Floor Is Lava (2020) s02e03 Episode Script

Moms vs Dads

[dramatic music playing]
I'm here in the Haunted Attic
taking the gramophone for a spin.
We're about to break records,
and hopefully
that's the only thing that breaks,
because it's time
for the hottest game show
involving three teams, one room,
and 90,000 gallons of lava,
Floor Is Lava!
Can someone please turn this thing off?
[Rutledge] First up, these dads give
a whole new meaning to father figures.
It's Steve, and Craig, and Jeff.
[all] Dad Bods rule!
[Craig] We got
a bit of extra layers of fat.
You guys want to see it?
No, no, no, no, no.
Families are watching. No, no, no.
In this setting right now,
I'm the team leader.
-And you make a good leader.
-Oh, thank you.
I work out
and I stay active with four kids.
I'm the one who's keeping everyone
in line, and getting it all together.
I guess I'm more of the strategist.
I'm the oldest of the group
and so I'm a little wiser and smarter,
so I… I like to analyze things.
I played rugby
over in Australia for a little bit.
Keep running after kids,
so it keeps the heart rate going.
-You got enough kids? [chuckling]
-Yeah. Five's good. Five's good.
I've run across the Sahara Desert.
I've done the Marathon des Sables.
I've climbed up Everest.
Did a 100-mile race
up to the base camp there.
And I got five kids,
so I've got endurance.
Ten-thousand dollars.
That's a lot of cash.
-[Craig] Yeah.
-How much is a vasectomy? [chuckling]
You know, we can't afford to lose.
All this chest hair being burned,
it doesn't smell great.
We've gotta do everything we can
not to fall in that lava.
-Piece of cake.
-Oh, my goodness!
-Holy cow!
What's up, fellas?
[all] Hey, Rutledge!
Looking good. I thought you'd wear shirts.
[Rutledge] Well, Dad Bods,
to get through the Haunted Attic,
you'll need to creep
across headless mannequins,
knock down paint cans to tilt a mirror
and carve out a path to the other side,
or scale some spooky family portraits
to cross entangled Christmas lights,
and take a chilling ride toward the exit.
But a spin on this dusty gramophone
will tune you into
one of three exit passes
you'll all need to grab
to make it out the door.
And make sure you get as many of you
out of the room as you can,
because only the top two teams
will make it to the volcano
and go head-to-head for $10,000!
[Rutledge] Oh, there is one rule.
It's very important,
I can't stress this enough.
Don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
[Steve] Oh my God!
[Craig whooping]
All right! Yeah!
-[Jeff] Yeah!
-Let us know if you need help there, Jeff.
[all laughing]
-[Steve] Jeff, are you okay?
-[Craig] I got you, buddy!
[Rutledge] Jeff,
if you're the oldest and the wisest,
that's bad news for the rest of the dads.
-Dude, are you gonna be okay on those?
-I got it.
-All right. These are a bit slippery.
-All right. You got it?
I don't know!
[intense music playing]
-Craig, are you good?
-Oh, crap.
How you gonna get from there to there?
I have no idea! I'm gonna--
-[mannequin squeaking]
[Jeff] Hey. Quit playing around.
This is serious time, Craig.
[Craig] All right.
[Steve] What are you doing, Jeff?
-[Jeff] Is this doing anything?
-Oh, you made it worse!
[Rutledge] Oh, booby trap!
-[Steve] Craig, do we need to switch?
-No. I got it.
[Rutledge] Craig, looks like you're
having a mid-course crisis.
Meanwhile, like a good dad,
Jeff's taking on
the spider webs in the attic
and making good headway
to the door on the other side of the room.
[Craig] Yeah, baby!
[Rutledge] Oh, Craig with the stretch!
Oh, man! This dad bod
wasn't meant for that spread.
-All right. Got it?
-All right.
Yeah. You gotta get the next one now.
[Rutledge] There it… Yes.
Yes, Craig, good lean.
[Craig] Whoo!
Oh, crap.
I am going…
[Steve] You got this, man.
Yeah, baby!
[Rutledge] Oh,
paint cans are off, the mirror is up.
That opens a path for Steve
to make his way across the room.
All right, Steve.
[Steve] Oh, my gosh!
[Jeff] Steve's gonna jump!
-All right, guys, I'm going!
-You got it!
[suspenseful music playing]
-[Craig] Whoo-hoo!
-[Jeff] Nice!
Hey-o! Look what I got!
-[Rutledge] The first exit pass.
-[Craig] Yeah!
I'm out of here!
[Rutledge] Now all you have to do
is get out of the room.
[Steve] Careful, bud.
[mirror creaking]
[Craig] Whoa!
Craig, we're on the clock here.
You gotta keep going.
I know, I know. Okay. I gotta go.
What's your… what's your plan, man?
What's your plan, Craig?
[Craig yelping]
-[Rutledge] Oh no!
Oh, Craig!
Oh no!
[Steve] Craig!
And with that, Craig is gone.
Looks like Craig's plan was more of an
early retirement to someplace very warm.
Very warm.
[Jeff] Wherever you are,
Craig, we love you!
[intense music playing]
-You all right?
-[Steve] Yeah.
-Wondering if I can make it in one swing.
-Go for it.
-[Steve] Whoo!
-[Rutledge] It's like American Dadiators.
-Now what?
-[Jeff] Jump before you get too dizzy.
-Probably that way.
-You think this way?
[Jeff] I hope so.
[Steve] I can make it
from here to that box.
[Jeff] Go for it, Steve.
I got this.
-[Steve] Oh, yeah.
-[Rutledge] Oh, look at that!
Steve with an act of bod,
soaring over that six-foot gap.
All right, Jeff. You got that?
This is super slick.
I don't know how I can help you
except cheer you on
and tell you you're a great person
and a better friend.
[Rutledge] Ah. I see you're using
the old Jedi dad trick, Steve.
The power of positive reinforcement.
[Steve] You're strong, Jeff.
You're strong.
Keep going, Jeff.
What are you thinking, buddy?
[Jeff] This is where it gets tricky.
I don't know if this is a good strategy,
but this hurts.
[Rutledge] Oh, it hurts just watching.
You're looking like
a nutcracker ornament, Jeff.
[Steve] What would you tell
your kids to do?
[Rutledge] I'd say,
"Go get Daddy some ice."
[Steve] Oh, man.
[Jeff grunting]
[Steve] Oh, yeah. You got it.
Keep going, Jeff.
I gotta get the exit… there.
[music intensifying]
-Like this!
-[Steve] Nice!
[Rutledge] The Ghost of Waistlines Past
is here to help get you to the exit, Jeff.
I'm tired.
All right. Take your time.
I'm gonna make this jump.
Nice, Steve.
You gonna kick that door open?
I'm gonna wait for you, man.
We're doing this together. Come on!
-She's gotta do something, man!
-[Jeff] I'm slipping!
-[Steve] Yeah, buddy!
[Steve] There you go. Give me your hand.
-I'm coming to you.
-[Steve] Check it. Check it.
All right. One, two, three.
All right. You do the honors.
We can't do this together.
That only happens in movies.
You got this.
[Steve] For Craig!
-[Rutledge] And he made it!
-[Steve] Yeah!
Yeah! All right, here you go.
Ready, buddy?
-[Jeff] Shoot.
-[Steve] No!
[Rutledge] Sorry, Jeff.
The spirits of the attic only allow
one person to use that chandelier.
I'm gonna have to jump.
All right! Back up.
All right. Do what you need to do.
[Jeff] Okay, ready?
One, two, three.
-[Rutledge] It's a huge jump! He makes it!
[Rutledge] So, while Craig
took a punishing time out in the lava,
Steve shaped up
and showed this dad's still got it,
leaving Jeff to overcome a hairy situation
and make it across the finish line.
-What's up?
Fellas, great job! Get on up here with me.
By working together,
these two dads got their bods out the door
for a possible trip to the volcano.
-Oh, Steve and Jeff!
-Hey! How's it going?
Wow. You guys crushed it.
Successfully made it…
-Oh, Craig! You made it!
Hey. I got you that, man
-You're a good man.
-[Rutledge] Great news.
Two of you made it out of the room,
so you have a pretty good shot
of making it to the volcano
for a shot at $10,000.
Oh, we gotta get to the volcano!
[Rutledge] Next up, these three mamas
are Queens of CrossFit.
Let's meet the Moms of Steel.
Wow. Whoa.
We are tough as nails.
We're hardcore moms
doing everything every day.
Going to work, raising kids,
working out from dawn until dusk.
One thing that we really work hard on
is our bodies of steel.
We've just bonded as moms, as athletes.
[Rebecca] Rosanna's the captain.
She's the leader.
I've been competing
pretty much my whole life.
Competitive gymnast,
competitive track athlete.
[Kelly] I'm the navigator.
I love puzzles and I like
trying to solve escape rooms.
[Rebecca] I am a kindergarten teacher
and I know all about procedures and rules,
and that is why
I will not go into the lava.
We're very strong, we're very poised,
we're very balanced,
we're very competitive.
[woman grunting]
We pretty much have it all.
And all of the other teams
are going into the lava.
Into the lava.
[Rebecca] Oh, okay.
-[Rosanna] Oh, wow!
-[Kelly] Okay.
Hey, Moms of Steel!
[all] Hi!
All right.
Y'all claim to be the Queens of CrossFit,
but let's see
if you can cross the Haunted Attic
and do well enough
to advance to the volcano.
Oh, there's one final rule.
Don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
[Kelly] Right. We're… we're going.
All right. Here we go.
[intense music playing]
[Rutledge] Oh, Rosanna's pretty sharp.
Not falling for that false-top box.
I guess mothers know best.
-That's what happened to me!
-[Steve] And you fell in, though.
It's just an empty thing.
[Rutledge] I know you're gonna
be happy when you see the playback
and see how your arms looked
hanging on that.
[Rebecca] Okay, Rosanna. You got it!
But I don't know if your arms
will ever look as good as Rosanna's.
-[Craig] Love the burn!
-[Rutledge] Shredded.
Rebecca, get to that rope.
I don't know that I can make those jumps.
That's my concern.
Like, I'm wondering
if there's a better way.
For Rebecca, barbells, not a problem,
but those mannequins I hear are tricky.
-[all chuckling]
-A little bit.
[Rutledge] Look at that. Rosanna's halfway
across the room in, like, 30 seconds.
We could be screwed.
I can't get over there!
[chuckling] Unless the rope is gone!
[Rutledge] She's right. She needs Rebecca
to make her way across the mannequins
to knock off those paint cans
like Craig did for Steve.
And look at that face of confidence.
[Kelly] Oh, Rebecca.
[Rutledge] It's not on Rebecca,
but someone's got one.
[all laughing]
It is slick.
-[Kelly] Nice, Rosanna!
-[Rebecca] Take your time.
[Rosanna] Come on, Rebecca!
[Rebecca] Whoa!
-[all] Oh!
-Nice, Rebecca!
-Good job! Whoo!
[Kelly] Whoo!
Hey. I'm just hanging out
on the lights, you guys.
[Rutledge] Nice work, Rebecca.
She's released the cans
and freed the mirror for Kelly.
-Look at her! Spider-Woman.
-She's crushing it.
[Steve] Unbelievable. Two different ropes.
[Kelly] Keep going! Keep going!
[Jeff] Oh, man. She's killing it.
[Rutledge] Look at that.
[Rosanna grunting]
[Rosanna straining, grunting]
So far they're ahead of us.
I got a patch!
[team cheering]
[eerie vocalizing]
[Rutledge] And the ghost is down,
bringing Rosanna one step closer
to getting out of the room.
Getting nervous? Feel it, don't you?
They're way faster than we were.
[Rosanna] Go, Rebecca!
[Rutledge] This next leap did you in,
Craig, but will Rebecca land it?
[Kelly] Land on your knees. You got it.
[Rebecca] Whoa!
Oh, no! She made the jump!
[Rutledge] Rebecca nails it,
while Craig's jump
was just like his dad bod,
wobbly in the midsection
with a quick descent.
All right. What do I do? Just a big jump?
You're like a flying squirrel.
-Flying squirrel.
-[Rebecca] Flying squirrel.
-[Kelly] Yes!
-[Rutledge] There we go.
-[Kelly] I got it! I got an exit pass!
-[Rebecca] Nice job!
Just get ready
because it's gonna tilt down.
They are kicking butt right now.
We could be in big trouble.
-[Rosanna] Do I ride this?
-[Kelly] Yeah. Ride it!
You got it!
-[eerie vocalizing]
-[Kelly] Whoo! You got it!
[Dad Bods exclaiming]
[Kelly] You got it. You got it.
[Rebecca] Yes! Nice, Rosanna.
Good job, Rosanna.
Whoops! [chuckling]
I think this is a better place
for me right now.
Do you think I should jump here
or go back around the room?
-[Kelly] That way.
-This way?
Yeah, because you can get
to the turntable.
[Rutledge] Team navigator Kelly
directing Rebecca to the gramophone
to pick up the exit pass.
-Ugh. I don't know.
-[Kelly] Come on, Rebecca. You got it!
[Rosanna] You can jump
from there to the big one. Yes.
-From here to there?
-[Rosanna] Yes, you can.
-[Kelly] You can do it.
-[Rosanna] You got it.
-[Kelly] You need to.
-[Rosanna] You got it.
-[Kelly] You can do it.
-[Rosanna] Come on, Rebecca.
-[Kelly] Flying squirrel. Easy peasy.
-Moms of Steel, let's go.
-[Kelly] You got it! You got it!
-I don't know. I'm scared.
-[Rosanna] Commit! Commit!
-I'm nervous.
-I feel like I should go around.
-[Kelly] Let's go.
-[Rosanna] Kelly, go!
-[Kelly] I'm about to go!
[Rosanna] You do yours, go!
-There you go.
-[Jeff] Nice!
-[Rosanna] Yeah, Kelly!
-[Jeff] Yes!
-[Rosanna] Kelly, that was awesome!
Oh, there you go!
No, no, no, no! Go back! Go back!
[all clamoring]
[Rutledge] Oh, there you go.
Come on. Just like that, Kelly! Yes!
-[Rosanna] Yes!
-[Rutledge] She makes it!
-Nice job!
-[Rutledge] There you go.
Oh, my gosh. They are a powerhouse team.
I'm worried about you guys.
I gotta jump there, right?
[Rutledge] If Rosanna
can make it to the box,
that is an easy swing
out the door once you're there.
That chair reclines,
so that is a tricky jump.
[Kelly] Come on! You can do it!
[Rosanna screaming] Oh my God.
-[Rutledge] Oh, she makes it!
-[Steve] Oh!
[Kelly] Whoo! She did it!
Impressive. Impressive.
[Rutledge] That's a five-foot jump.
Rebecca's all about rules and regulations.
I hope she understands the law of gravity.
-[Kelly] Go! Yes! You did it!
-[Rosanna] Go, Rebecca!
Look at that leap.
-Oh, no!
-Yeah. Rebecca made that one.
-I'm going for it.
[Rutledge] All she's gotta do
is swing out the door and she's free.
They're making this look so easy.
[Rebecca] You can do it.
[Rosanna] Whoo.
[all clamoring]
-[Kelly] No!
-[Craig] Yes!
-[both laughing]
-[Kelly] Oh, no!
-Oh my goodness!
-Did you see that?
Did you see it? Take a look again!
Probably not a bright idea
to hang from those light bulbs.
They popped right off and so did she.
-I feel bad for her.
-[Steve] Oh, no.
But not really.
Guys, if one more mom falls in,
you are moving on to the volcano.
[intense music playing]
You got it, Kelly! Go for it!
[Kelly grunting]
-[Rebecca] No!
-[all clamoring]
Yes, baby!
You are moving on to the volcano!
Looks like the workout playlist
coming from the gramophone
wasn't enough to carry Kelly.
Now it's all up to Rebecca.
The only exit pass left
is right in the center of the gramophone.
She's gotta make
this five-foot jump to get there.
I can do it. I can do it.
Here goes nothing.
[suspenseful music playing]
[all] Oh!
[Rutledge] And she's got her exit pass!
Whoo-hoo! Exit pass!
[intense music playing]
[Rutledge] This next jump was too much
for Kelly, but can Rebecca land it?
-Oh, no!
-[all clamoring]
[Rutledge] Oh!
Oh, she got the exit pass!
-And then exited the competition.
[Rutledge] Three exit passes,
but zero exits for the Moms of Steel.
It'll be up to our final team
to determine who faces off at the volcano.
-Oh, hey!
-[Rosanna chuckling]
-What's up, you guys?
-[all clamoring]
I'm so sorry. The budgets are tight.
But I got… Y'all can just share…
-Thank you.
-Just share that.
-Yeah. Just a dab, right? Oh my goodness.
-[chattering indistinctly]
Ladies, that was insane.
Here's some good news.
-You got three exit passes.
[Rutledge] Those exit passes
could be an important tie-breaker.
It's all gonna come down
to how the next team does,
because these guys
got two through the door.
-So they are moving on to the volcano.
-How did that even happen?
Moms, you'll have to sweat it out
while our third team
tackles the Haunted Attic.
Let's see what you're up against.
-Meet Param, Meena, and Shilpa.
-[rock music playing]
-We are team…
-[all] BAM!
[Param] BAM stands for "Bay Area Moms,"
because we are from Bay Area,
and we are fantastic…
-[Shilpa] Moms.
We should ask our kids that.
I mean, they would never
cop up to the fact that we're wonderful.
[Param] We met playing throwball.
Throwball is an exciting game
that's played extensively in India.
[Param] It was that instant connection
because we were so competitive.
So whether it's throwball
or Floor Is Lava,
competition is 50% trash-talk,
30% attitude…
Oh my God.
…20% skill and 10% luck.
You went overboard there. You went 110.
Did I? Oh my God!
You have to keep me in check!
I'm very bad at math.
I… I'm sticking to my answer.
Floor Is Lava is war.
[all] Oh, my God!
-Hey, team BAM! How are you doing?
[all] Hey, Rutledge!
[Rutledge] Okay, ladies. You'll need
to get at least one person out of the room
or pick up all three exit passes
faster than Moms of Steel
to go up against Dad Bods
at the volcano for $10,000 dollars.
Oh, and one rule.
Just remember,
don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
[intense music playing]
My favorite part.
[all laughing]
[Shilpa] All right, go.
Careful, Meena. Careful.
-[Param] I don't know, I--
-[Shilpa] Go.
Go. Go for it. Go for it. Just jump.
There you go. Yes.
[all clamoring]
[Meena] Are you okay?
Are you there?
-You there?
-[Param] Yeah. I am there.
Yeah. She's there.
She's there. She's fine.
She's fine.
All right. You have to get on the frame.
[Rutledge] Ladies, here's the thing.
If they get one person out,
you guys are gone.
Now If no one gets out, but they
get three exit passes faster than you did,
you'll also be out of the competition.
Let's see how they do.
Meena, you gotta jump there.
[Meena] How do I jump there?
It's so slippery.
Try. Try.
Get on the frame. On the top one.
-[Rutledge] Here we go. Yeah, Meena. Oh!
-[Shilpa] Keep your feet on it.
[Rutledge] Going for it.
[Shilpa] There you go. Perfect.
Shilpa's really just telling everybody
what to do from the entrance.
Good job, Param. Careful.
[Rutledge] Yeah. There we go. Mirror's up.
[Shilpa] Get on that.
Shilpa does know
that she's gotta move, right?
-Shilpa! The exit's this way.
-[Kelly laughing]
[Rutledge] I think BAM
stands for "Barely Any Movement."
[all laughing]
Careful. Careful. Careful.
[Rutledge] Param just taking off
on the paintings, doing great.
At this rate, she might be
the first one to get out of the room.
-[Shilpa] I need to go there.
-[Meena] Where?
I need to go there
on the gramophone to get the pass.
-You need to go this way.
-I don't know how to get to the middle.
-[Shilpa] Careful, Meena!
-[all] Oh!
Oh, boy!
Uh-oh. Her foot's on fire.
Oh my gosh. That's gotta be hot.
Oh my. Careful. Careful.
[Meena] It gets gooey here.
[Shilpa] Yeah. You gotta be careful.
-[Rutledge] Ooh. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
-[Steve] Come on.
[Rebecca] Oh no.
[Rutledge] Oh my goodness. Meena.
[Meena grunting]
[all] Oh!
-Oh, my goodness.
-[Shilpa] Hold on!
[Rosanna] She saved it.
[Shilpa] Go, Param!
[Meena] Go, Param! Shilpa, go.
[Shilpa] Whoa! This is… I'll be slipping.
I… I don't think I can move that way.
[Meena] Shilpa, hold on to it.
[Shilpa] Yup.
All right.
[Meena] This is hard!
[Shilpa] Go!
[Rutledge] There you go, Meena.
At this point,
she's more familiar with these mannequins
than a department store window.
[Shilpa] I don't know how to get
on the other one. I'm not that tall.
[Meena] You have to.
[Rutledge] Both Meena and Shilpa
are ignoring the exit pass on the mirror.
That could come back to haunt them
here in the Haunted Attic.
[Shilpa] Maybe I need to go back that way.
I think that is the better way for me.
[intense music playing]
[Shilpa grunting]
-[Rosanna] Oh no.
-[Meena grunting]
-[all clamoring]
-[Rutledge] Nice landing, Meena!
Go, go, go, Param! Go!
[Param] Okay, I'm going!
Come on.
Rosanna, what's the key
to getting across these Christmas lights?
You gotta switch off.
Start on one and then you
flip around and face the other way.
[Param] Ugh! I don't know how to get…
I don't know. This is…
I need to climb this up to even get there.
Oh my God.
I know I'm wasting time. [whimpering]
Well, they're all three
still alive right now.
[Meena] Shilpa, where do I go from here?
Can you get on there?
This is too far for me to jump.
[Rutledge] So far, Param's the only one
making progress towards the exit.
[Meena] It's too far away.
I don't know how
I'm gonna get from here to there.
[all clamoring]
Good jump!
[Rutledge] Yes!
[Shilpa] You… you got exit pass?
Yes, get it!
-[Shilpa] Yes!
[Rutledge] They have one exit pass so far.
Now Team BAM is really moving.
-Oh, look at her!
-[Moms] She made it!
-[Rosanna] She's spinning.
-[Rutledge] Way to go, Meena!
-Meena with the style points.
-[Craig] Whoo!
[whimsical music playing]
I got an exit pass!
[Shilpa] Yes! Awesome! Awesome!
[Rutledge] Meena has the second exit pass,
and also has motion sickness.
-[Meena] Oh, my goodness.
-[Param] Help me!
-[eerie vocalizing]
[Param yelling]
[Rutledge] Oh, lava's trying to get her.
[Param] Ah! Come here!
[suspenseful music playing]
[Rutledge] Yeah.
Just sit, relax. Smart move.
-[peaceful music playing]
-[Param panting]
[Param] Shilpa, you need an exit pass.
This is the wrong path.
How do I go? Where do you suggest?
Shilpa, that way. That direction.
You have to go back.
How will you get the exit pass?
[Shilpa] Oh my God. Oh my goodness.
[Rutledge] Shilpa was finally
making progress,
but in order to leave the room,
she has to backtrack
to pick up that exit pass on the mirror.
Now if she can get that exit pass
faster than Rebecca,
that would put them
ahead of Moms of Steel.
But that won't matter
if Param or Meena get out of the room,
and they're getting close to the exit.
-Okay. Go, go, go! Go!
-Oh my God!
[Param yelling]
Okay, guys. I'm sorry, it's been great.
You guys are amazing.
[all clamoring]
-[Kelly] What happened?
-[Shilpa] Oh, no!
Oh my God! No!
Meena goes in!
She just couldn't find the groove
on that spinning record
and the team's trash-talker gets dumped.
-[Param] Yeah?
There's no way to go from here.
-You have to get the exit pass.
[Param] I don't know.
[Shilpa] You know what? Forget it.
[Rutledge] Shilpa finally taking
the initiative.
Right now their best bet
is for Param to make it out of the attic
to secure a spot at the volcano.
[chair squeaking]
If Param can get out of here, ladies,
you're going home.
-Go down.
-Go down.
[all chuckling]
-[Rosanna] Come on, Param.
-[Shilpa] Go!
[Rebecca] Jump!
[suspenseful music playing]
[all clamoring]
Oh my gosh. You guys are still alive.
-She almost got it too!
-You are still alive here.
It all comes down to Shilpa.
Team BAM already missed their opportunity
to get all three exit passes
faster than you, Moms of Steel,
but if she can get the exit pass
and get out of the room,
you guys are gone.
[intense music playing]
[all clamoring]
[Shilpa] All righty.
But how do you go from here?
There's nothing here.
[Rutledge] Oh, Shilpa has
some difficult options here.
She has multiple ways to get
to that mirror, and none of them are easy.
[tense music playing]
You know what?
[all clamoring]
-[Rutledge] And just like that!
Moms of Steel, congratulations!
-You are going on to the volcano.
Oh my goodness.
Team BAM came up one exit pass short.
The Dad Bods and the Moms of Steel
are about to wage war for $10,000
and the Floor Is Lava Lamp at the volcano!
[tense music playing]
[Moms of Steel] Whoo!
[all exclaiming]
Oh, yeah!
[all cheering]
-[Craig] Oh, yeah!
-[Rebecca] Oh my God.
How are we gonna do this?
-Dad Bod's going down!
-Dad Bod's going down!
-[Rosanna] Oh my gosh!
-[Rutledge] Oh my goodness!
-Moms of Steel.
-[Craig] Oh, yeah.
Moms of Steel and Dad Bods.
We've got ourselves
a real Parent Trap here.
[Rutledge] It's the ultimate battle
at the volcano,
and no parental supervision
is needed here.
First, you gotta get across the roof,
scale that treacherous volcano,
then each of you must grab a rock
and cap the volcano
before the other team does.
And if you do,
you're gonna win, uh, I don't know…
Ten thousand dollars!
[all cheering]
And the Floor Is Lava lamp.
-Bring it home, Dad Bods!
-The real prize.
Now, there is one rule,
and it's the most important one.
Don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
-[Rutledge] Get going! Go for it!
-[all cheering]
-[Rutledge] All right. Dad Bods are off.
-[Steve] Let's go!
[Rutledge] They are moving fast.
Swinging their bods to the other side.
[Craig grunting]
[Rutledge] There we go.
Moms of Steel on the move. Okay.
Dad Bods are on the roof
and they are rolling.
[Steve] I got you.
I got you, buddy.
All right. All three Dad Bods are
making it off the chimney. There you go.
-It's slippery!
-[Rebecca] Got it?
There we go, Moms of Steel.
Dad Bods really working
as a team to catch each other,
keeping themselves out of the lava.
Moms of Steel catching up.
[indistinct chatter]
[Rutledge] There we go.
Moms of Steel gotta turn it up.
Dad Bod's are on the move.
There you go, Moms of Steel.
[Steve] I got it. I got it.
[Rutledge] Now that all three dads
have made it to their platform,
they can start their climb.
This is where it gets hard.
[Jeff] Stay with me.
-[Steve] Are you good?
-[Jeff] Not yet! Not yet!
[Rosanna] You got it, Kelly.
[Kelly] Whoo!
-[Craig] Yeah, left foot.
-[Rebecca] You got it.
[Kelly] Come on, Rosanna!
[Rutledge] Rosanna's
gotta get over there. Come on.
-This time is gonna eat them alive.
-Jump right here.
[Rutledge] There we go. Ooh!
And she's made it.
They're gonna start climbing now.
But they need to get a move on,
because Jeff is already at the platform,
and he's got the rope.
[Jeff] You got it? You good?
[Steve] Yeah. Oh, that's so slippery.
[indistinct chatter]
[Rutledge] Moms of Steel
still struggling at the base
and Jeff already has the first rock.
Dad Bods in front right now,
but don't count the Moms of Steel out.
[Rutledge] Jeff is already at the top.
He's getting that first stone in.
It's going in!
[Rutledge] There it is!
Dad Bods got their first rock in.
Throw us the rope.
-[Craig] Yeah, baby!
-[Rutledge] Look at that.
Moms of Steel have the rope down.
They are catching up now.
-Come on, Moms.
-[Jeff] Come on. They're coming.
[Rutledge] Oh my gosh! That was close,
but Kelly's still holding on to the rope.
She's not out yet.
[intense music playing]
Rebecca's at the top, but she didn't
bring the rock with her!
Oh no!
The rock is right at her feet,
but she needs to place it on top.
[Kelly] Okay, Rosanna!
[Rutledge] And Craig has his rock,
but he's struggling.
-[Steve] Get down, Craig. Get down.
-[Rutledge] Now Rebecca has her rock.
[Craig] Okay. Move out of the way.
[Rutledge] Craig and Rebecca
both get their rocks in!
Rosanna's gotta hurry.
[Jeff] There you go, Steve. You got this.
Take your time. Take your time.
[Rutledge] Dad Bods
going for their third rock.
Moms of Steel need a miracle!
-[Rebecca] Get it up here!
-We got it!
-[Dad Bods] Yeah!
-[Rutledge] The Dad Bods!
-The Dad Bods have done it! Unbelievable!
-[Jeff] Dad Bods!
Sure, you might not be as strong
or as good looking as the Moms of Steel…
No way, baby.
…but, boy, you guys made it!
[Dad Bods] Whoo-hoo!
Wait. Does that mean
the girls have to go down the slide?
-[Rutledge] Yes. It does.
[dramatic music playing]
[screaming in distorted voice]
[screaming in distorted voice]
[Dad Bods] Yeah!
[Rutledge] Dad Bods!
The victory for
sort-of-in-shape dads everywhere!
You did it, you three.
You just won $10,000
and the Floor Is Lava lamp.
[Dad Bods cheering]
-[Craig] Where is that thing?
-There it is!
Oh, yes! Get it!
[Rutledge] Behold its glory!
-[Jeff] Oh, look at that thing!
-[Steve] Hold it up.
-Yeah, baby!
There it is. How crazy was that?
It reminds me I need to call my parents.
But first, more Floor Is Lava.
Sorry, Mom and Dad. I love you.
I'll call you later. Congratulations!
[Dad Bods] Yeah!
[rock music playing]
Stand with me ♪
Shine your light ♪
Burning red ♪
Illuminate tonight ♪
Burning red ♪
Burning red ♪
Burning red ♪
Glory tonight ♪
[music fades]
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