Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s02e03 Episode Script

Inhumans Saga: Part 2: The Inhumans Among Us

[woman] Last time on the Fantastic Four,
Ben Grimm is lured into a trap
by the mysterious Madam Medusa.
He is then captured
by an evil inventor, the Wizard,
and his fellow inventors,
the Trapster and Hydroman.
Once in the clutches
of these Frightful Four,
Ben is subjected to
the Wizard's id machine.
This sinister device changes the Thing
from a lovable blue-eyed hero
to a virulent creature of hate,
bent on destroying his best friend,
Reed Richards.
With the powerful Thing as an ally,
the Wizard soon has
the Fantastic Four in his clutches
and Reed Richards seems doomed.
Only the love of Alicia Masters
can finally break the web of hate
and bring the Thing
back to his right mind.
But the Torch has other things
on his mind.
He's smitten with the beautiful Medusa.
When Torch has the chance to
capture her, he lets Medusa get away,
which puts him in the hot seat
with his buddies.
And now part two
of The Inhuman Saga.
[Reed] Amazing!
Average hair diameter,
0.045 inches.
And each strand
has greater tensile strength,
modulus of elasticity,
and sheer resistance
than a titanium iron wire
of the same thick
Whoa-ho-ho! Wait! Mind puttin' that into
somethin' resemblin' the King's English?
What it means, Ben, is that I wish
Johnny had not let Medusa escape.
Enough's enough, brother-in-law!
This hair sample proves
she's something more than human.
I'd simply like
to know more about her.
You ain't the only one, Stretcho.
I think Torchy here has the hots
for that wacko redhead. Whoa!
You and Reed have been all over me
about this for a week!
- Now just back off, you hear!
- Oh, touchy, touchy.
Johnny, wait.
Nice work, you two.
Can't you see
he feels bad enough already?
Why don't you lay off the kid?
"The kid. "
That's just what they all treat me like,
a little kid.
Even my own sister.
Susie still thinks
she has to fight my battles for me,
If it isn't the carrot-topped girl
of my dreams.
Just keep driving. Faster!
It's a matter of my life and death.
You can stow the blaster, Red.
[tires screech]
Any pretty lady who wants
a little joyride in this buggy
has just gotta ask.
[tires screech]
It seems like this new
super-padded exercise room
is pretty good therapy, huh, Ben?
Yeah, nice cookin'.
You know, Stretcho.
I been meaning to tell you.
Well, you know, about
what I almost did last week.
- I know, Ben.
- Yeah, well, I wasn't myself.
The Wizard messed with my mind.
- I'd never hurt you or Susie.
- Aw, forget it, Ben.
Friends never need to apologize.
Especially best friends.
Hey, isn't it kinda amazing
how this new hyper-elasticized fabric
can absorb just about anything?
- [rumbling]
- What the?
Comes with a built-in reverb,
too, huh?
Hey, some bigfoot's
wreckin' my rec room!
It's walking right up
the side of our building.
But I can't see who Ow!
Just as well, Stretcho.
When I'm done with our wacky wallwalker,
there won't be enough left
for a positive I.D.
Reed! Our new building.
Construction insurance
ain't gonna cover this kind of thing!
Bigfoot is coppin' our chopper.
And he's damaged the Fantasticar
so we can't follow!
Yeah, all our vehicles have
"Trash Me" painted on them lately.
Hey, ah, you mind cluein' me in
on what's goin' on?
Guess what, Red. Corny as this sounds,
we're outta gas. [gasps]
- Is this a trap?
- Trap?
Lady, last time I looked,
you're the one holdin' the blaster.
You know, kidnappin' me
could land you in the slammer
along with the Wizard
and your other pals.
But you really seem too nice,
not to mention too pretty, for that.
How'd you get hooked up
with those losers, anyhow?
Oh! It seems like so long ago.
I found myself in Paris,
stealing just to stay alive.
But when the French police
had finally tracked me down,
the Wizard arrived and distracted them
long enough for me to escape.
When the Wizard asked me to join
what became the Frightful Four,
I readily accepted.
I felt I owed him that much.
And I was tired of being so alone.
You said you found yourself in Paris.
- Where do you really come from?
- I I don't know.
I have no memory
of anything before that.
And yet I've always sensed
that someone is after me,
following me everywhere,
even here to America.
Listen, why don't you let me help?
Trust me. After all, I let you escape
back at the warehouse.
Let me escape? Madam Medusa
needs no help from an insolent youth!
Oh, so you're coppin' that
I'm-just-a-kid attitude, too?
This kid's gettin' a little steamed at
havin' that blaster stuck in his face.
The vacuum pellet temporarily drains
the oxygen from around you, Torch.
You deliberately missed me
with your flame.
Well, no matter. By the time
you recover, I will be safely gone.
Though we met as enemies, there is
much kindness in you, Johnny Storm.
Medusa! I've waited too long,
searched too far, to fail now!
Who are you?
Flame on!
I always liked hot cars but
Why don't you consider
putting the lady down, hammer toes?
Meddlesome human! Your attempt
to protect Medusa is futile!
- Stop!
- Gorgon takes orders from no one!
Hey, and now that buggy
looks awfully familiar.
Well, stolen gyrocopter or not,
I should still be able
to catch him unless
he uses the new turbo-chargers
I installed.
Not another pellet!
I'm gonna have to start
takin' out fire insurance!
Gotta jump-start my flame.
10,000 volts oughta do it!
Lucky me brain-in-law Reed
made our costumes insulated.
Houston Control, we have ignition!
- Gorg
- Gorgon!
Yes, it is I, Medusa.
Did you think you could flee Attilan
and elude us for ever?
Attilan? I don't know of any Atti
Wait! Attilan!
It's all coming back to me now.
What happened before Paris.
Who I am.
Where I really come from.
Oh, Gorgon
Foolish human! Trying to rescue you
will only ensure his doom!
Flame's still too weak to catch 'em!
But I can still sunburn
those turbo-chargers
with concentrated beams
of ultraviolet rays!
- [rattling]
- We're losing power.
Bingo! Now, gotta pour it on!
Really feel the burn!
Torch! No! Don't!
- Relax, Red. I won't burn ya!
- Release me!
You don't know what you're doing.
Yeah, it's a good thing
he never stomped his size 18s
into our air-jet hangar.
- Gorgon followed me around the worid
- Listen, lady! You gotta trust me!
This kid's gonna help you
whether you want it or not.
Aw, man. Those vacuum pellets
really took some fuel outta my furnace.
I may have to join
Flame Losers Anonymous!
Reed! Look!
Whoa, Susie. Nice drivin'.
Course. I'm the one who got you
off training wheels, remember?
Ha, ha.
Well, congratulations, shrimp!
You finally caught
this carrot-topped crook!
And only one week behind schedule. Gee!
You don't understand.
I am not a criminal.
- Release me or you will be
- Destroyed!
Just can't hold onto a gal,
eh, junior?
Well, let Old Blue Eyes
show you how heroes do it.
- What? That ugly creature
- Ugly, huh?
We'll see how pretty you look
after I finish stuffin'
those clodhoppers of yours
into your mouth.
Arrogant monster.
Show some respect
for the idol of millions!
[snorts, grunts]
To battle Gorgon is futile, Ben Grimm!
His powerful kick can topple anything!
Well, I ain't just any Thing, lady.
I'm the ever-lovin', blue-eyed,
clobberin', flavored original!
The roof's so torn up,
we can't land there!
But my force field can.
Take the controls.
- What is this?
- Agh!
- Never felt such force
- Darling!
Now you did it! You hurt Susie,
you two-bit grapestomper.
- Gorgon! Wait!
- Relax, sister.
This'll only hurt him for a year or two.
Idle threats do not impress Gorgon.
You're just in time
for a little roof-rumblin'.
Oh, and some light clobberin'.
Stop all this destruction, Gorgon!
All this destruction is because of you.
You who fled the Great Refuge
to live among lowly humans.
I didn't flee.
It was Maximus' doing!
He erased my memory
and sent me to the human worid.
Maximus the Mad?
Ah, now the puzzle makes sense.
Well, I'm glad
you like a good puzzle, buddy.
Because I'm gonna rearrange your pieces!
Enough! Medusa must be returned
where she belongs!
It is forbidden for our race
to mingle with mere humans.
- Their race?
- Mere humans?
Ha, ha, ha.
Pal, you better get your eyes checked!
- Wait, we should try to
- Enough with you meddlers!
[all scream]
- Thought I'd take the express.
- I'm going to find Medusa!
Johnny, maybe Medusa
doesn't want to be found.
Oh, she'll change her tune
once she gets to know me.
Johnny, wait!
Your flame powers are still too weak.
Think so? Well, just watch my smoke!
Old hot-and-bothered
just can't seem to
Burn that redhead
out of his hair
She is a fascinating woman.
You don't say.
Oh, why in a purely scientific
way, of course, darling.
Oh, yes, of course.
Okay, down, boys.
We'd better find that brother of mine
before he gets in more trouble
than he can burn his way out of.
No sign of 'em down there.
You'd think with gunboats like his,
Gorgon would stick out like a sore toe.
Yes! Ha, ha!
When you're hot, you're hot.
Uh-oh, but I'm not.
I'm still not up to full steam yet.
I hate it when Reed's right.
Better save my strength. Who knows
what could be hiding down there?
- [gasps]
- Whoa! A girl.
And a real looker too.
Hello. Are you lost?
- No, stay away!
- Hey, hey, chill!
I just want to talk.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Whoa! What happened?
Hey, where'd you go?
Oh, man, Torch,
you must be losin' your touch.
Beautiful, mysterious ladies keep
slippin' right through your fingers.
No! Go away!
They must not find you!
- They who?
- Goodbye.
What are you,
some kinda pyromaniac?
Fire's not the recommended way
to get rid of me.
- But how do you?
- You have hidden powers!
- You are one of us!
- Uh right
One of you.
That's what I've been trying to say.
How wonderful.
My name is Crystal.
- What is yours?
- I'm the Human Torch.
But my friends call me Johnny.
Johnny Storm.
I would like to be your friend,
Johnny Storm.
No problem there!
Say, what are you doing
all alone here
down in this rundown place?
Oh, but I'm not alone.
Lockjaw's with me!
Lockjaw, eh?
Is that like measles?
- [sniffs]
- Oh!
Don't be silly.
Everyone knows Lockjaw!
- Isn't he the sweetest?
- Yeah. Like sugar.
What the?
Lockjaw thinks it's time
I returned home.
Lockjaw thinks
Hey, where'd he go?
Oh, he's always doing that.
Come on.
I'd like you to meet my family.
I get the feeling
I'm not in Kansas any more.
Black Bolt made this place for us
so we could live safely
in this strange city
while we searched for my sister.
Don't tell me, that's Black Bolt?
No. That's my cousin Karnak.
Shh! He has the power to find
the weakest point in any object.
- And destroy it.
- Among other talents.
- Must come in handy.
- This is Johnny Storm.
- He too has a hidden power.
- Put it there, Karnak.
Hmm. Your center of gravity
is about here!
[laughs] Please forgive my cousin.
He likes to show off.
- Oh, here are the others.
- Gorgon! Medusa!
You interfering fool!
Why can't you leave us in peace,
You know my sister, Medusa?
Sister?! I should've figured.
What are you guys?
Some kind of race
of super-powered beings?
Foolish child! You know it is forbidden
for Inhumans to mingle with outsiders.
You got a problem,
take it up with me!
The problem is
you have discovered us!
And you cannot be allowed
to live and tell about it!
- Johnny!
- Hey.
No matter! He cannot escape!
- No!
- You were deceived, Crystal.
- He is not an Inhuman.
- Do not let the boy be harmed!
- He once befriended me!
- Flame on!
Gotta find Reed before those Inhumans
can pull their disappearing act again!
He's gone.
When Black Bolt learns of this,
his anger will be unimaginable!
Johnny's belt signal seems to be coming
from that deserted part of town.
You can turn off
that crackerjack prize of yours.
Here comes the flyin' matchstick now!
Looks like he just won the lottery.
I found Gorgon and Medusa.
And Crystal,
the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
What? You ditched the redhead already,
lover boy?
She's Medusa's sister, you big brick.
There's a whole race of Inhumans
down below.
So that's what they call themselves.
We're wastin' time.
Crystal could be gone by now.
Crystal. Sounds like the only one gone
is my baby brother.
That's where I blasted out.
Their hiding place is down there.
- You know what to do, Karnak.
- The weakest point is here.
Did you hear something?
It's Gorgon and the other one's Karnak!
Black Bolt! The time has come!
And who's this Black Bolt clown, Sparky?
I dunno.
He's the only one I haven't met.
Black Bolt, huh?
Well, la-di-dah!
Let's see if he can handle
an orange bolt! Ha, ha.
- He floored Ben with one punch.
- But that's impossible!
The Thing's the strongest human alive.
Well, maybe he's just met
the new number one.
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