Birdy the Mighty: Decode (2008) s02e03 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 3

1 Good morning, Violin.
Good morning, Birdy.
What are we eating today? Take a shower first.
SAY GOODBYE HELLO kurikaesu We say goodbye and hello over and over again.
kimi to boku You and I, meguri meguru towa ni we circle each other round and round into eternity.
bokura no yukue wa That is where we are headed.
soba ni iru to mienakunaru mono wa nani What is it that disappears from my side when you are beside me? irodoridori no It's your vividly multicolored ai to yasashisa love and kindness.
sasai na koto de kizutsukeatta hibi kara From those days yonder when we hurt each other over trivial things, wasureteta mono omoidashita yo something in my memories has come back to me.
bokura no ashioto wa The ringing of our footsteps mirai he tsudzuku kiseki is a miracle that leads to the future.
utsuriyuku keshiki no naka de Within these shifting sceneries itsudemo Always SAY GOODBYE HELLO kurikaesu We say goodbye and hello over and over again.
kimi to boku You and I, meguri meguru towa ni we circle each other round and round into eternity.
mirai wo egakidasu This melody, which will kono MERODII paint out our futures, sekai kawaru made will play until the world changes.
SAY GOODBYE HELLO itsudatte We are always saying goodbye and hello.
hi wa mata noboru The sun will rise again kurikaesu towa ni and it will keep rising for all of eternity.
bokura no yukue wo Shining on our path terashidasu yo are its radiant rays, showing us the way.
Hey, Nobu.
Take a look.
What is it, Rossu? That's some nice booty there.
We're lucky today.
Damn right we are.
Somebody came.
It's okay.
What happened? It's nothing.
Just some humans.
Following Riansheru's death, Agurazuume died as well.
I think there's no mistake that we are being targeted.
What is going on? Wasn't disguising ourselves as this planet's natives and going undercover supposed to guarantee our safety? That is the reason for which I have gathered you.
We don't know if something will happen again.
At this rate, wouldn't it be dangerous if we continued hiding in the places prepared by that Nigashiya, Dasuku? Wouldn't it be better to be together for a little while? I wonder about that.
We cannot be certain that a traitor does not exist among us.
Who could it be? The person who's targeting us Hello? Ah, good morning, Shouko-chan.
It's okay, I was awake.
Yeah, I'm off today, but Sorry, I've got something to do.
See you later.
Sign: Roppongi Region Arisugawanomiya Park Disaster Shelter We will now begin our coverage of the shelter.
Here at Arisugawa Park, approximately 200 people are living their lives in a shelter.
Where are Hazawa and Masakubo? I can't contact them.
Even though I don't have time to be doing this You said you wanted to investigate around here.
I guess I've never seen someone killed like that.
Not to mention that he flew so far in the blink of an eye There might be a terrible monster among the escapees.
Weakling! Butterfingers! Psycho! It's unfair, you weakling! Blockhead! Hey, those kids Hey, stop it, you guys! Hey! It's Marina! Run! Stop! We'll remember this! Don't bully Takumi! You're just a coward who bullies the weak! Hey! Hey, stop it! Don't get in my way! Too bad, Ryou-chan.
So, you live in this shelter.
I've been close friends with Takumi since before we came here.
Marina-chan always comes to save me when I'm in trouble.
How does it feel to be a guy who's being rescued by a girl? Why not? It's better than a guy who was beat up by a girl.
What's that?! As a guy, you'd rather protect a girl than to be protected by her.
Coming from Chigira Well, it's fine isn't it? To each his own What are you guys doing? A group date? As if! We came to collect data on the shelter! Collect data? This way, this way! I'm happy she's showing us the way, but Aren't we just accompanying her in her activites? Well, just consider it a scoop on how the children of the shelter are being strong in the face of life's hardships.
Hurry up! Hurry up! Temporary Lodging #6 Tada! This is where everybody sleeps! You'll take a look inside as well, right? You shouldn't just open another tent! Shall we go to the next one then? Bath This is the bath.
Alright, next! "Alright, next" Are we going back?! Sign: Victimized Animal Protection Center This is the pet shelter.
This one is cute! Ouch! Sign: No Entry You're so slow! Here's the edge of the shelter area.
Beyond here are the Roppongi ruins.
Masakubo and Haza would probably be delighted.
The ruins are definitely more interesting than the shelter! Coming here was definitely the correct choice.
We leave that to you, Senkawa! We leave it to you! Here, Takumi.
Such a spirited girl It kind of reminds me of my childhood.
You were like that when you were small, weren't you? Yeah, I ran all over the place with Nataru.
You dragged him around, didn't you? I did not! I was close friends with Nataru.
We often got hurt and had Violin tend to us.
Violin is the person who raised you? Yes.
She was my guardian.
What's that person doing now? Birdy? Don't you feel the stares? Eh? First-Aid Station Tent: Disaster Volunteer Counseling Center Thanks.
We'll be fine on our own from now on.
The guide fee.
You're going to take money? Of course! What kind of person works for nothing in this world? I can't disagree with that Hey, hey! This isn't a child's errand.
Give me more! Give me like 5,000 yen, or 10,000 yen! Hey, that person Nataru?! Why, in such a place? Gathering data on Doctor Shinmyou? I'll introduce you.
W-Wait a minute! Senkawa, take care of the rest! Ah.
You're in your high school's Reporter Society and you're doing a story on the shelter.
Ah, yes.
Shinmyou, you see, came to massage victims as a volunteer.
I'm not the only volunteer.
There are other staff here.
They come here in shifts.
Volunteers, huh? Give me the introduction fee.
Yo, Takumi-kun.
Your mom was looking for you just now.
Let's go, Takumi.
I'm taking that! What was that? Marina-chan and Takumi-kun are always together.
They're good, energetic kids, aren't they? I don't know whether to say energetic or hyperactive When I'm watching those two, it reminds me of my own childhood.
You see, I also had a female friend I was close to.
What kind of kid was she? Let me see She was an energetic, cheerful, and good kid.
Well, I guess it's because she was a bit of a tomboy.
A tomboy, eh? Hey, what are you thinking, Tsutomu? I'd sure like to know about Birdy's childhood.
When I was bullied, she'd save me.
It was like how Marina-chan and Takumi-kun are now.
Her family was kind, too.
Thanks for the food! Birdy, eat slowly.
You're frightening Nataru-kun.
But it's so tasty! Here, you have some as well, Nataru.
Thanks for the food.
Don't hold back, so eat as much as you want, okay, Nataru-kun? Thank you.
I loved that friend and her family.
So he remembers Violin We saved a lot! Now, let's go before Mama and the others find us! Those people Let's get some of inside the ruins, too.
With this barricade, how are we gonna get in? Look, over there.
It's dangerous over there.
Various unknowns have entered the Roppongi ruins.
It's dangerous to go inside.
Wait, you bastard! If it's okay with you, can we collect some data? What a scene! I can't get enough of it! Huh? Look at that hanging pipe! Sign: Takumi and Marina's House We take turns doing the cleaning for this place, too.
I'd like to at least move to a temporary residence.
I lost everything.
However, I will succeed once again! You're all pretty high and mighty.
Flopping around with your video camera I'm sure the misfortune of those involved is interesting, isn't it? Don't let it bother you too much.
Eh? What that guy said just now Ah.
You're doing this seriously, aren't you? We'll make something properly and have various people watch it at the culture festival.
You're a pretty good guy.
What are you talking about? Have they not found Takumi-kun yet? Yes.
There are people who say they saw him with Marina-chan.
I'm worried.
Your health seems better than last time.
I became very comfortable after I had you look at me.
That's good.
It seems like Nataru-san is a nice guy.
He's always been kind.
Hayamiya, where are you right n- Hey, are Takumi-kun and Marina-chan not there? Takumi-kun? Did something happen? Even though he's going to move from the shelter now, he's gone missing.
From now on, we're going to live here! It's amazing to have a bus-house! Here's our bed! This is the kitchen counter! Note: Takumi uses the Japanese word for "living room," while Marina wants him to use the English word.
Then this is the main room.
It's called a living room.
But it has a tea table.
No, it's a Mahogany.
Let's live together forever.
I'll be together with Marina-chan forever.
Bath Have you seen Marina-chan and Takumi-kun? Did you find them over there? No Say They wouldn't have entered the Roppongi ruins, would they? Those were fun ruins! A true feast for the eyes.
You guys! Ah, Senkawa, Hayamiya.
You guys, did you see kids inside? As if there'd be kids in a place like that.
Ah! They're there! So he wasn't just seeing things I'll go call the police.
Look, it's dangerous! Let go! Please stop.
Stop! Sign: Takumi x Marina Stop! Idiot! Shall I break this one, too? You moron! Don't you go hurting those cute, innocent young ones.
Poor thing.
Those who are this young will turn into money.
I see.
Get your hands off of those children! Dr.
Shinmyou! Huh? Not dead yet, huh? Stubborn bastard.
You piece of shit Nataru Hurry up and scram already.
Your ugly mugs are bad for their education- Good grief A monster She's so cool.
Were you planning to live here by yourselves? Yes I'm sorry.
I want to be with Marina-chan.
I don't ever want to be apart from Takumi.
It's okay.
Though you part now, when you grow up, you will certainly meet once more.
Lies! It's true.
If you live without forgetting that person, you'll certainly meet them.
I was saved by you again.
Of course.
We're friends, after all.
But Why are you in a place like this? My job My job Yeah.
Sign: Takumi and Marina's House Well, see you next time.
Sign: Roppongi Region 581 Arisugawanomiya Park Disaster Shelter That Nataru Doesn't he like you, Birdy? I like him, too.
Not that.
You really haven't fallen in love before? Love, huh? For example, when your heart beats quickly or if you think, "I'd like to meet him again!" "I'd like to meet him again" If it's a person like that Then there may be one What? Who? What kind of person? It's a secret.
owatta koi dake ga tane ni naru Only a love that has ended will become a seed.
tsugi wa hana ga saku yo Next time, it will sprout and flower.
sonna ni utsumuicha hizashi ga ataranai If you hang your head so low, the sunlight won't hit you.
senobi wo suru you ni aozora wo miagete Look up at the blue sky as if you were stretching yourself.
namida wo sukoshi dake I will give you a bit of my tears jounou tte ageyou yo as a tribute.
HAATO no doko kara ka sono uchi me ga deru yo From somewhere deep within my heart, it will sprout in due time.
yukkuri ikiyou Let's take our time in going.
shoujo wa eien ni yume wo miru The young girl dreams forever and ever.
Ah~ anata wo matteiru dare ka ga iru kara Ah, because there is someone who is waiting for you.
owatta koi dake ga tane ni naru Only a love that has ended will become a seed.
tsugi wa hana ga saku yo Next time, it will sprout and flower.
owatta koi dake ga tane ni naru Only a love that has ended will become a seed.
tsugi wa hana ga saku yo Next time, it will sprout and flower.
Next Episode Preview I'm Birdy Cephon Altera.
Umm, the next episode is The investigator me follows the footsteps of the escapees using the mimesis reaction chip, but it led me to someone unexpected.
The alien escapees then begin the search for the criminal who killed their comrades.
Violin, I'm sad.

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