Four More Shots Please (2019) s02e03 Episode Script

Spring Cleaning

Sometimes we need Marie Kondo
in our lives.
You just have to get rid of the junk
you've created over the years.
No matter how much it hurts.
Sam, breakfast is ready.
We've got freshly cut mangoes.
And to top it off
gluten free muesli
that too with almond milk.
-Kale and mango. It's your favorite.
-No. Excuse me.
"Why don't people's hearts tell
them to continue to follow their dreams?
The boy asked the Alchemist.
Because that's what
makes a heart suffer most.
And hearts don't like to suffer."
Baby, finish your milk quickly.
Mama's getting late for a meeting.
Mama, it's not hot-hot.
Baby, until last week
you refused to drink it hot!
-Mama said "shit."
Mama said "shit."
Oh, God. Radha! Finally!
Surprise! Coffee?
You're not Radha.
Oh, God. I'm so late.
And Radha hasn't shown up.
Listen, I can wait
with Arya till she comes.
-Are you sure?
-What is this? Of course.
-Are you sure?
-I owe you one.
-It's a building.
More? More Lego?
My God.
-Bye, baby.
-Give a kissy to Mama.
Have a good day.
Mama said "shit".
That's because she's constipated.
My mother started Ekalay
fifteen years ago in Solan
as a weaver cooperative.
She began with just nine women
from Solan and Chail.
And today, we have
seventy women working with us.
The weaves come directly
from these women.
Our designers then
transform it into wearable fashion.
50% of the profit goes
directly to the weaver co-op.
Oh, that's nice.
Anjana, if you take a look
at this design
it is a traditional,
typical Himachali weave.
This was made by Nayantara Devi in 2010.
She's one of our finest weavers
and one of the first to come on board.
And now the multi billion
French fashion house Adalene SA
has practically lifted the entire design.
Not to mention the color.
They are so shameless.
They haven't even
Same color, same pattern,
same everything.
Yeah, look at it.
You can clearly say
this is not an inspiration.
They have plagiarized our design.
The designs look exactly the same.
Except for the fact that
they're selling it for how much?
-Two thousand dollars.
I mean that's a lakh and a half.
Can you imagine?
We were selling it for what?
-We sold it for 4,000 rupees.
-4,000 rupees.
It's daylight robbery.
Look, we just want them to publicly
acknowledge their mistake
and apologize for their theft.
I mean, Nayantara should get her
due credit and compensation, right?
We cannot let them off the hook
so easily.
And that's why we've come to you, Anjana.
Your reputation precedes you.
Only you can win this case for us.
You are our last hope
and Nayantara's as well.
Can you please, please
take this case for us?
I'll see what I can do.
Pro bono.
Well, this is a law firm, Anjana.
Not an NGO.
But there is something called
corporate social responsibility.
It's a straightforward case of plagiarism.
-Ekalay will win hands down.
-Is that so easy?
Adalene SA will arrive with forty of the
world's best lawyers.
And Ekalay will have just you.
Just me is good enough, Vinil.
I know I can win this case
because I believe in their cause.
Their cause. But their cause
doesn't pay for my Range Rover,
your kid's fee or your salon trips, ma'am.
Salon trips? Really?
Vinil, the media will be
all over this case
and our firm will benefit
from the publicity.
The firm? Or you?
Women are such bleeding hearts.
Probably that's why most CEOs are men.
Nearly 40% of Indian girls
are forced to
drop out of school or college
by their families.
Maybe that's why most CEOs are men.
If you say so.
Bye. Good night.
Are you serious?
And that gentlemen, was the
elephant in the room.
You know, it reminds me of
my time in Delhi.
Hey, Anjana.
Did I just walk into the men's
locker room by mistake?
Oh, come on!
I'll get you a drink.
No. I don't want to intrude on
your private party. I was just leaving.
I just assumed that all
the ladies had left
to get back home to their
husbands and children.
Come, I'll get you a drink.
Celebrate Vikram's promotion with us.
The official announcement
will happen tomorrow.
But Vikram is now a junior partner.
Cheers to Vikram!
Cheers, mate!
Have a drink.
No, thanks.
Can we just talk for a second?
Vinil, Ratan had promised me
this promotion.
Ratan is in Singapore now.
I'm in charge here now and I felt
Vikram is better qualified.
But how?
I have been at this firm much longer.
I'm a senior associate.
He's a junior associate.
He has never worked with a big client.
He'll do it, Anjana.
He's got the potential.
Now, come on.
Pour yourself a drink.
So guys
you know, I'm reminded
of this incident that happened
Arya baby, did you make this?
-Oh! Hi!
This Vinil plays it so smart.
In a way that no one can ever call him
out for his misogyny.
Such a bastard.
I'm seething with rage.
I really don't know what to do.
Listen, Anj don't worry.
You have the big clients anyway, right?
Like Titus Tech.
You got them to the firm.
You're way ahead of the Vikram, Anj.
Aren't you getting late?
Don't you need to get home?
Fuck, man!
I had to buy groceries for
Umang and Samara.
It's a full lock-down there.
Umang is not leaving Samara
for a minute.
Not even when she pees.
Listen, I don't want to leave you
like this.
Dee, you're wasting
all your effort and research.
Please go and work.
I don't know what's happened to me.
There's like a big fog in my brain.
What to do?
You're going to win a Pulitzer
for your procrastination.
Not for procrastination.
I'll get one for my book.
The one you're writing in Legoland?
Darling, it's Aparna Sahukar.
Long time.
I know, Aparna.
How are you?
Absolutely great.
And what about you?
How far have you reached with
your book?
You know about the book?
Everyone knows, darling.
And they also know that your book
will be just like you.
Absolutely sensational.
Thank you. Wow.
Before some other publisher
decides to kidnap you,
I thought I'd call you.
Promise me that you'll bring your
manuscript to Adelphi Books first.
Are you serious?
Oh, my God. Thank you so much!
Thank you!
I've known you since you were a child.
I feel like I have rights on your book.
And you!
Of course you do, Aparna.
Wow. I don't know what to say.
Thank you so much.
So then, I look forward to reading it.
And yes
tell your mother I asked about her.
I will. Thank you.
I'll see you soon.
-Bye. Take care.
Samara, you have to learn to
talk about your feelings.
And Umang's here with you in
therapy today.
Would you like to tell her
how you feel?
So Umang
I I'm happy.
Samara, you don't look happy.
Are you taking your medication
on time?
I have never seen you take
any medicines.
That's because I haven't been taking it.
But I've been giving you prescriptions
for three months.
I don't need them.
I'm doing yoga.
I'm meditating.
I'm I'm eating well.
Not really.
Getting out of bed every morning
is tough on you.
I've seen you struggle.
Samara, you are
a high functioning bipolar.
And this isn't a recent development.
This has been the case
since you were 24.
You need these stabilizers.
No, I'm not taking the pills.
Sam, it's fine.
We'll face them together.
I can't.
Okay, I have an idea.
Come on.
Just jump.
Trust me.
Why didn't you tell me?
About bipolar or your pills?
I've been doing this on my own
too long.
I'm used to fighting my battles alone.
battles can be fought alone but
you can't win them on your own.
If you want to win, you need an army.
I'm right here.
You've got this.
Just jump, Sam.
Come on!
Let's go.
Come on.
One leg.
Hang on, hang on.
You have to come on me okay?
-Easy. Give me your hands.
Both your hands on my shoulders.
And slowly, legs down.
-Yeah, you got it.
It's awesome.
-Mama, Aunt Pookie ate a baby.
Dada said Aunt Pookie has a
baby in tummy.
Why she ate a baby, Mama?
Is it baby chicken?
But, why she ate baby chicken?
Dada said baby will kick.
We didn't want you to find out
this way.
We didn't want to tell anyone
till the first trimester.
I haven't even told my parents.
I've told mine, of course.
Congratulations, guys!
This is the best news!
I'm so happy for you guys!
Oh, my God!
-Thank you!
-So happy!
Well done, tiger!
You never fire blanks.
Not that I care about Varun and
Kavya being pregnant.
I mean
I'm not
jealous or affected or something.
This was inevitable.
I don't want either.
Neither kids nor Varun.
Arjun actually wants to have
a family with me.
But I don't want it.
Are you not feeling bad?
I mean, he put his sperm inside
another womb.
And then he ejaculated kaboom!
You just made it sound so dirty!
Listen Anj, he came inside her without
protection while she was ovulating.
That dirty boy.
Anj, you know what I'm thinking?
Arya will have a sibling who will
look nothing like you.
Yes! But Arya's sibling will look
like Arya!
They will be a family while
you'll be this aunt
who only gets invited to birthday parties.
And sometimes, out of pure sympathy, they
may take you on family Disneyland trips.
They'll shoot their boomerangs there!
And seeing them happy and at peace
Arjun will pressure you even more
to go kaboom inside you!
And guess who's going to become
a baby making machine again!
It will be this beautiful
yours and mine
and theirs and ours modern family.
How sweet, guys!
-Thank you so much!
With friends like you,
I don't need enemies!
Hey, Hormonal Patel.
We need to talk.
Oh, my God!
What is your problem?
Are you a masochist?
You like being insulted?
Or have you fallen in
love with me?
I don't get it.
You want me to be a part of your shows?
Have you completely forgotten
how I hammered you at your own show?
I uploaded that video on Instagram.
And my followers have gone crazy!
We're a hit, Hormonal!
Instagram followers?
All ten of them?
You'll be happy to know
that after uploading that video
I now have 2500 followers.
Congratulations but I'm not
a stand-up comic.
I'm a
I'm a baker.
And a a beauty blogger.
How's that working out for you?
How's puberty working out for you?
See! We have chemistry.
This is not chemistry.
This is hostility.
Every great love story
starts with conflict.
Every great love story
ends in tragedy.
Look, it's a regular gig.
I know you're a spoilt brat from
South Bombay.
But you'll get paid.
You're telling me that people
pay to watch your show? Wow!
Offers like this don't come by every day.
Think about it.
Your hormones may finally
find some balance.
Arjun's actually just great with Arya.
They just get along.
-Dee, I need to pee.
-Two minutes.
Are you and Japanese single malt
on a break?
I'm on a break with most things.
Where's Myra?
Family dinner.
She's pretty.
You look happy.
And yes, I
I am.
How's the puppy doing?
He's no longer a pup.
He's a full grown bear now!
He's huge!
maybe we should have a chat sometime.
About how things ended.
Getting late.
Book deadline, remember?
Yeah, of course.
Bye, Jeh.
The two of you are completely useless!
If Mangs was here, she would have
immediately told me
what I should do with my life.
How, when, why everything!
Was that a compliment or an insult?
For us or for Mangs?
This is why you should
do this gig, Siddhi.
Even your insults make us crack up!
Listen Siddhu,
you have a real talent.
You're the funniest person
we know at least.
And that's what we were
talking about
when we called you cute and
sweet and
What do you think?
I've tried everything from classical
music to ballet with children. So
I might as well give this a shot.
That's the spirit!
-Yes? Say it!
-Guys, I'm going to be a stand-up comic!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Stand-up comedy.
Really funny.
Where do you get these
ridiculous ideas from?
That's enough, Viju.
Stop taunting her.
Get over it.
I can't just get over it, Sneha.
What made her so insecure?
This girl has everything.
This house, chauffeur driven car,
foreign trips, credit cards.
In fact, she has too much.
So, she can't have any insecurities
because she's privileged.
Unless you're suffering from
some amnesia, you should remember
that for all these years
you kept imposing
your expectations and
judgments on Siddhi.
I was there for her.
So then, accept her now.
She was lost. She was vulnerable.
She made a mistake!
If she had problems,
she could've come to me.
Even rebellion has a limit!
This was not a rebellion, Viju.
This was Siddhi doing something
so she could finally accept herself.
If you gain weight, people will say
"Oh poor Viju, he's working so hard.
He gets no time for himself."
But if I gain weight, they'll all say
"She must sitting at home and
eating all day. Bloody fatso!"
People celebrate your work.
They applaud your success.
If a woman goes to work,
she's expected to work like
she has no family back home!
And if she stays home,
she has no time for anything else.
This is how we live.
And surprisingly, I didn't realize that
I had become a part of this system.
And made my daughter succumb
to it as well.
But I'm trying to make amends, Viju.
What are you doing?
As her best friend?
Are you angry that she did this thing
or are you upset she didn't tell
you she was doing it?
Make up your mind!
-Will you mail it to me so that I can
-You have to put in all the changes--
Mr. Singh. Mr. Khanna.
I didn't know our meeting was
scheduled for today.
Vinil Verma called us over personally.
Gentlemen, please.
Hi, Vinil Verma.
So happy to finally meet our
best clients.
-Titus Tech.
Lalwani & Jhunjhunwala
is grateful for your loyalty.
Ms. Menon has been our lawyer
for many years now.
-Where else could we go?
-Of course.
Come, please.
Let's talk in the conference room.
As you can see, Mr. Singh, this is the
new structure of your legal team
with Vikram leading the pack.
But Ms. Menon knows our case,
so we feel--
Yes, Mr. Singh, I assure you--
Actually, we're in the middle
of reshuffling the organization
and we thought that important
clients like you
should have a bigger legal team.
Bigger team?
I have five lawyers.
They will stay on, Mr. Singh.
Don't worry.
What she means is that
we're vying for your subsidiaries as well.
With Vikram leading an even
bigger team.
-Vinil, I mean, this can be--
-Gentlemen, some tea, coffee?
Anjana, could you please organize
some refreshments?
So, Mr. Singh, as I was saying that
once this new team comes into place
-Please go.
-Walk with them.
-Yes, Anjana.
Vinil, Titus Tech is my client.
I brought them to this firm.
I am the lead lawyer on all
their cases.
You can't just wake up one day
and take it all away from me.
Watch your tone, Anjana.
You're sounding a tad bit desperate.
Since when is standing up for
oneself considered desperate Vinil?
This is the problem with women.
You'll get too emotional whereas men
they're so much more clear and logical.
If I wasn't clear and logical
I wouldn't get promoted every year.
I brought Titus Tech and
Invictus Steel to this firm.
And they contribute to 25% of this
firm's billable hours.
And we want to take it to 50.
You have a daughter, right?
You're a single mom, Anjana.
You won't be able to take on so much work.
You'll need to attend your child's
school function one day.
She might get sick.
I don't have time to deal with
your domestic issues.
No one in this firm has ever had
to deal with my domestic issues, Vinil.
My personal life
has never affected my work.
I have never shirked away
from long hours.
And just to let you know, I lead an
extremely balanced life.
I can handle my home, my work,
my daughter, my life, perfectly well.
Is that so?
Why couldn't you handle your marriage?
That is none of your business.
Everything is my business.
Even your time of the month.
Which I assume is right now.
Maybe that's why you're so hysterical.
How dare you!
How dare you judge me
based on my gender!
And how dare you question my
experience and judgment?
Lalwani & Jhunjhunwala have
given me free rein.
Free rein to be a misogynist.
They should be ashamed
to have hired you.
I've given ten years of my life
to this firm
and I'm not going to stand here and get
humiliated for all my hard work.
You will have my resignation tomorrow.
You can take your little boys club
and shove it.
You don't need them.
You can have any job you want.
I just can't believe the fucking
audacity of that guy.
I'm stressing out.
-Home loan EMIs, Arya's school.
-Varun barely contributes.
Listen, you don't have to worry
about any of that stuff.
I'm here.
Look, until you don't find
another job, I'll
I'll look after us.
I've been doing really well with
Poonawala Associates.
Trust me.
I know but you don't understand.
I don't need looking after.
I'm perfectly capable of looking
after myself and Arya. It's
-It's just
-I know, Anjana.
This is not my male ego talking.
I'm saying it because I'm
I'm desperately in love with you.
you don't love me.
Of course I do, Arjun.
Of course I love you.
-No! You don't.
-I do.
But I can't give you what you want.
You want marriage and children.
I don't want these things again.
I've done enough of this.
My thirties are for me.
I know it sounds selfish but
-but I think I deserve it.
All right. That's fine.
We won't get married.
We won't have children. Fine?
Is that okay?
Hear yourself, Arjun.
I can't do this to you.
I can't take away your dreams.
Can we please hit the brakes?
Why are we even talking
about these things?
I mean, you could change
your mind tomorrow. Right?
Sweetheart, listen to me.
I will wait.
Even if it means taking ten years.
I will wait.
If we break up now
we'll always love and respect each other.
Break up?
You mean
-What do you mean?
-You make me so, so, so happy.
So then, what's the problem?
-I shouldn't have
-Just don't, please.
I should never have started this.
No. You did not start anything!
Okay? I did.
I started this.
-I pursued you.
-It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
Please understand.
I love you so much.
-I know.
-So much.
I know.
I know.
Please don't break up with me.
I'm begging you.
I'm begging you. Please
Please don't.
Please don't beg me.
One of us has to be strong.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry!
You don't get to do that.
I just love the detailing on this.
What does this mean to you?
Thank you for getting me
out of the house.
I was going insane.
One day, when you're done with
all the work in the house,
that's when you'll actually have to
start writing your book.
But this still doesn't mean
we're dating, okay?
Devyani, how are you?
-So nice to see you.
-This is Damini Rizvi Roy.
Our families have been friends
for many years.
I dated him and he dated many women.
I'm a loyal puppy.
Your taste hasn't changed.
The smarter the woman, the better.
Aamir is a sapiosexual.
He finds intellectual stimulation
very hot.
Thank you, Devyani.
And when I broke up with my ex-husband,
he helped me.
Find myself.
We met at the gym.
We've run a few marathons also.
Some on the road, some in bed.
So many exes at one single party.
I wonder how many there
must be in real life.
But it's nice.
You're friends with all your exes.
Well, they're all lovely ladies, Damini.
And how many lovely ladies
are we talking about?
Nice try, tiger.
Tell me something.
Have you ever been in love?
Have you?
Let's get drunk!
Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
anxiety, hopelessness,
crying, anger
No! No!
I don't want these goddamn pills.
Sam, the doctor believes that
The pills will help you.
I promise.
Help me do what?
Help me do what?
I've lost everything.
I've lost my life and my career and
my friends. Everything.
Tell me honestly.
Why don't you want to get better?
Do you feel like you don't
have a purpose?
I'm here. Your family's here,
your friends are here.
You're going to be okay.
Forget about everyone else.
Sam, look at me.
Look at me.
I'm here for you no matter
what, okay?
Can you get better for me?
For us?
Yes, baby?
The Judge Damodar case has taken
another sensational turn.
His entire family died in a
road accident this evening.
The police found the dead bodies
of his wife, son and daughter-in-law.
I can't stop crying.
That's because you love him, Anj.
Even he must be crying.
Go on. Make me feel more guilty!
Sooner or later, Arjun will realize
this was for the best.
I'm alone.
All over again!
And I am jobless.
Are you kidding?
Every law firm in Mumbai is going
to want you! Wait and watch.
We're here with you, Anj.
And now Mangs even has a plus one.
Guys, I know!
We'll all grow old together.
Move to a villa in Goa
and adopt lots of cats, dogs!
Wow. Our future is so bright.
four hot oldies in Goa drinking shots.
Hell that's bright!
Come on.
You know what, guys?
I think no more law firms for me.
I'm going to go solo.
I'm going to fight Ekalay's case alone.
That's my girl!
-Are you scared?
-Shitting my pants!
Anyway, enough about me.
Dee, I saw the news about the
accident of Judge Damodar's family.
The whole family has been eliminated.
Thank God, I have those video interviews.
You know, I feel I'm the only one
who can get this story out now.
Dee, just go for it.
It's now or never.
You're right.
Even I've agreed to do that stand-up show.
How am I going to pull it off?
Probably lying down unconscious
or something!
Mangs took the plunge, didn't she?
She went headlong into
this murky river of
sacrificing everything for love.
If she can do it, so can we.
Maybe it's time to take the steering
wheel, step on that accelerator
-and drive that fucking car straight
to the finish line.
I was going to say straight
off the cliff.
But straight to the finish line works too.
come here.
I wish Mangs was here.
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