Blue Lights (2023) s02e03 Episode Script

Love Knows

So it looks like this Dixon-Hamill
rivalry has now escalated
to a full-blown loyalist feud.
You heard somebody went
after Dixie this morning?
Petrol bomb. So? Feels like
the start of something.
Something bad.
There is one person, ma'am.
He knows the ground.
He's no longer
with the section, though.
Then bring him back immediately.
I need you to come back in.
Nicola Robinson
will never allow it.
She already has.
You look different.
I, er, started doing
a wee bit of kick boxing.
Kick boxing?
All right, RoboCop.
Stop where you are! Police!
Stop where you are!
Lee, they're right to be scared,
because it's real.
What's real?
Men with guns.
We can change it. What?
You just have to trust me.
You're done, Dixie.
Dead man walking.
Any time, Davy. Bring it on.
Ah, you just keep on
slathering, Dixie.
You're all getting it.
I'm looking into an incident
that happened during the Troubles.
The Stuarts chip shop bombing.
Sorry. No. We need
to leave the past alone.
So, do you fancy it?
A drink after work.
Nowhere is safe for you now.
Close your eyes. It's easier.
You OK?
Yeah, aye. Grand. Yeah.
We are idiots.
Very sexy idiots.
Oh, fuck
Let's see. Ohhh!
OK. Wow.
Yeah. Very nice!
Tequila. OK
Love that one. Wow.
Yeah. Great.
Yeah. One for the road.
No! Would you get away?
Come on, it'll be funny.
What? Shhhh!
You can't let Grace see you.
Like, no-one's allowed
to find out about this.
Why not?
Are you joking?
I'll go talk to her,
tell her to go to work.
You stay here, just be quiet.
Yes, seriously. Shhhh!
All right. Whatever.
Oh, for God's sake.
Sorry. I'll I'll tidy it up.
Sorry. Did you bring someone back
last night?
Annie, you know it's not safe to
invite random guys back home.
Hi. Er
Jim Dixon was shot last night.
Canning wants to see me.
Ops planning.
Inspector McNally.
Paul, I'm going to need
more response officers here,
erm, for about 72 hours.
Doesn't matter
where they're from.
Any district, any station.
Yeah, the boss
has signed off on it.
OK, yes. Thanks.
Hey. OK, so it's 12-hour shifts
and whatever overtime
is necessary.
That's still not enough.
I've put in a request for
more boots on the ground. Is
anyone off shift this morning?
Tommy's got the morning off.
Can you call him in?
Yeah, yeah, sure.
No, I don't want the TSGs
anywhere near it!
Tell them to stand off nearby.
Well, I don't know.
Just not Mount Eden. OK?
Thank you.
Murray, anything from MIT?
No witnesses, no CCTV.
Looks like the gunman
was already in the house.
Double head shot.
Afterwards, even took care
of the shell casings.
Not your average dickhead.
And they've lifted Hamill?
Yeah, first thing. I'm interviewing
him in 30 minutes.
MIT are sitting in.
Any intel from Mount Eden?
Yeah, I'm working on it. You know
they'll be knocking
on your door for that
any second?
Yeah, I know that!
Thanks. OK.
Sit rep.
MIT are forward basing
on the second floor.
We're pulling everyone in
on 12-hour shifts
to work the cordons
and manage VCPs.
I've put in a request
for temporary transfer
of response officers from
districts who can spare them.
TSGs are standing off nearby
in case of public order issues,
and we're advertising a public
meeting on social media to help
reassure the community.
I hope they're more reassured
than I am. The chief's worried
about reprisals,
about a public order event
we don't have the numbers
to control.
We have to prevent that
at all costs.
Operation Bright Side.
Well, at least someone's
got a sense of humour.
You're silver command as of now.
I hope you packed your pyjamas.
It's not easy, is it?
I need you to step up here.
Yeah. Sure.
I mean, I was the one
that brought you here.
I was told you were good on
the ground, a real prospect.
I am, Sarge.
Yeah, the thing is, Shane,
right now we've a murder
on our patch, and people
are looking at me for something
solid, and I've fuck-all.
And the one guy I thought
I could rely on
is standing in front of me,
sweating buckets,
stinking of drink.
I'm I'm fine
..all right? Look,
I won't let you down here.
I know you won't,
because if you do, you can stay
here with your new friends.
How are you?
Yeah, really good.
It's all kicking off
up your way.
It's, er
It's a loyalist feud.
It's crazy.
Sounds like it.
I've been working with this
guy, er, Murray Canning.
He's with the Paramilitary
Crime Task Force.
It's interesting.
"Interesting"? Yeah.
I mean, to see how the other side
of things work, you know?
I thought you were
a response man.
No! I mean I am,
but it's just
I don't know. Not my cup of tea.
That shite always
ends up messy, you know?
So, what'll it be, Romeo?
Oh, let me guess.
Scrambled eggs, no toast.
Actually, I think
I'll have the large fry.
Me too.
I like a man you can influence.
Thank you.
Jesus! Shane!
We're in work!
There's nobody here.
I know, but just
I don't know about you,
but my head is liftin' here.
Have you any painkillers?
Oh, guys, just so you know,
we're going to be
on 12-hour shifts and possibly
overtime for the next few days.
I'm supposed
to see my mum tonight.
I'm sorry, Annie.
Hi, Sandra.
Sandra, I told you Inspector Johnson
was back in.
Yeah. You did.
I, um
..don't know
if you got my letter.
I haven't read it.
Yeah. Um of course.
It's, er
Maybe we should
Hello? SANDRA: Tommy. Where are you?
I'm in the countryside.
You're in the countryside?!
All right, well, look,
can I entice you back
to Gotham City ASAP, please?
We're all hands on deck here.
Yeah, sure.
Um, I'm on my way.
Brilliant. Thank you.
You really need
to get out of Belfast more.
Listen, there's something
I wanted to run by you.
Your district has put a call out
for volunteers
to help out in response.
Now, I know what you're
thinking. You're thinking,
"Oh, shite, she is a stalker."
But I swear
it's not because of you.
I just think
it would be
really good experience.
And it's only for a few days.
Do you think?
I mean, I don't think
you'll be able for it, like.
It's too much action
for a wee country girl.
"Country girl"?!
I work in Derry,
you slabber. It makes Belfast
look like Surrey!
Yeah, well We'll see.
OK, well
Heads. Ha, got you!
God give me strength
Hello, sir. We're making
some enquiries
about a serious incident that
happened last night in the area. No.
Well, we were just wondering if you
could possibly No.
Ahhh! Yes!
Hello. We're just making
some enquiries
about an incident that happened last
night, and we just wondered
if you'd heard anything
or you'd seen any
Oh, you can just feel the love,
can't you?
I wish people would stop
offering us cups of tea.
What's up with you?
You seem a bit distracted.
Oh, God. It's just Annie.
You know, living with her
is like living with
a bloody student.
Remind me why
I moved in with her again.
Because you're mad.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, that'll be it.
Hello. We're just, er,
making some enquiries
about the serious incident
that happened in the area
last night, and we just wondered
if you'd seen anything
or heard anything.
I'm sorry. No.
OK. We notice you have
a wee doorbell camera there.
There wouldn't be any chance
we could have a look at it?
I can't give you that, love.
Why not?
You know why not.
Well, is there anything on it?
I haven't looked.
Um, well, say we came back here
with a warrant to seize it
against your will,
would it still be there?
Wouldn't be wiped, would it?
It wouldn't be wiped.
OK. Thank you.
Uniform Uniform 72.
Please advise MIT SIO
that it would be worthwhile
getting a warrant
for the doorbell camera
at 92 Cleary Street.
Will do, Stevie. Over.
So, she'll give it us
as long as it looks like
she's not giving it us.
Pretty much.
Heads or tails?
Uniform Uniform 72.
Report of a suspicious death at
38 Herondale Gardens. Over.
Er, that's a negative.
72 here.
We've been tasked
door-to-doors in Mount Eden.
You're reassigned. Over.
Happy days!
At ease, soldier.
..I understand
you have a proposition
for us.
I want to take over.
The whole supply.
I've got good people around me.
Taxi business.
I can make it work.
You tell me this, Lee.
Who killed Dixie?
It wasn't me.
There's threats
against Jim Dixon
all over your social media.
Last night, you attended
a illegal band parade,
where police officers heard
you threatening to kill him.
He had just had my wee lad
beaten up.
Yes, I threatened him, but
I had nothing to do with this.
Where were you
at the time of the incident?
At my son's hospital bed.
I went there straight after
that parade. Ask the hospital.
Did you order
the killing of Jim Dixon?
No! I did not.
And I have no fucking idea
who did.
Sorry, can I just
establish roles here?
Establish roles?
DS Kelly here is part of
the Major Investigation Team,
so why are you
interviewing my client?
There's some crossover
in our enquiries.
Is that right?
How so?
Well, I might speculate
that if you're in here
trying to gather intelligence
on what happened
last night, then don't have
much else to go on.
And in terms of Mr Hamill here,
you've absolutely nothing at all.
The problem with you Nordies
is that youse love chaos.
Did I ever tell you about
the last time I was here?
I was nearly shot meself.
And me cousin Sully
..dead as doornails.
It's just messy.
But it is profitable.
And that is why my bosses
don't want to walk away
..Tina here tells me
that you're not part
of any organisation.
So how's that going to work?
I'll pay my taxes.
Will you be in the frame
for this Dixon thing
or anywhere near it?
You're gonna have to get more cars,
more men.
Can you do that?
A few weeks.
Not in a few weeks.
You pay that back double.
In a month.
Where's the solicitor?
Um, excuse me.
I'm sorry.
I have to take this.
What, now? Why? What's changed?
Right. Right. OK.
Yeah. Yeah, see you there.
Where are you going?
I can't represent you any more.
You what?
I, er
I have to recuse myself.
Sorry, what?!
What the hell?
Sweet Davy fucked.
Well done, boss.
No turning back now.
No going back, mate.
Hello, sir.
Are you OK?
We're sorry to meet you under
these circumstances, sir.
Did you call the police, sir?
I don't know. I don't think so.
All right. Well, um, is there
anyone else in the house
that might have called?
Anyone in trouble?
I'm sorry.
My husband's dead.
He just died.
OK. Is he in the house?
Er, yes.
He's upstairs.
It was me. I called the police.
Michael had stage four
lung cancer
and recently developed bony
metastases. Sorry, what?
Er, it had spread to his bones.
Right. And, er
..and you called us because?
Well, he wasn't
at that stage yet.
I changed a wound dressing
on him
two days ago.
And, yes, he was in pain,
but he still had a month or two.
OK, so suspect that?
Some of his pain medication
is missing.
A lot. I called my practice.
They told me to call the police.
And you think
his husband has, er?
Chris. Yes.
It can only have been him.
Michael couldn't have opened
the lock on the cupboard,
never mind the bottles.
OK. Well, um,
do you want to show us
where the medicine cupboard is?
Er, yeah, it's through there.
OK, so everything
east of Spencer Road
is Dixon's territory. Or was.
Anything west of that
is Hamill's turf. If it was me,
I'd stick with VCPs
along the main intersection,
hopefully take the sting
out of any confrontations
and maybe spot some players
going in either direction
looking for reprisals.
OK. I hate these things.
Couldn't we just use
the ordinary patrol cars?
I mean, look, it's a balance
between going in ready
for trouble and asking for it.
It's your call Inspector.
You're enjoying this, aren't you?
A wee bit, yeah.
Christ, ARVs! I mean
Have them on standby, Helen.
Just in case.
So tell me this. How do you
feel about public speaking?
Right, well, um, we'll call
it in as a suspicious death,
which means it will be dealt with
by our colleagues in CID,
and, er and we'll stay here
until they come.
Do you need me to stay?
No. No, no, I've noted
everything you said,
and we'll take
a proper statement later.
So, er, if you've got other
appointments, you can go.
Grace, wait.
Do we really need to do this?
What do you mean?
Well, it's not exactly
a murder or a manslaughter
we're dealing with here.
It's just It's
It's what?
Come on. What else can we do?
Uniform Uniform.
Bravo Lima 72. Over.
Send. Over.
Yeah. I'm just, er, confirming
that suspicious death
at Herondale, Barney.
Can you task CID?
Received. Over.
I wasn't expecting to hear
from you again, Mr Graham.
I might have given you
a false impression.
I can't talk about anything
that happened back then.
I just wanted you to know why.
A group of us tried to sue
the government for compensation.
Acquired in the course
of our duty as
..RUC Special Branch
It was all about what we did.
Were asked to do.
Er, they threatened us
with prison.
They what?
They said
we'd be in violation of
the Official Secrets Act and
..if we pushed it any further,
we'd all end up in prison.
They said that?
Not on paper, no.
They just made it known that
that would be the next step.
The Stuarts chip shop bomb
The files redacted by RG
Was that you?
I'm sorry, are you not listening
to a word I'm saying?
Mr Graham, do you know
who carried out that bombing
and why there were
no prosecutions?
I want you to leave right now.
You didn't invite me here
to ask me to leave.
You invited me here
because part of you
wants to talk to me.
You have no idea.
About what?
What I did!
About lying awake at night
thinking I've got
blood on my hands.
About taking human life.
..I do.
Look, we're going to need you
to come with us to the station.
Hang on a second, Grace.
Chris? Nurse Kyle thinks
you may have given Michael
some morphine to help him die.
We'll do everything we can
to get you back here to Michael,
but you have to
No. Chris
You don't understand.
I can't go.
I promised him I would never leave
him alone.
He never wanted
to be left on his own. Please.
I'm not leaving him here.
I'm not leaving him
on his own!
Chris, look at me, mate.
We're not leaving him here
on his own.
That's not what we're doing, OK?
There are some people
on their way,
and they need to see Michael,
and they'll stay with him.
We're going to wait
until they get here.
Let's just sit here
and wait, OK?
Thank you.
I was just in my 20s myself.
So young.
So, what I'm about
to tell you
..I mean, it's more than
was in my statement.
It's everything.
And when you hear it, well
..I don't know.
So, the bomb went off, right?
I had a source. He was young,
but he was reliable.
A1 - that was the grading
we gave him.
Two days before
..he told me
he was on a bomb team.
He told you
it was going to happen?
No, just listen to me, OK?
He told me there would be
a bomb somewhere.
So what did you do?
They suspected him.
It was a test of his loyalty.
If I stopped it,
they would have killed him.
So I didn't ask for the details.
I didn't want to know.
So you let it happen?
No! I mean
I didn't
I just didn't
It was all about the source.
It was all about protecting him.
I ran that source for 20 years
after that.
He saved lives.
A lot of lives.
So, who else knew
..what you did?
What, do you think
it was a solo run?
No. They knew - my superiors.
Of course they did.
Of course they fucking knew!
Belle of Belfast City
..all the boys are
fighting for her
Mary McVey says she'll die
If she doesn't get
A boy with a rosy eye
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the girl from
the Belfast city
She is courting, one, two, three
Please will you tell me
Who is she, she, she, she? ♪
Respect and courtesy, yes?
We do our stop-and-searches as
quickly and efficiently as possible,
and we keep our ears
to the ground. Be nice.
OK, I want a call sign
at both ends.
Shane and Annie, go ahead and set
the checkpoint up just down there.
Anyone not on VCP,
you're on rolling patrol. OK?
Let's go.
OK, er, how are you doing?
Um, some of you
might remember me.
I'm Inspector David Johnson.
I was the neighbourhood
sergeant here for five years.
I just wanted to come here today
to reassure you that we're doing
everything we can to make sure
whoever committed this murder
is brought to justice.
We have a large team
of detectives working on this,
and you've probably already
noticed that we're carrying out
house-to-house investigations,
and we would ask anybody
that has any information
to, er co-operate with us.
You may also notice
a increased police presence
on the estate and some
vehicle checkpoints as well.
And as I say, we're doing
everything that we can.
Any questions?
I have a question.
Lee Thompson.
I own the Loyal bar.
Why didn't you do anything
before now?
Lee, we've been doing
everything that we can.
You've been doing nothing!
Look, I came here
today to tell the truth.
I'm tired of none of us
ever being able to do that.
I'm sick and tired of it.
They say don't speak ill
of the dead.
Well, sometimes you have to.
Too right.
Jim Dixon was nothing
but a scumbag paramilitary.
I've been paying him
protection money for years!
A week!
It breaks our backs.
It's most of our profit!
Now, I know that many of you
are in the same position.
Some of you owed
Jim Dixon money.
Some of you owe
Davy Hamill money.
Payday loans that never end.
He's right.
Are you saying you didn't know
- that was happening?
- Yeah!
You knew!
And you did nothing about it.
Isn't that right?
We need evidence.
You coming here
is an insult to this community!
I think you'd better leave.
Lad, take it easy.
It's up to us to fix this.
- Us.
- Yeah!
This community.
Not them! CROWD: Yeah.
They don't stop paramilitaries,
they work with them!
Go on, fuck off!
Uncle Rab, that was mad.
It was, aye.
Did you see Uncle Lee?
Listen to me now, OK?
You need to stay away from
Uncle Lee for a few days, OK?
From Uncle Lee?
For a wee while. Yes?
Where are we going?
Your ma's house.
You can go on your computer
all day, if you like.
No limits.
Really? All day?
..was the countryside
Don't know, it just looked like
he was trying to avoid us.
Shall we?
Good. That's lovely. Thank you.
Sir, can I see your licence,
Papa check on
Robert Leonard McKendry,
Received a whole-life term
for multiple
terrorism-related offences.
Released under the terms of
the Good Friday Agreement. Over.
Can you step out of the car,
please, sir?
Oh, come on, I haven't been
in trouble since I got out.
Come on.
Uncle Rab?
It's "Grandad". Wait there.
Arms out, please.
Hey. Er, don't worry,
we'll just be a wee minute.
Just leave my uncle alone!
He didn't do anything.
I know. We'll just be a second.
Just leave him alone.
Search the car.
The wee boy's getting upset.
Annie, search the car.
What's going on?
Can I go now, please?
Who killed Jim Dixon?
How should I know?
Come on.
I'm not a member
of any organisation.
I've been doing community work
for 22 years.
You're going to have
to give me something.
Or we can stand here
for as long as you like.
The wee lad is upset.
Let me go.
Can I go now? Please?
You can go
when I say you can go.
Nah. That's bullshit.
I know my rights.
You have no reason to hold me.
Someone with a record
like yours, I have every right.
Go on, file a complaint
and see what happens.
Uncle Rab?
Get back in the car!
We won't be much longer.
Just let him go!
All right. See you round.
Uncle Rab?
It's fine, son.
It's fine.
Come on. Let's go home.
What the fuck was that?
What were you doing?
You have to let them know
who's boss.
All right, let's get on with it.
Uniform Uniform. Papa check
on Craig McQuarrie,
DOB 2/10/87. Over.
Clear, Sandra.
Good to go?
..we just need to have
a quick look around the car.
Just doing our job today.
Don't worry, won't be a minute.
We'll be quick.
I really need to go.
Tommy, can you check the boot,
I don't have time for this.
OK, roger that.
Informing him now.
Right, we're seizing this money
under the Proceeds of Crime Act
until such time as you can
provide an explanation for it.
I told you, I'm on my way
to the bank.
Well, you're going
to have to come in
and provide a statement
to that effect.
This is daylight robbery.
It's the law.
He got sick a few years ago,
but he had treatment. He beat it.
About six months ago,
it come back.
You were his sole carer?
Along with the district nurses.
You know, at the start,
you'd do anything
to help them hold on
just that little bit longer.
But by the end'd do anything
to help them let go.
That's it exactly.
Who was it for you?
Er, my wife.
Connor. This is Mark.
The deceased is upstairs
and the suspect's inside.
Has he been arrested yet?
Er, no. Um, I think maybe
we should do the arrest in
there and, if you don't mind,
we'll take him into custody,
if that's OK with you guys.
Knock yourself out.
Chris, this is going to sound
strange and a wee bit scary,
but I have to do it, OK?
Sir, I'm arresting you
on suspicion of assisting
a suicide under Section 13
of the Criminal Justice Act,
1966. You do not have
to say anything, but I must
caution you that if you do not
mention when questioned
something that you later
rely on in court, it may harm
your defence. Anything you
do say may be given in evidence.
My God
What the fuck?
Long time, no see.
Are you out of your mind?
What are you doing here?
..neighbourhood policing.
I was actually hoping
to speak to your brother.
No. Absolutely not.
No, you need to leave.
Is everything all right?
Let me get this straight.
You walk in here
in your nice shiny uniform
and ask me,
"Is everything all right?"
And then what?
You go home to your fucking
bungalow in Carryduff, is that it?
Lee is right -
you failed this place.
You failed us.
You need to leave. Get out!
Do you understand what
I'm saying to you, Happy?
We have a statement
from a former officer
who was involved in this case.
And he he's saying that could've been stopped?
The bombing?
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Mr Kelly
..we need to be realistic here.
This may lead nowhere.
Or we might find out the truth.
What are you doing?
You just let him
walk out of here thinking
you're going to get him answers.
I am.
Jen, you know the government
is shutting down
all cases looking into the past.
I know, but we've made the deadline
on this, haven't we?
Look, this is going to be
one of the last of its kind.
That's why it's so important.
That's why they're going
to fight you on this
every step of the way.
Where's my phone?
Where's my fucking phone?
Now, give me it back!
Back off. Back off!
Go outside, OK? This way.
You're always torturing me!
Honestly, I can't get
a fucking minute's peace.
Stop raising
your voice at me, sir.
There's no room
in custody, as usual.
They'll give me a call
when it clears a bit.
So, what happens to me?
You'll be processed.
Fingerprints taken.
Interviewed by two detectives.
They'll ask you about Michael's
last dose of medication.
Did you do it?
What do you think?
OK, listen to me.
Act confused.
When you go in there,
you ask them what day it is.
When they start
asking you questions,
tell them you're absolutely
Then, when they start
asking you questions,
tell them
you're absolutely exhausted,
not thinking straight.
Forget your words. Speak slowly.
Make sure they know
you're an absolute wreck.
Right. So
You're confused, you're exhausted,
you don't know what's going on.
Because maybe you made
a mistake with the time,
with the dosage.
Right, they're ready for you.
Not a good day to be hungover.
Mm. Yep.
Do you think
..maybe we made things
worse today?
The way we went into that place.
What do you mean?
The VCP stop, with the wee boy.
What do you mean?
We humiliated them, Shane.
We pushed things a bit with a guy
who has a criminal record
to try and get some information.
It's called police work.
It's just you seemed like
you were really enjoying it.
I was doing my job.
So, we've nothing
on the Dixon murder?
Not a single person
would speak to us?
..we've lost it.
Lost what?
Mount Eden.
Maybe we lost it
a long time ago, I don't know.
Sorry, who?
He's here now?
OK, yeah. OK, we'll be down
in a minute.
That was the front desk.
Can I help you?
I hope so.
Can I have my money back?
What happens now?
There'll be an inquest.
That'll take a while.
Best not
thinking about it for now.
I can't go home.
Chris, you can.
Yes, you can.
Listen to me. Oh, God, please
don't give me
a quote about grief.
I've heard them all.
I'm not. So have I, by the way.
This is more practical advice.
You know you're going
to cook twice as much food
as you'll need to for a while.
Don't bin the extra dinner.
Just stick it in the freezer,
because pretty soon you'll not
feel like cooking at all.
That it? That's your advice?
That's my advice.
For everything.
Are you OK?
You know, I think you were right
the first time.
What do you mean?
You said to me
..a long time ago
..that it would be too difficult
to work together
and be together.
And I thought at the time,
"OK, let's just
"work together. It'll be OK."
But it isn't. Not really.
See, you're right, I have been
trying to protect you,
to stop anything bad from
happening to you. I have
Because? Because I don't want
the worst thing in the world
to happen to me again.
I think we should just
take a beat work-wise,
And you mean
..not? Yeah.
I'll contact Sandra and just
ask about the shifts and
Just take a beat, y'know?
It's fine.
Good. OK.
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