Everything Calls for Salvation (2022) s02e03 Episode Script

Terza settimana

I told you so. I told you so.
I don't get it. You told me what?
That we should have taken him back inside.
Hey, look. Look at me.
You're the one who took Torment outside.
Because you let him blackmail you like
an idiot. You beat him up, remember?
So it's your fault.
- End of story.
- Guys.
What's up, dear?
Compound fractures of the humerus
and forearm and a mild concussion.
- He's getting a cast.
- [exhales]
- We can take him upstairs?
- [nurse] No.
Keeping him under observation
for a couple of days.
You two had quite the stroke of luck,
Chip and Dale.
[both exhale]
[Daniele sighs]
Thank God. Thank God. Oh, God.
[cell phone rings]
Oh, no, it's Dr. Cimaroli.
- Here, you take it.
- No.
- No, no.
- Come on.
- Hey, you created this mess. Take it.
- So what? She called you. You take it.
[raspy exhale] Damn you.
[sighs] Hello, Doctor.
I can't believe it.
A patient blackmails you,
and instead of reporting it to me,
you play along, and you take him outside
without the permission
of a medical professional?
And you, Ciogli, in your role as a tutor,
where were you? What did you do?
- [Pino] Doctor.
- Leave us, if you don't mind.
Yes. [grunts]
[Cimaroli] This is going to have
tremendously negative repercussions
for you, aren't you?
- Doctor, I
- Don't say anything.
I listened to Dr. Mancino
and turned a blind eye
to the fight between you and Rachid,
and I shouldn't have.
Because of the fact that this episode
is directly related to that one,
Rachid has been through so much in life.
He's like a wounded animal.
And since they're likely to attack,
wounded animals are dangerous.
I won't report this incident
to law enforcement,
because I can see
you're already struggling as it is.
On the other hand, I'll definitely
report it to your cooperative.
They'll decide what to do.
One thing is certain.
I will not be doing you any more favors.
- [knock on door]
- Come in.
- What is it, Pino?
- Doctor, this is my fault.
What do you mean your fault?
When they went out, I was with them.
I gave them permission.
As a tutor,
it's more my fault than Cenni's.
The thing is when I see a ball,
I lose my mind, Doctor. I'm sorry.
[Cimaroli sighs]
All right.
Expect a written warning
and an administrative sanction.
Two working days without compensation.
- You know the procedure, don't you?
- Yes.
[Cimaroli] That doesn't
change your position, okay?
That doesn't change the fact that you
didn't know how to deal with a situation.
No one knew about it.
You didn't say a word.
Such a serious thing must
never happen again. Period!
Get out of my office. Leave.
- Close the door.
- [Daniele] Goodbye.
Pino, thanks. I don't know what to say.
I do. Go to hell, you and Torment.
A fine. Do you know
what that means for me?
This week, you'll buy me every meal
from breakfast to dinner.
- Of course, yeah. I could do that much.
- Yeah, and don't get any ideas.
I covered your ass only
because I need someone to boss around.
- What do you want?
- What do I want? Nothing.
- [sniffles, clears throat]
- Move it, go. [scoffs]
[Daniele grunts]
Is the water okay?
Too cold?
Hey, don't clam up with me
and then complain to Dr. Cimaroli, okay?
She's already mad at me. Mm? Okay?
When you're done with him,
remember my electric razor, okay?
I haven't forgotten.
I hope you understand.
And what about Rachid?
Have you forgotten him?
- Don't you wanna know how he's doing?
- How is he doing?
- Two fractures and concussion.
- Good. He might come to his senses.
For such an imbecile,
I don't see any other solution.
Or better, he should have
dropped dead, you know. Hmm?
- I thought you two were best friends.
- Best friends, me and him?
Honey, I don't have
any friends whatsoever.
I feel equally sorry for all of you.
- Just focus on your job.
- It must be horrible to live like that.
Loving nothing and no one,
hating everything.
But hating takes courage.
And you don't have the slightest idea
what it means.
[scoffs] What are we talking about? Mm.
[Nina] Ah, mmm!
Good. Come on, it's good.
- [Maria babbles]
- Hey, the airplane, look.
[imitates airplane]
[laughs] Umm
Lucy, what are you doing, spring-cleaning?
No, Miss Nina. I'm actually leaving.
On Monday, I'll start working
for a new lady at a new residence.
What do you mean?
It was your mother's decision.
I know it wasn't out of spite.
We are all going through a difficult time.
For you too.
I'm sorry. I'm
[Maria babbles]
Bye, Lucy.
Bye, Nina. Good luck to you.
[Nina] Thank you.
I guess Lucy's gone.
[clicks tongue]
[cell phone vibrating]
[Angelica] Am I disturbing you?
What are you up to?
Nothing. I was just
doing some writing. [sniffles]
- Really?
- Yeah.
What about?
It's just a poem.
Nothing crazy. What about you?
I thought we could go
for a pizza together, one evening.
I also wanted to invite Giorgio and, uh
Gianluca. Yeah, sure,
that would be amazing.
I think that's a fantastic idea.
I'll talk to them,
and I'll get back to you.
Okay. Thank you. I have to go now.
I'm reading this
ghastly manuscript, 350 pages.
- The main character is a silkworm breeder.
- [laughing]
- I've barely started. Have a good night.
- [laughs]
- Have a good night.
- Ciao.
[phone beeps]
- [Daniele] Did you talk to him or
- Yeah, I called him last night.
Well, with me, he pretends nothing
has happened, but he's clearly upset.
Oh, well, he'll get over it.
It's just, I'm so sorry about this
situation. I didn't sleep all night.
I get it. Pino is immature.
He should know better.
You can't screw up that way after
30 years of working in a hospital.
Yeah, he wants to play the tough guy,
but deep down, he's a good person.
You're telling me?
I know he's a good person.
I mean, he's attentive, generous.
And he's so shy too.
- What's with this look on your face?
- Look on my face?
- Don't get any weird ideas.
- I didn't say anything.
I'd better leave before
you get smacked around. [clicks tongue]
- Let me do the talking, okay?
- What's there to say?
Gentlemen, the poor man's
Maradona has returned.
Hello, gentlemen.
Come on, don't make jokes.
This kid was just unlucky.
And you aren't
a Nobel Prize winner in medicine.
Come on, it was just a little joke.
You know what? It seems this place
is driving all of you absolutely insane.
You should get treatment.
He's not wrong. Actually,
he's the one who needs treatment.
Listen, champ. You and I have to talk now.
And pay close attention
because I'll only say it once. Hmm?
First of all, we're sorry about
the accident and your broken arm too.
But look at it this way.
Thanks to this accident, the insurance
will pay out a few thousand euros to you.
I know you've never seen
that much money before.
Actually, me neither.
Second of all, I know
you're blackmailing Cenni for the fight.
We're both aware that
you were the one who provoked him.
He's just a kid,
but you're a son of a bitch.
So, knock it off, okay?
If I hear you're still breaking his balls,
you'll deal with me.
- Have I made myself clear?
- Yeah, it's all clear.
- All right, now take him to his room.
- Yes.
Hello, assholes. I've returned to you.
[Armando] Yeah, unfortunately.
Hello there, Princess. [kisses]
Go. I'll do it myself.
- [groans]
- I hope it's all clear.
Sure, it is. Of course.
Don't worry anymore.
Not a worry in the world.
- Daniele.
- Yes.
It's Alessandro's birthday today,
according to his records.
- Really, his birthday?
- Yes. He's turning 22 today.
- And so, he got me pondering.
- Hmm.
- Maybe you could take him to the garden.
- I'd love to do that!
Get get Pino to help you.
Strap him properly into a wheelchair.
Some fresh air will do him good.
- But I mean, I really have permission?
- Of course you do.
What we do must always be in line
with the specific needs of the person
in our care. Alessandro is not Rachid.
- Okay?
- No, of course.
- Go, then, come on.
- Yes, thank you.
Hey, Daniele, remember.
- Always keep your eyes wide open.
- Of course, absolutely.
This is where Rachid got hit.
To tell you the truth,
I got really scared.
I thought he was dead.
- Daniele, my friend! What's up with you?
- Giorgio, look who I brought.
You're out with Alessandro! [shouting]
Careful. He's strapped in.
He's strapped in.
- He's strapped in?
- Yeah.
Sorry about that.
I got excited for a minute.
This is so wonderful he can go outside.
[Daniele] It's Dr. Cimaroli's gift
for him. It's his birthday.
His birthday? You serious?
- Yeah.
- Alessandro, happy birthday!
What can I give you?
Sorry, my dear. I'm so sorry about this,
but it's important.
Seven hundred fifty-two.
Breathe, Alessandro.
This is a September flower.
This flower is mystical.
In other words, it will bring
you to the light, understand?
Smell this and tell me if this flower
isn't the scent of paradise.
What happened?
Alessandro opened his mouth.
As if he wanted to talk.
He smiled, sort of.
- Maybe it was self-deception, you know?
- What does that mean, self-deception?
It means that
you wanted something so much,
and you think you've seen it,
but it didn't really happen.
Sure, I may be crazy and all,
as they say up there,
but you know I've never been a fool.
I saw it with my own eyes.
What is it?
Suddenly, because you've put on
a nurse uniform,
you think you're an expert now?
I don't think anything, Giorgio.
I wanted to let you know it's possible
Look, Daniele!
[sighs] Okay, fine. I'll look.
- But then I'll
- I told you. Daniele, look! Okay?
You're smiling?
- Do I talk nonsense, huh?
- Let's go tell Mancino right now.
- Yeah!
- Are you kidding me? [laughs]
- Yeah, let's go.
- You've cured him, Giorgio!
- Yeah.
- He's basically healed.
- Dr. Mancino!
- Not so loud, Giorgio.
- Doctor, where are you?
- [Daniele] Hey, I told you not so loud.
- Doctor!
- Hey.
Stop it.
What's going on?
Alessandro. We saw him try to speak.
He smiled, and he
moved his mouth for a few seconds.
- Really?
- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Giorgio took a flower.
He had him smell it, and then he
- A September flower, Doc.
- At first, nothing.
But then, after a while, he
- He wanted to speak to us.
- A few seconds, you said?
Even longer. At first
Daniele wasn't looking, but I was.
Next time, record him with your phone
so we can take it
to the neurologist, you know?
Because as you describe it,
it could be anything.
An involuntary movement, a muscle spasm.
But I swear to you, Doctor.
Still, the two of you did
a wonderful thing.
Especially you, Giorgio.
Now, take him back to his room, come on.
Hear that, Daniele?
He said what I did was wonderful.
[chuckles] It was wonderful.
You're a good person.
You're so gross.
[sobs] You're so gross.
- Dr. Mancino is waiting for you.
- Oh.
- Matilde?
- In the bathroom.
- [gasps]
- Matilde.
Okay. Come on, come on, come on.
Get up, get up.
Breathe, breathe, breathe. Okay, brea
Now breathe through your nose.
Breathe through your nose.
One, two, three.
And exhale through your mouth.
Got it? Can you feel the air flowing?
Can you feel it, huh?
Come on, come on. Keep going.
Keep breathing. Come on, come on.
Come on. You're doing better.
Okay, is it better? Are you okay?
Inhale, inhale, inhale.
And then you exhale. Do it.
Huh? Feel better? You feel better?
Have you calmed down a bit?
Huh? Feel better?
Don't try to do things
you're unfamiliar with.
And get your hands off of me now!
Don't you ever touch me again!
I wanted to help you. Come on,
why are you so angry with me, huh?
What the fuck have I done to you?
We are here to pay tribute to a great man
and to welcome Angelica, his daughter,
among us. Let's make a toast, guys.
Gianluca, give us a speech.
- Come on.
- [Gianluca] Mm. Mm.
Not on the spur of the moment like this.
I'm not prepared. I can't.
- [Daniele] Yeah, yeah, you're gonna do it.
- [chuckles]
Oh, well, it's easy
to talk about Mario anyway.
Just take the best qualities
in every human being
and put them all in one person.
Most of all,
Mario was a true artist at listening.
It was his best quality.
In fact, probably all
of us should thank him right now
because if we're here
and not confined to our homes
or restrained to a bed
in a medical facility,
it's only thanks to him. [sighs]
The speech was good.
- [Gianluca exhales]
- It was good.
- Guys, another toast for Mario.
- Cheers.
- [laughing]
- Come on.
- It broke, unfortunately.
- [Daniele] Yeah.
- Now what do I eat?
- [laughing]
- Are you hurt somewhere?
- [Daniele] No, I'm fine, thanks.
[Daniele] I swear. We really felt like
we were on a ship, dressed as sailors,
dancing and singing. I mean
I swear, your father,
with his words, swept us away.
It was kind of magical.
To me, your father is on a journey
with my mother.
They're together,
and they're eating baked apples,
and they're proud of us.
Your father of you.
My mother of me.
And his father of him.
Giorgio, what are you talking about?
My father is alive.
- [laughing]
- [Giorgio] He's alive.
He's also a general.
So, your hands like that.
You have to hit your opponent's hands,
but he can pull away. Okay.
Excuse me.
Um, your father gave me some money
on several occasions.
He always said it was for my son,
who was yet to be born.
But I've always considered it a loan.
It's 770 euros.
It's all in there in this envelope.
[Angelica] I can't.
I don't want it.
It's yours.
[Alessia] Thank you.
[Daniele] Attention, please.
Your attention, for a moment.
A small recap. You go back
with Alessia on the scooter, right?
Look, after I take bus number 75,
I switch to the B line metro
and get off at the last stop.
There I wait for bus number 619,
which is the night bus.
Takes a second.
I'll accompany you.
Sorted. We're all sorted.
Let's hit the sack.
Tomorrow, it's a workday, okay?
Come on, be professional.
- Good night, guys.
- Bye.
He's totally infatuated, huh?
- [Giorgio] She's cute.
- [Gianluca] Like an ice pop.
Come on. Cut it out.
Gossip girl. Let's go.
[Giorgio] The ice pop is good
with black cherry.
- [Gianluca] Mm.
- [Alessia] Come on.
- [Daniele] Where?
- [Angelica] Stop there.
- [Daniele] There?
- [Angelica] Yes.
[Daniele sighs]
Hurray! [sighs]
Is this the book your father was reading?
Yes, I found it among the things
we got back from the hospital.
And here is something I thought was his,
but then realized it's actually yours.
I wasn't sure.
I wasn't able to understand
these two initials right here at the end.
Yeah, it's mine. It's mine.
He must have written it down
without telling me.
It's very beautiful.
You think so?
Did you write more?
[exhales] Yeah, 20, 30.
Well, are we going to let
all these poems rot in a drawer?
[laughing] I never thought
of having anyone read them, you know?
I just wrote them out of love.
And anyway, poetry is stuff for the rich.
- I'm flat broke, so it's okay. Never mind.
- [laughing]
I'd like to read them.
Send them to me.
Yeah, okay, I'll
I'll give it some thought.
You as well.
For the nice evening.
I haven't felt this good in a long time.
It was a nice evening, yeah. Really nice.
I can see you care for one another.
At the restaurant tonight,
there were moments when,
I don't know,
I felt like I'd been there with you all.
And with him.
And I realized that
my father didn't jump.
He fell down.
[sniffles, exhales]
When you asked me, you know,
why I visited him at the the cemetery.
Because I was looking for answers.
And I found them, thanks to you.
[chuckles, clears throat] Okay.
Okay, yeah. Well [sighs]
[cell phone vibrates]
Excuse for me a moment.
- I'll go outside.
- Okay.
[Daniele] Yeah, what is it?
[Nina] Tomorrow I have to
go to the university.
You should come a little bit earlier.
My mom has to go out.
Oh, okay. Yeah,
but you could have just sent me a message.
Am I interrupting?
No, no, no. Don't worry. No, it's okay.
It's fine. Okay, great.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Everything okay?
Yes, yeah.
It was, uh, Nina,
my my daughter's mother.
You have a daughter?
Yes. Yes, uh, her mom
her mom is Nina Marinelli.
She's an actress. She got
some notoriety because of a series.
She's also famous on social media.
I don't use social.
Oh. That's amazing you're not on it.
[chuckles] Good for you.
It's getting late.
I have an early meeting tomorrow,
so have a good night.
My daughter's name is Maria.
After your father.
That's cute.
Thank you.
[door opens, closes]
[mutters] Yeah, okay.
- Hi.
- [Maria coos]
Oh, you're all leopardy!
I can't wait for this business to be over.
What's that?
This child is always passed around,
like a little package.
Things will get better
when I can't see her.
- Is that what I just said?
- No, but you've thought it.
Do we really have to discuss this
in front of her?
How can you live this way?
Don't you realize
that you're bringing anger
to your daughter's life and hers?
I only want the best
for my daughter and my granddaughter!
But don't worry. You'll soon find out.
I wanna close the gate, so move back!
Such nasty people around here.
What a psychopath.
[exhales] Grandma's funny, huh?
Isn't she, sweetheart?
She's really funny.
Chocolate wafers go well
with the coffee, you know?
Then in a couple of hours,
a sandwich and a Coke Zero.
That too?
You know how much stuff
you have to buy me before we're even?
Dr. Cimaroli said
I shouldn't let myself be blackmailed.
Fuck off. That's not what I'm doing.
Give me those wafers, come on.
Between you, Matilde and Rachid,
I'd have saved money
if I hadn't come to work this month.
Hey, Pino. I almost forgot.
The other day I was talking
to Rossana, you know?
Well, we talked about
the way you covered for me
with the Rachid thing, you know?
- All that happened.
- Come on, get to the point.
Right, so, you know,
she said some nice things about you.
- Yo.
- [Pino] Yo.
Like what?
Like, uh, praises,
that you're a good person,
that there should be more guys like you
and that you tend to be shy.
- I'm not shy.
- Yeah, that's what she said.
Basically, it's clear
that she's interested,
but I mean, it's about time
you make a move, you know.
- To do what?
- Invite her to dinner.
No! Are you freaking crazy? How?
What do you mean "how?" You just tell her.
- How about, "Ross"
- Shh!
Not so loud.
"Rossana, hello."
"I was thinking that it would be nice
if we could get together
for dinner sometime."
No way. I get flustered
just thinking about it.
Any chance you could write
a note for me, an invitation?
One of those cute things you do?
Something original
and not taken from the Internet.
Okay, I'll see what I can do.
- Perfect.
- [cell phone vibrates]
Yes. I'm coming.
- Mancino wants to see me.
- Hey, hold on.
The coins for my sandwich and the Coke.
- God, you're so greedy, Pino.
- Hey, come on.
That's right.
[coins clatter]
I'm here, Doctor.
Have a seat.
What's this idiot doing here?
Did you ask him here to enjoy the show?
People usually pay to see me perform.
I requested Daniele's presence, because it
seems to me you have a problem with him.
Matilde, you know me by now.
As a psychiatrist,
I'm not interested in being liked,
let alone forcing patients
to do what they don't wanna do.
However, you have to
tell me what the problem is.
Of course I will, Doctor.
Yeah, sure.
A few days ago, I experienced an episode.
A panic attack, in short.
The kid attempted
to perform a dubious technique on me to,
I guess, calm me down.
And he laid his hands on me
without my permission.
Obviously, it didn't calm me down.
Since he's here,
I'd like to take the opportunity
to make it clear that I don't
want anything to do with him.
At least you're hot.
One can indulge in a fantasy.
But he
He's worth nothing at all.
He depresses me.
He makes me weak.
[inhales] Maybe so. But
Well, it strikes me as odd that
you're mad at him for only this reason.
Worthless people
don't deserve all this resentment.
Congratulations, Doctor.
I'm mad at him
because he's male and juvenile.
And I hate his guts.
And because I have more guts than him.
Is that all?
That's not all.
[inhales] He reminds me of someone.
And that someone is dead.
And I hate him for being dead.
How I wish I could shout at him,
"Die! Die! Die!"
[sniffles] Because it would mean
that he's still alive.
Instead, he's remained young.
And he lives here.
And he doesn't age.
And he's perpetually beautiful.
And he still smiles at me.
And he says he loves me.
[sniffles] And it's not
just his look. He also
[sniffles] He also had this obvious
love for people around him.
This absolute candor. This total
inability to defend himself from pain.
From life.
And this is precisely what brought him
down the path of drug abuse.
And so the bastard died.
Died next to me.
Half an hour before
we were fucking like crazy.
One moment, he was smiling
at me, then then
Then he started foaming at the mouth.
His eyes were silently pleading for help.
We were completely wasted.
I just collapsed.
When I opened my eyes, he was dead.
Next to me. Dead.
And I'm alive.
A life without life.
Hating everything.
It's hate and anger that keep me alive.
I'll die as soon as I cease to loathe.
That's why I despise
the guts of this idiot.
And now if you don't mind,
please, send him out.
- Daniele, please leave.
- [sniffles]
[Mancino] Okay, Matilde.
- [lighter clicks]
- [Daniele] Why all this pain?
I can't understand.
It seems there are people who
can go through life without feeling it,
without ever getting hurt.
On the other hand, I attract pain.
It it looks for me.
I can't endure this.
[Daniele] Do you need something?
You have to make a call?
In case you do, just ask Dr. Mancino.
You can call home, you know?
It's not a problem.
Dude, never mention home to me again.
Or I swear, man, I'll kill you.
Watch it!
[Daniele] All the hate from Matilde
and Rachid is like a stab to the heart.
Never in my life have I met
people who hate me so much.
- [laughs]
- I'm shocked. Can you believe it?
Yeah, I believe it, Daniele.
There are good loonies
and asshole loonies.
We were a bunch of nasty assholes too.
Ugly and dirty.
Then you came along,
and you were so endearing.
- You brought out the best in us.
- [Daniele chuckles]
Anyway, Matilde suffers more
than anyone I know. That's true.
But she's also the most cynical.
I mean, I don't I mean,
it's it's almost like all
of her suffering has transformed her
into a witch of some kind.
That's why, Daniele,
you should be careful.
You can never tell
what's going on in a disturbed mind.
Instead, do you know who Rachid
reminds me of, from what you've told me?
- Who?
- He reminds me of myself.
I think he too has a black side
that's devouring him.
[chuckles] No offense,
but you're an angel in comparison.
Well, as usual,
you're completely clueless.
But never mind. Never mind.
How did it go with Angelica?
Hmm? Things got heated?
No, no way.
- Nothing at all.
- Oh.
[Daniele] Mm-hmm.
You see, actually,
that's the impression she gave me.
Of being a bit of an ice pop.
No, come on. That's not it at all.
At the worst possible time, Nina called,
giving me a hard time as usual. Damn her.
She has an air of nostalgia.
Like you, see? No.
She doesn't have an air of nostalgia.
She's just bored in her stroller.
- [knock on door]
- [Giorgia] May I?
- [inhales] I'm studying. What's going on?
- Yes, sweetheart, sorry.
But I have to show you something.
Look what I found.
- [Nina] I got discouraged.
- [Giorgia] Remember?
It was in your show reel
when you started out.
and the constant worry about the child.
I became petty.
- Yeah. But I don't understand what the
- I worked on it for weeks.
And I have to say, Susanna was
incredible. She's more stubborn than I am.
Susanna who? You mean, my agent?
Virzì is making a film inspired
by The Seagull.
And he's looking
for the star to take on the lead role.
What's her name? Nina.
It's a sign.
So I decided to share this video
with the casting agency.
Only a few will audition. And can
you guess who's one of those few?
You are.
Mom, I don't understand
what you're talking about.
- [exhaling]
- I mean, I don't do this anymore.
- I'm a mother, a student.
- Yes.
You didn't quit acting because you
didn't enjoy it. That's not the reason.
I mean, look how talented you are.
You quit because understandably you
didn't like the things they offered you.
But this is something else, okay?
This is auteur cinema.
Think David Awards,
Venice, the red carpet. Wow!
I don't know. I don't know.
- I just don't think I can pull it off.
- Never say that you can't pull it off.
Never. You're no less
than the other actors.
You're brilliant. Remember that.
You just have to
find the right opportunity.
A director who makes you shine.
And this opportunity won't come again.
Think about it, at least.
Life, it's just my acting was absurd.
I didn't even know
what to do with my hands.
- Fuck! [sighs]
- I didn't know stage pres
- [chiming]
- [Gianluca] Let's try this one.
- [Daniele] Done?
- Yes, thank you.
Who's this? Let's see who this is. Hmm?
It's Mommy.
[Nina] Daniele, bring Maria back
by 10:30. As always, don't be late.
[sighs] Yeah, but take it easy, okay?
- Was it Nina?
- You overheard?
With Nina bossing you around and Angelica
turning you down, your outlook is grim.
You could maybe use a diversion.
Yeah, come on.
It's all right. Pour me some.
- To Maria.
- To Maria.
- [Gianluca exhales]
- [gulps]
Oh, my God. Wow.
From Rome's suburbs straight to Hamburg.
- Idiot.
- [chuckles]
Thank you. You're sleepy, huh?
Now Daddy will change your diaper
and then straight to bed, all right?
Let's do this. Let's do this.
Can you pass me the wipes
and the talcum powder?
Thank you.
Here you go. Do you mind if I do it?
Go ahead.
- [Gianluca] Okay.
- [Maria cooing]
Where are you going? Where are you going?
[sighing] So
- Uncle Gianluca's changing your diaper.
- Yeah, you're doing well.
- [chuckles]
- Upsy-daisy. There. Voilà.
- Isn't Uncle Gianluca doing a good job?
- Done.
- [chuckles] We did it. All done.
- [Maria babbles]
Who's all clean now? Who's all clean now?
Come on. Come to Daddy, Maria. Yeah?
[chuckles] You two are so beautiful.
I'm so sleepy.
- Well, just sleep then.
- I have to take her back in two hours.
Sleep, sleep, sleep.
Don't worry. I'll wake you up in an hour.
- You will?
- Yeah, sure.
But remember. No later than 9:30.
If there's traffic, it'll be a mess.
- Hey. Shh! Sleep.
- Hmm?
- [Maria babbles]
- [chuckles]
You too.
[Daniele exhales]
[Gianluca exhales]
- [Maria babbles]
- [cell phone vibrates]
No! Fuck no, fuck no, fuck no!
[Nina] Daniele, what the fuck is going on,
huh? You vanished.
You're not answering the phone.
- What's wrong?
- It's 11 pm.
And you didn't wake me up.
That's what's wrong.
- [Giorgia] Tell him it's kidnapping!
- [Nina] Mom, stop it!
Daniele, you have to bring
Maria back in one hour, okay?
[Daniele] Calm down,
calm down. I fell asleep.
I'd muted the alarm.
I'll be there in half an hour.
Daniele, I'm sorry.
I fell asleep too. I've worked all day.
Give me the bag. Hurry up.
- Here you go.
- Open the door. Come on.
- I'm sorry, Daniele, really.
- [Daniele] I heard you.
- [exhales]
- [door closes]
What the hell is going on? What a pain!
[cell phone ringing]
[Nina] Daniele, where the fuck are you?
Where's Maria?
I'm I'm almost I'm five minutes away.
I'm coming. Coming, stay calm.
Calm, my ass! How is Maria?
She's fine. She's fine. What do you think?
She's fine, but if you yell,
you'll stress her, okay?
I'm coming. Come on, bye.
Come on, move already. Come on, come on.
Oh, finally.
Finally. You're an hour and a half late.
Not to mention you didn't answer
the phone for almost two hours.
- I fell asleep.
- [Giorgia] For two hours?
Yeah. Anyway, I tried
to call you before dinner too.
Not that I'm aware of. And I couldn't
care less. I'll report you for this!
Oh, wait, wait. Let me show you something.
Hmm? Wait, wait.
[Daniele exhales]
[Giorgia] Look.
Congratulations. Look, look.
Impressive! Eight hundred views
in just an hour.
And I'll spare you the comments.
Look, come on.
I just fell asleep. It's not like I
Daniele, why are you so fucking late?
I need an explanation.
Fell asleep. Gianluca didn't wake me.
Oh, God. You still hang out
with those stupid lunatics.
- Yeah.
- I can't believe this shit!
Maybe I should have stopped.
Like I did with you. Huh?
You don't understand. I convinced my mom
not to call the police purely out of pity.
I was wrong again.
Yeah, I agree with you for once.
Yeah, you could have done as she said.
You'd be able to fully destroy me
and smash me in court if you did it.
- You're completely crazy.
- Make me disappear just like she wants.
But you couldn't even do that, huh, Nina?
You won't see Maria again.
- Look at me. Look at me. Listen carefully.
- [panting] Not so close.
- Not so close. Back off.
- You won't see Maria again. Understand?
You'll never see your daughter again!
You hear me? Move!
Get out of here now
or I'll call the police, I swear to God!
- [Daniele grunts]
- [exhales]
- [horn honks]
- [dogs barking]
Gianlu, I saw the video you took.
Thanks a lot. Thanks.
You fucking piece of shit.
You can go fuck yourself.
[engine turns over]
[tires screech]
[Angelo] What's going on?
- Daniele.
- [Daniele] Shh.
[shuddering] Don't say anything.
Don't tell me anything, please.
I already know everything. I already know.
If you know everything,
you know you can't afford to be like this.
- Shh! Please.
- Please, what exactly? Huh?
You're a father now.
You understand? A father!
I'm not a father.
No, I'm not a father. I'm not a son.
I'm not healthy. I'm not sick either.
And I'm definitely not a nurse.
[gasps] I'm just nothing.
I really try to do things right.
I swear I do.
But but life
is driving me completely crazy.
No matter how hard I try,
it's driving me crazy!
- You're not going anywhere in this state.
- Out of the way. Let me go. Let me go.
Or else what?
Are you gonna beat me up again?
Daniele, I beg you. Come on.
I need air, please. [gasps]
[door closes]
He wasn't ready.
He isn't ready.
[Anna sobs]
But now with the baby
and him, we have no choice.
[Anna sobbing]
With those two loonies over there
and him in this state,
it's up to us to defend this child, Anna.
- I'll call Dr. Cimaroli.
- [gasps]
No, no, no, no, no, no, please.
Please, please, please don't. Please.
Please, don't call Dr. Cimaroli. Please.
[Mario] Daniele.
[Daniele] Mario.
Don't drive in this condition. Pull over.
You don't know
how much I need you. [gasps]
[sighs, sniffles]
- [man] Hey.
- [horns honking]
Madonnina. Madonnina. [whimpers]
Madonnina lost his soul.
Madonnina mia!
Madonnina mia!
["L'enfer" by Stromae playing]
[man singing in French]
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