Dudes (2023) s02e03 Episode Script

Vulnerability and attraction

We're ready for the swinger party. Right?
Want to?
Where though?
You understand me?
I know this is unexpected and that,
and that it affects Lucas, but
I really wanna be with you
and not in secret, Pau.
I want to do things right, I dunno,
I feel like we deserve to be together.
Well, think about it, think about it
and let me know, okay?
No, no, no, no, no, don't be so stupid,
Ricardo, you can't send this.
"Think about it, think about it
and let me know."
-Why am I so stupid?
What's up?
-Do you want some coffee?
-I'm not gonna disappear.
If I did that, I'd be showing Antonia
that I'm giving up and no,
I'm obviously not.
Tomás is absolutely right. Come.
What happened?
I have to do something nice for her,
something sweet, something big.
Oh, no, those romantic
soap opera gestures are annoying.
Do you remember when I was in Rogers,
when that guy came in the middle of lunch
and brought me 200 000 roses?
-That was overkill.
-Oh, my God.
Give her some space, give her time,
wait for things to calm down a bit.
Seriously, pay attention
to your only friend
who thinks with this brain
and not this one.
Hey, come, come, come,
come, come, come.
Do you know that dude who sings
about menstruation?
Roberto, Roberto what?
-Oh, every girl's guilty pleasure, yes.
Yeah, he's coming to town soon
for his last concert.
Antonia wants to go.
-Take her then.
-No, that would be crazy!
I wouldn't be caught dead
at that guy's concert, he's terrible.
I sit next to you and I feel alone
Alone, alone without you
How big is it?
-Eight feet.
-Migue, I need a favor.
Go get the drill and chisel
from the truck, okay?
Thank you.
Hey, what's with you and Miguel?
You're not gonna deny
that he's a hottie, ugh.
Marci, you're not gonna bring him
to live at the house, okay? Please.
-You don't eat where
-Oh, fine, just calm down.
-Fine, fine, fine, fine.
-Well, anyway. Just be careful.
It's a drill and a chisel, that's all.
Hurry up.
Antonia, hello, uh
Well, I know how you told me
that it was better if,
I don't know, if we were apart,
but I heard Roberto Manuel is coming
and I bought some tickets
and it would be, I don't know,
it would be cool if, if we went together.
I don't know, we could have
a good time, think about it.
Oh, please, Tony, please,
look at me, look at me.
-We have to go!
-No. You think?
-Yes, yes, we have to go.
Of course we gotta go, yes.
We already missed Juan Gabriel,
we cannot miss Roberto Manuel.
No, ma'am!
Look, oh, I don't know,
let's tell him that you'll go,
and then we can ditch him later,
-and you and I will go.
-Oh, no, that's so rude.
No, no, no.
No, one thing is me becoming a bad person,
but I'd never do something like that.
Wait, alright, let's do something,
take it as a form of revenge
for the little affair he had.
-Please, it's Roberto Manuel.
-Roberto Manuel!
Alone, only for you
-I have to go, I have things to do.
-Where are you going, we're not even done.
No, tomorrow, we'll finish tomorrow,
I'm gonna meet with Ana.
She managed to gather some women
for the project, do you remember?
And, we're gonna see if the project
works out for me. We'll see.
-Hold on, did they accept your project?
-No, but I have a plan.
So be careful with that drill.
Oh, that's hot.
Engineer, what do I do with the drill?
Take out the drill bit,
cuz we're gonna be doing some repairs.
What's with the face, huh? What happened?
Did some girl you messed with
give you an STI?
You're such a dick, man.
No, I'm trying to see if I can meet up
with a sweet thing
that I haven't seen in months
and she's writing to me out of nowhere,
I don't know why she showed up now.
-Oh, dang, get it, man.
-Get it, get it, get it.
-Yeah, show us some pictures.
Let's see.
Oh, she's hot, I like it.
-Woah, nice, Ricky.
-I like it, preserving your standards.
Hey, hey, hey, buddy, buddy, buddy, buddy.
The farther the better, okay?
Or are you trying to poke?
Oh, that was a gay thing to say.
What, do you play
for the other team now or something?
-He's felt the eggplant.
-Oh, come on, stop, stop.
Come on, Ricardo, make it happen.
Do it.
No, I don't wanna look desperate, man.
-Do it.
-Do it, man.
Yes, we want to see you in action.
And just like that?
Without telling her that she's pretty
or promising anything?
-None of that fluff?
-Learn from the champion.
So, no fluff.
He's got some experience.
Wait, let me see something real quick.
Wow, you're unbelievable.
Ricardo, do you design them
using artificial intelligence or what?
This is a clone of the last girl
you used to go out with.
-Yeah, totally.
-You date the same girl,
but the only thing
that changes is their name.
Yeah, poor Paula,
she never had a chance with you.
You're always gonna like them
with dark hair, short, and big-asses.
-And 15 years younger.
-Well, duh.
-Well, duh.
At least.
Hey, guys, get to work.
-Come on.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course.
-That's why we came, right?
-Nice work, Richie.
Getcha some, man.
Well, we're already finishing
hiring the team of programmers,
training those who have already joined
and I believe that in about two weeks
we will have the new version
of the platform.
Damn it, what the hell?
Sorry, guys,
it's just an email, everything's fine.
Well, that's all from me, I don't know
if anyone has questions, any doubts.
All good.
Hey, hey, Juli, dude,
say it, say it already!
Who's it from?
From the Brazilians? Is it the contract?
No, no, no, everything is fine.
Hey, are you done yet?
Well, I was gonna explain
the algorithm, but
No, no, no, no,
don't explain it, don't explain it.
Hey, I was thinking yesterday
about the contract.
You're backing out, right?
Let me finish, dude.
Yesterday I was thinking
that what bothers me
is that these guys have the image
of the company in Brazil
through the roof, and we don't.
I don't want these guys
to come here and try to screw us.
And yesterday I watched Dry Tears.
That shitty movie
that's nominated everywhere?
-It's not shitty, it's a great movie.
-Hell, no.
Oh, did you watch it?
Well, I had to.
I mean, Ana María
loves to watch those types of flicks,
the more they suck,
the more she likes them.
She always falls asleep anyway.
I don't understand,
if their brain doesn't get it,
then why do they insist
on watching shit like that?
I'm not even gonna answer.
I mean, the guy is handsome
and he has a big one.
-Oh, no, please.
Show some respect. We're gentlemen.
Have you tried it already?
No, not me, but a friend did
and she told me
that, well, that there were deficiencies
in that department here.
Well, let me finish.
The fact is that
at the beginning of the movie,
these images appear saying,
"Supported by:", "Financed by:"
And, dudes,
that's really great for the bank,
it really elevates the image.
That's what we have to do with Billuka,
we gotta strengthen
the image of the company
because if not, these Brazilians will come
and bam, we get fucked!
Well, it's really
not a bad marketing strategy.
Now, if you wanna spend money on that,
you just have to approve a budget
and I'll present ideas, I have several.
Over my dead body are we gonna invest
in dumb actors and directors.
No, wait, I'm kidding.
I think there's a law
that can help us with the tax issue.
I'll check carefully and I'll bring
the information for the next meeting.
Okay. Do you want to talk to Jacobo Paz?
If you want, I'll put him in touch.
She found the perfect excuse.
Jealous because he does have a big one?
Excuse me while I laugh.
Well, guys, um
This weekend,
make time and watch it, okay?
If I'm gonna call him,
we should have at least seen the film.
Perfect. Got it,
we'll have to start watching it now
so we can finish it on Sunday.
How are you?
Santi, you're undercover! Wow!
How are you?
Cami, a cup of coffee, please.
Okay, so what am I good for?
Listen, brother, the thing is that,
well, that because of
Because of what?
What happened between us
Well, I've been kinda in my head a lot.
No, no, confused.
Listen, I
Brother, I did this questionnaire
to see if I like guys.
No, don't mess with me, are you serious?
Do you really think you're gonna
find answers on the internet?
Okay, and what did that homosexuality
questionnaire tell you?
Don't be loud.
Fine, but what's the worst thing
that could happen
if you were to come out as homosexual?
-Tell me.
-Dude, come on, please help.
The worst can happen.
It's just that I can't be fa
-Fa, fa, what?
-A fag, man.
-I can't be one.
Because I may be a lot, I may be lazy.
But I can't be a sissy
because my life would be over.
Look, bro, you're the only one I know
in this condition, so help me.
What's up, brother?
Julián Quintana again.
No, wait, don't hang up on me,
hold on, wait one second.
Help me with the tickets, please, bro.
Of course there's more,
dude, at least try.
I already went to the website,
there's nothing there, all sold out.
And VIP?
How could it be sold out,
if that dude sucks, brother.
Try, please, it's only two damn tickets,
I'll give you the money for it.
Yes, but try harder, bro, try,
I'll give you a nice amount.
Hello? This stupid bastard
hung up on me. Damn it!
You invited her?
You've got balls. What are you gonna do?
I don't know, I stupidly told her
I already had the tickets and now look.
I don't know what to do, I have no idea.
Let's see, Santi-Santi,
the first thing I want you to know
is that you're born gay,
you don't just become gay.
The thing is, sometimes it's hard
to come out of the closet, you know?
Understanding it
sometimes conflicts us and it hurts us.
But if you're really gay,
you're gonna know it, okay?
Come on,
apart from what happened between us,
I don't know, do you like someone else?
Maybe Ricardo or Julián.
Ricardo? Julián?
No, I don't like them, no, neither,
I don't like either of them. Clearly.
Oh, my God, Santi-Santi.
I very much doubt
that I'm the only gay friend
you actually have.
But listen, my dear hetero-confused,
I think what we really need
to have right now
is an overdose of feathers, of glitter,
high heels, a million sequins.
-Talk lower!
-We're gonna party, my love.
What's going on?
No, it's just that you, you,
you kinda caught me like out of my
I mean this is nice and everything,
but I guess I just wasn't prepared.
-You don't want to?
-Yes, of course.
No, wait, give me a second,
give me a second,
I'll go get wine and I'll be right back,
I'll be right back.
Are you nervous?
No, I'm not, no, you?
If you want, we can go.
Do you know what? We should have
like a word that we both know
and so when you're feeling
uncomfortable or something,
you say it
and we'll leave right away. I mean it.
-Any ideas for it?
-White elephant? Something like that.
-Yes, perfect.
I like it.
White elephant and we'll leave, okay?
And we're gonna go as far as you want.
-Me? Yeah. You?
-No, you.
-Me? You?
-Me. No, no, you.
Nothing, dude, everywhere.
No, I don't know.
On our "On my knees" Tour,
so you can take your tickets
Hey, a minute,
I'll call you, I'll call you. Bye.
Do you register and they give you
the ticket for two people
or if you win, they give you a ticket?
Two. Of course, I'll give you a ticket
for two people if you participate.
-Hi, how are you?
Look, participate with us
on the "On my knees" Tour.
-Thank you.
-Take your tickets.
Take advantage of the fact that we're here
so you can register
and, and go to the concert.
You can win two doubles.
You can take a friend
and the friend with his girlfriend,
and you with your girlfriend.
Hi, there, brother, uh.
-Hello, welcome.
-Are you selling tickets?
Those tickets have been sold out
for a long time now.
But I can sign you up
and you can win two double tickets.
Do you want to sign up?
Sign up to win the tickets.
No, I already have the tickets. Come on.
No, no, no.
Gotcha, Pau,
we'll try for another day.
A kiss.
I hope you get rest.
-Two, two
Sorry. Uh, two whiskeys, buddy.
-Of course.
-Two whiskeys.
Why are you guys so fucking cute?
I'm serious!
We've been watching you for a while now.
-Look, guys,
we're actually experts in this,
and what we like the most is the swap.
-Exchanging partners.
Yes. But it's obvious
you guys are new to this
Gimme your wallet over here, don't worry.
-Don't worry, everything's fine, thanks.
Well, what about tonight?
Whatever you guys want.
Yeah, right? Yeah.
Of course! No
I mean, we just
Well, whatever you guys say.
Whatever you say.
It's our first time, so
We don't
I mean, we don't know how it works.
Actually there are no rules at all,
it's like depending
on what you guys want, you know?
Excuse me, buddy.
Listen, some couples like to be
all together in the same room.
Scrambled together.
Others enjoy swapping partners.
-Could you help me with my jacket?
-And if you like voyeurism,
-you can watch.
And if you like to be watched,
you can invite someone to watch you.
We are actually more into
exchanging partners.
So each one goes to their own room,
has a blast for a while and that's it,
then you go home
as if nothing had happened.
-No drama about it.
-Exactly right.
-Yes, totally.
-No drama.
-Yes, no drama necessary.
-Well, as you guys said,
I think it could be an option.
What? Yes, let's swing, swap, swap.
Swap, swap. S-W-A-P.
Do you remember the spectacular room here?
-The red one?
-Mmhmm. Yes.
Are you going up?
-You wanna go?
-Let's go.
-Like now?
-To where?
-Yes, now, to the room.
Okay. I can walk.
-I got this.
-Keep going, let's go.
Go ahead.
Let's see, you ready?
I'm gonna give you a massage,
because you're very tense, okay?
-What's up?
You don't wanna be with me?
No. Of course I do.
You, you're a ten, so pretty.
But you're not showing it.
Haven't you realized that I've been
the one that's been flirting with you?
The one who has been there
giving you the signs.
-And, look,
if you're worrying
about your partner, then don't worry,
because my husband
is a total gentleman, okay?
-Hey, don't tremble, calm down.
-It's cuz of the cold.
-Breathe deep, breathe.
-Yes, it's just that
-No, nothing, everything is fine.
-Are you sure?
-That's lovely.
-Yes, very lovely.
-Let's take this chain off and
No, what happens is that, listen.
-Sorry, excuse me, but
-What? What's happening? Tell me.
No, it's just that
since it's my first time,
so then, then I would like
to maybe I dunno, for us to chat a little.
How long have you been with him?
How long have you been together?
-Eleven years.
-Oh, super.
-And what about you guys?
-Us, three years.
So have you guys always swapped?
Always like this?
Yes, always like this.
Come on, hey, what's the matter?
-About what?
-Well, I don't know,
since I said that about your partner
you got all weird.
It's almost as if you don't like
what's going on.
No, I love it,
I love all this and everything's great,
the thing is that I, you feel me?
I just don't know,
he went into turtle mode. No
Why don't we go see
how they're doing, okay?
-I really do apologize.
-Yeah, this is going nowhere.
-Hey, here.
I'm sorry.
Girls, you're doing very well.
He's the flaccid one!
"Julián, you were chosen to be one
of the contestants of 'On my knees' Tour
for the Roberto Manuel concert.
The first to climb Monserrate
and cross the finish line on their knees
will win two double tickets
for the concert."
Hey, Mafe, Mafe, Mafe!
-What are you doing up there?
-How'd it go?
-No, it didn't go! It didn't go!
-But you were with
-No! Soft elephant.
-White elephant, white, let's go.
-Are you serious?
-Yes, let's go, please.
Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
-My shoes.
-Where the hell are your shoes?
You were silent the whole way, Dani.
Who knows what you did
to make you like this.
Oh, Lord.
Are you gonna tell me what happened?
Dani, I did what you wanted,
we left, I was having a great time.
I didn't ask you any questions inside.
You owe me an explanation.
-What? What do you want me to say?
-Mafe, stop,
I didn't have a good time,
I had the worst time while we were there
and I didn't get hard!
Did you want to hear that?
I never got hard!
Don't ask me more questions, please.
Contest for what?
To climb Monserrate on my knees.
Who comes up with this shit, Mafe?
They're crazy.
Oh, you can't be that desperate,
Julián, seriously.
No, no.
Seriously? I mean, if you're gonna do
something that extreme,
I mean, the least you can do
is make sure you win.
Yes, yes, I know, but if I don't do it,
I'll lose Antonia
and that's the end of it.
-I can do this.
-Are you sure you can?
No, dude, ugh.
Come on! Come on.
No, man, what the hell am I doing?
If I go, I'd be giving him false hope.
I would feel really bad.
I would be a bitch if I did that.
You're not a bitch!
He's the bitch, make him pay.
Yeah, I agree with that,
let him pay for everything.
Still, going to a concert with him
doesn't mean I'm getting back with him.
Not at all.
Are we clear about that?
Clear as water.
I mean, it's Roberto Manuel.
-Roberto Manuel
That's it, cheers!
Let's go.
If you made this a big deal
and you made me come here,
you're winning the tickets,
Julián, you have to win.
-So embarrassing.
-Come on, stretch, dude!
Yes, embarrassing. Come on.
Well, people! Everyone,
come here to the starting line, please.
Please everyone start lining up.
-Juli, Juli, Juli!
-Very good.
These people are crazy,
but they're the brave ones
who will compete
in the "On my knees" contest.
The rules are very clear.
First, they can't lift their knees
off the ground.
Second, they have to climb kneeling
and cannot push each other.
Hello. What are you up to?
You guys look really cute doing
doing the circle, I'm sorry.
Lucas isn't here.
I know.
Yeah, it's just that I came to see you.
Do you want, I don't know,
to drink something? Water?
Could we talk for a minute?
-Like, right now?
-Never mind, it's all good.
Excuse me, excuse me.
On your marks.
Get ready!
-No, wait, wait, wait.
-Do it, Julián!
-Yes, fine, ready.
Come on, Juli, come on!
Come on, baby!
You can do it!
Hey, girls,
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry to interrupt you, forgive me.
But the thing is, I don't know,
this morning when I got up
I kind of like decided, you know,
throw myself into the void, like
Richie, if you want, we can talk later.
No, Pau, no, it's my turn, it's my turn,
because I, no, it's time.
Listen, uh, we, I know
that we built our lives apart, right?
Because, because,
well, because of a decision
that I made many years ago.
You're just such a badass, Paula.
You're a badass for raising Lucas
with very little help from me.
And, well, for that and many more things
I really respect you, you know?
I admire you, and
And I love you.
So much so that I, I wouldn't want us
to be just friends and parents anymore,
I want us to be, I want us to be a couple.
And let's see what's going on
in these people's heads
that are walking on their knees.
These people must not know fatigue,
shame or money.
Why do this for a ticket?
We're gonna see
who's the biggest warrior here.
Oh, it might be Julián Quintana,
the people's favorite, how are you?
Good, I'm doing great.
It looks like you're used
to doing these things.
No, no, no. I do it as a hobby, dude.
Yes, of course,
but it's something that's free.
What's your favorite song by this artist?
All, all.
Come on, don't, don't interview me.
Come on, Juli, come on, come on!
Faster, faster! You got this!
Come on!
Cheer up!
For Antonia, let's go!
I know I screwed up,
I screwed up,
I know that my macho man paradigms
didn't let me see that that you and Lucas
were the most important
calling of my life.
On the contrary, I, I always felt
like my wings were being cut off.
But now I understand
that the one who refused
to feel true love and live it was me.
I adore you, Pau,
as a woman, as a human being
And I know that I don't deserve it,
but if I have learned
something from you it's that
it's better to speak
than to remain silent.
Now, now, that, I'm done, that's it.
There are very few meters left
and very few warriors
because we're gonna deliver
the double passes
-for Roberto Manuel's tickets.
-You're almost there!
You're not gonna believe me,
but there's blood here, there's sweat.
Only the poorest
and the most resistant remain.
Look, people are falling,
people are starting to fall everywhere.
They're not gonna make it, there's only
Oops, another one fell! Only three left!
Another one falls!
Yes, sir, who's gonna win? Who will win?
Gentlemen, we have a winner who gave it
everything, everything, everything!
We never thought that someone would dare
to do this for two double tickets.
Did I embarrass myself?
Yes, but I feel very proud of you, baby.
Yes, we are with the one
and only winner of this grand prize
the "golden knees",
I give you, Mr. Julián Quintana!
I don't want for Julián to think
everything's fine,
that nothing happened.
-I don't want that.
-Come, come, let me tell you something.
You're gonna tell him yes
to then tell him no?
Well, I said yes and I can still say no.
I have every right in the world
to change my mind,
I'm thinking about it, yes.
You know why?
Because I don't want to, it makes me angry
that he thinks simply clicking a button,
and buying concert tickets,
that I'm gonna be as easy?
Not happening.
No, in fact, I'm gonna call him.
-No, no, no!
Please be quiet.
Hello, Julián, how are you?
Are you busy right now?
I was just thinking about you
right this second.
No, I'm not busy, talk to me.
Look, I was thinking,
I actually think it would be best
if we don't, if we don't go
to the concert together.
well, I got those tickets,
I got them
so that we could go together, but
Well, look, if you want,
I'll be somewhere else,
you can still go with me,
or, I don't know, whatever you want.
No, listen, thank you,
I really appreciate it very much.
I know
Thank you,
but I even think it might be better
if you give them to, to someone else,
yes, to someone who's dying to go,
because I know
that you don't really like him.
No, I do want to go,
I want to go with you, but
But I don't wanna do that,
I got those tickets for you and I
I think it's only fair
that you keep them, they're yours.
What does my champ say? My kneeling star!
-Up here, up here, up here.
What happened?
Everything okay at home?
Is it hurting a lot?
It didn't work.
What didn't work?
They took your tickets?
The radio station ripped you off?
They robbed you?
Well, I got her the tickets
and now she doesn't want to go with me.
I'm an idiot.
Mafe, you're absolutely right,
it's better to leave things like this.
Was it mean of me to do this to him?
But you know what?
You would have had a shit time
with Julián at that concert.
What you need is a person who sings along,
who screams, who's out of tune,
who has more hearing in his feet.
And for that, my love, you have me.
-Hey, listen.
What are you gonna do with those tickets?
Can't I invite a friend with the double?
Maybe, you know what?
I could send it to a man
-who's been talking to me here.
-What man?
-Or maybe not, because
-Oh, no, what is this crap?
Tinlove. Why are you on apps?
Why are you even on this?
Fine, then tell me, where else
am I gonna become bad like I want?
On there. And who downloaded
that app for me? You.
No, ma'am!
No, that's not cool anymore!
That's obsolete now.
Listen, Antonia, one thing
is that you want to screw over Julián,
and another thing
is you screwing yourself over.
Do me the favor and delete Tinlove now
and give me the tickets. Come on!
I know what to do. Give them.
Let's see.
How come Antonia got Julián's tickets
and won't go with him to the concert?
Cruel, right?
Wait, don't kill me just yet.
Don't worry, because I have a plan.
I just came up with something.
-Focus, we have to fix this, don't we?
-But you're not explaining it to me.
I'm totally ready to go sing.
-You look so hot.
-I definitely know you.
-So do I.
-Aren't you Julián's friend?
-María Fernanda, nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
-We finally get to meet in person.
Yeah, finally.
Yes. Well, let's find Migue
and our friends,
let's make it unforgettable! Wow!
-How are you?
-Come on.
-Finally, right?
Anything for Roberto Manuel. You like him?
Anything, anything for Roberto Manuel.
Yeah, he's everyone's
guilty pleasure, indeed.
Absolutely everything. Come on.
Do I look cute? Because I'm getting
a boyfriend tonight, did you know?
Come here, let's go!
Ugh, be gentle with me.
Look at you acting all hetero.
I lie beside you and feel lonely
So alone, only for you
-For you.
-For you, for you.
It's "only for you", guys, learn it.
This song is Juli's guilty pleasure now,
he loves it, he loves it.
Hey, Mafe, I really think
that we should continue being friends.
I like you, you're awesome,
I really mean that,
but I do need for that topic
to be avoided, thanks.
How'd it go with Miguel?
Don't you break his heart.
He's a really good person.
I'm positive he wanted to stay.
Oh, well.
Oh, no. You know what?
One night stands get boring,
-they're seriously kinda gross.
-For real!
-Yeah, gross, gross.
-I'll be right back, bye.
-Okay, go.
Antonia's hurt about Julián.
Well of course she's hurt,
what'd you expect, María Fernanda?
She's losing her mind.
I honestly don't know why this guy thought
he was gonna buy her with a concert.
Not buy her, March.
You're wrong about that,
I'm sorry to tell you,
but I was there,
the man's knees are turned into shit
he's feeling like dirt,
you have no idea of what you're
-Actually, I'm gonna show you.
-What? What are you talking about?
You're gonna see.
Oh, you're gonna drive me crazy.
So you don't talk crap.
Don't laugh, please.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, Mafe,
this terrible, so embarrassing,
no, has to be a deep fake.
-No, it's not deep fake, no.
I'm telling you,
he's very sorry for what he did,
he's feeling like a total ass.
Yes, he's very sad at home,
-we need to come up with a plan, March.
-Sorry, oh, sorry.
-Let's play Cupid.
-Oh, no.
-March, you're her best friend,
I'm his best friend,
we know how they're feeling, please help.
No, how annoying, how annoying.
Such uncomfortable chairs, God! Hi!
Don't you want to see
your two friends happy?
Are you gonna be
that unpleasant, for real?
-No, March.
-Oh, no.
-Oh, come on!
-No, don't ask me like that, no.
-You have to say yes to me.
Oh, please, March.
Oh, I love your beard.
Stop, stop, stop!
Oh, March, please help me.
Okay, okay.
-Alone, only for you
-Only for you
-And I feel
Two mezcals, bartender!
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