you win by preparing
for the worst and surviving.
[NATE] Cool.
So you're basically
conditioning yourself
to always see the worst in people.
No, to prepare.
Like lawyers do,
but for deeds, not words.
Anyway, have a good night.
- Yeah, good night.
- Bye.
Um, high school wasn't
a good time for him.
I talked to my boss,
pleaded leniency on
grounds of extortion,
plus Sebastian is still a minor,
so I don't think he or Robin
will see the inside of a cell.
Great. We're getting the
information out to the high schools,
reaching the kids upstream.
Good. That's great.
Meanwhile, it's business as usual
for gaming, gambling, media, tech
Hey, that's above our pay grade, okay?
Are we, uh, still on for tonight?
- Yeah.
- Okay,
I better go by my office and change.
Gabby. Um, how was your first day back?
It was outstanding.
Really, I love my job,
and when Will gets parole,
he'll have a stable
home to come back to.
And I know that you love your job, too.
I'm just saying that if
the assistant commissioner
ends up being charged,
I think we'd both rather
not be under the microscope
for our choices.
What do you mean?
I was at the bar
the night you closed the Fletcher file.
I saw you and the assistant crown
You go home with the crown,
the next day, your father is exonerated.
I'm not judging you,
Sabrina, really, I'm not.
We all do what we
have to do, believe me,
and I have no desire
to share that, um
conflict of interest.
It's just your career is
really going places right now.
Mine's a little more precarious,
so I'll need your discretion.
Do we have an understanding?
I understand.
Come in.
[WOMAN] Office of the
crown attorney, can I help you?
Hey, what are you doing in my office?
I thought we were
You're having second thoughts.
Sabrina, let me just talk for a sec.
You know the whole breaking
into my laptop thing
the why you did,
or did you have a choice,
I've thought about it all,
and the thing that I keep coming back to
is that I like you
Sabrina, a lot,
and I have for a while.
You know, at first I thought
maybe it was like a talent-crush,
but it's more than that, Sabrina,
it's the way you see people,
the way you fight, how you think,
I mean, how we think,
and how I can't stop thinking about you.
I think about you, too,
and I wish it was different
but I can't.
We were seen that night
going home together
the night before my
dad's name was cleared,
and so now, even
the smallest
rumour of us together
it could send us both to jail.
So we really
We can't take that risk.
Nice flowers.
Yeah, I thought they would
go great with my office.
I'll see you at detachment.
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