Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s02e03 Episode Script

¿Ahora qué sigue?

[doorbell rings]
[Regina cooing]
- Hi. [sighs]
- Hey.
Hi, sweetheart. Come with Mommy.
I brought all her stuff
and the diapers you need.
Pablo, I know things
are terrible between us,
but we'll be seeing a lot
of each other because of Regina.
Come in for a bit.
[gentle music playing]
Thanks for giving me your classes.
No, thank you for taking over.
You really helped me out.
I should go.
You shouldn't be late to Omar's lesson.
You know he's picky.
Don't worry,
teenage boys love me. [chuckles]
My grandma should be here by now.
[on phone] Grandma, I'm waiting for you.
[sighs] Sorry, I can't leave my patient
in his current state.
His aura is as black as tar.
If I don't cleanse him, I'd be releasing
a cloud of bad vibes on the universe.
You know what? Never mind.
I'm really sorry, sweetie, but
What can I say? We'll talk later. Bye.
[call disconnects]
Regina will have to tag along with me.
[gasps] Can you
stop by tonight after work?
I need to finish some stuff for the app.
Sure, I'll let you know once I'm off work.
[Elena] Guys
Don't you think it's time
for Regina to go to daycare?
[both] No!
[opening theme music playing]
[babies cooing]
[baby crying]
[baby crying]
[birds chirping]
[babies cooing]
[babies giggling]
[bell tinkling]
What floor cleaner are you using, Alta?
The same as always, ma'am.
[sniffing] It's too pungent.
You know what?
Switch to the lavender one.
Would you mind mopping again? Please.
Look what the gardener
has done to my plants.
[Alta] Really?
The grass looks dry and uneven. [exhales]
- Ro!
- [Rodrigo] What is it, Mom?
Would you fetch me the garden shears?
I'll do it myself,
but tell the gardener how it's done.
- [Ceci] Mom.
- What?
- Something's burning in the kitchen.
- [gasps] My roast!
[fire alarm sounding]
[bangs on glass]
Matheus wants to take us
to a Brazilian steakhouse.
You know, integration stuff.
- Mm-hmm.
- [Manolo] Mm-hmm.
- You look terrible.
- I haven't slept well.
So, are you guys coming?
I can't, but thanks.
I'm watching my daughter.
Just keep in mind,
those who don't network
are left out of the picture.
[whimsical music playing]
[smacking lips] Okay.
Can you take care of this, please?
Mom, we need to talk to you.
Why? You're scaring me.
You're driving us all crazy
stuck in the house all day.
I'm only trying to make sure
the house is more welcoming.
The house has always been welcoming.
I thought I'd change up the menu.
Mom, your cooking sucks.
With all due respect, ma'am,
you're no homemaker.
- [Ceci] You need to go back to work.
- Or at least find a hobby.
You're being too dramatic.
I'm planning my next step.
When I leave for the congress,
I bet you'll miss me.
- You're going back to work?
- No.
I'm doing it as a favor for Jorge.
Whatever, Mom.
That's exactly what you need.
Something to do.
- [Cynthia]You look terrible.
- [exhales]
[chuckling] No.
You have dark circles from lack of sleep.
I don't.
Aren't you going to the steakhouse
with everyone else?
I had to finish some stuff first.
I'll catch up with them later.
Um, this is a list of daycare centers
in your neighborhood.
I compared number of kids,
facilities, price points,
and crazy moms. [laughs]
- Wow.
- [Cynthia] Just in case.
You shouldn't have.
- Well, I already did.
- [chuckling]
They don't want me either!
In the house, I mean.
They can't wait for me to go back to work.
At least they don't hate you.
Especially Ceci.
You should've thought of that
before getting a mistress.
I don't have a mistress!
I think screwing someone
is called having a mistress.
Remember Daniel?
Daniel isn't my lover! He was a mistake.
Well, Tere isn't my mistress!
She was, and you brought her
into my house!
Of course they hate you!
Let's take a break
from reproaching about infidelity.
Let's focus on the relationship
with your children.
[Ana sighs]
It hurts to be pushed away,
especially by Ceci.
It used to be Ceci and me
against Ro and Ana
I want to patch things up with Ceci.
We need to spend more time together.
What do you think, Ana?
Yeah, I think it's a good idea
for them to spend more time together.
[inhales deeply]
- [Mariana whispering] Pablo?
- [Regina cooing]
Hey, Pablo.
[exhales] Sorry, I fell asleep.
[chuckling] I finished my work.
Okay, I should go.
What, barefoot?
[Pablo] Elena is right.
We should put Regina in daycare.
No. Why?
Look at us.
Regina deserves better
than zombie parents.
Besides, we need time for everything else.
Well [sighs]
But she's too tiny.
I can keep trying to juggle the classes,
Regina, and the app.
You don't even have time
to wax your upper lip.
We could at least check out
some daycare centers, okay?
[Ana] Thanks, Ramón.
- [Jorge] Ana.
- Hi. Good morning.
[Jorge] Hi, Ana.
I'm glad you could make it.
Hmm. I wasn't expecting Manolo.
Ana, um, will you do me a favor?
Don't bring up your resignation.
We don't need that noise.
After this, we'll put out a statement
explaining your decision.
- Don't worry.
- [Jorge] Thank you.
- Shall we?
- Sure.
- Man, it's nothing but publicity.
- No, I swear.
Everyone has been asking about you.
You're today's headliner.
She's the what now?
The keynote speaker, boss.
- Oh right.
- Keep up, Jorge.
A scalper even tried to sell me
a ticket to your conference.
No way!
- Ana Servín.
- Marcela! How are you?
- Fine, and you?
- It's so nice to see you.
You too.
The next conference
is still a few hours away.
Shall we catch up over coffee?
- Sounds great. How are you?
- [Marcela] Great.
[Ana] How are the kids?
[Mariana] Too pretentious.
She kept going on and on
about the facilities.
Well, I liked her. She even gave us candy.
Pablo, didn't you notice
the number of kids they had?
Mariana, we've already seen
eight daycare centers.
- None are good enough.
- I can't help it.
I'm not leaving Regina
in just anyone's hands.
[babies crying]
[Pablo] Well, this is the last one.
[woman] You have to learn to trust.
[sighs] Yeah, but I'm too nervous
about this focus group.
Víctor partnering with us
depends wholly on that.
It's going to go great. Is Víctor coming?
He can't be judge and jury for this,
but he said he'd send a friend
who is really demanding.
I guess you already told Mariana
you want to partner with Víctor.
Well, I'm just waiting to see
how it goes first, you know?
- Oli, I'm crazy about your cousin!
- [bell ringing]
But I think my Dad embarrassed me
too much in front of him.
[laughs] He really did.
- What?
- You're not helping.
Just look at him gaming.
Darío is really picky,
he only goes out with gamers.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- [Juan Carlos] Ceci!
- [horn honking]
What's this? Where's Ramón?
I need you to help me
decorate my apartment.
Can I choose what I want?
Anything I want.
[car engine starts]
[Pablo] Choosing is so difficult.
- We have all these questions.
- Yeah.
How many years of experience
do you have caring for children?
Twenty and counting.
How do you feel
about attachment parenting?
We make sure the kids develop trust
in the caregivers, themselves,
and their environment.
We also have an area
focused on the parents
where we help you
establish actions at home
and attachment bonds
with your little ones.
Your thoughts on early stimulation?
It's one of the pedagogical models
for early infancy,
but we also use several others,
like neural development,
embodied cognition,
socio-emotional linguistics.
We channel all this through play
and exploration pedagogy,
in contexts carefully designed
by our pedagogues.
Have you ever had
any issues with addiction?
- Do you hear voices, or
- Mariana.
- That's enough.
- [woman] Well now
- We'll think about it.
- We'll enroll Regina.
[Ana] You seem on the fence.
[Marcela] I'm not sure
Mariana's app will work.
The idea is very good,
but the business plan is dismal,
and it's overvalued.
What are you going to do?
I think I'm pulling the plug.
But it's a good project.
- That's how start-ups are.
- [Ana] Yeah.
Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.
What they need is a leader
with actual experience.
On a different note,
I'm so happy
about us doing business together.
I'm thrilled.
I accepted Jorge's proposal
only because of you.
Marcela, I've no idea
what you're talking about.
Jorge didn't mention the partnership?
I guess he didn't mention
I resigned either.
He used us both.
He's not getting away with it.
Is this really the best?
Dad, it's the latest trend.
We can put the chairs in the living room,
and the desk, headphones,
keyboard, and console in the dining room.
Please, Dad, please.
Are you taking them, sir?
All my friends' dads have them.
How much for everything?
[whimsical music playing]
[Jorge] Ana, I'm so glad you came.
- Marcela, how are you?
- Oh, Ana.
- Come sit with us.
- [Marcela] Hi. Thank you.
I was just telling Jorge
how lovely it is
to see so many familiar faces.
- Oh, it's a wonderful event, right?
- Yeah.
Were you at the seminar
by Rita Torreblanca?
- [in English] Life-changing.
- [in Spanish] Phenomenal.
Besides, we've all
experienced mansplaining.
Right, we all have.
How about those businessmen who brag
about gender equality only to look good?
[forceful laughter]
You know what?
I have to make a phone call.
- That's not the case in our company.
- Not at all.
I'd never do business
with someone like that.
We're beacons of equality
and transparency. Aren't we, Jorge?
[clears throat] Well, uh
- [fire alarm sounding]
- [people screaming]
[Marcela] What's going on?
Hey, let's get out of here!
[Mariana] It's too good to be true.
Did you notice
not a single baby was crying?
Mariana, that place was perfect.
We won't find anything better.
I'm not sending Regis there
because we found nothing better.
You don't want to find it!
- Honestly, I'm tired of
- What? You're tired?
Are you fed up with your daughter?
I'm exhausted.
I can't keep working with no sleep
so you can follow your dreams.
I don't have time for
Don't worry, Pablo.
I'll manage on my own.
Go ahead, get some sleep.
Go get some sleep!
I thought you were exhausted.
[sirens wailing]
What a relief it turned out to be nothing.
I know, right?
Probably a jerk looking for attention.
I think I know who that jerk is.
Did you really think we wouldn't find out?
We're friends.
- It's a misunderstanding.
- [Marcela] Don't underestimate me.
The deal is obviously off.
If you thought you could
take a picture with us
to impress these businesswomen,
you're mistaken, Jorge.
Shall we?
[camera shutter clicking]
Are you okay?
You've been doing that for hours.
Yeah, almost done.
[camera clicking]
It was a terrible idea.
I'm really sorry.
Drop it, Jorge. Don't say a word.
I'm an idiot. I blew it, Ana.
Listen, the truth is I invited you here
hoping you'd reconsider
and come back to the company.
And the partnership with Marcela?
That was Manolo's idea.
I know we didn't support you
like we should have.
We have a lot to learn
when it comes to women.
But the truth is,
I need you in the company.
Ask me for anything,
just come back to work.
[Ana sighs]
I don't know, Jorge.
Think about it.
I can't keep pretending.
All this stuff we bought isn't my style.
It's not yours either, right?
This is how people live nowadays.
Relax, Dad!
I'm trying, but this is
way too uncomfortable.
After the way you embarrassed me,
you should try to be a cool dad.
Right, Olivia?
This lentil soup is delicious.
You're a much better cook than me.
I love my job.
So much that you didn't retire
when we brought it up.
I don't regret it. I was able
to open a stationery shop,
and I got to keep doing what I love most.
All thanks to you, ma'am.
You are the best boss.
You're the best help.
You know?
I wish I understood what my place is.
But I just don't know.
I think you do.
- Good night, ma'am.
- [Ana] Good night, Alta.
Sleep tight.
[Ceci] I wish I knew what he likes,
but I'm sure he'll love
these pictures, look.
- [phone chimes]
- [gasps] He "liked" it.
- He's posting a comment.
- What does it say?
"Wow, I like your gadgets
and your console."
"You're my type of girl."
[squeals, laughs]
"How about a match tomorrow?"
You're all set!
Olivia, I don't know how to play.
Darío will notice right away.
What should I do?
[Regina crying]
Come on, sweetheart. Please go to sleep.
[continues crying]
Ceci, are you okay? I'm worried about you.
Mm-hmm. I couldn't sleep.
No! No, no, no, no!
[grunts in frustration]
[sighs] Why am I so bad at this?
It's not like you're having fun.
So, who cares?
It's just that [sighs]
There's a boy I like.
He's a gamer.
He'll never be interested in me.
I can't even hold the controller.
Honey, when I was in college,
your mother enrolled
in every single class I was in.
- She had a crush on me.
- [both chuckle]
You know what? I never realized
she did it to get my attention.
Men are so basic.
If you want us to get the message,
you have to make it clear.
If you really like this boy,
you just have to be yourself.
You're beautiful.
Being with someone different
can be really fun.
Imagine how boring it would be
being with someone just like you.
[scoffs] Sounds lame, huh?
Thanks, Dad.
- Be a good girl, okay?
- [babbling]
[Mariana] Be good.
It's difficult at first,
but you'll get used to it.
Say bye to your parents.
Did I forget her baby powder?
Oh, here it is.
I left her teddy bear at home!
She can't sleep without it.
We should go now.
Thank you.
[babies babbling]
It's going to be okay.
I have to run. It's late.
- Okay.
- Bye.
[chuckles nervously]
[Tere] Don't be nervous.
I'll ask you questions
about the products you'll try.
All you have to do
is tell me what you think.
I'll be recording the session.
Feel free to be honest.
Say hello.
- Hi.
- Hi there.
So, when do we start?
Well, now. We should be getting started,
but we're missing a guest.
I'll call and ask.
Yeah, he'll be there soon.
Tere, if you convince him,
you can count me in.
But why is he difficult?
Can't you tell me?
This guy absolutely hates
creams and lotions.
[Ana] It may not be the best place.
I faced every obstacle
women face in the workplace.
I put up with harassment
and comments about my looks,
my qualifications were questioned,
I had to work over 12-hour days
to prove my commitment.
I barely spent time with my family.
And I made less than men
in the same position.
When my children were born
and I had to miss work
for obvious reasons,
I always feared one of my male colleagues
would use the opportunity to take my job.
Being a successful woman
in the business world isn't easy.
But today,
thanks to many brave women
like all of you,
we're finally transforming
these unequal relationships.
I'd like to thank Jorge de la Vega,
for making sure the women
at his company can find our true place.
- Thank you very much.
- [crowd applauding]
I'd like to take this opportunity
to inform you all
that it's finally time
for me to close a chapter.
After so many years,
I'm retiring from corporate life
in order to start a new path on my own.
Have a good day.
[Mariana] It's a complex equation.
Pay attention.
We're trying to solve for x, right?
So, to move this two across,
we need to use division.
This isn't the way Pablo taught me.
- He isn't here now, I'm your teacher.
- But I like his methods much better.
I bet you're one of those smarty pants
who used to tease kids
and make fun of them.
I'm sure that's how you got that scar.
I got it back in daycare,
from a girl with scissors.
You're the worst teacher.
Did you say daycare?
[woman] Hi, daycare center.
Hi, I'm Regina's mom.
I'd like to know how she's doing.
[woman] Okay, one moment, please.
I'm new. Frankly, I still
haven't gotten the hang of it. One moment.
[Marcela] What a shame.
I would've loved to see you
tear Jorge down in front of everyone.
- Your speech was fantastic.
- [Ana] Thank you.
But now I want to know
what's next for you.
Would you believe me
if I told you I don't know?
My company's doors will always be open
if you ever feel like peeking in.
- Thanks a lot. It was nice seeing you.
- [Marcela] You too.
[babies babbling]
- [Babysitter] Careful, sweetie
- Hey, what's wrong with you?
- Why aren't you stopping this?
- Nothing happened. She's not even crying.
I was watching them, seriously.
- You can't take the baby.
- Of course I can, she's my daughter.
She's being bullied,
and you didn't do anything.
What's going on?
You said you'd look after her,
but this is the opposite.
A baby tugged at her hair,
I was watching them.
You say it like it's nothing!
- I'm taking my baby home.
- I'll let you do that just this once.
You know what? Don't worry.
This is the last time
Regina and I ever set foot in this place.
I didn't say anything.
I'm sorry I'm not perfect.
I'm not a gamer.
In fact, I suck at video games.
So, why did you post those pictures?
To impress you.
Why do you want to impress me?
Because I like you.
[Darío] Ceci.
I'll teach you how to play.
Those kids don't know how to play, huh?
What are you doing? I can see you hiding.
The thing is,
I was I got off early.
It's too soon to pick up Regina.
Why did you pick her up?
[sighs] I was also worried sick.
She was being mistreated.
- By a teacher?
- [Mariana] No, a girl.
She was pulling her hair.
- This is harder than I thought.
- [Mariana] I know.
- [phone chimes]
- [Mariana] Hold on.
Omar's mother just fired me.
I walked out on him mid-lesson.
I walked out of a meeting.
I may get fired too.
We can't go on like this, Mariana.
We both need to work
to give Regina a good life.
Plus, we both have dreams, don't we?
We have to let go
and not be so apprehensive.
- [Regina fussing]
- Oh!
- She pulled my hair!
- [Pablo chuckling] Yeah.
See? She can defend herself.
I'd like to know what you do
to take care of yourselves.
Nothing. All I do is take a shower.
It takes me 40 minutes to shave.
Um, I use chamomile
to lighten my hair color.
Well done, you.
I also
I'm addicted to pedicures.
- [laughing]
- That's awesome!
Now that your face is cleansed,
I want you to touch your skin
and tell me how it feels.
- Delicious.
- [Tere] Right?
It does feel softer.
[all cheering]
Manicures and pedicures?
- Of course!
- [all cheering]
[phone chiming]
You were right about everything.
So, what are we going to do
with all the stuff we bought?
Invite friends to play video games.
[laughing] Yeah, right.
I don't think it's their thing.
Look, I know you're still upset
about what happened with Mom,
but you need a little distraction.
You may be right.
Good night.
[Juan Carlos] Married.
[line beeping]
Pablo, what are you doing tomorrow?
I'd do this again.
And the prices are reasonable.
Plus, you look younger.
- What do you think?
- That's all I needed to hear.
That's why I sent Ramón,
he's a tough cookie.
- It'll be a success.
- [squeals]
Thank you!
Consider us partners, partner.
Thank you so much, partner.
The next step is talking
to Mariana and Juan Carlos
to avoid misunderstandings.
Of course, sure.
But we should celebrate over dinner.
Of course, let's go, yes.
I'll pick her up at 5:00.
Not a minute earlier. [chuckles]
- Sorry about making a scene.
- [babysitter] Don't worry.
You're not the first mom to panic.
I cried when I dropped off
my eldest at kindergarten.
All right, let's do this.
Goodbye, sweetie.
- Bye, baby.
- Bye.
- Hey
- [Regina giggling]
When are you going back to work?
I'm sure you got a ton of offers.
I'm not sure it's the right time.
My family is falling apart, Mom.
Of course the separation
is affecting the kids,
but you don't need
to put your life on hold.
You are who you are, Ana.
And you love working.
I have to make an effort to fix things.
Juan Carlos is really trying.
He reached out to Ceci,
and I feel I should focus
on my children a bit more.
He's the one who cheated.
He should face the consequences.
The truth is I haven't been
completely honest either.
I also cheated on Juan Carlos.
It was only one time
on a business trip, but
[spoon clinks]
- You're such a hypocrite.
- Honey
How could you blame it all on Dad
and play the victim?
- Ceci
- No, Mom. I'm leaving.
I'm staying with Dad.
Oh, Ana.
- Hey, it's us!
- Ready for some shots?
- What's up? We'll settle in.
- Yeah.
- [Juan Carlos] Hi.
- What's up, JC?
- Hey!
- I didn't know you were a gamer.
Not me, Ceci.
She likes a boy who's a gamer.
As a single dad,
I bucked under the pressure.
Hey, JC, can I invite some friends over?
They're awesome.
Sure, you got it.
You're the best.
[man] Wait, wait, wait, wait!
What up?
Good evening, man.
[indistinct chatter]
- You'll love this restaurant.
- I'm so excited!
I have so many great ideas for Rorros.
- Rorros? Sounds great, yeah.
- Mm-hmm. It's cool, right?
- [phone chiming]
- Uh
What is it, Juanqui?
Remember the whiskey I left in your car?
- Uh-huh.
- [Juan Carlos] Could you bring it over?
I'm kind of busy right now.
It's just that there's a
spur of the moment party.
They're drinking rum,
and you know I hate it.
Fine, I'll be there in 10.
I'm not setting foot
in your brother's apartment.
Relax. You wait downstairs.
I'll run upstairs, give him the bottle,
and we pick up Lorena.
[groovy music playing]
Besides, no The button just doesn't work.
- No!
- Hell yeah! I beat you again!
I want a rematch.
This controller is faulty.
- [doorbell rings]
- It's the controller. It's not me.
Ana, what are you doing here?
Ceci asked me to bring her over,
but I'm not leaving her in this den.
I wanted a small gathering,
but then, a lot more people showed up.
- I'm staying with Dad.
- You're coming with me.
- What? No!
- Let's go.
[people cheering]
- At least let me explain.
- Let's go.
Please, Ana.
Ana, it's not what it looks like.
Let's go.
You and Dad are liars!
And you know what?
I don't need either of you
to make sacrifices for me.
If you think you'll fix things
by staying home, you're so very wrong.
What more proof do you need?
[somber music playing]
[exhales sharply]
- [Víctor] What happened?
- [sighing]
I ran into Ana and Ceci.
See why I didn't want to come?
[Víctor] Relax.
Tere, wait. We'll clear everything up.
Look at me, I promise.
[Tere tsks]
[line beeping]
Sorry to call so late,
but you're probably working.
[inhales deeply]
I know what's next for me.
Well, I was really surprised
to get your call last night.
But I'm really happy
the app is back on track.
Welcome to the new offices
for what will be Mexico's best baby app.
Our offices are here,
because this place
supports female entrepreneurs.
Ninety percent of our businesses
are run by women.
Wow! That's amazing. [chuckles]
Where can I get settled?
I can't wait to get started.
I'll tell you in a minute.
First, meet your new boss.
Though I think
you already know each other.
["Charlotte" by Adiós Amores playing]
Hi, Mariana.
["Charlotte" continues playing]
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